PHE CUktlW Wad Fa T.tepboa. THURSDAY, S 6, !933 BUStMESS BMLDERS .Y, Wauted at once atoeageHMeeah for three Jjsnteala a day. Free home oU iot Appiy to ryes L R. Varser. 2M & [hth Street, Lum andLetferaale. J. HOLMES. NOTICE TO ADVRRTI8 Seaeona change, the care of hie huainese by Mg end of the business the bmt advertising County. LOST. Haadreds ef became I faHedto eoniam. It can't he f remomberthatlant Lumberton Merchant Batch AuteatehUes, eee ife a rea] car. W. O ef in The Robe dont look, but A. Pointed, M!4 MPSON. AuteuteMie repairing by er#Jrt tueehanies. Wg repair your ear setisfaetofy or no charge. W. O. THOMPSON. Antsutsbiie Batteries at guaranteed.—W. O TH fully Watch your step when may get run over seat or Hudaon Coaches them. Soid by W. ten irs thm by oneyl rbyonejga oaches, ^gi . O. THW herton, you those novf Hh town ie Mi of P30N. , -m AutautohHe Tires at Specie) pricee, aH taahss, !$.$9 up. The iargest stosh carried in Lum et aH&c berton, parts for most alL cars. Our stock of accessories is worth Seeing. We have what you want. — W. O THOMPSON. . Wanted—Several men to stH Industrial and Ordinary insurance — Splendid OpporWnity for advancement for thqae who are wiling to work. Apply to—F. Rt" McPHATTER, Supt.. 207 4th St. Lumhtrkm, N. C. House and Lot for sale. Bod A. J BOLME9. Loot one hound doe. rearming a bird doe. rod nose, Hver and white^polored. Wili Pay (10 reward for retnrn of dog, Bennie Tyner Lumberton Route 2. Wanted to rent a good 1 horse farm adapted to raicing tobacco, etc. Apply to J. L. HAMMONDS, care of J. L. Powers Route 2 (Mt Reward for return or Information lead ing to recovery of blaeMan medium alae hound dog, front feet part white, tip of taii white, large gap in one ear. Neiii Free 4th street, Lumberton. WANTED—One good milk cow. Jersey Pre ferred. W. H. Lamb, Lumberton Route 4. 82 aere red ciay tobacco fafm for sale. Sad dletree Township. Suitabid for Indian or white. Good buildings, tobacco barn and some timber. Sacrifice (8200, (1000 cash. Address Box 826 St. Pauls, N. C. Farmer wanted. Fine piece for cotton, to bacco. berries, and grain. See me eariy.— M. W. McARTHUR, R. 1. Parkton. N. C. Wanted—Five Thousand people to oat at C. B. Hocutt's Barbecue Stand between now and Christmas. of the beet basiness (on for sale reasonable- See J. N. COX. ( Huffman Presaing machine# far sale cheap. Now models. See J. N. COX. Lumberton. for Sale—One farm, fifty acres, thirty cleared. Fine for tobacco, cotton, corn peas and potatoes. 6 room dwelling house. Good tobacco bam. Good packing house and other oat buildings. Located one apd. threeqaag? ters miles from BarneeviUe. E, L. HAYNES, BARNES VILLE. Pigs weighing from thirty to sixty pounds at eieven cents per pound. J. W. MeLBjOD. Rowland, N-. C. VANTED, A COMBINATION WATCHMAN AND POLICEMAN. A hooter need not ap piy. If interested, see or write J. A. BrM ger, Mayor, Bladen boro ,N. C. Wanted—2S Cotton pickers to begin first week in September. J. G. LAYTON, Rt. 8, Dunn N. C. h Trsveiers Friend Located one mile from Chadbourn on Route 20. Stop and see us when passing. Wayside Filling Station. THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, afternoons and Sunday reaches 12.600 homes. Its latest circulation in Charlotte pays advertiser!) handsome. Ciassified ratss ten cents per six-word iine. Res L- H. Caidweii for Brick, Lime, Cement Waii Piaster, Piaster Paris, Ail grades Bhingies Aii kinds Roofing. B C Weathe^ boarding Builders Hardware etc. Carload Buyers—Lowest Prices^* mg Rais At A Bargain—A Namber of BMght ty Used Organs. Stephen# A Barnes, Lum berton. N. 0. _ -the Best Berries- is ear asatta. BrswtMag e<—n and sanitary. Whan hungry give as a!!. Olympia safe. Elm streat, Lam i*v<. —tesns sf tlOO# ta tltPt** at t per asmt interest tor t. 7 or 10 ysars made on Asproved farm lands on Bobason. Hoke and Baotland Counties—Junius J. Goodwin, at tarnsy for Chiekamauga Trust Company. Lumbsrton. N. C. __ WANTED: Men to asii RawMgh Guality Pro dueia direct to consumers m Bobseon Coun tv Pieasant, permanent, profitable business No experience or capita! necessary. Make practically every family a steady satisfied Customer. Workers make Large Steady in oome. Give