K ROBEMtNIAN PaMtahe* Mn-day and Thansday AftMttaoa By THE ROBESONIAN. INC. * S!t A RPH . President *a— SUBSCRIPTION RATES: O** Year ..- - **<** St* Months . *00 Three Months . -- " Y—T. Hetirered hy carrier m Lata barton On. Year . M.40 St* Months .**. .. .60 Three Months OtBcc AVest Fifth Street Telephone No. 20. Entered os seoond class mail matter at the postotUce at l.umlM-rtOB. N. C. TUESDAY, MAY 20, 1^24. CH!5F JCSTiCE CLARK. *phe life ar.fi works of Chief Justice Waiter Ciark, who fc!! on sieep at his home in Raieigh yesterday, afford a striking exampic of what a man can accompiish if work is his passion and pastime. He kept everiastingiy at it. He was often startlingiy radical in Ms views for a judge, but he at least had the courage of his convictions and never hesitated to express his views. He was a lieutenant coioneii in the Confederate armies at the age of t7, the youngest man to at tain that high rank in either the Northern or the Southern armies, and he was reaious in preserving the his tory of North Carolina's paht in the struggle between the North and the South. He was admitted to the bar in 18(18, when he was 22 years old, was elected Superior court judge in 1835 !;Marhc a justice of the Su preme court in 1889, and served as chief justice since 1903. In editprial review of his life the Wilmington Star says: "During the last 25 years, though a very busy man on the state and supreme benches, Judge Clark labor ed incessantly as a student and au thor, having produced legal and his toric work which have given him a national reputation. During his va cations he did his studying and writ ing at his farm in Halifax county. He annotated the 'Code of Civil Pro cedure', which reached its third edi tion and made him known as a jurist in every state of the union. Among his other literary and legal work, he compiled and edited 'JNprth Carolina {Rate Rtcnrdg' (16 ycpumds); imMsb* ed between 1WM and 1*97. was the author of five volumes of Histories of North Carolina Regiments in the Civil War', and his immense labors t MRtRhKl reprints <% ad! W6M& CM* Hua Supreme Court Decisions' with - Annotations' (volumes 1 to- M4 inclu sive and edited the article 'Appeal hnd tlrror' in the Cyclopedia; uf. Lhw hud Procedure, and at tlMes contri buted to magazines and law journals numerous articles on legai and histo rical subjects. Chief Justice Clark is ranked among the state's greatest scholars, having translated from the original French (1895) 'Constant's Memories of Napoleon', published in three editions." " —O.—— TIME TO HEGISTER Don't fail to Me to it that you at;e properly registered so that you may vote for the candidates of your choice on June 7th. Of course every citizen should vote, and It is important not to neglect registering. If you have become of age since the last election, or have moved from one voting pre cinct into another, It is necessary "for you to register. It must be done r before the end of this week, as re gistration books close on the night of the 24th inst. "Don't spend $3,000 for an auto mobile and give fifty cents to the or phanage", said Rev. George Stephens at Use union tabernacle Sunday morn ing in commenting upon the fine ap pearance of children from the Metho dist orphanage at Raleigh. He said he does not like the word orphanage, but prefers to call such an institution a "home", and those children, he said, had the appearance of coming from a rcai home. In this connec tion he urged liberal support of such institutions and said that it did his heart good on the first Sunday in this month, "orphan's Sunday", to learn what a magnificent contribu tion was made for the orphanage of that church by the Sunday school of the First Baptist church. Maybe he does not know that that Sunday school has for years held the world's record for contributions for the sup port of orphans, and that, In fact, this is an "orphanage town," all the Ideal churches contributing with re markable liberality toward support of such institutions. His remarks about orphanages found responsive echo In the hearts of most of his hearers. Parkton Letter Tar Het! Negro Minstrels Pat on a Dandy Show and Ralae the Price of Soap Cleaning Up—Strawberry Crop Pine But Prices Off—Oat Crop Atno Fine—Persona!. By C. D. Williamson. Parkton. May 16—Notwithstanding the downpour of rain last night, there was a fair-sized house to enjoy the Tar Hee! negro minstrel at the cshf ol auditorium. Door receipts (60 which goes to famish the