3 YT I ., E v;!i ri1 fniT fr ' i) i 'J:amihj 000 devoted io Holilien, ggmulhuL', Jnnufiictmts, Commerce, and JJlkiclhnconr. gcadmtj. Statesville, Non. Carolina, April IS, 1870. Volume XIII. Nruun; P. A U N J i i V .ir JViVKV WEEKLY BY EUGENE B. DRAKE & SON, JiJitor and Troprictort., -srnscitiiTios iiatks : Osk Yun - . Six Mo-nth, . . . . . . 1 " Slrittlj in Adcancc. .TER1IS OF ADVERTISING : ;j2veoty-tire CicitL'f ibr each SMb4uenter. :"i.:Teo linger Je frlitJte .W1 iillLiitde tn'fcvor of taujng uttrr .aa follows: 3 HO. One square,..... ? Two square........ 10 ihrcceuart, ,.. 1 0) ,Halfolunifi,... ,. 00 One column... .... 50 00 C 05. JiO 00 is oo 20 0) 50 o .'K 00 1 TrAh. S15 Of :;o '"(; j hO 12 V Ot iti-,i.m.mi6iinwrtionl"xi.arltt.i;tor3 tuoveci to tuis senion oi iiiocoun- Up&u thctrmntifCrii't, it will be iubltel.ctl till furLM, nt riiHft' l ccconlingly. Jrofcsstonal (Carti! irs . H. KELLY; 'm. O.I OJTKr-S bis perricfH to tlic pU when nut jrofc&.-:iorali, e;'ig'l. July 2, lHi-,5 10 If p. ir, m. r.u'ati.i.. iR. . r. Cou ax. CAMPBEa&COWAN TT'AV'K mwociHtfi! lhennelve in ihe f rao JL.L tire of Meoicine and Si rufrv, nil may be found, wlu-n not proffPt-ioimily enMe.l, y-. ... r. tl- l.:ll' . ti.cir Ulnce, in rtjringrt ine.K iviiii-iiii-. 17, '7U DR. E. O. ELLIOTT OFFERS his profefeional Forviceo to he citizens of .Slalevilp eml fiurroiirMi:nr country i' ll'C i-iut-liVc of Iftlicire ainl it ,dllteral brfcndies. Kj-i.tci.Hl attention will he given to all Chronic taj-cs-coniuiittfJ to Jit rare- texT t)flh-e at the McLean JJou??. 'annary 2-i!i, 1H"0 50tf DR. T. J. CORPENING, : Dentist;; 7UI.I resje-tful1 v iifurin ftrl,-- the co'le of lrfih!l. an. I ihe Riljoininj: eonntif, ' that he Curx? fiae ,p.rtKiiy 4ocale.t in Mateivilie. ami TTrbo ti'eHed lo receive the calls of tho.e 1iO may tiu-d Ins fprvicc!1. .'barges vrry niolcrrtte. 4itio oer Carlton nruthers' Store. Ftrhruarv IS, If-CS. Cm Ki t:. . L''M T70ULT) respectfully anncince that lie J j has rsuiue'l practice of Kit pivfi-s n, and will be plea-e! to serve thofe who . j-enire Ue services of a skim-vcl dk.ntist. Communications, by mail, or itliciw'. will receive "etcpt ' tLe.t;oii. .Olliw, from rooin over A. W. Jamison, Ee'j., -S ockton iiilJIng, Statesville, N. a 41: Z. B. VANCE, ATTOEKEY AT LAAV, Charlotte, X. C. WILL practice fir the Gth Circuit, ami u the Federal ami Supreme Courts ai Match 27, 1S0G tf I'll ED. IJ. POISSOX, 4lKornry aud Cfiansellor at Laiv. TViliMlngton, X. C:. Atlorney and f ounsellor at Latr. Wilmington, X. C. Office on Prir.cess street, between From anJ Second streets. A. BRANT. HOWARD"" ATTORMET AT LAW, Sf.atesvillc, N. Q. STRICT ami prompt auentiou given to all business entruateJ to his care. ey- O Hce in the Court-House. , dec 20:08 45 ly THOS. S. TUCKER, ATT ORIMEY AT LAW, STATES V II.I.E, X, C. Office in rear of the Court-House, aJjoin in judge MiteheH's. Sept 22. 1868. . 32tf UusincjoS (JTartis. CLOCKS and JEWELRY. .rpiIE Subscriber, has perma '1 nently located in Statesville, aand ia prepared to repair watch e3, clocks and jewelry, in a neat Pod caretul mauner. W. R. BAVIS. V March, 31, '68. 7 tf X Xj X, I XTS SIT " ' - AND : " ' v -. - BY MISS BETSY WIIXIAMS, Over WITTKOWSKY Jfe R INTEL'S Store, - April 16: tf Charlotte, X. CY TO OUR CUSTOMERS! Wagon ."ar a. ! WE hare leased ie large lot adjoining our Store.- for the accommodation of pur Customers with tragone, where t-heda and stalls will Ke erected, and upon which there ia well of excellent water. WALLACE BHOS A STEPIIEVON Pee 20, 1HM 44if . POETRY. WtiOrm Jar U iUUr(lU Amriar. An Acrostic. T rtmjunijr'fof Jiri hare flown O er .' rtj litgp dear M ay the jrs thee rar have f,!e& Y oo arl J Hill join'lr harel V, e hae dear one whom our Father I n hi l-onriIJf love hz jrin ; K auhfuLy may we Instruct theni K metl to tr;e for Ltren ! .