&4 mtfkafy EL'GEXE B. DRAKE, Editor. STATES .V JLJLjXEJ i .'; " 7; .' Monday, V: : : : : July 8, 1872. NATIONAL REPUBUCAN TICKET. FOFi iKEMI)KVT: ULYSSES S. GRANT, or ii.U5om. FOR TICE PRESIDENT t -'-.':. : HENRY WILSON, :' HkMc.nvm. . ELECT0UL4L TICKET. FOR THE 8TATBXT LAlUiE : MARCUS EBWlJf, of Buncombe. SAMUEL P. PHILLIPS, of Wake. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. 1. Kdwird lUastB, of Tyre" 2. William FjJjfTnrof Lolr. 3. M m. A. CTlrie, of famberUnd. 1. Thorais WOryo, of print. 5. 8. A. DonfflasUf-Bocklngbao. 6. William S.-Cynnin, ef Lincolo. 7. James C. Itamsaj, of Rowan. S. James 31. Justice, of Rutherford. VOil CONGRESS, 7tm DLSTRICT : 1. 31. FUUCIIKH, OF IliKDELL. roil CUV KRNOIl : TOD R. CALDWELL, , . Of Burke. 1 FOR MEUTEXANT OOVKHNOR : CURTIS H. BROGDEN, Of Wayne. FOK TREASURER : DAVID A. JENKINS, Of (iaston. foil ATTORN KY OKNKRAL : TAZEWILrL HARGROVE, "JBGranvjllp. rokezCRErtKBT or state : WILLIAM H. HOWERTON, WJL liuniiii, .7 - FOR AtDITOR : ... 1 ' - . . JOUNCE ILLY, k Of Cumberland. OR SCPERTNTENDBNTOF PTTB. INSTRUCTION : JAMES RE I D , Of Franklin. FOR aUFTKHiTEKOsasx pvbuc -woriu i- OIL AS BlfRNS : Of Chatham. FOB TKB STATE SEN ATE 34 TH DISTRICT : Maj James II. Fooie, ol H'ilkes. Tbos. N. Cooper of Iredell. Tiiosk who denounce Republicans for " thieves " measure by their own t ir i i..i i ,t " J - should not be trusted and at best they ire but fools and asses; If GreC' lev ia elected there will be ten aooli cants for every office, for the Demo- crats. with few executions, are all office-seekers, and the public money would be stolen in cords every tax would have to be doubled to satiate their capacious" maws. Not a single office would be abolished. We learn that our neighbor, Col. J., of the Intelligencer, is out on the canvass in the county, and, we sup- pose, that he will " put in a speech," for well, he is not quite ready to Bwaiiowureeiey oeioretuetu, -a waiw- ii rw t . it nit. ti I mg order8"-nd so it will be or the non-committal Tiind, or, as the song goes, "oertue river ror Charlie."- Ve hope the candid-ates will give the vci. a cuance out tu vuuutjr vuu- resm t i b f asi! Kava afi a i t nt o Yirl I - , ""I . i ? 7 Tl , vaaiuil. xiei li J l I - . ii - : I Tin CActis btstim has never been popular among the people of Iredell, .w- v.i ,f i:,. an offiee. Hcwse the people consider .U tmmmamm m.im. nuh TinTninaHrtTio rtt rtr AnA-ntr of- I feet, and d not believe in being forced to vote for men not of their choosing. These caucuses are always planned in & corner in secret by a few who assume to control, and the peo ple who do the voting are never con sul ed. The who e system is a per- ieci iarce ana a cneau A iree eiec tion and equal rights can only mure from an attendance of all at the polls on eiecuon day. , , , i We learn that the speech made J by Maj. Robbins, at Taylorsville,was replete with the lowest and most dis-j gustmg language and camparisons, calcuhited to nauseate the stomach of a dog to heave filth-, foul, dirty, I low, disgusting, shameful and ut-J tered, too, by a member of a church ! Oh I shame ! t - Doubtless -Robbins ed thought that he was among men who j no would relish such disgusting and low is flung conceptions but in this he was I in mistaken. Alexander county can boast of a people second to none in " i the State for moral sentiment and j honest integrity, and they will want I no gucft man as liobbina to mwrep- j . - resent them in Congress. I Rsbslsa satf rirrfct. Tbdc-terminid.ka of Ma). Bobbina tn to be to plunge the cant in to a brothl scramble for ofSc-, y dcAc-ending to low Tuliftritjr scene )-U, laUl of a digni .1 and boootbUdtlUitgofjublu;qutin with Mr. Furchca: JnthIrrp-ctU'i ht-ja the advantage of Mr. Fun-hen, Uf.mi,i,hrinkfromacUagroili..l atl.I dra-iiKg line of lowering Lisn- sif, ami th-n hy ahcK k the j-am an-l govl win of the jieopk, Lo, tr Uiuly lo not tl-.ire to Lear the wlauz ftnl IUating -ompario!i mi'lt hv a jH-it-lma: ijliticin, or one who, juog.