i. "-HJ ' ' ! ' , I j r.-rv-V.' .I- EKgsaB B. Diako, Editor. I "VTT tT I'fr! ; STATS ;-... Sat i mm-, Ji.ni: 15. IS 18. A Washington dispatch to the New York Graphics-Ays it is not true that the House committee on the judiciary have i ti rennrt a.Uvrselv mum what I is known as the I lair memorial of the Maryland legislature and the Kimmcl bill, rdatiuj; the re-owning of the Presidential qtiostion. The committee have never considered the subject. ToihccoTax to ins IUcuuckj). We notice a 'communication published in the -Jrft,y7-u'C!'.' oralis, i.lacc, fi-uio iT-"!77 W. M. Hobbins, wliich slates that the House by a majority of 31 had agreed to reduce j the tobacco tax to 10 cents, and that be had made careful inquiry as to the views of Senators and was assured that the Senate would likewise pass the bill. Better late thau never. Surely, the Laadnwrk does not mix among the people, and learns little or nothing of public sentiment with regard to the County and Judicial conventions, when it prates of satisfaction and har mony, as to some of the nominations made, and the means used to defeat, :f possible, the will of the people in choos ing their public servants. Democratic politicians will not only cheat republi cans, but likewise men of their own par tyfor it is their nature so to do-to secure office. The people are beginning to learn to take care of themselves, with out the intervention of caucus and pack ed conventions, and will vote fin men of their own selection, independent of dic tation, as they should. The Landmark denies for lr. Mc Corkle that he is in favor of a ''county division," &c. 'We have no d.sire to misrepresent Pr. McC. upon that or any other question, but our information was to the contrary, and our opinion is that, the only obstacle in the way of such a measure, would be the opposition from others to the improper partition of the county to its great injury. The L"td ntark thinks that, this "secession" bus iness would not be tolerated by Kow-.ui, Cabarrus and Mecklenburg, and there- f.i.v is imi.K!!-nb i : bl iievectl'el lore is impnuAtabip; wa iievcrn'oiesi? it iVvell kn4 ,,at 1), faCWA.tt a warm frumd-'ol the niensure. V r,-,Z,".,ZZ,'!77Z.' What the Southern Payers Say It is quite evident, says the Washing ton Son; tli.it the Southern papers take no stock in Mr. -Montgomery lllair'sex pectat'um of unseating Hayes a the out come of the lnve-tiati.ni. The Balti more '.i remarks that this opinion ''seems not to be entertained by any prominent democrat of .iih.T h I'.ise ot Coir.-ivss." The Ilaltimore in:.i'.i' te'S Mr. B'.air that the a.lvel -e r. port ot the Ilou.-e Judieiarv Committee on the Ma ryland Mem 'rial and the Kiinm. l bili was lliepi-opir thing for that coinmitte, lodo. The Hieliiiioild Iti-i.i-t -It proceeds nl some leii::th to show, lirl, that il i not tl-.f wish of ilu democrats to assail Mr. IlaM-s' I'.llc ; and s. : nA. that then- is i t 'if- .M,tf -i ' ' ' v ; H - .' - .. A - f ; - .. . '1 .J ') " -. 'v - I liqti'irs. According to newspaper state- Hunts here, North Carolina now has niuru distilleries than any State iu the I'ni.m, a tact which should increase the activity of every Inmost citizen in the Oil North State for the suppression of intemperance and its attendant evils. A minute description of this country '.v.iiild be of little interest to your rcad- t is. The land is usnally improved and kept in good couditioa and land-owners arc prosperous and independent. Land ; is very !ii;-h in comparison with prices i in Iredell and adjoining counties, and a man without a home of