CHESTNUT STREET CHURCH SCENE OF UNUSUAL WEEING Feast of Rood Thing! Bestowed U-on Pastor—Represent at) ves + From Every Department of t nurm Respond With Kind Words—lift Together Meeting nn Extraordt nary Offasiqn. BM DIVIDE^!' iS PAID TO REV T. McM. GRA\T Chestnut Street Methodist church was the scene of a "Get-to-^rether was wu* ^ ^ ^ meeting Wednesday night and the tnain auditorium was fiiied to over flowing by young and o)d. One of the speakers of the occasion -^aid he was bom and raised in a parsonage and had sever known such an occasion except when a pastor was about to ioave. it was wonderful and unusuai. Christian feiiowship was in evidence and it was..#$wpnt to hear repre sentatives of every organization of the ehurch commending the faitbful ness and untiring efforts of Rev. I. T. McM. Grants. pastor for the past - two years, tor *the betterment of the ;* ehurch and G