Qoll m . k. -w. a r faa a tar i. rv a r avw a t m a m t a m m u mm fX V V ' V ' w VyT x FAMiLT PAFra, de-toted to iiLmca. AamcruTBj; MXVTACttn ouuut amd Mtscaa-uut irni fexxm.m VOL. XXVI. STATI-SVILM-L N. l. SATURDAY. AI'KIK 7. ISK5. . NO. s. -a .. i 1 v-ti.nr" r1: " fr,,'1M",f- Kf. ft a W.rB U7 Ir-Stt. ,r.-- at rft- tUi . j Wa t ' ' ' e ,. i-a-. & Hi"":'"' ;-B Mrt,"'"' ' iu.Mru. V Nt ifc- ln kr r.,n-r :!n; j ( af.i-f, - ,u t!e fuil-off'! '.. j Hw-arrfat I li.t a'aull r.f Aft tta Mi f farts lif .ow, . -mil, ruy, ti.'i-i'ila.n. joral'i. K'ti-tif 1 m tli ltrtni jW, infill nu a tniUiN. TLe draw !ng-room at the Kenta was n large lt'ilt, ! ffy upartnieiit, will furaialied, to the unuaJ iw-iUiiOO of that f rm. -lvi l -8rjM in m to iinJrT foot, c-hc rluili ciiftxi tiiiiiuml with nutique liu-, tlr!"'"! tin baj-vnucjow. plunti -oril rhaii" were invj'uig! i'i'IxwI .trouuJ. Ali'l tlie Vlvf t jiftf 'i' ir' Mfiiti u must lx) tutulv of the y ttr nhiit a htnigKln Hurt- hud leen to obtain it. Never tii 1 victor in a mighty Lattle Mgh morn oouU-iiUvliy over lui aucooi lhan the onlr datightor of the hoaao of Kent, "Pohliugtloora are out of data m- pi," ahe had avowtsl iuiplonugly, inie- noay. iNO OUO ItHn tllMUl UOW. lilOY UTtt viilgar, iitartiitio. Weniuat have a porfitrr, cnuiaou )Iosli, to match thu fariiiturc. 'It will look ho graceful, you know, tiling from the e!ouy xle aud gold iags. "Well. 1 must have u. inpa: so re'a uo tue talking!" when Mms Kent put ilowu her witb that euergetir- fttaoip there use taia ng, aud her easily uiti- geueralJy, with quiet 1 his chcqae-Dook. d looked at it approv 1 . ;.AaA offtfrk e of the bij plush wilt; soft, light wtapper, . ;ttle v' nothing so much e of contradiction, Of-ing for her dim- Kent. Hfr adu irers ended her a beautyilvatU! fneudd a joliy- little thing; casual ao .inaintanees, stern old maids, and jeal ous girl companions, pronounced her a t.o!i8h, dress-loviujr coquette, Dress-lovina? Who would ee a womau without the thousand bewitching vanities of the toi let, nnd a desire to look her prettiest? And too mauy admirers will give a pirl the title of coquette, of ton without the sanction of her own "conduct. She snugged around a little more contentedly ia her chair, as the door opened and her cousin came into the room. She was a tall, rather good looking j;irl, witii a pair of nandsome brown eyes. She held a broom in ber hand, and had a " martyred expression on ber lace. She carried a certain high tragedy air . . .. . j .i. -i . 1 , rr 1 UDd A 3 e1 ...A.Anli! 'into tne commouesfc uomim ui nuiuii iife, and dusted a room or cooked a custard witb ttie half disdainful haugh tiness of a dethroned queen, Iiovely! "Isn't it Francos Eva?" The demure little Philistine, who usually succeeded ia spreading for her self a bed ot uacrumpled rose-leaves, nodded toward the plus a curtains. Tae other contemptuously ignored the r. mirfe. "With whom were you last evenins t :,.Ja-fc -i nnlf?" in a frentle in;rrxT tone. V, jTOi ii. mm n j "I went to the Queen's with Fred Halleck." . She uncoiled deliberately, and rose to view nereelf in the mirror. - VA small face, with a row of curl-pa- -." . nors arrw rha ao.l a rair rt wviia mw mm i vow uv ivmmivwu mm uuv chievoua, h-xel eyes, a straight pretty, impertinent nose, and hps that could charm with the most enchanting of smiles, flickers of modern, shallow wit, and occasionally saucily spoken slang. "CaliiJora, are you going to marry Fred Halleck?" . "Marry? That depends. "His grandmother fabulonsly weal thy, barbarously eccentric is dyin g. "It she dies loving him financially, yes; if ignoring bin financially, no. "There lias tha case in a nutshel.." "If so unfortunate, who will succeed Lien in your favor?" Why, that '8 bo, Frances Eva-I for get to tell you, about him the gentle man I met at Mrs. Slassbrook's dance." She turned from the mirror with a sudden flicker of ambition. "He is so handsome, Frances. Eva, I danced with him three times. "He asked permission to call, and his name is Silbert Richar dson. Oh, I had almost .forgot ton to men tion he ia as poor as the proverbial church mouse. " . ' . A week passed, during which Miss Callidora Kent, taking advantage of Mr. Halleck'a absence by his grand- mother's deathbed, laughed