-i Ly Li filthy tongue, wrn no U tU r. Wc hmy that the jx-or.lc rin not, ami nhoulJ not, Ihj won by any mau who will indulge iu such rtin LeiiKihk' 'upt-i-cUea Maj. ilolibiin i known to Lav maJe of late; hut that, they ouhtaml wil,uiMrt.Mr. Fur chea, for hin gentlemanly anl tleeont ildruaa, oU hia lcire to make no other, if he can poibly avoi-1 being drawn into doing so by his opponent. Mr. Fnrchcfl. will mke no charcc that hd CAikot ibtiillltt', ;aCT kiu rjia.le' T none that la not of record and that he ha been able to prove either against that, previous to the late unpteavaut . Y, , , . i i fi - nesa he wan a utaunrh A his and its Major Robb.ns or the leaders of hm . , con!ii(l,.rc(j a true fri, ,,,1 to party the masses of the people are conceded to be' lionet i all parties. TIuh ccmrne of Mafor Ilobbins, not only shows the deficiency of his moral . . , i i i nature, if men are to be judgcl by the ianguagc iney use, vicioic aou cui- ruptinff to a portion of his hcarern, olfciisive to others, and well calcula- tel, to lii-innr liimui-ir ('(.sen nH 1 v .is. ........ - into contempt ui an Koou nuw, . . . : . ,r ..ii .1 ... in Hie end must worn nis own injury. T!,rt mupln..r liA..vcr ilo.-M not , .11.1 stop here such a course is calculated to lead to a breach of the iicace. to 1 ..r i.i,.,,l ' pcrhaps murder I We repeat, the peo- pie. will not aopiove any such a re- cord in anv candidate for ol'ice, who seems to disregard consequences in the effort, whether successful or not, to obtain it, and they should not. lie oupht not to receive their votes he ought to lie defeated, for insulting the good sense and propriety of his owu party friends. ROrantzatlna f the Kn Klux. The signs are unmistakalde that this devilish organization is being re organized b' evil-disposed persons in the State. The violent demonstra tions recently at Yance3 ville, at Sal isbury, at Oliu, and, we regret to say, at Statesville, point to the reality- of this thing among a certain class, with u-ariniiiijil on wall' oa nolitioBl intent-1 Atrents'oflthe Klan are known to lie going about for this object, and one or two are known to have visited this place, and we tell them that they are not only " known to the police," but in due time will come to grief, and others whom they by their arts may I dnno into n connection with their in- & ft . nn , milnwf, rrimps n(Tninst . s. . , .,f f, ' o-- I the people to vote as they please. We warn the people the hones. masses not to yield to the aolicita- tion3 that bJ an3r pern or persons uc uclwulu jou auy se crct association, oath-bound or not, if ther would CSCftre trouble which, 11 Ult certain w over whel? them- Be admonished by the iaie OI oiners wno werc unsuspect ingly drawn into the KlaUjin Cataw- ba and other counties in the "State and oujt of it, many of whom are now in a Denitentiarv. and hundreds have fled from their homes to e'scsne lecml proceedings and the consequences of joining the Jvu Klux, which at the . . . . . .... I time they thought would involve no difficulty as to themselves. Not less than three hundred young men have, wc are informed, fled from Catawba county and lett their homes, and large 1 i.t '. . ' a 1 uumLK - rs irom otner counues uavmg compromisea inemseives. ane leaa- frs Of thfi K on arArprvnTittnosano L the duPes that Join them ar made W buner- not "eceivea in uns matter! It is the purpose of the Gov- H3gh.t& x ail Uie . people aiyl punish J m ji A eVll - OOerS. 1HE Catawba Eagle states that Col. Dockery, at Hickory Station, was demolished by Dr. Ellis, and the Southern Home, brother D. II. Hill's paper, ( cood authoritr. RAvs ihnt o -''n: r ma(le a fiuish of Col. Dockery some- , , , , . . Ye and Hule fishes! . the u - . f. , - ' jj vvi.i-vv,ocij ut o uates uic, say lO this ? Gibralter hath fallen by an as- j sault made with pop-guns I The Eagle and Home rejoiceth muchly. Brine- forth the " Cymblin " and dance to ! the music of the goard fiddle played by. the editors of the above sheets. Joking aside. We know that Dr. Ellis is a good speaker and well post upon public questions, and have doubt that the said Mr. Morrison a gentleman of talents that both their encounter with Col. Dockery did their "level best" there is no room to doubt, and it is equally cer . tain that both were gobbled up when CoL Dockery looked around as if say- mg, Is there any more of the same . sort fetch 'em on." ; Jsd-;e le4no liKtrfl Ea4r-w-d (sUsflL The Jnfflhj'rrr La copied frora to 4l of th A an un. fru ndf liti' si rtkt, Vritt ft- ur. fcr 'part lean ii.:'itmvt aga-nat Gor, Caldwell, when he firtlomiriaf-! for Ii-ut. GorTiOr by tU lUpubli can in I TO-- Thi w tfore Gov., Caldwell' bad Ijh ttiv'J, &it L sdw ftrtua'an-l Ilolden. and uor. i.al'JWfJi u lva inUlIil ia tb xctivi chair, one day, Xniug in the otfic of Judj An- d- rfn Mifrhsll, ''ii or. C'ldw41..wf upokcn of and highly compiirntuUd by the Judy for his hornet heart, ex. ct ll?ut qiwUiU'6iij iiiU-grity-that hi wan man aaiiuit whom nothing - . "t -a- b disreputable, vould W adtg:d, c And the Ju 1 Ufitd ib to write an Article complimentary U tiov Cald well, which, at we agreed in opinion, we promised to do, and in the Amkk ican of January 30th, lSi I,-published the following: r Ct . T4 K. ratdwelU 3Iu:h na d haive iflvre4 ftei and i nee the war, In jioUtH-al .'sentimenta, with (iov. C'aklwcll, we cannot fvrnet J tin; country and 'a. faithful repreientaiive !UH lny -w-m- a iienryi my fu?. r,-" r.tn " a. J .