-v.:;. : " DuVrc. Antiquities of Iredell Count). trV. We never heard any oi our iorcia- j titers say anything about miners ever having bepn jn this country bunting fcr poIl, ir their day.v . The "prospect h Acs" on the hill side inear Urjant Lra;i .h arc not more than ; ten feet apart; higher up on the ridge j however, they arc some fifty feet apart i it.. n-.n ii r dodo". can - be traced to the Yadkin county line, a distance of about two miles. ' :. The "lead" runs north-east and south-west, ns is the case in the Rocky Mountains, borac ot the pit?, or "pros pect holes," we opened. The most prominent feature of which is, that there is a hard, blue rock bottom which is very heavy, and which, we think, contains sonic precious metal It is our opinioti, that this "lead" contains silver cr.-ome other valuable mtal, which has not yet been discov ered, as the diners, who have been in troduced into this section, hive always heen told to "hunt for gold," and thus in hunting ft r gold !o?t sight of the ither precious metals. We are of the pinion that the heaps of rock, which have generally been designated as In dian graves were ths-ewn up by per sons, who visited this cunrry ccntu nes ago. when it was a vast i nnrie, asj lmtd marks by which they couid retrace their steps to their headquarters or boats for in those days mathematics had. not been reduced to practical use, is they now srs. Such conclusions we never could have drawn, had tint a gentleman, who ha been engaged in the mining busi ness fur several years in the west, bug gestcd it. The miners, whoever they svere, op erated just as the miners of the present diy. We also think, that we can dis cover traces of a trench, which con veyed water into a sluice box, and judging from the suitability of the sit uation, and the pits, there is no dc-ubt. but that wc ar.e right in our conjec- Hures. liare trees have crown. up in ome of the pits and upon the mounds composed of the earth thrown up. Kow, what are we to conclude? Some body has been here. Who and where from. M. F. II. Written for Uio StateRvillr American. ' Sweet Spirit, I can not let this opportunity pass, without communicating with her who oft at eventide, and in the stilly night has flitted across my mind to cheer and enliven my thoughts. Thanks be to St. Valentine for providing a d?y in which 'tis permitted me to pour forth my thoughts to one whose beaming eye, sweet smile and lovely face have won my heart, and kindled a flame of pare love upon its altar. Thoughts; of you, my gentle queen, are wont continually to steal across ray mind gentle, and refreshing as the dew drops, which silently nestle them selves amid the leaflets of the roses to reflect the rays of the morning sun in beauteous rainbow tints and to refresh he drooping flower queens. Each mes senger, a3 it ccmcvis welcomed with joy because it speaks of thee, my love ly Valentine. When I gaze upon the bright orbs, which in clusters and constellations of exceeding beauty as they troop their way across the vault of heaven ; each strange world more brightly shines, because it speaks of thee. Not Venus in all her zenith is more bright and beautiful to me than those lovely orbs whose bright beams have awakened in my heart sentiments of warm, deep, tender love ; and now sweet one, my lovely Queen, do these heart-felt sentiments touch no chord within your heart, causingit to vibrate a sweet response ? Wilt thou not send me some sweet messenger, telling me of your regard for me and thus give me a hope that you will one day trust your heart to my keeping. Sweet Spirit, hear me, and grant me this request. And now, fair one, good oye. May the star of peace ever guard yr-ux pathway though life, and crown thee with endless bliss. Cdxstantine, V m mm m - "' f A little girl in Philadelphia swallow ed a toy balloon- and wn nn.'tft.u an angel. Why didn't they tie her down, and prevent the family ties from 1 Ttt. . r I being severed. I ..."rXVVh,.. the punshmcM of f,. .n I nice. IUII liMUisiv-". - J I V..