HEALTH AND MYHIENE i E. R. Hardin, Health Officer. Rcdwson county with its enormous awa. vast rtarmtceis ami three races of people is almost an empire in it seif .In 1^23, 16-1? children were lmrn in Robeson county. In M22 there wera 504 deatlrs from a!i causes in Hebe* sen county. The same year there were 203 deaths in chiidren under five years oM .excluding still births; and 13d deaths in chiidren under 1 year< o!d exclusive of still births. Thus wc c-ee that the infant mortality is h'gh, and constitutes a very large per' cent of.the iota! death rate. This is due largely to a inch of knowledge on the pari of many of our people, of even the elementary requirements of the pregnant mother, and the young baby. In other words, they need a broad general knowledge of how ^to take care of the pregnant mothers and young babies, especially the artifi cially fed babies. How are the pa _ touts, for instance, who employ the 13(1 ignorant mid wives in the county, to obtain the knowledge? Certainly not through the midwives. The mid ^wives have done nothing to reduce the maternal and infant mortality in a! the hundreds of years they, have been operating ,so we need ex