I)t?frftt8it rai I tttewcmi . TTiL. XITT DftAZZ, - - Prqprlitcr. ixvra SANSS, Editor. ej.,- - - - -'Kaith'13,1880 UnXKED AT THK POK-OWC AT -TATK-VILA, . C, A8 lECOTIKLiM MATTKB. Republican State Convention for 18S0. declare th puniahmeot of lreon. bat no attainder of treaaoo an.. W"T rultioo ofUood, or forfeit Jre. exurpt during the life of lU ioo atUioUd." Tbe editot of the Hirtr m re collect that the State of South Caro- ioa naaacd her :eMon ordinance on tue iweniit-vn - i'"1"" - - - - . tbat tbe Uulf State pM1' '"' ordinance in January and February following; that the- StaU. formd " confederation '' and act up a con- r ' indetit-O'lf nt OI and boatite to that oftU l'"lU"1 1 . . States, and male war upon the iaiu;r t ! l'!t1 tiU Fort a' arac-naUv with their arum amuni- lion. All tbec violations of the 1 -n- titution and .'acta of war occurred while Mr. Buchanan was Prt-.idcnt, -,i.n iI,m a not a la on the -tatute IxHik for which the Prtno cratic party wa not responsible. To pretend or maintain, in the- face e.i ..... :.,.i;.....ti.I.. fids. that "Litt- ... i.. ,irt,.l tli' war ." and was UOIU J" t. !-,'- ' . ia. .. ... I . . .... rat T KaflC't V uaa "ir.in a v.i I - . . i ! naa t! . . .$ favor of wrllioj h tVtr .C' . i- t tn pUU ao ouch aa mar th U owr (if ...rai lU 11 it Uf 3' "ujmxi ao h term a U1 be hbrrat. It la to laj tu4 that mar a-wizn their Male may ha brvu - . ... . . , . . . . . e . i . I . . bill U la lat WifAed at to U tlx: wri ( until 1 ba rn lh oit. .. . y t Jr,B r.fi&; acctioo proTKU. that if "ibiM; 'L " ' , . ftortau- " an. aiM ; - ; bcrrse errfne again into tlic crmri m in ! u,t CvJowci' . i : rrtrart. n. tl.o t ; . , . u. . - i , , r,s '- " - - i to W ' causht f.h chaJL iU"'r ., ' ... t k-. J .t ' ...- -- 4 : J A STOCK N. the road fr'ym Ubarj U lanl K hall 1 frr rl ail -Lu r ti) i-uj. rrl-t tlx: ).i t"W outtf;diu-, "to- liMiu. rc j-ainni -t ! hVtly lu 1- c v'e aSatat aH Th! bjvtioD to thi rt '..! r lut-rsil Iirt-nut, sM.tii -r !-. of tLc Tf ,t "T"l th.nk harJlj any lawyer will mt lha't they n Ur.rl Cle rredtU.ra wl. may m... - J-nn ...tMri,t thr pun ha r m lU u- .,f l.i vr-lrty. . U L.ii t!;- f.u!urr fUf. H on Ue -lait. tut. t V. Th 'r r.r-t 1:11. EttL t r 'Un- -tt rit t ; V" " " w .A ; - ! ,'TI Jt -i S-.'T ft . a' II. x W3 fl!i.Wf t Una d9 t.Bart: 1 4 1 -f , r tart f !'..-. . ! A U- : i rrt'l i thii thrown hack . . t - . t ' l : . ... t :t ii'i t ". na ,,," which 14 with, if 1 1 V (ii tr j' I i -r tiv -..4 !'t t; f-'rtjra.v 1 " - . .. . . I t. . hv'f. u. ti i.j-r.:..i i r.-t u -1 : t !ir "" "I !- '" m '..- . i.i ..... r f:C ! J-'!. --.'' ' - " jf ' f T . V . . 4 I) J . F. LONG. . 1 t 1C The next ltepuhlican Htate Conven tion of North Carolina Tor the nomina tion of Governor and other Slate officers, nt I.arL'e. .will ana i resiueutiai jiv.v" be held at the City of IlaleigU o Wednesday, July 7, 1880, at 12 o'clock, noon, and vrill coimiat j Delegates from each County equal to twice the number of its UeprcwjntativtB In tbe House branch of tbe General Aa acmbly. C. V. GUANDY, Chm'n. P. M. SORltELL, Sec'y. The Late Chief Justice Pcaraon. Some one baa been ao kind as to send ua a fine steel engraving of the i.4 nu:f T.iatW I'l-arson. for which vuici v - . we tender our thanks. This valued souvenir and accept able present carries the mind back to the dark days of 1870, when" the great Chief Justice was sought to be over whelmed with such a storm of re proachesan was never before show ered upon the head of any judicial officer in our State. All will see that reference is had to the celebrated ha beas corpus cases during the time of the " Kirk war." It was the good fortune of this writer, then the editor of an independent journal at Salis Wv to be free enough from pieju- dice at the time to see that the Chief t...i: o nml to have the dutive :n io"v' " . moral courage to defend him. And 1,p ha lived to see the opinion he then entertained in reference to the Chief Justice's course in said matters ac cented as the final verdict of public oninion. A noble monument is soon to be erected over the remains of the great jurist to perpetuate his merao- ttOHterouhly absuid., ii .i i;,,r f.f th Obltrrrr ttil t III 41. us how Mr. Lincoln cuhl hae don.- otherwise t' Lc ill,OI,t ft fla' , .Hur. :lidof Li oath? Or can V, n ,-7 .... ,e pretend that CUKiffci coun in and iclieve him Irom rviw bilitv t Kven the State Judgi-s. wtrt hound by their oatha or oniie io Herve every constitutional proUioi and law made in pursuance ol uam. It ws not pn tended, in I SCO- l, by I the secessionists that, ne ficrs of 1832, they were renting vxliat i they regarded as a violation oJ : tue Constitution. Jn the contrary, a above stated, they themselves had dictated every law on the statute book. ;.No. It was a Uemocrauc bellion, which had no other provoca tion than the fact that the Democratic party was defeated in the Presidential lection oF liO. iue I'ciuuv.v .t l.,r ilu iinholv aillbl- tarty, uieiciuiv, ------j tion to ruie or mm, i for nil the blood that was shed. i urrf iLT. AIJ i o'. 