Masontc and K. of P. Lodge. If the weather had been good the house probably would not have held the people. It is useless to say the people enjoyed the entertainment, for the responses was thrilling. Wives were unable to recognize their own husbands, and if I were to say soap advanced 25 per cent, today in our town some one would make inquiry; but don't doubt. And yet we arc nof all cleansed yet. ' f Were I to state any star actor of the cast would not give the other fellow justice, but we must say Mr. Brown, the middle man, was all dressed up and on the job, while the three McMillan brothers were real artists, Mr. E. B. Daniel, No. 1 end man, was quite attractive. In short, ' DaLy Fadi.an ^ TWO MATS ARM A HAH that help to make a momma are i these. Above a Bangkok cioche shape of brown trims itself unique' iy with strips of uncurled ost^cl^ , and grosgrain ribbttn. Btatik Fre^d^, felt and white Canton ct^epe thake the iower hat with its long, pic turesque scant. The ha got biack sd4dn dAfMM d Mh< k ^nd,,^bttP. : Ww '^'hRy ja-) #ergroefB{^] button on its strap ' h - ' ^ ' a'! ' in .!. ^ NOTICE OF !)ISSOLUT^)Fi,/' ? t OF COnFAMNERSHIP. .... ...... 'taoeswsj .. Notice is hereby given thg$ co-partnership heretoforee^istmg^ betvtgen the ^undersigned,! under the firm, name of Battery Service'CoM pany, with its principal piece of {bus? iness in the Town of Lumbepton,' Robeson County, North CairoIin^,haa been dissoived by the mutual, con sent of the parties. Ai! the proper ty and assets of the firm have been sold and purchased by J. V. William son, and the said J. V. Williamson has assumed the payment of ai! obligations of the said co-partner ship. 'AH Accounts due the Battery Service Company wiii be paid to the said J. V. Williamson who will con duct the business under the name of the Battery Service Company. A. H. MCLEOD H. M. MCALLISTER J. V. WILLIAMSON Witness: R. McA. Nixon! 5-9-4 Thurs NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Robeson County, made in the special proceed ing entitled Susan Ivey and others vs. Rasa Lee Parker and others, the same being No. 4661 upon the spe cial proieeding docket of said court, the under signed commissioner wi'l, on Monday, the 2, day of June 3924 at 12, o'clock noon, at the court house door of Robeson County, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following tracts of land lying and being in the county of Hobeson tand in Orrum Township, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: First Tract: Adjoining the lands of B. L. Sutton, and Butters Lumber Company. Begins at a stake, the : corner of the Sterling 200 acre sur vey, and runs Parker's line south 60 west 22 chains to a stake by a light wood tree thence south 26 chains to a stake in a bay in the Ashley 820 acre survey; thence that line north 50 east C6 chains; thence west 33 chains to the beginning, containing S9 acres, more or less. , Second Tract: Adjoining the linda of the Butters Lumber Company and ' B. L. Sutton. Begins at the north west comer of a 50 acre tract be ' Paging to B. L. Sutton, and runs that line south 18 east 31 chains; thence north 62 east 5 chains; thence east 7.27 chains; thence north 2 east 25,75 chains to B. L. Sutton's line of the tract he lives on, and with line of that tract north 88 west 24 chains to the beginning, containing 50 acres, more or less. This the 1st day of May 1924. 5-9-4 Thrs. E. J. Britt, Commissioner. it's an aii-round show. Wo art sorry to state that littb Mbs Eva CkmpbeH, who has bean quite sick for severs! weeks, or since Easter, is no better, but gradually growing weaker. The rain of yesterday and bat night has he!d up farm work, on!y picking and shipping strawberries. The strawberry crop is fine, but the prices are off, this season to what they were a year ago. The Irish po tato crop in this section is fine. The outiook for a bumper crop is predic ted. A iso the oat crop is fine. Mr. Ciuad Jenfigan, who has been sick since today week, is abie to be out some today. Mrs A. M. Stubbs, who has been jsiek a week or more, remains about the same. We trust she may soon be weii again. Mrs. Ang Jenrigan of Fayetteville has been with her moth er, Mrs. Stubbs, since Tuesday. Typhoid and Diphtheria Vaccination Dates. Dr. E. R. Hardin, county heaith officer, wiH be at the following places on the dates given below to vaccinate for typhoid fever and diph theria: Thursday 10 a -m., Fairmont ,traded school; Friday 9 a. m., Lum '<uton graded schooi; Friday 