his own finds it ! .lilHeult id make a Hviug. Largo num I bet's of able-bodied meu are continually traveling around as tramps lieggui'' their bread and occasionally stealing Ircm the citizens. Of course, mtirh ot ibis vtiL'tancy results 1V.hu tlie habits of j the uiilivnlunl, Mil at many places, it is ! impossible fir an hones', laborer to pro j cure any kind of work. ! This promises to be a season of plenty. The wlu at crop is looking well, and an ..i,,,,,,i.,,,i i,.,,-.. ; v,.,.,.t,.,l ii, Wi,ro ,y u,0 ;lv frosts ; corn is very small. Everything is usually about three weeks later here thau at States- ville. To-day is one of Hie greatest iu the history of (Gettysburg. Last evening, President Hayes, Secretaries McCrary and Devens, about thirty Senators and ilepivseiitatives, including lion. W. M. Unbbins a'nl other persons of note, nr r'ved henLwa special train from Wasli ir .'.i.ii. The usual han.bhaking and serenades were enjuyed during the even ing. ids mornn.v people in toe surrounding coufitry turned out fi nitts.se an. I mtuilrcils ot excursionists arrived from Washington, New York and other points. About 1 o'clock it began to rain and many thought the exercises of the afternoon would be stopped, but they did not fully understand 1'enusylvania patriotism. The processiou formed iu the public square at 1:40, the appointed time. Quite a large crowd soon gather ed a round the speaker's stand in the National Cemetery, where an oration was delivered by lien. Henj. V. Butler, one of the chosen orators for the occa sion. The audience listeued attentive ly, though compelled to stand in the falling rain, most of them without um brellas. Then a few appropriate re marks were made in the. following order by Ex-liov. Curtin, President Hayes, Secretaries Devensaud MeCrnry. After tin? speeches there was a general stam pede for home. The few Confederate grave known here were beautifully decorated in tho morning by some friends, l'rcs't Hayes and party left at (j o'clock, and the last f the excursionists followed soon after. Thus has come and gone another day celebrated in honor of brave men w ho sacrilicd all for the cause they loved. Max. (icttysburg, May 30th, 1X78. LConiiminl.aU.il. Judge Mt'iTlwoii's Letter IndOHemlcut I aiiiiidiites Col. ( litis, li. Jones Pitch es ii!io .Vcrrimiui for following an Kxattiplo Set b) the Editor ul the Ob server. Judging by the comiiienis of Colonel Charles 1!. Jones in his editorial columns, the letter of Senator Merrimon to the public, was published in the Observer merely for the purpose uf criticising por tions," that, strange to relate, correctly represent his own course, while seeking n-uce a.iew xvirn hb, which uuiuhkrw .'-v; Wffe 8tf& (; y,,;,;uli Jont illt a tonvent!eat tlw court-houk in Statesville and lice a lew i'cJhi ago, which doubtless among others, submitted his claims for a iioinimUion to the legislature, when others being cl.oen, Col. Jones after wanls iMVsenled himselra an inihnen- (l ..candidate before the people, courted the '.'. i vote, and sought to form an alliance with another party, suppose. lobe a l.eublicau, to obtain strength and defeat the regular nominees of the then t.oii-ervaiive party of Iredell. Now, hear what Col. Jones has toiay upon "iiid.-pendenls" and that sort of t 1 1 leg We care nothiugat all about whether .In.! :e Merrimon was in collusion with I he lle'eiiblican nieniU rs of the Begisla nil.- or not. lie certainly bid for their support wh.-n he became au iudelendent .