r.r.Kir by JDBAKE & SOU, ,rr Trojprictors, jckiitiox bates i All S3 W 1 wv, ' jfERMS OF ADVERTISING: . A One M if wptare fcr.lt f.rt weeV, .f'.-r esti-tWe Cents fcr r acU .1 .- ,un.i uwrr i Tctj iiu- or Kt a a-iuare. , i 'a In five rof ? tuatier " . One tqyare,...?" CO Two nqcsro.. 1" t0 Thr nnre...... 13 W 13 00 HO 0) SO ( 20 (hi HO 12.; i llnlfcolamn. a 30 00 SU (X.) One column. Ut'l the ntiiub- r ol mwrtiond he marKcu Va the timrni-crict, it will he -uUbiitd till f.,r4i.l, nt J rhar2:i srwiif'y- Yi7 Icelly; d., OFFEIL iii Pervic to the !ic, ani may le firmm! t lit nn.ee h1cii ijt jiroffJonai.y ei e-i. Julv 2, IKG5 m 10 tf 1B. a. V. COW AN. CAPJ1P3ELL'&':. CpWAM HAVE af-otintt-.l ihc"nfelve in lie rac lice of Medhinc am Si uufr v. hv.A ihv he found, wtu n Ht j..rjfcMifiUy -t'i:M-l. at llioir ()flwp. in SuritilTfi" I5rick T.u.l.l.i.i:. jnn 17, '70 4 lv- DR. E. Q. ELLIOTT OFKEHS hid profcfj'ionai ccrvirt-. to the citizen of .Stam-ville hu.I ' nurroun.l;nir country in l'e practice -" ofie-licine and ii collaicVal hrsnrj.e-. E.-KiaI attetilion wili l. given to all Chioj;w cum.-3 cuiniriitled to h 8re' fT Itfli'nt the McLean Houe. " .J an nanr Hiih. 170 ;Hf DR. T. J. COHPENING, T70ULD respectfully inform V V the people of Iredt'II, an tl.e n.lioinini' counties, that 1 Iikb jierfuiipntly locate-l in Stattuville. anl will he i1rMrJ to reeeiv th caiirf of thone who may need hiu -rvice.-. jr f-cri- uwi -rate. t Ortice oer Carlton Brothers' Store. Fehruarv 1H, 108. t'i 5V TOULI) respectfullv announce that he has reumel ne pracnee oi u.a pivirr . and will he pleae l to serve thote who V. the services of a SKILJIFCL uestist. ''vunicutKHifi, hv wail, or o herw i-e. room i 0s; m t auentimi. Oifioe, front building, VY Jannon, Esq., fitockton ATTORN lMNmcVr5 C Jiarl A W , Ty"ILL practice in the S. C. V the Federal and Palti'h ;. -Match 27, ISCG a Aorney and Counsellor at Law,i - i Wllmlngtoa, X. C. Dl'BItlTZ CrfLAR, Mtoracj aad CounseHor at Lair. BOfiice on Princess street,, between" Fr and Second tr?ets. ; Mi . A. BRANT. HOWARD. ATTORNEY AT LAW, cfaiesviiie, N. C- priupt aiiention given to al business entrusted to his care. , gr O Bee in the Court-House. lec 2U:GvS 45 ly THOS. S. TUCKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, STATES VIXLE, JV. C. Office in rear of the Court-House, aJjoin- log judge juitcneji 8. - fcpt 22, IS68. 32tf CLOCKS and JEWELRY. rT,IIE Snlgcrib'er; has perm a ZJV; i- nently located in Stateville. isand ia prepared to repair watch- es, clocks and jewelry, in a neat nd careful manner, W. It. DAVIS. 7 tf s JIarcb,3l,68. KILXiIlTBK; IT :. s-t; j.-,1 r AJfD -- '---- i ' '- ' - JVS MISS JJETST TF1XI.I IMS, Owet WITTKOU'SKY 3c BINTEL'S Siore, April 16:tf . CliarlotCe, X, V, TO OUR CUSTOMERS! Wagon 'airca. 2 flTXE have leased the larrre lot adiolnin i "VV oar Store, for the aceommodation of' ..:IrTl?.Tr3,r,,'rra0.n, ""eris and ( - -m,,, 0- ercrotM. ami ut'oa.iriiiea mere wrfl orxcelUtt water , POETIIY. An fcrly rotm bj Priallcf.' The following iu- from tle ra of lie lainreD- VstnV.rtK 1 Licit Is Mi r.ef lefor aaiil h: dtnlh b" fk 1UUJ. ftrt.coptrJ. fro-a lie hacJriuB of jjp Prer.tlee &,rile Norwich AdicrCur, from t i..tlt.;M.irt e Norwich la IV la which thfT were wnlUa in l$2', when ilr. rrortce &t tweafj-ihiet years of aes AnJ till tSiH i:h raptur inn2 V i.eu I uiu far .away. Oit when the r- jr dawn hall Muh 'I hroti.h iljrhi'j enij-uri !ed throud And all l- r rli ir-in heamie rush Ah.r the Ea-K-rn cloud, UcWmhiawf hrijrhtr charms will fling UjKiii thy yotitiilut Htiyi And touch'Atletlibu dulcet string, Though I am (ar awtiy. A" ! when ale eveninj's rnen hair Siri Huis o'er tlie (a hn te-t. An 1 