Vi . if '-"-,.-...: ' ; . i rk : V::''5"1: I; ': ... " ';- ' ". ' ' . :'.' ..:--; :-' ' ' ' ' ' ' J " " ' ' I ' : ' ' . " ';: " 7 ! - - - . -.-. . , . """""" - , i -c-r vi,, -vrrr , i ,YY gamila &tpc r, devoted to goUticr,, grind fare, .Jftanttfatiarcs. Commerce, and Jffcrethncottr. fV.u-. HTATF.SVILLI-; N". C, .MONDAY, SICl'TKM HKit n. im?j. VOLUME XV. N I'M MICH Jio. II II III 'fill . il I I I ,1 I I ,l I ,1 I . b 7 n .. : ' 1MICKO WTKKLT BT EUGENE B. DUAKE& SON, t SAttors and TmprMor. J POST "2" . I Oni I J Six numths. .11 M .1(0 . 4. nUCTfcT W ADTAMOK. TERMS OF ADrEltTLSlXO i OntdolUr a square tor the fir it wwk, tnd fifty tenit tor each nulMM-ucnt liiM-rtloa. Ten lines or le ronxtltuto jur. Dv lat-iion md In faror of stanJln)? matu-r follow; - " 3 MOl. 0 MO. 1 TEAR. O Kjoare....... $3 oo $ oo 112 oo Two wjuarf ...... 8 00 12 oo in 00 Thrrm square .. 10 00 15 00 2.1 00 Oiuvfourtb coL. 18 00 25 00 .15 Of) Half column..... 25 00 40 W ho oo One column 40 00 60 00 loo 00 TJnlnM the numlx-r of Insertions tx' inark.'d pon the tnanuiwrlpt, It will bepubllshwl till forbid, and charged accordingly.- proffggional (Carta. rREDTTpoTssoN , ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT UW. WILMIMJTOX, N. C. DUBRUTZ CUTLAK, Attorney and Counsellor at Lan, WILMINGTON, N. V. O F Fl C E on Pri accss street, between Front and Scond Htreets. Z, B Attorn ey a t en ARioTTE, n. a VANCE, Z aw , ITTILL practice in the Sixth Circuit, and Tf In the Federal and Supreme Courts at Kaleigh. March 27, I860. tf DB. W. M. CAMI'BKLl DR. R. V. COWAN. DBS. CAMPBELL & COWAN V; TT AVE anaoclated themselves In the prac- maiaiM v 3 )jw mt Moniwiiw and Surgery, ana m: we louna, wuei not proiestuonatiy engagi , at ineir orace, over tna biow Of irvin, r jo., statesvuifl, . u. crsics rut zl TCC.D. El Th aea mlU op agrainst the h, Tt- 1I boo trJt.U the : . Only the hl?h road'a kf-l reach Ij. twist its wave aiwl m. ArroM th window-Wire 1 ten And watch the wW play, A voti hve w?.rji 1 tin if ahade "'! Ken The akv and ea u. With nunwH tint of gold and roa Lt flo,tled in eqrtal glow ; And far acro-w the ahiaiug bay - , . A rainbow faintly fade away. How like a dream It aeenw to me, ; A tender dreatu eoine true, To watch, in ilent ypathy, - Tlie Huuiit aea with you I I turn u iHik upon your face It U not one, indt-ed v With all the fraiiknena of your race That hr who runs may read : Hut like a flower that drops apart Vhen summer iHinbeanw-Hhipe, The d.weat Icart. U of your heart llatfu opened ul mine, With all vonr yenruing thought- that fly lleyoml the , Ijeyond the k . I wool') that like the Buiil-ann, dear, I held the happy power To Hhed a radiant atmosphere Alxut the drooping flower riiat a the cloud of April flies before their bright control, So might the shadow from your eyes, Its aubstanee rrom your soui i Vain wishes unto us who know How hJ'voK alien suauow lau The face we luve beit )iij bei;w A roffln-lid and pau Love has not any halm to cure These griefs thitt silently endure. And I who love you, friend of years, Can give you only this The mute eouipunionship of tears, The lauguage of a kit ; Or a quiet clasping of the hand When memories irverMow, And weiii's ujioii tlie sea and land The ligetof long ago. Not much for giving, it is true, To one in merrier mood. But H.iit't!)ing, after all, to you .So to W, Ulidejijti.MXl j -And in this old house ly the sea, I comprehend you utterly. Its ancient walls are eloquent Of d;ys that are no more ; Fair'days, -serene with sweet content, Dark days, that darkly bore The burden of a fierce despair, A sharp, unequal strife Wherein who struggles he shall wear The bitter scars for life. You wear them ah ! the cruel need, (iod knows it ! Let it ie. Some day the riddle we shall read And all the reason see.; The shadows darken on the bay ; The color fades ;,you turn away. - - - February 27, 1871,. oard ty IN THE WRONG HOUSE. DR. E. O ELLIOTT o FFERS his professional aervioRs to the citizens of Statesville and surrounding country in the practice of Medicine and its collateral branches. Especial attention will be given to ail chronie cases committed to his care. Oftioo at his residence, formerly Walker's Hotel. January 1, 1871. tf II. K EL LI, M. D., OFFERS his services to the: pub ic, and may be found at his office when rtotprofessionally engaged. Dr. II. Kellv has associated Dr. M. W. 11111 in the practice of Medi cine, who mav be found at Hill's Drugstore during the day, and at Hampton Oo.'s at Major John Parkinson wa a gqocl looking bachelor, wlio ljad lived forty- five years, but who ban taken such good care of himself that be was real- to yield to the genxl persuasion of tb key. , TbUUbeginnln?tojfetwkwanl," thought tbe ierturbed Major, wi4ng