- n.nr,r ...rtl Hull I , IT.' 1 ! i MUH II H I V lUH'.llllUli'J J H'ait v 1,11 "" I: before a w ndy day n Washington. i;(J,.,.rr..l 'nrn!irieet holes . which, we s ... .. l.ii3V,u.iii i . j : Il.vAii , i.VAMr.r ,tl bmn Pkl'll 'think, wereduz lone before our ances- . . , , i , . . Betit Batler and the J)rrU J "All ! 'm? 1 . We give below a highly enterfatamg -j gwt M jjacU r sketch of Boiler and the Deri! in ;aaRricfc WaiMngton, together with tome cri- x" Py critictims upon ihe moraUty of Jhejr "0. J C t ti of the Iu!f.ttarTeiL men and wotaen wao hsng about the modem Sodom. It is needless to sav ,r ft - f4.f..! -.M r ,!... .- tu.,. . rn. t i.- .-.j-ir- eJf no words can telUhe extent. depth atd itreaztL: of dUrar-?U cl I oppressor of the Hebrew ciild, n who i i .t, v.-j i -.. eioou oui nu.u4iuwu uuii, uuci Held him j i from the evil, and cried out in a loud voice at the cussed Jews, "Gj and be tvi... .-,t .u.ii n.r,i ..,. V hat with the wnlc unpaved streets i .i r i.. . i :i -r. i and avenues, the Iiiht sandv sou an 1 i u n 1 winds, wc have the Lapitol on tne niove e.u ti ,H,:n l n- . ..- . ..., ,1 .:.!- : rebellious, unreconstructed wmu3 in v ; A,f , ,, y-rr i ... ni 1 irjmua that come up every ii;y ana meet certain other loyal wmiO lrotu Vermont and Cocnectient t h . t rush . down to Washington, and tl a i: mcct" ings continue in wrath, throwing dirt at each other, very like the vindictive Democrats and gaseous Itepubl: . ;c5 In Congress. Standing upon tl.'. broad steps thit lead to the Senate Chamber, I saw the eity enveloped in a gray cloud that rolled and swelled and bel lied up in wrath, and felt a deep sor row fcr the poor people who go to make up the population of this dreadful place. Entering the Capitol, I passed along the wide, beautiful corridor, and for a second glanced at the gorgeous lecep tion room of the Senate Chamber. It was alive with women, gayly attired chattingsome merrily, and others earnestly with the law-makers of the Senatorial Frg Bank. The gilded walls and frc?c ed ceiling, from which tumbled a'. multitude.-;' of naked babies and half-dressed females ; the tail and wide mirrors on every hand ; the soft carp e ? a and the fit ifn n i trg upho!.-tery. all seemed to nt and frame in the wo m?n who rattled out their small talk ro the dignified Senators. To one who ha knocked about this wrld a good d e a I, the ch - r c t or and pu rs u i t s of these women were unmistakable. Some were strangers, gnzing curiously at the leg'slative surrounding, but the major ity were the instruments of the rings and lobbies that shape and influence legislation so as to 11 their pockets with puhlic plunder. From the reception-room of the Sen ate, throngh the wide and narrow halls, and dark passages, through the rotunda to the hall V;F the house, one passes, or meets in groups or streams, the same material, garnished by crea tnres of the male gender, carrying in their countenances the same evidences of prostitution. - I noticed all the more closely, for I was on my way to the reporters gal lery to hear a debate upon the better way to arrest polygamy in Utah, and legislate for the better spread of mor als and Christianity. In the report ers' gallery sat the Devil. A quiet, well dressed gentleman fcnie jncXet was red ami his brecche were Mno, And a nice little hole where the tatf cani throngh." Ana ni3 oatanic iiajesty natt on nis countenance a smile of sardonic satis faction. He looked down through the softened light upon his children, talk ing and laughing, and tndving to and fro. They were the Saints of the Cave legislating for the Sinners of Utah". His Majesty laughed a quiet laugh, scarcely audible, as he watched the venerable Ben. Butler swing his pon derous belly over his slender legs, and Mephistophcles actually rubbed his delicately gloved hands in glee when Benjamin spoke of the great Republi can party being committed to this mor al more. 