NEGLECTED OPPORTUNITY hy not make an attractive park g the east bank of Lumber river ,een the steel bridge at the west of Fifth street and the site of oid wooden bridge? The river { at this place easily and at !i expense could be transformer a most a tractive park, and it is dly located to attract the atten of passing autoists and invite n to stop for a refreshing ught from the artesian well that rflows near the paved hignway bridge. ^ passing tourist who had heard Lamberton's artesian wells stop iX to refresh himself the other day, 5? he had dHBculty in locating a Hl aad when he found it the ndings were not inviting, iome years ago Mr. W. I. Link v, moved by a fine public spirit, ployed a landscape gardener and de a most attractive place of the lion of this bank south of the old /n hall, which has been tom down ently, but the town failed to keep ap and jt gives no evidence now of time and money spent in making a place of beauty. "he Robesonian hopes that §he Wo n's club will consider this an ob t worthy of its attention. It aid be made a most inviting and ractive place which would afford asure to citizens of the town and which the attention of tourists ild be invited by conveniently ced signs. o One record is good until a higher e is made. Lieut. L- H. Sander o oi the marines, who smashed the <r!d's speed record three times last tek, hung up another mark Monday ten he traveled at the rate of 259 lea an hour in a navy Wright Qier. hich was faster than anybody ever iveled before, but the next day at itchell Field, South Dakota, Lieut. Williams, navy pilot, attained the eed of 266 miles an hour. Some dy will break that record soon, is not broken before this gets in int. A few years from now such cords will be smiled at as intoller <ly slow going. Eighty-fiVe thousand people paid ,250,000 to see the fi^ht in New jrk the otehr day, when Dempsey locked Firpo out in three seconds ss than four minutes. Every one of e 85 thousand no doubt longed to able to do the same and felt that had his money's worth in watching Any one of the terrific blows tssed would have put an ordinary tman being asleep forever, but so ould many licks that would not faze jackass or a bull. DISTURBED OKLAHOMA. Governor Walton of Oklahoma may be crazy, aa some people seem to think, but there is tnethpd. in bis ibadne#, ^d others weett ^ragy fhrst. #e Ms proclkhned ' marHal law throughout the State and says he is determined to break the power 6f the kian in that State or exhaust his resources as Governor in the attempt. He explains that it was necessary for him to put the State Hinder martial law to stop the Ku Klux grand jury that bed been called to meet inO)t iahoma City, the real purpose of this [grand jury being; he said, "to launch [a counter attack on my fight against the kian". The Governor says that [ 'the movement to take the pardon -and parole power from the Governor is being made for no other reason than as retaliation tor the conviction of floggers in Tulsa. 1 have sent four tmep to the penitentiary from tulia and 100 more are on the way. They will not be pardoned or paroled." Members of the legislature are planning to convene a special session to consider the Governor's official acts, impeachment being considered certain if a session is held. On the other hand, Governor Walton is said to be firm in his determination not o give his enemies in the legislature a chance to interfere with his declar ed intention to "wrest the civil gov ernment from the domination of the nvisible empire and make the visible government again supreme.'' He threatens to send to jail any law makers who attempt to hold a special session. Evidently they have fallen upon evil days in Oklahoma, as they are sure to do anywhere the Ku Klux Kian gets strong enough to feel its eats. The outcome of the fight in Oklahoma will be watched with in terest all over the country. ,, FOR JAPANESE RELIEF. Miss Josephine Breece $5.00 H. B. Jennings 25.00 Presbyterian S. S. 11.05 Shannon C. E. society * 4.00 Men's Bibie class, 1st Bap. 25.00 j Previously acknowiedged 273.05 i Tota! $332.05 In the report in Monday's Robeso nian the Christian Endeavor Society of Shannon was credited with $11.05. That should have been $4 and the cre dit of $11.05 should have gone to the Presbyterian Sunday school of Lum berton. Both these amounts are pro