OAKDALE LEAFLETS St hoc! Optna Today—Pemnwal Mon Corrospondonee of Tho Roboaonian. Lake Viow, S. C., R. Z, Sopt. 12 School will open at Oakdale Monday, Sept. 17. AH tho parents with their children are urged to ho present on the first morning. Mr. Clyde Bullard of the Corro Gordo section was in this vicinity Sunday p.m. Mrs. Rob Rogers and daughter, Mrs Ola Hayes, from Mullins, were visi tors Saturday night at the home of Mr. J. Q. Spivey. Mr. J. M. Sparkman returned to his home Saturday from the Baker sana torium, Lumberton, where he was a jpatient for sometime. He is very much'improved and his many friends ore glad to see him back home. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Spivey and lit tle daughter, Elisabeth, spent Satur day night at the home of his grand father. Mr. Henry Spivey. A crowd of the poung people went to Lake Waceamaw Saturday. They report a very nice time. Among those from Oakdale sec tion that attended serices at Bear - Swamp church Sunday a. m. were Miss Lillian Harrington, Mr. and, Mrs. Winston Ivey, Mr. and Mrs Ma-I com Ivey, and Mr. B. N. Evans and famtiiy. They Report vtery interest-' Ing services. Best wishes to The Robesonian and its large circle of readers. ' SUBSCRIBE TO THE ROBESON IAN. *2.0* A YEAR. MOTKE OF C.MM,E..Egg< , Under the authority vested in the under signed commissioner. by virtue of. a certatn judgment of the Superior Court of Robeson County, entitled "Bonk of Parkton. et a). vs. p H. Fisher, et ai". the undersigned com missioner wit!. on the 10th day of October, 1923 at twelve o'clock Noon, offer for sate and 'sell to the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing described lands, to-wit: ... Lying and being in the County of Robe son State of North Carolina, and Beginning at a .stake in the. riaht-of-way of the Atlan tic Coast Line Railway, at the tresseli of said road on Dunn Swamp on theeast side -of said railroad, them with the right-of-way to y. D. GilitCs corher; them with CilMsg Uine to the AeaSemy eorner in said iine: thee with McNeill line to J. D. Ctilb'a earner tright in front of a barn door in the bid road, then with J. D. Giliis's iine to hia eomer in s ditch in Thomas lisa, them with Thomas line to the swamp at high water: them up the meanders of said swamp to the beginning, containing (10#) one hundred acres, more or been previously sold prior to the "ft**'***** „f the dmtd of trust reoprded in Booh dl, page 47t. Registry of Robeson County Dated this the #th day of September, IMA H. E. STACY. P-1S-4 Thurs. Commissioner. NOTRE OR SUMMON*. North CtroHM*. Robeeon CoJirty. Ir tat 'mseriov Court. Alice Smith vs. Chariie Smith. To the Defendant Charlie Smith: Ym, will take n.tk^ that a. action has gmn instituted in the Superior Court M tobeson County enbtlod as above *°* purposing of obtaining an absolute divorce 1 m the grounds Of adultery and desertion. You will furtbe take notice that you are rc<l"hred ^ be before the underamcned CierK < of the Superior Court of Robesgg County at the "CmsfAoase in Lamberton, N., C., on the t#tb day of Oebdmr, MM, amk^mwer or hnnurU ge eomplaint, whkh will -bv found on me in the office of 'the Cierb of the Su perior Court, andi if you fail to bnswer or #emur to said aowidinbwtipn twenty days from th^ roturn date hefebf. that the rebef sought by tl& pialn^kHik^gan^ This the l#th. da]) of Septwhbv. MM C. B. SK1PPER7 - ^ Clerk of the Superirr Court. Johnson A Johnson. i Attomcb^ f-ar theplatnt:ff: #-l!-4 Thurs. j DR. P. J. CHESTER York Post Graduate ANNOUNCES The Opening of an Office In The Pittman Hospital, Fayetteville, N. C. Practice Limited to Eye. Bar, Nose and Throat (MOD MEAT! Th&t'a the kind we aeiL Be* w HI Mmd. Pork. Be. prieee paM fw gwodTheef cattle. tummy Mum Than* (ML LvmbaHan. N. 0 time to Re4&*? h <*nn*) *o**aa* ******* A A Jt A. T!RES Battery Service Co. Lymb^ftoHy ^* C* Agw i- City ' LAKE VIEW NEWS. Revive! in November—Much Tobac , c. Handled—New Ginnery—Schoo! Opens—New Keaidence. By W. H. M. Brown. Lakeview, S. C., Sept. 13—A revi ve! meeting wiH commence here the second Sanday in November in the Baptist church, conducted by Rev. Asbury