THE WEATHER *NCREAS!NG CLOUMNESP 8UGHTLY WARMER TUESDAY THE ROBESONTAN EMIHT PAGES TODAY. VOL LV —VOL NO. 88 —SERI AL NO 38. LUMBERTON, N- C., MONDAY. DEC!(MBER, 15, 1924. COUMTST COD AWD TKOTH. KSTAMJimaD iT!.. MUCH fTYB CSMTT* MOfParentsam! Stricter Home NsopMne Needed Speakers at Meeting of P. T. A. Urge Better Co-operation of Parents Wtth teachers—Large Cmwd At tended. SPLENDID TROGRAM GIVEN A crowd which fiiied all but a few scattering seats in the new high school auditorium attended the meet ing of the Parent-Teachers associa tion Friday evening and enjoyed an exceptionally fine program. A cho rus by high school pupils and short Walks by Supt. W. B. Crumpton and Mr K. C. Lawrence were followed by pre sentation of that dear Tom Thumb circus by pupilg of the primary grades of the graded school. Ti at circus took the large audience by storm. Everybody was delighted with it and went away loud in praises of the excellent training the children had received in order to give such a superlatively good entertainment. Quite a lengthy report in detail of this performance was given in The Robe sonian several weeks ago when it was first presented, so no further report will be attempted here, except to say that those whg had been led by that report to expect something particu larly good were in no wise disappoint ed. Supt. Crumpton appealed for more sympathetic co-operation on the part of the parents with the teachers in making the school a success. Teach ers are handicapped, he said, when they have not the fuil, free and hearty cooperation of the patrons of the school. Too often parents blame tie teachers for lack f advancement on the part of their children when they do not know where their child ren are at night. He wants the closest possible contact of the parents with the school. Mr. Lawrence stressed the failure of parents to keep in close touch with the school and the break ing down in so many instances of home discipline. This he regards as alarming. He made an earnest plea for stricter discipline in the homes and promised to discuss the matter more at length at the next meeting, which he hoped would be well attend ed by parents and teachers. There is tod much of a disposition, he declar ed, to tlink that because fine build ings have been provided no further responsibility rests upon the parents. Mr. 0. O. Dukes, vice president of the association, was in charge of the meeting in the absence of the presi dent, Mrs. T. L. Johnson. Many mem bership cards were signed by parents. WHISKEY STILL AND TWO MEN CAPTURED BY NEW OFFICERS. Sheriff McMillan and Deputies Make Raid in Britt's Township—2 Gal lons Whiskey and 60 Gallons Beer Found. Sheriff B- F McMi.lan, Deputy W. C. Britt and Rural Policemen Melton Ivey and Mark Page made a success ful raid Friday afternoon in Britt's township, capturing a 40-gallon semi copper still, 2 gallons of whiskey, 60 gallons of beer and arrested French Wilcox and Rhodes Pittman, both white men. Pittman was released on $1,000 * bond and Wilco^c on $100. The whisk ey was found .on Pitman's place, near tile still, and Wilcox was seen com iA^' from the still. "7,ft*'".._ DUCK HUNTERS BRING HOME PROOF OF OOO!) LUCK IN CURRITUCK. Some 200 Duck and 10 Geese Kilted by Local Sportsmen—Returned Thursday Night Rev. T. McM. Grant, Dr. T. C. Johnsbn, Messrs. G. B. Kirkman, J. L. Stepheng M. A. Gedd:e, J. W. Griffin and W. W. Davis returned Thursday night from Jarvisburg, Currituck county, where they spent several days duck hunting. A glance at the some 200 ducks, and 10 geese, killed by ti em, which were on display early Friday morning in Mr. Kirk man's place of business on Chestnut street caused many other local sports men to ask when they could go to the this happy hunting ground. It was a sight rairely seen in LunTberton or this section oi' the state. In the first report of the hunting trip Mr. W. W. Davis' name was in advertently omitted from the list. WHtcville Men Make Bonds. Audrey Crowell and H. D. Kelly han of WhiteviMc were released from jail 1 ere last night on bonds of $500 and $100 respectively for their ap pearance before Recorder A. S. Thompson in Fairmont for an alleged violation of the liquor laws. _ Box Supper at Laurel Institute. A box supper will be given at Lau rei institute, near Buie, Friday night of this week. Proceeds wiii go for the benefit of the school. J. R. Lowrey is principal. ! Thompson Memorial Hospital Chartered Meeting of Stockholders Wii! be Held in n Few Days—Stiii Soiiciting Subscriptions. Charter for the Thompson Memor iai hospital was fi}ed in the office of the Robeson clerk of the court Satur day by Mr. J. D. McLean. The chart er, issued last week, gives authorized capitpl stock as $100,000 with $10, 500 paid in by Mrs. Kate Thompson, K. M. Barnes and J. Dixon McLean. Stock to the amount of $50,000 has been subscribed by about 150 people. Stock subscriptions are still being taken. Notices of the first meeting of stockholders probably will be mailed : tomorrow. HOW Dm THEY GET THAT WAY? I "Flashes of The Great White Way" Seems to Have Tut Heads in a Whir!