__^ *y-H -15^ Supper Night of Nevemher * .. Crresopqndence of The Robesoman. 'Smiths, < Lumberton, 5) Nov. f School la progressing nicely ui^er the management of Rev. E. L. PnAer as principal, with Misses Annie Came, MargaMtt Odum and Sue Covington asassiatuata. Mr. mid MM. Arch. Spiv*y and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Spivey of Lumber ton visited at the home of Mr. Charlie Spivey Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Sandy Sessoms had the mis fortune -of falling from a grape vine last week and breaking her hip, but is now rapidly improving. Several in this community attended the Cape Fear fair in Fayetteville last week and report this to be one of the best fairs they have ever attended. Misses Margaret Odum, Annie Caine and Sue Covington, teachers in the school here, were Lumberton visitors Saturday afternoon. Mr. J. M. Wilson has returned from Baker's sanitorium, Lumberton, where he went for treatment on account of a yeilowjacket sting. Messrs. Britt and Stone of Mt. Elim visited in this community Sun day afternoon. There will be a box supper, voting and guessing contests at the schooi house here Friday night, Nov. 9. Pro ceeds for benefit of school. Everybody cordially invited to come, and good order requested. HALLOWEEN PARTY AT HOME OF MR. AND MRS. G. W. COLE. Sunday School Class of Boys Enjoy a Wonderful Good Time. Correspondence of The Robesonian. St. Paul, Nov. 2—At the home of Mrs. G. W. Cole Wednesday night 7:15 o'clock, her little Sunday school class of boys gathered to enjoy them selves for a while, being about 18 in all. We had a wonderful good time. The parlor was dimly lighted when the guests arrived. Many beautiful flowers of fall and fems were in the room, the color scheme being black .*ad orange. Everything was very ghostly looking. When all arrived safely and said no ghosts or witches frightened them oh their way to the party, everything and every one was ready for a good time. First we played some interesting games, then to all their surprises they heard a witch in another room but soon every one grew quiet once more and in came the waiter. She served first paper dishes of popcorn. Then we all engaged in another game, for getting about witches. In came a witch just as black as could be and served lemonade and sweet cakes to the bunch, then she gave us some beautiful red apples and asked if any one in the room could play the piano and to her surprise one little boy ot& of 18 satd he could, it being Frank Rantsom. He played a beautiful waltz and the witch danced. Many good laughs were passed through the crowd when they spied a great big pumpkin sitting on the window sill winking his eyes at the crowd. Then the witch decided to play a piece of music, so she sat down to the piano and played one of her songs and sang it. When this was all over sdme one said "let's play another game". We all engaged in another game, and right in the mist of the game a My green collard came whiz zing through the crowd and we heard some one from outside the room cry "bed time". We don't know but all think it was another witch. So all left saying they had enjoyed one more Halloween that they would never for get and went home to dream of the witch. The following are members of the {Sunday school class: Graham Johnson, Richard Bames, George Lane, Jen nings Lane, Frank Rantsom, Jimmie Rantsom, Carl Taylor, Doris El lis, Hermorm Ellis, Roy Sinclair, Douglas Sinclair, Lyton Blackbem, %}ggar Bullard, Henry Mishoe, Jen nings and Robert Pittman, Raymond Cole, Grace Pittman, Pauline Cole. The three waiters were Mrs. M. D. P&tm*n, Mrs G. W. Cole, Miss Mar garet Cole. CtMtME Of UFE UBESIEMMS upon _. Pa.-" I took your medi throuch the Change of Life and it (M wonaers tor me. 1 waa down in bed when I started to take it and weighed 95 pounds. I had hot Hashes and waa ao nervous and weak that everything would get black ana inould not see. ! would ait and ary and did not know what i waa crying Aw.Knce I have been taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetame yom ^ d I feei younger than I did ten $ago, and My friends ail tell work for a iamny 01 seven now.* wu^ w glad to answer any woman who writes me in regard to mv case."--Mrs. JOHN MYERS, 56 Union St., Greenville, Pa. Many letters similar to this have been nnbiished testifying to the merit of tydia E^Pinkhain'e yegetable Com pound. They are sincere expressions "grom from women who describe as beat they can their feelings before and after takmg this well-known medidne. Many times they state m them letters theirwillingness to answer women who write the^ It is an offer dictated by gwkitadeendadadretohelpothsss. tAof ein&ayrc** you can be attic!:ty checked by Dr. ^Ohg's New Htscovery Gentiy. hartaiessiy it sthmuhtes !be mu coes ntetubmnes to throw o# t T^o^W Itx-retit'M. The cough ing paroxysms arecontmMedand the irritation that is causing the cough protnptiy dears away. DR. KINGS MPty DMCOMEgy BY !RA B TOWWSEND.Mcw The Fire Bells Do Not Tell Yon Whether There is a Financial Loss or Not. The Insur ance Companies Can TelL Tei! Yon That The Ciang! Clang! clang of the hre engine wakes many a man up to the necessity of taking oat in surance before it is too late. Don't wait for the hook and ladder com pany; they don't sell insurance, lo. 3AMM BLOC HJM86HT0M,Mt, /to Re-tko? t (Buy Fi*) ******* TiHES Battery Service Co. Lumberton, N. C. Enetaeive Agency & City^ FRES-CO-MTE PAWT M^ Oa ^'8 and cen ame! finish. in white and 't coiora, &aMK'3.&2yRMK WILLIE J PREVATT P. O. Box 1002 LUMBERTON, N. C. ADMnnSTEATne* uowcz. Having