-in li.hite lor tlie Senate fan.l an inde- p. ii. hut can lid.itehe did Income, by his own admissions. I and wh. ther this bid w:.s by word or only by actions is entire- ,' ,, ' '' ' oi"'Stioil. (iov Till The Bankrupt Law. The Charlotte Democrat, Hillsboro En-order, and others of our leading papers say there is no relief in bank ruptcy for the debtor owing old debts. How these influential and well in formed journals can fall into such gross error, passes our comprehension. The case is a plain one. In this State debtors are not entitled in the State courts to a homestead against old debts. The Judgement creditor can sell out to satisfy old debts, ev erything a man has, even this bilde and prayer book, if he has one. The old exemptions of the Uevised Code were .-..nealed ill 18C8. Heillg tllll3 sold out he is deprived of nil hi property, and still owes all his debts, except the portion satisfied by sale of the homestead. His wife and chil dren are turned out of doors, and he is still the slave of his debts. In bankruntev according to Sena tor Stanley Mathews Judge Milleij Jude David Davis and otherleadi lawyers, tlie bankrupt is entitled the hoiuesteail exemption in State, and $500 worth ol pe property under the bankrupt, These eminent jurists say Justice aite is wrong ert decision, and tl baukrvptcy has pow e-iiUio. reiioacmi:; iiidL'emcWfrTfT" Now granting that they are not right, still a bankrupt in this State can get a discharge from all his debts and have exempted to him personal prop erty to the value of $500 in addition V . . , r I If to Ins wearing apparat ior muiseii and family. So that it is right to say that tho homesteader if he must part wltu ins uoroe can nu great rel'ef iu bankruptcy. If he stay out and is sold out he is not even entitled under State laws to the clothes which he and his wife and children wear. In bankruptcy he gets good personal property exemp tions and a discharge nom an ins debts with a fair prospect of saving his homestead. -Cor. Mai. Observer. From the A. R. Presbyterian, by ltequest Memorial Cay at Statesville, X. C. StateuviuB X, C. Feb. 10, 1878. Mr. Editor , "The Ladies' Memo rial Association of Statesville lur nished a most pleasing and profita ble eitertainrncnt to-day in making a reen and fresh the name and graves of our soldiers. The oration, pre pared with the research of the histo rian, chastely adorned with the graph ic passages ol" touching pathos, was delivered by Judge Cantwcll of Wil mington. The procession was brilliant. "The Silver Cornet Baud," "Iredell Blues," "Reliance H. and Iu Companies," all in full uniform, T'IC two schoote ol Mrs. Grant and Prof. Hill, sui'viving soldiers, ministers of the Gospel, cit izens, and by no means least the la dies in full multiform, with garlands amfj Cowers of every variety and -bsl ... . . f ) t 'Jfhe scene in tlie cemetery watj im pressive. Densely formed around the organ and choir tho very large multi tude were hushed in silence by their sweet plaintive songs. While the band chanted sacred dirges, the flow ers in beautiful order were scattered over the giavci. A soldier had recently fallen and there been laid. "Lieut. V. D. Carl ton, Company A, 4th N.C. Regiment." I wished the sorrowing wife had been there to wiu;es3 the taste and beauty with which affectionate hands had decorated his grave. He was mar ried since the war to Miss Bell Walk er, who survives the loss of a very tender, devoted husband. Lieut. Carlton for more than three years before his death had been the subject of sore allliction. His braw becoming involved made it necessary for his friends to place him under ! ' - ;i, miiimii