1 - - I " ' tniiuo r "u ibt jirt i t a4 ia! m !1 :v.i n an l tratifr n r,f th- i that if -h'i on to dm- .-st i Usl vlal i ana l Um: .. h f.iri'.I..-4 lt--i'.n-u.l C'-ni; a. ri a . . i ,i. ...... ..f it,:. . ' "so - .,, .I,, r -I . a !, I. -r I l I"".. ..I.... .1,... . -K i 11 l" . i ....- I , .i ; ! . : ! ! ' U IH Vli:t4 w! - . .! , .. ,. .,,,1 .hr.-. I . t W- l!' "4 ' ' J ' " . 1 . : -I'..' I' . i ( HAS It. .ION I.S. reaaibU for the aheding of fra-; ?ry --. thcidal blood," i. aometh.ng ..jf llt tl.,, ,!... lo Iv-l' "' than nouM n.c. It is gru-nly and pre-! t,;,.M liah.ht!4...f 14. and , t-the ex- ,f 1. !. S autt-T r-,l i-. . ! J ;t 14' the ' am-mi; l t;.tr 'i : 'r a . I"u4 ! r a . ! ' , ti l -oi 4 T i tut Tue 1,1 tr.' it U.mtwt. jt i v f t I I J n r o . Spocial ITotico! all kno'w what w ill l tul " .. it . I .. L- 1 I t lUl t .1 4,! itlll 4 .l.I-4r. rrair. in -ihtie. the I u. Wlow n Yrk Cily , in l.u-t f-r W .Hum J n t . , , ''"V i..nn, to l!..-.i-tlhalUui. ii;n.t U lb- H' v"" . r J. 4 r ..i lt , .5 i. u..f .-'v IUy U; laHinrJ on : ..rt(UU.K IU,d otl.-r IulN U..u.-...- t- . ' , 4...,u wou.ro ALU. 7,M! ,;iUl,; h rN, ba.l. w,la. " -i v.l t. . i -.. i. : i ti.. w-ornt accuon ol a.i. , ... r,, . t ..tsuii h.-jM '' - ' . , , , . iu ...t.. --. .... I1, iiw i '? 1 ":'..- : ...i :u..i tit- !. ' MaJ .iiuat b-tile . li-n....n.l.o. , , ; .lltl,u,1,.l,1,i, -'-O . ' , ,. , , ml.,.-l - H .how whoarCtowuthcroa.U. (,ilr buiUm structure l n unt- ' '.' . , , l f 4 1. 4 4 r. ; li I- 'f 1. t Mr i - it ! . M 1 I tl t : t M r. , i. it If M I lit ..... i a t i ' . r . - A - ' ' 'I The Best Bill. In order that the readers of the American may sec and know for themselves what it is, we this. week lav before them the text oF the iesi bill in full. As the qucsuoi. iu sents i one of great imjortancc to the people of the State generally, we hope all will consider u caie.u..j. Thedeslre to have the road sold seems rrin.i !te a-ain-t Norlfi Carohi.a town. linrnde J4-teen the towns and cilu-a ol North Carolina.'' In the effort how u-l to puard a-a nt di,crin.inati..n, this section suc c. As aserioUH nroMtion to the U-islatuic to enact into law, it is a iiKM kcrv an.l an insult. Iti,;utlkict,ttosay of it that tre- atcsnooHcncciiincsi. , , t uts ii'i niisuciuct..-. . r? ttrins is simply lrWm f. me, and, ii nol ! intcndwl to hlwink, is a most ig norant exhibition. Important Dkcisions Two or U.rrP decisions have lately been made by the Supreme Court of the United States which will generally be re ceived as settling the various ques tions growing out of the late Consti tutional amendments. One of the eases involves the question in the noted llaskins case, aud fully sus- t . .. nt- r.i.l nur own Su- tains . uuyc v-v-v tM-e.ne Court on the points therein decided by them. Another decides . . .i . 4J.., nullinrities have HO that me nimc v..- - .... i.i i iot r-nWeil men shall riim, L ueciait; ni""- II . . .1 , . w lit... I F.v' !.. ,ll I ' U- ..ll-'UI nckl, ow ni.il, -". . ... ,.,,,1,,.,, ., U . ii.. n.l railroad cinpany in crtJuctin-U- -) ; ' " t -U ;ltlrr'.. r r . ..1 tl I. n.,.mi l 1 1 in it-tli I- ih-ks iucm-oi ,.""'". -. ' , ,r i l int "l "4 i it, cars equipment ahVu .ill J. k- -iii' t i v t ami otl.. r ro'.lui : iii.iehiiii.-rv. l".-. i'""i a.i I I ments, fuel, hupplKS, ami inaii-t. , itrueting and o-ratius tlw nt.lrwi.i t taiu .rest to prevail pretty generally. Hut what gcrvc a9 jurols simply because the people want is a real -.bona fide colore(1. The Court declares anh- bv an actual contract execuw,.., 1 at the time so lar as ii.ean v-v.- -- of making the sale. Does the pre sent bill embody the terms ot sucti hundreds of thousands long after the marble slabs destined to cover the graves of his calumniators shall have mouldered into forgotten dust. Who was Responsible? We regret to see a journal so res pectable as the llaleigh -Observer in dulging in remarks like the following. But that it is so is poof that honor able and candid men can lie so far swayed by sectional and partisan pre judices as to become blind to the plainest and most necessary infer ences from indisputable facts. The Observer of the 4th instant says: "Lincoln precipitated the war, and all the miseries of that bloody period, all the human gore with which free America was dreuched. all tbe sacrifice of life and property, all the devastation and ruin aud woe that befell us, are to be credited to Lincoln and his Radical advisers, and the hands of the Demo crats are free from the stain of fratrici dal blood." The editor of the Observer is a lawyer, and is doubtless familiar with