rMUXTY HEALTH OFFICER SHOULD HAVE AN ASSISTANT Jadg* Sinclair Commends Robeson Medic*! Society for its in vestige tion end Report end Agrees With It as to Rented'—No Qnestion A best Diligence of Dr. Hardin in Ms Work In the iast issue of The Robesonisn was yuMished rnolutions passed by the Robeson County Medical society in regard to recent criticism of Dr. E. R. Hardin, county health officer, in connection with examination of prisoners. Dr. R. S. Beam, president of the society, has received the follow ing letter from Judge N. A. Sinclair, to vdrnm a copy of the resolutions was sent! * 1 Dr Beam: "Rlmve copy of resolutions adopted by §#u* county society on November 20th last, with reference to Dr. Hardin. "TSre difficulty about the situation is not that Dr. Hardin is not diligent in Ms work, because I am satisfied that he has more work assigned to him than he is able to perform and the State Board of Health ought to give him assistants. The trouble is that the law is, mandatory that every prisoner committed to prison shall be examined within forty eight hows af ter his commitment, and the purpose of thig law is to prevent the possibility of communicating incurable diseases such as tuberculosis and syphilis to helpless human beings who are con fined in jail and therefore unable to protect their own lives and health. It is Dr. Hardin's duty to first Comply with this law, and if any work as signed to him, statistical and other wise, by Doctor Rankin of the State Board of Health cannot be performed he should notify Dr. Rankin that he can not do it without an assistant. Week before last I saw Mr, Wilson, assistant secretary of State Board of Health, in Raleigh, and requested him to notify the State Board of Health that Dr. Hardin could not preform the duties that the law made manda tory upon him and which are the most important duties he has and dot the other work required by the State Board of Health without proper as sistance. "I think if would greatly relieve the situation if your county Medical society would explain this condition to the State Board of Health and de mand that Dr. Hardin has the assist ance which he undoubtedly needs. "You are entirely right in saying that it is the duty of the officiaig in charge of the prisoners to immediate ly notify Dr. Hardin uoon the admission of every pris oner. it !hay be that this is where the fauit iies. It make^ no difference who is in fauit. the con dition has got to be corrected. In my charge to the grand jury at the mid summer tertp of your court t asked specifically ah%l directed them to find out where the fault lay and to report vhethev your officials in charge of the prisoners had doite their duty in notifying Dr. Hardin, "Of course I am bound by the facts reported by the grand jury and if the fault lies with the officials in charge of the prisoners then Dr. Hardin would not be subject tQ criticism. "Every one in Lumberton spoke to me in the highest terms of Dr. Hardin and stated that Dr. Rankin had placed more work upon him than any one man could perform, and while I know that you wi!' agree with me that this condition of law violation must cease I am sure that you can see that your society, co-operating with the grand jury, can have the condition corrected with entire justice to Dr. Hardin. "Am glad that your society ha; taken this mater up and 1 think that if the recommendat:ons'%p&de in your resolutions are carried out that the evil will be entirely removed. "N. A. SINCLAIR. " Houma, La., Nov. 29.