'The twin relics of barbar ism, slavery and polygamy, mast die together," cried Benjamin, i "Ah, yes," said the Devil, "and they die rich and Benjamin adminis ters upon their estates. I was with him in New Orleans, and his co-administrator was J. Wilson Shaffer, Quar termaster. Quartermastering was a good business during the war, and J. Wilson and old Ben. halved on the quarterings. It was rich unto Fatnes3. Now Benjamin, who has more influence over Ulysses than any other man in the country, has had J. Wilson appointed Governor of Utah, and has set on foot the great moral movement that fur ther profits may accrue. There 13 an other estate to administer upon, and the two are ready. What a delicious old fellow he is. When he comes to me at last I shall be tempted to unscrew my tail and hand it over to him." . His Majesty ceased that he might enjoy for a moment in silence the man of all men who approaches nearer the evil one in his mental, physical and moral nature. He looks like a devil. Over his eventful past one looks in vain for one good and one kind trord. cne cenerous emotion. ISat tor his clear, subtle intellect that keeps him in accord with his fellow men, all hV jmanity would rise up to destroy Deril 2aiCf ;fccre wi roucaea ea- 'wretched wi te keep, down jbark.aUej. Li I e froo hit w !;na Jrj focsat life-' 2 ibnen to ttt earn !u.e ucs, m?. IU fold Its jcadethi'ysc:: -fff the eojaoiittee U not fi'Rf licit lis Lit vote j W1 VV -lf P?fC ' . -3x4l r33L2ta w"!.n. ""i .Mormons-o! coarse it is. And here they on- i . . . ' ...... mine, an luuic. ...... if r. rve lumcu me national halls of legstvion into eu t crimes of -hfh moral refoKn. All the thieves, at! the rascal. lil e sharp- pr8 and debauched soulless hypocrites Ure here, busy as beet, coveni over their wicked designs with a gUss of morality. The old shad-bellied, h?ck- no$ed fathers of the Government id t .... r . . - T ... ! the foundations of the Republic were , , , . . ' i .. ba?ed apon the virtue of the citizens . r . . . , t notv the poison welled bp from IT!JUUJ iiuu n i.i ilia uir.riiJiiics iucj , r , ., , . . . taDnc, wnue an mat is destructive i. . . lt r , . . T- V" r Yv V- .'-;ft . .Vr i i rnrnan r mm ma a r o i r 11 'iiacrn a tuiiiiu a w i4 i4fcitv j v c vjr to watch the work going on below Mr." Hooper; the delegate from Utah, got the floor and began reading a lengthy appeal in behalf of his consti tuents. Hooper is a plain, uneducated honest man, believing in the faith ef his people, and very popular among he members of the Cave. I could not but feel sorry for him standing alone in the faco of the House and before the crowds in the galleries, vainly pleading for justice in behalf of a per secuted and abused community. What a pity, I thought, it was that the Mor mon's were not black, fn that case the same crowd that hung breathless upon the utterances of Senator Revels, would have gathered about the bloom ing Hooper and found truth, beauty and eloquence in all that he had to say. ' . ; . ; ca ption s ; : ; Of Acts and Ttetolutions passed ly the Weneraltstembly at the session of lbGO and S70 : A Bill in rriation to per diem and milvajre. 1 -j: ' A Bill to establish Turnpikes in cer tain counties. 