age. occupation, r^erencas. W. T Rawieigh Company, Dept- 1!M Freeport, Dl. L__ Mr. B. C. Freeman of R. 4, Lum berton was among, the visitors in town Tuesday. Mr E J. Wilkins and son, Master Paul.' of R. 7, Lumberton, were among the visitors in town yesterday. Master R. C. Emanuel is visiting friends and relatives in Rowland. Mr. C. W. Smith of R. 4, Lumber ion, was among the visitors^ in town Kmterday. Coopers Will be Arraigned at Noveml her Court. Raleigh News and Observer, 5th. A bi!! of indictment chapgmg Lieutenant Governor W, B. Cooper and his brother, Thomaa E. Cooper, with wrongfully abstracting funds and making false entries on the books of the defunct Commercial National Bank will be presented to the federal grand jury which will con vene at Wilmington on November 6 and the case will come bp regularly for the trial during the two weeks criminal term of coutt which begins on the same day. The above announcement was mad* yesterday by District Attorney Irvir B. Tucker, who was Hi his office foi the first time since the arpeet of th( prominent bankers several weeks aRo FEKSOMALS Mias Willie K. Barber of Fort Mill, S. C., is visiting at^h* home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs^^*#^,SMpMpis/Fifth street " MA,^.Xy*^d dau^, Miss Oghantne, of Fairmont/ were Lumbermn visitors Tuesday. Mr. R. C. Parnell of R. 2, St. Paul, was a Lnmberton visitor yesterday. of Mdato# # 3 Mrs. and were day afternoon. Mr. J. S. Johnson of Rex was a Mr. A. d. MeGoogan of ^te^hert was a Lumberton visitor Monday af ternoon. Mr. apd Mrs. M. J. Best left Taea day for. their home in Goldsboro af^ ter speeding" S few days here at the home of their daughter and son-in lawt M& and Mrs. Jno. C. Fuller. They were accompanied by their grantMdldren Mary Louise and Col trane Fuller, who will spend some time at the home of Mr. and Best. Messrs* Fitzhugh Whitfield Andie# Slocumb of Clinton Lumheitpn visitors yesterday. Messrs. Douglas Gibson and Steve Singleton of Red Springs were Lum berton visitors yesterday. Mr. J. R- Herring of the Barnesville section Wasamong the Visitors ih town Monday^f Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Terry and children of Hamlet spent a few hours here yesterday with Ih*. Terry's brcP ther-ialaw and sister,*Mr. and Mrs. Ira F. Davis, Walnut street. They were' enroute to Lake Waccam^w, where they will spend a week. Mrs. Davis went today to Lake Waccamaw to dpend several days wii*h them there. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Duncan and small daughter Louise, of Howells ville township, are Lumberton visi tors today. SIBLEY Miss Oma Euoia Eaves of TaHapoosa Ga., Becomes Bride of Mr. B. M. Sibley of Lumberton—Marriage Took Piace Yesterday in Atlanta. A marriage of keen interest to their many friends in this state and Georgia took piace yesterday morn ing at 10 o'clock in Atlanta, Ga., wjhen Miss Otna Euoia Eaves of Tai lapoosa, Ga., became the bride of Mr. Bedford Moncud Sibiey of Lumberton. T^^Wmpny /was performed? at the home of the officiating minister Rev. W. M. Seay, pastor of the West End Baptist /church of that city. On 'iy a few wends and relatives were present. Mrs. Sibiey is from a prominent family of North Georgia and is the accompiished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Eaves. She was educated at Bessie Tiftyollege of Georgia and has taught for the phat few years in her native state and "North Carolina and has many friends in both states^ Mr. Sibiey has beeU a resident of Lumberton for a number Of years, holding a very responsible position with Mr. K. M. Biggs in his general mercantile business. He is well known and popular in both business and so cial circles. He was one of the select men from Robeson county during the late World war and was in the service 20 months, going overseas, all of which time he served with division headquarters of the 81st division and attained the rank of sergeant, first class, in the medical corps. Immediately following th ecere mony Mr. and Mrs. Sibley left for a bridal trip to Niagara Falle, Wash ington, New York, Toronto and oth er Northern points. Upon their re turn to Lumberton they will reside on Sixth street. NOTICE TO THE MT. ELIUM S. S. INSTITUTE. I am authorized by the executive committee of the Mt. Elim S. S. In stitute to announce that the next quarterly meeting will be dispensed with on account of its nearness to the annual meeting, but that the next succeeding quarterly wi!L be held at the same place (Centerville). I am also authorized to announce that the annual meeting will he held on the first (1st) Sunday in October instead of being held Saturday be fore the first Sunday^ May schools composing the institute note the change. : I. F. BRITT Sr. -h. ..