1 f I VOL. XXIII. STATES VI 1 .1 ii N. C. S ATU A CG UST, 14. ISSO BT-1IMT. - Be quial, iwaHaaa baart I Tbe lot ugh bea la Imm of Lia;aria loafkiM est the bdl The hoaaa-bownd aweJov, twUtertw m be 00. take bit 4. The ahadow an aad U lha wood TV air a latent itiiim aw la f wa ; An odor fate Of yet BAbloaaweaed boJe Ho haa, oear ieart, la IW. I Far dtotaot fat lha waft earaleaa aewp. Whet ttM tWTteOw bwweaja the Mtkff world. Oreet ohios .mf . uxa brooding bird aeleao. Li wtth whiU eeUa loose furled Ia (MM the day la awded. and the night ftlktkM doth a vau wpoo Ute see Aloof boaooi imim with awtft-wuif ad flight The gxyjatat atlas I. O eaiiows heart, kew Xatnra apa.ka I Her power - How liwirily aba mm. How iatenoa Tha leftnate oaeoa of bar aaoat fruitful boar I BMNlihirmiiMMl la mw see ThaMkteth she lor he Uwatoi wit i' r IVtvdk tiwatop wi'm annua v. . wrathi To bring fort fragraeoa bi tbo iwwr rain : Aa4 uae f or eoow ahe bath. no damr. for all thy eager aool desire. Hbo keepe a-weei tune aod aeaeooA BtOOd I bid for thee all peeeloua'a aubuka lm, To round thy womanhood. Caeee, than ! and In tbU dairy twilight, move Aa oae who aata aotwhitbar, earaa not why; Thia fift for all bold still tba otarnal love aod endless by and by. In bar betf lLX 1 abouM "Ad why jffj "Otorgyr Oiuld b b!irr bU ow ant Wa UOa rixeaimh, erjwwTi 1 malalU Jail ETerw be bd wor- bippcd la drrama a. hi- ftre wife? He would rath di tban becone Iba b.uhand of ao hideoalj ogmab a creature. "I b no re""0 K1" or leTln aprubtly,' b 11. la harp. &Ai Woe. Julia matte wroe oW mnod between a giggto and a chuckle, and a be waa boat to retire, be aU: Ob you doot like fun, df IUe a Mnl WMlf IteaTena:,, exclaimed tbe bewildered UDioha, Humbling backward in antooiah- Bot "you can't pably raema that you .u- f " the reolr. Jli" Ereraoa biting the end of a ery nice-luok ine Flcaro aa ab apoke. Mr. L'Dlohn walked delibtfraU;ly far- ward, and took bla portmanteau, and. barlr; bowed war about qulubi tb pn m wVb cTi exclabuod: q hop baen't offended you. ra u l. tj.i.ifniu mul whin he bear you're UClllEIUIIUtl " -1- tKi. .t.u He'll be aure u) uiaurc UUC aaa tut- - me, too. I wiah you'd leave him a lttt e note. wnlalnin that you jro of ol your own - fm will mm t were. livw ------ tit vw. itt willine. JiiM r.vcwii beaaid. "to leave a note for your iainer. What U it you dettire me t writer lanmg .rwl rwncil from one Ol um A Pretly Game. tv (Maty rwn On the porch of Mr. Ereraon'a fine real dence In M , on a beautiful erening about .niHt atood Julia Evenon. a beautiful younz lady, with deep blue, luatroua eyea. nH Francia RowleT. a tall handsome young man, hli face glowing with health and hU deportmen. that of a perfect gentleman. 'Your father," said Francis, addressing Julia. "U as determined aa ever, I suppose, about this affair of of the marriage?" His look was averted from her while he pro nounced the words. "Determined!" Julia Everson exclaimed; "Why papa la so bent upon my becoming Mrs. Upjohn, that he would die of rage, I think, were my resolution known to him " "And that resolution is, Julia "To give Mr. Upjohn plainly to under atand that the tlmea we live In are not those which tolerate the affiancing of two children in their cradles, merely because their parent happen to be friends. Be- sidesthls George Upjohn has the manners of a regular clod, and has passed his whole life in soma obscure place out West. Do you believe in proverbs, Francis?" "Why do you ask?" "Because I do." Julia Evereon's face inAfe nf Trv firm determination as TV Vtw aw w- j ahe spoke." To what wurticular proverb do you have reference lust now?" Francis asked. "To the one which says, 'Where there's a will there's away. I think that you and t may test its truth, If we are so in cllned. Of course, I wont elope with you, Francis. I dont consider elopements res pectable, I shall never marry you If I wmiaiIi it there!" She loobed serious enough to keep her resolution. "You mean then Julia a caru-case www Ir t a 'Only that you don't think we suit each other well enough to get married. Please .i .nvi.;ncr attout amokinir. becaune UUU mJ ' r' inn'ttnnw I moke. and I'nlohn delaved no loDger, but wrote the foUowing on a card, and handed it to Mish Everaon as a message to her father "Sik I desire to have the agreement broken concerning my future marriage with your daughter. I have held an inter view "with her, and I confess to being wholly unwilling that such a lady shall be come my wife. "Gbuugk Lpjoiix.' "That's precisely it:" boisterously ex nlirfmid Mian Everson. seizing the cigar. Old fellow you've got a handsome streak . . v . in you, if we dout like eacn other. i p John rushed from the apartment, and short ly afterward t.ie hall dor closed upon his retreating figure. "Francis, you have certainly oeen making the most utterly revolting creature of yourself that it is possible to conceive of. I have been listening in the dining room yondor to every word you said." And the real Julia Eversbn surveyed her disguised lover with laughing eyes. There U mv chief trophy." exel aimed Rowley, waving above his head the card which contained Upjohn's message to her father. Upjohn put in no further appearance. Mr Kverson was deeply indignant on read ing his card, and ultimately consented to Julia's marriage with Francis Rowley the wmmaoi Wc)i U W -- disenchantment and the venncauon 01 t.,i;'- farvritp maiim "Where there's O una o tv.-w . a will, there's a way." Yea air.' said barlr Torn Barber, of Towaootown, to a reporter, be turaad P cue of bis heavy, hub-aaHed boota, aod kDuckedtbc aabre Rom aw P'P. i ve been cooaidered for eotM time VjuI the beat man la this 'ere rvgkm. aad, ter further, I kin Ik tb bdlbts dean off"er any man that bnies turn oeca-itmu. era "round ibis part of ue owwj. i to dooe It m my time and kin do U again. I lammed big tiara bboeca, of uie iiaruoru road, till be waaat no more a nan a man. aod as for tbat Teller oia at u-jtkiu- that evrybtjdy said oould fix me up, wby, I met him one day waeo own w -" purty full, and I otjoped bun like abarl. 