iiiiij m r in r 1 Cue Cuivmi K Rt.Y. rat is most abundant in the j.aing plant. Clo ver increases iu d y weight until the blossom i3 matured, but the soluble matter dimicjJiCwith the growth of the plant. Dr. ,.,-U-y found that in a specimen cut J'me '2, the soluble matter consthiftfl 40.04 per cent, of the dry weight, v.hile ou the 23 of July in the Baine growth it had fal len to 29.21 per cent. Wolff found that red clover e.ut when young con tained 21.9 jHir cfnt of albuminoids, but when the plants were old they included only ",).' per cent. The iibh under the same circumstance dimin ishes from 9.8 to 5.6 per cent of albu rn i no ids iiUjdJiLjLjd ones only 10.9 per coiii I;hat fat was three times nil f hint in the young i nd many other siini- Jiow that it is ad- fodder crops early ; han the period at full blossom. ooo the following ac Boston buiutai one to Urono, Ale., llollege Commcnee- L;omplained of the kecp?r where she tuougjt him of Mr. rii, a walthy citizen to had iijion his estatcj purity. So to M,,; LaA.aud t geutleeian jonsenled to furnish the singer wi he famous water ; and to give ourtesy an especial emphasis with his c accepted, to bring the water s. The offer was several times a uay Mr. Cob carried the sparkling beverage e inn. As Mr. coiuirn dressed and was paljed "Abe" by his ss Kellogg old not learn of his position, and as she was packing up sfce gave the landlord a, half-dollar which she begged of him to give to "Abe" as he, she said, was the best mail that had waited upon her. Tlio landlord made no explana tion. When Miss Kellogg and her mother were safely settled in the drawiiig-TOjcar she suddenly dis cerned MrITor?lv on the platform of the station. 'She called him, and as he came blushingly forward she said : "Abe, my man, I'm sorry you didn't pome up to say good-bye, but I left half jl dollar with the landlord to give you for bringing me the water." The train moved on and the shout of laughter that went up from the friends of "Abe"bcooUlie station building. SiU'rvtiscmfntis. WBtctlrifUtofi. liivolvcriia k w Ag'wwutU'il.iji..Sui.ijlj'Cu.NiuiivlUo,Teuo. Assignee's Xovice of Appointment rpHE VXDEHSKiNEI) liffeby gives no I (ice of his ip)ointmeut as Assignee of AVL. iOlilNti.iof Salisbirry, Kowan coun ty, and State of North Carolina, who has been adjudged u P.aiikiupt upon his own petition bv the District Coiirt of the United States for the Western District of North Carolina. -. wi . NOTICE IS DKRKliY G1VK, That a jietition bus been tiled in the District Court of tlie United States for the Wes tern District of North Carolina, by Thomas J. Sumnkii, Rowan County, in said District, duly declared bankrupt un der the Act of Congress of March -2i, 1KH7, for il iliscliai yt, nil oertili.-ati! thereof from all his u. -hi. nun I min i i-Uims piovahle ui.der said Act, mid that the 17th day of June, 1S7S, at Id o'clock, at the office of I!. II. lir.ia.lfielil Kegister in Bankruptcy, in Salisbury, N. v., is assigned for the hear ing of the same, When and where nil credi tors who hiy-jjr)ved their debts, ami other liefM,)) lirfTfest'sd, may attend ami show cmisc. if any-limy have, why the prayer of the said petitioner shoiilil "not be gained ; and that the ft'iiiiul and third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time and place. Dated at Statesville, X. C, on the 3rd day of June, ls. iiMw f II. C. COWLES, Clerk. KO. 'iTS. OTK'KISJIEKEHY C.IVEX, That a hnen tl lei t in the District ril Sta.es, for tin' Wesi.'lli I iiroliini, liy .l.ilin . Iivie county, insiii.l District, iankritpl lliiilerthe Acl ol Fli i, 1 7, fur a discharge ire. 