'v " ;: ' . ; Resolution reqaesting the Secretary d State to report'amount paid for sta tionery under existing laws since the hew Constitution went into effect. - Resolution requesting the Public Treasurer to report amount of bonds issued to the various railroad com pa' nies of the State. Senate Resolution in regard to spe cial taxn brandy and tobacco. Senate Resolution jn relallon to bonds and coupons. Senate' Resolution in relation to Clerks (Legislative). Senate Resolution that the Treasur er report what amount of money has been paid to the Code Commissioners. Senate '"Resolution in relation to the Code Commissioners: That the Com missioners report the time they have been actually engaged. An act to extend the corporate lim its of Rutherfordton. An act to forbid the sale of spiritu ous liquors within three miles of what is known as Cleggs Copper Mine, in Chatham county. . . Resolution requesting the opinion of Chief Justice and Associate Justices nf Supreme C urt. '; Resolution to provide for the Insane. Resolution requesting Senators and Representatives of the U. S. Congress to ur'e the passage of General Amnes - ... r 5. Tl ... ., ...... . . ty. An art tg rpre Bank bills to be received in payment of debts 'due the Banks of thi? State. 5 - ; An act to incorporate the Granville Railroad Company. : Resolution concernin g recess. v: An act to change the line between Wilkes and Alleghany counties. An act to prevent the sale of ppirit uous liquor's within three miles of Sil ver Hill, in Davidson county. Senate Resolution calling on the Au ditor for certain information. Senate Resolution in regard to clerk's room.-::'i..v.'::::-r;f;:"?''"" -"!' ,'"'''.' "i-" Senate RcsolutionMnstructlng Sen ate Committee on Finance. Act to amend section 485, Title AlX chapter 12'of the Code of Civil Pro- cedurei1 fi':'-' ' ':: ''..' Act fd change the Tine between jhe counties of Surry and Alleghany. Actia, favor of the Sheriff of Cum berland county.- s -Actfto amend sec. 19, chap. 184, public laws of 18C3-'G9. ; Act in relation to-mileage and per k Act to incorporate the Valley Rail road' Company.,..:: ' Act to allow enterers of vscantlands farther" time to obtain grants from the State.!-:"-" -"'r " '"" " ' ' ' Act pro viding for the support of the Jnsano "Asylum. rJ' ; -' ''j.:h:: Senate Resolution concerning pen sions for soldiers of 'the war of 1812. An act to extend the corporate lim its of the town of Goldsboro. - An acfmali'l an appropriation for tbt Dial ad Bewt atd lie HUtd A- act to autWiit tit Ttitnmz tsnsttellci whttlfrjta anv twint ftn their rreeent ttl.' not eiffeedic two cilra north rf its er. i ? tt lU!ut rt;v- tjj a rata- depot at Grybar, t. ai4 iala VTel- lUtlsttii citccrrloi tla Cjul lft tf i.:s ri. do. and (or other purpoe. Jar. Aa art t9 tcw4 rt Urrrrtv An act entitled an act to repeal an An act to iaearreraU llv Vcatx i tit ta f Mttt AU, ta lit tct cccccrcia fLiLti.i lu Carttret Mea't luttl'Ijest acl KttrtjIrUit ctkty f rfjr. cocntj. jitxhtion. t At act tt i&rirpirstt fttaevsll iteaolation ia relation to special Tat lira laticn iuittucti tie Paine Nv. ' A. I. A. )latai Bsndi. i Cocuiiilee. ' it roa!jr ef Mrtl, v Senate Ressdoticn fcr invest! atioft.j An act to nlc!ih the iC.t t folate ! An art t !t tit FVtfif f arty ;.V;vav.et;r.c;:rair V f. J liMr. , ; ,fc"" y t et!'f:t iff ears tf Miea. An act to incorporate the Ifcl.n ics Savings, Loan and Had lit. Ato. ciation at Elinlrth Cty in the toun - ty of l'qaounk. An act U incort jrate tit E'.iiU:h Ltty ana orloiW Ka lrua kw$v? An act incorportir the N. C. Homestead Association. An act for the relivf of J S j l)r nett, SbcrifT of Person cunty. Resolution in relation fa PcLitenti ary Bonds. : An act to amend an act to prrvt nt the obstruction offish in Little lii v-r. An act iu relation to the out obstructions in Lurtlcr c!e t ing liner in the county of Robeson. . An act to auiend an