tbe bdy Irop rrom hi Urow. -mtp-poac I should b oUig"I to enl the nlnt beref trying to get m. Deiio, tf I'm out cartful 111 b ftrreUsl, ainl j)enI my first nfgbt for thirty yean in my native land in atation houw. Ill try ore more door, cd if that . . . . . . I f-r-- r. tut n Jle Ipt4 the key In tbe keyhole ; it revolved holselcaaly, and the d'jor swung aoflly open on iu poliahed Liu gea. The right one at !at, as I live!" chuckled the Major. That hcartel rascal, Smith, mean to ive me a surprise. I ee through it nit now. But I don't intend tu Ik? sur priednt 'Mytliing'-'after tliis." lie i7okeL ftrounl. The gaslights were burning bright v in the h.ill, re ception room, and jiiiiIuih, the o!t Kiiiu nx r-hke atmosln're 6t a uirnuee dispelled nil lingering idea of eojd r wet; and there were groups of merry gnest.4 moving to and fro to the in spiring notes of a grand piano. u Smith never told me a word of the place," thought Major Parkinson, " but it is a good idea a capital idea. Called 'unexpectedly in the country. eh ? Ah, he's a sly Smith." Jfe placed his dripping umbrella in the stand, and deliberately hung up his hat and overcoat on the elegant black walnut rack, and their he cann and stood in the doorway, both hands. serenely joined under his coat tails, and a beaming countenance which showed all the white teeth, to good advantage. " Goodness, gracious!" exclaimed a portly lady in black velvet, " who is that in the doorway ?" " Aha," laughed Major Parkinson, complacently rubbing his hands, kyou intended to burprisc me, but you didn't after all. My dear madam, how do 3ou do f " ' ."' : "feir, I don t know who 3 011 are," said the lady -of "black, velvet," rather grimly, falling to recognize the Ma jor's proffered had. " Dear me, Aunt Rosa," chiri)ed n i younger lady she certainly couldn't be more than eighteen, and was as fresh as a rosebud tripping forward, u don't von see it's cousin John ?' : j x. 1 . ... . The Major looked; puzzled : but it would have been rude for him to back churlishly out when such a. pair of cherry lips were" put up for him to A a Ka't,Luaa) u l-r memire of death ia 1j.1ui l& ta.i u.ui ia Urvtn Ltlf u, It U ottly laUly that a e U wtl utka im .Vf aa huctu tnot lb uw thlnf, Wit (aikxl. Ilia fWtaprrr a Bor aui-crfal. A Lm4u IctUt aaya : H rwrirr! tils Ben U DC tl lit of Ajsgtut, and fruo tVvt ern. "Lt he rvfoauii to Uk Lis fod, j I J,4 on th day h was to be Lanl, hiwh wax th lttkintaat. It ertMs therefore, that a strung nan, ia gMi Oho! ihU U-ginait.g to grow a ; Uation anl rommrata, a a-1 then ' 1 (wa4sasr4 lrlla aUrtr If little ertou. . ifcry wrre merrirr than rrr. , u fts-ata. ' f. In l.t.l lliina ant' ' II. i if mmm Ik. Vf . ..ill XIajor Juhn Parkinn, who had live. j LTv,w criml Mr. t'owy, wIm-h iaaily j a are or conkiiw cvlfacy lor ore I bis ft etaae boot to "To and fwrty year I tf zbU t least," In spite of hU n Solution nct to aI-4 Of eor, of foetv," fhjl low hiius If to U-urprUed, the Major I hn Mil wanL Mulni Le.tir rapidly Alt the aenjUo rm-piM '" (I matt do at he p!re, sail over him, not only f aoqmyvj My, demurely. l4aHa'wi-ies of diamay. 3tf sJ,- T'JV lwtUf" the Major, aod he itU'hel more 1 if idly tha; t ' 'orn agnln, aelt; ihi-Parkiuion atUudl the wnl. Suyely it wa time for an exflitia- fliuYiUe n-xt wek, ant belrmltode. Hon fiow : and he wa jnt --oijeruiig coraU the irawinr-roora with flowra. hi li when nt ie whli1el him I aiui tarriel chair back and forth. and round. sLaiRliln' oil tllk-tm' to lii.iHr ' Went lnln klmu.lf Inv.rl. knoMiugly in Ins ear: f ably on the wav. and ft sent to th ' oitn,ca lir only twrlft days with- .'' ii t y.u want to we the web 1 bride a solid silver tea service, and ! 0111 AkjiI. 0 the frt night the gt. ling rake, cousin John ? and the 1 altotfether. he made-himself uw-ful rt,or of the priin did no think there m re.-ith '. and the veil V j that M. Corey aail,fet-lingjv, What ! WM Jr drU-rmiuatioo ta lh iartof illioiit v. ailing rr n answer, h fchoulj we have done without that ;.l,4e l'"tM-r ut r ruf r.M!, Ixjt that tij-t.-.l hiui iiilo aii t h; l, pull- f lexf Major?" t hi apjirUU- had inert y fi.rakQ hiiu iiig hiui'-aloiig ly twviat-taii. ) . Grace, the gipsy, insistetl on calling ' rr l'" t'lue I ing thntugh the art v ri ll 'y .einleiiTiiss.iiig,. tu: e sure ; hirn "Cousin John," the same as ever, "t )' the sentrnc-. On tb follow in but thou how ili asMiit it waa. The I but from all amiearanrea there will f a.V Klvnn still Ik ritciitlv rfii 7 J SB s ; anytuliig, aul the governor the attention of the xori-oii t. 01 tnge i.iussoius wove m with tin v ' I arkinson brown atone house will ' ,u' mailer. 