Htaren rain?i tlowr, her g!oriea there I'j.oii (!.. Ui tn'H hrnt, Mv Spirit in t hat holy hour Wiil yield tu tl.e Mt-mory'- sway, And own thy dear reir-th.: power, Though J am fir away. The Sun ha -unh with' fiidinjs heam low u Evening!3 fha lowy val Ihu Vee ! hi 80fie:iin ! ries stream Kr.nn yonder creee'nt ,p'i!e.S A'nd th'H Atl'TtiOM's chastened liht Wilt M-iw rv .!;; J iv, !I trii i the -rlootji f Sirrow'a niht, When 1 .i'ii ! ir :in:iv. MISCELLANEOUS. " " Arsenic Eaters. ; , ' There are people in Styri i who cat arsenic as the Asiatic eats opium, oi the European chews tobacco- a a in ttter ot taste. Travellers hal assert ed the fact, though the learned denied it, declaring that the white substance taken for arsenic must have been some harmless -mineral bke chalk. But an official inquiry has been instituted, and eventeen Sty rian physicians have re ported up-n the matter ; and there is no duubt about the travellers' stories. There are peOA'r1. take doses vary ing from pelVrJti'y.v size of a millet, t pills tl:c rizJ ot'a peo, of v.'ui.u. kin.d.s of arsenic, the favorite beiiiL,- the white quality, known as ratsbane. Thev will take it daily, or on alternate days, or ticc a week, according to citcumstauces; generally they abstain from the luxury at the time of new moon, beginning small doses with the young mot n and increasinj them to a maximum by full moon. Why this lu nar observance it is hard to guess, un less, as they profess that the arsenic makes them strong and healthy, they fancy that the waxing moon weakens them and renders the greater propor tion of the restorative necessary. Ti e habit is most commonly," found among the lower orders ; and it begins to at tack the youth at about the same time as the tobacco taste affects our young sters. Some few "'females are fond of ratsbane, but its patrons are mostly of (lie harder sex. The regular consum- f hI've gd ages, and are strong. a proVr,nd courageous. So we have is anothe?' wat is one man's poison M'ljiizinc. 'n's fd- O entlemeii s Ths Girls of .TnyxiT: rp, , T - School, ihroughout Japan it is t... -al custom for young ladies, wdiT" rived at the age of fourteen or fifteer" to be placed in what may be annr,.; - ately called a finishing establishment 1ms establishment has the following among other peculiarities, namely : All the masters pay for .'the nr,V;il ot reaching, instead of (;n tho csc with us) being paid for their lessen?. e t - -.- . . r " "-iixC This makes the instruction alabor of love. Then ajrain, to a certain extr-nt a Japanese young lady 13 allowed con- T w ...... ' : siderable freedom as to the selection of her instructors ; so she generally prefers the best looking. A ladv nrin v-..w! vuc ti oui umsning estaDlish- ments tor young ladies would be not 1 a little surprised if she could bfl'sn.l. denly transported to Japan, there to stu ly the peculiirities of Japanese cus toms. She would find herself, not in a close, pent-up room, filled with girls bolt upright, each perched upon an ed ucational stool, but in a delihtfnl den, fragrant with tea and flowers. She would see a number of little summer-houses, embowered in the midst of these charming vegetable nro fW rnifH I man Z -.1 1 1 I 'd, brought to perfection by the most exquisite norticulture. She would see bright-eyed damsels, with cheeks pink as the roses, moving round her wiih graceful steps, each bearing a small lacquer trajr with tea and cakes. She would see these damsels, with joyous I 1 -.