'I 1 1 iii ull li is ileitis uml table miner said Act, and If June, 1S7K, at III o'clock lit it. Il.itlOlllltielll, P.cg. in .SidislMiry. N. ('., is Villi; of the suiiie, wlifii uis who have prove. I -r iiersoim nu. r. si.st, caiise, if any they I if the said petition land that the second ,-ilitors wiil Ik- held ('., on the .".1st !OWI.Es, Clerk. ' GIVEN, That a -.1 in the District fUi Uiv Wtrtn tuuvie Loiiiuy, cd a liankrunt bf March '.'. Imi7.' jte thereof from is provable nn- ji7tli day June, line oincp ot ii. in Haiikrinit- kigned for the lnd where all lr debts, and tv attend and fy the prayer ' graute.l ; i.'.-iings of tune mid hi the 31st h Clerk. i.M. That a tie District Western 'ounty, plants. 1. ,.y V j i-rauj i i i i mm i i ca . . t- t T f L V 1 (0. STJ. iUw tlvfrtiseiiicnts. REVOLVER FfiEEwiiiE Address, J. Drown A Son, l:3ii & I'M Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa. COfJAMQ lliiihert honor at all Warhl'n UVHnOHrhOittioiu. iAtes Catalogues un.l Circulars, itli not ttilis. redximl print and much information, nU free. MASON &IIA.MUN OltUAN CO.", lioston, New York or Chicago. B-4t P lN0S,i?K"iSIANOv wood eases, niamiilicent 3 string upJ right Piano t-'ia. A" rwl:. See before liny ini. T ' hi tijt'rr only irlu ro not iitfrtxlitmt. Warranted s years. Trade jintu'iiig in. Atj'ts wanted everywhere. Write for paper, free. Thomas linos., Catskill, X. V. 14-4 LAIO-BACK!iNViVors"Yi.ASTKK'ui the best remedy for a liiine or painful back, or weakness of the buck ever invented or known. It soothes, it stlelmtlletis, it. -UK'S, where nlle-i' poiuolis plasters, ami nil line iiients fail. Kueb ((iiuiiu- llensoii's Capeino Plaster has the 'wonl C-.i peine cut through the plas ter. Take no other. DIAMfU'cautifiil Concert CrumlflDGIM riMNUpi, I'ii.nns liliee Ki01l oiilvwHOnlH t-i'-o. Siiperh ( rainl Sipilire rinnos, pi ice 1,1110 only J-.Vi. Klegant Upright Pianos, price xoe. only $1 "u. New Style Upright l'i aniis ua.rpil. OrgiHi :. Ori'tM li stops, 73..VK Vliun-h Organs HI slops, juice .!!!() only tl.". b'litant i'o'o Mirror 'lop Orrtuu only ?105 Ihiyer come and see me at home ir 1 am not. as rcpreseiiteii, n. n. tare pain both ways and Piano r Organ given tree. Large List. Newspaper with much inform ation about cost o SFTpji and Orijuim n,-nt fife. 1 lease ail.lift, "iki. r. jjuattv, VT.islungt.m, $50 1)K A CASK )1' C ATA Hit II That Santiird's Hadienl Cure for Catarrh will not instantly relieve and speedily euro. Iteferences, 11. Wells, Esip, Wells, Fargo & Co., Aurora, N. Y.; Win, Boweii, Es.p, Mcllatton, ('.rant & Bowen, Saint Louis. Testimonials and treatise by mail. Trice, with improved Inhaler, I. Sold everywhere, WEEKS & 1'OTTEU, Proprietors, lioston, Mass. 11..... Sni.n-,iliv II1U jiW li icll Blood, and will completely change the blood in the entire system in three months. Any person who will take 1 pill each night from 1 1 -.ial.-u n.nv Im r,.ljire.l to sound health, if such a thing he possible. Sent by mail for 8 letter stamps. I. S. JOHNSON & ACENTS WANTED FOR hL MEN OF GOD T A new work of Urrnt Interest to every lll BLE KEADEK AND STUDENT in the Land. Address fur descriptive terms and circulars, NELSON & nilLLIPS, Publishers, Xo. 805 Broadway, New York. liDR. BUTTS "Who haa liud nnter pxperirncc in the treatment of the exual troubles of both mule aim female tlmn miv phyiicito In tlie West, ffivca tlie resulti of tiii 1uik nu nieceMful practice lu UU tw bw worL juit publiaJu-a, entitled The PHYSIOLOGY OF MARRIAGE The PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISER Book" that in; rfa'l? VqI4i ad Pvlt lt.;h ti.Mw in nil mt Ws pertaining iu Katiot'iiii(i tfuwaHkuwd. uid mpplyt winElnna full. ThdV in WaaHlfullv llluhtratwl. nd hi olaio janKUHKC, eai1y unlirstuini. The two iwok embnu 55 pacoi, and contain Tlnahl Information for both married mil iiriBla,with nil the recent improvenietiti In mfrticBltrealnii'iit Bead what our homr nape" aay ; "'I'hc knowlt due impartud lit Dr. RuiU' new wurka in tn no wy of u.teatlouable char arter, but 1j auinetliinK Ihat vny kkoold kaow. Taw Veaik, tlie virtim of early indim-n tion; ih Haa, otherwiae prrfrctl hitlthyjtT.aylie, bnt with waning vior in tht-pritm I'uU.lt'un.al. fl k 1 rurtiiin raiiM- w n. rcn FRENCH'S HOTEL OS THE F.L'KOI'E.W FLAN. Opposite City Hall Park. Court House, and New l'ost-Otlice. NEW YORK. All Modern Improvements, including Kle vator, Gas. and Running Water, In every Room! T. J. FRENCH & l'.ROS., Proprietors. July 7, '77-ly Barham's Infallible PILE CURE. ManufkrturMl hy the Birtiun PUo Curo Cfl., DorUm, S, 0. HiiMvrraflaU urt HMrrbMi r I'llra. Wlfl Mr ! MMlk)laV lfrrm I.UI ud bourn fl W. D. TURNER, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, STATESVILLE, .V. (J., trl1.L practice in all the Courts of Ire- dell. Oil!.-!' in the Court House. June 21, '77 '."-'-ly Revenue Sale. CoLi.K"rou' Okkk k 6th Diot. N. C. Statesville, June loth, 1878. rpHE following property, stored In State.s 1 ville, havini; been forfeited to tlie use of the I'niled Slates accordiiiK to law, will lie sold to the liiojii't bidder, iu front of the Coiut-lloii-e, on Thursday June 20, 1878, lit 1L' o'clock, a. m. 1 Mule, 1 Harness, 1 Wagon. Owner. II. Myera. 28-lt J. J. MOTT, Colh-ctor. rEESdFHOlT FREE ! F'r lh Mlttf'lv i .lie (H'fJeJiiJnttlWfikm!, Iist ftfitnhtioa na all JiJjortlvr UrouKht on y iudi rr'itonorflt',w. Any DrujrKitt lift" Hie lUKre-(li-nt.v Artdrru, lr. W. JA1'R tO., NEW EDITION OK Busbeo'u Justice anil Form Book. rpHE exhaustion of the old edition and X the recent cliannes in tlie Constitution ami Statutes of the State, greatly BffiHttini! the Jurisdiction of Magistrate and ('ounty Officers, makesa new and revised edition ot this ti iii'liird irork a necessity. The Publisher would therefore announce that he has in press and will shortly issue a new and revised edilinn einbracing there cent ('linages in the Con-titiition and Stat utes of the State, thus making it a cnniilcte, accurate and reliable guide for all Magis trates, County Officers and Business men. Price t-i..0. Law sli.-ep binding. Sent free of postage on receipt of price. Address, J. 11. EX MlsS, Publisher, i-itt Raleigh, N. C. LAP.OE INVOICE OK SI'MMER s. in great variety, for men and W, P. DRAKE. 50 i Mil! vulle - THii Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company I t'uiely tlutnal and lm :all Hall Dollar In Il Idtmls to I'ollcj -lioldei a. six Substantial Reasons why you should Iosuie in the Peun : 1st. Iterause it is one of the oiliest Companies iu the country, and past the day of ex periments. 2.1. Hei'iinse it is a PUREIjY MUTUAL Company. Every Policy-holder is a member of the Company, entitled to all its advantages and privileges, having a riyht to vote at all elections for Trustees, and thus has an influence in its management. .).!. HecKuse it lias as arce a nerceutace of Company in the country. 