-v nh. reMlion iu which the t e. Ksin If a-1. r ; plunge d the South, trwui'ati'l wptuld , 1 Tmnm to the country, it found j t no uyor wun inm, vm 10 uie conirar) , n't with his ivrhUteiit om.oitl., and (;ve, nr Caldwell,: will cm-de that he I t.ciibtiiii'irwiri In ff li ia nil who kliikVV I acted from honest eon victimis of lutvt j what lie conceived to U; a proper re-aani - . . mt p(r the-1H.rluity ()rlhe faion which was formed ana ..cemented ny tu.; i.ioo.i and lives ofthe heroes at 1 and winch had showered in' jfreat profusion niani- fi1(, bIt.ssing 1n tiu.ir dewen.lants under a stable government. It was this hcovernmont that (iov. Caldwell and many others were pneved to see rent as- U1,der and at the time to no one did it c:iu.se more pain than the writer of this article ; but rc " accepted the situa tion ; (iov. Caldwell did not.' and hence In; was not with the Confederacy, hut ilid nothint;, perhaps,--in' opposition. When; the. war closed it was natural that those who were considered "Union men " should become prominent for pi sitioiis in the work of reconstruction, and IheUnited States Government would lir.-t appoint them to aid rehabilitation, and it was equally reasonable that such men would not decline otliee, even seek it. Nothing less could be expected. AHhouj'h we are not a special admirer of (iov. Caldwell, we can do an opponent justice, and in our opinion tbe people of the rotate will find in Gov. Caldwell a fair-minded, enicient, and dignified' Ex-ecutive-7-one ivho will administer the laws without tear, favor, or partiality to any. . .. Gov. Caldwell. We learn that Gov. Caldwell sus- taina himself ..before the .oeQDle .to their admiration wherever'ne address- es the multitudes that assemble, to hear him. He is cool, collected, able, and demolishes the cobwebs of his opponents, and refutes the slandering charges that have been made by par tizaus against him, scattering them like chatf before the wind. His sul- 1ect3 arc wdi studied, his facts forci hW st:lt0(, an(1 his reasoninr i0riCai ... ' . . and convincing. In this he is backed by his unimpeachable character and a well known honest heart, with an invincible purpose to stand by the people in any emergency. Tod It. Caldwell has a record in his official position that will stand the test of time, and place him in the catalogue of one of the wisest and best Gover nors North Carolina ever Ii'n'd. As he was made Chief Magistrate bv a Icn3ocratic-ConservativeLegislature, SQ Iet tue people decide to continue him in the samc position next Au- g"sfc an he will serve them faith- fuI1-' t.tf Tiloi.rh W,c criticises in no kin(i manner the sentiments of the Ameuigan in re-ard to the canvass betwcen Robbins and Finches, an.l assert3 Ulat they are unreliable as it rd the odds won bv the latter. 13 The AVu-s simply casts contempt upon the virtue and intelligence of the peo- pie wnen it presumes to assert .mat Mr. Furches is not the first choice, i. . l .v , and wm continue so, of the voters of u,0 .tutnVf PniiWno wnnl.l miVe Lome and not open-ius mouth f."om uib . uiuUAb m 'l-V.r m"- the stump, in the manner he is doing. The people are not so lost to decency, as the At ics might suppose, that they will prefer a notorious demagogue and canting hypocrite, who has " stolen the livery of Heaven in which to serve the devil," to a gentleman like Mr' Furchesr "Pon whose garments rests not a stain, and whose lips are unused, as his heart is incapable to conceive, low and vulgar language re- ferring to subjects that disgust even the depraved of the race. It but proves the moral nature of the man, and is collateral to antecedents of the past, of which the people have heard, not necessary here to name. When ! the canvass opened between these two persons we knew the ground which both occupied, and that Mr. Furches would desire to conduct the canvass in an honorable way we also knew and he will be loth to be driven from his position. But Bobbins must not j expect, hereafter, to be treated in an j other manner than according to his deserts by his opponent and the press. Tns treaty for the withdrawal oft the German troops from France has been signed. It vs ( sii U t.Ussi frjrfe4f 11 - in,? Wb-n th Cats if .. riMjfctt'r Ut w-k u tw..u; AutauMtr wra ut.uft' a rnatU'r..