1 lie aurgeon an iir.1 itt given buds; but the eak . S The cake, In- nracrd by a mistress whowasflrt ! " hould le triei to the ' was :i ' 'miniature: mountai:i of ieing, ' Wen by the Slajor in the uroiiy A owe. f t!n, the follow ing day, and if lie atdl and frostt'. I (I overs nn I eiii l, e 1 t ' :' m . ', ' otiliniK- in his determination to t-- t h-. in spai klin white stig ir, clings j (ufflned Jade.-l Fearful Lesooa ing ..rouuM uuM.ou.pKio! winie How -. tthlrh made Another Temueranre Vaa. jtx-ailt ti-i ti ritot I U4Uw Vf t& v.i.l L ( fjtfMI a Um kftl ;.'y om tR, Tulc ,f ix I j. t ka iitu . i der taiMibf . tU '. i Laa- U t ess tiitlj (., thrv bate kat U d-l, al Um Wttu at.t at4 m M lUkot cU kae cite tLraa i 1ks klrti rf4ltua) tWy t.nel a j dtretim lisefe IM l'ti, ' I i- 'tt t4at.J avtuaa4w TV kt.tiw.tUtU ,kwt t,ak -' . r .".-, itnu: a ij '- t a slnsvlf la,U ( um MHv aat tktl IU altra iaal-4Cu tMtlrt of lae (at a. t." ",.: tie p4 "t.g t-vt, Wt t aiO! It oni men nw pleasant 11 waa. 1 lie out rrom all apjtesirancei there will .". ri v il was a heap of ai'iowy lace, like a Iw; another .wedding l-foip th year i- ! ' tt. cloud of vapor, the wu ftU was all ; oi,t in tho Corey family, and Major ' "i,v'' 1 orange blossoms wove in with tiny -(-.Parkinson's brown atone house will ' l,u' ln' ers. on tin- ei , st. '' Only think of it," said (J race, f 1 itlle t ho-ug'h t lull y , as sin pulled an oiange liii.ssoni into its place iu the i ject his ftxnl means siioitl I - le t.sken to orii l him. ( outran- to the e. Illations of the itiirgrstn, be Mil! held out, and it was decided to bring the atomach-pumik Into rtiuisltioii. I'ti 1 to this time the man hail cNjiidiieted ohaplet;'' to have ill Last Saturday a will known ex Jtnlge entered the Park Hospital in a state of Tia rt iji I i nt 11 ifi t i ,n I (. .... .L .. wedding su near , incoherently, and Iaughel when warn- I ,,lm' lf 1111 m re "ilh-nness than ed- or. the danger of imbibing to.) 1 saw tne surgeon freely during the hot weatheiv On ' H,", ''I Ktr'ia"ts at tlie ,,r,r of Iu leaving tlie hospital the irenial War- f " 'u w"" lue ,a ' pump lie w ize.l den Drown advisenl bun to se'ek some ;er an 'eng'ietucnt-'of fifteen years Oh, Cousin John,- you fought to Ik a very happy m in !" " i will explain." thought the Ik'- wildei-ed M ijor, hreaknig into a col I shady retreat, else ho would be t or .erspirat'iriiu ;- Vt s," lie began aloud, 1 tain to return on a stretcher. The nut 1 J ud re strolled over to IhlrnonicoM.l i ou 11 snow me tne ring, won 1 1 and there invested a few dollars in S. you r -..coaxed Oi iei,., a if with a ! O. 'P. brandy. He was found soon .Midden thought. "That's a darling, ; allerward by one of the Hroadway for of .course you iiave it in your vest ' s.piad at Uroadway and Keade street, pocket. And what have you brought, unconscious. for Clara? An India shawl, of' To sqmrnon, the awbiijanoe from c.iurse; and 1 hope It is very, very i Park Ilosnital was tlio work of f..w splendid ; for th '' re's 1 1 o t h i 1 1 g i n all tlie world too irood tor our Clara," ' (Jrace.'.v said 'the -Major conlhlen- tially,takinj her hand in ids, "i want kiss, such a pair 01 dimpieu itnns around bis capacloys wajst. Kp'l never knew that 1 had such a prfMy coiietn," was the Major's i nter- ly quite a young man. I Jtrttliaflaetfon ; u but ! dare say it is He hail gone to India when only all right Smith knows." night anuary 1, 1871. 16tf ABCniEG. DRAKE- Attorney at Za d- General Agent, . C-HETOPA. CITY, KANSAS. ' fifteen years old, and was now return ing, after thirty years' absence, the possessor of an ample fortunej most of whioh be had already sent to Amer ica for investment. The Major did not like boarding bouses, and had therefore written to his agent in New York to purchase and have fitted up for him a comfort able residence in a good neighborhood. On a pqjd, radny -November even ing the Qhundaree'entered the barbr bringing tbe Major once move to his native land. He eagerly hastened to the office of his agent for information regarding the location of bis no' bome,determined to pass the first night of his arrival under his own roof. On reaching the office of Mr. Smith, 'TLX attend to any business requiring th nervines of an Agent, as the pur chase and sale of lands, collections c I his agent, he learned that he was ab- efE Key Jad been left for the Ambbican. pauieu uy ifotg regret- 4Vti I ung tuac uusiness in me country com pelled the writer to relinquish the pleasure of personally greeting the Major on his arrival, assuring him that he would find his house in com plete order, with servants to minister to his wants, Though sorry tbe agent had not been able to meet him personally, the Ma jor made tne best or it, and turned to the card attached to the key for in structions as to the location of bis residence, and saw written thereon : "No.