cl^2 J»tfjj!s\ B®§£ues thWgjL^i^g^1— DOORS OPEN 8:45 FRIDAY MORNING With EVERYTHING REDUCED CHAIN SALE—36in. best Bleached Dimity 18c CHAIN SALE—81 inch Seamless fine Sheeting 38c CHAIN SALE—Children’s Arthletic Uni^n Suite, 50c values .... CHAIN SALE—36 Inch English Long Cloth 10c CHAIN SALE—Yard wide Sea Island Sheeting 8c CHAIN SALE—80 sqcaare fine cut 39 inch Sheet ing for Bed Sheets ..:.... 15c CHAIN SALE—27 inch Thin Sheeting. 5c CHAIN SALE—No 400 English Long Cloth .. 14c CHAIN SALE—Boys Bice Work Shirts.35c CHAIN SALE—Ladies’ Pure Linen White Hem stitched Handkerchiefs ... 10c CHAIN SALE—Boys’ $1 Blouse .. 65c CHAIN SALE—No. 2000 Dimity Checks .... 22c CHAIN SALE—No. 1500 36 inch White Nainsook Checks .—. 17c CHAIN SALE—No. 1500 English Long Cloth 17c CHAIN SALE—Short length Pajama and Mimity Checks Friday Morning .. 10c CHAIN SALE—Children’s muslin Drawers, good quality, sizes 2 to 12, regular 35c values for Friday morning and while they last at .... 10c CHAIN SALE—Childrens Rompers nd play Scits for both Boys and Girls sale price .95c DOORS OPEN 8:45 FRIDAY MORNING With EVERYTHING REDUCED CHAIN SALE—Bungalow Aprons, house and street dresses in new styles, values up to $1.50, 84c CHAIN SALE—81x90 Seamless Bed Sheets 98c CHAIN SALE—Yard wide Dress Ginghams and Solid Color Chambray, short lengths . 10c i men and boys clothing There is going to be Great Dressing up Among the Men and Boys all over the Carolines. You Don’t have to staand banck and wait any longer for prices to come down—We are forcing the issue. ^m Palm Beach Suits $10.75 Men nd Young Men Suits in Slims, extra sites, Stouts, and sport models in light colors, dark, grays, fancies, etc. Every suit with genuine Palm Beach label, sale price .. • • $10.75 6 Men’s Suits $9.45 Men and Young Men Wool Suits, all in nifty, new ptterns, $15.00 values sale price--$9.45 High Grade Suits $16.50 Men and Young Men tropical, all wool, worsted mixtures, etc.,, in suits, all sizes, worth up to $25 sale price .... $16.50 MONROE SUITS $22.50 Men and Young Men Monroe Suits in all the newest patterns, sport models, serges etc. .. $22.50 and $25 BOY’S SUITS $3.98 Boys tweed suits, novelty mixtures etc., price$3.98 Boys two-pants suits, special at ..$5.98 All other boys suist at speda iprices duriny Sale. ..I.. ■■ 1 . DRESS SHIRTS I ’ V • . .. Men’s Dress Shirts $1 values . 65c One table Men’s fine Dress Shirts att sides, new patterns ..... 79c Men’s $1.25 Dress Shirts, special at. 95c I Men’s Dress Shirts, values up to' $1.65 at_$1.35 Men’s $2.00 Dress Shirts at. . $1.65 BROAD CLOTH SHIRTS Men’s white Broad Cloth Shirts made of genuine imported materials, $3 values, saleprice_$1.85 STRAW HATS Just in time to buy your Summer Straw Hat at about half price. One table new sailor straws at 95c Sailor Straws, worth up to $3.00 ait.$1.85 MEN’S TROUSERS Men’s blue serge wool pants . $2.45 Men’s all wool worsted Pants $4.04 value... $2.95 Men and Tonng Men new nifty pants.$3.98 High Grade Pants for men aand Young Men, In* eluding blue seres, etc. .. . $4.50 Men’s $7.90 pants . . $5.50 WORK PANTS Men’s Khaki Pants ... 98c Men’s heavy Twill Khaki Pants . $1.45 Mole-Skin Pants . ...$1.95 MEN’S OVERALLS One lot Men’s Overalls . 98c Men’s heavyweiht, full cut Overals $1.25 Men’s $2.00 Overalls, Special . $1.65 ATHLETIC UNDERWEAR Men’sAthletid Union Suits .. 44c Men’s full cut, made of finely constructed Nain sook Athletic Suits .—. 65c -Hanes Best Quality Union Suits . 98c Boys’ Athletic Suits Boys 50c Athletic Dimity Union Suits ....... 35c Bloys Athletic Union Spits .... 