VOL. LVII.—NO. 10. LUMBERTON, N. C., MONDAY, R^ARCH 14, 1927. COUMTtT. COB AWB TBOTH- BBTABLMHKB '*!<- H!Ca f!VK CKWTB Loving Cup Presented Dr. B. F. McMillan Of Red Springs Veteran PLysic'an Honored by Coun ty Medical Society in Recognition of 45 Years of Service—Papers Read by Drs. Nesbit of Charlotte and Royster of Raleigh. SOCIETY ENTERTAINED AT HOME OF DR. AND MRS. BAKER At the regular monthly meeting of the Robeson County Medical society Thursday evening of last week Dr. B. F. McMillan of Red Springs was pre sented a silver loving cup as a token of affection and appreciation of his 45 years of service to the people of R.beson county and North Carolina cn the practice of his profession. The presentation was made on behalf of the society by Dr. R. S. Beam of Lum berton at the home of Dr. and Mrs. H. M. Baker, Elm street, where mem bers of the society and other guests were entertained at dinner. The home was beautifully decorated ip green and white in commemoration of Saint Patrick's day. After the dinner, preceding presen tation of the cup, Dr. D. Heath Nes bit of Charlotte read a splendid paper on "The Medical Treatment of Pept'c Ulcer." This subject was ably dis cussed by Drs. IDghsmith, Royster and Baker. Following Dr. Nesbit's paper Dr. Hubert A. Royster of Ra leigh read a very illuminating and in structive paper on the "History of Appendicitis." 45 Years of Service. Dr. McM Han was born at Red Springs in the year 1853 cf Scotch parentage. He attended the public schools of Robeson county and enter ed the University of North Carolina in 1878. He was a member of the first medical class which graduated from that institution. After two years studying at the university, he went to the university of Maryland, from wh'ch schooi he graduated in 1882. In the same year he passed the state board and began the prac tice of medicine at Plain View, which is now Rowland. He remained at Rowland until 1899 when he moved to Red Springs, where he has continued his practice until the present time. Dr. McMillan has been a life-long member of the Presbyterian church and an elder for a number of years. He is very much beloved in the com munity in which he iives. He began the practice of medicine before the days of good roads and automobiles, his mode of travel in the early days being the horse and buggy. It wus before the days of the hypodermic needle and the thermometer. His method of diagnosis wits made by means of his hands and his skill. Dr. McM Han has shared the heart-throbs and sorrows of many families and has endeared himself to the many people whom he has served. Pi.ysicians attending ti e meeting were: Dr. D. Heath Nesbit, Char lotte; Dr. Hubert A. Royster, Ra leigh; Dr. J. F. Highsmith, Fayette ville; Dr. Eugene Clark, Clarkton; Dr. Dewey Bridges, Bladenboro; Drs. H. M. Baker, J. N. Britt, H. D. Pope, R S. Beam, E. R. Hardin, J. A. Mar tin, Lumberton; Dr. J. O. McClelland, Maxton; Drs. A. B. Holmes, J. P. Brown, Fairmont; Dr. P. B. Ha'l, Pembroke; Dr. J. McN. Smith, Dr. P. W. Carm chad, Rowland; Dr. L. T. Buchanan, Laurinburg; Dr. B. F. Mc Millan, Dr. C. T. Johnson, Dr. R. D. McMillan and Rev. J. B. Black, of Red Springs; Dr E. L. Bowman, Sheriff McMillan, S. F. Caldwell, R. D. Caldwell, James Caldwell, Lum berton. Farmers Meeting At Orrum Tuesday Night A meeting of aii the farmers of tie Orrum community witl be held in the agricultural room of the Orrum high schooi Tuesday night at 7:30 o'clock. Mr. Homer H. B. Mask of Raieigh will discuss fertilizer materiais and their use. AH farmers of the commun'ty, both oid and young, are urged to attend. HOAD ACROSS ASHPOLE SWAMP !S OBEYED. The road across Ashpole swamp on route 70, between Fairmont and the South Carolina iine, has been opened to traffic. The State highway commission has put in three targe bridges in the swamp and raised the ievel of the dam approximate^ two and a haif feet. 40th Anniversary of Lumberton's Big gest Fire. Mr. Wade Wishart reminds The Robesonian that yesterday was the fortieth anniversary of the biggest fire Lumbcrton ever had. On Sunday, March 13, 1337, everything on the west side of Eim street from where Mr. L. C. Townsend's store now stands to the tent of Mr. P S. Kornegay in front of the town hnii was destroyed by fire, according to Mr. Wishart. Cotton Market _ Middling cotton is seiiing on the tocal market today at 13 cents the pound. We Are Selling Tires on Fall Terms, with Approved Security. FULLER'S SERVICE STATION Lumberton, N. C. IN ROBESON COUNTY 45 YEARS DR. B. F. MCMILLAN