periy credited above, but in adding the total the $11.05 which was acknow ledged and included in the total giv en in the last issue, is not included. Lumberton's quota of $150.00 has been more than doubled. Some who desire to contribute to this relief fund have not yet done so. Any contri butions turned over to' The Robe sonian or to L R. Stephens, Red Cross Chairman, Lumberton, will be duly acknowledged and forwarded to Red Cross headquarters. --o NEGROES ORDERED TO LEAVE Any negro who has lived less than seven years in Johnstown City, Pa., must vamose and do it quick. The mayor of that city has proclaimed it. He says he does not give a hang whether he has the power to do it or not, that is the way it stands and negroes must leave and no more must come. And, strange as it may seem, the world didn't come to an end. Things kept moving right along just like nothing had happened, only ne groes got a move on them out of that hostile town, where kome bad negroes had kiNed a few policemen recently. The mayor said be waswt going to stand for the South CWnT{W!g its ne gro trash into Johnstown ahd that they conM go ba(^ down Sooth, where thy* belong* WtMt wa^bMrP^n^tops. of Ainu seeigg^how placesflikg Johns town City have been pleading for negroes to come an^L egye %h$m for so long, and seeing how 4hey love the negro so in that neck of the woods. Well, any negro who has no better sense than to go to a place liht Mma town City maybe does not deserve any hotter treatment than to be Or dered pot. - '' o .. Cottnty Farm Demonstrator Rohes aays is tiqm to begin fitting the boo! weevil again. Begin again? When was tithe to quit? Aint this bol! weevii fighting job an all-year round-all weather job? ^ ^ '2TH ST. NEEDS ATTENTION. At Some Paces Water Rons Acrees Payed Sidewalk from the Street. TO Mb EditOr of The Robesonian: i wish yon would say something about the condition of Twelfth street, s nee they fixed the hole in front of your office so .quick after you men tioned the matter in your paper of recent date. The condition of Twelfth street has been called to the attention of the stree' foreman several times by me and others living on the street, and all we get is promises and disappoint ment. At some places the water runs across the pav&i sidewalk from the street and renders the sidewalk prac tically useless. RESIDENT OF 12TH ST. Lumberton, N. C Sept. 19, 1923. Personal from Pembroke. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Pembroke, Sept. 19.—Mrs. Rosie Jane Thomas of Pembroke, who has been at Baker's sanatorium in Lum berton for 9 days, will be able to come home Thursday. She is getting along fine, and also the baby is too. ^ir. E. R. Phillips of Allenton was among the visitors in town yesterday. Mr. E. M. Hines Sr. of Rowland was a Lumberton visitor yesterday. Everybody knows what an appe tite the growing chiid in school has. One of the most important duties of the parent is to see that the chiid receives good, whoiesome food during this period, white both body and brain is being deveioped. Our freshly baked cakes and bread contains such whoiesome food values as is needed to give strength and vitality to the grow ing child. Try some of our delicious gpkes for the school lunch today. Kites Bakery PHONE 71 DISCUSiKOa mitteemen oi-be*! the Co-opezative ns aaaodatione MS eounty featscred tg of the county or ia made up of the t house here Tues Reporte of assAzatione — E- Tyhef; Orrum^^y Mr. M. Shep jBa^*p6*4ng from Parker local, Mr. Watspn stated that, pa account of a good $it of dissatisfaction on th# part of ^ members, ithad been impossi Bm to got a snccessful meeting of the locaL This was true <% every local mahiBg a report. Some were rather discouraged whiie others were hope ful. Mr. Shephenfof Orrum stated that he thought they were now aeciBg "the break of d$y". " ..OaJHaadhs,Sacceea..r.: Mr. 8. TowaeeBd stated that it was very hard to get enthusiasm, and that a few of the loyal members in his local were determined *9 get more enthusiasm. "To prove that the as sociation is going on the road to success, I have heard a number of tenants say that they Intended to join the association", said Mr, Townsend. The cause for so much discontent among the members of the associa tion is that they are being kept in the dark regarding the work done by the organization. They want to