--. " '. . t srniie ana mouest mien, wendm each her way to a summer of these summer-houses s a master or professor, the return of the refres damsels, else sittin ne vho had already p.mesegirl-remain in educational manes oi i uia mhu mini marriage, ana . Ithey'toM.i- excelJCfr-. v. a vrfy wvi-. !e4't .tntrfile Northern G:vcrn "Yen 7ait Kaatfaetcrts Here liza 'f?r.t a :f. :-"lapontt f aUrehtUln-;- :.CUTali7.-5-;-;;:; ; - . DeHtm -and (JyMo- cfMtry. Tie most dangerous sentiment ever ; Ut.1 tr ? the rt bdgt3ct.u en the tittered on this ctmtkientb that recent-Lit'-;.": cait. l otmufactarcs mors ito chlrj--! act Vv. -r tlut.if it bl4 tec n a c? ntrt ! C ! 1--? 1 1 lr l5 -f ?? H : ,1 7 '7 ' 6ftliege;-cyTmtr7;a.W,aU U t, if tU .Vcnh, tie Utter w.uUtf; Prrf! U IN'fr ;nUjtU; , An I fcf ? tJli.;;.! r r? .DiUns tuen nd mt -ftitCimca n:.l o V r.-t tre irget tl.t the t I li-U fa a'i re4 i ' J--f f Ml ? r'rr. 'V:' V f J lontSt,tenaUIfH 8na tLat the cuniuct and fm .'M,;-?t,t! f.tl.nV v Initiated Empire anQ the Itre Haul aV.Vr:t at ih llurJ Lead. .. With- M 'V. U., 1 th. r.., lV le-eL'-rd l-r. j1-T? Maa ; peace I i oa uave t iO PDrre nnitatm- e.d notions ab ut jcncr, trnth, . hih- einnenf" ner r culd h xvo hc-l-i toeth breedin and cJtintfn. .At! we!! enruch ; cr t?n Tere. -The La! .tare of the trade under the Irirbari;-::! cf slavery , Lut decidedly old foyislt now. You have pridel your.-clv1 ttpon y vir cpe n door iiospitality. "fvi a fo dl-h j-irce of extravagance. Hotter tnkc presents fro:o '.friends than k jt n ! yft:r in'.Ticy upon tltctn. You boasted of y-ur well fed slave., no wonder you were j or; j look at our p ile factory givls arid at our pinch-featured r.' eUe womtn. How could you be great and rich and prosperous with s-j many crude ntin and ab?urd eust'Mn- ?" . "."'The little speoeli of th bend of the Gift Enterprise was intended us a sneer at the prist and a warning f r tiie fu ture. The utterance of a coirse bor would deserve no consideration, 1id it not bapj-en tb.-it the course ho'r is CiiiefM i-istrate of the United State. Li t u then examine hi Meer an 1 s e whether we otu:ht to take heed to his warn: n-i lias the chivalry of the S' ulh dwar fed '' her. intellect, impaired her man hood or dirnirii.-hed her meterial re sources ? If no injury ba been doni m these important respect, we may reasonably suppose that "the first cap ta n of his age may ne mistaken iii his estimate of the blighting effect of chivalry. We will take up the three heads separately. In the formation of the Federal Con poet superior to Foe. No painter su perior to Allston. No naturalist equal to Audubon. No inventors of really important things superior to Brooke, inventor of deep-sea sounding appara tus and tortoise shell iron-clad; to McCormick, inventor of the reaper : to Gill, inventor of the revolver, and to Clemmons, inventor of the telegraph, But the fact that two-thirds ot the lite of the Nation has been spent under the administration of So juthcrn bom men is proof enough that "chivalry" has not dwarfed the Southern intellect. Let us look at the second head. In the first great rebellion, the ar my of the United States was command eu by a Southern born man. In the war of 1812, Andrew J ickson, cf .Mecklenburg county, vsorin y .w.r.a, -ained the most laurels and n.Uictcd the heaviest blows.upon toe ene.ny.-- , In the war of lSlo, botti wings of the. American army were commanded by .-Virginians,- ocott on one line airi aay- -m -r s v .. . jri' lor on the other. In the war of 18ol, it is notorious that tne outn iougnt UfKir on! nrci hrtter than tfre North. u-w ...