4lli. lieeaine, by economical inaiifij;cnieiit, its ratio of expenses to total income is far below the average of Life Companie-i. (See Official Insurance lteports.) .Ilh. Bi remise it has deelnreil more dMusiul in number, and of a litrijef neernge pm-cmtJige, than any other Company in the I'liited States. For example : Policy No. lii, for 1.1,1)00, lias d.vii paid to the teuton of n I'luliulrt pnui mrrthmt, vjxm wftwi twenty-three lumiriuM hail been .le.-lared, un rooin'o fitttm ren in r rent. Ilmt thin; (i.ctm Iteen . it to tmrchiut Mitiwi to tliix Poliru, mi.ilill hum tnntld Vll.tllli. illh. Ilrciiis.. it is liberal Iu its management, prompt lu its si'tll.'iiirnts, snfe bcyuiiil a I'ontingenrv, and its rates arc as low as any -i iiii-ipni i'uii.i t . Mini ii expenses, iiosoiuiesi earn v, in ge return premiums, prompt payment of losses, and lllieriii to the Insured. April li, 1X7H Ttf GREATEST will seud as below, 20 Pieces, all warranted Gold-plated for $1.00. 1 pair Ueld Sinn Sleeve Muttons; 1 pair Engraved Sleeve Buttons; 1 set Pointed Studs; 1 set Aunthyst Studs; 1 Wedding Ring; 1 Engraved Band Finger Ring; 1 Amethyst Stone King, Inlaid Silvered Hat Pin; 1 Set Ladles' Jet and Gold 1 Collar Stud; 1 sot Handsome Rosebud Diamond stud; 1 i,aru.nal Ken iteaa.WKiacc; i pair i. ..uei .vneinyst ncono-nar ur, 11 JdXSf Scurf Ring and Elegant Watch Ch-'iii. 'JV: your cuoioa, thj utjie lot of JO uiocMt et Post-paid for CJX.O O or any O pieces you o'aoose for fJO oaa'a. Now 13 tne time to tun.iii mansy. prue3 can easily bs retailed at $10.00. CL.U3 PREMIUM. To any Xl'iPTI on8 orderin9 52 Lot3 at $1.00 each, we wilt JS Ea&aLM present Free, an Open Fca Cnin Silver Watch as Premium. WATCH AMD JEWELRY ClUCUWR FREE. NOTIOBH 03IT "X'CES XfL23SS. Ourcotemptimry. t!w lu""ii SW', n"i v.'ry lnlily of both a.lviTtiwr ami Jo(kI us being hqnorable 104 ilgiiliu.il. ad rululau ij hu KuJs, a oumiui-uuutiou wu uearjly eiiU jna. 3U n... i.n..aA li ft o,'ir..i.rlilv rim-ilile ...ij In C II la n-putatinn for honesty, f.iii- u.-aliux, nud city. .V. r. Hwk, Dmmtirr 18. 1ST0. Advvnivjl luuru aiM win ..-.u.k'i i.iu.ii.ii F. STOCKMA, FTJH2TITTJHE 1 1 W. P. DRAKE Will add a new branch to his business, in a short while Furniture Pepartment, Such as, CHAIRS, 11EDSTEADS, TABLES, RUliEAUS, MATTRESSES, Ac. ALSO- COOK STOVES, of the most, apuvoved binds, and llouse keeier'.s Supplies, including a GENERAL VARIETY. Slay 18, 78 tf New Balsory, )IK. JOII. T. HEESC, Late of Baltimore, having located in States ville, and leased the premises formerly oc cupied Dy li. aiensing, nas opened a ST-CLASS Bakery & Confecti(fiery Also prepared to furnish families with ICE - GTXJISJSJXiE of the finest flavor, made after a celebrated Baltimore recipe. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited fur none bt(t lust-class work. March a, 1878 atf STEl'HKNl'LTNEV. WM. K. WATTS. PUTNEY & WATTS, Wholesale Dealers lu llil'J MAIN STUEET, RIC'II.MO.VD, VIIIGIM t. MJK TUAME of tne iii.Tchanl.s of West- 1 era North Carolina respectfully solici ectlully solicl strictly as rep- ted, uml all giKsls wimanti resented. ltepresented ill North Carolina by i;lu:nr A.. Miller. Jan 2fi, 1878 4-:iin CANCERSCURED. rpHE OLDEST SPECIALIST In America 1 DK. J. A. CLOPTON, of IIuutMVllle, Ala., treats with almost C Ni valis a I. success nil Canckboi's Affections, all SrnoKi.'UM' Affections, all SoilKand In KI.AiiKi) conditions of the Eye or Kvts, Vropnind AfertioM. I'll.lis, .Wmi.Tumoiis, Ac. Medicines liave been forwarded to thousands who have used them with jH'rfect success. Itelers to bis old patients of SlaU'S ville, and other parts of the State. Write to his son, John Hobkkt CloptoN, for Circulars and Medicines, all nudirinrt are(?riiJ with printed dinrtionn, write youi