-^ E. J. Davis &Sons Report Fairmont Tobacco Market. . August sales for our market were over Four Million Pounds and totaled over One Million Dollarp. ' Thisis the most money our market hap,ever paid out in one month. Our sales continue good and prices are j holding up well on all grades. Breaks [are not so heavy this week and the rush is oyer for this crop and the farmers will do well to bring their to bacco ih as soon as they can prepare it for market. There is no pay in hold ing back for better prices, as we think pnces are just as good now as they will be on this crop. Our first sale days for next week are Tuesday and Thursday. Bring us your tobacco to sell, it means more money for you. Your Friends, " E. J. Oavis & Sons FAIRMONT, N. C., Sept 6, 1828. !n Honor of Late Woodberry Lennon a Court er Lovtd Sot Forth of Ad Appropriate ^rhemoria wore held in the courthi eot^ni com ed and orderM spread on the minntes of the court as a permanent memorial to Mr. Lefponaand his honiM*: Judge C. B HUPPeX. J. F. KusseH, Henry A. Me^hyon, H, & Stacy, A: . Spell, T^fA- McNeill, F. Ertle Cariyle, J. E:-! Carpenter, E. J. Britt, J. J. Goodwin- - - , / All the geptlenieo" who delivered ,addresses referred to the deceased in the highest , terms, and particularly emphasized MB lovable personal character, his high ideals as a lawyer, Ms activities ip t^. .^?irst Baptist churcn hhd Sunday School, and his general ^seftdnes^as a citizen of the town of Lumberton and the county of Robeson. At the eonolusiono^ the re marks by the several gentlemen men tioned hbove, all of them attorneys pnd members of the county bar ex cept Mr. Russell,- Jhdge Sinclair re called having first, nwt Mr. Lennon about 1907, when he was prosecuting the criminal docket in this district as solicitor, and stated that through all the years since that date he had known Mr. Lennon {intimately and held him in the highest esteem. =**.**— Rtdi Cross Asks for $5,000,000 Relief Fund Washington, Sept 4.—As the fed eral government continued its effort to provide prompt and effective aid to earthquake sufferers in Japan and endeavored to obtain informa tion as to tM whereabouts and con dition of Americans in the zone of disaster, American Red Cross offi cials decided today to conduct an im mediate campaign for a $5,000,000 relief fund. Contributions already art being received headquarters hSUS--- ' ' (^luota for the Southern division —North and South Carolina, Tenn^ essee. Florida, Louisianna, Mississip-' pi, Alabama and Georgia—$250,000. &ALE-. Under and by virtue of an order of the Su psrier Court aif Rs8 order of re.sajg^ entitlengwhi RmgS trix ofD^J. D. Hhj Elitai A ' Regan No. 3066. upon tHjp of aaid court. the . R others, the MJ^e Special prbcheding < tinders ignid cctamip Rate and -sell to the N. C , offer %r sale and sell to the high est bidder for cash the following described reai estate: First Tract: The same being designated as tract No. 11. in the petition containing S3 acres, Icceted in Lumberton Township, lying on both side# of the Elizabeth road- For a full and complete description see Reed Book 4-Y. page 75. also Booh 5-0. page STB, Robe son County registry, it being a part of the lands on which the late Daniel Baker lived and died. Second Tract. Known and designated in the petition as tract No. 12, located in Lumberton Township, Robeson County, containing 4 3-4 acres. For a full and complete description of said lands reference ia here made to deed re corded in Book 5-T, page 322, Robeson Coun ty Registry. Third Tract: Known and described as tract No. 13, in the petition, adjoining the above described tract, located in Lumberton Town ship, containing one