—Five persons lost their lives, five were injured and heavy property damege resu ted from a storm which swept the little Caillou Bayou section, 16 miles south of here last night._ Queer Feelings "Some time ago, ! was very " writes Mrs. Cora e. R*. Me, 6; Pikeviiie, Ry. "t suffered a tpeat deal, and knew ! must do something tor this condition. t suHered most y with my hack and a weakness in my — — ———— myiimbs. iwouidhavedread fu! headach: hes. ...._ ! had hot Has res and very queer feelings, and oh, how my head hurt! 1 read c! CMM Us Woman's Wo and ot others, who seemedto have the same troubies i had, being benefited, soibegantp use it ifound it most oene Hdai. i took severai bottles and was made so much better i didn't have anymore troubte oi this kind. it reg ulated me." Cardui has been found very heipiui in thecorrection of many cases of painiui female diS-* such as Mrs. F{obie orders, mentions above, Ifyou suffer she did, take Cardui __ _. .. -a pureiy vegietabie, medicinai tonic, in . use for more than 40 years, it should heip you. Sold Everywhere. B M CATTLE OF RAWT SWAMP AND MINOR ENGAGE MENTS !N THE VICINITY (Continued from page 2) swamp. Setting oat in hot pursuit, the Whigs overtook the rear guard four miles away and immediately prepared to run them^lown. But through the strategy of their commanders the Tories, already aware of the superior strength of the enemy, succeeded in delaying the fight for a time. The Tories were led by Elrod, Ray, "Young Hector" McNeill (the elder having been killed at Cane Creek), and Me Dougald. Fanning was not with them, but was still in the Little river sec tion recovering from wounds received^ at Cane creek. They, after a coun cil of war, decided not to shiw fight unless given a strategic advantage. Seeing that the Whigs were advanc ing and to prevent being overwhelm ed, they retreated to the causeway over Raft swamp intending to deploy their men along the way and to offer fight only to those who attempted to cross. The Whigs, perceiving this, al so made a dash for the bridge. The fight became a hand-to-hand encoun ter with sabres, in which one rider attempted to ride down the other. The crossing was soon so crowded that K was impossible to distinguish Whig from Tory. Many were thrown over into the stream, horses and all. It was at this stage of the *&ght, so relates ex-Sheriff Rod McMillan of Hoke county, that little David Be thune leaned ggainst a pine out of harm's way and began playing on his bag-pipe "The Campbells Are Com ing". This encouraged the Tories so much that they extricated themselves from the surging crowd of Whigs and succeeded in assembling across the swamp ih an old field near where the little piper had begun his tnne. Here they were fairly well protected for a time. But the dragoons on thier hardy western ponies charged them so fiercely that they could not stand. Seeing further resistance was useless, inasmuch as the entire Whig force could now be used, they fed into the swanlp. The Whigs did not pursue them long, because it was growing dark and they wefe not familiar with the country. Thus ended the battle of Raft swamp. From best accounts obtain Rub Rheumatism Pain From Sore, Aching Joints Wha" is rheumatism? Pain oniy. St. Ja ohs Cii wiii stop any pain so quit drugging. ?*ot one ease in fifty requires inter na! treatment. Rub soothing, pene trating St. Jacobs Oi! direc !y upon the tender spot and relief comes in stantly. St. Jacobs Oii a hacmtess rheumatism and sciatica liniment, whichsoever disappoints and can not bum the skin. Limber up! Quit complaining! Get a small trial bott'e from your drug gist, and in just a moment you'll be ffe^ from rheumatic and sciatic pain, soreness, stiffness and swelling, pon'u suffer! Relief awaits you. Old, honest St. Jacobs Oi! has cured mil lions of rheumatism sufferers in the !ast half century, and is just as good for sciatica, neuralgia, lumbago, backache, sprains and swellings. ADMfNMTRATORS MOTHCE. Having qualified Mi administrator of the If* bf"Ke!iar. deceased, late of Robeson county. Worth Carolina, this is to noti^r all persons having claim* nraf-it estate of the deceased to exhibit them to the ** C. on or before the 6th day of November 1924. or this notice wti! be piesded in h#r of their recovery. Aii persons indebted to said estate will ***o5f* ****** immediate payment This 1st day of November 1923 ,. A. MCKELLAR, admr. to A V 11^-6 Mon. McKetiar. ; McKinnon. Fulter * McKinnon. Attys. SHERiFF'S SALE UNDER EXECUTION Under and by virtue of an execution is ayed out of the Suoerior Court of Robe-on County .m a cause entitied "Parkton Mercan t le Company vs A. F. Chason ", the under s!