(Crops Growing Fast Up Parkton Way Bui Farmers Behind AVith Work— Good Roads Tn At) Birectjoas Soon —Baseha))—Persona) and SSOthet hems. (By C. TY AViHiamson) Parkton, .Tune ?9- - Air . Fred Ram saur and children of Lineolnton are on a visit to her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. f. MeMdlan. Afain Front Rtreet. Mrs. D. S. Currie and Airs. Aiollie McNatt were I.nniherton vi. itois and shoppers yesterday. Rev. J. J. Boon, pastor of the M. F. chuTeh. left yesterday for Xewton Grove, where he wit) he engaged in revival work for ten days or more. Crops Growing l ast. Crops up our way are growing fast these days since the rain, and farm ers are badly behind with their work owing to the wet soil. and having to wait several days, too wot to plow, flood Hoads. Our town and eommunity nr to be congratulated on good road Wo have no complaint as we have the pmod ' of some tnore mad v.ori.ittg width when completed w faitgoat.dtotu' most any direction; oiil'.' tube 'dif ficult to get to l.undoiton at tt.-ot but in a few month. ailwiiii. . v !}. Baseball is Die order at McMilh.n's on Saturday eve.'.o.g. Last Saturday Puritan mills, and Wade teams 'tudled them for a double header, Buckhorn club winning both games. The first was Puritan miils anti Buckhorn, score ] to.'lm favor, f the locai. The featur^Loy the first game war the batting Jack Carter for the locals and J. b urm.idge in center and ..a' 'esponsibl. for bringing in the dr .r- . Campbell, pitrhn for the lo cals, did splendid work, striking out 12, while Barrett, for the Puritans, struck out -1. The ; tune wit't Wade resulted 2 to 1 ut the iot ils favor. A large crowd witnessed the games Sat urday evening and enjoyed some real clean sport. Their mnnag r. C. Ross.! is much enthused anti encouraged with the present outbade f..r his team. Misses Sarah McCormick and Sarah Currie returned home front Sumter. Si C., Monday and report a fin time. The N. C. Sacked orchestra which was billed to play 1 -t Sunday eve ning at Glendale school wa. rained out. Mr. Carl Lancaster has most com pleted the painting of the M. < itnii ); new residence and its a beauty, rtce! gray. .. Mrs. J. F. Blue and 'em. James, is on a visit to relative... at Alt. Gilead. Christ's Highl'riesMy Prayer. St. John 17:17. t hri t's great inter-' cession for Himself f.,r tin- apostles,) and for the world. litis pr-.yer is of ten- and suitably calhd Cinists's High Priestly prayer; because in it Me solemnly consecrates Himself to he priest and victim Yn the approaching sacrifice. The veil is drawn back for a moment from the innersantuary of his mind, and we arc enable to eon - tempiate with awe and reverence the nature of that c!ose communion w hich I He habitually maintained with His heavenly Father. L) this prayer Jesus prayed for heliovt-rs that they may. have perfect unh.n and communion, visible and invisible, with one anoth er, in virtue of their union with the one God thiough the one Christ; and that finally ail may attain to ever lasting salvation, and see Christ en throned in that glory which He had with the Father before the world was. I pray not for Cm world, rather, 1 am not now prayh-g for Mm world. Jesus prayer for the world in V. HI. and enjoins others to do so. 17 V. Sanctify them through thy truth, thy word is truth; consecrate them,) R V 'in the truth') consecrate them to their Apostolic office- endowing them also with divine illuminatioii and wisdom for their work. Our Lord also was 'Consecrated' for His work when He entered Mm world. So now) i consecrate my Apostle:-- before send-' ing them forth. '!h:it theyai] may be one. A leading passage - n the unity of the church. The centre of unity is not on earth but in heaven. Christians are 'one . because they are spiritually united to the Father aud the Son. who--divine lift and bless ed union they share through Mm taith that gives eternal life. The un'ty of the church cannot- be broken by outward divisions. Hut inward unity ought also to . how it'-ctf in visible outward unity, 'that the world may know that thou hast cent me.' Hence every Christian i bound to pray and week for the reunion of Christendom . The glory ii. < . according to the context, mainly tin- glory of unity and love. 23 V. That the world may know) the whole work! will be con verted when Mm fhui