1 tuat tell you I ain't no aioucn a i n- . . t . . , - - . - rJ ence and 11 you oouut uo ""'"f" -J7 arm, why Just ' Thanka, thanks, " said the reporter hur riedly ; "donH riae on my account. The fact U, I am not a pugilistic aracter, ea, yes that is, you were lajrlog " . "Why, I was a aaying, resumed the jriant, slapping bis cheat, "that the boys out here all bavegrudgea agialnat me for knock down at various thnea, an' they put up the pcaneat Job on me 'boot the ttxne that X4!er Uuler waa1 tralmn' for a walk with the Scotchman, Ross. You see, I didn't know Miller from a side of sole-leather hadnt never seen him and one day 1 walked Into Jake 8imms' place down thar near the car track, and there wui a gang of the boys in the saloon, a drinkin' an' foolin' aroun' an a right atouflookin' chap I hadu' never see before was a-showin Johnny Maree some aort o foolish little kinks with the gloves, aa' Johnny was a-pluggln' away at him,but couldn't tech him. 1 thought it wuz one o Quae darned city chaps come out here thinkin' he wuz some shakes with his props and. bein' a little pert that way my-el', I asj im Imnatteni-iuie anu miuicu - Few pifie have asy pi A l5ir b m1 of eyra that ar aeuaJy ruimJ by lh J"r arila of amall wiva. -In the" yvar tlT. Is ewtimaud that la the t'niUd Pimif two bttadrrd aad y eves wvtw put out, aod arvra buadrl and nii snore or 1m lajumL No accural of the utibhw of divrictjr prtel by th same canac has brrn d. but Um f thai about two-tbtrds of a tlr diwd men in the State of Uha "alt' oo-ryed gives us axue WW of the extra to which the paraaol la th haed of a wife tjc tkmabiy amall ruiaa the pratw of famuw. hat lathe prosier remedy for this guet eviir This b a question for evrry man who cottlemplatrs taking a small wife. It will not do tA Inerraae the Ircjrth of the para-aot-haad Invrrady aa the beigbl of th- wiie. There is a certain atandard f length for the paraaot-bandle beyond which it raa not be Increased, for the rtasoa that wh-n the bandile U too long tle paraaoi due n4 cast a shadow which can be kept in p"- tkia overs bonnet with any certainity. Equally Impracticable would be any device for increasaitig the height of wives, ao as f fnr.Iin' awav like dunehill ohickens kickin' up the dirt, and I sort o' leant over to Sara Johnson and whispered as how I would like to give that city chap a niue mrn. om erinned a few, an' turned an hollered to the biys an" me oig ieuer tint tB wanted to put 'em on with the stranger. i i.ev all burst out laffin', but I thought it wuz at the idee ol Bee in" me Bei mm uuwu on l lie uoor wnu my iu umjc.ncu... I a, im. "triDned off mv coat, let down my galluses, an' got the buckskins on. The othrr feller was interductd as Mr. Thomp- an' then Dulled off his coat. 1 seed he .... . i hadn't on nothin' but a son o unuersiuri, an' an that he wuz right sharp built about th anna an' chest, but 1 didn't think for a innih who 'twas, though now 1 wonder how I could a-made such a dog-goned fool nf mvself. aeein' as how 1 had ueereu ooui the walkin' match, and sum of the boys had been savin' that Miller was goin' to walk rnt tr town everv evenine. Well, any how, we came to time, the stranger sorter smilin' an' a-slmdn' his arms around 'thout any .o-,i nnrtfr rrazv like an' I let out at 1411 va rrm 1 J him with some rip snorters ; but somehow thr HirWt nnite reach him. coz he was kU-J -J b;n.ii.r ahv and dodired his head awav. He didn' hit back, and i thought i wuz a- tak ing his gall from the fust; so 1 went at him like a good 'un, and was givin him the Kot .n t ho alum. . I couldn't hit him, coz hp kf-nt keenin' awav. but he was smilin , so I kinder got mad. Once or twice he let out, sorter timid like, with his left, and tnurhed me on the nose, and that made me worse ; so I fixed to gin him a right-hander .nd was com'm' at him with my whole but my nose brought up agamsi m and the next thing I was settin' on the sanded floor with a biooay nose, uu a.x the fellers wuz just a-kilun' Jhemselves another an' lamn , i ov stran- hJMaiarvw 4 nam wd 4vwM. iathtaiSUtt::tW aotWe ja CP'sp of t-txtLf c-iH. la U wklriy bfd "sm f.4 ia pi, hvaahAa, tw4 tbxtr U at tbo tjaim-rrt atwaw ao U a gi feet cnvalar.. Irrtaiw b W naa the UUJ?t t-tur U-at U piacwa bailee ; our wjtm acata aauw atl4U&iri m , - Af b 14 J Uawv iw yvrf a (at rmm m laba n IW. la C alif aa faw J reaai-maxl Nt waa tanas tl J waurw af tho ! Um aa niauaaw. a V-jrm 4 la tba rmtriwrj j aaiaa4 ( aavaka. ai rwt j aa . T a ra l a Wk-o awwaw aa LBaW aa r i tm ate twi TVav wa aay V W) txa aa frwaa-. fawana atJ mw W iWi aaraeat ; lim taav th U0.1 to UaV iaVakt Wa I arte! Maiaav It Uaat. .' The ust'TVr at the va aai tfeirch prrtsta a nrarvu a. a jrr art. TVi na wal bwv trrnaiaatea la a rain, rP- i k a tmn. wnl the Jwry bad eaawtv mrmttu iij a wwajca jiaruuuw - al 4" aaaaaaaal tb nartarw uewat,ll w tauer. , .. Tlua fart was tmv a Corta (aaaaaaro wfcjra ,4 mtrtTt wwWrw u . otw nera by tne ciaar. p UofMWC , nmrm Ua aUh haakga6ce d,-awrL ;i,fft !rx a4 na. of law a-ua .0 ran be tore -Imrramfe than th jrrwat ; maMMlm TW ha i5y pt of rr,ald.Cl ilb bfVX . l)Mt ewjlkia Ba4, t-re thrre a.- few gra Ueea. where the ! , Craa. jtvwb hard, dry m! acanty. aa 1 f.r, TW trtal wa. a-ij U uf juu in a eenHerT. ani w were am rjw Wt aw -a. va aa ilwh w m,i .- .Mrfiaait W a. . i'iww iwm . an . a. t . a a s w -a . lay i 1 a a a a' a aw at a aaa ay W aa a aia 4 an na. a nl , i aaw4 ia ' awavaa i haw al waaaa aa 4 awat W,4a ai a aa tame 1 haw 1 serka in a.a ams the undulatiooa of tb . vrfT ,,Vutu. w u,. uW ..W. tor 01 in. van-tuia, Ml.-. a. u. Mr. Th-aa? great tial barv now maaki by 1 . . v W URaw Biair. i l a., ami . 