- Wakefield St:" but what num ber, unfortunately, the card did not say. "However," muttered the Major, 11 Aanf rrr iAiir fav WMXtirf Aa 4 aawa 1 - r IT" WtAl B ? m- w mi tj m -YiTCHMAKEK-'AHll-JfiWfiLCll.M between Hudson and V andam streets " -- . I a a. a.1 . A. 1 & a diis worst, Ab as omy Ltying tae DB. T. J. CORPENING, WOULD respectfully in- jT1 "V form the people of Ire- eTffV-" dell and the adjoining counties fZZIZJ that he has permanently located in States ville, and will be pleased to receive the calls nt those who mav need his services. - . Charges very moderate. ' Office over McKee's Tobacco Warehouse. February 18, 1868. 6m GEO. M. LOWBANCE, r 4 STATESVILLE, N. C, ":K"Vt ESEECTFULLY sollcIU ' K the patronage of theclti- ' tena f the place andsurround - In it country. j - "Particular attention given to work en trusted to MS care. . - , :t All work warraated to give satisfaction. VX Booms first door east Public Square. Lei all who are' suffering from defective fight go to . .... , ,. - i ; ,LO WBANOE'S and get a pair of his fine Australian Crystal or Pebble Spectacles. Tie has a large lot of tlie finest Spectacles , ever brought to the town, to suit all ages, at . moderate prices. " J January S3, 1873, 49"tf .1 W. II. WILLIAMS & C0t I 1 NEWTON, N.C., . '-"- :-- -" . - '-; ' 2catert in 2ry Goodt, Groceries, Produce, Iron, Ac, Ac. . doors with my key until I come to the nght one." And the Major strolled briskly off through tne rain, humming to mm-. self, "Home, sweet home. After much inquiry of policemen and consulting of directories at corner drug stores, and studying of cabalis- tio characters on the street lamps, our Major succeeded in discovering Wake field street a broad, handsome street, lined on each side with substantial looking brown stone houses. "A very good neighborhood," the Major thought,' approvingly, "very good indeed. 5 1 don't object to this kind of things atWl. Smith. Is cer tainly a capital judge of-faU estate. Now I wonder which otthese houses belong to me ?" They were all painfully alike all with handsome bay windows on the first floor, imposing flights of stone steps, and vestibules of white ckeck ed marble. The Major crept softly A JSS3 "the low rnket prieea P the steps of one, and applied his --- 1 . j - . I kev under tll ail vov-nlofnl tnnh Tf nrrwulln't fit- Tklj - Deiwt t th f--., l,l.i t A 1 .""" v w, wiavciuuiliv vumi uuosauHj line zi uuigiar, Ba uc sneaked down the steps again. He tried the second door, and then tbe third. Both obstinately declined Foundry prices. Angust 14, 1871 , "W. IL WILLIAMS, M. O. SHERRILL, R. W. BOYD. "And here's cousin George- and Stephen and aunt Margaret, and her girls," cried the--cherry-lipped "dam sel," eagerly pulling him forward. Major Parkinson shook hands with them all around, feeling that he had just come into a large unexpected In heritance of relations. " I knew the Ghundaree would he in to-night," cried one of the girls, clapping. her hands. u We have been counting the days, cousin John." " The Ghundaree I Then I'm all right after all," thought the perplexed Major, " I was beginning to think there might be &ome awkward mis take here, but the Ghundaree settles matters." ,;' -;:;:.V;-V;".': " Oh, and here's mama !" exclaimed irresistible cherry lips, dancing back ward and forward like a pretty little Dervjsh. " Grandma, he's come ! I knew he would be hei:e to-night, Come quick and speak to grandma, John." : . '".--' ---,;'; And the Major was pulled along by the sleeves of hi9 coat towards the silver-haired old lady, with a white lace cap, and a etring of enormous gold beads around her shriveled tftrpat.:. . " Well, John, I do declare 1" cried grandma, "who would have thought the climate of India would have changed you ? Why, you used to be tall and slimi like a bean-pole ; but I suppose its 1 hurricanes and earth quakes, and all that sort of thing that has settled you down so short and StOUt.", . ,.(";--. : ,- Major Parkinson did not know ex actly what to say to tbis, so he shook the old lady's band, saying; w How do you find yourself this morning, ma'am 7 ' "And you haven'tasked after Clara. roor uiara," cqimeu m tue eiguteen year old girl, " Oh, ah, pardon me 1" stammered out our hero. "I was just going to inquire after Clara." The lass with cherry hps beckoned to a tall, graceful girl iu the window, not exactly young, but still passing pleasant to look upon, with large gray eyes and soft drooping curls of glossy- brown. . " Clara 1" she cried, M haven't" you a word of welcome for cousin John?" But the graceful girl shrank back, blushing and confused, Don't mind her," said tbe other one in an undertone. "No, I