Italy Celebrates New Cable This picturesque oM itail witnessed ceremony for new telephone cable; Mussolini is at ieft Of the Papal representative, Monsignor Merrisi. i ;* With the compiction .of an under ground telephone cab!e}founecting Mi lan, Turin and Genoa;-tftaly has taken -the first important step- in the provision of a comprehensive, ,-interarban tele phone network which wifi link many of her chief cities in a system having high transmission standards. The complete plan. of "'which this is the initial project, will provide an ulti mate uninterrupted telapltyHe cable line reaching from Turin to'Ehlo&na, Flor ence. Rome and Naples, with branches reaching Milan. Genoa, Venice and Leg horn. The effect of sogh ft communi cation system is certain Ho be far . reaching. ' This comprehensive project was au ) thofired by law in March , tQ!3, hut. fargely because of the yy%,, construction could not he undertaken until December. !92a, when the Milan."Turin, Genoa pable was started. The,course of this cable has the form of a large "Y" with 'the junction point of the three branches i at San Giuhano. Provision is made at j Castcggio for t!tc connection of a fu ture eab!e for Uoiogua. Ilorcnce am! ; Xaplcs. Ttierc will a!so be links be- . tween Dotogna and Venice afid between I Itorence and Leghorn. The cabie which has -just been com p!eted was supphed by the Socirta ita!- ! iaua Reti Telefoniciie Interurbane, an Itatian company associated with the . Internationa! Western Electric Com pany. The cab!e conforms in a!! re spects to the requirements of modern te!cphone practice. A state celebration in a picturesque o!d hat! in Caste!! ) Sforzesco marked the inauguration of service over tlte cab!e. Prcnier Mussolini talked to the mayors of Turin and Genoa, the dis tinguished guests listening over auxil iary receivers connected to the cable. Among the witnesses of the ceremony was Mortsignor Merrizi, representing j the Vatican. Buie News Batch Heavy Rains Have Maitg jSsme Rond* Impassable—Passenger Trains Us. ing New Track—Personal By W. H. M. Brown, Buies, January 3.—Ow!n? to the recent heavy rains, soma of the roads through this community have become impassible, detours having to be made. Much road work has been done through this section the past few months, and where the roads have been recientty plowed up'is where th< moat of the trouble is. * „ The recent death of ex<Sheriff Hal! discussion over the size of that uni friends. He was widely known and a man who gained and kept friends. Miss Edith McLeod of Rockingham and Mrs. Holderfteld wnd Children of Petersburg, Va . wcrc holiday guests of their parents Mr. hpd Mrs. A. C. McLaod. Miss Francis Melvin of Fayette ville, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Melvin, spent several daM#,diere this week ut^h J^^rsndpAr^s^. Mr.^and ahd#"I Humphrey of the Philadelphus com munity were visitors here Friday. For the past few days passenger trains have been using the new track. Only freight trains had been using It since the completion of same some time ago. $15,000 Itn Prizes ---- mV-. -- A! Mich!cr, President of the Na tional Horse Shoe Pitching Ass'n., has raised $15,000 ity tash prizes for the National mo^y at Lake Worth, Florida, J'e^ry 16th 1-Tutfs PiHs Enable Dyspeptics to eat whatever they wish. Cause foot) to assimilate. Nourish the body, give appetite. DEVELOP FMSSH LIBERTY. Thbce cheers for dear old Liberty! ! Although misfortune came To rob us of our buiidihg, We're Liberty just the same. How dear o!d Liberty was to us In the happy days of yore, And stiii through its adversity^ We iove it aii the more. ) "You cannot keep a good thing down" How oft the expression used. And stiii. fuii strong. Liberty's here, For aii it's been abused. 