1 1 1 greatLgia baya, now umXm bf COfcaaoa uaaunary, and thow tuajreoc troadr, wta we flue arrhitectural cur raw r- Ja unfifualaBd. trodtace a drear r effort. IVkl amUfwal th lie aWwed ruwrta eoue!" she merely says, "lluw can vou Im' ao stupid!" and calmly lays all the blame on him. If requested to keep her jmithso! out of her husbands eyes, she either flatly refuses and tells him to mind his own affairs as if he had no right to feel any interest in his eyes- or she bursts into tears, and says if he cannot:'walk. with her without Insulting her he had better stay at home The parasol is rirobably dearer to a woman than any other earthly, thing, and she will carry it in what she considers the proper way, though all the uutle sex should be blinded thereby. The only apparent defense against the parasol is to cover the ends of its ribs with large India-rubber fenders. On each end should be placed a sphere of solid rubber of at least an inch in diameter. By -no possibility could the human eye lie injured, by contact with so large and soft a sub stance, and the husband of a small wife, whose parasol should lie thus rendered in nocuous, could walk with her in a crowded street in safety, It is evident however, that nothing except stringent legislation will induce the women of our country to consent to have their parasols decorated with rubber spheres. If merely reques ted to do so by their husband, they will un hesitatingly refuse, and in most instances, will assert that the request is deliberately intended to make them ridiculous. ,T.he make and enforce laws for the of the eves of male citizens. bring Unrtr paraaoU above the level of UM j waora njiaucholy U tbe Iranar,. bufband'sr eyea. Already tbe booifK" T!rntraijrfoniliaa apasaaja. are made as high as pjaaible, and if any attempt U made to increaae ttetr heixhl, women would he totally unable to walk, Of ooume the wiae men who are still un married, and who know the dingers that accompany the parasol of the small wife, can reaolve to marry no woman :. whoa, paraaol will not at leaat reach nix inchea above the level of hiseyes, but the man who is already married to a email wife cannot better his situation by making g'xl resolutions as to the selection of his kidikI wife. It msy be said that the small wir- should be required to hold her parasol in such a way as not to endanger Iter hus band's eyes. Of course,' this is physitdly. possible, but he knows little of the nature of women who fancies that any wife will submit to dictation as to how ahe shall carry her parasol vVhen her hu4jod re marks, "There my dear: my other eye is a-nudgin one That wa. ton ftfncn. rf - iw.....ii Crawford street, there, sorter stunted-like, when the uc i-""- - . . . . , , ' 1 ... . 1 in o-it un man. . . . am t-t 1 -. -1 in n b 1 intnn' nr in iiiinl. naTD, vi w" 1 I lAf mlt "WHO Was Hi way 9 ircuiuu x" 1 tui t lauiu " 1 . . . , i . r Srwasmecays slnc4 ordered va- ain't dyet p utll cate, and then he put ms "-uuu a - " "11! vou work to invent excuses 10 remam m rroiessor u house He first had his wife fall sick, and could a-knocked me down with a leather. Srebygot aweek. Then he was taken Just to think-.l had been, slagging away at with the chills and ot in four days more. 0ld Miller, thinking he was some softy, and bv coming the Then he trot two 'days in which to get had been wonderm wny j. ouutu" " mightily eloquent over your father! da asked. "And get pooh-poohed for our pains," .k. annllAd with a sllrht laush. "No I aav a vwvw c mean somethinr else. Papa is still asleep, and likely to remain so for an hour. Let us take a stroll through, the garden, and 1 will disburden myself of a weighty secret.'" - "la Mr. Everaon at hornet Onnnrfi Unlohn was the enquirer, and 0- rt -be was shown into a small sitting-room on - the ground floor of the house. Presently iha door onened. and Julia Everson en tered the room. "Mr. John Everaon," said she. has been Fran- another house, and when an oiscer went there for the key he found the man dying. . . ... j onrba Wpl I We asiaiame ,,-,- ,n Rnilt. all the best of friends alter that, ana a tuc a aouoie ,",,": .u 'J. Vnnr : .1 1. it- -.i.h horn puitv Rveuiu . 1 nrprrv rii hirjlicdoit At ipt his wife said sucn was me caoc, aor usea ter wam - - r . and acted like one greatly distressed in mind. . - . "This is very sudden," remarked tne nonplussed officer. "Very sudden, sir. He had just said to me that we would begin moving alter din ner, when he dropped on the floor and he has been lying In a stupor ever since. The doctor says he may never rally again." "CanlseehlmT" "Oh, yes, but please don't speak above a whisper. Rh led the wav to the Dearoom. mere wuz a&.i ta now a rtcetVaciO for m VWiha. bmdieaa atatuc and broken grave ai1. A great oawpany of beroee have he-o laid U vewt' In this noble aanctnary. The ancknl avlgoeura of Bergen bad tbrtr ptat-r of H'ult'ire within its precincts; and, af ur tlieui the governor of the city. Mor gan, who rrpuiaed the duka of I'anua, Louis of Ketbel, who ippoard Hpinota, were In terred heri Tt- gratitude 0 the inhab itant, had decreed pompous InarripUooa. as'-' relu fa and statues to three valiants hr.f; tbf reeled under the ahadow of great port cf marble; but 'J cannon of 1747 disturbed thebr eternal slumber, and mingled tla-ir aabea by breaking Into their bomb. (Jf all these superb monuinenu there remain only a few fragments, and w uittV think ourselves fortunate to be able to make out from whence they came. Ttw Cat Him aad flor Nawi. We knew of ao msny leal-bird's nets nearer home, and had such good facilities for examining them in a thicket of syringa, rose and wax-berry bushes on our pre mises that we did not think of such a thing as locking 'or them in our summer explora tions, but we were glad indeed to linger over one which we came acrwe that afternoon in the mt retired part of the little wilder nesa t ha, we afterwards almost came to look up. n as our own property, since nobody ever seemed to go there ex cept ourselves. And this reminds me anew of the deep satisfaction we had all through those long June days in wandering or wait ing in its leafy recefces, where flocks of sunlight brightened the green half -twilight and dappled' the soft floor, variegated with fallen leaves aad hundreds of shy plants and tender wild flowers, where our only companions were the many brooding birls and their mates. This cat-bird had done a marvelously ingenious but most risky thing, in locating her neat between two small hemlocks. Just where the tip of the outermost branch