the provisions of the National Con stitution as well as with the events of the war. He is aware that the Presi dent of the United States, ou the day of his inauguration, takes the follow ing oath: 44 1 do solemnly swear that I will faith fully "execute the (Office of Presideut of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and de fend the Constitution of the United States." The editor is aware that the second section of the VI th Article of the Constitution is as follows : "This Constitution, and the laws of the United States that shall be made in pursuance thereof, and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the au thority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land ; and the ,jude8 in every State shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any State to the contrary not withstanding." The editor is aware that J,he 10th section of the first Article reads as follows : 44 No State shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation," c That the 3d section of the second Article contains this clause : "He" (the President) "shall take care that the laws be faithfully exe cuted," &c That the 8th section of the first Article empowers Congress 44 To provide for calling forth the mili tia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections and repel inva sions. " Xnd lastly, the editor of tlua Ob server must have read the third sec tion of the third Article, as follows : 4 Treason against the. United States ahall isonsist only in levying war against then, or in adhering to their enemies, dvioz them 44 and comfort. No per oa aball be convicted of treason unless oa the testimony of two witnesses to the satae overt act, or on confession in ppea WThB Congress shall have power to Many are impressed with the belief that in the event Best and his asso ciates, or their assigns, shall fail in the performance of any part of their contract there is to be an absolute forfeiture of the road, together with all the labor and expenditures, they may bestow upon it, to the State. If this were true it would afford some guaranty for the faithful peiformance of the contract,' but it 'is 'not true. Best and his associates, as if doubt ful of their ability or intention to carry out the contract, have provided for themselves, in this bill, a mode of escape from its obligations. .They may at any time stop work on the road, let the same revert back to the State, which engages to refund to them " the actual and ..necessary amount expended by them," Ac. '.That it is so will clearly appear to any one who will take the pains to study sec tions 12 and 13 of the bill, elsewhere printed. And to aid our readers to a clearer understanding of the same, we give below an analysis ol certain sections of the bill by Col. McKae, an eminent member of the Wilming ton bar : THE DAMAGES. . Sec. 11. The only damages to which these associates are to be subject for fail ure to perform, is that the grant is to become null. Let us see the working of this section. Suppose the full measure ol the con struction bonds and mortgage are put on both lines, and high contract price al lowed, and profits made, and proceeds of bonds squandered and the work left unfinished. Here will be a road encum bered overhead ; a franchise wasted and lost, not by misfortune but fault, aud the liability of the 850,000 returned upon tbe hands of the State, with the se curity that it now has rbttde vorthless ; and the evil doers are to go scot free. If these meu have real financial ability i some indemnity should be turmshed, at least to keep the Slate in as good condi tion with reference to the 850,000 that she has now. The 12th section is objectionable, for whereas the 11th made the failure to j pijja ss ua8 been attributed to him 1 A rvi.l t Kit t lit' 1 4th ''amend-' in moan trims m. . meiit and the acts passed to give ef fect to it, "plaoe the colored race, in respect to civil rights, mva leveljvith A number of Democratic journals arc 'denouncing these decisions as par tizan, while applauding the dissenting opinions of Justices Clifford .' and Field, lias it never occurred to these journals that tha dissenting' Justices were quite as likely to be swayed by pnrtizan considerations as the ma-J jority ? .Na-, is it not more proba ble that Justice Field, who is a known aspirant for the Presidency, would be influenced by considerations of am bition and paitizanism than any one of the others ? Is he not, in fact, the only member of the Court to whom it is possible to assign a partizan mo tive ? Tiik Charlotte Observer, at the close of a long revk-w of the late de cisions of the United States Supreme Court, which it is to be hoped the Judges may be spared the mortifica tion of ever seeing, quotes some "om inous words" from Thomas Jefferson, who, it says, was a "leading spirit" in "drafting" the Federal Constitu tion. Will the Observer be good enougli to inform its readers where Mr. Jefferson was when he aided so materiall- in " drafting " our great fundamental law? The records show that he was not a member of the Con vention, n mi . An honest sals of the Western North Carolina Railroad on terms fa vorable to the State, with ample guar anties for the faithful performance of the contract or full indemnity to the State in case of failure the contract to insure tbe completion of both branches within a reasonable and specified time this is the sort of sale demanded by the people of North Carolina this or none. m o i m -' Ma. T, N Cooper called upon us this week and requeued lis to say that he had no such talk with any newspaper reporter while in Philadel- fiAi t ili-r thtQ tho 1 Ot V iiiiiiiraa if 4( 4 l a A4w i4UI V y VUtOf V4 AmVII. IVUUUIO it kUC associotes " fail for 90 days, then, after 30 days' notice, the Governor shall ap point certain Directors, who, with" Di rectors appointed by Best & Co., these being the reorg"iization, shall "proceed forthwith to complete so much of said road as may then be uncompleted, upon such terms and in such manner as may be agreed upon by them and the said William J. Best and associates, their as signs or successors." Gun ! J.his takes away the breath, quite. 1.. Then there is to ba R.o forfeiture for failure after all. 2, To prevcut this, when 120 days have run out, and failure seems immi nent, the State is obliged to put in and undertake the completion herlf, pot according to the present contract, but " on such tertm ana, in such manner as Best and associates, or their assigns or successors, may then agree ou." 3. A new contract then to be made, Best & Co., their assigns or successors, having their hadds on the throat of the State, who; is already bound " to corn- He says that the only true statement contained in the reported interview is that which represents him as being for Grant. He further says that he has no reasonlo believe, and docs not believe, that any attempt will be made to manipulate the Committee in favor of Sherman, . Changed. We may be mistaken, but if we are not then Gov. Jarvis, in his inaugural, or first message to the Legislature, took very strong ground in favor the " North Caro lina System." Now he proposes to sell (?) the Western N. C. Railroad, and with it the last vestige of that System. But, then, the times cijang? and men change with the times. . The communication of Mr. A. II. Allen shall appear next week. f ..:iid eomipativ or any part th-re"! to-ether with alt and every iU eort ur-a- rights and franchise, and a.i and every 'right, estate, ' interest, J roperty, claim, and demand - whatsoever ,api-r-taining or in auv wise belonging to :ud railroad company, and all statutory ti.-..,- r.f.iid State, asrutt or uiKn the prulertv and 'tranches ot i ........ ,?.i iv - l'n ihd. That the. uilc f aid Mate in ar.d to said proj-.rty nhall Is; assigned sulject only to a luort--ra-e deed of the aggregate ani'.ur.t ot i.,.,..lr. .l ..ind tillv thousand douars. V,-,.v ,......v... -j r , (jfS50,Hi,)anl mortgage iwi" i amount issued thereon, which saidinort- tra"e was executed under anu m itv of an act oi tnc otnn.ii of North Carolina, entitled " An act in relation to the Western North l;an Railroad Company," ratified the l .Ui day of March, 1875; and that the inter est on said bonds be paid by the said William J. 14cst and assiKriatus from and after the ratification of this act : 1 ridetl further. That nothing in this act itril muii1 It 1 1H 11 le construed to prevent t-"""'"v " " . : ...... f said William J. liest and associate .... settling and disclvatging m.iwn--murf'Hge tleed and the bond issued thereon, for a s urn less than the face or par value tBereof, and that any sum saved in the Kettlement or compromise of said inortiiagts shall inure to tbe twne fit of said William J. Best and associ ates. v.c 3 That on or lcfore the delivery -,i,t deed of trust, said William J. Heat and Id's associates shall enter m tu tu, uia rts linV-!", mttr to cirrtTtrTT tftt ttit jirovisions of this act, binding themselves to finish the railroad of saiil Western North Carolina Railroad Company to its Y estern termini at t aint IUek and the Georgia or Tennessee State line near Dm ktown, according to the charter' of said company, and all acts amendatory thereof, and that. said railroad be com pleted and put in operation to Paint Itiiclf on or lief ore the 1st day or Juiv. 18S1, and to .Murphy, in the county of Ciierokee, on or liefoiv the 1st of Jan uary., 18S5, and that the work upon said road shall be liegun within two months from the date of the ratification of 'this act, aud carried on with diligeii e and energy until completed to Ducktown and Paint Rock: Provided, That the work uoon said road shall be continued by the authorities of said State as heretofore up to the time when said William J. Best aud associates shall take possession of the same, and all the , moneys . ex pended by said State from and after the ratification of this act, up to and inclu ding the day upon which said William J.