WESNSTE!N'S - REMODE WiH Continue Through The Entire Month of July W* arc vary thankful to the people of Lumberton and vicinity for the faith they have shown ir this store by extending to it during our Remodeling Sale a volume of patronage that has not alone broken all records for this store, but has likewise set a new record for Lumberton as well. . We want to show our appreciation in a substantial manner. We want to return thanks for the complement which has been paid us. A mere "Thank you" is not enough. We must do something as well as say something. We have decided to continue our sale through the entire month of July. Our profits are real money. Daring the month of July we are going to give it all to you. This is our new way, which is, in reality, a very old way of saying "THANK YOU". - During the month of July we will give the public the greatest values they have ever had, regardless of their former waning prices—will give them something they will talk about for months to come. Price* have been tremendously reduced. Thous ands of doHars'worth of fine seasonable merchandise that was ordered before the saie just arrived ip the past few days. Owing to our congested condition, we have no room to keep it. There's but one alternative—let it go for what it will bring—give the public the greatest values in our history in appreciation of the wonderful business they gave this store during our Remodeling Sale. ^ KEEPtNG BUS!NESS HUMMtNG BY KEEPiNG PR!CES LOWER! Men's Good Grade Blue CHAM OdC BRAY WORK SHIRTS *^* 160 Men's High Grade DRESS SHIRTS Values to $1.75. ExtraggC MEN 8 COTTON HOSE Black Tan, Navy. Per Pair. StLK HOSE 60 Pair Ladies High Grade Glove Silk Every Pair are perfect. Val ues to $3 WOMEN S SILK HOSE, SPECIAL Pure Thread Silk, Ribbed, ef^^ feet Cordovan and Black WOMENS SILK HOSE 200 Pair Slightly Shop Worn *MtC Values to $2. . 29* § ALL VAN BAALTE Hose Greatly Reduced RED AND BLUE SILK HOSE We wish to announce that we have just received some beautiful cardinal h red and blue silk hose.. Childrens' BAREFOOT SAND- QCC ALS Valnea to $2 . 150 Pair Ladies High Grade and Oxfords. Broken sizes. While They Last . Pumps 95" 200 Pair Ladies and Childrens' White Shoes Actual $2, $3, and $5 QCC Values For .. t.' Waists 100 Beautiful Georgette and Crepe de Chene Waists of Exceptionally Good , Quality. Variety of Pretty Summer Colors— of Pretty Variety yodels. ^ P!ECE GOODS ^ ^ Apron Ginghams QC Value 15c. Scrim Curtain Goods OC Value 25c ... \. ^ PERCALES Single Widths 1 AC Value 20c . .. *" 300 Yds Wheel Crepe * * * * Pin 29" Yard Wide est Tissue Gingham . Fin 33" LL' WHITE SHEBANG 10 yds to a Customer 10c YD Best Grads, Heavy Weight CHECKED HOMESPUN 10 yds to a Customer 10. Y. ORGANDY Value 50c.^