.THE R0BE80NIAN H7 Ti ewt Street Toiophtw# Nt 2# MONDAY, SXPT i7, IMS 8US!MESS BUMS Car iaadwnisswiB arrive frees St-LonMMh. *bout today we^s. We win Raw thejtihd yon wont. C. M. FULLER. -s— On# and two A SON. FULELR ^ A.I -X. New Nsrsh _ _ Ash n Nash'owttar about M. FULLER A EDN. tMa in n Nash v. C. Cor Load .f ndtie, to*.!***-* ** —6* eswa, aprinyers. beef cattie. *!*c one Jersey bn!! will arrive Tuesday niybL Wi)l be on sale Wednatdsy at Jermines Staiis foot of First street See E .S. MeNeHI for any Of _the_above ]pw pric-s. 8tar Touriny Cars Deiivrred price *S'!.7t Se)f atarter, Oi] pcmo. Water pump, f ur doorc, Ventiiatiny wir.d hieM. Gas tea! in rear. Good ride for your roney—C. M FULLER A SON. For Sate—Seven! ion es and to " iota !n different parts of town. Very de irabie io cations. Cash or terms if desired. See fra Buiiard, Lnmbertcn. HMMKWM Maies and wayons fer saie. Hew shfpasent ar riviny this week. See Cayiyle A BwMard, I Lumber ton. - --- - . -- J-*. , FOR SALR: SiX ROOM HOU8E AND LOT. LOT 72 f-2 FT. FRONT BY 166 FT. DEEP ON NORTH ELM STREET. THIS IS ONE OF THH BEST RESIDENTIAL SECTIONS OF THE TOWN. FOR PRICE AND FUR THER INFORMATION SEE G. T FACE OR STINSON POWELL. have a ear lead ef states by Mepday Sept. 2!th. C M. FULLER. Five Aeres Land with sasaH dwelHay it for saie- One Miie of town. Terms if de aired. A. S. King, Phone 161 Lumberton, N.C. For 8a!e: Brieh La-ber and Laths, get ssy prices before yon bny. Can tavir you nmney., A. S Kiny. Lumberton. N. C. Phone 161. by ex Wanted—Position as fares ntanayer perienced "tobacco^ grower, good r furnished on request Address. Farmer^ j R. F. D. I, Box M. St. Pauls. N. C. . For 8*]ti Six roeat dweiling house cud 3 store Rtt in Rowland, Price ptmaonabie — Mrs. E. W. Kin law. Lumberton, N. C. FOR*RENT: Preut Bedroem .FumMmd. Ad dress "B ", ears Robesonian. Lost between St. Pants and Lumberton Thurs-^ day P. M. one Firestone tire 30x3 1-2 on rim, finder piease return to me at St. Pauis and received auitabie reward.—L. A KING, St. Pauis, N. C. Room and board for foupie with or without chiidren. Appiy to "X-Y care of Robe sonian. Loot A string of smaii pear is. Piease return to Mary Isab^p Gray. See us for Iron Beds. Springs, Mattresses, and chairs—We wiii save you money. D. G. Beat & SON—phone 368. For Saie—Stoves. Ranges, Rags, Iron Beds, etc. See us and save money. D. G. Best A Son—Phone 868. ; For Saie Good Cheap Horse Wagons Mowing machine. K. M. BIGGS. i For Rent or sale Farms Well located. R M. BIGGS. - Just Received Fine,! and Coats. K. M! BIGG8. New Ford Coupe rosponsibie PARKER. spelKT party-—! Sale—Cash or tarsus to Phone M3-J. Thoe. F. WANTED:—Fans# heip for yam aeiii, good vanning work .attractive new hotrses, and idea! piece to lrvu.—Goriey Mills, Inc- Cum beriand, N. C. . ' Wanted Exeprieneod Saiesiady. Appiy at once, stating experience and Salary wanted. Ad dress "Saiesiady"', Care Robeeonian. Meet me at Pat's——but dont eat aii the hot dogs before I get there. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS ONLY. When Seasons change, the advertiser who takes care of his business by advertising gets the big end of the business. The Robesonian is the best advertising medium in Robeson County. LOST. Hundreds of Dollars worih of business because 1 faiied 'to advertise in The Robe eonian. it can't be found. so don't iook, but remember that I am Mr. Diss A. Pointed, Lumberton Merchant. Wanted—Severai men to sei! Industrie! and Ordinary insurance — Spiendid opportunity for advancement for thoee who are wiiing to work. Appiy^to—F. R. MePHATTER. Supt., 207 4th Si. Lumberton, N. C. at 3 per Fimmpt leans of 31333 te $133,MS oent interest fag 3, 7 or 1$ yoare improved farm ignda on Robooon. Hoka and Scotiand Counthh—Junius J. Goodwin, ut torney for Chickamauga Tract Company. Lumberton. N. O. e ue for Furniture—We wiii cave yon ney-P. 0. BEST A SON. Phon. $68. in Social Circies ENGAGEA1ENT ANNOUNCED Miss Anabel Bridger of Bladenboro dad Mr Robe. D. CaMWeB of Lam* bertoa Will bo Married in October —Announcement Party. Correspondence