-.. Best and associates, their assigns, or successors, shall assume control, shall be paid by them, and tho remuneration of said State for the convict labor em ployed upon said road within the ieriod.s named shall le computed at and after the rate of one hundred and twenty-five' dollars per capita per annum, Sec. 4. That during the constJiiction of the railroad of said Company, and until the same shall have been com pleted, said State shall-, furnish to said William J. Best and associates, their as signs or successors, not less than five hundred able-bodied convicts, who shall be under the superyision of an officer ap pointed by the Board of Directorsof the State Penitentiary, and said William J. Best and associates, their assigns or suc cessors, shall pay to said State for and in consideration of the service of said Convicts a price not exceeding one hun dred and twenty-five dollars per capita per annum, which shall include the board, clothing, maintenance, suXrvi sion aud all otherexpuiisca, payable quar-'j terty ; tbat ia to say, on the first day of May, August, November and February. Sec. 5. That upon the execution of said contract said William J. Best and associates shall reorganize said Company j upon the basis of a capital stoek of four million of dollars, which shall lie con sidered and deemed preferred stock ; and there shall be set aside and reserved of said stock, for the benefit of the private stockholders of the Western North Caro lina Company, as the same may exist at the date of the ratification of this act, the sum of two hundred and twelve thousand Zja hundred dollars, (8212, 500,) which suck shall oe divided, pro rata, between said private stockholders, according to the number of shares of the stock of the said Last mentioned Com pany, respectively held by them : Pro vided, That said Company, by a ma jority vote of the stockholders in inter est, may issue second or common stock, to an amount not exceeding fifteen thou sand dollars per mile of said road, if, in their discretion, it should appear desir able or necessary to hasten the comple tion of said road ; and said Company as reorganized by said William J. Best and associates shall be governed by a board of nine directors who shall bs elected by a majority vote of the stockholders in interest.; Sec. C. That after its reorganization as hereinbefore provided, said Company may execute and deliver mortgage deeds with pover of s?Je, to such trustee or trustees as may be selected by the Board of Directors,' said mortgage deeds to be signed by the President and Secretary of said Company, by and under the di rection of tbe Board of Directors, con vey iug the railroad, pronertv and'fran. chises, including ''road-bed, superstruc ture, equipment, and all the real and personal estate of said Company, to se- ,-.!!!-I.tt.- 1 te.tiws tl.frv h .11 t. .hl.. rt.ltoiheTre:,-.uor..t-. lb.- sum of lie hundred and Id!) thoi -aud dol'..in. '.-V-UM. . par 4 a hi,-, m pay ment for lb- d.abtir. ni. iitt. t u- t;.!e .... . ..imt of vud o-KUpaiiy ; an ! unt.. said U-.H.1". t!-i -...it. iw ba. u" ii tri- 4 i- the delivery of r i ' i a r-1 . i I t Mr I 1 1 b U n't - ' f v ''' ' i; . 1 fii.-'il i :i :f. I i.'.l oo. , J.s.t of 1 I I O. 4 " ! .r ih'.-l'r !!-rl hivt l.o ' lent ! . . -n I t.lt ' .!.. t.. .ho out of M r i,,.-.. lib th.it I.e. was woim- ll.n :,1iui Mr. H i.Mid " I" ' th..- ..tUr hind, ih. !tu o u V, -.var.l de4aie thit. in i -'' atli-timtof Tdd. It nod I. 'to COMhflSSION H0USt, t a 4 : ; ' ltt wi i '. Id '.i ti. ! id e -f 1 1 . 4 I i .1 M, , I I make' it np" ir that Mr. ! , .,-i.i.,Ut, a a n:itt' -d .-. h a it 4 at ui Ltrgth ti .1... It..,, it vti una l reiam t"'- property-of tbe compauy, a n-.-w pt" i ..i ,v i iw Se . 1, That upon the eertdi.ate of, t lu:UI i., .uy .,tli I i the iommiHM..n rs. hti. in er-vided J ' W;re that no onl ii.i,v that the railroad of .iid cotuimiiv h i ,,.,.,-,1 hy that Ma! I... - lit.. T.I'iiV I- i U-ell coliiplele.1 Hct oruu. '-i-,,.,. t.f Tlldel. - ha, t io..l Mon ot tniVi.;i, . . - , ,afl.i then ,! ew 1 orK t o, r... I r- to h. it ;5 i ti. n ..f l. I .! I 111 - 4 ' I I 1 ! ' .-MM Id' I ii .t tl. it. a I 4-iui..-i dell cipher and income the Hr.li i. ' Aiwrt ttlt- u."!l of I ! I d I, i mid l:illl" .d .pati tax biiiiic'. s' tt in ii i a pr-'-i Company ot ew ior.n-i.j -" - -. ..." . ..Y WiUiani .1. lk.t and a taU s their assigns or nuceessoi, the de.d ol trust executed and atcn. d to them in trust fur said William J. lk-st and a-o-ciatet, as hereiubeiore provided. -r-1 . . . 