won't,'.' said the Major. "She'll be right, presently." " I dare say she will," answered our hero. - -. - "" " But it is such nonsense," went on the elf, whom the matron addressed as " Gracie." " Now, Clara, you know who it is, when you are to be married to him in less than a week" iniiiuies, "Aiioiner case or sun stroke," said the anxious patrolman. The surprise of Dr. Vandewater and Warden Brown mav lie imagined to tell you something. It's very awk-1 when they found their patient to be wanl, but it isn't really my fault, and the ex-Judge. The usunl restoratives I'm sure you will forgive me when were applied and the case pronounced you como to hear how entirely I have i simple alcoholism. Depn the victim or ci renin stances. Uraeebluc" "&SgvfnftgJTTfcr cherry lips parted what could it be f ire. not -John Mibvaid ?'' : nothinir of the sort," and " Well," she ejaculated breathless- " I'm not cousin John at all," said the. Major with a jerk "It's a mis takol 'I'm Minor Parkinson," " You Not I our Major, visibly brightening 11 j).- Isut I know .John' M dward very well. f ame over wit li me in t!ie Ghundaree if. he's your cousin John, you -..have got a splendid fellow for a cousin." And then Major Parkinson toll Grace how it had liappened, and she blushed and laughed., and wondered how they, could all have been so stu pid, and confessed that, "after all, she didn't think he had been so very much to blame. " " Except, that you" oughtn't to have kissed me back so heartily," Grace added maliciously. Thee'xJudge sleptIIis breathing I intiicatei sa elruhken stupor. His snoMng 'alarmed th'e other patients; but still he slept on. At length, as the hour , of midnight approached, Warden Brown, who is an ardent tem IKraiice man. conceived the idea of manj conceived curing the Judge or his only- infirmi ty, lie sent for a eoHln, packed it with -ice, and then laid the Judge on the ice. The lights were turned down, and ony the pale gleams of the moon entered the room. A while cloth was thrown' over the coffin, and one soli tary attendant watched the corpse - The ice began to melt, and the Judge began to. revive, A lew muscular movements indicated returning con sciousness. As the influence of the ice became more powerful the contor tions 'increased, and were soon follow ed by a violent torrent of oaths. They fell fast and thick, but still the semi-conscious occupant of the coffin j faicd to i-ealiae hi position. At last a stool, and, swiniii u over hi head. aworw he would knock out tlie braias of any one who attempted even tm li ter his cell. They were thus held at bay for some time, hut the 'wanUr who had I teen in attendance on Hvnii watched his opportunity and im i.- the prisoner round the arm mid lfly and pinioned him while ho surgeon and hi attendants Micceeded in pla cing the pipe of the instrument down the man's throat. Finding hi in sell ba filed in his attempts not to allow the use of the instrument, be now 1- came exceedingly violent, and workwd his head aliout in ho ferocious a man ner that the Interior of his throat was lacerated ho much that the surgeon found it uselcvs to attempt to use the pump again. After thia the prison er boota ware removed and aiippers supplied to him ; for, seeing tbe mood be was in, it was thought he might make use of them as weaons of vio lence. On. 'the day following, a In deed on every' day tdnce his M-ntenee, the .Governor endenvore to induce him to partake 'of. fool, and sent to his, own residence for .tea.. and bread and butter to give the man. This was also refused, Flynn taking just a suf ficient quantity of the tea to nmisten his throat and his lips, but leaving the solids entirely untouched. He died on the twelfth day.and, strange ly enough, his body was found to lie only slightly emaciated." U firM nuui Uo ttSml - Us Uwf " la tftUcstUaa-asjua crMt Ur thrA voaioltut. The aatto rvU ill si-jly i'htiI ftwvsi ait-l f. UnrtK-y to p. partic tMut IW cry vf fraoda," cvirvj4., -t . in il.Lual ramaiaa, Th !' 1 alrrs who dsMj--i la r.tniait is-eally frti in aa Iwtioti tui 1. tariaNy aUit a t iy of ftail ab I t ruptiou on thiir n pani.l f .1 t:., porsMe of ix.vriiu thi ir u t m so Ilea. It u safv to t,ay that in nirrtt nine cas in a l.nndM-t l t i. rj i rsi-l, il pr--s-U iu U.r f. i.t IUUli' flout tlx s(t , ho put , lite if so I. This Is iik-'.iiU Ul'l y " faf as our J-tn I 11 alidobw tta lion hate gone, a If I it tt-pilfi ' go st ihrrs.liH H in observation to f why it thould Im true. Huraaii na ture 1 the aaiue in the thief as iu Ihe litn l cheat and fraud, an I 1 r e ri. W'Jiat hoi I true aa to the on will boll universally true a to the: other. They are l-tli huliisD, Hi I liotli III II... ImaIIi of itifrlif lii.l i.r.r I I " " " sod, pi lu all t nil!' ie li-il, the t Uiitol ldii l- ilnliml loimi luil fiaul, ox rating on the stove line of raft and liistiiU-1 tylh uun luotlieaof de-felt. Win 11 the Ores ley cry of " fiaul " tlrat came up from N orth 'aroints k im- w jti-t as will list tt men nl as m r lit now that It was h-l!irl to li vlt atlelitliili from the satue gUlllig " iliea " (to u theiuibbst pOKftlble- term) of tin ir own. 1 he IK-inot-ratic Legislature of that Mate p.iveil the wav for the 1 lasa of frauds 1 named, when they o ill tinously g r rymanderel the rtnt- as to render it next to im 1 .os i Me for the lo publi. cans to gain tontiol of the Igil ture, or to elect a majority of the im in. beraof Coiigrees.evt-n if their atM-ngth should tie eulticient to carry the 8ute . . . .- . 1 , , 1 ... --. . . y ten or nrteer. tliouaaml tnajorlty. fJti ia ueariv of IU riUMM 4frfal tattaiissi f a faUftrt tlaraaaalli. W.M tWrtkael.U. iaaaHk, kael. ttUl, ti tfttsl f awtx t.j , u4 y n-i4 . aiW ln4 Wa a, tm4tl .. ) .. tfOl t - ..'of 1 left diuwt -w at tM ' ( V m fun Uf W Cm l..i. n 4, a.v.rvlif tWa ' f !e ttftiw, al fisa t ,nftst tabttl, .1 if tV .-.!. ti , l.i. Ui it,M 1 im 1 ttaf f i. I, -o, i(w u 1 , it, m lis ae Ui I It.u i..u;.iiu l.rttMfj f llo h II, w Ll. U ia eUt Urn ! a siMtti it i cms tu nK j W ill.ut this u Ja,l tMUi ttl 1 limd at tl t l, ar.-l IL -t st 1 of wl... U art t!.e ( u t.f e.. otifoiuoiij to th U. rw wliMa l "tl. t l.u !. r. 7.1 (. t t t.ttsa (.f tttw) Mim 1 1 1 liod r ihr l.n ttr atltK a4. I he fit ikl,t is Ja .-I in U laf )(. in li t, aid th a. s Li is tdy lav li folt- rt-quitr-l t Mutt ll M )., -pal to the forte that wild ls r I quiftsl to aii.le the li.iof 'joiils ' three talis wtll t4lel. I It is in mum a lr to h It' j a liaek for lt-lf as it f.a. Ti I . ntor Ui-tst that a will rvseKii. a. le lli bulh. Ia. j ruiii its ha ln ins Ir w,ia cwa roughly cotMtrui tt-l.t-idi f .urftstia liit)ru-r, w h was ffikl.'.- a, 1 a '.:i"0 tuiwU of lr..n ar I sia aata on the o.itsi Ir, whi. h a tarn easily ocr lci toa It l y i-n le.r,. The tra ks arte n.ujjU and U an Ufa lie. 1. 1 iiu( rft, but th r 1 pert grt aliy ouiassl th iMnWr, ahoj has spii.-l Ut a atltit,aa will La a working tu on eihiUtlvo at tk Mate fair. Th troo bl ,i far k to firm the thing a nrnt arVh , I won't next ti tne,'' said- the Ma- i he opened his eyes, looked and felt about him, experienced strange sen sations, and at last took in the situa tion. " Great God !" he exclaimed, " they think I'm dead, and are going to bury me." To cry o;it for help was the first impulse. "''He. yelled like a Comanche Indian. ardeu Brown, the doctors, Ina onUiiCe-., and all the patients who co;i! ,,,-i -V Ho the coffin. The corpse insisted it was not dead, but it required a very careful examination and a serious consultation before Dr. Vandewater would express an opinion. He directed the Judge: to leave the coffin and get into a bed. "Nosir, exclaimed the thoroughly frightened man ; 4' if I go to sleep you'll bury me, dead or alive. I'm going home." And he did go home, vowing never to -drink uny more. So far be has kep. his word. r jor, hunioly ' But fifteen years in India ; it would, of course, alter any one so completely," she said ; " and what can have become of the real John .?" S!ie took him back to the parlor, where he made his exc us- s as fluently as he could. Grandma was a little incjined to be ohVndod ut first, and Stephen, a 'muscular young man, mut tered, some half-audible words about punching the Major's head for him. But fuller explanations restored a friendly feeling once more, and the pater fa milia, sensible man, insisted on the Major remaining. " For, if you are not our cousin John, you came over in the same steamer with him, and that ought to insure you a welcome," lie saidcher rily. " So sit down, sit down,Major. You are the rich East India nabob, 'wLlIfi i?le Zjt t Ijllvwioa- lecwnd-relaaea bow a certain uranu iuae 01 r lorence uuiu a bridge without expense to the State : The Grand Duke issued a proclama-i tion that ever' beggar who would ap pear in the grand plaza at a certain designated time should be provided with a new suit of clothes free of cost. At the appointed hour the beggars ot the city all assembled, whereupon the officers caused each avenue of the public square to be closed, and then' compelled the beggars to strip off their old clothes, and gave to each one, according to promise, a new suit. In the old clothes thus collected enough money was found concealed to build a beautiful bridge over the Arno,still called the Beggar's Bridge. Terrible Affair In Princess Anne Conn I) A Man Shoots hi tncle. deal about setting her cap for the new neighbor, haven't we, Gracie V " Papa," remonstrated