•HOME SWEET HOME Ok»,Q«*W hgllwwFHwaal lih^r ■4|- - fcy Tory , OQLison ^ /(OHfclWpX./ rrwass fu**-\ • 1 OUAty / Ti-**a ***■) I jcmflTMHL'i 9TMmN6 J V IM CAKUtf i LOOK / « I* 9 y /mow Aftotrr *m*r PLY PAPOR. I » bcou6mt none vestedav ( \WMY PtfMf'f Y°° V*SA»- *T Xout wfrrfHCgg «> cwr^fc 7" I did - t fcpaeAP ,T 1 J OUT OAl TH1 I V CHAIft /M THAT / c*. , **t-9*rr new*/ *A*e\W* <»yim wqtg NEWS AND COMMENT Bjr J. M. Fleming. It is to be hoped JtuUre W. P. Sta cy will survive the criticism he is re ceiving from a few North Carolina editors in regard to that young un suing her daddy and collecting da mages out of him because he hap pened to have an automobile acci dent. It may be due to our ignorance, hut we agree exactly with Justice Stacy. That new law requiring all auto mobile drivers to “Cross Crossings Cautiously” will be observed only by the law-abiding drivers. The others may get their necks wrung out of joint, but the surviving “happys” will be unable to collect any damages out of the railroads. We saw a driver a few days ago try to run over a Coast lone passenger train as it had almost been brought to stop at the station. The rairoad company ought to sue that driver for criminal carelessness ff not for damage. He evidently saw the train. It was No. 54 from Colum bia to Wilmington, and the place at which the accident occured was Whiteville. No one was hurt, how ever. It is oar wish that Judge Kerr may succeed the late lamented . Claude Kitchen as Representative from his district. We are glad Governor Morrison commuted Clyde Montgomery’s sen tence to life imprisonment instead of electrocuting him. We congratulate ^ Profs. J. R. j Poole, county superintendent of schools, and W. B. Crumpton, su-1 perintendent of the Lumberton city! schools, on their re-election to their j same old jobs. They are gfSbt fellows | and we feel sure the cause will not! suffer under their management. The warm weather is welcomed. It J is cause for thanksgiving to see the J growing crops take on new life. This j is absolutely essential to the tem poral salvation of our people. But there is a suffering element that ap peals to our sympathy. It is that ele ment who puts on about enough clothes to make a tail for a kite. The peaaiye sighs and the unworded ex clamations are indeed pathetic. The powder puff, the post card, the news paper and anything else that may be accessible is brought into use as a fan. We can but hope for the best, and that each dear one may pull through. j, And now Rev, Walter M. Gilmore, pastor of tW first church at Sanford, gives up his pastorate to be come secretary of stewardship of the Baptist State convention of North* Carolina. Verily, there seems to be no end to the appointftient of officers, and all at fat salaries. Some at the expense* oi the churches and the others at the expense of the tax payers. Of course those at the head of af fairs know better than we, but it makes us sorry for our pulpits to suffer the loss of such good preach ers as Rev. G. T. Lumpkin, who is appointed superintendent of a hos-1 pital, and Dr. J. W. Lynch to dry up in a professor’s chair. But we much the rather see them in these great positions than for the devil to cateh' them as he has recently done for one of our good preachers in Columbus county—Rev. A. C; Chafin, and a Rev. Mr. Stroud in Duplin county. The tax business ha3 become ac ute. In Matt. 17:24-25 we find these words: “Doth not your Master pay tribute? He saith, yes." Dr. Henry Van Dyke observes that Jesus paid tribute to a government which He neither loved nor approved, while Mr Thoreau went to jail rather than pay, * tax which he thought unjust. Of the two examples, says Dr. Van Dyke, *1 prefer the example of Christ.'” All j of us should prefer His example. As1 he further states, “under democracy r is unreasonable to refuse and dis honest to evade, taxation. We have received a great many compliments