THE R0BE80NIAN OHM 1*7 W*t FmHh 8tw* T*h*hw* Ns. ML THURSDAY, aSKpM, MBS SUS!WBS rnmDERS A.ssartBey 6w . himself useful in Mote!.— once to, J. W. 8ELLEBS, A* M. CL —-jaad ChW, fweS.^^! 4 weeks old. $4$ for 4dw and eaM. A. !n Hendrin. AHenton. N. C. 1 Wanted to hay—Owo eaemtev show on*. 4 er 8 feet long. 8. & 8ANDBR8W. Lnasbar tea, N. C. Freeh Oysters and FM!t Prices aw right at 8. D. SANDERSON'S Lumberton, N. & FarSaieatRed Sprhaga.One house and lot 100 by 800 feet One htoeh from Graded sehooL for ieee than w< coat to build the houae. A Bargsiin. H FLOWERS, Lumbertdn, N. C. "F FOR SALE: DESIRABLE RESIDENCE LOTS. SPLENDIDLY LOCATED. PRICE8 REASONABLE. ADDRESS X. T. S. eare ROBESON1AN. Far Sale: Six room IweHing house and 1 rtory lota In Rowland, Price reasonable.— Mrs. E. W. Kinlaw, Lumbortou, W. C. Wanted: Boy to Drive School Truth for Li berty School. Free Tuition, Board and CIS. a Month. Apply to N*. J. McRimmon, Chair man .Maxton, N. C. R. 8. Pare Bred Poland-Chiaa Pigs for Sale. Extra Stock—A. T. MCLEAN, Lumberton, N. C. "Favorite " Base Burner for aale. Good aa new. Bargain—Box. 624 .Lumberton, N. C. — .< A.?<.. * "** For 8a!e—Limited amount Abraxxi Seed Ryo. home grown. Reaaenable price.—H. C. BAREFOOT, Lumberton, N. C„ R. L Wanted. A man to Ms iooh after Farm and Stoek and willing to work. Married man preferred.—N. J. McRimmon, Maxton, R. 8. Notice—On Saturday the 8!nd ef Sept, at 8 o'clock I am going to cell my houaehold gooda at public auction , at my door in Eaat Lumberton on Dreaden Avenue known aa Eaat Park St., Bigga property.—Mrs Docie Bullock. Four New Naah touring care. RMo in a Nask Aak a Naah owner about thia car. C. M. FULLER * SON. Car Load of cattle, consisting af milch cows. springers, beef cattle, alao one Jersey bull will arrive Tuesday night Will be on aale Wednesday at Jennings Stalls foot of First Street. See E .S. McNeill for any of the above at low priees. Star Touring Cars Delivered price (819.7! Seif starter. Oil pump, Water pump, four doors, Ventilating wind shield, Gas tank in rear. Good ride for your money—C. M. FULLER A SON.___ For Sate—8cverai houses and town tots in different parts of town. Very desirable lo cations. Cash or terms if desired. See fra Bullard. Lumberton. aaamHM)s"stiii!]immtmttHMnn«