Gracie, col oring up as bright a scarlet as a fla mingo's wing. " I'm glad to make your acquaint ance," went on the comfortable old gentleman, "even if the manner is not quite so formal as etiquette books insist on ! My name is Core' Peter Corey. and now- let me introduce you to our family circle, and V So, 111 less than nve minutes, tne Major, entirely free from the tram mels of his false position, was made cordially at home in the rncrry party, and exceedingly snug and jolly he found it. Presently a ring at the door an nounced a new arrival, and the real genuine cousin John rushed in, all aglow with his rapid walk, and drip ping from head to foot with rain drops. " Had no end of trouble at the Cus tom House .with nry luggage couldn't come aminutesooner !" he' exclaimed, hugging grandma and Clara and Gra cie, all at once, with two or three lit tle ones swarming over his back and legs the while. " Why, hallo, Major Parkinson, how the deuce came you here?" -r -' -.'.r '- Then ensued a third edition of ex- Net Weight or Hoos The Ken tucky rule is said to be, for the first 100 pounds, deduct 25 for gross ; for the second 100 pounds, deduct 12i ; for the third 100 pounds, deduct 6 ; all over the third hundred is net . The net weight of a hog weighing 100 pounds gross is 75 pounds ; a hog of 150 gross will net 11 8J; of250gToss, 206 net ; and a hog, the grosa weight of which is 300, will net 256 J pounds. From the g ross weight of a hog which goes over 300, only 44 pounds is de ducted, even should the weight be 400 The rule, if correctly stated, may be ol use to somebody. We obtained 3 enterday fV itii n im rv f ! utn tti u-loi roiil..a In 1 ! 1 1 nuuiaK iivii npiil nipj ivi'lt in I in j ceas Aline (Hjunty, the partieulap of! a terrible aifair whit li ix curreil in that county Mondayafteriioon. W'm. II. IlatUjn, a white man living in "Gum Swamp," in the southwestern iiortion of' the county, shot, and probably fa tally wounded his uncle, Maxwell Hat ton, on account of a quarrel about cattle. Our informant states that the younger Batton went out into his woods Monday rooming and drove up a herd of cattle, which he put into his farm pen. Maxwell Batton, his uncle, whose residence is about a quar ter of a mile from his nephew's house. ascertained that some of the cattle driven np by his nephew were his (tho uncle's) proiiertjv He' accordingly went over to his nephew's house and ordered a colored boy to turn hia cattle out of tbe pen, that he might drive them home. His nephew became enraged at this, and rucking up bis gun. which had been concealed behind a post, told bis uncle to Go back? a oL b , or he would send him liome," Tbe old man not heeding this threat, Batton dia- cbaroed one barrel of bis gun. loaded with back-shot, at his ancle, the charge entering hia body just above tbe right hip. The old man fell to the ground, when the bloodthirsty wretch walked up to him and' discharged the other barrel of his gun, loaded with bird shot, in his face. The wounded man was taken up and carried to his home, but bis condition was considered hope less, and he is probably dead at thi time. -'.'''-..' A son-in-law of the elder Batton applied to a justice, whose term of office had expired, for a warrant for the arrest of the murderer. He was sent to another justice, and it is pro bable the man has been arrested, al though he hatl not been np to an early hour yesterday morning. We are informed tuat uatton s wue ran out into the yard after the first shot had been fired, and implored her husband not to shoot again. He told her he had " shot the s of a b ," and would shoot her if b didn't go back to the house Our informant savs that there is a large family of these Battons in tbe county, and that they are constantly engaged in quar rels among tueraseives. n m. oaibon is now under indictment for stealing cattle, and the family generally bear a bad name Korfolk Journal. Thia aort of game, which the Demo cratic Legislature, choseii in 1?0, practiced on the ix-oplv of the Oil North State, is in k-epin-' with tin- worst description of rascality that may Ik practical ,v intimidation or the Use of money. Had It Hot Us 11 for this alrH'ious gerrymander the Republican would hate had a Hit jortty in loth braneltcs of the legis lature, as well as a majority of Con gressmen. lit h.