11:30 a. m., St. Paul graded schooi. Announcements. FOR ROAD SUPERVISOR I hereby announce thyself a candi date lor Road Supervisor of Fair mont township; subject^ to the action pf the Democratic i*rih)ary June 7th, 1924! Fairmont. ' R. L. OWENS FOR ROAD SUPERVISOR I hereby 'announce myseif a can didate for re-nomination of Road Su pervisor of Thompson township, sub ject to the action of the Democratic Primary June 7th, 1924. I will ap preciate the efforts and support of my friends. J. V. FAULK FOR ROAD SUPERVISOR I hereby announce myself a can didate for Road Supervisor of Fair mont township, subject to the action of the Democratic primary June 7th 1924. AH support will be appreciat ji^i^aon^'^t,'^. ' 'V! A. LEE FOR RECORDER *!l ,hereby irhybeif a candi date fob rccoruer of Rowland district spiVbcl' ^ '' df the Demo ctpiib yd .3 it Fo# RhnR'CunmnbMiansr. ^ j^th^n^ W&If a camH dw^ rho^jpatihh' hsboad eommis $ioner of--Dj$tyict No. 1, subject to the actipa pi the Democratic mairy June 7th, 1924. n ^ t i EH BRITT. Pri FOR ROAD SUPERVISOR. I hereby announce myseif a can didate for road supervisor of Fair mont township subject to the action of the Democratic primary June 7th. AH support will be appreciated. Ciaude Smith FOR RECORDER I hereby announoe myseif a candi ate for Recorder for Lumberton dis trict subject to the action of the Democratic primary June 7th.; C. B. HOCUTT FOR ROAD SUPERVISOR I hereby announce myself a candi date for Road Supervisor of Thomp son township, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary June 7th 1924. - < , . Eirod, N. C. W. A. McRae FOR ROAD COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-nomination as road com missioner of District No. 5, St. Paul, Parkton, Rennert and Saddle Tree townships, subject to the action of the Democratic primary June 7th, 1921. G. T. Fisher 9t. Paul, N. C. FOR ROAD COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-nomination as road com missioner of District No. 1, subject to the action of the Democratic pri mary June 7th, 1924. W. L THOMPSON. FOR ROAD SUPERVISOR I hereby anounce myself a candi date for re-nomination of road super visor of Rennert township, subject to the cation of the Democratic primary June 7th, 1924. S.F.TOLAR. FOR ROAD SUPERVISOR I hereby announce myself a candi date for road supervisor of Fair mont township subject to the action ! of the Democratic primary June 7. J. WILBUR JONES. ....... FOR ROAD SUPERVISOR I hereby Announce myself a candi date for re-nomination of Road Su pervisor of Lumberton township sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary June 7th—J wil! appreciate I the efforts and support of my friends. OLIVER F. NANCE FOR RECORDER. At the request of my many friends I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Recorder of the Lumber ton district, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary of June 7th, 1924. Your support wiH be appreci ] ated. Every one will receive justice from me should I be elected A Lifelong Democrat. S. S. SMALL. FOR RECORDER / I hereby announce myself a can didate for Recorder of Fairmont die- i trict subject to the action of the Democratic primary June 7th. E. W FLOYD SOLICITOR RECORDER'S COURl! I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of solicitor of re-, corder's court of St. Paul district, subject to the action of the Demo cratic primary June 7th. St. Paul, N. C. J. THOMAS PAGE FOR ROAD SUPERVISOR I hereby announce my candidacy for re-nomination for the office of Road Supervisor for St. Pauls Town ship, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary June the 7th. E. J. DEAN, St. Pauis, N. C. , FOR ROAD SUPERVISOR. I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election as road supervi sor of Rowland township, subject to the action of the Democratic pri mary, June 7th. R.P.DOVE. R St PAUL DISTRICT. I hereby announce my candidacy for recorder of St. Paui district sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary June 7th. St. Paui, N. C. JOHN D. CANADY RECORDER ROWLAND DISTRICT I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-nomination for the office of Recorder of the Rowiand District, subject to the action of the Demo crat^ Primary. D. W. BULLOCK. FOR ROAD SUPERVISOR - ! I hereby announce myself a candi-; date for road supervisor of Wisharts township subject to the action of the Democratic primary Jpne 7th. AH j Support wiif be appreciated. I C. O. TARLTON _u- '< f ' FOR RECORDER