-. - - - - in. aI.lU. u ,u., i the armies of the Union, thougn .1 1.1 r .. , All Euronc was ransacked to j bA -ruwiau loui uu;e3 n;C p u.a - tion of the South. And yet after get - th tjng recruits by hundreds of thousand from amonxr G. . . - t O- A. . tf - T- . I oecreiary 01 aroi tne United Statrs made the humiliating confession that the 'rebellion would have been estab lished but for the timely aid of two hundred thousand Southern negroes ! ! But this is not all : the South from 1 first to last furnished four hundred i thousand men to the Union cause. No shi When two-thirds of the Feder ! w I. . m, . -w-. dike a roelc in the ocean ao-insr whh ri the . R " i waves dash and fume and fret in Had it not been for the stub- vain born tesistance of this one man, anil t, v;. n, - , ,1 ne a irginian, Chickamauga woubl t - 1 ' ' , -r, , p . have been a complete Federal rout and tha '5nii,n --r;-f z ! the Southern Confederacy an estab - i;suj r;.(.wi.:.i.... t- n . t.n.,M 1 111 j n ui 11 ail. 1 . -1 1 1 1 1 v ) siuuuou, i'muuwi., x i.ivn..,. j it -uw .... . n(1 darkness covertu it, ana an seem . , . . . . . . ,. t son were unquestionably the control!- a Her. B. F. Whittemore ; but -she ' a Hk0 nig!lU The ,arne ,viug tn-atuble ! . di,rnvi 17 iri.d'nolT )nd AT I. I TToirO n I f f . I 1 t I .AL' O tl rt 'i 1 1 1 . 1 ! 1 ing. The Supreme Uouit Uenclt has claims thaiher.cierr;y have preaciici e stood near by her, diykrese.! tin tM i)'r,r ' .'V V ' 1 h ad no abler nor purer Chief Justices the truWTTt'is in Jesus, with faith- his cbiM mst ero thiti river, ar. i b, ( ,:. a cjergy.nm n timed than Hutledge, Mirshall and Taney, fulness and simplicity. She has no not be able to go with her. F. r d J,I,I,3vM w ,? the ?olc 'trunent Df hn The North has produced no Statesmen .msexed daughters strolling over the and nights he bad been, with her r.ith-! .r-.,:.','l . er . T. . , equal to Calhoun, Madison, J. fferson, p.rul, ehrfekinpr about women's rights, .vafching over ber, and leaving her ! At t..e.Eje cf T4it.ea.er. LnglanJ, and CbiA'. No theologian-comparable-j but she has modest maidens and true- I bedside only ion- enough to tat; Lis ! a 'cur'S sr"';:r a-cct fevcn.ecn year--.t rrt . it i i.;.i- Vs i. .j f . , 9 '-., of fe. Iriwn etit Ir.r scntrv (itr. I. III. - - - - . - 7 i 111 r il 1 lL 1 1 I. 1 U T .. L..t ...V. W. Lti-J . 1 great disaster be fe t h? arms -of i'ov?' ueain, 1 wiu icar e vn, tor ineuirt .acexmpory .oie. inmuj va . . . f. . . , , the South at any time during the four "a? VV' I with me ; thy rod &nd thy .stall tu; ki:, ct-aar 1 e arr.t. W utfj ue . . lairfoaad'- years' strule without the blow com- for mint, acd cotn, and money, m mo.t comfort.. e... m v ., . , . , boat in which his friend bad gone cap- - .jlfJjL' 1 1:' L ma Va part f om cn'fr of the ton3 of T ?QrPe; l,lC7 And thus she crossuHbc dark river, aizd and all iu tecopant were dTOo,S'J o recrei:: Tr l Z ck to a bit of popubr .upc was inflicted at Mill Creek, bv Thorn- t,e:n, and t the accidenl as, of Virginia. The first " conSdencemfc,n8ta w.pt. butjoy ,r, . buicS b,d detained that " gj f Jgfc J inspired it the. demoralized army of i mingled in their tear. . Jhey came t, hb boat utti. Utcr than u.u- k l be wiHfVaiVi I Bull Run. was owin to the "'WphraL i gnsfint w Er0Pc- - i could almost see the goMcn catesc-pen L tn tbe create arpnso f tboc wbi ?. , ..V-: rV. . ' ' i..-.-i-.. iiAnafArhnmrci - - . . a t . . i i tau.ABkBxBiakaau a w v a a a j , . p of Ord, of Maryland, at Dranes-1 .iAirW nnhal t0 rcire their Iore,l one; and then were ir tj.e babu of tbeervinghis lien J atinfti.t(i ii- oekr:i 1 iwutu labkittuns uuur. o air. i,annv: 1 .. - , . . t . -uouse. in parh cnrrpmipn AborQnHnw or,i ati i ' " - . . ura. ,1 Jm.1 -iik.. r i ? . - - ' lit rr 11:11 v ;i 1 1 . 1 f-1 1 1 111 e w a au wv i h tc-l 1. n -' t- i , "v T itrom the ninJ ana liltli m wnicn ne, -"; : --.