1. (. I I 1. I II- .M. Se. it. l nai in 41.C ..-" liim J. lV-standats.Hiatts. llu-ir a-tgn. ; AU1, ,,v Ilidr.-K-or succe-sors, shall fad to carry out s ud , ( f . .r M.tn raided coutract, Ihc measure oi " " , i ., the tH,uiid, which t Ik; that the -rants made i u'e... ' , r ,,m- d-dl .r a w.-.-k on o'lr .-.u- aid deed of trust shall Ucome null and , Hon ot out . r a. void and upon the cert ificate of the cm- -. iki, or -ay a0 a . ar. nds ioners provided for in sect,,! f .ur-1 f.,re. cpiivulent to a ..f all . teen of this at -t, that su h failure .has .; .liu uU t htindr.-I :.nd tt.ty -u been made, said Trust ! 'oiupany shall d -1 CI iU.,s ulb.w ing 2" c. -nt tb "dit liver to said State or its .iui a.....o-. saUtrilsr, :.nd a l"1 a,ent or "nt:;::,;m;v:eu:"; . i-ni i: -;in v a-ainsi saio i. tu.o... ......... .. - . Far mrr .1 ,1 . .'oJ o. . with the pajH-r wntin- aign.-d b tli. p ,ul'V- commissioners of said St'ate, and de- ! '. ; ited with said Trust Company, a well i ( 0 jj M y: J ( A I 1. 1 . ii ...i i .ii.i.,.ni ii-M'-iieu i" i-.i as an oiuci lunttu.... - it., ii . ti. i -The pi ic- ! i a 1 1 nt h ilhili :i fl to" ) .1 I. II4IO.IN .li .ial I" 'I' T S i:"tt l Nt Iiw : i tt' .M;.. ... rt imt Comnanv in trusi lorsaiu . ..o..... J. Best and associates. rr.. I ; T, . ... I i . ,11 t l t I II Sec. 12.-. ma i--upon u..ii ..-an. For t!.v Ami It ha beei. fre.iu.nlly rl.aitfe.l that .' : " i t d .. ... .!. ..,.1 Willinm : .......it (..iu.li " i,t U l.iil.li( an In 'AiFrtMini' i.t nhl rl III.' I Nil. n 3iii.il ...... - , ; (.OveriK) . or i North Caru ina who fav..r ,. rii.n f- j J. 15est and assot i.ius, u t o p.rd.-iit litm u a t-nciM - tv., t)i.U t ' ii . .- I two iiM-tluN of iiiiititnii.r rt.-!f on., tn act coiila. tied, said i.overnor misill nU- ..,MMIII1S v for;ni rl tin-..the, t.v .1. fy said William J. Best and associates ) VTVUK M.ri,liUli u,t , K,j. t,at th.,.. who si;n said contract, their afitis or j wfio an- f ri otly to him are li mj; to d.-f. i successors, immediately to prinved with yiimnt unfair in.-.m the' work'. 'of completing the railroad of N.h,- th.- ol.j-t and li- of tin- IllaiiM- fifti,l Cimiuinv. .lecordin.r to said con- s"a'1 lo """ '' ti.nl tl.. tract, and the provisions of this art; and should they fail to do so for a jHrri'Hl of thirty days from the date of such notice pojlle, so thai ill tli.- ciiil it will l- d.ni eiilt for thelll to i-ikiJm rate, and Hut.- im liitv.- Uvti earnetiv and hoti.-tlv foritianl the Governcr shall then appoint one Di- j will naturally pa into tin- l ;i tit.-- .on. in rector from each Congressional District, j ae"-n. I. rant t not a e.nnl...tt.- t hi- and one from the State at large, who. to-. ,'T'UiVu' "'uu' ,:,,"M"-,,M,,1' , , ... ,, ... , .i.i, t tin h'ttU- h.iiv.liiit, who .ire ,ili. d itoliMt. .1 gelher With the lHYclorK to . thoaeii iu, ni.ttl.e l-l toid are t !,..; oh! .... by. the private stockholders, as ht-reiual-1 1i,.,.to.M .v him, u l.o h .v- .j. i,,t.-. mi ter provided, shall elect one of thi irnuni-1 tin- tin..- I.y pi.-si nt,!, . ( : ,t (..- and 1k.t President, and such other oOicers as ; liuuo- a- a ni.t-k Votl.cir rtormnn.-e, mav lie necessary, and shall at once en- I J frwaid into i.n.ui.ti. c asa.n .. tl..- - - ' ... ' 1.1. .... ...... " ... V .!. ter into the po!-s. sion and ahsolutc con- lli-publi.-an naltv' in N ! t !i .ml it: 1 f . I .. n c t 1 ll'll we I.t II..VI-. I ail llir o,in i.. -..;:; iroi ..i ton I'loj,.-, -ui.i. .v.. , f,,T i;,all1. wittl ht, ..lwtf..i..,. " N).. tr. it may then exist, and .shall occupy and t (!k h s j,,,,,,,,,,.,! nvilt ,,,! r ,- . use the same as they may deem Ik st ; and f ,,mi-,., and th. are all m t!,.- ...ith. f.it h shall proceed forthwith, to complete' mi j v e few iutlu-rii J:.-j.ni.l m.: mi I .-n if much of v;ud road as may Ik; then uucom-1 li' had not promie. .- . i lime to m.-ti m pleted. unon such terms and in such man- t'"' N"rlli nhx V'1'1'1 N'"""'r" i:' )'"''1' i i i .. i.. ... lean exinet oi It. in ai iii.iii hi I hmkiL "!r a9.,"iW.bA"' aSrVL, ,Ul " b,V 1 "i.-m in advvr.itv and or :- 4Vh,e the said ilham J. I-st and ass.K iates. j , ;rant r Artif , ( n.rt. ( their assigns or sn:n.'-sors. And at the j L,,V1. tf,e Cepiil.hi-an of the s.,iiti, uw t,, time of the apix.int uif nt of the Directors, iiiiitect Ufiii from t Ii.- maf !.iri..To.n and ns in thift sect ion orovided.it shall !. the ahil--uf tin- Kil-Klux and li;- Imlld duty of the (Jovernor to call a ineetingof Hlattie, nr.