of The Robesonian. I Bladen boro, Sept. 14—One of the prettiest affairs of the season was the delightful party given this after noon by Mesdames J y* and D. H. BcMge^ at Mya. J. L. Bridgers. home in compliment to their sister-in-law Miss^ Anabei Bridgey whose engage ment and approaching marriage to Mr.Jg^bt* D* Caldwell waa , at thia ^me ahnom^ced. * j ^ The hoime was lovely with early auwmn fiowers. In the reception room the predominating color was pink aad white. Tables were arranged in the reception room, ann parbr and music room for progressive hearts. In the center of each table were attractive silver vases tied with white maline holding pink and whie flowers- To the right of each player were nut cups in the shape of pink oses, also pink kewpie place cards were found there. At the close of the game a salad course was served con iating of green peppers stuffed with chicken salad on lettuce leaves aspar agus in red pepper rings, sandwiches in the shape of hearts* cheese balls in the form of apples and pears, cheese Angers and bow-knots . Following this an ice course. The ice cream was most attractive and unusual be ing miaature baskets of strawberries with Apral handles tied with pink sa in ribbons. On the plate with the cream was a bar of angel food cake on the top of which was a pink rose candle holder bearing a tiny white candle. This was most effec tively served lighted. Fancy French candies were served with the course.* Mesdames. Henry ice Bridget, Jr., and 0. C. Dunn as aisted in serving. Tup scdre prize was awarded to Mrs. C. C .Duftn and honor prize to Mrs. FI w. Dickson. front porch as the guest!! were about to depart tittle Miss Josephine Bridger daughter of Mr. Mrs. J. L. Bridger att.activeiy dressed in pink georgette awaited them holding a silver tray bearing kewpies tied with white maiine form ing wings on whhh were tiny pink hearts with the initials of the con tracting parties and the date of their approaching marriage A. B. and R. D. C., October 24, 1923. The guests aii returned to extend their good wishes to the bride. Just at this time she was presented with a corsage from the groom elect, also a lovely brides book from the hostess in which each guest was asked to regis terr The bride to be, a beautiful bru nette wpe especially pretty in a strik ing taR costume of the color of aahes-ofrroses jn chiffon, brbcpded in Velvet with hat, shoes and gloves to match. Miss Anabel Bridger is the fourth daughter of Dr. H. C. Bridger of Bla denboro, N. C. ,who is a prominent merchant, banker and cotton manu facturer. Miss Bridger is a graduate of Meredith college, Raleigh, N. C. She has a beautiful soprano voice having studied later in Chicago. Her engagement Will be of interest to her numerous friends throughout the state. Mr. Caldwell is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Caldwell of Lum berton, Nf C. He received his educa tion at Wake Forest college. He is For Sate—One farm, fifty acres, thirty cleared. Fine for tobacco, cotton, corn peas and potatoes. 6 room dwelling house. Good tobacco barn. Good packing house and other out buildings. Located one and three quar ters miles from Barnesville. E. L. HAYNES. BARNESVILLE. THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, afternaana and Sunday, reaches 12,500 homes. Its largest circulation In Charlotte pays advertisers handsome. Classified rates ten cents per -is-word line. !ee L. H. Caldwell far Brick, Lima, Cement Wall Plaster. Plaster Paris, All grades Shingles All kinds Roofing. R C Weather boarding Builders Hardware etc. Carload Buyers—Lowest Prices. far Hals At A Bargain—A Namher af Slight ly Used Organa. Stephens A Barnes, Lam barton. N. C. Tha Bast Seerles", la ana matte. BeeaytMng si can and sanitary. Whan hungry glen aa a sal! Olympia eafa. Blm straat, Lam r -w actively engaged in business be ing a member of the firm of R D. Caldwell and Son. Lumber ton. N. C. Those present were Mias Anabel Bridger, Mrs. R C. Bridger, Mrs. S. ;N. Watson, Miss LiHian Edgerton, Mrs. C O. Bridger. Mrs. W. R. El more, Miss