'Tis a boon for the country, A Messing from on high; Our ioyaity to it grows not dim, Nor ever shaii it die. i heard somebody say one day, "Wei', Liberty schooi is gone. "No, sir," I cried, " 'tis here as staunch as ever, And quite abie to stand aione." We arc not iawiessness people. Nay TH ugh iawiessness be done us, We wouid that justice have ful! sway, Apct r%!it %r^aii-among us. - ObtaRg? yon Honw-#in"corner-^one. As bright and pure as ever. Though eager fianies swept 'round it, They failed the stone to sever. From its homc-waiis where first 'twas placed To guard its iittic treasures, Thus staunch and true and pure it stands To perform these dutifu! measures. ^ And thus may dear oid Liberty, With the aid <f invaluable friends, Stand true to the precious cause in! view, And tine wili make amends. Let's just have faith and haii with joy The neir-by time to come, When Liberty shaii have again Another nice new home. By VINCIE HAYES, a student of Liberty high schooi, (the budding of which was destroyed recentiy by fire of incendiary origin.) It's tima to prune and spta^ now.! Prune the trees tightly Avith.a view to thinning properiy instead of cut ting back heaviiy. is the proper way to handie the appie trees. )TCH!NG, SORE BLtSTERED FEET ARE CUREO'BY UCARBO REUEVES AT ONCE SOLO 6*. Ai!L ORUGGtSrS SOLD BY J. D. McMILLAN & SON! ACeadTIdag DONT MBS!T Send your name and addreea plain ly written, together with & centa (and thia aHp) to Chamberlain Medicine Co., Dee Moinee, Iowa, and receive in retnm a trial package containing CHAMBERLAHCS COUGH REM EDY for coagha, coMa. croop, bron chial, "Ha" and whooping coagha, and tickling throat; CHAMBER LAIN S TABLET8 for atomach tron blea, indigeation, gaaay paina that crowd the heart, Mlionaness and con atipation; also CHAMBERLAIN S SALVE, needed in every family for bo me, acalda, wonnda, pilea and akin aRectiona; theae valned family medi cinea for only 5 centa. Don't miaa it. NORTH CAROLINA'S RANK IN CROP PRODUCTION Many readers will be surprised to learn that North Carolina's principal crop, so far as acregae is concerned is corn. This occupies sene third of our total cultivated acreage. Last year's production of 41,511,000 lush els of corn shows a decrease of 25 per cent from 1923, giving us a rank of 17th among the States, at an average of 18 bushels per acre. Cotton has shnwn a decline of 25 percent from 1923 with a prospective production of 765,000 hales. Thus we dropped from 2nd 1923 to 7th in pro. duction last year, while the entire belt has shown an increase of 30 percent last year. The wheat crop was usually good, hut the acreage was considerably re duced. Last year's 5,544,000 bushels production gives us a rank of 20th, with an average yield of 12 bushels per acre. The average price is given at $1.60 to farmers. The oat crop planted was increased over the previous year, but due to the severe winter and spring* weather,' heavy abandonment occurred. The crop., estimate of 4.644,000 busheis, averaging 18 bushels to the acre, shows a decrease of 30 percent and indicates a rank of 27th amoung the States in production. ^ It will be a surprise to many to learn that barley is becoming quite popular in the western Piedmont counties. Very satisfactory yields are being made and it is proving highly satisfactory in surplanting oats for stock feed. Large incerascs in acreage have occurred in the iast t! ree years. The sweet potato crop was general ly unsatisfactory throughout the South las year. North Carolina's 10,500,000 bushels in 1923 gave us a rank of 3rd, while a 12 percent less production last year gives us dis tinctly 1st rank. The yield per acre was only 92 bushels. Perhaps our hay crop, which is so essentia! to all farmers, is the most neglected and accounts for our sloth fulness in livestock production. Last year's 829,000 tons production shows a decrease of about 23 percent from the 1923 crop. The average goes be low 1 ton per acre. Over the nation at large the production was increased 6 percent. We Continue to hold our rank of 2nd in tobacco inspite of a 32 percent decrease inproduction for 1923. Kentucky comes first and Virginia third, with one-half of our production. Our crop this year is 278,320,000 pound:-, at- an average of 560 pounds per acre. The average price wlil pro bably be -over 25 cents. The acreage last year was greatly reduced. While we have ranked 1st in pea nut production both in 1923 and last year, the production of 152,945,000 pounds shows a great reduction.— Cooperative Crop Reporting Service, Raleigh. ^ , NEARLY 2,000 LIVES LOST IN TORNADOES Washington. Jan. 2.—Tornadoes in the United States during the eight years ending with 1923 caused the mss of lives and the destruction of more than $62,000,000 worth of property. These figures were re ported in a paper prepared for the sessions tof the American Meteor?