---- . . ' teres', on me , eitner waiting I writers tell us that the hist named sv-- , , 4t rt,?c v . v r,V , Urent failnrej 'ihefft nroeeeded -foitb AZn l.nr'.fr a few rir' tb f : TIAK Prl fiment-UOarinc Pil (irant from ."lnjiiliii'irion nf SMhlt 1' . - J . 1 Nn tha n?c th snirit nf tht ponnnfr. v.ful nVnails mv rri Iri' Ct. t g by the side of . Ihomas, Newton tin 1 Coke are Vir-1 Hn? Cross. Surely, if the Cross says inftienre tr. Think of thTs te Vh.oliiT nf hrr motlier' . D i r ........ -. i, i - r . rt T-onil r,-l rifl." "- -r--- -t 1 i,' u r. i. i u . .. i i v --- " lllJllll t tome oack. ja-. ginians. - Urd and tsvkes are Mirv- ? 4 " v .''.--. I anTthin?. it savs that aDtvarent Utteat-h trmm- of the tnlant' tmnf!. flnJe"'" . t -r ' - - . . - uu uioiiev as vou wnitv uiuui:. a . . .. . . . r ; . . . - . . sem-llanders. The most successful cf all me navai neroes was U ivi-l U. r arra- i gut, of Tennessee. This is the express-1 catthc nroaucti would always have ben against tli Uiided States. Tw thirdiof thet x purta (f the country h ive alwaj's eo'ne fruia the South. Mr. Evert tt, -f .M j. &aelictts coiif-s.t 1 that "the N uth could -not .afford to lose the Stuth."- Just' after the 'Surrender, the Secreta ry of the Treasury of the United State stated that the Cotton found in the har ried and desolated Simth hud '..saved the Government fretn bankruptcy. (jhatltst on, in her ahes and rums, ex- portri taorc than 1 is'on iri her splen- - . - . gar. macnificeMce. Let the cotton, su- tobacco, rice and naval stores of the S uth, be destroyed,-the bonds of the Government would not be worth the paper upon w'nieh they are written. ' 1 he Ml-iry ul tiie rrevoit nt WoUiO not he KulHcient to feed the bull pup, wu-di ; ofJ jn the stre uii ; and .tJ.-Mig'i'Jt'" wa he de lined to accept. anJ the river . .-int 1 t . t tri fa We have exan.in.d patiently the ; l)iev wcre carHel safely ov-r, and th .neer of the man, v.h' by the power ; rj.;ji s6on for,r ,t her -feat ft a- In a of the bayenet and the strength of the i time after they danded .-L-r resit b negro vote is Tresident of the I. S. c,i bcr jj, wjlPrt. hiug arniS reei iv We think', that the S outu his no rcas-j Cl where the room was wnriu with io ! on to be ashamed of her past history, v iShehas produced no Ulysses 3. Grant, nut fctie tninKS mat tier ieorge n asu inston is bis equa'. She cannot boast of a spoon thief li. F Butler, but ?he points modestly to her incorruptible John C. Calhoun. She does notnum- ber among her jewels a lveveren-1 &e- eupv the sphere that God has placed them ir,. She has-been so backward in "manufactures" that she has manu factured no new religions. Mormon- ;m Milloeim Fonrierism. Commun- ;.m . b'ra.lov..Um havft had no favor in lier eves. She has been sati-fied j wiih the old Ft-.mily Bible and the dear fold teachings of the holy men of a by - onc age. May a merciiul God long j preserve ber from the curse of a coarse i. materialsa and the awful sin of its necessir? attendant, a low, beastly sensualin, such as now sweeps over the la - - . - - t - n, of "inaonfactures." Gcn. - ' - The Word Honey. Profenr Whitney, of Yale College, j in the XiAO-Englandcr, thus gives the . thj? hi3l of he worJ ..moReJ: . 4,f . , Flncll oril trouzht tR Uld hy the Xormans of William -QTm The French language with most tf ita olil. w ri ; - er stores cf expressions, from the . . . r ...... a . 