on our recent write-up in which we took occasion to rasp the perpetrators of that Proctorville otj* Tage. To our many friends we extend thanks for their gracious words. Now we have the greatest otea«ure to be sure in commending the elass of “23" of the Lumberton high school for the skill dissaved in pro ducing its recent splendid magazine, “The Lumhee.” It would do crecU; to a greet many schools of more mag nificent proportions and to much older heads Young gentlemen and . "I ■ .. I, ' ! ladies of the class, here goes thre cheers and then some for your well written, beautiful and unsurpassed magazine. Your pictures are pretty. They tell us it was in 1886 that the first 25 gallons of Coca Cola syrup was sold and it brought the huge aum of $25.00. The folks paid **6.00 to !get it advertised. Last year they paid | twenty million dollars for advertis ing alone. "A big business, isn’t it? and no muscle and tissue builder ei ther. The toll of carelessness is heavy. Insurance companies report i4 per cent increase among the white policy holders, and 21 per cent among the colored for the first quartlr of 1928 in accidents over the corresponding ' period a year ago. But they tell us ! the world is getting better. Xf we should ask Judge J. D. Harvey what he has to say about it, he would very likely say,, “yes,. I recently granted 212 divorces in Houston, Texas, in 243 minutes.” So, let us all toddle along and tehave ourselves. Well make friends by it if we gain nothing else. - Card of Thanks We wish to thank our friends for the kind service rendered us during the recent sickness and death of our dear baby, May God’s richest bless ings rest on every one of you. MR. and MRS. F. L. LAMB Orrum, N. C. Suits Made to Measure That Fit r Old Suits Made Orer John D. Purvis, Tailor National Bank Building Third Street NOTICE OF RESALE. OF LAND. Under and by Virtue of. an order of Jo seph B. Cheshire. J>., United States Referee in Bankruptcy, in the cause of J. C. Lancast er, Bankrupt, wijl on Saturday the 80th day of June, 1921, at 12 o'clock M. in front of the Bank of Parkton in the'Town of Parkton, North Carolina, offer for resale at public anction to the highest bidder for cash, all the right, title and .interest of the said J. 0. Lancaster, in the following described real estate, to-wit: First Tract: Lying on the east side of the A. C. L. R. R. about 1-4 mile south < of the Town of ^Parkton. bounded as follower. . i •Rounded on the north by the lands of‘-P. H. Fisher and J. D. McCall: on the east by the lands of J. G. Hughes and on the south by the lands of D. J. Cashwell; on the watt by the A. C . L. R . R. and J. B. Malloy and; others, containing. about 125 acres, tnore or fesi being the land which J. U• Lancaster bought from T. .Wallace and S. h Thaggard (See deed on record, fft the office of the Re gister of Deeds of Robesoil County). , Second Tract: On both sides pf the Park ton and Lumber Bridge public road, about 1-4 mile south of the Town of Parkton bounded »n the north by the lands of James Webb and A. A. Wright and on both sides of the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley branch of the A. C. L.* Railroad;' on the eaat by the tonds of J. B. Malloy: on the south by J. B.‘"T4al loy on the west by the lands of J 1C- Currie and others, containing about 90 acres, more or less and being the same land J. H. Lan caster inherited in part from his father and mother and part bought from his brothers and sisters (See deeds on record in the of fice of the Register of Deeds of Robeson County) This tbe 14th day of June, 1923. J D, McCormick, Trustee in Bankruptcy for J. C. Lancaster, Bankrupt, McLean. Varser. McLean & Stacy, Attorneys for Trustee. 6-18-2Mon. SALE UNDER MORTGAGE. Defrult having been made in the payment , of indebtedness secured by mortgage from James Freeman and wife to the undersigned . mortgagee, dated Sept. 15, 1920, and recorded in Book 49, page 177 Robeson County Regis try X win on . .. Wednesday. 