of one lapped a bit on the corresponding tip of the other, so that if the wind had hap pened to sway them ever so slightly the result to the nest would have been the same as if it had been left loose in space, its foundations on nothing more tangible lou.3' ,"e J.Uiq air:-ndjt would have followed the protection j UlCTf ailing apple made famous by Sir Isaac That a wo- 1 Kewlon. Rut our wise little friend haxl man should be allowed to carry a weapon I cait.v,iated upon such a catastrophe, ana that constantly menaces her husband with acteu accordingly, using some kind of fore- : mr.mih tn iir civilization.". I .i;.i, no aimiild call reasoning If a Olinuue r icji-m mnui.nuivu (AVaTabh vtedart. teaUlettan, aaxt bo la ciiaaat- h rwuet."e haw aw iSaa ii bed male tho rnuMc 1 rarw TOST awKUci, aUaaTfat bf th We have BwtLbM appruarhaai yw aocretly nJ wufbl U contra you. Wo have re bed auh-ly upta the Uw and the evvJraoe U maiolala our rhrbt to this projrrty. Bat our otpooenU bo not thus m ut. They are .-nut aal laAed to alkiw you to the evtdencw. Tbry bavo eadeevurtml 10 currupt your nunJs and pet vert yuur Jtfcif menL WllhupUflod bands you declared by the ever living od that you wuukl ra lorn a vcrhct acoirxhng to Uw. Will you perittre yuur auula? I know that yi fmsotlng to a Juror) bava been apjm lid you atMira the wretch that iirutiuaaL or did Vou b4d with him? 1 know that you (pointing V- atxaher Jana") talked over this feae laat night, tor I overheard the cuevrraatkin, the promhtea, and your pledge. Canvas houatw are aa one bere. Wool uttered la one are voices in all. You dal n.4 dream that you were beard, but I was there, and I know the detail, uf the fiul bargain. n At thie an ominous click, click, dick" was heard. A score of port o la were beard. There la no terror in yoir platols. gen tlemen," continued Mr. Field, in an thril ling tone. "You cannot win your by abooting me. Tou can win It pniy by show ing title to the property. Yon can never win it by bribery or threats of violence. 1 ojwn lv chaw attempted bribery. If It la un true, let the Jurors apeak from their or Attempted bribery I say whether aucc ful or not will depend upon what may oc cur hereafter. J'lrora, you have Invoked the vengeance of Heavau upon your aoula if vou fad to render a verdict atxwrdtng to the evidence. If you are willing to sell Tour a nils, decide againrt ua The aildreaa was effectual. After an abarnre of a few minutea the jury relumed a verdict ia favur of Mr. Field a client, borne adniitlfl that I hey had been corruptly approach I, but added Uiat they were not so baae aa to be influenced in that way. Within two weeka the owners took from the placer over $., -000 in gold dust. it a A Lju7 Maa'a Vlowa lt u. nli thia lvinr in bd. We maintain that. In the mere fact of lying in twvt ther la wimelhinr bw.'thv and re- life are otied kna eased, the pn.;ei ami legtlmate purpose of stopping in ri ia vo err tf wllsr.. There la no tonic or medicine in the world like Bleep. The more al p .t - i.r.u iti the better doea the lraio .aA All irreat brain-woraers nave 8u- Walter Soott never do with less man wn msy want eight houns aa Oe.ge III. sad but. the philosopher wanU nine. The men who have been the greatest generals are the men who could sleep at will. Thus it was with both Wellington and Nspoleon. The greatest speakers In the House of Com mona have been men who can go to Bleep as much as they like. This explained the juvenility of the aged Palmeraton. There Is a man who has been Atty. General, whom I hare aeen burr his face In his hands over his desk and sleep roundly untu ms 1 Aoan alw aSl M rama on. "SHeeD. says We forbid men to carry pistols and knives, .nH should eauallv forbid women tocar- . Hamrorniis and sometimes duadly J H1V vaaaaa'w-" parasol now in constant use. An Ancient Intch Villas wnoiHinorpn is a eurious villace. Its and houses closely resemble a big lot of Nuremberg toys just unpacked. Imagine V 1, Vk nnflt m l.f.l VTfalXa. VU aawa w " ' J ' j . -a ... . I T 11(11111' II LllVv - U-Oi - rtnor afterward, but never all built exactly in the same way, witn me . wor, rnwinir from the out j - 1 - ,, 1 Kmnu'i' -c on. Tbant you 1 same materials, piaceu m . , luxuriantly as H notking nau nap human being had done it. It chanced that a thin shoot of alder, toueh ana sinewy a whip-lash had grown up near by. 1 ma the bird had seized upon as the needful thing to make the place avauaDie. iuc over-lapping hemlock twigs were made to ;rve as the bottom and the walls ol the nest, on which were laid up some nDres 01 dry roots and a few dead birch leaves; then the alder had been bent down and bound like a wi'he around the hemlocks straining them together, then passed arounu uu v men two fciCT" why. we . a a SK? I1. L Z r.B : waTer 'or sugar 7trically intersected by straw colored " n it " woodwork. Before these two lnes l faave a wd Ume Qf it inn. I. , t rr. ,,,-0 rf littlA nlrl trpps. I St nouses uiaut ru u ' ...n;n, tha c Hr mtn n are uiu umiux with thick trunks and sparse foliage, all P" . wa8 beautiful- A Bifc Item. dinned, shaped and pointed; all ot the same size and forming a kind of screen, no me ln-en CMlld as? 'V lt a e aa a 4 a a"aj fw tmumtm.i ra t via eoJ .. mmi at aw a. a V4 fwa W. UM ca4 Jrwavta U- U . aa4 ia w a at ..a m 4 waVtaal rwi C avS - W taa waaAa ta4 Sum law !raia Haw urut va -a 1U at. Fa .' Va H m a. ai 1 W Oa 1 " 1 W S -a- a TW a awraawa m a aa rwi waaw M w tfx to a n , a ev7 trm.-m - aaaatj rat W Urn m im Waa. a4 r'ata IW . -m m.M. V a fca aa. kaael dww4 rwt waw W rlaa. m ai it ' ?, . .-a a I - aar j t IS ral whaw ajaaAa f V .'