<rned Sheriff of Robeson County wil!, on th< 7th day of January. 1924, offer for saie ant i ? ! highest bidder for cash, at twetvt ! ^ Noon, the foiiowing described rea eats to to-wit: ! Adjoining the lands of R D. Jackson. J H. Chason and others, bounded as follows Region ng st a stake in R. D. Jaekson'c Mne, near a dttch. and runs south 28 degree) west and 120 poies to a stake near a deat pine; thence south 52 east to a stake by thre< o-nes- thence north 28 degrees east 128 oo!e< jp by thrae pines on the eest aide oi the McDougaid road: thence with Johnson's Jcckaon a !in$ to the beginning, contain ing 79 acres; Excepting, however, from the aforesaid ]snds a!i that part thereof which has heretofore jbeen ailotted to the defendant. A. F. Chason a* Ms home-tead and ail that part of th< aforesaid iands wihch are situate in the Coun ty of Hoke, it beiong the intention to sei under t))is execution that part of the afore '**nds -hlch are situated in Rohesot County, and no part of the aforesaid iands ir which his homestead was aiiotted and whict U* situsted in Bioko County is intended to b: advertised or sold under this execution. Thai part of the above described iands which i situated in Hc!:e County and which has beer -Hold to the defendant as his homester Is dc.crbed in the returns of the Sherif: -t., the Cierk of th< Superior Court of Hoke County, and in th< Tee of ^e Clerk of the Superior Court o Robeson County. I Dated this 21st day of November. 1923 R. E. LEWIS. 12-3-4 Mon Sheriff Robeson County HALM Ut LANDS. Under and authority vested in the under signed mortgagee, by virtue of a certain mortgage deed executed by E. A. Ha!i and wife. Mary Elizabeth HaM, to the Park ton Mer cantile Company, defauit hasing been made in the payment of the indebtedness aeeured (.thereby, apd as therein provided, the under ^signed mortgagee wM), on the 17 day of mortgagee wii). on the 0* eember. 19Z3. et 12 o'clock noon offer for sale KAS".&r bidder for cash, the foi iande. tfv-vit: t . In Robeson County. North. Caroiina. tying on the southwest side of the Galiberry Swamp, adjoining the lands of Sandy McArthur on the northeast side and Robeson and Cumocrtand County tines and N. S. Totar on th- south <n<t west side. The above described land being part of the Daniel McArthur estate, witted to Mary Elisabeth McArthur, now Mrs. H. A. Hath For further description see v.'] f Dante! McArthur recorded in Book of Wi!!a Number 3, page 463, office of the Clerk of the Court of Robeson County. Said tract con taining fifty acres (60) more or fers The aforesaid mortgage deed being record-i in the Registry of Robeson County in Book 13. page Dated this thp t4th day of November, 1923. Parkton Mcreantite Company. McLean. Varscr. McLean an3 Mortgagee. Stacy. Attorneys for mortgagee. H-19-i Mon. able, th* Tory loss was sixteen killed and a boot fifty wounded. The Whig oas was one man killed, John McAdoo, several horses and about thirty woun ded. !n the main it was a permanent victory for the Whigs. Soon after the battle the Tories disbanded. Some went to the "Truce Land" in South Carolina, others fled to dif ferent parts of the country, white jmany submitted to the patriots. The particular loaction of the Raft &wamp battle was on the west side of Big Raft swamp at the point where the Lowry road crosses the swamp, about three mi'es southeast of the oresent town of Red Springs, upon lands owned by the late W. E. Sikes, formerly own&l by Peter McKellan who was desperate'y wounded in the fight and who died soon afterwards and was buried not far from this place. His grave, according to the late Dr. J. L. McMi lan and Mr. Dani el McLeod of Red Springs, was mark ed by a pine slab until the land was cleared some years after the Civil GREAT GATHERING OF PYTH1ANS .EXPECTED. Many Out vf-Town Pythians Expected to Attend Organization