1 . llaiarily the mint, the place " r J i .1 , tin, wnere t. iia "r " mvt, w.. 1 : t I. a- . . rr w nil f .1 o tid .r ,n j eninP! sirni u'l iv nucic mum. " "o -, -j itransferenie, , , . taarK,. anu;ine the coin-stamp, mint coin stamped, or mint- eJ jut wKy does woncfa ccaa "m:n;" 1 . T . , 'T?f-r tll- rpason. The Ro- j m.if, . t thev had reaaon to be j grateful'fo their goddess Juno fcrecr- "tain momffoViS which she bid given j them in acrisis of their history, and i accordingly they built a temple to Jii- i no moneia-Juno, the Monisher. In tbe said, temple it chinced that, for reasons of &tate convenience, of which no one is mw coirnizant, tiie lloman ; j machinerv for stamping money wa - : ' - Ever after r j ward, as he walked along, be tPl13 J eyes steadily fixed on the ground, in 7".: s t'l.n Yynra'nF An.Knrr iTn. Itpr: A nd. lri l Ue C(rse 0f a long life, he did pick .. . j tho hnna nl l r n j -i t 11 of gold and silver. But all these days, 1 , r f,. Um l, c,w as he was looking for tnem, he sav tl, , 6 v .Lr t,;m not that heaven was bright atove him j . v .-r u.nri TT. and nature was beautiful around, lie At what tiaCe, and under what cir- mces, wss itae title lleverend" be - iwcd on th fjergy ? stances stov. . . .. . : rl, nr. II 1T!U I'KlfJP Ill'ir ilJLL Ul i 1 .1 I -1" 'I r I. - a, . I'uw: aaau u vhvv. - -f . w t . i r . t v . i . a ii& w & " " . . - w - - m - - ! ft Tlf i n ,1 mrin ha nn V LT.flW in 5 .un I ti.i ... -, ...... . , - - - - Ciilitj lit Xerrj:.va. ttr, jttt tjm, d. t. The rrselrj tie riter. tS ft.r i Li hit! 4ajlrr, ht in itetv. I " out with her t!u. A thrv e ta? t the ferry, t I r v fcut 1 th. I it 4tr ::i ttie ottitr Mar, tots ietry. i .1 - i .1 r . v a. r i to ee rj-ie ac.o and the travellers enter- 1 it.. -Either!" -Wtll, my c iM ?" "It's very diil., a:i 1 I cau l .v. the sliore where we ;.. ' ig.-' N little one ; 1 1! tV1 ft r'ytn n knors the way, and we H ' :i 1 1 over, and then x n b r. ibi- ci ty, where there will !." 1 'ht and n good fa e." "Oh H wish ne wer? t'.t rc, f .t!o r ! ' , Slowly awl b,.i wtitij:'- i fire anj was fiJed u ljh lAit j tll0 hosom cf love he rented, a: O:. i aut her -i cuius unu icrior tiasieu u w .1 . -i :n - l a . . .. .1 bomc months after luu. the same lit - . 1,1 1 1 . .1 tie child bad come to another river, , , j i f r , ,, darker, deeper, and more feat f iUtul. Ti .1 t, f Tx , v, t It was the Iliver of D.'ath. Wheu ihe j firfit came lie:ir it. the air seein-e I Co 1-1 ! cious chi!J " 1 j For hours sbc had been slumbering naietly,- and it seemed as if her ,pirt as p393 a,vay wilh(ut ,V;ltI . .:. Z;., 1 ' fM ,t, .U;,,! .. . x i . :.m. ..!., i. .. :,i. pv0 hii 'ht. the reason unclouded, and j evcrv LicuUy alive. A sweet tmile 1 was pUyin on her face. "Father. I have come :"ain to the j r:vcr fcjJe. an,l ain tvaitin- for tbe fVr J rvman to COme and carry me over." l)oei it seem dark and ci 11 as it j when we crossed the river?" i ma n lieu i; ei uasiu uit inn . 4ni. Thrr,.ri -.A . , li V. Jlllll, nil iikuii n. ii-.- I'M L-jlin autj n) iamPi nj moon or tun . . : 1 a , t l t comi --"'.-''"" but ,t g ,uU olltaut.. AU : 1 heir mu ,1 ' i.a t- coft'v over wcet as the angels could mak "Can vou gee any one on the olbcr ' bank of tbe river u r rr.- '" Why, yc3 ! I sec One, the nviit beautiful form I ever saw ar.d b.it a face ! what a smile I And how b; beckons me to come. O, ferrvrua: mnie haste I I know wh it i! h h Jesus !my owa tiered Jesus ! 1 M be received into l.U arx:; I Lall' mt in Lu tosoin :- . ' k'U mv, ill i iiM itr tlrinl ' b j "Afraid, dear mother ? Not a bit. j I think of my IVaha, 'Thcugh I a'.k through the valler of the shadow of . phtt, The child shall die a lu 0ij r ,:.railareatlifeak f , , ;i nooie iiie,u was wnencaeoon 01 mr.r, 1 ' t 1 i- f . 1 r . . f ' i. deserted bv his fnends. heard, tee cr , which proclaimed that the i'hanseesc . , - . , , . rim t, ihc cth. r ai pirt d tia o. J ::i-"t ire 5ta .$ a4 (ana but no voice 9titrta ; the n . wiiusa r , ' t . ,l iJk. call arin anu ai;;Mu . t t' v . . , . , , ; .1,,,,. . r r..i I . : i", i ,i ' ' t"i 1. 