name, noH-ofltce, ooiMity ami State in a plain hand; alwny write to "Da. J. A. Cloptos," or his soi, "John Komair Cup ton," names in full, Medicines sent by Mail or Express. April 13, 78 a-ly It. F. Akkfield A Alex n. Smith, Under the style of Armfleld & Smith, have formed a partnership for the practice of the DSL JVL. f&r m to extend to all the Conns held in Iredell county, Stale and Eedeial. One of them will be found, at all times, at their office in tlie Coui t-llouse, Statesville, N. C. april 1, 1678 lot I DR. J. F. LONG, Lewis' Ferry Koad, (2 1-2 miles West of Statesvillle,) RESPECTFULLY Informs the public that lie has moved to the alxive loca tion, and offers his professional services. Charges to suit tlie pressure of the times. March SO, 187H Otf TBIg PAPER IR Olf riLX WITH it" r.- i . IV .-'IJI ' . - r s? Adrrtltlog ConCracti can b nuwtab X - aily 'l liree Itlilllunx and assets to liabilities as any Life Insurance lotee Item reutital. uutkiiw the 1'oli u worth Hrst - iiasH Coiiipiiny in the country. J. I. IIUOOliN, iireiil. Mate:. ville, N. ('. In order to clear out our stock of very raptrior Gold-plated Jewelry valued at over t20tt.OO. w witli UolU; l Klegant King, niarKed " Fneatlship; " 1 Amethyst Stone Scarf Pin, Inlaid Willi Cold; t Pin and Drops; 1 Misses' set Jut and Gold; Ear Drops; 1 deists' Elegant Lafco Goor-ro t.vi.rr r.Miot Rfkibm Olobt. fi.t Qil 147A liberality Is uueu,uall by ny advertiser lu thi iuwi in ..H.,-.(trriu, 4nti, in... 27 Bond ?treet, Wow York. PRICE & LUDWIC, Grocers, Confectioners and Seedmen, Have received the finest and most complete, assortment of GA11DEN SEEDS Orown by Brigss & Brother. Rochester, fli. . They have added to their regular supply of Rergner A Engel's CELEBRATED LAGER, William Massey & Co.'s Famous Ale and Porter, ALSO YUENULING'S CELEBRATED LtaM Alfi anil Won POrtRr All of wliich are tastefully and securely bot tled, and sold by tlie dozen or single bottle, LOW FOR CASII. . (Jo I See ! and convince yourself. Statesville, Feb a, lHftt 50tf With High Prices ! CHICAGO SCALE CO, 68 and 70 West Monroe Street, CHICAGO, ILL., Have lieduced tlie Prices afatl ftfuds of SCALES! 4-Ton II aj , Stock or Cotton Krale, $00. Former Price, f KM. All other sizes t a great reduction. t& Every Si'ale fully imnrniiltd. All orders promptly tilled. Circulars, Price List, and I'cstiuniuiuls sent upon application. Buy the Cheapest and Best. THrRpSTEF" "llflLLbe issued Semi-weekly ob Tuess, y days and Fridays, and tfw Weekly on every Tuesday. TERMS : Semi-Weekly, single copy, one year, " " " six mos, " ten copies, one year, each, " twenty " ' Weekly single cojiy, one year, " " six months, " ' " three months. f.TOO 2. IK) 2. .10 2.00 2.00 1.00 SO Invariably In advance. Postage paid at this office. w. M. nnowN, Publ Isher n Proprietor, A Italeigh, N. C. "TheNew North State, Is one of the Leading Republican Papera OF NORTH CAROLINA. It enjoys a large circulation, and offer superior facilities to the advertiser. Its col umns will contain original articles, cnoicfe selections, Items for the farm and household, summary of the latest news, etc., in fact, everything to make it a FIRST-CLASS NEWSPAPER. Published cyery Thursday at Two Dollar Per Y oar. J7tl TO H A T GOOD HK LTH Tn 1,1 YEH ail'SX DK KEPT IK OUUh.iL. ga-T IVtniaV rorrinphllddrcM U- SAXroiD. hnr VorV. Raise Good Stock ! 4 N ALDERN'EY BULLCALF, Insured. l t' ; Poland China Hoar, 2 a line an imal, a year old, larger than any other two years old, for aale cheap. JULIAN ALTVEX, '2', miles from Statesville, on llieMocksvllle. road. t(