THE WEATHER Ganeraiiy fair tonight and Friday. Probabiy iota! thnndtr ahowers Fri day. E!GHT PAGES TODAY VOL. LVII—NO. 43. LUMBERTOW, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1926 COUMTET. GOO AMO TEUTH. EETAELMHKO MM. EEtCE WVE CEWTE Recorder Kornegay Keeps His Promise Sends Man to Roads for Drivin- Car While Under Influence of Liquor Same Man Bound Over for Robbery —Henry Stephens Appeats from Road Sentence for Aiding and Abetting in Liquor Manufacture Other Cases. Recorder P. S. Kornegay, who warned the public through the col umns of The Robesonian and atso in his court that he was going to send every man to the roads who was con victed in his court after July 1 of driving an automobile while under the influence of liquor, had his first occa sion to make good promise this week, and Bud Singietary received a four-months road sentence as a re sult. Singietary was bound over to Superior court on a charge of rob bery and is now in jaii in default of a $500 bond. Henry Stephens, captured by coun ty otficers on Saturday night, June 20, alter evading them for nearly a year, was convicted by a jury yester uay atternoon of aiding and abetting in the manufacture of liquor and was sentenced to 6 mouths on the roads. An appeal to Superior court was tak en, and bond was fixed at $500, which Stephens made. A warrant for Stephens was sworn out on September 10 oi iast year, a day after Deputy W. C. Britt and Rural Policemen B. F. Bullard and Melton Ivey had found a liquor still in a. pond 50 yards behind John Me-: shaw s house and approximately 100 yards from the house in which Henry I Stephens was then living. After cap turing the still and a barred of beer the officers went back to John Me shaw's house, where under a tobacco barn they had seen Henry and Homer Stephens and John Meshaw. Ail were gone, but Homer Stephens son re turned. That night the officers went back to Mcshaw's house and saw him and Henry Stephens at the supper table. A dog barked, and Stephens; went out through the back door to woods, making good his escape. Me shaw was arrested, tried and sen tenced to six months on the roads. ' He has just completed his time there.' Meshaw testified yesterday that Hen-; ry Stephens ciaimed the still that was) captured. The iast of several cases against J.) D. Wilkins, whom it is aiieged Stan Parqell assaulted with a deadly weap on some time ago, was tried yester day, and Wilkins was found not guil ty of carrying a concealed weapon.) The warrant for Wilkins was drawn; by Parnell's wife. j J. T. Bradshaw was taxed with the costs for simple assault?. Big Criminal Term Court Begins Monday Docket Contains 107 Cases. 5 of Which Are for Murder—Judge Midyette Will Preside. A two-weeks' term of Robeson su perior court for the triai of criminal cases begins here Monday morning with Judge E. Gariand Midyette pre siding. The docket is one of the big gest ever seen here, there being 107 Cases, 5 of which are murder cases. Murder cases on the docket are E. i Frank Fisher for the murder of Ad McQueen; Eddie Franklin, charged) with the murder of Mary Franklin;) Witl Worrix and Foster Locklear., charged with the murder of Frank) Chavis; Will Locklear and Anderson' Locklear, charged with the murder of Joe Pittman; and Mack Tyler and Warren West, charged with the mur der of Allen Oxendine. MRS. EFFIE EDWARDS CELEBRATES 74TH BIRTHDAY Large Family Reunion and Picnic Din ner. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Mrs. Effie Edwards celebrated her 74th birthday on July 5th with a family reunion and picnic dinner. Mrs. Edwards has 12 living chil dren, 55 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren. Most of them being present, made quite a crowd. There were games for the children in the a. m., then best of all came the good dinner with everything good to cat. After dinner the young folks al[ went to Jennings' Beach for. a swim. The day passed all too swiftly for those present. Every one had a good time. There were a good many visi tors to enjo^ the picnic with the family. Mrs. Edwards received many beau tiful and useful presents. Visitors From Oklahoma Reported for The Robesonian: Mr. artd Mrs. E. T. Tayior of Oklahoma City are visiting friends and relatives for the first time since they went to Oklahoma about 20 years ago. They were accompanied by their four younger children—two sons and two daughters. Their many friends are delighted to see them, for they were* very popular young people .and we all hated to see them go away. BAGGY KNEES MAY BE STYLISH IN BAGDAD But in America they