of Local Lodge Tuesday Night—Preliminary Meeting Tonight ^ ^ Correspondence of The Rotesonian. Parkton, Nov. 30—On Tuesday, Dec. 4th, will be organized in Lumber ton a Pythian lodge with a charter membership list jof seventy-six. ) The application for this charter has been approved by Grand Chancellor L. L. Caudei, *bnd the Grand Keeper} Records and Seals W. M. Lyses ofj Charlotte and the State Deputy Crand Chancellor Geo. E. Lovell of, Kings Mountain wiil be present to supervise the ceremonies. ' On Monday night, the 3rd of Decem ber, a preliminary meeting wiii be Locate Cause of Poor Water Supply. Investigation proves that rats were infesting water traps here and caused the poor water supply.—Bulletin. Rats do damage everywhere. They menace your health, which is worse. Destroy them with Royal Guaranteed Ra -Kake. Sold and guaranteed by Grantham Bros. Adv. NOTICE OF COMMISSIONER'S SALE. Under and by virtue of an order of the superior court of Robeson County, made in the special proceeding entitied Mrs. Nannie Bia ses Bass vs. Cieo Bisaeii. upon the proceedings of ^ the docket of aaid court, thegndarsigned commissioner wiii. on the 24. day of December 1922. at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door in Iaim hot-ton. North Carotin a, offer for sate to the highest bidder for each the foi iowing tract of iand tying and being in the county of Robeson and in Britts Township, bounded and described as foiiowa, to-wit: Being tot No. 2, in the partition of the lands of the !*tc H F. Bisaeii of Robeson County, assigned to the petitioner and naapdndcnt in the division of the said estate aa wi!! fuiiy appaar by reference to aaid division. See Book of Orders and Decrees No, 1!. page 499 in the office of the cierk of the Superior court of Robeson County. Beginning at a stake in the road leading by Broad, Ridge ChurehL the comer of the dower, also the corner of iot No. 1, and runs aa the dower line south 29 east i$ chains and 59 Mat# to the Stone iine in Cither ts Meadows; then as the Stone line to the corner of iot No. 3; then aa the line of Jot No. 3 north 29 west 13 chains to a stake in said road : thence as said road north 31 1-4 east 2 and 80 iinka to the beginning, containing 3 seres, . This Nov. 28. 1923. L. J. Britt, Commissioner E. J. A L. J. Britt. Attorneys 11-29-4 Hurs MFRPOUf Can not be cared by e gfhms of wnter, bntwtUdbwtppeernnder the hmding and soothing effect of CHAMBERLA!NS COUGH REMEDY Ev*ry"Aeet**AHkM*d held at which time all matters pre paratory to the meeting of Tuesday wi J be disposed of. At the meeting Tuesday the ritunli stic work of the three ranks wiH be under the supervision of the rank team of Ciarendon iodge No. 2 of Wiimington and the work wi!! fbe exempiified in the amp ified form. This will undoubtediy be the occa sion for one of the iargest gatherings of Py hians ever heid in this section of the State, as visiting Pythians wii! be in attendance from Red Springs, Parkton, McDonald, ii^ow and, Fay etteville, Aberdeen, Ciarkton, Halls boro, Acme, Rockingham and Wi! mingon. Man Who Saw Lincoin Lying in S ate Is Relieved of Biliousness and Pains in Stomach by Taking Dr. Thacher's Liver &. Blood Syrup. "I actually feel more than twenty ears younger since taking Dr. Tha her's Liver & Blood Syrup, for it has given me the appetite of a bear", said James L. Buckley, machinist em ployed by Geo. W. Brooks Company, liivng at 55 W. Felton St., Philadel phia, the other day. Mr. Buckley is 66 years old and has ived in Philadelphia all his life and s one of the few persons living who aw President Lincoln's body as it lay in state in Independence Hall. In this connection the public is re minded that each druggist selling Dr. Thacher's Liver & Blood Syrup is au thorized by the Thacher Laboratories to return the purchase price in any case where the first bottle fails to be nefit. "I suffered from stomach trouble, indigestion and constipation for al most two years", he said. "My food wouid sour, form gas and hurt