-.-'.t ofigU t 4-aW'Ut.at ael b i-o,..rthrr -.- it Hqi U lu M f lruthfujuraa ul c-,;mr. Tt frj-jrf tb - alf at f!i frniLfl u. tnan aci4.L! at -eafe the Evftf it jufrriatien. if tir t j lli . " . ' umj.um m tin f.Q ji", at ltiod nmmc a fa!e " ihit &lut wh;ch it ran kiiow nothing, upon- r-ffif j Utimny of witii. It U trIy ' pOHi,l that Irf.th .our infortnant anil that of the Ea-jle iuy alight! J j rniuk n in th ir rt-jwrta of whi.t j transpired at Olin, a no two mexlaltf' apt to view auddin ovcurreneen in ttc Miue light." The A'oy.V m ik- a very unmanly alluiofl, inueh to oar urim for ita former consistency, to a prifat maV tcr, even if it be true, of ones. of the partiea; and under nocireuinitnce, if we Lad eTtr beartl of the $land for aftch, doubtless it tscouLl U i----r.k'---m-;..-:."" 'l..:.t t"- fiud a plac; in our columns, of a jo- litii-a! --opponent running for ofllet much j ss a private citizen. The Ea'jlc is becoming a promt .m-nt ior tts unu.ilu.g.ii; P.r'lin.iue i aH ,onni' ,tW:lS .pL-try fr truth and lairiicBs. hllai Curnt, andidate on the Krpub Ucan Tie ket for Hupcrlntcndect tf Public Horkt. luriiii our lute vir.it to Chatham v wiun-i mr acpiauii..uice ui u t.Ua liurn, w hosennme appears .on the Republican ticket for Sujieriu tendeiit of Public Works,.-.Mr. Burn is the praprietor of n large iron foun dry and machine shop, at I.ockville on 1 et p river. W e found him at work on some machinery, lie is practical .draughtsman and master mechanic, and lor many years was in the service of the Tinted States Gov ernment as a civil engineer, superin tending an important branch of .its operations, a position now filled by his son, who has two thotisand'work men under his control. . . . Mr. Burns, ".'doubtless,, is the best man that could be ''.selected in the State for Supt. of I'nb. Works, on ac count of his practical information. knowledge of estimates, and judg nu-nt of the sufficiency of work per formed. Mr. B. thinks that he could save the State $;i00,00O in the con struction of tlie penitentiary. t ol. Dockery; Mr. Ashe, and tlie Xejroes ""Tertain " IJrindliHtall " fcHevis are charging that Col. Dockery. a long time ago, should have said, (perhaps it is false,) that if the negroes were allowed to vote he would leave the State. Well, even i f Col. Dockery said so, he has since changed his mind, as any man has a right to do, and for a good reason that the negroes are not only capable of voting, but of holding office, too. Now, let us state w hat tec heard Mr. Thos. S. Ashe say of the negroes at the Court-house in Statesville. Mr. Ashe said that the negroes were an inferior race, savages in Africa, and little more here ; that they ought not to vote or hold office, and that they ought either to be sent ou of the country d riven off or be held in subjection as via vex to the white race. Let the eolored people decide which has the best record. Catawba Station, N. C. . . July , 1872.' :; Messrs. E. B. Drake d Son, rt StaUtviUe, A'. C: Enclosed you will find 11.2., balance on account, to help pay your way up Salt ltiver this fall, aud as you will never get back, we would be glad you would send us a receipt for our pavment. G. C. IcNkili-. We have cheerfully complied with the request of Dr. McNeill, who is a clever gentleman and a scholar, and we point others to his example that are in arrears to us of the " Demo cratic persuasion," and w ould say to them that, as the journey we are to 13 a long one,iCwUI require wHaf they are due us to pay expenses. But tee are not yet gone, and will extend best wishes to the Doctor when he shall depart for a pleasant voyage and a safe return at some future time. Wants a Fortj Tears War. Maj. Robbins, in his speeches, boasts that he had "fought the Government of the United State.