Grace Butler, Miss Incite [Parker, Miss Alberts Butler, )Miss Ida Suggs, Aline Parker, Miss Lauri }Mae Watson, Mrs. H. C. * Bridgets, Miss Ciara Bjuie, Mrs. C. C. Dunn, iMrs. St S. Hutehinaon, Mrs. H. C. Bridger, Jr„ ^Irs. M, B. PowelL Out of town gue§ts. Mrs. Horace Baker, Miss Rosa ' ^ " dt&MtA* aka Forest, N. Mrs. yttteeM*, N. C^ Mrs wre, Wiimington. ^^ ********** H, * W. Dickson, AHen Poe, Howsrd C. eel! and Miss Has*! iberton, N. C., Mrs. FT Mia* Mary of Mr. Anga* A McCormick io a R?autifu! Church Wedding at 8t. Pan!. ^ Correpondenee of The Robeoonian., St. Pau!, Sept 14^—!t haa been many years since the oid St. Pan! Presbyterian church haa witnessed a there charmit^ wedding than that solemnized there Wednesday after noon when Miss Mary McLean, be came the bride of Mr. Angus Archi bald McCormjb. Long before the ap pointed hour the chnrch was flllpd with Mends and relatives of this well-known eoupie. The chnrch had been transformed into a scene of sylvan beputy. Boughs of iongieaf pine and ferns artistically grouped fiiied the front of the chancel. Lead ing to the rostrum wpre white pedes tals supporting huge brass bowls of goidenrod and linked together with wisps of white tulle. The centra! feature of the rostrum's decorations consisted of *, background of white entrimed with goMenrod and hold ing suspended a shower of white rib bons and fern beneath which stood a mess of golden glow. As the hour approached, Miss Murphy Hail, pre siding at the piano, began the wed ding music. Miss Florabei McGoogan of Fiora Macdonald College, dressed in orchid with coTsage of pink rose buds, seug two numbers, "A1 for You" and "Believe Me Of AH Those Endearing Young Charms." As the the first strains of the processional march from Lohengrin began, Or. E. €. Murray, pastor of the church, en tered from the session room. The two ushers, Mr. Lee McLean, broth er of the bride, and Mr. Hector Mc Rainey, cousin of the groom, took their places near the rostrum. Fol lowing them came Miss Maria Lof ton of Wilson, in old blue and silver with picture hat of Mack, and Miss Pearle EvaiA of St. Pad!, in apple green georggtjte and silver, also wear ing a Mack^hat. Both carried or te asters^. The maid 0% fettie McLean, sister of the bride, itj^pink taffeta; girded with silver and wearing a large pink pic childs and honor, Mis; ture hat, took her place. The brjde, leaning op the her father,; tihuM and brother, man. The gowned in moiine wi Htting hat vet. ShA of bride's Dr M the impreS . terian church. from the t the groom Neill Me bride _ aveting sw of dark blue beaver co!ar.^8er clhse his best ^minglf as of blue #td grey vel^ united the couple with e service of the Preby As the last words were spokep by the pastor, the party proceeded down the aisle to the strains of Mendelssohn's march. The young couple immediately left for Asheville on their bridal trip. They will make their home near St. Paul. The bride is the daughter of Mr. W. N. -McLean, a prominent farmer and business man of the county. She is a graduate of Fiora Macdonald college and has *taught several years, five of which have been spent as a member of the St. Paui high school faculty. Her character And gentie disposition are such that none know her but to love her. She is an active worker ih both church and Sunday school and has been or ganist for many yearp. The groom is the son of Mr. Neill A. McCormic and is a highly respected young man of this community and a prosperous farmer. t RECEPTION GIVEN BY WOMAN'S CLUB IN HONOR OF TEACHERS. Delightful Social Event at the Teach erage Friday Evening. . With warmth and cordiality in keep ing with their importance as a vital part of the community, teachers of the local schools were welcomed and made to feel at home at a reception given in their honor Friday evening from 8 to 10 at the teacherage, 8th. street, by the Woman's clab. It was a most delightful occasion. In the receiving lines, formed in the parlor and the living room, on op posite sides of the hall, were the fol lowing: teachers—Misses Aileen Gramlingy Elizabeth