... ' Iw -a W ataaa -kiakia IW rat wW Wr a a-a Oaaaa m'I (aVaaa a hard laaa , aal aW lat o m- a .! a (aaa he aa aaa oal laa ada aw ..are ral aA TVat .. kaa. aata 4Va4 a,fa awaa ar (aial al at aa aV 1 aatvar U - k a. tmm aaaa aaaaana aa ral f -wa aw flaaj U ia aar.a thai aia w e a lat J I ' aw fk at aa t -l at ttt Uaf. .11. fa h a Uat tm .4 aa 4. at tt taty faa a a-, W f af faaf Sfv-aadwd wlwa a Ka Laauaaf tw Ummmi a. I ajt aa M aaat. Iha Bel tarn. BJaJ ha (UU W(aN wW W taaj Uaiaw la aaH Im at, A hua U t aad an ka wah aaaf law wt a-aaW eaarttaaaaj Saaa aaa a. 1 ach avary rwi wojaM ka 1.4a aai. aa we awaaa aaw aaaa a4 laa cat al ktiawaa anWtX wat na Vaat away eteaa T w.la -4 raw aria awa V a aa I aaaa, TV Waaaaa. I aaaaaa 0 aWV 04 Ua IUUV. ISJt ; ,au fU at a-a a4 a tWa.1 4 la a. a i1 laai il n. hut U ka r(aMuae4 aaa tba rat ww.J tw a r liwal tf br diJ a alaUa aa t U la a tat whh wares ia aa a r.U wt A llailaa aa aar aa-1 heU la tkw kl of a cat than tar la. I of a Ua , awarM u.aa r t.4. a cat r-iai W4 taa I brhrVfW It U lata W dn the ral at whra the rtxar U ral a bias tal.'tt thai a fil al irflr! V a a toMt, tUal cat la U- auaat U a 1 a U, turn! i f.m ram4 keep a a at lUa cat w Ura it tw taated CTtam 1 brr Hjmii IU.i.4 11. aJ play fur caia umw taara ( tL iw , la Arab HJI that whett the ata aad u. a a tan ful terUa ll.a prvVlavma at3r , lt, Turk leila ur that Irv rata can Ui-I It i uwa aaiual una U &. Auahrr Tuila aavln la, it la (aal day l.dar, aa the l Bald whea It otuld tt4 ft at lha hrrv 1V KngUahniaa Uimini thai aai wt,l barr aa niaay lltea aa a tax -thai a tat, ia fat. baa nine llvra, H h lx.Jd. thai caia w,.. kill a cat, aitC that May kittcua at.n4i. t drowue.1. lie a ai acvly a)e In Uuako( that tba n jou airxAe a cat a la k lb higher ahe rai a br lalJ'-iu 4he wvd. that flallery (rcvla Vanity. IW let I La cat out Of Ue bag , lul at do olhrra ai4 tU t all arrve that it la In the nature r a ral aiwaya to fail cm IU fn-t. full be !:( lumlug cat lu I-au, aud of laming a I. au-l doga, tie arra f-lk daiM' like a cat m bncka I he hpantard aata, I laa the cat kiUciK-dt wIk-u be a pta nil 4 llghta, Biul he aak. N h liaa t lake thr cat tMit of the water! wh-ii ne4hiii' un ph-aaant haa to l d-Ne. I hat auy-Hr waUhtw aa ai at a iia,ia French a mu U as Kiitfl ah. ne Frem h ala. By, b!k- is m dainty aa a cat , it ia iM-(hliif U whip a rat for ; their aiiiitera hare a ral iu tltrirhroai when the thr.atl la i-4 t ltf . and tl. phraae "tat tnuaic " i" uiiktfian. If one haa a a raU hl far, he has rm plat lug with the catt ; and an lin aatUlity is a litouar'a M-rt lu a c al "r. I hat ir. ie ahould aoiiM'tiiiH-a gi like a cat r t4 o:a ia iiitiiligtble enough Taa Trmaaara. Ii a lWl a 4aa4 S. waa aa aai ca a a. f, rraSa4 aaa Wlw i-a. if waw a the laa. k th a .atf a-r larf a 4 i 14 -y aa I aaa eaaj -4aa !al iwi t-aa -.a4 laa aaa at f ft al ! I laaal a4aa lu t a ... tal a . a. -r al a44 a .t . l.- a aal I a. taatM a I . aai a av 1 .j ) a I ' a t iw f raa Uaaa at a linrt la tb.tr a aal ia Waa w. m aAa hm wi.i alt 4 ai aal (taaaaa ft aa? a kp. Uaa a a. 3 W aaat.a TVat Wt4 w tu'hnl lulu IW i Waat a WKWa k ''!.'. a. !-. r.aaa. .a ..4V4 a4 (lit a l4l 1 1 t lrOf aa 4 aa f r4 t itu. f - la aa.. oa A kaa f taro.a IW avisw iaiV4 a tmmy a t -m bu t fci4 k tWl, I -at aaata it J.' t U a'f !- a fT4 t I . h. fa Ur ! la f aa4 jaW( I 1. ...a .( ta-r a :.ta Ma.a . aa I:.' t thtti fak .a-t 1 im aaa.h f a! War Uw IU ij.ij Ilia tit 1. 1 .a Irai u) ft tt.ua 14 .a i.t i t aa . t r. I. - t t m f wa a - a W f r ; a. " I 0 aa . Utt tW Ua a V. at . . tl.r K'. au Wr .4 llaa ,'taitrr I" It.aWa;- Mat U. t.ax aha! .Wajaa' w a 1 ake. . , j ,:tK . ..inp ronntenance thicker or higher at one end than at a van muj "".7 Tr:. L,t, ,r in the middle than at the two ex- came into the unronicie omcer aw , u - - atreet-dusted. Ira FuTVtrT Sarial 11 I I. ITT 1 1 1 1 LllvO a- - ' - a a a csne ieu me wujf io mo ut;utwii. 4UUieu iwhum " f flj Bnnt unon them, nor so lay the unconscious man, but somehow he dont mink the Comstockers have thought could not find a spot j f th(J rtidn't look as a sick man should, and his much about female suffrage, replied the muca , j;j . mn r K,aktr The ,obi rnn't sav female." trees nave a uruucU DlCiiiLl ilAtl b OtlVllJ DLUVti va uw-t 1 repuitCI. iii.un.ijt ... . , -I J 1 t 1 - . , I - !Ht-V.. nntl" nnt I Mt 8 OUl Ul 1U l)iVui. r'r unwen ior several aaya, air, anu no officer felt of his pulse ana maae up ms tne tall laay snarpiy. j -- dre8sed af ler lhe lately fallen asleep; his daughter, miss nd that it was a game to oeai me couru asked the reporter, m ' cd Julia, doe.' not consider it advisable to He therefore beg: , - the 1 vi tj., win . hanger t 1 comrratmaie you. iu men uu. m Bnuuasuuuiui "v- r .. . , .1 mr nd he mmma "rj. iwuc nuu. oti trrj I . ..- . - H- ia tl mittut in rrpt. humilatlOn gin uae cue " e- . fntvlpss brOOil. . . ir... i.c rrrn.tmnt iior riki vou naveiw Bt tiAi " , nest of shining green with t xo paier o. leaves fluttering in it. Bhehad the usual number of glossy, solid-looking eggs; and ten days later there were five awkward, yellow-tnroateo, gain ing cat-lings. We afterwards saw several nests as we ioiiowea me nrc-, a.t " strips of grape-vine bark, dry roots and oriik fftuu. and most of them in dan- DWH" v O . . . a gerous places, either on the alders which . 1 . itm vminff hung over me water, e 1 . xhonop of neinir arownea. or bo wishes it." "Of course of course by all means tertainly," stammered Upjohn, to whom the immediate prospect of beholding his tttnn waa thoroughly overwhelming. "Be good enough wont you to tell her so? " Soon afterwards a tall young lady (who struck him, the more he looked upon her, aa an nnnaturallT and disagreeably tall woman) attired in a short. and wearing, upon a countenance broad-blown comliness, red and white," about the anoat tboraiuth f rotoa eex-to-ear sort of smile that Upjohn ever 'remem bered having seen, entered the room. "How d'ye do?" said the gigantic vir gin, accompaning her salutation .with a boisterous laugh. You're Mr. Upjohn, of course? Well 1 dont like your looks a bit. : How do you like mine?" "I I think there must be some mis take," he answered in amazement. "I - un derstood Miss Julia Everson was to " "Well, I am Julia Everson." "Imposaiblel'V 'Perhaps you mean I disappoint you," she cried out in a loud, coarse tone. dare say you're a good enough kind of a fel low, but then you're decidedly not the fellow for me. Saw that the instant I clapped eyes on you. I'm the sort of a girl that likes plucky, sporting-men with lots of 