* logical Society today by H. C. Hunter ot the United States Weather Bu reau.4* ^ May Be Mrs. Dempsey . f^2.?.*fTIS3 ' jj Estelle Taylor, of Phi!*., whose application. for divorce from her } banking husband has been ap proved. Her engagement to Cham pion Jack Dempsfcy had virtually been acknowledged when it became known she was already wed. GOOD MEAT! That ) the kina we eeu- Hee M for Beef, ail kind* Pork. Ban eage, Liver, etc Higheet market prioee paid for (food beef cattle. A. H.HNHHF MARKET Phone 53. Ltuaberton. H. 0, WIDE RANGE OF THEORIES DISCUSSED BY SCIENTISTS Range from Sine wf Universe Down to PropeMIng nr "Gliding" Power of the Lowiy Ineect. Scientific papers embracing thco-' rice on the size of the universe on down to thg propeMing or "gliding" power of the iow!y insect found their way into further arguments before the annua! convocation of the Amer ican Association for the Advanee mnnt of Science in Washington !ast week, states a press dispatch. A paper hy Professor H. N. Rus set!, of Princeton, provoked a !ive!y discussion over the size of the uni-! vore. Disciples of Einstein upheid the infiniate theory, white severs!; others contended the universe to be) !imit!ess. Insects as Aviators. That insects are the champion avia tors in the "glider" class was the con. tention of Dr. E. P. Felt, State en tomologist of New York, who said that with iittle motive power of their own, many species of insects are abic to take and hold the air for hours or days covering in their flights dis tances as great as several hundred miles. Professor Russeli told of the de velopment of a star from huge mass es of relatively low temperature and density to incandescent spheres of a temperature of some 20,000 degrees, and then of their shrinking to rela tively small size and duli red heat. The sun was good for another 15,000 billion years, he aaid. Heat of Sup. "The heat of oar own sun has come back to norma! it having recov ered from its chill of two years ago," Dr. C. G. Abbot, of the Smithsonian Institution, reported. "We are emerging—," he said, from a Dow period of solar radiation, extending from the beginning of 1922 to the be ginning of 1924, during which the solar radiation scarcely ever reached the normal of many years." The physiological effects cf light were the subject of several papers, ranging from a description of the! cure of rickets by eating food exposed ! to ultra-violet light to the effect of the same agency in making hens lay more eggs. Sun ptrehes for hens were described by H. D. Goodale, of Wilmiamstown, Mass., who said the hens enjoying this luxury repaid the kindness by laying many more eggs. ) Danger of livestock being poisoned! by eating alfalfa that had been spray ed with preparations of arsenic to kill weeviis was described by Go rge 1. Reeves, of the Department of Agri culture, as greatly over-estimated. The dangerous dose was shown to be greatty m excess of that contained in a feed of sprayed hay. Bean Beetle. ihe Mexican bean beetle, itrst dis covered in this country in Alabama in 192C, has now spread irjto 12 States and is within a year's anarch of the great bean producing sections of Michigan and western New York, said Neaie F. Howard, of the Boreau of ; Entomology. It can be controiied, he added, by spraying with magnesium arsenate. The best way to prevent divorces is to regulate marriages, . Prof. E. A. ! Kirkpatrick, of Fitchburg, Mass., toid the section on sociai sciences. ''It is evident," he said, "that the State should have control in the case of inferior, diseased and defective in dividuals, and althoug it can not be said that man can discover a better way of bettering the race than by permitting individuals to choose their own mates, yet science can give data as to the probability of certain mat ings resulting in superior or inferior children." The association went on record as approving the proposed reform in the calendar which would provide 13 months of 28 days each with one ex tra "New Year's Day." If the universe is not infinite, it has a diameter of something like "one million times ten million times" the distance from the earth to the sun, Professor Archibald Henderson, of the University of NorthCarolina , conclud ed in a paper. Averting the old theory <rf Newton that the universe presented the picture of a finite is land surrounded by infinite space was "repugnant to our winds,", Professor Henderson said in this ease the light of the stars and isolated stars themselves would drift away into the infinite and the cosmos would gradu ally melt away and disappear." Rabbit fever or tularmae, a fata! j disease <cf rabbits and sometimes fa-: ta! to man, is spreading, according to observations presented in a paper by Dr. EdwsTd Francis, of the United States Hygenic laboratory. Assert- j ing the disease had appeared for the j first time in Montana, New Mexico, and Virginia during the past year. Dr. Francis warned the public of the danger of infection in dressing rab bits barehanded. Rolt. Glenn Monroe, 14 yearg old. died in Winston-Salem Thursday of tetanus which developed from an ac cidental shot in his hand with a biank cartridge during the Christmas holi days. * TK! KTKK'S 8A!,H OF LAN!) Under end by virtue of the power and au thority contained in a certain deed of trust, dated May 14th. 1024. executed ^ ^ Saw. yer and wife Mae Sawyer, to E. M Johnson. Trustee, name being duty registered in Book 64. page 43, Public Registry ef Retwnon Coun y, (default having been made in the payment of the obligation* secure*! thereby) the under ixned Trustee will, on Mopd)iy. the 12th dry of January. 1025. at the Court House door in the Town of Lumbcrton. N C.. at 12 o'clock Nnnn off**r for saie at pubiic auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following describ ed Lands and premitei, to-wit: In Saddle Tree Township. Robeson County. North Carolina. Being I<ot Ho 1 of the S M Rosier, Jr., farm as subdivided by the Atlan tic Coast Realty Company, containing 141 37-100 acres, a* wit! be seen by reference to Book of Maps No. 2. at page 53. Office of the Register of Deed* of Robeion County refer ence to which said map i^ hereby made for the pur*nmo of describing said tract of land more definitely. This the 12th day of I)ocemh*r. 1024. E M. JOHNSON. Trustee. Johnson. Johnson & McLeod, Harding's Sister Wed* Mist Abigail V. Harding, sister of the iate President, was married iast week to R. T. Lewis, Marion, O., rea! estate deaier They wU! honeymoon in Bermuda. TT has been pwea eondnsiveiy that moth ) of the eniferiatr. pain and dread espert ented dnrine eepectearv. as weii as at thiid-Mreh is entirety anaereeearp. An eminent physician. Br J. H Hoimee, expert in this atitnee, Sret predated the treat remeay motnera f nena. which aid# the muaciea and tiaeuee to expend more eoat'iy. durtnn the conatant readjmatment. month after month, right up to tha ttiimax of ciMM-hirth. "Mother'# Friend" ia ap piied externaity. Three generation# of expectant mother# have u a e d tt. "Pain# diaanpearrd in two day# after using Mother# i Friend,' " write# a uaer. "f owe my )ife to 'Moth* nr'a Friend **' deriared another. Use "Mother's Friend** ac our moth** aw! grandm*dhcrs did. start todap and *3&^ perinea the wonderful comfort it will give you. TREE DODRLKT Write DrzMcM Re^dator Co., Dept. R-A 3S. Atlanta, Ca., for free booklet giving many facta every expectant motl^r should know. *'Mothcr a Friend" ia gold at ad dray stores—avaryMhjfc. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Department of State To AM to Whom The^e Fr* cats May Co**— GrceLng: Whereas. R appear^ tv my satisfaction, b) duty authenticated record of the proceeding for the voluntary d'ssolution thereof by th* unanfmo*^a consent of all the stockhohlers. de in* Red* in m/ office, that the THOMpSQR HOSpITAI,. INCOrU'C^ATED a corporatlm ?f this State, whose principal office 0 situat td at No - Street, in the City of Lvm berton. Cmmiy of Robeson State of Nort' Carolina (C Z. RANCKE JR. being the agent there n and in cha^e thereof, upo* whom procew mry be served), has compMw vith the rojuiiemnts of Chapter 22. Consol* dated Statute*; entitle*! "Corpor^iotfsy. pr€ iiminrry to the issuing of this Certificate o Dissolution: Now. Therefore, 1. W. N. Everett Seerc tary of State of the State of North Carotin* do hereby certify that the *aid corporation di< m the 10th day of December 1924. file in m? office a duiy executed and attested consen in writing to the dRsolution of nakl corpora tion. executed by a!) the atockhoidera thereof vhieh ^id consent and the record of the pro cecdinga aforesaid ere now on file in my aait ffice as proyided by law !n Testimeny Whereof. I have hereto act my hand and affixed my official scai at Raleigh thia !0th dry of December A D 1924. . (SEAL) W. N. EVERETT. ! 