- in hi ,.rth. rii ho. fr, ,, , , lilt fi.,;.U,,,in.mi. all slleli evil, r-tiied to ' e it tu th lit - the private stkho!derS..fsadt,on.panv lUtMUl, ,;u .,:,;,.. a.,., . ,ak..r to assemble at such time and place as bet f ,,it. j,, Htll, ,w, r f J.,, may designate, and when assembled .they Mticti and hi own t r a a mei to d- f. :it may, by a vote of a majority of th. pri- ; thi miMsere, -,nd he t a.:. -.it it. ami i.y vale stock ttroeeitd to elect three Direc- i unfair iin-aii., in tijt.. of ail : -.!.. r uid tors to co-operate in the orgturzation, do and iiran.t a.H' management and control of said Com-j pany nraraJAIni i ' ns?3 r-v. ill i i om: i'iui i: snim:: REDWOOD. WALTON & G15L 4TI M I ' ' 4 ,,.',.. I 4 II ll : . . 44 1 1 1 I l 4 X M i i I 4 N - i ! . 1 II- I 4 t 41 I f I t.fcl '-t ' i - 4 t - I S i 4 4 I. Il"l ' 1,1 ' I M 1 !.... -Mill 44 4 I m I 1 t.l I H ' I s II I" '-S s 4 I t '. - ' ' 4. ..:,. . ! ! ,1 l ' VKHY LOW Kb T rilUI s 4. t. ... i : K DAWSON & CO., ii !!. lit:. f . .v. Wlnmt raris a4 tl rtrr fi-; .-i l" ,'- I" . Hf Uimam and ti n t:.w,i, ,4 . - imm. torttKlIng I I'M. kIMl !. l'7.pi-l 4 .- I" ! Ib s-."' f .4. puiorf V.ii-. l.rMkl ltmmi-r. w , anl K ...a kal. Hwrw. I. u t - - , n I Ht'M f l ff..l lt ll Ma U.-H. laa a hi. !. .Law .) laararf fa Ita. n4 ajnieit. ml aaa LI Ul. m )aruut ul C.n ll iUrfl' k..t ejriVmera) Nnfe Heme cll nrss Mid Ity Irurcll and IlrrM In Mr-dlrluo errrjw Lrrr, lH.EWiEKLT.kCOL, -fca4. M.T. afed 'i-fttiu.MMi.a. 1 ? 4 .14 t 'i ' laUsilUaUi life 1 i BOYDEN HOUSE, sI.lui'l:v, s . i . in:m , irouinoi. W i:k a t... ,i th.- l! Moils.-. t,l..t U-ttl !:.!, r .wl'. - it ! V.'i-'.-jrt . .! 'TO. J It". ii. w n fid 1. ; I , f . A i ..i t fait t f ?nt ia t t f jflil .rli ! I Tl itt i.iii- .ti e ,:ti aolin lliti t , I 1,, i, i i 1,1 tlul i hfirtl I die re n.av lie a tew, u r. ia '. r m- n w Im, ca-ualjy likirnr over t ne ;:roiiifl. ma favor liluine as a ril f-lioie.- aft. r .r.i. t. hut tlieyre not of Ih'' initiated, and Itiut have allowed tltfliiM'tves to toi. t In-, tn ut lilt-tit of .sSiUthern Kepilhlie:tu St. Charles I I r II. I. K, it! If'aaJ 1" Itt. Hotel. 'I Tribute of !lrpf-rl. TATkVILI.K. "4 . '., V. M . II 411. Mar.-h -th, At a meeting f tlie Voting Men t'hr'.- Sec. 1.1. That if said W ilham J. llest and associates, their assigns, or succes sors, shall fail to observe and erforin the contract made wiin inetn. in pur suance of this act. of which this shall be a part, and the property ot -ui Company j shall .main come into the control of said ! State, as provided for in this act, all that j part of said road from NUisbury to rami !....!- t..ll... M.-illi ll.d lil'..'11'rlV' r."ll I , 7 , . . ,. 1 1 , , .1 itlilll .1 ssixitttion, nil lll- llim oi uie aiM.ve and personal, including nuiiuat.4 ! date, the f..U..wtnS resolution wen- .inani-equipmentslheretmtoapiK.rtainingorie-J.-nin!4-j.w,j,,,,. .. . longins, shall Ik; free and dischariretl of n having jileaed our most w and tn-r any and all UeiiSj claims and 'demand" ! Hfn! Hi-aveuly KaUier to rri. a innii ln whatsoever by said William J. ftest :i:id suttenng. ami remove fo.iu o4lr u,i.i-t. our associates, their assigns, or suceeaaors, or " . ''7 . A, " ... , " ' . t .., : lU-'lrHl. I hat while law ua U the derr.. by any other perwm or corptiration Ktv-; ))f fll( a.wilie pr.iden,-.-. v .1, .TIv m...irn I ing and excepting the hen of eight hun-! the remov.il,'in tlinlawnof maidi.l. .rf otu dred and fifty thousand dollars now out- beloved friend and a-occM.. I standin" against said railroad, together ! lwMn.-Hing to a Urg d -j;ree tiro., grawa 1 with tlm aetual and necessary amount i wliira lN-ti.g Ut ami lwe.nn. the tru- i.:i- extended by said William J.Tiest and '. K"'"' ad kind by m.t.:o . u; ntieiii.n 1 . . -,, '; 'y in dejM.rtmettt. h had won a n! n-in or associates, their, -acigu., o. i-ceora . Iu uf Utt.,n ,vM, M., ,ur. .., in buil.hng, repairing and equipping Fat.) 1 1() hill, (J.ir .,,r(. 4.,rtlfi i,.,.,.,, ,.. ...,., road, lietweeu Salisbury and Paint R'k 'k, i u,m! iit Mor from love .,f t!,.- rati.- anv provision in any contract or niort-' than fr in a -n of duty, thouli ever at- "'e made by said Company, its assigns, , tent ve to dtitie t ali. In- a of th- ors'iccessors. to tbe contrary notwith- pririieii..v.r in it..- ori,.!.i..-.ion ..f our standin-;and the amouut of .-aid expen- 'i'tv. and with what stoi..tl. andttl-nt he slioui.1,. ,, ' i im..n-.s.-. soj-ht e.tr:ietl V to til ir;;:-it riel.J ditures for constructing, lepainn- and (,f ilM.fultu. Thr i.Sath x wa. t-. equipping tsM road from Salisbury to lin, , ,x,k...nui v.,nk, and h. r. h. tat.r.-l i Paint Rock shiill not exceed in the ajt- rr.iri. Ji-tat;t it. h.-ahi ami ..nt of -...n. fregrate the sum of eiirht hum red and ; stwaya al"uudiug it. lu hoik of th lol ' m.ll' -i in.-, ttit .-1 Hi- nt .-n ot t:.i ..liot, Roi.!-.-. 1- ti !.. tk. it i,i t .ei.i.t, ! ,..i. ietv l th td t'.il . tl? Il.e p-to.l.a Fell H. Is I - Sn.V t Mil :; II). f 41 1 - I r K t .- f.rt ii, ... i! MoM H!d I.e. 4. ' 1 I Intel ll.l.n .- i ti.ij'.i? ; on I r-t ..'!--..l. f R. H. RICKERT, WAT( HMAKI K X JKWKI I H. . . .i A' t; ' . l i ...r i .o . 