like I was burning up inside. Splitting headaches would come on and last all day and I became so nervous I could hardly hold my hands still long enough to take a drink of water. I was badly constipated and would go for three or four days without— a movement. I was bilious, too, fell off in weight and could hardly sleep nights. "I have taken three bottles of Dr. Thacher's Liver & Blood Syrup and feel just fine. AH my old troubles are gone and now I tan hardly get enough to satisfy my appetite." Dr. Thacher's Liver & Blood Syrup ii sold in Lumberton by Grantham Bros. MOTtCZ Os' COMMMMUOMMT! HAH OH LAW: . .f the Punertor Court of Boheeon County made in rose mtitied Mr). S. A Ciere? y, ^ f[ Howet! end ethers. notice w heeehr gieen th„ "[ider-rred f-onmiesioners wi!.. .a M.-n. dry thy !A Asy of rye. tf5t. yt "t o^t-n-k " .M*"* d""T Hohewn (^ottnfy. Worth Carotin*, offer for **iy to y*. tb^r the tern*, of ,.id lodgment. *t the rowrt hwme door of Boheeon County to thy highest bhMor for e*oh. thy foRowing desrribed trset of hot! tying :nd being hn the fount? of Bo Townehht. hoanJett **? **y*'"*'* ** f*t!!o-^. to-wit: ..*" B"*_Sw*:nv Township on twth .My. of Hoy Hoy Breneh end on the woth .Me fo thy ha* Boed edhdne thy tenth of thy J W. Lyg. Wm. Jenkhw *4 .t*h. htthe nse of Hog My Bravtch hy a map!^ fapw gw#) th^ ha gmning txnmer of * itt eery trert eonreyed hy tf. T. Bdmnnd to Cetheriny Brttt. hy deed re roMed in Hotrh FfT. pegs 7t°Aobeeon Conn there n desrrfbed h * pert end runs front «nM Mnh. wMt the first tine of w.M it# aersy. youth !9 degree end H mhtutee went MM# rhein. to snhtmstehe hy e nine stump thy north seid of thy ion* Bond, thy eomor be tweyn the McIntyre end the Leggett estete; thynre as the s*M lone Bead north S2 t-t J***j^^ M taoeeured in a straight ** * * phse stump on the south '***, 1""* Btmd *hot^ H fast from the south whee! rut: thenee .long e new dividing ^e ". dey of March north :? 1-f wust IMd chains to * ytahc *? - *""h wwa r^oen . ^ort strawcd pine pointer: thence down the Rr.5z 3t^..s;,Ss PowcOs oomcr: thence north H 1-f west it.it r he ins to s stake by * poet eah end redoeh; thence direct to the beginning, containing M Th* th* * day of Worasatw Thar*. L. J. Britt. COWMiHMOWERR SALE Byrtrtaaofadarraoo# th,Ha**rior Const ** rsonCooaty, htan aation —t*Tt<f FARMER# COMWEECTAL BAKE !WC. a*. E. E ALLEN ET A!A. tb* ssna* twin* B. D No MAR th* ontirrsttmod Commissi***** nansod in saM dorrs* sriit nffrr far sat* ** pabH* oortion f*r cash to tha hinbost bisMaa t tb* court boos* Aw "f Eobsoon Cosnsty. at !! o'aioab awn Mi Orrrmbrr itst. HME. tb*foi!owin*)a!Mbt: TRACT BO. !. eosstaiain* S4.H a*ras. TRACT WO A. contain}** M a*r^. TRACT WO 7. coatahtia* Mb aoraa. A!! of *a*t* bain* shown an a ytat *f Hath 8*iith Earn*. ratordad in Ro boson C*** ty E**)atry. hi Bomb of Mays Wo. 4 at a**a !!, and contain)** a tot*) of )#* * This Novas* bas )7th. itM R A Mrintyrs. J B Bhfbnat ))12 t Thors. Commtssio Cotton Cottsm hadvEEdwgto AM* M*h !*v*b. !ttatao vahiiaM* t+ haM*t Etwa* aahoaayad agatwat fha aof daatag*. Caaa^ga yaw aattaa ta aa W* wH! ataha Hbara! ad*aaaaa ag^wtyawahvaatataaalhaM aa aatt, a* aaBsMa. SAVANNAH COTTON PACTOH AGB COMPANY Savaaaait, Ga. !AN. Stgg A THAR. * Furniture Before buying Furniture come in end tee our big line of popuiar priced— Dresser* and Washstands Oak and Iron Beds Springs and Mattresses Rockers Diners, Student s and Center Tables Kitchen Safes and Cupboards Rugs and Druggets Congoleum Daisy Chums Glassware and Crockery Rayo Lamps Express Wagons K. M. BIGGS j Elm Street Lumberton, N. C. i ' ' * ^ \ '< A fuH 20-Year Guarantee is ! Given Each Purchaser of at Never Rust A GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND BUT MANY SALES ARE BEING MADE EVERY WEEK. DID YOU GET YOURS? WE STAND SOLIDLY BEHIND THIS 20 YEAR GUARANTEE AND WE INSIST YOU GET Tim GUARANTEE WHEN YOU BUTT. "Make Cooking a Pleasure" Fine Furniture 33E3MH OK5atM== LUMBERTON FAIRMONT

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