'uJ-tr, bivf l,e n u!.inn Ij na : tacti--ani t',ii 'trurf rw -ir ,a w a litlte -light tnvi... aod nr jd !., , , - f (MfT tntf Itf tW 'Tar h.iv St. Ao.u.ttae. b.iin- to c-l t.tr.. .r d lie flM Ui ta er toy nuie ciuc . i i wu r -.ai . . 1 '3'i . . . 1 ... 1 v 'ici Mi: ;.t p ;t: . .;Knr Tt m -tr.ent after he trn reri"J, the rr f prore bciure oUrrs that tberarttrae, i covereu with noat.n t-ilvcr. i ne a? - , , . , , , t p n ... - , i-T -r,-, i : of the bnii r.bre bebad been fell in. wjU fia aj great a JiiTcreoct -ts cst coming towaru me seems to rrao- . ...... tt -1 s I . 4 .1 i r 1 r 1 i- 1 , . ;r 1,1 - u .1 n e ,ir,; Of FTilp !Itrv,a Iir 1r.at2r.ee tvexia tn the Jam lem tba Ji'crciiCt i of sohtl linht ; ana though the leiry-j . ,l . ' ... ij. ? 1. 1 i- tr . r : i- ri recorded. 1 between lekioi bsek tir-Aft list ttv man looksuark, 1 mitut ait aid d juiji. . , , . . - . , , 1 ' 1 ... - . . 1 T I r Jv n r r Ha n r,','.tr d' rfi!h t. KrAi.l.l. Unn hi rwl . It tf. f fif n t IA 'Can my curolrce across the rivei.' 1 . , - . . . . it n i tr ,.au f i... . 1 ;r .1 it,, former, wa always wont to tit at the self lat rotewtnl.; IJ Will Jel Litnitlf On, 3 ta . but loatea.l i t tl.e ltt;e , J . . t !- ' i- . 1 1 . e 1. twinkling light here and there, ai b.-f;'1 V'i- ' T :XY f re, T can ee a gre.t, beantifu! city. ! :nd ;w. J,. one. p i,rtetiur cremng. , tbe otl. farub 1 sad tsppj. n , 1 .. :.i j: .1 . ... i i r . . ! with' ut, borvver, b' sr. able tot ac 1 In tbe one ce-if bw-Id not srtesr liiHMifU wilii iiviib II la Li v mi v - a i rr ik'i it w ii iiii r. i nnn i r.M :in 1 11x110 nr j, t nT.ti.Tiaii:i r a . i. in 1 unit u a a a. . aa a. u w b had drawn the net around the JJinnenhe tnow let-it retaam hot a short , victim." Yet from, that Terr. houriCf.fc-:e?anf a horse's hoof can6ot pene- jis often real victory, and that there isleaye such impression therretr a? wtllj .a heaven for those who have nobly and be Eafc" f rry'am!J the follies j I truly failed on earth. -and Sjer!d.r ' ;-cr t m X3 a y a ? it f4 f ! rt n.:r-Ir-rtT t. wben s !-'-left M ' : a t v I an, ihh nil '., U IOTP UBK-iTiM.!' Tt .i f'.it., k the tt'Ual read . . . . . ird r-'1i.r ibv uth. 11 iftcrward h n-mira hatinf !.r1t ' , I I mumj mt. hid tdartd 'v ef- ! . e. f t' . ;.!kc- it! th prefer idad with ibe ai r,iln loalt pef aeVf fcf taa drMn of murdfn Ii tira. n!ri, bt t fiuuJi, CI Uirop, tl iii'ptof, when a ten lr r , to Sl.ua'roj. V? of five-rr4t o! 1, fell int tbe pil And, ah! if htrr in lit tftrdn, . f"a f I n! and wou' l have per-j will partku'ar fiif h 1 yoa ra s hed, ? t I not a n- rknn jat mttr -' np atatia trt taoit aidcadMll f rfnUb j'g the t -:d d rvrd the top cd" e I ro,rn, ab in I tl aoppert-bV'Vdirid'i-nnidiitrIy tecucd tia. b! afrra-l with dclietnVa from tteij When Oiiver 'ruiWfU aaa an in- clirac an I coualry, ah tu t Ual Jici, fai t. a ififli.-ley n atcd ed niu from bia ; and fnipo, and jellow Ugr I r alleti, crad!f. 1 .ir ? 'with li hn from the cr j and pheaant, and all tbat fin, Crib r-t :tid ,v, nnl r-n ulong tie la la cf , atid fual can afford, al. aftd cbatf th li ue. Thr ntmot aUrm wa ex- pagt.e and tranly, anj Uaro ly aa rited aT.ni." th intnate.-i, and rarioua j CJiateaa LiCttf, cld't than TVatrrlot 1 , 1 wrrf tiiC uevicri n'i to rrcar n.r child frmtbr !.iardi4fi!in of hia new rn the j4iardi-n!ip of hia new !y found protvetor. All vitrc nnarail- i . , . . - 1 , 1 ! ' . , . e VMm ef'ura,'-, nrd wre in dt air of eirer . r . , .' Ueeir.;' the b"V alirc aiiin, ahen tor . f 1 1 mnj.kev q::u t ly rerraecl ita tf pa and ! . .