indicate iack of attention to one of the fundamental of success—good appearance. Those immaculate friends you envy are no more fortunate than you—they, too, perspire, but they have discovered the secret of having their garments re freshed often by the LUMBERTON DRY CLEANING CO. Eddie L. McNeill, Mgr. Phone 94 Our modern methods positively re move stiffness from trouser knees. John D. RockefeHtr History retain* Rockefeller hi* place ** _ America's big business, which ha* had so much to do with the pros perity and growth of ear nation. Keen students claim that his vision has been just a* great in educa tional and medical charitiew—*n& i that time too will prove these out.! . This is a most recent ph<#Q of th#) world's "Oil Kirur." , ' ^ , He was born duty 8, 1839, and is 8T years oid today. * JACK CARTER JR. ' * FALLS AND BREAKS NECK * * t * Four and Iiatf Year Oid Son of * * Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Carter of * * Maxton instantty Kilied When * He Fed from 1'orch This Morn- * * ing—Funerai Frtday 11 A. M. * * Jack Carter, Jr., son of Mr. * * and Mrs. J. W. Farter of Maxton * * and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. J. * * A. Inompson of Lumberton, was * * instantiy killed about ten o'clock * ** morning when he iell from a * * porch at the home of his parents * * and broke his. neck. According * * to information brought here, the * * child was playing on the porch * * with his littie sister when tne ac- * * cident occurred. ** * The funeral will be held Friday * * at 11 a. m. \ * * Special Program at Philadelphu* Sun. Eve Antioch Christian Endeavor Will Pre sent Program at 8—ATt. Lather Me NeiM Injured in Auto Accident— Circies 2 and 3 Meet Monday P. M. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Phiiadeiphus, July 7—We are look ing forward to C. E. next Sunday night when the Antioch C. E. will pre sent a program for us. The meeting will be promptly at 8 o'clock. We hope we will have a good attendance. Mrs. Ella Pelligrim returned home Tuesday from Highsmith's hospital, Fayetteville, where she had been for treatment. Mr. Luther McNeill is at home re covering from several bad bruises and cuts received in an automobile ac cident Saturday. The car came very near falling down a deep embank ment, and this threw Mr. McNeill from the car. We hope for him a speedy recovery. Circles 2 and 3 will meet with Mrs. D. P. Buie Monday p. m. at 4 o'clock. Miss Annie Beiie Buie is ieader, and the topic is "Stewardship." Please ev ery member be present at this meet ing. Bright Prospects for Opening of Car olina College. Prof. Ernest J. Green, president of Carolina college, Maxton, and Mr. Emerson Thompson of Maxton, who has been traveling for Carolina this summer, were Lumberton visitors Tuesday and were very much elated over the bright prospects for the op ening of the coliege next fall. It seems assured already that the col lege will open the fall session with its fall capacity of 100 students. —Four automobiles tarrying If Jones county farmers passed through Lumberton yesterday afternoon on a tour through the eastern and pied mont sections of the State. They had intended making visits to the farm of Mr. S. G. Williamson, route 4. and the Green Valley dairy, East Lumber ton, but the lateness of the hou-- wi on they reached here necessitated their going < n from here to Sanford after a short stop. The tour was conducted by District Agent E. W. Gaither of Wilmington, and County Agent J. T. Monr e of Jones county. —Many people were attracted to the Lorraine hotel last night by what they believed a fire, but it was dis covered that it was only smoke and fire coming from a kitchen chimney which had become stopped up and was being burnt out by the use of kerosene and paper. Mrs. ED. McMillan and son. Jimmie, and daughter, Margaret, are spending this week at Wrightsviiie Beach. Cotton Market Middiing cotton is quoted on the io cai market today at 16 1-2 cents the pound. —.. - NEEP A NEW SUIT? SEE JOHN D. PURVIS, The Tailor. HAND TAILORED CLOTHES S23.5Q AND UP. Lumber Bridge News Monthly Meeting of Baptist W. A! S Next Mnoday at 4 P AL—Hope Mills Wins Ball Game—Persona). By Mrs. C. J. Ammons. Lumber Bridge, Ju!y 7.—Mr. J. L. McLean of Raleigh, brother tf Mr. C. S. McLean of our town, spent a day and night here iast week. Little Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. pfcLean, accompanied him back to Raieigh, where she will spent! sev eral days visiting. Mr. Dan Monroe of C^adbourn spent a few days here this week vis-< iting re!atives. Misses Eveiyn Odom and *7'leo Troutpian spent the past week-end in jtown with relatives and friends. Mrs. A. J. Breeden spent several ! days recently, in St. Pauls visiting her Sister Mrs. Ruffin Powers. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Lcggette of Proctorville were week-end visitors here in the home of Mrs. Leggette's mother, Mrs. Sallie Covington. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Monroe and famtly went Sunday to Rocky Mounts where tney spent a few aays with their daughter Mrs. P. P. Hail. Mr. Rrehard Cox was a week-end visitor in town. Air. and Airs. W. C. Heitman ot Greensboro are visiting Airs. Heit man s mother, Mrs. J. W. Haii. Air. Heitman is on his vacation now and they wnl spend part ot their time in our town. Miss Grace Breeden was a recent visitor in Fayetteville with relatives and friends. Born, to Air. and Mrs. A. L. Usher, Saturday night, a fine 7-pound girl. Rev. and Mrs. Fred Collins and children spent Monday near Lumber ton With Mr. Coliins' sister, Airs. Baldwin. Mrs. Witherspoon and children of Sumter, S. C., arrived here Aionday night for a visit in the home of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Airs. J. S. Hodges. The regular monthly meeting of the W. M. S. of the Baptist church will be held in the church Monday p. m. at 4 o'clock. The Fannie h. S. Heck Group will have charge of the program. Air. George L. Hocutt of Wingate spent the week-end in town in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Odom. Baby Wiggins of Pembroke, little son of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Wiggins, is spending a few days in town with his grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Odom. Miss Amanda Cobb !eit Tuesday morning for Connely Springs to spend a while. j Mrs. John Cobb and children spent the 4th in Rocky Mount and Wake Forest visiting her sister and son, Mr. Thornton Cobb. Mr. Dan Adams of Re&sville spent the week-end in town. Mrs. Adams ; returned home with him Monday, i She had spent several weeks here wAh her parents, Air. and Mrs. M. L. Alarley. Mrs. Adams and her mother spent several days at Jackson Springs. Lumber Bridge and Hope Mills played ball on the local ground Aion day. The score was 7 to 10 in favor of Hope Mills. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Al. AIc Googan, last Thursday, a girl. BASEBALL JULY 10 ; Fort Bragg and Alansfield Mills Will Play in East Lumberton Saturday— Good Game Expected. (By W. A. Duncan) Alansfield Mills baseball club will I clash here Saturday, July 10th, with jFort Bragg's 2nd field artillery! Fort Bragg comes here classed up with Wilmington. Erwin, Siier City, Fay etteville. East Lumberton also has made a name for itself by taking 8 games out of 9. Starts with Walter Edwards, local high schooi ace, in fine shape and leading hitter. Edwards will do the mound work Saturday with Mayes in reserve. We hope to have a crowd which will beat Monday's attendance. We will try to use the same line-up which beat St. Pauls here Monday morning 3 to 2. Everybody come and help East Lumberton with your moral support. ! ATKINSON AND HENCHEY PLEAD GUILTY Ben Henchey and A. E. Atkinson, arrested by Sheriff McMiilan and Deputy J. H. Barrington iast Thurs day and placed in iail, Henchey charg ed with being drunk and Atkinson with being drunk and possessing li quor, plead guilty before Justice of Peace D. B. McNeill. Henchey was fined $25 and costs and Atkinson $25 and costs on the first charge and the costs on the second. _. —Mr. R. G. Sessoms of St. Pauls has accepted a position with Bailey's j Barber shop. { * * * *' *-* * * * * * Auto Drivers * All who have not secured driv- * * er's license by July 20 will be * * stopped from driving. * * By order of the town board. * * J. P. RUSSELL, * Town clerk and treasurer. * * **.*****,<, "COME" to Moore's Gift Shop West 3rd. St.. Phone 454. National Bank Building. Saddletree Hi'* Want To Come to Lumberton -- * t Petition Continued Til! August Meet ing of Board — Petitions from Wisharts and Howeiisvilie Continued Until Next Monday— Budget and Report of County Sup erintendent Approved—Other Mat-, ters. e Petitions from Wisharts and How eilsvil'e townships asking for an elec-! tion to ascertain the wiH of the peo ple in voting a speciai tax of not over 50 cents on the $100 vaiuation for 'their townships were continued by the county board of education Monday un ti! next Monday, Juiy 12. Peopie of the Saddletree section ap- i peared before the hoard to ask that the high school students from Saddle-< tree be transported to the Luml