'go' in them, and a general air of being 'up to snuff." You're not that sort ot a chap. "Nol" exclaimed Upjohn, with a pale embarrassed countenance "no, Miss Julia, I am not the type of manhood you admire Is is your father in! Can I see him for a few moments!" "Our girl told yon he was asleep, didn't she?" was her indifferent answer. "Be sides, as you've come to stay several days, and have brought your portmanteau, any time will do, I suppose, at which to hold your confab with pa". Upjohn, stiffening visibly in manner, abruptly answered: "Since I cannot see your father it Is Mr. Upjohn herself, provided he .T" r2 "Zt . drinker- and but ."7 iint wM well taken, and looked like the old granomomer. I . ... Wrwrmelilineen as ueaiiv aa wouia nave cueu iu me Up in some aiarm ai me oectc - r?,. Qfnit rnmemlierthat 1 J 4A11na than 1 n Ofl Ol 1 Uf llinSwCa A-rV- V-. a a-w - 1 for this he tl0tu and you have I countenance Wormeldingen as nearly as I can give an. . . ofthelady, who was a head taller man CTn mratelv.isa pret- .a a . AaniK I aa 3 If .1 KI A thraOR niTTl f-MJ 'II IILL1C UVUOVt v 1 ' The wile openea ncr eye m miuuu.u- aimseii ana manuest.ijf "T .Jwhnn box- and that the costumes, ment and the officer continued: in the interest of progress, if so disposed, ty bonbon tiTMi aHih tho undertaker as 1 1 ti,o ,t v-.nntpnnnce softened somewhat taken separately, A IX i4A V V TV va a r a waa waav 1 A Al OH- a ava-a-- 1 at th eci, ait" mt. J ' .. . u.. tKair twirne are charming. These .untenance soi eneu o .h mall dressed entirely at the signs of confessed inferiority, now- peiu,, bt ; - w . . a riTT. ...,nA I tn WO VHI Hllll 1 I m. rv .aw,Aa aaaa - - and the lady conunuea; tne 8tocking9) their 8hoe comes of these old soakers. high shoes waistcoats in filigree their waists, Old Jim Brldcar. One of the most noted characters on the border twenty years ago was oiu -u Bridger, of Fort liridger, m uian. un ouc rvtpo Ginn lift C&I11C tO NcW York. He did not like the narrow down-town streeU with hiuh buildings on each side, ana own case should come on. "bleep, aays me Greek proverb, "is the remedy for every H.aaa l If he sleeps well he will do welL' A friend told me that he treated uimaeti for a fever. He went to bed with a large pitcher of lemonade by hU aloe, tie arana and slept, slept and drank, and slept him self well again. When you lane o j" bed, get all the sleep you can, even though. to quote Dick Bwtveller s saying, you ua to pay double for a douUe bedded room, confessing that you have taken a moat un reasonable amount ol sleep out 01 a aingio hl. You will have a whole store ef re cuperative energy. Even If you cannot sleep, still keep your bed. There is no more pestilent heresy than that you should get up immediately when you awake. If it is the early riser who catches tbe worm, .i.. a a irraal idiot In rising still uic a ,. . earlier in order to be caught. If yxi do A Jair of trisua-ra mi-e lay n a c hair in - a-a t lic-d, having flret throan lua Jac krt tw in i cliair, and hia lnJwrr ,n aivl t, bti hia Btocklnga and aha-a lav in tle inWbtW : of the A'", l'iwg a if thr aitr rra.ljr j for dancing. ' TLry were aalerp, li'iwi-r. r, and a the luirt. but the trxia ta wrre at and complaining bitte rly of llwir hard fa'r. Why." tbry aaid, 're we evtr ma-k into this dreadful ahape We were a Wp- pr when we were irt ! the rrtat fat i cloth, and lay on the counter in the tail- w a abop. Then we apuke often of wW e ahoilid beoane when we ware cut out. We wtahedto le a Jarkwt f'r WJie nte Hltle girl, or a handa-mie ct f a tail man. llut me day the roll of clb aa opr-nM and shaken out. Wr felt n.ld airil jiaaaing through ua. 'fmp, anapl snip, snap !" thia ia all lliat a-iaira taa ay. we know from experience. "Then we were put uuiler the needle .f a aewing-machine arvl tietcr.l cruelly, many time. Yea, thai U painful, I aaaur A n,l . mo lav amy trouat-ra. Bffl were liought ly the nvthrr-f little hranh, who liea alrepmg yomb-r. 'Since then, what a life we hare led: ff.trf i ta a tl. ia(aha la4 i ig a U u a i tl i a 1-j at raw w 1 t I lhe j anj.ii... 4 tta.'f a t-l -f an tnl u -h I. f row r.calt l.trf a l r Uh a ti. lll Ulint j.rt ,a t ' i aal a-t t 4 el t laa ta a I. fUly niif.a:. il- Lata l,aj to l.ntf ta IW l-n'.'vi f hat. ,.)a )) aJ atncl'a! . il.a a' IUi fa itr a'-.Wa ai WaM aa a ta IW . II. f ' I atti- r iiKwa 4 IW I'l m I lu I'atl lUru, il aeica, taaf kaa aa a . Iiall llttuta ttia a a. I f that taa wtufel cipai autlfti'tta . f thai OMitl.t U le.-l f II' t h"l l-rr f a. a t II anraa V I at-p( nurro tita waa f thf rt tiiat.ii A atf at tin.. a't lit llff Utarlrf, llrTf Kf ankanta (f. raterat tat- a ia!taA with t l.a (lulwiil raWatta- lUttlit, by W ..t h lit Tlr laattvl btuawil lu ila!rer I'alet la ea r4 jl. r.hal . v. i.. ...;. fartvtl iftlH aa I Ho tilii.rnl r-n. aa-t, allr a f rimW ra liyaa M-a tailiac dufttt w I.- a th-rf an t "f " ' n'wd U ha a. it, h Walarr.! ratttb-arn t alJrlf iaaaixl liaalea VH he awl t w nh a llu jc iiiatt w.hti taa any rat thai erer w.e wtiaVrta. Ihta a j ulmMirfr f 1hallh Wa.-1 IWaiaawa II ii nboru ertfy buifia taf ra-lrvlaee Mil! ogiireM of tl r.arrw 4 tal ur l.ata in hia d n !! f daj Ura : it .wlUtt-4 at IU I.aU:i w,ll.la r-tf il twenty lwt tvi iua ottaaa a,. (ttarrdatthe lUllthaiia t irali ia r. ..iar Ui thn anral that taa Tw. .' Cotiitril of l'abft. baa lwi .UM-TBl I M.f rrt-r an, e lrf-th-f l 44 Ha i'tt fw aj.a.l l- I t hi', a!, atce-haf V um i liiiM aixifcir iaoiituMf t ' aiou upi thia ki-sty att. Meaawk W. i fa.Urt.irn. if i4 ' a'.iule y falw ." ta. w A rid ot ai ' IrO I' 'wt- " rt "l j will, Hti .! ,itmng a at.ref lltrg ' KranaruUr; e a ikrn loaiw t.4 A rr Aa lea IWK la iair ma k ''. M ' aia4 ,Nw Jrrwy, rar fwartaw-.ai rfe of th l ua M alataiaw t. arreral buadwl tarda U Often rorrretl with miKl tr-toi l"P v - . t 4 .. tern, wet through and tbniuh. ataintai w tm .. f. bemea, learltTed with luk. frr.aen r.tff. ! I'-w-t. t t . ..1. ..Ur In the I m l it WDCU our luaater ui rj ....... . . - . - allk aarra cold ao-iw, an-1 then .r, W by 7r. hung near the Are ury. Ah 5 u . V., f.