44c Hanes Athletic Union Suits for Boys... 65c WORK SHIRTS 5c 3 Men’s Blue Wprk Shirts ..... 35c Men’s Work Shirts . 48c All $1.00 Work Shirts.». 85c • BOYS PANTS All Boys Pants reduced to special prices during this CHAIN SALE. MEN S HOSIERY Men's 50c Silk Socks.. 35c 3 for $1.00 Men’s full fashioned Silk Socks in black, Cordovan and navy, 85c values at .. 50c Men’s very fine quality Silk Hose ...20c Men’s Cotton Socks .... .. 10c PARIS GARTERS 18c Men’s Paris Garters for Friday and Saturday 18c All Men’s Silk Neckwear reduced one-third from regular price. V,,,. ■■■ . . r'_, PARASOLS All Ladies’ and Childrens Paraasols go in Chain Sale at sale prices. PRESSES — COATS — SUITS An unprecedented Sale In all 33 Storea. Think of it—Hundreds of Thousands of America’s Finest Creations—the season’s best style*—every one pos Reduced for This Sale. Ladies’ Spring Suits, Capes, Coats Divided up into just three lots to close up quickly at three special prices of.$8, $10, and $15 Shirt Waist 84c Ladies’ White Voile and Organdie Waists, ...84c Hand Made Waist $1.35 Ladies’ Hand Made Wist of French Voile, $2.50 value at .. ..... $1-*5 All-Tyme Krepe Dreeses $3.85 All-tyme Krepe Dresses, made of pew Knitted Cloth values up to $10 sale price. $3.85 Organdie and Swiss Dresses $7.95 The newest colored Organdie and dotted Swiss Dress, values up to $15 sale price . $7.95 SILK DRESSES $10.00 One rack Ladies’ Silk Dresses, including aall the new colors, as well as blacks, navies, sport and novelty styles of every description, values up to $16.50, sale price .....'.. ..". $10.00 SILK DRESSES $15.00 On this rack you will find all this season’s newest Silk Dresses made of all the newest materials, sport dresses, etc., values up to $25 at ...... $15.00 • ' '• - t} . ___^_•___i________ DRESSES at $6.75 Ladies’s Pure Linen Dresses, Silk Dresses, wool, Tricotine, etc., vaalues up to $10 sale price.. $6.75 DOTTED SWISS Dresses $3.85 Ladies’ new Dotted Swiss and Voile Dreeses in all the newest colors, sale price ..7.$3.85 Ladies Voile Dresses $1.00 One rack Ladies’ Voile Dresses, values regularly sold up to $5.00 Saturday when store opens.. $1 Imported Gingham Dresses $2.65 One rack Ladies’ Dresses, genuine imported Scotch Gingham, (5 and $6 values . .$2.65 —.'.■■■■■■■■... Children’s Dresses 95c Childrens fine Gingham Dresses, sixes 2 to 14 95c Slip-Over Sweaters 85c Ladies’ and Misses Slip-Over Sweaters in all colors for Saturday morning, while they last ..85c BATHING SUITS All Ladies’, Childrens, Men’s and Boys Bathing Suits Included in this sale.. DRY GOODS 5c For only a short while at 8:45 Friday morning, when store opens, we will clean up a bargain table $ of thin Sheetings, Apron Ginghams, etc,—Quantity Limited at.. 5c LADIES SILK HOSE 90c LADIES’ SILK HOSIERY AT CHAIN SALE PRICES. IT WILL PAY YOU TO BUY YOUR SUMMER SUPPLY Ladies full fashion black and white Hose, $1.50 values at .. 90c Black, white, cordovan and gray ,threaa Silk Hose, full fashion, values up to $2.00... $1.10 Chiffon hose at . $1.65 Ladies’ $1 Black and Cordovan Silk Hose ... 55c Lodies full fashion Hose of well known make that sell as high as $3.50 regular sale price .... $2.45 € MUSLIN UNDERWEAR I Corsets 88c | 5, other well known Corsets, values up to $150 sale. ggg All high grade Corsets go in this sale at special 1 prices* Muslin and Silk Underwear | All Ladies’Silk and Muslin Underwear ito go ia Ohio Jl 3X1!^,'Me**- E™7 UM* *° * | Knit Teddies 35c j value? nfUmnier weight Gauz« Knit Teddies, 50c I 18c Guaze Vest, regular and extra sizes 7. .7.. ’ 14c 'I One lot Ladies’ Guze Vest. Efird’s Department Store Lumberton’8|