I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Recorder of th6 St. Paul district, subject to the action of the Democratic primary Jane 7th. I will greatly appreciate any support given me. T. L. CRUMP, St. Paul, N. C. FOR ROAD SUPERVISOR At the solicitation of a number of my friends, I am announcing myself a candidate for the position of Road Supervisor for Fairmont township, subject to the wiH of the voters in approaching Democratic primary. I have had considerable experience in road maintenance by working upon one of the State highways. If elect ed to this responsible position, I will endeavor to perform the duties per taining to same in an efficient and satisfactory manner. Your support will be appreciated. C. B. JOHNSON, Fairmont, N. C. FOR LEGISLATURE I hereby announce myself a candi date for nomination as a member of the Legislature ^from Robeson coun ty, subject to the Democratic pri mary June 7, 1924. CLAYTON ROSS Parkton, R. 1. FOR ROAD SUPERVISOR I hereby announce that I am a i candidate for Road Supervisor of I Fairmont township, subject to the ! action of Democratic Primary June '7th. J. W. ASHLEY. NOTICE I hereby announce my candidacy for re-nomination for the office of Recorder of MaxtOn District. Sub ject to the action of the Democratic Primary in June. R. M. WILLIAMS. FOR ROAD SUPERVISOR. I hereby announce that I am a can didate for the office of Road Super visor of Lamberton Township, sub ject to the action of the Democratic Primary June 7. GEORGE G EDWARDS. FOR ROAD SUPERVISOR I hereby announce myself a candi date for road supervisor of Howells ville township, subject to the action of the Democratic primary June 7th. J. SPURGEON POWERS FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Sheriff of Rob eson county, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary June 7, 1924. LEVIJ.PERRY. FOR RECORDER. I hereby announce myself a candi date Am Judge of Recorders Court for the Lnunhertou district subject to the Democratic Primary to be held June the 7th. Will appreciate year support and promise a square and impartia) deal. P. S. KORNEGAY. FOR ROAD SUPERVISOR ! hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election as supervisor of roads of Wisharts Township, subject to the action of the Democratic pri mary. I wish to thank my many friends for their favors in the past and wiii appreciate their support in the future. T. P. MONROE. FOR ROAD SUPERVISOR. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the position of Township Road Supervisor of Wisharts Town ship, subject to the Democratic Primary. Primary. Your support will be appre ciated. E.CLYDE WADE. ROAD SUPERVISOR I herejpr announce myseif a can didate for Read Supervisor of How eilsviiie Township, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic Primary June 7, 1924. IRA A. M'WHITE. FOR RECORDER I hereby nnnoun.'j; mysctf a candi date far Recorder of Fairmont Dis trict subject to the action of the Democratic Primary Tune 7th. A. S. THOMPSON Fairmont, Apr. 13. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Sheriff of Robeson County, subject to the Action of the Democratic primary June 7th B. FRANK McWtT,I,AN Jr. ROAD SUPERVISOR. I hereby anounce my candidacy f)r re-election as road supervisor of Pembroke Township, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. Your support wdl be appreciated. Yours truly, OAKLEY MCMILLAN FOR LEGISLATURE. I hereby announce my candidacy I for re-nominatibh < as a member of iower House of Genera! Assembly of North Carolina from Robeson County subject to the action of the ) Democratic primary Jpne 7 th,'1324. Assuring you of my appreciation of past favors and thanking ydu for! your stipport f beg to be- < i -,. ' ' ' Yotrd k*eiY'ti*Uly,); t ' ^ * COLLIER COBB. Parkton, N. Ci. Aipril B 1924, , FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself a candi date for county commissioner from district number four, for 4' second term, subject tp the action Of the Democratic primary to be held June! 7th. ' W. J- COUNCIL, Red Springs FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of County Com missioner from District N. 2, Robe son county, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary on the 7th day of June, 1924. I shall appreciate the influence and support of my friends. This the 9th day of April, 1924. R. F. STUART. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I take this method to Announce that I ani a candidate for the office of County Commissioner for tha district in which Lumbefton is located, sub ject to the actibn; of the Democratic primary June 7th. Your support is earnestly soloeited ) , * W.GERALD PITTMAN FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. j I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-nomination for county commissioner from District N. 1. of Robeson county subject to the action of the Democratic primary June Tth C, B. TOWNSEND. FOR COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of County Com missioner of Robeson County from the * District No. 2, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary June 7th. J. W. BURNS. Gaddy Township, Fairmont R F. D. FOR STATE SENATE. ' I hereby announce that I will be a candidate for the State Senate from Robeson County in the Demo cratic primary to be heid on the 7ttr day of June, 1924. This the 22nd day of March, 1924. T. L. JOHNSON. FOR LEGISLATURE I hereby announce my candidacy for re-nomination as a member of the Legislature from Robeson coun ty, subject to the Democratic pri mary June 7th, 1924. D. P. MCKINNON. FOR RECORDER . I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-nomination for Recorder of St. Pauls district, subject to the action of the Democratic primary, June 7th MARCUS SMITH. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Register of Deeds of Robeson county. Subject to the action of the Democratic Primary Jane 7th. BENJ. T. BLAKE. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. I hereby announce for re-nomina! tion for the office of Register of Deeds of Robeson County, subject to the Democratic Primary. Assaying you Of my appreciation of a)] past fa vors and will thank you for your sup-i port, I am, ** t Yours very truiiy, ' MARCUS W. FLOYD For Recorder Fairmont District. I hereby announce myself a candid date for Recorder of Fairtfmdt dis trict subject to the action of the Democratic primary June 7th. V. W. KEITH. pup SOLICITOR OF s. RECORDERS COURT. Hereby annoance my candidacy for ^-nomination for the office of Solicitor of the Recorder's Court, I^mberton District, subject to the Democratic voters id , the approaching June Primary. Youth very truly, F. ERTEL CARLYLE. hi -,'-. ... FOR RECORDER I hereby announce myself a can 'ilithKe for Recorder of Lumberton district subject to the action of the i &ehmcratic primary Jhne 7. W. R. IVEY. FOR LEGISLATURE , I hereby announce myseif a can . dilate for. nomination as a member of the Legislature from Robeson county, subject to the action of the ' Democratic primary, June 7th. F. C. JONES. ' Fairmont, N. C. t.... - . . . CEO. L. GRANTHAM INSURANCE OF EVER^T DESCRIPTION REAL ESTATE SURETY BONDS DEPENDABLE SERVICE Rooms 1 and 2 Junes Bldtr. FAIRMONT, N. C. A. E. Thompson John W. WiHiims THOMPSON and WILLLAMS PIREUFE fNSURANCE, REAL ESTATE In Life Insurance—Buy the best and I'py Le^s. The Union Cen tra! IJfe Insnranee Co, offers very attraetivopoHcies. TME HOME INSURANCE CO.- FAIUM UEUAKTMBNT. Fairmont, "Sure—In—-Sure" .. *"' CHRYSLER AND MAXWELL SERVICE WeMing anJ W.tk. / BATTERY SERVKE CO. Fifth Str«t .[ .. . , Ph"")t HUDSON AND HUPMOBtLE SERVICE , !, ! Repair Shop and Sa!ea Roonta i West Fourth Street. Tetcphone 1M TOWNSEND MOTOR CO. OAKLAND SALES AND SERVICE AH kinds Auto Repairing And OverhauHng. (tRSoiine, Oils and Greases. BULLARD AND FREEMAN Third and Chestnut Streets Phone 204. LISTEN. ! 0 per cent, of on all Commencement Gifts up to June 20th. Come to see me. A. J. HOLMES, Jeweler, — SALES AND SERVICE DODGE EROS. CARS, NASH TRUCKS. HUGH A BARNES fourth Street. Phone 374 KINDS FRESH MEATSJpF At itH times. F<!! tir.it.$t,Freth.Fah Aimy*. T^cy CAIN & BULLARD Phone 313 "Quick Delivery' Chestnut St. We call for and deliver all articles of Clothing LUMBERTON PRESSING CLUB "Tailoring—Snita Made To Order." Moved to Fourth Steel; near Western Union Cleaning, Pressing, AMKth Dry: Cleaning. Repairing and Altering. Ladies Work a Specialty. AlLwprk guaranteed satisfactory. EDDIE L. McNEILL, Prop^L^aberton, N. C. Phone 94 CHEVROLET * FIRST - Lumberton Motor Car Cotnpany , West Fifth Street. Ph^e-M. ^ STUDEBAKER ANQ OVERLAND Service and Salea—Expert MJ B # *Xt Lowe—Lumb#tpn-South Elm i...... 209 and 2602 PLUMBING AND EXPERT REPAHONG "We Give Service. Let yp aeiva year heat ted Water FrohMtna. GEO. B. K^K^IAN Cheatnwtatreet. PhaUe MR EXiDE B. haryin?, RepfHrih^r and Service and Satiafactien Gua MIKE HERRING Third and Chestnut Streeta

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