4 at t. I.;'., .. I .ill r ie a4 ijU1 H'.ltrti 'of WATERS' "cmimi". ORGANS ra ataM aaaM4al Mil M aaa m .M.,.HM.M 14.) a. a..4a..4 I mm9lm) Wtaai ataa. a aa taat. a. taa . 1 1 aaa a 9 a.a.a-4i 9 a a-aaaaay i aa aafa4 b.laM. al a a - I.M a. aaaaal a tartfr.aa W 1 It a I 4 !. HHI ll.alkltl NMK .. to. vrrrn, rv ii. imhi. OKI Ml.TMinS i iiim, ntr-i i, toil lir. rSIU. I.I I tT a. a H..I . IMIIU. 4ll4ft., aj I . .a lr.a.41 .mi ri MITV a 4M . . ..a. ,a..aa -'a tatlaala rthltiM I 111 Ml II WATCff path y.ftaa TW S'titriilrtlrvan) 1 a ...! a Max aaafla4 ll.f . aa a- Mil III 4 lIIIM a BMII ll. Ml 4 a. M T. a. 4 l- .....t. ,.. tt , ,,Ji'i Prl m. ...4 ) 4 T'"i t ) f TMrll I 4 IMVyT VUkiT,'' aa.la. 44 Ul a.) I a k-aata SmmttnmMtm ba.l aa. it.,1 it, Hkf I.M. a ii 4 a YATE8, PIAH08 vr;:..;:,- r. IMllT Hll.l, IM tmmm, T.fk, 4... Maa4lpat lta.sk.ll. y I - iri n I 44... raa. Iwklt II.H. rill tal.....'. IfUaMlMk. MaMklf laMaltxal. ... . A I.Mil4iai mmmt '- I . m .... a IWiwtfctv.w, ... tl.141. 44 ) I "''I !.., i. T ra,r. ihm.mii 4 ( alalaaaaa ll.n.4. aia. aai.aa . 4 r a-, a I..MH. i.mir nam. i. ..... I Halt ttUm ( aaaa al I . lluitUi; U 111 U-4, U.I.M. V IA 7'4! f ..; AM, . H la t ilia M.. tn lara. 1 I'-', in.' 'tv 1 1 Ill '. 1 1 I ami l.-Vi It--' 1 1 i'fu mmtt ft lh II f ,' J At t T."l:K PI'iMl'lI.V KSt KTI.Y f ..n.- and a; rrt,. d lit elllU r . " PEBBY Ad li. 4-Mf DAWS' 1 1 a i ; f r rr., v i fifty thousantl dollars (-vJ.tu,; and inc i') iwiwioiHricnm ,u:. holders of this indebtedness. w!i-;th.. r in t;A I h .t tl,.- A- lat.-.n rii..l to , ... , .r , ... .1, hi U rcaved faitii'y atid f riti J t!ie:r ;i..-er- bonus or ou.er vvit.eocxs .-. uu ....t.t , l!t lx Ui u,wt,i,.jr hur f have no onier lien, on said raib'-ad from ; pl thai vru. u i.a-iU .-.w.t. illsh the rejolutk:t. an i tlint Corv , S.ilisburv to l'iunt R-x-lc, llian that iv- tonul en them under said mortgage, provideil of the same te nt to in tauu.y, for in this act ; and shall have no other 1 pa- J . mi.u.jm, power, right or rcni.-dv to enf .rce the ; ,,Rl . ' . same except by an actual foreclosure of, Totn.tu said mortgage, as provided farm sections j '-..j WRITF Ite, t six and seven of this act. i A . 31. Witheksi:o!c. sr v aiEC. H- Tl-.'Vt three u,en shall U a,; -j L , - mt-slor.ers to sutiervise tbll r i: A ,..1...;..,, f ili.v r iilrnurl ; a5n 1E"?I tUVY Ffl DlllllllUtf ttUU vmjjni.ir'.i ...v. i af B I wmr u r vr. fr Hifaf. ... ii Ma aaa aaaa 1-t.i 1 1 . a . a th al ila.r. a takat llaata'aa. ia arta. t aa ait.aan, tt Cav. ISlaMa riaaa. fars. A Mo'.TH rttBl-l t'i A.j at i bt.a.f a.il ti. Ita iol -tal ' of said company, one of which corarais- Riom-rs suao oe nameu uv - v..ern.t, and one bv said William J. Best and as- Zn n ft .,ii;:itK. th two thus cht'Nssn to select a; V a! 1 1 1 1 .. , ' . - .1--: ,:.... ,.P ..r; JJUti ., muM: ilUi.il 41. SaiU COmmiSisiuu-i et." 1-- aotv Y'"--s.5j 1 uf sl aajiti.i.ic tn. unon said Sstate, and saia wuiiam j. pv.r.i., 1 . . . 1 7 l m h .1 kti. a Rest and ass--eiaies. -.iuu cMimiisa.vu- , -Uw-r .lM,. ,t4 r .0, ers shall examine s;iiJ railroad no less vn,6, taj trra. ii- 4 t. than oneoin nin.ty .day. au4 a f" as they shall be notified that ten miles, 2 '.:. ........ - of said road have been graded, and again ' o II EUIFF'S DEEDS when the same shall be ready to be open- I O tat ie thU oae P5 4 - tl Clf'J VCCCTADLE PAK3 EQLI . 1 a.--w 4 bVttamrif . M mrJ r t ' r.jtht mt 1 hm . . , . I . a I i I 4 B cSfa..S -a a - t J rt-ii.T vrocrintr. ncanv IM iirtiiu an tinisAt ttl. It a aatra . ara t a.i t a 4 aaa M at m H at a..ajaav. at -J ., fUlfU IH 4. ., tiw ta. 4fit U- 4a lli"u.) f.it H la m mm 4 itm fatavaa ( (ul Clll, OMK TII.40 4T, t lill.l-. a.-l i .rt.jj. t, . . : ii WlW t It mm.jm . :u.ll f -rr . I 1 , 1 tail . u a. aa a . -ai mb hum Laxl lui.ii .aa i ' , f a- It W. m . . . . . . - . a - . 1iBX'l Til Th Oldest. IWit. and Men W1WJ Kaw. 5. . N 'JTV F- F a . I llaU:.. .a., tai.., . a.f. flba ft lf(7ln.l IIOf.lLlI ,MlHMIIl'l.! fi i'i'Mirr,ii.i ua nrr. co-trLaiat iM a " rl 4""- uu aa ui. u-4 -n c. Hoi stood tho tott cf Fcrt Years Cortanc 9 CovMrl and Cllmataa. t ifl iiungnmaniit T t- T.r. T f ,.,,f1,, ( 11 WlBaHan, af l1aa.lat:aM. 44 a r tea pa. aa4 ' - U a'avMarlaa. Xar-a I . Ilaaritala- la .1.1 4a mcm. - - - 't il Korrwaa.., UUi tn t - n H i j ! H i 'ff ,T ,3 vrrHou a -;val Aa a limimknt. .-a , a -a 1 A ,.... T. i TTT.-' . . .... . ' . . t 1 m r a .at i at (jaa iini a a ai am, an! W u ;vi rri...ai t ni . f UmmU BrwUaa, CaU, 4p.ll., .. 14a a, a. I4 , ava Ka Uaulri. M la HIiaMl II, f w fl 1-tnaHr mm iau. 4- . ... I U 1'V r. I I .a ai. l Ita L.la L i... m Z'':'-y .'1 ' yl- y w.'- nmtl. l t'. Ii !. aal i a.. ftos fl y tasx, fcAa la -m sa jk J Jrm a Cratata, PERRY DAVIS & SON, Providence, R. I. ropr lotct

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