-for four years, and regretted that he could not have fought it forty yearn longer.'''' Maj. Rob"bins was a secessionist, and 'aided to bring on the war, and his voice is still for war a war of forty years duration ! We ask the people if a man uttering such sentiments would make a proper member of Congress ? What influence for good would he have in that body ? Do the people want another war a civil war and desolation once more come upon the land to please Mr. Robbius, and will they bestow ujon him a high and re- sponsible office as a consideration for his sentiments f We think not. Judge McCcn.v, one of the Tam- many Ring Judges of Xew York, has been impeached and removed from office. 1 4a. Jlh,! u 11.J t f fMra i- .ir,'..? v. fc5 I lllt fr.w' lSj.,A' CTlUiw f a:Jr:4 tt !Uitfiii rtir-. 1 i-r Vd - -. iC 1 1 ' "."" UinUj bf4f H.'lufi.UI ') by a ftahU-1, .fcc J 1 a : m: jr pf t.i.'m!-. H ;y tl t .rr '. , j i m ' l f . it fa? tU. for a Ixiti or "aiy in iS.r SU, and Ui.n.t h .fJy ru retanJvd by a i k ..f the U k:.f niitkrti.f now. iu .:pr.gr.-, and ir$Jn tfc Ln4 of il j re nt r gJc eomiany. ill V ,,ful at a " store day, w leu a n- itup-i i w ill t given tbf place, l b;- . itu. ua are if Uaigent, hvsj Haldc, aid exten l a nurtr welcome to mil tut r ia-r".. Tt schools here ar of the Ikt.i, t) 'acted by Mer. Andrew Wi! -!iandlh.w,d.,tnl, Tt.tCademy grafe afforrlr a rosg- .,iti.-..nt ..u.r,....i " thoiirh ancient. i ample fr prv-er.t tie. It wabere, in dav.'f..t, that tt-o k.ril1ii.il I rmnii.t' otnl sii tun..),,' an. j n.ai our -Knuehie crnei--l rMru- ant conduct ;.n l p.. ping o . r the slate at the iriiN, eH -ial!y at .-win-wsth Very dark eye. In tho-e 1 . the schools were " r.i:i d.'" IPivwimhI i- near the cenlre of the State and at one time came in-sr lM in t h.n t'jr the State Capital lacking nh tmn vote in the Legislature t mcure that result. It likewise lackfl f itl three, vote.s in the same b'lv to 'have securel the Slate l"niverity at an- other time. j . l.'M KVIl.I.K '. . ! Is near H:i v wood, d i ia ot al ut a I ' i mile, formerly know n as lk Ilamsoy's Mill-."' Mild lilidi -re. I I'ai.l.jiis b ..He- ral Kevolutionnry meiuuits, One l which was tint Lord Crnw;,l!U ic;-t-ed; hi- army hi re m r.-.l d:.y-. in. til the pursuit of t it u. (irceiii.- fwi( d him t.i cr.- Deep' livv i n:i a bri lge made of .lug' Mrs. Bamsev having male tier m grocs take the t'.at " .:s a tlie river an 1 sink it. ' Tliis proM'itv is now' owned by a eomji.'iny of. cnpit:!i-ts, w ho have dog a canal around, the " f .11 ' to float sina'l steamboats, an 1 op; n cnunu nii a'ion liy the river wiih the 0".d fiel Is at Kgvpt. u-iiig a lock " at the lower end of t he canal. We went on board one of the boats, in caarge of Capt. Grady, that at present plies between L'ockville and Buckhoru, ten inilJK.Iow, where there is "another caiiflL and great water power, and vrhere the company are erecting a number of iron furnaces for the manu facturing of machinery, Ac, on an extensive scale. These regions abound with vast nnantities of iron and cotri per ores, also silver mines and coal. w hicli arc now being developed by CapitalUts, and in a 8hort while, the water power being of the best, vari ous manufactures will be put into operation, and that, section w ill In come the wealthiest in our State. In 1834 a friend of the writer sold a piece of land, located near the ttfinlf " in Chfttlmm. for -.ftOO the money leing paid in our presence. That property is now considered worth more than $50,000, by reason of the coal that is on it. From the KaleiKh fcca. The LesislatQre and the a' u klux The last Legislature attaiued to power ujwn the cry of corruption and fraud. But little was said during the canvass alxmt impeaching the Gover nor or about an alteration of the Con- stitut'on. Installed in place, liow- ever', ts meiubers lccame bold and reckb jis, and may be characterized for their defense of K11 Kluxism, Mr. Jarvis, the Sieaker of the House, canvassed the State last sum mer in advocacy of a Convention, and spoke of the members of the Ku Klux Klan as " ministers of justice." It ia true he qualified this expression by- saying they were . disguised and un authorized, but nevei-Uieless they : : . r :. tj Bojdt as staU.a by jadge Settle before the Outrage Committee in Congress, Dr. Moore, of Alamance, told Boyd tliat Mr. Jarvis was a mem ber of the Klan. Bovd further sta ting that Jarvis was present in a room in the Varborough House in Raleigh when Hamilton C. Jones, Senator from Mecklenburg, and chairman of 4 the Senate Jud ieiarv Committee, save him the signs of the Invisible Lm- V pi re. 1 From the same source we learn that ; F. X. Strudwiek, a member of the House, was, on a-certain occasioii.on - his way to assassinate Senator Shoif ner, who fled the State to save his life, :, having become obnoxious to the Klan Decause he was the autlior ami ; successful advocate of the stringent j military bill, by virtue of which Gov. : Ilohlen attempted to put down the i Ku Klux conspiracy. Corroborative evidenve that Jones was a member may be found in the testimony of Plato Durham before the same committee. 