- . ,.' t , , . U,i i::.eft:rnt ficcn'ion. wi wairrn ble One ,f l,c mrt., was yJ t0 VC-- V i ?." .f- Xieo dead whtlc cn gtnrl. T.C ycongman I -firt dratm afterward. Iccrtr.e the ta tbor cf PilrrrTi i rrcgres. 'Dddrlde. tvb.ni bom, Vas f f trent- ly an infant, be wjs fcelifrtd to ie lead. A none .standi? 5 by fancied h? saw some s'g'-s f vitality. Thui the fcebtc ?P''ik fl.fe waj fired from being rxt:i:g;r.!.c 1 ar.d an emtnrnt autb"r r.nd ccn';!ter.. 'Cbr:;:iaa pre served to t!:e KrT !. , ,-. t t ! f ' . ' I J'd.n Wt-1-r, when a child, was cn- , ' f ' -. A 1 , .1 I ; le .Mint f r !f. be ;"tit l r.eltber bimtelflto bimndf lraraU.at lesat b willaot i 'sit in 'tie c!.i:r; n'ir a!! V any ope c?e ho r rcTipv hU p!ice. Tb it Tory r.fbt i a bul'et was f b. t ir, at the winl j I"r,05( -l ' .k ' V . Vfl1"? cba-r on wbtc'u be sit an l.made a hMe in the fect cf a c--!e-sllck on tbc ta- bb Mn j ye ars bare now eUpsed s'nee Oiree mbakerr.i migM hro been ictn stroking iu the aater efftt. IUlni: one Vf tha particularly btlplcs, wis iucean.Lin?:' IlcVasfavcd to lire j Arthur V.VJoU-y, Dtke of VrdJIpg-, i LC U. , n ' . vi . The Kfe c f J. hn -Newton Ij lot f history of : m ie of marvellous iUUr-j Frances. Ai a youth he bad cffTted to ,uuir.dana f-' ;l3 :her. lla-i be Ifft the shore afewmnV: ' . . . - tej soonerhe nst -Lave - - - 7 ' -- . - - - !- j.. . i ora- " i - A strnw will make srf itppres:ca on . - o : v ..ri t.i : 4 - 'At . $n & Of Ul te5- .'u at. I St. CUtlr atit il t a 1 toa an I a r r, !. at.J tt.t Vri Vaall arc ei nm"c f f Ulffr.Sft, tk a:,d t-r n in lit t Tc b"t a re rt a Jr li rll v u !lt!e tifVrt ti C n ti IJ!ck T'towti dar cc ito atlrtg t ..t . riln I anl M trM a V uuium, j u ,, and a Dice fc-nUft.n alta rija a p!atii withlittle apottcd paaUbotfla, triJnotbrr turnin? a oacblrit ir,i dtopp'n little ball tbat rollf rcaat and round and itopt r?tnttitne o t1 cg'e bird, and oftene r don't, ab in J nbr n tLe pjayera rut down inert tbiti tbey take upand taenioBBttlmeiaiti but in itly don't, ib h, frira J, "riu on to Sbun cm. And in conclrn'on, my frle n !i, aiea tbe wor'l, the f!eb and the Jen!, ah lie in wait fr you "pan on ta fcbun ttn. . . . s.'i -r... Xoit Tixae., . Iet any r.in put sa sre aing 10 ra cant idkneaj, or ern in reading foot tilly ule, and compart tba lU'f tf lif mind when hejr cj to alrrp, or gtti oa nest taoraiog. with iu tUtt icue tXa rr tiar,: when b bat f pent a few lours in gotng llfotgh tba proof, by faetf and reasoaiogSiCf topt f lit fesl doctrines in natural acirnce, Icarriog troths wb'dlT new to bin, tad satltfj 'n biiaar If by carefol ciataintticn, U the grounds co aLich kaowo tittls re?J, 0 as to It cot only scoutiMcd with the doeti ines lhcmilres, bat silt to tbor why be bclittcs flirtn, and ta fiatc earned ny-clifit 9 Itlw aro r- apeet; in tbe tber cas, b will tajor 1 prou I conscioatnesa 01 ' bifl lj "nfmircua.". thrrefwr a more exalud nstarc. v - 4 A pool story is related cf tb lit Cannan, D. li., c( :.er : Hraniwick.- Oa t oceajianb)??5 seenstotaed to leaf las eeealar aEtr J k esr 6f tUcsielrej J bgh?r cntgeoent ta p.ntcU Jbmgs-be bad .gircti as order U ft . ... ?"a.fer ' jj ' , When tb maa called, a trw vastbown t theittjJ Ujuattit, I hirer-1 home that will suit yon to fraction. conscience . into ttnvoated - act it it". 'f m J'i, m., 0t Tflii a better bone, t and wi tLlrevr. eo. !ffaia .ar-othery vith 1 aniaal that wocbl bear rubnqcm, re- ifieetioo The SoathCarTiaa Legislatar ad :nrf,,i Utm r.n Tcrliw ti-bt. aftr tl...: - r rrArritti.-.n ' 0 . . . . t . Stat debt in gol l.'5 , "deatital and- intasr, ran eisco forth resulcccs at Msrtinsbcrg Vvj m-t . J rtil 1 In Chirlittc, cn Ust Monday c- ie3iing,'tb bouse cf Mr. 1L A7 I-1:- eon was burnt d sTti.- ttr-T AW ...i -.y s r t