act auth rii'ng 4te formation of corporations (r Me cVanical. Mining aud other purposes. ,n act to amend an act in relation to Uie Western Turnpike roa 1. leading westward from Ashevil!c to Murphy. An act to repeal chap. 210, law of 18G8 and 18C9. An act to incorporate the Rock Spring Caiap Ground in Rutherford, An act to enlarge the poweis of County Commissionei?. - An act to secure the better protec tion of life and property. An act to make land owneis, in cer tain cases, consolidate the surveys of different tracts. An act to amend section 13 of an act relating to special procedure in ca- ses of mills. An act to incorporate the trutcs of Franklin academy, in Rowan coun- An act to prohibit the sale ot spir ituous liqtioia within three miles of what are known aa the Davidson C - n - per Mine, in Davidson Countv An act to incorporate the Chath sn Copper Mining Company. An act to incorporate the Continent al Copper Mining Company. An act to incorporate the Ann lld den andMurfreescoro' Co operative and Building Association. An act to authorize Walker Smith, late Sheriff of Rockingham county, and' W.D. Justice of Henderson coun ty, to collect arrears of taxes. An set to incorporata the X. C. Spoke and Handle Company. An act to incorporate the New York and Ntrth Carolina Mining Company, An act to incorporate the Southern Gold and Copper Mining Company. An act to lay o.Tand establish a new county of Dare. Senate Resolution concerning Bonds. Senate Resolution for the better pro tection of married women. Senate Resolutioe in relation to the subscription of citizens of Raleigh to the Penitentiary. Senate Resolution to investigate the j office of Secretary of State. Senate Resolution in regard to the number of clerks allowed by law, to the different Departments of State. An act to restore the credit of the State and facilitate the construction I our unfinished railroadi. An act to amend an act to establish special courts in the cities of Wilming ton and Newbern, ratified August 11, 18C3. '";,'- :. .An act to better protect the fowling interests in Currituck county.' An act to amend section 1 of a res olution authorizing tlie Secretary of State to furnish members with copies of laws, v: V;- v:;'': : .;.'. An act to authorize the County Com missioners of Craven county to levy a special tax. Resolution for the relief of Thma F Raxter, Sheriff of Currituck. coun- An act to Incorporate Junaluska Lidge of Ancient York Masons at Franklin, N. C. An act to authorize the Sheriff ol Washington county to collect arrears of taxes.' Senate resolution in relation to Ice furnished the Departments of State. An act in relation to the iiuing of bonds for the county of Jaeknn. An act to incorporate Watauga Lodse. No. 293. , ' An ni't tn rnA.il n art nfiflAfl an act amendatory of the act to incorpo- J rate the W. N. C. Railroad Company. An act authorizing Gen. W. Wynne, former tax collector of Hertford coun ty to collect arrears of taxes , for the year 1867. .;yi AnacttoincnrpcrteCatawbaIdge, N-. 248, A; F. M., at2iewton, Cataw ba county. -; - Resolution concerning the detective forces -y.-. -v '.?;-',.'r;-' Resolution concerning the Execu tive Mansion. - .' ' Resolution in regard to an act tu! provide a nystem of public instruction. I An net to incorporate the Beneto-Jmany divorce! a being Tail inAiyoa--.Resolatba in regard to evening scs-! lent S jrfs of Clgccombe cvunty. - 'ing. S. Y. &jr. t ' ' .Resolatwa rt in trcr of lt c.Il4rt tf ..y Let N.Mr Artt6d A4uUMrAf. t( a LrllF irnu lteii L'ftal Ilir. An act to .Leorrsralt tiit i.csit Utn L'fe li.suiat.ee Cvcpaoy. 'j' ltc!atiou ia rt!ti:n Is tariff c t An 'pfanals. .or. An art in ail of an iaetlj;tin cr- f Nrrstt JUf;!atf a rvaen g lis Cried Ly the ete, into the an;ri vl certain 'raurua i companies Au sr to irliic certain tCCxt act of tie Chin trm vf the lair O.