—How Some Lumberton Men Took Short Cut Home. } "Fiashes of the Great White Way," a somewhat naughty p!ay which was put on in several neighboring towns iast week, seems to have gone strangeiy to the heads of some Lum berton young men who saw it in^Ben nettsviHe, Saturday night. Leaving Benaet^viRe after the show young men decided to come home by a different route. They thought they would come back by way of Clio. They saw a sign indicating that that was the way to Clio, so they stepped on the gas, or at least one of them did, and rolled along. After rolling merrily along for 40 minutes and thinking they must be at least half iyay home, they saw the lights of a city. Presently they struck payed streets and street lights. Surely, they thought, Clio had grown considerable since last they passed that way. It was wonderful, they thought, how quickly these small towns get dolled up and put on city ways. Either that, or they had gone further than they thought and on a different route from what they intended, and were nearing home. But lo and behold, presently things began to assume a familiar aspect and they realized with a jolt, in a sort of dazed way, that they were rid ing back into Bennettsville, the town from which they started 40 minutes before. How do they get that way after seeing "Flashes of the Great White Way?" WHITE MAN GIVING RED SPRINGS AS HOME IN TOILS OF LAW. Violations of Liquor Law and Non Payment of Board Bill Are the Charges. J. T. Faucette white man giving his home as Red Spring^, was arrest ed Saturday night by local officers, who charged that he was drunk, driv ing a car while under the influence of intoxicating liquors, and transport ing. Faucette was driving a new Ford sedan when arrested and a half-gal lon of whiskey was found in the car by the officers. Sheriff McMillan re ceived a warrant-this morning from Mrs. J. B. Rogers of Whiteville, charging Faucette with failure to pay for board and lodging. MRS. JANIE SMITH Aged Mtther of Mrs. Aif II. McLeod Died Last Evening at Shannon— Funerai This Afternoon. ^TheTh^idral of Mrs. Jdnie'Smith, who' died yesterday at 6 p. m. At her home hear Shannon, was ponducted from the home this afternoon at 2 o'clock by Rev. Dr. Chas. H. Durham of Lumberton. The infirmities of oid age was the cause of death, she being 82 years oid. She i ad been at death's door for several weeks, graduaiiy growing weaker tiii the end came. Deceased was the mother of Mrs. Aif. H. McLeod of Lumberton. Sur viving are two other daughters be sides Mrs. McLeod, the daughter with whom she made her home and a Mrs. Downing of Fayetteviiie. Fire Near Oii Miii. Fire at midnightlast night destroy ed the frame dweiiing house near the Robeson Manufacturing Co. belong ing to Mary Harper, colored, entail ing a loss of several hundred dollars. The origin of the fire is undeter mined. On account of the location it, was impossible for the local fire le-! nartment to be of much assistance,' though a line o hose wag laid from tl e oil mill tank ^tnd the flames were partly subdued . Recorder's Court. Recorder P. S. Kornegay's court held a busy session this morning, a large number of cases on docket and a large number of people present. Mr. J. B. A^Mey of Fairmont was among the visitor^ in town today. Mr. Daniei McLean of R. 3 from Maxton was a Lumberton visitor this morning. Christina* Stockings For Patients At Otecn Send Contributions to Mrs. Jno. S. McNeil! by Thursday cf This Week. The following is taken from a letter to Mrs. Jno. S. McNeill, president of < the Lumberton Woman's club, from tl e chairman of the Federated Clubs ! committee that has the matter in j charge: "The Federated Clubs of North : Carolina are asked to supply 1,500 filled Christmas stockings to patients at Oteen. These boys are struggling hard to win in ti eir fight against ! tuberculosis. Will you not help to keep their spiritg up, by remember ing them at the Christmas season ? Do not let them feel neglected or that what they have done has been forgot ten. "It is our aim to make the Christ mas stockings the destinctive work of the club women, therefore I ask you! to adhere to the following directions: "Make the stockings of .mosquitto net, red of course preferred, allow for good generous seams. Be sure to put in the toe of each stocking the name and address of the club or person sending same. Do not put in any can dy, unless wrapped in oiled paper, and po fruit o any kind. You may put j pats, raisins, cigarettes chewing gum, games and small gifts of any kind." ! All contributions should be sent to : Mrs. McNeill not later than Thurs-; day of this week and site will ship ! them. _ . i Lumber Bridge News Recital Thursday Night and Sunbeam Pageant Friday Night—Mrs. Mar tha Cobh's Mother Passes. By Mrs. U.IT. Ammons Lumber Bridge, Dec. 14—Please al low us to correct the error in iast week's news in regard to Miss Mar icy's recital. It will be on Thursday ' night, Dec. 18th, instead of Friday. ! We were sorry to learn of the death ! of Mrs. Dearen of Apex, mother of j Mrs. Martha Cobb and Mr. G. R Dearen of Lumber Bridge. The fami ly has our sincere sympathy in the loss of ti e dearest member. The Sunbeam band wiil give a pa geant in the church next Friday night, Dec. 19th. Everybody is invited to come. RED CROSS SEALS DRIVE WENT OVER BIG SATURDAY MORN'NG _ Another Drive Tomorrow Afternoon— Tubercular Ward at New County Home Will Receive Benefit From Sale of Seals ip Robeson. T! e drive put on Saturday morning in the business district by the iocal; chaper of the Red Cross for the sale of Christmas seals was an ovcrwhelm ingsucccss, $72 worth of seals being! sold in a si ort time. Committees wilt canvass the re maining part of town tomorrow af-! ternoon between 3:30 and 5:30, at' which time everybody will be asked ; to buy stamps to help the suffering tuberculars. Lumberton and Robeson j county should buy more stamps than ever this year as ti e work can be done more effectively qt home this year since the new county home will have a tubercuiar ward, and these pa- i t.ients will get a benefit from tire saiei of seals in ti e county . LBAMNG LAjOY IN "WHITE I CARGO" KNOWN IN LGMBEItTON - n ,-t; m S^e Ww a/ Student at Flora Maedqn a)d CpHege Few Years Ago—Wit! Piay In Bennettsvdte Tuesday Night and Hamiet Wednesday Night. Miss Heien Stransky, icading Ia