'According' to h s testimony,we also learn that Mr. , jlcAfee, a member of the House, was the Chief of the KJan in Cleavcland county. In the Beelj Telegram, June 24, 1871, it is atateil that the j grand jury of Cleavcland county nominated this Col. L. M. McAfee as a candidate for the Convention. This fact is sianificanL If all the facts COuld be brought to light the public would doubtless be surprised to learn J ". , - , ' I..' - ' : ..! " i ti . . . : J J t, - i m .k , '. f ; t . . i v! f "'- ''-:" . ! t : f ; . I 4 t " ". ' ; f id?. 1 ' 'Ken -i -re ' r if,.. f i ;.: j ft -cs '-'l ' ,1. 1 f Ifl t -, : . a, : .. 1 - f t 4 t ! j l"-t -. i? r-t !.- i 'ui, a' Uiil'.f. .in t-.i. ik -d '.! i.' trn! . n: :j r I !i-rtd ), iK- lr s t; .ii f ih tiUa, rit m. hi j.u t '! ft, ;U; t! f ti-t-.! i hi acS r of at:.'-'HM'Ujtr "tUt t it.t r, ws .Vlil t " t Jn'ir t ! l-fc' .? IIi J'.-t Iuojiu;- ! tx - 1 ot,l niwn mtiy fct m ;4cllmr4t ib-iiribbv H ,, cf .aire-eaertiot irinar Tui 1 . . ..i.i i '.. ...... 'aid when a (nlitton f-rrv nU-f ' fr-'ni l'"r ' "unt "f M k..-nb-... a.W- nnt or iin;oi i ' mi; I.r lO' !it;t-'iiiiti.l, it .t ul i.iiuu'il aii.'l li Si . t.. (.ill fii -nte r f i I ! t ,,., r,t i, I ii,.- Ti iVll WC Inn in .! 1 wnjk I., iwa- in imH.ti lunl . ;, "it id ii.jii.e ti,e I ' lll'xTSl ' p?tt."' lt.i ' Oii' l. J.l atUI. , If 1 i r. e- M tt. p'i:it a cvilimilbe to l U. :.h:-.i.' tM.n L'ltit.iis uiit 'Joint IV. d. re.iniiHP lliiil thvir l" .l.r.-!lti!l e. but ib ti V tie' !!:.! ..f U.e I .1 I. . 1. !,-..m- f. 1 I. m nt.itiv. lin y w i r . t-ii!i. i t j icf. t c!. irg. s ng ii.!t any of th. ir im-iii Ixl"., ir t i-olllj-i i iiicia to lUVi u- g tli- Mif h lia'e-.. .-.'; l"uriii--hed with lli.-i' fi'-U we an not ui'rri.-ed th at S'ni i. W or. nt ed a p. t;t!.-n tn:ii Pi. M re an I lli !ii r. f 'f tti'i- ITlC'r r1vl!li. Ht of l iV . I II bld.e'vb'" e,':l h.e'.vf I .'! W- ;'i:i I t-.: i ,r b;.!.' : :. : I : t t'- lo -low. .. . i I . ; i . .... : i .' ; . . .1. . . ....... ....'.. ..... . . ... . . . ( .li.l S'eTnj r'- b,il. I (b it b.itli t!i.-v ii.-:it;re w. n- v i ri.-d .! Mo'iih.. .t 11 1 if. f irs . ot b. tio lic:iu -lif Vi.te f..r I r. no in1', i. -l tint M i -i ndd v. o ir. .n... hid not at tiiMi inii- p..!.,i i in-, cr.ro ! ! b'cl:iilig th t Jo. Ttm.. r Sit-I (m- ti a j jiii-i.i : r of i he K I in, mi i t!,i o', bet J fid -.lioi.l i M . i 1 v r. iic h.Ih ti l tlo. j til -it i.- ,'. I. .lU 11 '. . f.) d- ; I 4if Jit, !il-a f'r-nil 'ifh t the 1 It lllo- ei".ts ttbttif til l that i-v n ptlV Vote. l.nt lurt.r: anvrtb. pble .tion,,! . i i- . . I . . I .. 1 .... iiie-i-iei.-utai iuc nmrw w4 ro hhhiu.' prosi cute the niiir.b rcrs of (bi'tavi find ot!ie.r. Senator Graham intro duced an' amhi-sty bill, c.tl "id ite i to rhb 11 an I protect thote tuunlerei. and near the i !hm- of the lat hsi..ii two bills were pa--ed for the Ix in tit of lw K Ian one allow ing eo-deh 11 I -ants to testify foe themselves and each other, ond the ottifT repealing the laws making it felony to pdigiiise.l. Thus, JiH'aker JarvU leing Judge, these " minister- of justice" if not positively fHithoii.cl m y not now 1" pniii-hed for In ing ilipiguiM-d. NimiH'li for t In-t black chapter in the history of that le gislature. AH impartial and good nu n who have in vestigated the facts m n who love righteounts and eschew evil must eouclude, as we do. that thelnst Leg id ature was controlll by the K11 Klux. In closing this item in our bill of indictment- against the Democratic jartv,in the last Legislature, in w hith to quote an extract from a x ecli of one of the mo-t distinguUh.