« Lumberton Tobacco Market Sold Last Week 585,566 lbs. for $80,783.04 | Average For Everything $13.79 A Number of Piles Sold for Fifty Cents a Pound Double Sales Daily This Week. Two Sets Hungry buyers . , 5!2IC- * ■ ’ " er i -- _-.-*vngri: Readers desiring a persona! reply can address' At Mtss Flo, tn care of this newspaper T1MK COMES FDK Wllf! '§>] Clay nr»Y Hoar Miss Flo:— i have boon married twenty years. My husband was a poor man when ! married him. By work it.* hard, struggling and saving. we !molly go: a far!. After that, it was easy. My husband made money rtmekiy. He made many business Inends. II,<• hrd fKeiir wives, and families. H..»yjVijflipviti-n out often tb dinners, th"sahBytc. I did not. enro for that , ortpfpgh'j;. } tlirrnyi't rt wff' wavfct'tui the money wy had worked!!jfafd for i> i extravagant pleasure:*^ wwanied him to save money, in the end. I have pa iied nothing i am very unhappy, struggling in order that we might have enough tn eat, we were hnppv. My husband adored me. Now he is totally indifferent. He il oufc^cvery evening. He. never agltswnicSo go with 1 im. I "believe he is in love wifh | another woman. Do yon think I should give him his freedom? Francine * * * Give him Iris freedom, Francine? Of course NO. In the first place, you are not sure that there is another woman—-or .that he wants his iree doni, so why should you give up everything that, you have worked and slaved for all these years? Another . thing to consider, unless you are in dependent financially, is that you might find it rather difficult to sup port yourself. If you doubt this, all l you have to do is look around you, i and see the countless number of wo j men, past their youth, trying to sup port themselves in a world that has ; no use for their services. At your time of life physical comforts and an |f Baddy s coming with' Ik- _ ism Wri&eys! This delightful. long lasting - beneficial refreshment gives the penny a bigger value. u ItS so ocol and sweet - after smoking. And then when you I *■>».,> get nome. mow eager jlr •assure*I income are more important than romantic love. My advice to you. Franoino, is to stop worrying about losing your hus- i band's lov^ftmd try to hold it. From I whaf yep: have Written, I believe that it has been a Tong time since .you were really a companion to your hus band. i believe that you have saved I so long that it became a habit with j you, and you still consider it a crime | to spend a dollar for pleasure. YoUr' story is an old one. Recently the papers were full of a story of a woman, who, outraged and infuriated because her husband seemed to be giving more attention to other wo men than he was giving her, attempt ed to get £ divorce. The husband told his story. It was something like this. He made money. He wanted “to-dress his wife no like a rnilUon dollars”, to use his expression, but she re fused to he dressed up. He invited her out to dinners, theatres, and oth er places, but she refused to go. Well, to make a long story short he stopped asking her to go out, and went out alone—-for a while. There are many foolish wives making the same mistake—not re alizing that the easiest way to get farther away from a husband is to let. other people have the good times with him while she remains his sav I ing hank. It is a wise wife who is her husband’s best “good fellow.” If T were you, the first thing I j should do is purchase some new I clothes, and make myself as at tractive as I possibly 'could. You were attractive to him at one time. No reason in tlm world y/hy you can ! not make yourself just as attractive ! again. Surprise him some day by i casually Suggesting that it has been ! a long time since you have seen a ! show together. It may be that your husband is I giving his time to another woman, j -—again, your suspicions may he en ; tircly unwarranted. But if there is i another woman, the chances age that j he was driven into an infatuation by ■ loneliness and a longing for compan j ionship. H it is merely infatuation, ■ it won’t be hard to win him atvay | front it. j After all, the years you struggled | together mean something, to him, and | when he sees thht you are really j trying to make things more pleasant, j hr wilt soon tire of the other woman, ! and return to the love of his youth. Cynic Wants to Know Dibble:-—“1 see some ed'llege pro fessor ha < perfected a machine that will register the heat of a maiden’s ; blush.” | Dabble:—That’ll do to tell—but [where in this day and age will they find anv blushes to try it on?” - -_r- . _ iujt- I Ml ■ M~l—-|~TT-— Child pert Cpy ^ cherts Castpria is. ' a ^ nlcasant. harinlcss Strb ^itutc for Castor Oil, 0 Far-one, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, especially pre part d {or In'{ants in arms and Children all ages. T p-oiimitations, always loi'k for the signature of ■;, , • ,£lai!2, r,j rsrh rwfage. rhysioans everywuere recommend it {. K- V vS,. J \ . ... ANYBODY IN ROBESO N CAN WIN FREE TRIP TO WASHINGTON Any girl or boy, woman or man, in Roiwson county can win a free trip to Washington, I). C., by devoting a lew hours to pleasant work during a short period. There is not a town or community in Robeson county where some energetic person cannot easily win this trip, with all expenses paid. \yVite THE ROBESON IAN for par ticulars, or ‘phone or call at the of fice. Now is a good time to begin work. This free trip is open to any per son, without restrictions, and those who qualify will b(. given the trip with all expenses paid, regardless of how many or bow few may enter. Those who do the necessary work will join a party from a central point | in the State and will visit the Capi tal city of the Nation under exper ienced guides, spending three flays and nights in Washington and visit ing all the places of interest in the most beautiful city in the world. Everybody should visit the Nation’s Capital and this is a chance to take this trip without cost and under the most favorable circumstances. Don’t kt this opportunity slip. Send for ! particulars today. No matter where ! you live in Robeson county, you stand I as good a chance to win a* anybody There is still time, more than a I month, to win this trip. Start today. I Messrs. P. K. Avant and H. H. Hammonds of Whiteville were Lum btrton visitors Friday. DE. RUSSELL 8. BEAM Announces the Removal of his offices from the McMillan Building to The Planters Bank A Trust Oo. Building. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. . - -- There Is A Serious Meaning To Defective Eyesight ff we could make everyone realize the importance and intimate relation of properly fitted glasses to their 8KNB&AL HEALTH AND COMFORT, thousands more would have their eyes examined at tin: first indication of eye strain. When you lind it difficult to read for tiny length of time without eye discomfort; when your eyes water, smart e.r ache: iniitis m the t-mples or inflammation of the eyes; frequent headaches and nervousness are the danger signals.warning you it is time to attend to your eyes. The care andiattenf ion we give our patrons in the examination of eyes and in the adjustment of the mountings has helped to win our large patronage. - ’ • Better Service—Reasonable Charges DR. WILLIAM W. PARKER EYE SPECIALIST LUMBERTON, N. C. Do You Want To Buy Some Real EstaJtT ' DO YOU WANT TO SELL SOME ’ ; If go, communicate with as at once. If you want to buy something we have some vacant lots and j residences for sale in Lumberton that can be had at reasonable prices. We also have some farm land Sfek propositions that are well worth investigating. If you have some town property or farm lands that you want cut up and sold at auction, we are the folks you are looking for. See us at once. v If W. K. Bethune Company Lumberton, N. C. Phone No. 20 W. K. BETHUNE, Mgr. • ' - .->n. Y . - — * > • ■ .v . . , w

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