-a- ty Cuurts in tLe .tate, Aet;n rrUttun to Ch fra the North East bratii of the Cepe Fear U.rer. An act ta iieorrrite av vlctr fr the relief of the preacher rf Virgtnis. gl a lticr. An act to incorporate tLe tn cf i An act to ir.cvrpirat tl Profd -Robcioi.villc in Mirtin county." Mitufctyriu Loau suJ Trait Cn- An act to authrire the lJJird ofjpry tile . rAtcd m lla cvtaly aj Coaimiionfn of Warren County to j Cumberland. levy a prcial tax". ! An act to r : rporatt tit Klcr.UA An act to authorize the Ctritais- j 1 NvrMk It. U. 'jtntany. Moners of Urange count f toiiue botidt. An act to aathorilt Ua t lectio a of An act t- i.rotcct the btatc luter-1 est in the N. C. K. 11 An act to repeal an act entitled an I act to protect sheriff in the f.tl of ' land' Tor taxi , ratified the 12th day t of April, lfcCa. I n act to incorporate the librae Steam Fire Engine Co. No. 1, of IU'.- cj 0,. I An act to extend the time ofG.M. Webb.taA Coiltctorof Cleareland cun- j I ty, to atttlo with County Treaiurer. I An act toeuinwer th Countv Com-i i mi.-sioners cf Cumber! m I county to r levy a fpeciil tax An act to authorize the County Con miiiioncrs of liny wool county to levy a rpecial tax. . An act to incorporate the I orti ioI J Mine and Sandy Crctk Water C. in ; rranklin countv. Resolution on printing. Senate Resolution of ii.quiry concer uingexpenjci of the State government. An act to amend an act to prohibit the pale of intoxicating liriuors within three miles of the W. N. C Railroad. An act to prevent disturbance at or within SO yardj of Jerusaicin Church, ia Northampton county. An act to regulate the entries of va - cant lands. Resolution asking our Represent- tivea in Conzrcis to uC their it;fiuotice for the total abatement cf the United Statps direct tax on Real Kttate. Resolution requeuing an additional report from the Auditor. Resolution in favor of Jaroe R.Gra dy, SheriflTof .Harnett County. Senate Resolution for investigation An act concerning the Registratioo (( Deeds and other instruments. An act to rppeal the 9ih section of an act cntilfe l an act suspending the Code of Civil Procedure in certain cas es ratified on the 221 day of March, 181.:,. An act to incorporate the Southern C)jp;r Mining Company; An act to authorize J. P. Mathston, late Sheriff of Alexander county, to collect arrrar3 of taxe. An act to incorporate the Franco niaManufacturiog Company of the county of Duplin. An act to change the time for hold ing the Courts in the 8th Jalicial Dis trict. ' An act to incorporate the town of Wilkeaboro. An act declaratory of the easel to which an act entitled an act concern ing the settlement of the estates of de ceased persons applies. Senate Resolution in regard to ita tioncry. An act to amend the charter of the town of Tarboro". . An act to incorporate a Bmk in the City of Raleigh. An act to authorize the Commission ers of Chowan to levy a rpecial tax. An act to incorporate the Mechan ics Building and Loan Association of It ileigh. An act to construct and lay ont a road through the cwuntiea of Allegha ny and Afehe. An act to amend an -act to extend , a as ia iacuva ii. iirnnnte limits of the tOWD of Lambertnu. . . An act to authorize the Commiaion- era of McDowell county to levy a p- cial tax and for other purpotef An act to legalize and make valid . i n it,. vf T'. f I an election utf m - i hnrtS in the county of Chatham, for J municipal Cficerf of aaid town. I ing dinner, if diitastefuL Bat that An act to incorporate the Reliance i not the woratof it ; the jariet art mix Bucket and Axe Company of the city eJ, and frequently Mra. Smith block of Newbern. j e l up all night with Mr. Jones, antil An act to provide the levying cf a; they