-d jurist and statesman of thiicuntrc!ios n and paid by the Ku Klux of Sonih Carolina to defend them in their re cent 'trial 4 in that State. Ourextnu t is taken from the AVir YorL TriKii,i", whose editor, Mr. Gre -ley, in just now in such high favor with the LUkt.iI Republicans and Democrats. Mr. Hcverdy Johnson, the distingui-hed counsel referred to, in rising to de fend his clients, said "I have li-tcned with horror-to some of the testimony that has Uin brought Infore you. The outrages proved have I Ma n shocking to human ity ; thej- admit neither of justifica tion nor excuse ; they violate every obligation which laws and nature im pose ujkii men. These men apjenr to have been cuke -inseu-ibie to .the obligations of lniman.it v and religion ; but the day y will come, howercr. if it has not already arrived, when they will deeply lament it. Krcn if jus tice should not overtake them, there is another tribunal from which there in no escape. It is there own cvn- lscitnce that tribujial which in stiii sinaii fOK-e tuaC tunus torouga the heart, and as it peaka gives hai- piness or torture the Toice of con science the voice of God. And if ! - ' it has not alrea.lv spoken to them, in I tones w hich have wakcl them up to i th.. ..n,,rn,i)r of f b..ir conduct . I tni,t i in the mcrcv of h.-aven that n voice will siak "cfore thev shall. be callcil to the drea l tribunal" to account f r their transactions in thii world." tuuu are me won is 01 one wur, office it was to excuMf aud paliate, if, possible, the conduct of his clients. ' and who - would gladly have denied j the charges agairiit .the in Could he ' pos-ibly have done so. Coming from , such a source, and under such cir-' cunist-intes, tue)- wu'aer witii the ; blight of eternal mildews the horrid ; Klan and their more horrid a polo-f gists. e cannot and 'do not Ulieve , all the Conservative members of the Legislature ajiprovcfl of the proceed- ' ings of that 1-odv in reference to this ! matter, but we ask for their disclaim-: ers, an.l call upon them and 111 kw all ! good and true men and patriots every, j where to come out from a party w hich nestles such an organization" within j its bosom, and denounce and repudi- . ate it. Thev may listen to Mr.Trum-; bull if they Vill, who regard, the su- I in.-ua.yw ,y. iiuvuil .&.a. n 1 . m F IK r It . - mm- - B I blllULIonai, out 11 iue iia.c- mnioni, j humanity and patriotism, if they will not stifle "that still small voice that thrilU through the heart," ther will ' 4 r ,t--ii ., ';. I V .': ' H " . ..: I . 4.V ., '. f f it ..'i I i i . ! , '':.' - 4 F ' i , I ' . . 'I t ! t.-n iWf 1 S .! f'.-!.l. ! .it. - I v. .'."-. d .., w . ft.'' m ... . y ,fw r . i.i,.. , !-.).;. ft 1 t ' u i . t. -.'., HW, Im IU .n.l Ulo. ' - Hlrti wi.iW rtvai 4.,M ; o'-J ? ii i-a'i I .! .i u.i i . - fl, 1 . !.. I .. I", . ,t . i. i. r. .... ... i-ni.' f.k. i.i IK. j (. ' ! K :nj l t . f ..!.. ai I . u ! i 'I' 'fit u f i 1 1' i t !. . t. -.(' N i : ii . . j '.... 1 . t i .' ti . ' .i 4 ; 1 1 !'.. . . , i i..! 1 I it .. ;.J -:- t . 't I J... iC t ; 4 . t . H 'l 1 ;.! V O - i ; I t 1 (it w ;.;v o ! I ;l 'If... - i i 1 s - I v ! I ! . !i- I I. I. . !. I., ii ( 'f u i;.- -1 . 1.1 1 I. :. ' lb. 1 T tl t . iu t K n h . . U.v v 1, J . ,. I!. I '1 , 1 1 1-1 .1 1. . ! ,. . t; i . f V I t , .1 !i 1 1.. 1. ! 1 ! 1 I.I ''! .. r ' t -. 1 a n. ,;' ;;: ; i j f , t J, li. -r l: lb-.i i .. !'., r Imr l i s ..n I -" . but I- iiu alter i it . I V i V t T I 1 ; 1 .it -i 11!,; W I.,'. ' " w'-luM r. .id. " V I . '-,, .i . ; . . f A. f I 1 1 ! I I 1. 1 1" I i , Ii .n l :. li . I'mi. . i ... i i. . ""il. :od '! fif.x t. -4 i W , : '4''.Hvr,!..l.!., "(-. ,..( ,.b. , . , , i . , J opl.. li1. b,lt b. - 1. 'HI r ! v st .-- v vt i.i. Job .I IJrlllj, I i f i unibrrlanJ t 0, f . ., " ' , ., , v, , , , . ..., , ,. 1 1 ' a .ui..i..S t.- t--. l.'l th. ,. . .- . f !. 1 I I .ht' 1 . bill i - n Mi. lb A in 1 - 1 'a1 . 1 ( tl ( f: 'ft .1 1 .( li ... i-- J. 11 li. 1 1 111 1 si 1 ! I V . wtc. i a .-. .i in. .ii-.', T I in-u'-u n Ii. mm r I b.. v. U b. l.-vi ! 1 1. n ti I . t v - I I li.iii 11 I 'Iiu . !. . 1 1 -fi. V.W i Tl I II l r I o-ttj kiprrlairttl. Mits ;it,, girl fJncit buhf Veal H old. Hut with an uil'Ll.t -ter lr.y eeuii.g wl.i- h will muni -ui I di-dicniv l. r j ' lfoit fol .life, if :! '. not l.-i iiiiiiile iu a ei i.-.th '! -'ii. She w kindltr a flie.aifl Itdobke, concbele I lo dtop a f. uni rg tnath into .1 Call of k'-iieMlie lid tb.it !e rnijlit h -'ir tin xpb.i m an I ae the flame. Tin i riplo.ion, however, very "i. at, and blew the burning oil inieery p.iitinii of the rimin, t- ting (ire to h'T I-'tlii . t he luibbllg, floor '.il l fiiimture. Tl' fl.iiiie -.pj-i id l;ipii!lv ; !nd ;ilii''nt int.oitlv ii velojit d t!ie unfot lunate gifl ffitn iit-nd to fool. -- it .nti:ig mil "ii'.l ing in great agonv. he r:iii dowiithr U rfrini the thirtlton 'T t In lens. , 1.... i-.r..,.. ...... . ..." 