and flirted, j atwJ w :.t V the ora ith Laiiion hi'frt iiiuariioa. One uo:.i'i2 he m rsBoatrl, and 1iovd inti tl frrn'jt r5or, where a brvLt-ej"! httle airen, io th nnl art fnl of motuina outaa" isdu- toulv feeding t-r oldfiih. He wa dM at all dia lent or bashful. thw hwiiUcme lV Ueoin to whom pret- tr Mim Kent Lad kt hrr Lirt. he cam; to the oiut immeIiate4y. "Callidora. " h aaid, "will you ttar- f v lae?" The m l ra g; the door and lh-re ww the tjin&, of fjoUU m the LaIL .I am very aorry," h aaid, ii a choking row and iuleod he was "I a hi aorry, but I can't." "Why not?" "Don't ak me," imploringly. Hut I wtll. Are yoa going to marry Halleek?" "I ("ilppo? BO." ' And yet you l v me?" "YeM," with a big &ob. Then you hve .eu the morning paper' ' "Ye." "And know that Fred llaileck is heir to all hi graudmotLer'n iaoue" he oontinuetl. Hhe nMldl. 'it that why you ure giug Uj mar ry him?'' "Yew, that i why," emphatically and angrily. "Thank for yuur candor," iu eoldest, lohtet tout. And like a slenuer, black coated ice berg, exit Mr. Kichardaon. "l'Ieae, Dinm," shrilly inqairel Jem ima, the maid-of all-work, popping a grioning faJe iuni le tlie door, "did you see Mr. Halleck?" "Mr. Halleck? "So. "Did he 011?" "YeH, mum." "When?" "Hon t the same time aa Mr. Ilich ardaou. "He went into the back parlor, sayiu' he'd wait until you was disengaged. "He's gone now, muni." "Gone! ' Yes. mnm. " She flung the Jiidiiu8 curtaiu aside, was just a line scrawled on u orn from a memorandum book, andVngon the tab'e. It Fred's big slapdash hand and reat 'as follows I r The plush Krtere is something ueVT, is it not? It s very oo iveniant. - "Halleck-" JVlis Kent sank down, stormiiy sob ting out remorseful words, and bitter iJeneficiaT tears- "It was-U that horrid plnsh . por-tiX-el X "lie could nTer have heard through the dear old folding-doors. "Oh, my goodness! "It has sent awi .the man I love, and the man wfio lotsp me. lift "Oh, how I bale. "Papa!" imperiously commanded Miss Callidora Kent, threo hours later, standing tear-worn and sorrowful eved, in her father's office, "send men im mediately -to put up the folding doors!" "But, my dear- " "It's no use talking, papa I mupt have them! 'Yes, I know the plush jtortierts "But I neyer want to Bee it again, "I hato it there! "Folding4!oors, papa vulgar, mas sive, hea-v, and three feet thick!" V .- Hint 4 For Roy. Avoid that which you see amiss in others. Follow the examples only of the good. Keep your ears open to all that ia worth hearing, and closed to all that is not. . ;'V.,: An older person's experience ia of no valrfe te you unless you profit by it. You are not building on the future, but on the past and present. Evil communications corrupt good manners. Nobody wants to deal with a double minded boy. ' Be industrious ; the world wants boys who are not afraid of haVd, steady work. "The empty vessel feakes the great est sound." Some boys inherit good fortunes, but no boy ever inherited a scholarship, a good character or a useful life. If you would be capable, cultivate your mind ; if you would be loved, your heart. Never excuse a wrong action by say ing some one else does the same thing ; thi is uo excuse at all. A iiew test for goid leat was accident ally discovered at the Farred Venetian Art Glass Manufacturing Company 's works in BrooKlyn. Bv the Farrell process the leaf is placed on the incandescent glass, which is then blown. Tne expansion splits the leaf into beautiful and fantastic forms, and the object is thea flred, covering the glass with the vitreous material. In using a guaranteed .99f qiahty of old leaf, the workmen found thai the expansion separa ted the gold from the copper alioy.and the object was ornamented with gold and a handsama ween tho tv.j i due to the oxidltion oTthrpper 1 1 ""1 TL rty aix -ar a there Uved to that pl-fct httle town down Lh river called Sorel very tilUe it a Ui-a a youth attel a mAid-c. Tbe bMam t4 the youth waa George Ueaapr, the name of the maidtu Muy Atxi Prce. Tliry tloiiged U familiea of tarjdrrate cixcumUC a. He with the atrrbfUt and Jerotion of Lmtmt young QAnJUoud, lovwl thla yooug maiJi, u4 wooel her with that e&rntnMi which only auch a lover can. He m given ev ery enoiKiragement; mm, oiue aay, actually aooepU