{1DAYBIGDAY OWN ROWLAND WAY nual Thompson Township Sunday whool Picnic—Iona Choir Wins in Singing Contest—Christian En deavor Pitnir—Persona?. rrospondence of The Robesonian. Rowland. Aug. 8.—Mr;. A. E. \mpbel! and son. Master Edward, Stuart, Va., are visiting Mrs. mpU'i mother. Mrs. S. W. Cobb, ittle Miss Rosa I.ytch Stacy of nberton is spending several days e with relatives. ,lrs. R. G, Burns spent Wednesday j Thursday in Durham. The Christian Endeavor of Ash •e Presbyterian church enjoyed its rual picnic last Thursday after >n at Gaddy's mill. Quite a num attended and a good time was id to have been had by all. Mrs. A. T. McKeTlar and daughter, ss Elizabeth, spent two days of « week with relatives in Chad .rne. viiss Sadie Martin is spending sev i) days in Leaksville with relatives. VIr. and Mrs. A. K. Robertson and ldren, little Misses Annie Jane and line and Master A. K. Jr., of Golds ro, are spending some time here ;th, relatives. Mrs. L. Z. Hedgpetb and little ughter, Miss Dorothy, are spend g several days in Lumberton with rs. E J. BHtt. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hines and mily of Lancaster, S. C., spent two ys of this week here with Mr. and rs. E. M. Hines and family. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. fvie and son, aster G. L. Jr., of Leaksville, are ending several days of this week re with relatives. Friday morning Mrs. W. E. Evans .tertained in honor of Mrs. W. Stu t Evans, a recent bride. After sOv al hands of rook, a delicious salad irse was served. disses Margaret and Claire Rob son are visiting Miss Eva Bagley Moyoek. vlr. and Mrs. Earnest Robertson id little daughter, Miss Doris, of ocky Mount, are visiting relatives ire. Miss Bessie McKay returned Fri iy from Richmond, Va., where she as been visiting relatives for the ast several days. Miss Janie Blanton of Shelby is ae guest of Miss Bessie Brake. Messrs. Graham McKinnon and ohn D. Buttock motored to Lake Vtaccamew Thursday. Mrs. J E Lyteh and Mrs. S. W. '.Iford spent Saturday in Lumberton opping. Friday was a big day for all the jople of this community, ih that it •as the day set aside for the annual icnic of all of the Sunday schools in hompson township. This year it was eld at Centenary Methodist church ear here, and there was a record reaking attendance. The most out . sanding event of the day was the 'inging contest, the decision going to icna Presbyterian choir. This is ait vent that has come to be looked orward to and many thanks are due lentenary Methodist church for giv ng the convention on? of the most delightful times that it has ever en joyed. Mrs. Annie McLean and son Mr. A. F., of Charlotte, are spending the week here with friends and relatives. Mr. L. Z. Hedgpeth is spending several days in Norfolk, Va., and Baltimore, Md„ on business. Miss Carrie Lennon of Chadbourne Is visiting her sister Mrs. A. T. Me vellar and family. Mr. Harry Johnson of Florence, S. C., spent Wednesday here with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnson. Misses Brownie and Mary Phillips :eft Saturday for an extended visit with friends and relatives in Smith .'ield, Rafeigh an.l Norfolk, Va. Mr. A. E. Bond is spending several ■Jays in Lumberton with relatives. Miss Katherine Harper of Florence, H. C., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Brake and faniiTy. Mr. D. A. Cox is in Chattanooga, Tenn., on business. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McCormick and family, Mrs. S. W. Cobb and family and Miss Wlillie McCormae spent Wednesday in Little Rock, S. C., at the Cottingham reunion. . Miss Katie Miller of Lumberton is visiting Mrs. M. B. Roggrs. Mrs. D, D. Mdnnis arid childem of Mintirrn, S. C., are \Hsfting rela tives here. SURREY SHOWS MORE WEEVILS THIS yAaR. Raleigh, N. C. Aug. 8—Surveys made by the twenty field men and county agents of the Agricultural Extension Service up urttfl July 30 show that; there is a greater infes tation of -bpll weevils ip the cotton crop of N^rth Carolina this year than last. This infestation is heavier in :he coastal and eastern counties and yrowa progressively less toward the •till country. “At tW same time,” says Prof. Franklin Sherman of the State Divis ion of Entomology,” the survey also shows a better attitude of mind on the part of the cotton grower toward using the standard, approved method of fighting the weevil as recommend ed by the College and Department workers. Cultural methods and con ditions have averaged good and the cotton *a a general rule is making excellent growth and is fruiting heavily. |Ure farmers are dusting yil 'befdre in North * ■■ T . ■■ ! Carolina." In Dome parts «# eastern Cagal^pt weevil infestation has fearhe^ tin (high point of 25' to 50 «m^% to ■ number of cases the number of wcu 1 vHs hn inr reuses three tMMs durhm one week and on nearly every farm studied, ai least one field would have i an infestation of from If to 25 per cent. fn the southeastern, section, th« field workers found tike yeavA pro* valent in nearly evary cotton field and stated that d ostia* is advisable all over thin territory. The prolong ed dry, hot weather was having some effect in weevil control but with the cortning of showers and wet weather, it is being advised that the field be watched closely and that dusking be done when needed. In the piedmont area, weevil sur vival from the winter was apparent ly light and dusting is treaded now only in scattered area*. In the upper piedmont towards the oatar edgu of the cotton growing area, tha infesta tion is light with no reports of ser ious damage. -OVCB UrWf Jt T13MT »te of Robeson Count*. North. Car. 1 "lino, this u to notify all persons having i J1*1"” . ‘he estate of said deecaasd I if <'*h>»>it them. to the undersigned at W)1 Branch Street. Rocky Blount, NV C,, on or before the 28th day of Jflriy. 192*. or, this notice wifi be pleaded ip bar, of their .fa covory. Ail persons indebted to said estate wdl please make immediate payment This the 27tb day of July,, , «RS i ■J* * l*. J. Britt. , , Attorneys for adihinistrator. 7.*fc4. Thur*. m one it or obcCYid Having qualified as exscutrix of the eetate i of Owen C. Normeot. deceased, late of Robe. | son County, North Carolina, this is to no I Ofy all persons hawing claims against tip estate of said deceased to exhibit them to j the undersigned at her residence in Lumber. ton, N. C„ op or before the 5th day of Au | dust. 1926, or this notice sill be pleaded in i ber of their recovery. AH persona, indebted to said estate will please make immediate 1 payment. , | This August 1st. tint. , MRS. FLORA NQRMKNT. twecutrU of Owen C. Norment. McIntyre, Lawrence A Psector, Attorneys for Executrix. 8.8-6 Mens ^ :ir, M 'Eg | Hurry If You I Want a Toaster r The Eleetrik-Muid Bake Shop announces fh» folkrWing as I winners of toasters: Mrs. A. T. FarmeTe. Mrs. Waftof Menres. Mrs. S McIntyre. Mrs. K. B. Lee. Mrs.-Lewis. Twenty' more left. The first 20 bringing 160 Mectrik I MWW bre« kept mm free from a return of the U&MMt had I ftel like a new per son. Apt never without them.*’. At att drutgfcta. By using a pure hretl Dorsett. ram ihf his flock of native ewes, L L. Dfaughon of Edgecombe County sdat eifht lambs for $96.3(5. The lambs 4v4f*£ed 194 pounds and showed dis tinct improvement over their moth ers, kfpbri County Agent Zeno Moore. Mr. J. tt. Stephens of 6rrum was a Lumberton visitor today. RKdMLE Of UAND BY TRUSTEE. cfndgr anA by. virtue o£ tbe direction and contained in . an order and jadir meut of tbs G(rrk of the Superior Court of Robeson Counts dated die 27th day of July, raft, the undersigned trustee will re-red. at pOMtc auction, the land described in that cr-rts ;n deed of hm.it from H. M. McAllister and wno\v live*, and