( Ku.j.Shje Juurmil. The Halrj ( nap that Mole Jrratha Jaae. It is many years since I fell in love wilii Jane Jeruha Skeggs, tho hand someKt country gitl, by far, thalevi-r went on legs. By meadow, cm k,attd wood and dell, so often did we walk, and the moonlight milled on her melt ing lij, and the night wind b anted our talk. JaiM Jrusha was all to me, for my in-art u young anl true, and loved with a doubled and twisted love, and a love that was honest too. I roamed all over th ncighlors farm, and I robins the wild wood lwer", and tore my trousera and scratched my hand in search of tit choicest flowers. In my Joyous love I brought these to my Jerusha Jane; but I wouldn't Im- ao foolih now, if I were a loy again. A city chap then came along, all dressed up in fine clothes with a shiny hat and a shiny vent, and a moustache under his noae. He talked Lto her of Ringing schools (for her father owned a farm) and she left me, the country 1'ive, and took the new chap's arm. And all night I never slept, nor could I eat next day, for I loved that girl with a fervent love that naught could drive away. I strove to win her back to me, but ft was all in rain ; the city chap with the hairy lip married Jerusha Jane. And my -poor heart was sick and nor until th thought strnck me, that Just aa good fish remained aa ever wm t-aoght In the aea. 80 I went to the Methodist Church one uigbt and saw a dark brown curl peeping from under a gipsy hat, and I tnarricd that very girl. And many years have past and gone, and I think ray loa my gain; and I often blea that hairy chap that stole Jerualu Jane. a I u. Many LaflsaMMal. A inoiig them rr tilling slr-L,-' lr. nl rsilnHwl," rylitidt tc waon, It uru c.i4 h," - filer irt5," tti the our OM-d by us, road eiliader." I.ik' all iritriitor., -Hilly M U Uf Kd t for the ipiaiul nottity of iata tioii, and l.i lit talk of ,U tlc tin- in s Ion u n li t ImmIs rot lid sh.- p or IreaiMi un th dairy but " he laughs Is st who Isti-Ls It -- nd Hilly U reaming hia lajgh I r fn.l c hm klc .Van t-.v tt-rd. ttlaatlc and racist Railroad-BiWerlftlent. Irar Tke Peenetd Writ In the Werll. At about twenty tulle fro Hr!m i iluaUl th tillage of tSp-rbr nole f.r the dc l well that, a eter Ie-n sunk. Owing U th presv t rice of gyiitn In the locality, 'Web is a to'lerate ditarx- from th api tal. il occurred Ut the Ooraat la thoritii a iu harge of th mire obtaiu a upply uf iu k aalt Tith thi end in lew, the tilth ing of a aaafl or well lttsn feet In diametar y commenced Bv yeara ago, avt at a df-pth of isufttt th aalt a a reai-kd. Tlie boring wastotitrnue.1 to furthtr depth of VCOf.s t, ll ediaujtUr of tkia Isire u-iitir rrluc- ft atut tklrla lie In s. The operation stf ra aalswa. qucittly prM ruled by the aid of leans iinlii a depth .r ,t4 fret rtt aW tait.tsl. At thia (xiint th boriaj w dicontinust the boror or bit bla alill In th aalt drposit, which Uaa eahtbiu the ruornwmi Uiknas f fetU The luring would kf lt-ciicontioueil in orler to dieo what" dearrlption of d jit lay undr the aalt, but for the met haniral dlSU , cultit ronoectd with thai fsrAksf proaecutioa of operatUma. I hi ring the progress of thia intertratins: vok, refwaUsl and rarefUl obaervatr'oe were ruad of the Umperet?rs tt v rioue dejitha. Th r!u eii.'.r3 very cloM-ly Ukismj which aa bl , alreal arrived at uuebir similar tumstances. A despaUh from Saa Francisco, dated A ugust UOth, aaya ; " Twenty one hundred anl fifty-three San Fran ciscans have now uWribed an sg-gregaU- turn of $l,G'iJJ0O towards the capital stock of the Atlantic and Pacific Ilauroad Company, and their road between thia city and St. Ixuit south of the snow l-elt Eight thou sand citizens, or one-third of tbe rotes of the city, hf w petitioned the Board of .Supervisor to submit to tbe peo ple at the next election an ordinance authorizing a municipal subscription of $10,000,000 towards the enterprise. The petitions are still circulating and their numerous signatures are consid ered conclusive of the success of the ordinance. Notwithstanding a com mittee of 100 has recommended, on a final vote, by 38 yeas to 34 nays, the proposition to compromise with the A M11 103 Viass Out Co-ftcn Hi KIM. It is quit aUiUtii(kf to find a man lOTyear old baagiftg ain aelf, as Wm. George did at Kock ter, Illinois, last weak, for 'Atcm dtatij at any raU. must b cloae at Laud. tke trouble of a rope, of fiifliag m place of seis nsion, ail adjqaluig the Lal-U-r, aei-Uied to hsj hardly worth th taking. On the other hand. It tas rt concile U to Uing tut off Utitibtrl at eighty or so, to know tbst vhen man ret into lite hiirxlrvlj h (hj-ta1 flad life particularly pleaaast, KU1( if we have any reai'er who Is 1C4 years old, we advise him to be pzlLaci. What little Is Utl of his mortal ooU will aboffle ilaelf off soon enoajd A Wtrrxjix publisher Uuly gave notice that he intended to stars i tlj dollar for a new Lead " l-kpsy per. The next dsy one of kU snb scribers dro(rped him the fUIoelsg note : " Dou t do It better keep ihe money and buy a new head for the editor." Tut beat get-up tot lsdiee slM o'clock A. M. e r . 1 .. t. , - a, V '' . . :r-