-. ,Wa La SKI VS lilt. - And now enmea the wirat ol a.i, ! recently we were forced logo through tn I ramble coverel with aharpni'irna. - " " actually tore s piece out of each a nee. a that now we are Imleeci a uinantuoiT We shall never recover from U-ia- TIj. irouwn sirtied derbly a-xl Ufatel at go down. Any sort of a box win ao, or thsir'n hnnl him out oa the com- vi . 1 i vt. j - rr J t . , . n.v.ot I . ' .i ... r human tv. The mons. il b oi no cxjuixucum. I ol women is tuc .ottat; jiuiu.".j -,k ;wd, k,iL-1as their v on will be I r hnmon t pmhrftMS an progress. I a.u - . , , . ""'""7".-'. rsl-sr4- tth a double row tin il A . I- id t iio ruuiniP rii w ii v iiiia w if aw " ujr i." " ..7---- , I :i, choir onats CUt UltO IheiT waists, " 1 .u ...-t livht Ul-fltting dress up.thespout.'' mdifferent to "-ey- P with silver clasps and their gold tM "dmmer .,ii t 1 At uus noun, me uyiuk "' I cnea tne stutui iriwuci . . . rlmgrkAh well. at. a j.w . , , . tvUl Ul . . - , A I I .. ..r . .1 Kia oamn I hllttOnS ai lllC IKI-S, twn. vu.-. j I ... ... r-rr. and tooK a cooi survey oi tne omcci anu from lt. woman is me uu.u . - ----- . .nm.' bv a gracefully- -lgul 0 quietly observed: . . .i Everything she wants she g ana Tie you are no genuemani xo sir, you oae ia a nunarea naf,to uo a iua , 3 : I tht it forma a soit oi are nou l m no Boaser or loiuer, iu x t t-,ipra pty toys.' saiu. uic ia u", ( -o -- .,, . ; . want you to: understand that I'm able to J w-ltn deep gcorn. have as decent a iunerai as you can. i ou hoiir. You cover woman wim suas uu8tuu to - -- children, ele- cantake your old house and go to bangs and 8mk her aoul into insignificance by cir-f'rLuLZ the com- thot ho had once lost his way in uiauitu - . "i)ey Street Canon, "and been rescued with -offionltv bv the police. He liked the and expr .wtf Atm a i He had no clear idea who Shakfri ea wa,but cone t Ted and develop f4-the 'most extravagant adiniration for hURptnrntn? to the fort, he sold stock and supplies to emigrants and other travelers as t timn nut line OAT ft ti muw ww n I KUU BlAlla. -V a DVaaa aaawv PS I I I . a aandn 1 A fail Lilt; I "v a"- . a with it for all of me. Mary hand me, my camscribing her sphere and allowing her gam on me t . pverv. buy some oxen, and J im saia ne couiu u. clothes, and we'U show this vulgarian that no mission in life." "Well," admitted old peop'e, . - ! ' " nttc. any excel we can move out of this old shanty, and into a residence in about forty minutes. In about twenty minutes all their goods were on tbe walk and the house locked up. no mission the small reporter, wp look at it uo here, that's a fact. I men haven' got the nerve to rastie ior thomoAitrMiik-P men." "JHe-r-r-vei one Large cuttla Flan. . a a. a1 lwtnw mrtOt firl CT1 flM.1 1L11U LUM-Vivin- mat s aooui iue wj uc v v:? " f. T rwinv AVo- The uniiorm 01 me uurcu -; - cf it cvw-ift enu&iiv cunouB anu LUUDk V-awAA a a ar . i.ntnfni h mm Liitir uilkh. one a iy - ,.m t iK thebodv. uttered this word in a terrific tone, so ten- youth to me pi ie a the the m a .Mnmmint of the women s auuc lorm ant at t wjiv.. - hereafter produce a r.t Nuirtt the nrnoer but if you don t sleep you can lie anu mw. We don't believe that the man wno geia up ... a than V na TTinn 1 really learn. or ac. " tli0 h thry who .ea i- beo .7 w 1 tbe wor d mere . " "7,- ' u wake br-r get tn tne way oi m"t-""7 . 7. tot re with a time of wakine. when In point of w, fi. tht the small reporter half rose from his bent by years, oow lie mat tne smau reporter uaii uuut ul - -j j -- , roatintr nlace. chair Nerve! What is there requiring earth soon to be its last resting place, chair, nervei " " c w . 0H ,ntrpment of the women s ai u.j Wt. Vrm th. to the 1 meant 1 are uuvaimurc- . "Am I tomb all the stout peasants have barearms, LrUlY OV4UV- vv( , orvr T.nt one voke. which he bad made k;s Ttnri trt k-n at all haZitrds. In the morning a messenger came to say that the man wanted this yoke, and none other. "He can't have 'em," said Jim. "There s no use talk in', , . . . "WelL he wants them, and is just a-waitin' for them," said the messenger. "He's a-settin' there, readin a book called Shakespeare. . "Eh ?" yelled Jim jumping up to his leev. "Did you say Shakespeare? Here, you, give me my boots." He ran to the corral. . , t.j. " .o.a v. iet snve me thai Knnlr a rf takl. thm OXen. "Oh, no," said the man. "I only bought the book to read on the way. I will give not sleep by lying in bed, you get reat You secure the fallow grouna wiuva ... ir reply. Then the trouaera were offended, and re mained allent f 4 the rewt of the nt-uw thoxigbt a gre d-al- ruornlng when the mother caiue Utile boy, site saw Uiem ijt" rreat bole In each turw. .. ..: - .J ,rk " ala Bald. fart, you have given up tte.pectat of - p getting any more sleep As lor Dng lhe lfcbU .bile I mend y ur called," as tbe saying got, mat Wlll k,. how It far!, a relic of the bartmnsm , of our wilbK1t any, aod learn to Uk brtt.r We Bhould quarrel with any man who . 3t would preeum. "to cail" ua. One of the "f.V BjtluM. .her w.-ra main beauties of an ocoaJ ' w,n leJ-wl thf bad a ptcb of U that you get aa extra sujca a, . i i .v, i hh on eah knee, and t'oat which goes to the creditslde of tne .tary ZnVr t anvt-iy. account. I .n hl. t, -,ii" aev said. "It ah-wa what one waa In one. youth." Aw off . . a I r7t Iowa. La literally "7 w 1 UC Ml M w o , - dnnmed citv. itoateo: on me otti timnta.n. 1 1 a lL- r -l' - tUi-ve, the auo aH'',!r I-1'1 in It Thel-am. of th f -r.rnal with lor. aod 1 ha lnuarwtaa aa.1 cr-V arc filtwl ub It It ka a aaiaral ate h-aww h llt-lrt-U "f to. B.l4hl tw laa a a cail Will, i-it apriB,'ly draatuJ tha wW- lh of It baa no d.U lata lara ' " teaa. tba U.aa. i-ralaa.. lital.ka. aa.J t lug aiUl to ear b year. Th 11 whMh rrrtwUrail ! the alia4iW i. maiketl SI tlertewa at lha thiar'g l,Ai r ,m" pr-v" um an lenrth c tline. A few fawt lra "- ctf lha r. s Bt-neit " ba B4 dU rvtiiA atawkhlK waler bttW.ua up. . in thia i-rinl ataaJa U oewr haiuual Tie an I owaa the faf- al.ich Ihia ualitfal cufKwt waa I iw rMieraata4i w Ub th r, ". W "T yea, I