18th day of July, 1923, 12 o’ clock m. at the court house door in the town bt'Lurpherton, N. C., offer for sale and sell, for each, to the highest bidder at public out cry’ the following described lands for the ■purpose of paying said debt, vix: In Lumberton Township, Robeson County, N, C. and in the town of Lumberton, on the e°t side of Lumber River, outh of the Seaboard Rairoad and we*1 of the Lumberton and Fairmont public road, bounded as fol ' Beginning at a stake in the northern edge of in agreed street or road, and in B. A. ’M&ore's Hue. and runs thence along the nor thern edge of said agxesd street N. 51 1-2 W 4Q feet: thence N. 15 deg. 60 min. E. 155 feet to a' take' fn line parallel to and 125 feet distent from -the southern edge of the right of way of the Seaboard Railroad: thence slang the line S. 64 dag. 50 min. E. 15 reet ft a stake in the aforesaid Moore’s line: thence along said line to the beginning, and be the eastern part of a tract conveyed by .A. R- Powell and wife to A. E. White by deed dated Oct. 24, 100*. and recorded to Book 5E. page 44 Robeson County Registry. -M'frrfrT also a pert of the same tract con ■ veye<r t>y J*». A. Collins and wife to A. R Powell bv deed dated Sept. 0. 1005. and re gistered in Book 4X. page 282 Robeson Re gistry. Courses given are as the needle stood , Sept. 13, 1920. i. This the 13th day of June.1923. I, , A. E- WHITE. Mortgagee. Juniul J. Goodwin, ' Attorney tor Mortagee. 6-18-tMon J , , ■. . . ,__ — A Great Event Coming! '■ '' f1' ’ &» Watch the Robescnian for Further Announcements “You Will Never Forget” A. WEINSTEIN’S DEPT. STORE _ Notice-Paving Notes —' * Notice is hereby given to property owners and residents along Elizabeth Road (Ellh to Chestnut); CREST NUT St (6th. to 14th.); ELM St. (6th. to Town Limits); FOUR TEENTH St., (Elm to Walnut); 4th. St. (Chestnut to Walnut); that any assessment contained in the assess ment roll hereinbefore adopted by tiie board of commissioners covering the local improvements on: ELIZABETH Rd. (Elm to Chest nut); CHESTNUT St. (6th. to 14th.) ELM St. (6th to Town limits); FOURTEENTH St. (Elm to Wal nut; FOURTH St. (Chestnut to Walnut); may be paid to the signed tax collector, at any time before the expiration of THIRTY DAYS the first publication of this notice, with out additional cost or interest Fur ther notice is given that in the event assessments are not paid within the THIRTY DAYS hereinbefore men tioned, all said assessments shall bear interest at the rate of SIX per centum per annum, from the date of confirmation of the assessment roll, ; to-wit MAY 29th. 1923, and shall be come due and payable in each year on the date on which taxes are due and payable, viz., October 1st. • J. P. RUSSELL,' Tax collector Town of Lumbgrton,, N> C. .u : ' ■ V* • \y5~i DANGER LURKS IN EVEW ;S CLOUD ^ _____ n ■' • -*4% *• Very few people take *. chance without protection against fire^A. Hail Storm would be as disastr* ©us to your tobacco, crop, aa. o fire' I to yoor dwelling. •« «fi ihKi.i/ Hi •• At a very small cost I can give you protection against HAIL DAMAGE TO YOUR GROWING CROPS. SALE or LAND By virtue of an order of sale entered by he clerk in .a special proceeding pending, is uperior court of Robeson County entitled 1 lavid Townsend et als administrators of A ). McKenzie vs. Kate McKenzie and others. >eing S. P. No. 5059, I will, on Wednesday ;he 27th day of June, 1923 at 12 o’clock noon it the court house door at Lumberton, N. C., >ffer for sale at public auction to the high* st bidder for cash the following lands. All of lota Nos Seven and Eight in Block ‘J” according to the official map of* the town of Rowland. Dated this June 11th, 1928. R. C. LAWRENCE, UcIaWs *■■■■» i A Procter. Commissioner Attorneys for Plaintiffs. 6-l4-2Thqni. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. Having this day duly qualified as Executor upon the estate of Fannie Dial, deceased, late of the County of Robeson, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against said estate to present the Came,' duly verified, to the undersigned on or before June 14th. 192*4, or this notice will be pleaded in bti of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate ary re quested to make prompt settlement. , Marvin Lewrey. Executor of Fannie Dial. June Ilth, 1928. Pembroke, M. O. 6-14-6Thurs. PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. Rob—on County, R. P. Stewart. Admr. vs. Dora McRimmon. widow, and the heirs at law of Lewis Re Rimmon, Deeaaaed. Hannah leas MdRaa Mary Ann Douglass. and husband less Dour lass. Jamas McRimmon Lou Pearl. MfRa* Odessa McRimmon, Mary Virgil Blue and husband. Ed Blu . Rose Ann Rasterling'and husband. Will' Ea.terling. and all others whomsoever they be, claiming as heirs at law of Lewis McRimmon, Deceased. TO James McRimmon. one of the desest dants who is non-resident, and to all owes*, whomsoever they be. claiming as helm at l»w of Lewis McRimmon. Deceased, take noMeei That summons has been issued in ‘this' case returnable before jne at my office in the Court House in Lumberton, N. C., on the 12tn day of July 1928. at which time and place you will appear and answer the complaint of Robert F- Stewart, Administrator, now OB file in this Court, praying judgment that order or decree be entered allotting dower to the widow Dora McRimmon and the reeldue of the reBt estate of Lewie MeRlmmeB ho sold to make assets to pur debts of the estate and eostT of administration. « complaint at said time and place, or th« relief demanded will he given. This the 11th day of June 1928. C. B. SKIPPER. Masev L. John, Clerk Superior Court Attorney for Plaintiff. *-14-4Tbu*a. —.•— ..... ' '■ ■" ' **P” mean. PoUrin* Oil , UU)»-P-1_J_t All - n muni rounov vii rmn _ wX” m*ans Polarfn* OilExtra Hmv? P U “A” meuu PoUrin* G*w CHI V/ M “BB” muni PoUrin* Lubricant "BA” ••Cup” mum PoUrin* CupGnm PASSENGER CARS \ufrlFkl I IL_ Will« The new guide to correct . lubrication is ready It is displayed at garages and service stations that special ise in complete lubricating service for your car, no mat* ter what you drive. gMSKfa_i^zzxjj | Pi\s^ror Marine ’ Jp/ not just “a quart of ml”, COMPLETE lubricating sendee means providing the right oil at the right time♦ Polarine gives this service* The Polarine Chart of recommendations specifies the proper oil for the car and the sea* son. Say “Polarine”—buy from the Chart—get better perform* ance, longer life, fewer repair bills and more days’ use of your car. It is as easy to say “Polarine” as “A quart of oil” and much more satisfactory in results. > f STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) ^K^J2!!!!tiT2!!Z!2!SS£!SS£!!£!!!!t!!H!Z7Z2!£!f!^^~~*f^^**p *®T LONG LIFE TO YOUR MOTOR ■ V :. *.-j-* -' 26 Years of Service June 14 Was Our Birthday _ . .:, ., ■ . ■ • t ;'■■'■■ «•< A. W. McLean, President A. £ mm Tice Pres. & McIntyre, V.-Pres. M. F. Oobb, Oaebier. , W- A Roach, Asst. Cashier .....X’ -* ■ - ..wtv~ ■ ^r. ‘For twenty six years, over a quarter of a century, through good times and “hard times”, through war and re adjustment conditions, the National, Bihk of tiumberton has Jt- " It _ •“ ' ' ' • - ! ‘ ?. v '; ' S : _ '-S’ steadily grown and prospered. We have faithfully endeavored to gain and deserve the | ... confidence and good will of our friends and patrons. We desire to heartily thank each and every one who h has contributed in any way to the success of this institution We are in a stronger financial position today than ever before, | ® and are, therefore, able to assure our friends tha| their legiti* ^ mate requirements Will be well cared for. ^"National Bank I Lumberton ’’CUMB'fcRTON. NORTH CAROLINA,

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