acre, more or less. For a full and complete description of said land see depd recorded in Book 5-C. page 322. Fourth Tract: Known and designated as tract No. 14, in the petition, located in Lum berton Township, Robeson Coupty, contain ing 79 acres, or a fuM and complete descrip tion pf said lands see deed recorded in Book 4-V, page 478. Fifth Tract: Known and described as tract No. 16. in the petition, located in Wisbart'a Township, adjoining the lands of Crip Phil lips, Hawsons and*others. containing 50 acres, more or less. For a full description see deed recorded in Rook 7-H page 798, Robeson County Registry. Sixth Tract: Known and described "."act No, 20. in the petition, located in HowellsviMe Township. Robeson County, adjoining the firat tract eet our ana aeacrtoea m ^"mgbth Tract: Known and described ss trsct No. 2. in the petition, located in the town of Lumberton, containing one fourth of nn acre, Md is a pert of Lot No. 4, according to the official map of said town, for descrip ton aee deed recorded in Booh 6-R page 145. Ninth Tract: Known and described aa tract No. 3. in the petition, located in the town of Lumberton. on Second Street- For complete deecription see deed recorded in Book 4-H, ^*Tenth^Traet: Known and described aa the fourth tract in the petition, ioeated in the town of Lumberton. in that section known a Belvedere, it being iota Noa. 3 and 9, in Block 732. See deed recorded in Book 6-R. page 185. Twelfth Tract: Known and described ss tract No. 6, in the petition located in the town of Lumberton. and in that section known aa Belvedere, it being !ot No. 10, in Block No. 762. aee deed recorded In Book 6-Q, page 340, Robeson County Registry. Thirteenth Tract: Known and described as tract No. 7, set out and described in the pe tition, located in the town of Lumberton, and being al; of lots Noa. 15. 16. and 17. in the tract known as the Bond property. See deed recorded in Book 7-A. page 462 Fourteenth Traet: KnoWn and designated as Lot No. 8, in the petition. located in the town of Lumberton, on the West side of Lumber River adjoining the lands of Henry Weaseli N. H. Jones. Robert McNeill, and others. See deed recorded in Book 6-H, page 637. Fifteenth Tract: Being the same tract known and described as tract No. 9, n the pe tition located, in the town of Lumberton. and being a part of lot No. 4, containing 1-2 acre, more or leas, for a full description of said !ot see deed recorded b* Book 4-H. page 511. Thh Oct 1st 1923._ B M. BRITT, Commiaehmer. 9-6-4 Thors. To Members of Tobacco Growers Co-operative Association We have made arrangemeata to pay your advance Tobacco check* for tobacco delivered the association at t*roctorviHe. Mr.I P. GRAHAM will pay your checks! without any expense to you. We. are glad to render this aervice to the farm era id the ProctorviHe commanity. Wo cordially invite ibc farmer# of Roboaon, Colnmhna and Bladen conntiea to MAKE OUR BANK YOUR BANK. The Planters Bank & Trust Company THE ORIGINAL FARMERS BANK Cash Resources More Than $600,000 Presbyterian, Dr. 6. E. Moorehouae. Minister. CorresDOnaence of The Robesonian. Sabbath school every Sabbath morning at 9:30. Miming worship st o'clock. Sermon theme: "Mes sages of.Revelation." Evening wor ship at 8 o'clock, Sermon -theme: "Character-What it is, and what it is worth." Mid-week service Wed nesday at 8 p. m. Subject: "A Cal! for Volunteers." Judges V. AH Presbyterians ar^ requested to be present, the church needs the co operation of aH its members. All strangers and visitors and all who have no regular church affiliation in the town, are very cordially in vited to share with us all th@ privil eges of this house of prayer. 3^ NOTICE OF SALE Under aHd by virtue of on order of the luperior Coart of Robeson County. mode m the special proceedings entitied Celia Ann Locklear.^Administratria Vs. Moliie dum pings et 01. the same being No. 5127 upon the special proceeding docket of said court, the undersigned commissioner will on Monday the let !6& of October. 1922. at 12 o'clock noon, at the coart-house door in Lumbertoh, M. C.. of%et for sale and ael! to the highest bid''-* fey* cash that certain tract of land In Smith Township Robeson County, N. C.. 4