run* r.n East cotrnie to the run of Cow Pen Swamp. Elina Hai rinyton’s lino; thence up tha various courses of th* run of saiti Swamp to Jiwse ford** line: thence an Eastward course with Jess* Ford’s line to the corner in the Levi Gaddy’s line a little of the South „ to. tha hoyinnirn, containing *8 acre*, more | of less, irmt is the name tract of land eon. . veyod by E. JT. JohtVson, Commissioner, to 1 IJ. W. McGehce Jnnnary 7, 1**10, by deed ■ recorded in Book C-W at page 225. Robeson County Registry. ! Ihat**l tfi% JulV G, 1923. ) JOHN W. McGEHEE. Executor *f the Estate of H. W. McGcheo. McTntyre, Lawrence & Proctor Attorneys for Executor. 7-20.u Mons. EXTRA VALUES ALL WOOL SUITS I AND OVERCOATS v.; $23.50 1 j SUIT AND TROUSERS : ; ' $29.50 FALL STYLES NOW ON DISPLAY CHAS. P. MaeALLISTER :-jg rs^si7r^7m^JM Big Free Premium Offer i -mm MAJE^fc i. -st sm Here is five new model Great Maje tic, the finest Range tlei btolf. Uses less fuel yet bakes perfectly. AH copper reservoir gives *bJNt dant hot water all the time without extra filet. Humisired Milt picrtfelf ed to“p requires little work, Beautiful throughout with h'e*yy NKWmt Trnrwhtnf >—doors and splasher hack paiieled1 in White, GWy °&i§2r Enamel if desired. Has rustless floor rest? large warmingcftsets; open end ash pan, and oven door that will fup^fert my woigfitt pm cod ciV it. Te eftry woman, who boyes a Majestic Range at our Demonstration Week (all this w*«k) >ve wfll give abaohltdy mitor out cost a set ol POLISHED SOLID COPPER }VAKE ?/ e*qmn#e de fi«n. . Rvery woman falls in love with it on sight. Whether yuu Wjf or not, don't fail to come in and see this beautiful set, illustrated above. i ^-— ... .... Or if vou prefer, we will i?ive. free, to every purchaser ot a Majestic iL«t w^thip set of SPECIAL MAJESTfC WARE. TMa wo*der7J ly serviceable ware, illustrate* above is well Known t6 thav&fttf Majestic Rnnice owner . It is the highly prized, extra heavy, ohffinte Majestic nit, tie same as furnished lie fore the Wat. This Week Only During Factory Exhibit of «• The Range With a Reputation WE WILL GfVE WITHOUT COST TO EVERY PURCHASER OF A MAJESTIC RANGE HER CHOICE OF ONE OF THE BEAUTIFUL SETS OF WARE ILLUSTRATED BELOW. Otar $toire will be the most interesting place in town next week. You #iH meet many of your friends and neighbors here. We don’t want anybody to miss seeing this beautiful hew model Majestic Range and the exquisite polished solid copper set of special Majestic ware, eith er of which at the buyer’s choke, is to be given aW£y from to every purchaser of a Majestic range ne£t week. Ar experienced expert from the Majestic factory Will b£ in the store all week. He will gladly show you the many new features Of the Majestic range. Whether yoil buy or not you will be welcome. Don’t fail to come! ECONOMY IN THE LONG RUN Any house, wife ought to consider well the cooking and wearing qual ities, the fuel economy and the appearance of the range she buys. Remember that it is a lasting purchase—you are buying for a long time. NO purchase for the home is more important than the kitchen range. You cook oh it three times a day, every day In the /ear. Your peace of mihd and the health, energy and contentment of your hev^ehold dc-end on the heftOr Cooking that a Majestic Range will enable you to db every meal. It is false economy to buy a kitchen range that Wears out quickly and often makes the be ccfail. The only true economy is economy to the lung run. Tkereir ’as the economy of the Majestic. It cuts down fuel and repair bilk and its long life of never-failing efficiency makes it cost less per year than any other range in the world. REMEMBER—IT’S ONE WEEK ONLY! Our big Free Premium Offer is good only this week while the factory representative is here. — Be sure to come in. R will cost you nothing to look. Stephens and Barnes FAIRMONT, N. C. .. ^ . _ I