Psni oi Lumber on. Are three tobacco warehouses here are said to have bought a good quani ty of tobacco some of it coming as far as from Hoke county, some from Robeson. Good prices are said to have been paid. One of the houses is a co-operative, two independent! , A ne v ginnery is being built here, and wiH soon be in overation. Schcol opened Sept. Srd with Prof. J. B. Thorn principal. Assisting him arc 10 other teachers. The enroll ment is ab ut k50 or ^00. Ttpo tracks are used, to bring the children from the country to school. Mr J. B. Thom, whose residence wa* Burned a year ag<^ ha^pqw cpm pis ted another nice Mme and has moved into same. Miss Lucile Ppwell left a few days ago, going away to teach school. Mrs. John Lupo, is visiting her daughter Mrs. M. J. J. Johnson. Lake View is situated near the South and North Carolina iine and is inhabited by both North and South Carolina people. It is a com ing iittle town; its people are clever und industrious. Lake View has 18 stores, a barber shdp, 2 garages, gas filling station, shoe shop, beef mar ket, cafe, bank, drug store, hotel, 3 churches, a splendid school. ELROD AND PURVIS NEWS, School Begins—Protracted Meeting at Purvis-^-Persoaal Alcntin. Correspondence cf The Rrb jonian. Elrod, Sep .. 14—School 3gan* at Elrod last Monday, rd. Itr. Pate Gibson of Gibson is teacher .his year. Misa Lena McLean of Rowland is the guest of Misses Annie and Thel ma Bullard this week. Mrs. J. E. Bridgers spent a few days last week with relatives in Latv ia, S. C. Miss Ruby Adams, who is attending school at Philadelphia, spent last week-end with home folks. She was Accompanied by Mias Hattie McMil lan. who was her guest for the week end. Masters Louie and Euclid Adams were carried to Thompson hospital tast Thursday and operated on for adenoids, returning Friday and are gettfhg along nicely. A protracted meeting is in session At Purvis Methodist church this week. Mr. Woodall, the pastor, is do ing the preaching. Large crowds are Attending and great interest is hew ing shown. Mr. W. M Bridgers attended the soldiers reunion at Winston-Salem last week and was accompanied on hia return by his nephew and niece Mr. end Mrs. Norment Bridgers, who spent a few day? here with relatives. Mr. John Bridgers celebrated his 77th birthday last Monday. Several of his children and grandchildren spent the day with him. Among those from a distance were Mrs. TV. T. Barnard of Pee Dee, S. C., and i Mrs. 3. L. Bridgers of DiHion, S. C. j DISTRICT PYTHIAN MEETING. Red Springs Lodge Will be Host to 12 Lodges of 10th District October 2nd. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Red Springs, Sept. 13—Red Springs lodge No. 235, Knights of Pythias, will be host to representatives of tweive lodges on October 2nd, the oc casion being the tenth district meet ing. Grand Chancellor L. L. Caudle of Charlotte will be the guest of the lodge and make the principal address. Thomas L. Mears of Wilmington, su preme master of the exchequer, and Supreme Representative W. C. Crist of Winston-Salem have been invited to attend. Wives of the delegates from visiting lodges will be invited and & special program arranged far their entertainment. A business ses sion will be held in the afternoon with a big Pythian fallp at night fea tured by music hnd addresses by prominent Pythians. The twelve lodges making up the district are Crqnley of Acme, Clark ton, Clinton, Cumberland of Fayette !vilie, Hallsboro, McDonald, Rase Hill Rowland, Wallace, StonewaM and Clarendon of Wilmington, Red Springs. , Richmond Pearson, Diplomat and I Politician, Passes, t Richmond Pearsptl, one of the outstapding figures in State and National poiitics a score of y?r'3 ago .dipiomat and former Congress j man, died at his home, " ' h ' i:' Hill, near Asheville, Sept. 12. He was 71 years old He was a member of the State Legislature in the '80s and was 3 times elec ed to Cohyriss from the Ninth N. C. district as a Repub lican. His father, Richard Mumford Pearson, was chief justice of the Su preme court of North Carolina fropa a period several years !bef re the war betweep the states to his death