T !S HAPPENING WITH THE BOLL WEEVIL. Raleigh, Sept. 4—"Undoubtedly Lcch money has already been wanted I North Carolina thin year in need wa and inefective attempta to com at the boll-weevil. Time and time Min we warned against this", says franklin Sherman, chief in entomolo }y for the State College and Depart ient of Agriculture. "We advised against any extrava ant outlay of money for machines or oisons of whatever kinds in the area here weevil-injury was due to be !ght, yet we are told of persons Who tave used 'remedies' and now because neir injury is light doubtless some of Mpo think they have controlled the HSwB; whereas, in fact, the weevil s equally scarce in other fields where o expense was incurred to protect hrom weevil." Mr. Sherman Btates that in the re gion where injury was due to be sa ere this season advice Was given to Prepare for using the standard dust oison method and to follcw the oi 10 begin icial advice, which is not poisoning when the Weevil first ap pears, but to wait until there is (armful damage in immed ate pros iect. A number of cotton farmers (ought machines and poison and msted by directions with good pros pect of success, there are others like wise equipped who have not yet ap plied one pound of poison because hey haven't needed to and their ia estment is still safe. But there are many others who hought they would go one better on he official advisers, states Mr. Sherman.. These determined to use ther forms of poison and to begin when the first weevils appeared. Rea! Estate Loans cations for bagthna baa* an ha proved Aw* iandh in Mason, Scotland and Hohe Coantha to amonnta otttt* ** andahar* Internet Bate 5 per cent. ' A.T. MeMBAIT, Ln*hnrtnn.W. C. PROFtSStOWALCAftCS R. J. Britt Lather J. Britt E. J. & L J. BRTTT ATTORNBT8 AT LAW OMeee 1, 2. and h. Freeman Building, eunberton, North Carolina. Prae. ice in both State and Federal Courts. Prompt ataoatiep given aH bnatneea. F.ERTEL CARLYLE ATTORNEY AT LAW Neh^PabMtbOfHt*. <0* )^M*pt*ttwatb* Kh** tw*n DAVID H. FULLER Attorney Law mM .Me b.M hg, offiem f