aaw tt U raiawe fataaraaw.. aA we d.M.1 thisk very taurh awt A lf f. when wa wan U. Tbe at(uUe al arouixl gr over there 1 Ibwir w." lat'l awaa - la r laAtan of TW On Vnsm)wr 9. Ift78 a flaherman was out in a boat with two other men near nerve that you do that I am incapably of? Leith Bay Copper Mine, Notre Dame Bay, No offence, madam, no onence. when they observed some bulky object not nothing personal, i assure jruu. -nf,naA Cv . verv tight bodice, far from shore, which they approached, not stronger than your she aemanaect, . folds, a hand- thinking it might be part of.a wreck. To scorning me apology. Am i not P" "T" vf . hrooch. The their horror they found themselves close with as agreat abrain? Why do you de- "rcmu to a large fish having big glassy eyes. It spise my sex! We can Dear m)re pain, a veil rather than a cap. was making desperate efforts to escape, and are, therefore, your superiors in cour- , . . on(TS HftW on the and was churning the water into foam by age." The small reporter was gannS u- r- the motion of its immense arms and tans, edly at a aara corner oi tac ruumautt npok u a corai necklace; Finding it partially disabled, they plucked no answer. "JNerve, maeeoi commucu hM .h(Jlllldin & word, j .i. .t. t.i. onnoi i n,. tail l.ttr whw women have innmieiv nnK ouu : . . iW Only yesterday I these women wear ap-tusi o .v. Kn tr. ti.A mnnpl AW i. womAn " -ThaiT8 the biiztresi rat 1 omamenvs. UA LUC BiOUi lUlAi OfcWiVUW r- wv ft- f" I a- . a . - A i a.J t HAw awa the riflAA " wTOlfi t T1A BfTlfl. I TP- andtiedto atreetnensnwaaprevti , CyCI . r " " u .i m and delicate. The sienuer- -. " ' , cua: e-erv going out with the tide ; its struggles were porter, staring imenwy a me uara ""T " ,s flsnlre8 is rendered monin, ana lisienea to - - -terrific, as. in a dying agony, it flung its The screams that rent the air breught in ness of the womeBS s netticoat, evening. AH went well, unld one night, . . i..t, , w.m. t. tit ihi. nrlntiini Mtd several citizens from more striking try an enormous y aa tho mutor dune to a Drooosed muruer oi great arms awouu IZu'J, w l th. tall three vards wide, which is heia out uj - - ' iim .nrmng from hantden and as me water receeuett i w sunk .. . , - - . hcii hi nour. ute wincw iu mo . pired. 1 body from the beak of me one was standing on a chair, with one hMid monst yeUed in pireu. xto uwj " .... .... v. ii.. thaa ffOTondaiwo. fmm the waiFt up.retwesentmg tne "-u''-l . , iw t Jet wait mouth to the extremity oi me tau, ui-iuu..Us u.v - .imSIm. theclaosier. WHeii tnunaewraa, iiw , . .ul nred twenty feet, and one ol the tentacles, ly ciutcmng at ner saixw as aue satucrcu uu tx. v.. - - ;:tid and till I git my nne, ana i u . . . . m.!. I 1 .1 a.aiM haa T A avmwill fTVwtA I Bonn TPTWT1 & UUO waaaa- i - W al . m J a -f Aa.. a. aalSaa. . rnr muaciimwi nT wiboit i w ik mi i v aiii.n v r- i ii liic .i rw 4 a iu iiit t.h Iftl-ITMIT. HOflllltUA TC mwusv wa . " j O " . " " I .w . - o -a- . i a . a.y i i 1-4 i r:u i aawm t arm nm h. me iulucu r . Architeuthit princep. rroi. r emu out ana ne teiegrapueu trout uut ai a- -rni, nn auares ed, a sincerer compumem ".J .a afi now known on that he Was going down to Carson to work the mutilated buildings, the torn up narca i . . bjcbuuib8"-i-:. " tt r Intonitu find hOlea 4U -JOtu: 1 WIUVa j - ... . a t. aaa awaaaa.-f ttallg the Missouri river, tne nana " s-" being eaten away, and tne grouou uo a utc ,v, wirt house stood a year ago is nw tovered by many feet of fast flowing water Taw IW 44 14 MaBat. it to you." . . . ...... "Stranger," said Jim, resolutely, J . 3 ' i m that you take-mem oxen, anu - book." And the man aia. Jim hirtnl a reader at fifty dollars per A lad II vine In Havana brought V wa from the attic recently an old rusty muaket "iSgWjT .Uru. that Lad proliably been Uid .w.y there a The cutting away . . rul furg'itten. Ua f'md s tToS ap ona tJrty feet w In puw "cap that fitted IU tube and oT" Tn" abohara dT buiMirgi aching. 'be"pointed the gun an, moved back some thirty feet, aod me her, crying out: "I'm going to ah. jwu. : rXlaS oTwhich meyhad atood But the child frightened ran off unmj ji- ... i . ,4 i. n..K.ik hiifitrvl uo me larnt'T . waa all gone, tne tatiaeoa u " j - - . moree-lnd logs to the bank in the hope and leveling the weapon d m. . "r. Tl?- h floral but the the aame words that be Lad edtlreaard to attempu have laiwu. msi wuuwuutj., . , . . it waa -c. ik. town of Covington has not move away Irom hia trac4Au an luea ua - . . . wtrW and hia laat wa. "7 suffered in tne P ve J "- 'TTT "."T... " it. h. ao i hwalraif '1 He Ut go tbe gun. the ferry house ana me pnn K"1' , .. l ! and he found bim- j Tvn waara affa uicrw were I tne nui let tu a- . . j aelf a rod or two sway from where ne naa be Instanced. Two year, ago mere wrrx : me gun .c4 660 feet of grouna, oetweew j--- T0" " '7 ' weund having flow, up rier b&nX 1 now you can auaw a ueen ataututtft. a- . M.l.4 . .L.u.t in tntn the river I a no hit him on the bar A. nueaatj- stone out oi me " r.T,, .v waa found to be n-ciy and the . -..t rJ t) and buildings are now oeing put . . lumactt uF a - har "r"i orwna- or -gl evaaia,- to the htwuwa, us '' ' Ug. old girl" baa f hm uw " If their are arvewy la tLw roistatnr. it ! aA f,a- you to ahakt hand, all arwad. iJ, nA he U baate b r " ! Def wilkiut waiting t m a Urdf r (iivebiuial k-w brty S-i.u4a Tu Dtay Urelo rrt iw" r 7" traal I aroun-l 41 feal W- "r button yourar f. PKtlieiy ak brv a, ami the f her Xoea. Iti. will put you U a away om Vcraatbaaal pian. 1. s irty, a on 4 re4 ttrre a apt M aaawer a a ."ken .,wU--. Aal U the bank it rr.ju.rra a graat deal prompt of it tb.uk any -bo at table. I wan aad hungry, aa thuu- uu wanted U . , Tolitt bat k la your chair aad drum kd.y . hea.1 with four fort k aiwdVma.! J vraw " w CI a-ltty. allow anew for removal. Tm paptl .r tbt .Jt tl U Uibtd. tUMT mmltu. h.n exlats now between awat I .ti.rine dwarf e do CU before a sleepy giant. pockets are always ripe enough le pick. the northeastern coast of America. I up a big item.

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