2-18-1 Thurs. Secretary of State ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Having uuaiified as Administrator of the utate of Janie Thompson, deceased late of Robeeon County, thia is to notify all person* having claim* against the state of aaid de e^aed to exhibit them to the undersigned a McDonald, North Carolina, on or before th* IPih dry of December. It25, or thia nntic will bo pleaded in bar of their recovery AH oertons indebted to arid estate wili please muke immediate payment. JIM THOMPSON. Administrator of E tate of Janie Thompson. 12-18-6 Thurs. SALK OF VALUABLE LANDS. Under dhd bf virtoe *d* the power of aal contained !h thW* certain m^rtvage deed re corded in B^pk 6y at pqc* S'*. Robeson Coun ty. Regist:*j\ defy ult bavmg b&n made in th# pnyment oT fhe 4nS htodbem thereby secure th#* undersigned will bn January ?9th. i92^ offer for sa*e at public auction to the highest bidder for carh at the c urt hou^e door o Robeson Cunty at 12 o'clock noon, the follow !ng described land: Adjoining the lands of .1. H Chaoon ettat* ^nd other*, hounded as fo'iows: Beginning a * stake by 3 pine stumps *n Chaanne line am runs S. 65 E. 58 pole.* to a sLke by 1 h'ckors and 2 oakt; then S 38 1-2 West 78 poles t i stake in Cbaton, field near the end of * ditch: then N. 68 W. 52 p d*e; to a pin* nee* (he txr* ery Roda ^ then with Chp;;ona line b the beginning, containing 23 1-2 acres. This December 19th. 1924 A H. DERRY. Transferee of Mortgager McIntyre. Lawrence & Proctor. Attorney*. 12-22-4 M^ns LXHCLTOK'S NOTICE Hnvingit^Hiied nath? Executors of th estate of L K. Tyner. deceuaed 'ate of Roh *on County, North Carolina. thM is to not! fy all persons having claims against the es tafe of said deceased to exhibit them to Mr Intyre, Lawrence A Proctor, Attorneys t omhertoo, N. C . on or before January tat !926, or this notire will be plonde^l in b*r o heir recovery A!! per*om indebt^*d to 3ai rat^to will p^e^e mt*ka ^n'ediate payment. Thla Oecember 26th !921 H V/. RAMCOM * B.V TYNER Executors of the Estate of L. 2 lyner. deceased McINTYRE. LAWRENCE A PROCTER. Attorn€y3 ff)r Executors. 12-29-6 Mon MORTGAGEE'S SALE f'nder and by virtm? of a power of sale coo tained in thut certain mortgage deed wade b? Work* dated the 30tJ! dty of Apr*! 1921. an( recorded in the Roh^w County Registry iy Book page H9. d<Tault having iacn ^mtd. in the payment of the ind^btedne** thereto secured, the undersigne#i nor w!l! o^ Mond y the !9th dry of Jatmrty LH3. at ! o'clock noon at the <*ourt hou * df w of Ko!* on County North Carolina, offer for gale a' public ruction b* the highest bidder for cash the following describe! Imdi and premises ituatc in Orrum Township. Robeson Coun ty. North Caro'na, to-wit: AH that certain piece, parcel or tract o* land, lying, being and situate in Haid Coun ty and State and more particularly describe* M follows. One hundred and forty eurh acres located in what is known ax the 'Is lands", one piece known as the **0!d Crifth Held" adjoining the land* of the Rutter Lumber Company on all side* end one piec knmsn as the "Woodell Lands", also adjoinim m all side^ the Butters Lumber Company, am being the same land Hxted for taxation bx 3u*an Ivey in the year 1913 the* land deede to W K. Field* by R. K LevN. Sheriff # Robeson County, North Carolina, dated Mr: 7 STAND t3. )920, and recorded in Book 7-C at pars M7. office of Register of Deed. for Robeson County AMOVR f BRT1HXRR WORKS. Mortgagee Me intyre iatsvrenee & Procter, Attorneys for Mortgagee. T)u"c. N O T ! C E OR HALE Voder end tty virtue of the rower end au thority contained in a certain mortgage do< d dated Apri) !7th !M2. from Archie Currie and wife. Georgia Currie, to Katie Manuei. duiy registered in Rook M. page ait., Pohlir Regiatey of Rohtbon County, dnfhutt having been made in the payment of the horde se cured by aaid mortgage deed, the Uftdcpdgnf i mortgagee wit) on Monday Jsnbary liith, i9i5. aei) at puhitc auction at the court hbusg ioor in fvumberton M. 