1. 1 . 1,. . site ran i'p snowier r.igni 01 msioi and ilNapj arid in tn " oti 'ii of I the hoM-'. Si,f ivtun.,,1 idui Mt in- tMiitIy, ill l iii t.i;.!'. and in her flight and pain M-ie-J hoi I of nn rgi-d 1 la iv. and hoi iing l,. r (irn.U , -.It -jw.-.I ! , , , I the flame a to nunintuiieat to h. r dr"a. ' The . t 1 j 1 V got wi', how- evei, but not until" tdie wn i-uuli .lirned. Two l.li elil' II enllie riinl,. ig to the home, cut tlie I ll.. fcon tAe unfoitimate giiUnd t.'.u -atoj A t!4- progre'i of tin- fire, bet the fl iVne hnd a1mt d"tfi thiir work. 1 Tl.V whi le IhIv ft.. tn the !..il T-r- to the f.-ct wti tctribly buni-l ; the j hail on the back pa'rt of hr r b-.-d ! Wasa!so burmil, bat the face feiu.uu- j I ' mparativeiy untom ui. 1 ne ai- j tc'Iing p:ivi. im m ootng an ne . mi to lirferve her liU-, lit the proiia biliiv i that his etfotU will pr.ne fill ile. ",6n'"i'- (.'turtrr:tr- nall'Jih. Alihawa lii ret out ita convict to Lroq f-pike aloutcrght U.Lulrn,ji arind hi ankle, -M by a el.ain wl h re.-ich. i 1111 to tin- v :,f.!. Thi L . ' .1 r c.irian.-f s-psii.nu uon, runu.i.jr. ,r,i "1UX . ' wnevi r m.k.ng b exj nmi-.t. I hcfontra--N.r. fV!. l"the. and L'Uard the loiitl.U. ai.-i I Py ftaU n",iH n ,lav r -r -l ' ' 7";i" l?":r, 1 r vry ";V ' '"",J"' lh-'v .uSl'".-1-v ,k t!,,! r":"1 u moiilli ia taken irom tu ir tet m or uu-pri-onmi ut. I m'.ih4.tio" hi ln-en re"iii! in Vu-hi;i"lo. D. (.'., tliit Lx Ui.ver-i n,)T I f .:Trv . Wise, of Vir 'iiiia. w ill ' wiii,Mirt th Phil ub li hi i.oiiiitjit;on ai,dJie U :n utiom-d l v lb .ul.lieaie i ,.r tiit St-1.. f,,r 1 i.i ..n the ii( kt uf j.;i,.cl,,r, U Xo-,. f.,r pr, idt nt ? (;rjnt. j : , SPECIAL XOTICLS. - . Mid ... : ".'". t .aarr 'lIlaIi-. T- v.. I i.kr r " J" '"p-''', , " .-' t-r .-'- W(uai A wrtA MmM, t'm a .iu.r nj tw i . i,t.'t h mi'i ! ik. 1 i.r p-t-t-i- .t ( ti . i .-. .---. at .i-1-.. -a f ; " tU"' " 1. r j ZZZl ZllZZl ! ,M , li-p ...i. t.. , . fi-,, ... . f Ijih. .J I u iw taaai luv larr ikil Wi.l oMl'.rv II. li C. ilrtl n mnm. U IHIKn. :i"7 t'- -" - 4 la I '- .4 ,1 . l 1 f..k.g : ! i. larnat. i ait i ltai tka til aa a tfnaat I iir. a4 u( aa a Umay, a 44 la a luliiitiia -t-ij- -n i . i I. i.i. I - . It . I. ... tit;s ii. i.i; muui.1, 1 mil t L. Pi N ) 0 S 6 C 0 . 111 1 - 1 . , 1 1 .. . ... III. N i I I '!.. . . I I -f . ' I I .. I! ; . I - . . i . 1 . Ik ... . r 1 ; t v !'! S - .!-, 1 .ai.. (.-it 1 ' I . . j. 1 r. I !.'. . ,. 1 '- ; l.t.V km 4 jMNI ,,-.. Il.lll!l ' Fl.mr 1 '. 1 1, tS 1, , j, I.AI.H f It ;.. .. , j- t " . tl..-. f 1 ' H : , 1 S 1. f ' i VY -. 1 . , ;-l i-u 11 I " H '.Ii, l y,- j. r s . . I- ; h . 1-1 1 1 ... .. .. -. .t. i-,f M 1. Ui . f.n r n. i.M, l't " 1 11. in .. ... Hvlf . r . . k 1 SJ..,-', j, , ji I I .4 , HI 'Vs r 0 Will I 1 i iui I . , 1 T4 : in4'i, fr -ca.'.wt . I i.'i.a Xfia HlJDfritsfmrntfi. d, nMit..' Mo nt rt m iv.i kt.j. i-.t r x-4 iw 'L '.' TTL..'? u" t. , 1 , u . . , ,.. , . ,4 rt-m tin- j. 1 C h .f I. . .1 .: 1 t tl !' .-f . . ( . .1 iu .'. ! .., -4 ev ).f.f-it) l-Ji,k i.t- U U Ullni. f .Ml ,.r j. f 1. . ,iW ,,, .f f ,j afif ) t.. fii 1.1 .( i .. ,l.r t,, u a ...i"-f U-.,..bt... m.I U.r... I 11-- i,., il.lnlli,ln..l, a. . a ei1 -I riar-"ii i l-1 w ti t " H'lia..u.ri(. I . ,,.. k . . . , t s V!ii J T 'i-t t I-Vi.r-I.l A V!iMirf I. ...f C s. in. f . ;.' $7, It 3D In s-li nd Oilier Tslsabl- V U li M I U M s Vrtll It- A 4r1tt4 V ! t..' ttm rU Weekly Kwjnirer TJ. Kir twa A!' Iw...ii f f w M r'.lrr. wimm a ,.- la f Api-l r I Irt 4 S. iH. 1 , ! IV'. I Ir in t.!. )t 1. imiiU iu lb .ll-t'l'li.! .ill llirt tf tr rt I. .HI l't. U..a.ii. li- If t itt "U-!l r "t 1 klyt ..irr i.O. rt-li I'r. .ii .-ii. :f f ;..i aft V, aiixl ( ar-li ki.l t4 th.M- l ' r-.t. A ;!- Will-Ui.J. IIulilili-ca. t itr urn-, If tin. Af. !-'t rtuix.M. i--in:.ati 1 H.au Mi) .T. 1:.'. U Itkhuion-J Irrbiftriiral Irsn M srkt a l STOVE COMPANY, (siiii-, -M.r l oti' s A Ibbv) a P Kt'l a l Tit:: r-(HlKI Vli M)V VirrUCa in I j -r.--nt " ?xit.H-ln It'::'' "II. In." ,.( .... . , - .. -- . ..... .. II K VI I N ?TOV l.W- " Itui. ."Hi.f.t.; r-j-run .Ui.. thii-r J.-r W, a-l ma.., .sk. ta Urn rvl -i-t - . t l J 1',v J')!.;-?; ' aLVAX..! 'h;iX C!lM r of .. ZJtlfl ItWr. S km a ra U- MVa anjtibrte. . 4.. - ASA b VIiJ.K. u-tf ITt-at. asd mjj. O , fur aU at litU Offlrs.

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