know just what the organization is doing and what the o&cers do for their money Tee Much Secrecy. The matter of the members being tept in the dark was comfirmed by MR E. Wheeler Stone, secretary oi the Thompson iocal, who stated that he had become very angry and peeved at the manner in which a iot of things ware being done, and that he Ww< to the directors of the district end mmpiained. He told't^ the , lattes M received from the grading department^ which gpsve Mm figures on the Hnai sottiement h nMM ber shonM reeeiee for tc^acco rhis Mh Stone said, ie a hit efinfor. nation that a very small pe?c*ntagt af the mambwslhave, an& very d? sentiai mformatioa for the better ment of th<n association. T&ba?M that htbnght an advance of $15 pe! hundred wili giWt the member a finai settlement of $35 per hundred. Ad Continned on page Id BOOK CLUBS AND SCHOOLS ! promptly supply ^postpaid wrhat :ver you want in Books and givt better discount# than you will obtaiii slsewhere Write me please. J. T ^orsworthy, The Book Man, Gastonia W. C. Mr. H. C. Barefoot of R. 1 from L-umberton was in town Tuesday. —— AND —— , * ^ . . - * * . * Big Barbecue Tuesday, Sept 25 —AT— ^ . . ..33 d:.' i*9T 'i'W*.'"': ^ -3* hr . ' 'tSit ABERDEEN Good Band Mujic Throughout The Day. Two Rig Dances in Tobacco Warehouses at Night. One For Young Folks, and One for the Old Time Dancer*. . 'T < With Tobacco, Come Without, Bring Others With You A Satisfy Yourseif When Here, That Aberdeen is the Best Place to Market Your Tobacco, and That Aberdeen !s a Good Place to Trade LET S GET ACQUAiNTED. The Aberdeen Merchants and Business Men Charter No. 19,610 Reserve District No. 5 REPORT OP THE CONDITION OP _ ___ THE NATIONAL BANK OF LUMBERTON At Lumberton In the State ef North Carolina, at the cleae of Buatneae on Sept. 14th. 192!. RESOURCES 1 and Discounts . .^ * ". Cvt.drt.fh). nu^eeurod........?.. - * U S Government Securities owned.. *'*!***JJ Other bnnds. stocks, securities, etc.- -.I99,ZW4.W B: nknc Ho t-e. $17,686.99, Furniture and Fiat urea, 98.990 .. 28,586.99 I-*ful reserve with Federai Reserve Bank.*. ^L^**^* C th in vauit and amount due from national banka ...- - *uO,878.9Z mount due from state hanka and trust companies...-- 129,626.98 Checks on other banks in same town as reporting bank. . *5 MSseetlaneous cash items, ...c. M.M8.6, Other Aseots ... 1.69* 24 TOTAL .:..... . $1,487,789.22 LIABILITIES Cspital Stoek pah! in, ..........t *.*n*.**.'*'c ***-**. .... . ... .. Surpins Fund .... .. ...V.. ...... ......' ....... J. .. ...... Undivided profits.... A. - .... .... Amount due to Federai Reserve Bank (defer,w) credits) .... Amount due to state banks and trust companies, ...... Certified Cheeks outstanding, ..... ... .... . Cashier's Cheeks outstanding....n................... . ...... Total of items 21, 23. 24 and 25 .. ...8 47.248.62 DEMAND DEPOSITS subject to reserve: Ig^ividua) deposits subject to check .... .. Dividends unpaid, ...... " '.."H* Total of demand deposits, items 26 and 80. ... . - - 670,454.67 TIME DEPOSITS. (SUBJECT TO RESERVE) Certificates of deposit, ......:.^ - - - - - - - - - OBter time deposits. ..... -<< Totai of time deposits subject to reserve, items 32 and 34 .... 599,647.19 Liabilities other than those stated,...... .. ........ $100,999 00 50.000,00 20,394.52 88,918.23 4,089.21 10.00 9,281.18 670,840.67 114.00 126.898.29 *478.158.90 136.22 TOTAL .......... $1,487,780.22 Stats of North Carolina. County of Robeson, ea: L M F. COBB, Cashier of the above named bank, do soiemnly swear that the above atato eaent is two to the beet of my knowledge and belief. M F. COBB. Cashier Correct—Atteat: - L. H. CALDWELL, ; E. J. BRITT. . STEPHEN McINTYRE. Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day of September. 1923. HERMAN CRUMP. Notary Public. My Com. Expire* 2-2-25 a The National Bank of t*-r. JSrTC ^ Se .t* ^ ^THE OLD RELIABLE ^ This strong National Bank is under the direct supervision of the U. S. Government, a member of the Great Federal Reserve System, and is managed by a C<mservative Beard of DirOCtora. ruts MEANS SAFETY FOR YOUR FWDS We invite your attention to the statement printed in this space which is condensed from our report to the Comptroller of the Cur rency, a* of September 14th. 3^., < LUMBERTON . NORTH CAROHNA

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