'C , at the hour of tj /eiock Moon, to the highest bidder for cash, that certain piece or tract of tand tying anti being in Robeson County. St Pauis Township, viorth Caroiina, boundoti and described a* foitowa: Being one iot fifty feet tty one hundred and wenty-ftve feet, and being on the corner of Sim and Kttro Streets and being fifty feet on Bure and one hundred and twenty-five feet on Him Street, and being iota Number twenty thrae. and twenty-four, in Bioek "B" aeeord. ng to sub-division made by J. B. Evans. Oe ober i9ih which man see for further do eription : being aiao the same tend conveyed o aaid Archie Currie and wife Georgia Cur ie by J. Browne Evans and wife Aifreda P v.vnns. by deed dated May 2nd. !9t9 and duiy registered in Booh "5-Y". page !!4. in n eoffite of Register of Dee<)a of Robeaon tounty roference to which said deed is here <y made for a more fuii and complete de cription of the iands hereby conveyed This December nth. iitSi. KATIE MANUEL. Mortgagee rtimoeks A Nimoeks. A tty. !2-!8-4 Thurs. ittt^tEES SAt,h OP d.ANH Under and by virtue of power and suthori y contained tn a rertsin mortgage deed esc nted by Arret'us Smith end wife, Carrte tmith. to Mrs. Beitw Buitard. dated ih-cemher at i!'29. end registered in hook o- Mortgage reeds 57. at page ]P*<. Registry of Robes m iounty idefauit having bem made in the aymont of titr note) seedi-ct thereby) the ttxier'igned mortgagee wii) on i r <'s v. the hth day of January. !M5. at !J o'clock Nuott, t the Courthouse door in the Town of !.um erton N. C . offer arte, r* pthh: a ction, o the highest bidder, for C)b, he fnikxvtng 'ccrib^i tract of tan!: !n Wiahsrts Township, on the south side of ihe Whiteviiie road, adjoining the iands of If Kidneys Act Bad Take Saits Says Backache Often Means You Have Not Been Drinking Bnough Water When you wake up with backache and dnii misery in the kidney region it may mean you have been catmg foods which create acids, says a weil-known author ity. An excess of such acids overworks the kidneys in their effort to fUter it from the blood and they become sort of paralyzed and loggy. When your kid neys get sluggish and ciog you must relieve them, like you retieve your bowe!s, removing all the body's urinous waste, e!se you have backache, sick headache, dizzy speiis: your stomach sours, tongue ts coated and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is cioudy, futi ot sediment, channels often get sore, wa^f scalds and you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night. Either consult a, good, reliable physi cian at once or get from your pharma cist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoon ful in a class of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys may then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with llthia, and has been used for years to help clean and stimulate sluggish kid neys, also to neutralize acids in the System, so they no longer irritate, thus often relieving bladder weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive, can not in jure and makes a delightful, efferves cent lithia-water drink. Drink lots of soft water. By all means have your physician examine your kidneys at least twice a year. B Stance!. A Smith, A B. !srtr!. am! adhara; Beginning ata stake on tha hank of a dMOb, rlgmt SO yards south of tha WhPevitto ropd in B. Stsnnei's iine. and ran, with hie iissa south 4M i-2 waat 17.34 chain, to n rtaka and gum in a bay: thence south 4! 1-2 euut 4.33 chains to a stake and pint: thane* north 33 i-2 cant 14 1-2 chain, to a a taka on a tarbttn be); tbenee sooth 34 14 east i0 33 chabtn to a stoke in Israei'. iina; theneo with hta !)na north 12 it east H 27 chains to n a tan* in the cantor of tha Whttoaitla rand: thanoa with the road north 66 6-4 waat 2 chaimttoa ntnha in tha -oed; theneo south 8! waat 213 abatns to n -take: thedec north M 4-4 Want 12 30 ahatna to tha bagintdng. containing 24 (-4 acres. Kn^tppnt )a4 of an acre of raid land Mr a'Ufa " " * wn Thia the !Oth. day af sNeembar. 1324 MM. BELI E BULLARD. Mortgage# Johnson. Johnson 32 McLeod. Attorney, lJ-14-i Thor, NOTiCB OB BAKU Under and by virtne of tha power of aaia contained in a certain dead of trust. anaaatad by Co!.,n Htebtsa and wife, Seima Stubbs. to E B. Thomason and L O. Lohnman. TSran tres. dated tone 1. 