Peay ,Rosa Dukes*. Nell Sutton, Linda Newton, Ruth McEwen, Ada Edwards, Eva Oglesby, Vivian McNeill, Emma Lucas Ward, Evelina Beck with, Dovie Prevatt, Kath erine Redwine, Winifred Row land, Caroline White, Pennie Howland Carolyn Shooter, Emma Norment, Onie Davis, Lillian Cook, Evelyn Boyd Katherine Sartor, Supt. W. B. Crump ton, Mr. W; L. Haltiwanger; Mrs. Mary Fowle Harward, matron of the teacherage; members of the school boyd—Mrs. AJf H. McLeod, also president of the club, Mrs. H. T. Pope, Mr. K. M. Barnes, chairman, and Mrs. Baynes, Mr. Jas. D. Proctor; Mr. T. L. Johnson and Prof. J. R. Poole, chairman and secretary, respectively, of the county^ board of educatiop, and the latter superintendent of the coun ty schools. Guests were welcomed at the door jby Mesdames L. T. Townsend and J. B. Poole, Meadamea B. C. Lawrence 3 There Is A Difference IN THE SERVICE THAT A SAME RENDERS ITS PATROWR The BEST SERVICE netnreHy come* from the BANE that i* beet eeqneMted with the ^ condition# in the territory thet it eerree For mere then TEN YEARS, thie benh hee been ective end Cooperetbe in serving the requirement# of tMe eeetion of Bobeeon. Through tMe hmg period it hee been under one continnone menegement, end the pnrpoee end deeire of ite menegeee hee oil the whQe been SERVICE TO rrs PATRONS Year efteir yeer tMe benh hee grown from e Htt!e benh of bee then *60,000.00 reodur cee, tn ite preeent etrong end commending poeitten nf more then *W/M0.00 IN BESOMS CBS, Safe end eoMd through end through. MAKE THIS BANK YOUR BANK The Piantere Bank & Trust Company K. M. BARNES. Prsy. G. E. RAJ^KE^ IfL, Tr*ea R. C. LAWRENCE. V-Pmo. A. WEWSTRtN, V^PMs. GEO. L. THOMPSON. H. E. STACY, and living room, respectively, After end T. L. Johnson introducing them to the receiving lines in the parlor which they were conducted by Mm. A T. Parmele to the punch bowl, in the rear hall, where Meadames J. A. Martin and A. V. G. Wiahart presided. Meadames E. R. Hardin and F. P. Gray received in the dining room, where Mesdames J. Q. Beckwith and W. W. Parker cut cream, which was served with wafers by Misses Court ney Sharpe and Isabel Gray. Miss Mary Rosier Norment and Mr. Louis Stovall presided at the Victrola. The :olar^scheme of green, gold and white was carried out in the* Mock cream Mid in decorations of ferns and mari foMs, A large number of patrons and friends of the school called during the evening. i COMPLETE STOCK SASH — GLASS —DOORS PAINTS — BUILDER'S HARDWARE SCREEN DOORS - SCREEN WINDOWS N. Jacobi Hardware Co. WILMINGTON, N. C. ! - V Mr. B. D. Graham of Rennert waa a Lumberton viaitor Saturday.__ Mr. C. H Parker of Lake View, t C., wee a Lcmberton victor Saturday. A Word To The Wise is Sufficient 9 Why take a chance on getting a perfect fit and the choicest of the world s best woofens When you know you can get all you are looking for from your local tailor here in Lumber ton. I have 13 years experience as a cutter, fit ter and tailoring salesman. With reference from some of the largest houses in the U. S. A. PRICES REASONABLE $25.00 AND UP. JOHN D. PURVIS, National Bank Building 3rd Street A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED TaHor LUMBEBTON, N. C. ' <- .Mi- — .. ***** 3*<33*" there is a very strong natural bond. We are vitally interested in everything that con cerns the farm and the farmer. We are here for the special purpose of giving him the best possible banking service. We encourage at all times a frank discussion of his needs and opportunities. The importance of a strong, friendly banking connection for the farmer cannot be overestimat ed. One indication that our farmer patrons are pleased with the treatment they receive here is the number of new friends they bring to us. ^ Approval of our well known policy of Safe ana Conservative Banking is ing number of new cust< us daily. OUR RESOURCES TODAY ARE OVER $ 1,400,000.00 AND STILL CROWING evidenced by tne gratiry mers who are conning to We hivite Your Business ^National Bank Lat^berton CAROLINA.

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