in 1878. He entered Princeton uni versity at the age of 16, was graduat ed 4 years later. He was appointed consul of Verviere and Liege; Bel gium, by President Grant, resigning in 1877 and returning to the United States. In 1901 he was appointed U. S .consul at Geno, Italy, by Presi dent Roosevelt and in a year was ap pointed minister to Persia. He dis charged the dudes of his post with such success that President Roose velt cabled his "commendation for 'energetic and efficient service" and soon after appointed him envoy ex traordinary and minister plenipoten tiary to Greece and Montenegro which ; vost he held for 2 years. In 1909 he resigned from the diplomatic service and returned to the United States and retired *from public life. Eaay Td YoaC*" With When you darken your h*^ wKj ...j A. Mttt. .th.r i,^imt. <g*L,^jy*% —- Mgn of old age, *«d- aa sra*;?^'^ tnd ioo^ yeare younger^ FLORA MACDONALD COMJg* OPENS FOR FALL TERM. ^ throwing states ryr^ted in th. student ^.Hm.nt^an^MMa^ nf two states over last year. AUMww tuckv. Mississippi North Pennsylvania, South ..M, Texas, Virginia and wesL v.ir giniA. Two foreign co-Mitries, (Buna and.Japan, appear on tbej^t l^ board of trustees will meet here on Friday morning to discuss hi connection with the further ex pansion of the college. -.ahciatian The General" Alumnae association has been active during the past weeks ^ c^r^ out the college bemit^ plan under the direction of Mr^ W; B .Sikes, chairman, wiOi -he^^L^ ine results: office of the faculty oaau refurnished; eight faculty ^ furnished and repainted; the college auditorium katsomu^ The class of 1912. has Placed, ah^o* soma alumnae register bound, in R^ !S%alf and containing fivA hundred pages, in the rotunda of Ihe^Bag ^President Vardell, Miss, Bella Me president of the aJnnmae as aSShm, and members of ilm jcs cnAive committee were m. cMiferaac hart yesterday and plaa& were out lined {or the celebration, of Founders Day, Oct. 23wl, wbenthe a.umnae wHi gather for the dwusmMi of X5rInterests. Repres^tatives of the 43 branch assoc iatiun&^e **P*<*"* to be present and one of North Caro Rna s distinguished, women will make thn address of the day. that Hatchery Near Establish L?^m^"ng ^ th. State l^hgea omission board at Morehead-Clg : week it was decided bo establish ass hatchery near FayetteviHe apd locate the mam trout hatchey ir Marion. Auxiliary trout hotphe s also wiQ be established a^^r Gep or at Boone and G&imney :k in Jackson county or ^ * *i*a - to be decided upon in Haywoc.d mtv, provided land end water hts and other requirements of the ird can be acquired^ Fresh Fish f Fyeeh Egg* Fresh Beef &U the time Our price* are the best CAIN & BULLARD Phone 313 at !RA B,Y0WN5LWD,MCR tr*ct of Madia Britts Tosmahb. Robeaon County CwtfM, adjoining the Jands y Of. H. 'K Mw. J. a. Tbootpeon, RT D. Cbldweii & ^d and othin*. containing ap rr-. fbOy dmcribed b^ ^*S.*SLK;s?A*dS g $SLfT yM# is du'r rtgbbreO ha tb# ofBce of the Negiatcr of Deeds of Bah**** County & Boole IK. pegs 1M. (b) A certain tmotafUnafi* Weharta Township. Robeson County; Nerth Cervine, eontaining M acres.'. mw on teaa^ npd beta* the seme [and convened by H. T. Flowers, !M*. Wife. Liiiie Fbwor. * W. P. duly regiatered !n fBse Of (r of Deeds df Robbyeep ( page!9. b- A certain tract oflRAid! , Robeson County. HBntb My described In adsedi ffene RStBn Pbpo to tXd ^iy^M^d ' ten of Deeds of Robeson OBonty its BoeA Ml PH****0. (of A certain tract of tbtdl in HMM* *%son teRfR W ninnnn County, MA^ts-r&efdthw, pfnta i*ing # acres, more or' lose,, and; beiagF Bdly da. iserahd in a deed from Ohafity Nb^# and! adtatn dated Aptll 22n<t IMS, anA duly re gistered in the Office of the RUtataa of Deeds a# Robeson County in Bbo^ 6-P; pays W ! W A certain tract od-jand bt BMtts Tbwa ialHp, Robeson County, WoetH Carrdica^ eoo jtaininy a acres, more sr idea, and! betw fni ^ iy described in a deed frosts C, R; McAiibter. {AstH&nee of R. L. Wiieo^to W. P^HhfOMbtm ;daMd March 12th, 19IB^. and! dtdy regMaradt in the Office of he Register .A Deeds of Risbeson County in BopiR 6?W, page- 606, %) A certain tract e&'lynd Br HHttd Tbssn }Shfp. Robeson County Ndrth oChciinss, oon , taming 3 acres, more or lees,, and beBsyr the sons# conveyed by W. J.' PtevatC. Mbrtgsgeo to W. P. McAUiater by deed dated' the-day of done, 1916, and dhiyy registered: iht tbe Of Hite of the Register of Deeds of Rnhnstb {dRAaty i" Book 6-0, ppao tKA I fb) A certain tract of iand ih- tanabeaton .Tbwnship, Robesoa Cttonty, NhrQt, Carolina containing 1-2 nena, and being the same (Rued conveyed by Rc D. MtMMiH Mmtgagee. bW. P. McAiiisty^{)yydaodtdat)ad B^eember iRRb. 1911. and daiTy regia tsaod Bt BhaOffice ef the Register td Deed* ed BhAsssm County -(DA ct%iThoct$frion*aBmsAa.Sn Britta D***!Mh*m <am.tr **M* P*ze*MH J") A.<*rt*h.ti*?t of had ^MMSf in as^gra&%!TgiJ' SM &3HTM,"x. ^5F3 *^TM. 3" 7* <hr<* Sopt-nbor, IMK Third TrC! ^howon and' dbaoriih# as tract Mo. M, im thh potaMon. atQMMhy tbo aboM i escribed tmot, !fm.C Hat ZamHarhat Tow. ahip. eontiinirta onw aero; morw or hunt For a fui! and! conMCr dtaarMMr o# MM iamb toe deed rocardtdi in- Bbob M!: pstgr $2Z. Fourth Tfsct: Khown end! dbatanatad Ms tract No. tt; in tha^ petitions iheated in Luca barton .. ThwMtbPiBnbeaon eooadr.. oontah# & ?, ST'i^Kgg? 5SS? i*S3i' *-V.*<6M.4T8..< -t - ... , . Fifth Tract t Kbown and dcaoribod an Ot No. M, in tRe. PatKhn. ^patwi &i Wh.hajrt^ TownaMhe. awaUcbt thn Madb atf Grip FIMH tips. Ha woe rts an# other*., aontahting 50 aeo<w, more ar iosa. For- a Rdtdaatrhthn non dhod SacWTraobr damribod aa haet No. Ut the pnt!!#brr, ho^lad in HowadhadBa TownaitiP. Bphaon 'Tsar-r. adjoining* 3c ian^ Adhh WBih. WSSbsa WiUie andl#<aa. cootnining 1C n.v<*. fwr a Mi deanription tMdtod!MCPadM*a<hah*J. pazoHM; Tbg. Mhndctovnahta heated t*tl<wn bCn wi!t b. sotd an An above nacad data oat the- prtaaiSM: atwonthTbaatt t*oata* in the town of bumb^ton^ Ht beta# I^t No. 1. in Btoch 7t$. aocordtng to. tba affhhi neap of** town of L-'.# tha^eonth sddw of the Bsahsstnd A3' tine ass5 "*?s* paint fin the- west bank of 5'^nher River in the edge ofr tha r%ht-of-wazf oft Mb* Seeboard Air Line^tlWay Company and runs paaaiiei with said aizht-af-way ahoot north $5 west A75 chain*- to a stake in adjes of said r**ht-of-wan; thence south H 1-4 west 4.6B; chains to a stkhe in the,of)Bb of a ditch: thence sodth M vast 16.a0fchahet to a stake in the edhe of the Fahmsossk Road; thence with th* nhn-nf said roatEsen^ 95 west U eha!ms J^ss .tjhe. Cotton 3BR Stanch ' Canal thence with the edye of said eanai south 49 east l.kR cMana to a staitat thence south 15 east 7 dtsksa tc a stakat bkekese south 57 1*3 east 9-96 chains to a staiba in the edge of said canal: 13one* across saisf; GOSSon Mili Branch Caaai south 95 west t chains to h ,stake; thenne saafh 9 west 17.39 chains to a stake in the afRa of th* Lovatk Read: then** south, 95 l-teant 18 1-9 chains to a stake: then. aaaEb 93 asst 9 ehahsa. T9 Units to. a staks: thesssy ensETw sank 9R shaisis 93 links to n wsA* oak: then nsxHs B east 3 ^isdns th 1 oath* River; then** up the vathms- oownet of Rnsshar River tn a sweat tusa 3w*. on the bank of said river at whatis known, aa Ahifa !Qsoa,: thanes naa th 9 wash runninn atkOR tha iina nf tan acres in which a Me sstata. is reserved tn Mrs. R-C-W- Toon.. 3k M skeins to a atnhtM thanes ssertk 8& 1-A east aionu tha iina *f said tan aerss 393 chaise —TM?t JMSt THAT TROUBLE ^OVERHEATING? The Meet Boss knew the oil VV wasn't to b!ame, for it was giving entire sat ^faction in ail the other cars. Matter of fact, the water pump was nearly wom out and the radi ator partly dogged up. Drivers marvel at the unfailing accuracy of the Fleet Boss' advice. "It's just long experience and common sense," he tells them. j Polarine is the finest oil you can get today, be came the men who make have been through the f ' o: lc fcomrtc rt: and long experience. You can trust the unfailing quality of the oil ''they give you. If you use Polarine regularly you're sure f one thing about your car—the Oil is RIGHT, experience has, in quar.dty produc tion and ciEcient distribution, kept it moderate in price, too. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey)

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