1421, and recorded in tha office of the Register of Deeds of Rohaaoa Cooniy in Booh 92. page 344 defautt basiag bean made in tha payment of tha debt there by secured, and at the reptest of tha hoidara of the note, aerated thereby, the undemigaed witi. on Monday. January 4, 1423. at twetve n'rtork. Noon, at the court house dam- of Robeson County, offer for aaia to tha highest hidder for each at puMio auction, tha fat hering described tract or parcet of iand situ atm] in Thompson Township. Roheeon Coun ty. botrn<ied and described aa fottowa; Beginning at a stahe in Mia road at a poiat 3 rhatn. 20 iinha from tha point where it frowns the road trading from McDonaid to Kowiand. end rnna aa the read South 14 20 min. Wmt 0 20 ehahia to the cross rc thence aa the McDonaid road North 73 45 min. East 11.4 chains to tha run of To!tar Bridge Branch; thence down the various ccurct of it about 30 chain# to a a take hy a brgo num - thence North 70 deg. 10 min West Z1.76 chains to tha center of tha road first mention chore; thence South t4 dag. 33 mh< West 1.40 chains to n stake; thence South M deg. 40 min West 40410 chain to e stake west of Ashpoie Swamp; thence North (i deg 40 min. East 2 34 chains to n atahe: thence North 04 deg 46 min. East 14 34 chain, to a rtskei a the field east of Ashpoie; thence North 20 deg. West i* chaina to a atahe ha the cent edge of Aahpote Swamp by a hoity. mspte sad two dogwoods; thenae North 43 deg. 10 min. East 43 04 chains; thence South 23 deg Nc;t 14 00 chain, to the beginning: containing i43.73 acres, more or teas and ha <ng the same tot which was a Hotted to tha acid Co'on Stubbs in the partition of tha estate of Wtiiiam Stubbs, deceased, the same being recorded in the office of the Ciarb af t the Superior Court of Robeson County ia , Booh f Order. A Decrees No. 10. pago 3*0 ' lhisLirc. 3, )t2(. I E- B THOMASON ! .. L O. LOHMANN. Trmtaca l McNc'it A Hachett I Attorneys for mortgagee. 12-13-4 Moth. BALK UNDER DEED OF TBUBT i'y virtue of authority vented tn at# ] the proviainna of a <iecd of truet freaa J Rerifem and Mary E Redfern hie wife Doecmber Mth, IM2. rc^iaterad in booh af mortaaym No. SO at paye I9S (default haviap b^Mt mrde in the payment of the debt thereby cecurert) ! wii] on Monday tho )9th day of jJanuaty i92S a !2 n'eloeh noon at tho court i homo floor at t.uosbertoa, M C., offer toy ! entc at public euction to the niyheet for cr-h tho fotlowhnr lande: ! !n the toon of Rowland. Otlng at! of I numb"ra ninety one ninety two. one ] deed and t--o. one hundred and three, one hundred and tve'.e. one hundred and thirteen, one hundred end twenty three and one hud dred and twenty four, being at! of btoeh num her eleven ticfordlng to the offieia) plat of tine W. W. McCormlch property tn and near ttw! P-wn of Rowland whieh ta regietered tn the rcglate) a off tee of Robeeon County tn bOoh t-ye,4fS , LAWRBM% "tfnafaa. Iclntyrei ii-wnttMerdti Fyurttr. r!i .ttorncyu, ^ , .... .. . . MhfB^ybuw. iOTiCE OF SERViCD OF ^ BUMMONB BY FThff tCATMX forth Cnrolina, Robeaon County. !n the Sop rior Court John Mftody. ve. Minnie Moody. Ihe defendant Minnie Moody, above aaaaed HI tab? notice that an action entitled aa hove hoe been commenced in the Superior lourt of Robeson County. North CaroMoa to eeure an ab otutc divorce, on the ground ef duttery; and the eaid defendant wit! further aha notice tnat ahe hr reouirad to appear ref ore the understand Cirh of Superior Court, tf Rt boron County, at the court houee of raid aunty, on or before January i9th. tpn. and -never nr demur to the eompiaint fiied in ai<l action, or the plaintiff wi!i apply to tha court for the rciief demanded in aald euna ^iaiet This the iSth dry d December. !93t C B SKIPPER. Ciety Supetior Court K J. * !. J. BRiTT Attorneys for rtaintiff. U22-4 Mona S^^s^YBLOWPENCiL CEO BAND t Established 1850 THE TYSON & JONES BUGGY CO. CARTHAGE, N. C. High class auto painting either the varnish system or the new Duco Lacquer system. Ford Commercial Bodies A Specialty. Other bodies built to order. Expert repairing, top building and upholstering. - Skilled workmen in every department. ns* w * v's

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