agree." Now imacine the tor ipicial Ux is the county of Pcrqaim- tare Smith underfcoci. How doe he ans. - , - ; know what fine 'pointa" they art d! An act to empower the Commission- j cusiing in the lory room, and whi thet lers of Stanly county to levy a special V . tax. An tit la t-if4H! lit tlMa r! tU C. tai.fttl il r'. J.St .a act t. r ; ! pcaUt g lie t ry i i ijt vTr.T ecunty, tvi ti tet uthhltj tire- c tLt.nirv m in v ee jf t ta th 1 enate iy tie 2".a MarJi at aw tr. Krcstt realities ia; p!tacatary ta rei?lvtt n f tietic. thate IleaaUti&a ( iaqjiry af ' l ilt t a-nen I tie charter if tU W. N. C. K IL enala Hf.vU.twtj in relation tt U- tnuMetpal vueers ia tet town U v.tp- el 1 111. An act toautlniia th Cly Cm- tniiicnera of Cv!o:lIs cour.tr I a fpciil tal for th year lh.O u Isty An act to acthcrii an fletir. af municipal cffeers for I'vtnymj htopt. Alamat.cc couuty. An act to cxtrud the Haiti &f tL city of Wiltointcn. An act to amend the charter l tlx a- Lnuibir trai.ch ot tha ilmtOlott and Weldan lUilrosd. An act to amend the charter of tht Uown of Fr4tklirton. 1 An act to incorporate the Kl- 'c.'tne Mtuic Iluildin AM'jciatitfO. An ct to puiitsh persons fvr viola ting the town Ui of Stlem, N. C .y An act for the relief of K I). Daria. V An ict to aothoriit the WiniiSitc anl lalb'iru itiiirwan vorujimnY, An ct to iricorpt-rate Cary ldf No. IVS, A. Y. M. f An act to iicorr crate Iloydlentbd' . Ilideway Turnr ike tost any. ; Rrb!ution auiharitin Ike rull j Treaorer ta obtain luoJs for tit la- mediate uc of tit Aiyluts. , ' . 1 Rellfloi In tbt Faolly. i The firt plsce in which piety ! to jthe l it benign and ianclifylj irifln- ence ip I fir fi$mifi. All tht rtlstlra dutiii of lift arc lut ii ccneentrle circics. ranze-i aroani a common cen tre ; and as the family it tl nearer:, and tie first in order, it ittfaerc there if preeminent. A family when religion reigns supretaely, ia a charts ing spectacle to angels and men; and shines aa a brilliant light in the world. Thrrt, mutual affection and forbear ance, or e toward another, habitually prevail. Within ita peaceful habita tion parental authority, blended aith kinlaeia and ccntlenes, ia s'.ayi maintained. Wisdom and prnJente in training the youthful o ember a for the duties of life, are continually die played. Around that altar kneels each day, a group tf derout worship pers ; and sweeter than the frsjrraai breath cf the raortiing, lists th in cense of prayer and r laiae to Jre)4 gentle Shepherd. Tht heada ef that family feel that every act ! theire U charged with inflame ; stu) that their spirit, temper, and deportment, art all moulding haman character far tio and eternity ; and there fort their den solicitude anl'watchToI&eai iv am- ceaaiogly 'exercised, that they rJt2T bring op those committed to tketr charge in the nartort and admonition of the Lonl. On tmth.tczn culiure, the mile of high heaven rests. An4 to show his approbation of it, God da elared concerning Abraham, "I Icmw him, that he will command hi a chil dren, and his household after tMoa, and they will keep the way tf the Lord, . to d? justice and jo lgement." i'ecL influence ia like the aromatic per font of the violet, inslnuatinjf itself into the deep recesieaof the infantile mind and heart, where no other could pene trate. And to the present day, the) inspired aphcrixta i tror, MTrain up . a child in the way he iLwl.1 ga, aa4 when he ia old, he will not depart froca it.' . . . ;? -. ' ' . i FcminiuJj Juxort. - -The husbandf of Wyoming do &6t approve cf tht niw order of thiogt. tS, a ! ,? f t Vi-T wi tit tin n fV - jury hot instead of Uin at hooMCoai- toe conversation ta aoout -evidence r i im.. s 1. or free-lote. The rrounJ work for r i 0 1 t -

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