d ; wa eoogrmtuia i ng hiclf; at JcaAt, ou the amouth coursing of true love, when suddenly a rival appeared, and everything for him turned bmck. The rival wa one Jacob Savage, of the same town. Pretty soon ahe aud Savage were marrie( aud settled down in the place, and then young Beaure'a hope died out. He tried to work ou aa before, bnt could not. He closed up hii aff.ura, and started to the far Weet, toward which so many adventurous spirits were aUut that time phapiog their oourae. From that day to within a few weeks ago he had not hat foot in this part of Canada. He had worked hard, saved carefully, prospered and laid up prop erty worth at least 8200,000. He had never marrieL He was getting up to ward sixty years of age. Several weeks ago he took an idea to come back onoe more to seo his friends, aud he started Kiat. He searched out relatives in Sorci and Montreal but found few that he remembered. He inquired for the woman, who, as a girl, had so many years before thrown him overloard for a rival. They told him that she Was widowed; her husband had been dead many years; fhe had been living Heve- ral years in Montreal. Ho went to call upon her; met her, and then He found her getting old, in poor circumstance, ! with several children, but that made no difference; he saw only the girl of thirty-six years before. Oa Sat urday they were married by his Lordship Bishop Fabre, the wealthy bridegroom j being content with no other dignitary than the highest in that pirt of the country. He has bestowed all tne happiness .that wealth and ai,'jction can npon his bride aud her children, and in I in the Black Hills. 1 'r aod Dumb. A woman who got aboard the E tstern Ixaund train on the Detroit, Lansing A Northern at Howell, Michigan the other day was accompanied by a big dog, and after the train had moved out a passen ger walked bace to the htove and asked of ihree or four ycuug men sitting around thore: "Can any of you talk to a deaf and dumb person by signs?" I can, though I'm out of practice,' replied one. "Very well. I wish you'd go and ask that woman oyer there if she expects friends to meet her in Detroit' The young man walked up to her, tapped her on the shoulder to attract attention, and began a series of gyra tions with his his fingers which attract ed the eyes of every passenger in the oar. The woman's eyes opened and hex jaw fell with astonishment, but after a minute or two she colored up as red as a leet and called out: "les, I've got my dog under the seat, and if you mean that you'll tell the conductor on me I mean that I'll hire someone to pitch you into a snow drift if I have to mortgage my farm!" The deaf and dumb language chopped eff right there. A Home-Made Barometer. Take a common glass pickle bottle, wide mouthed; fill it within three inches of the top with water, then take a com mon Florence oil-flash, removing the straw covering and cleansing tha flsk as far it will go. into tha bottle, and the barometer is complete. Iu fine weather the water will rise in the neck of the flask, even higher than the necK of the pickle bottle, and in wet, windy weather it will fall to within an inch of the flask. Before a heavy gale of wind the water has been seen to leave the flask altogether at least eight hours be. fore the gale came to its height An able bodied man can make one of those barometers in a day if his stock of bottles hold out. If that fails a fair ready made article can be purchased for seventy five cents. Tb Wouder of Water. The quantity of water used in Caicao last year was 24 150, 000, 004 gallons. Taikinz of tnis Coiamiaaiouer Cresier said the water would lorm a cu of 1..47S f.et; a river 200 feet wide, 15 feet deep, and 204 miles long; form a canal 20 feet wide ana 10 feet deep from New York to San Franciscoi. 3,038 miles; cover the entire city (34 square miles) to a depth of taree and one half feet; but the quantity would equal only about one fourteenth of an inch oj the depth of surface of Lake Michigan 20,000 square miles. The weight of the water equaled 100,403,000 tons. The distance traveled by the fly-wheels of the pumping engines, representing 333,182 mile, would girdle ine earth nearly 14 times. The water would fill 7.000,000 miies of 4-mch pipe. 6,500 miles of a foot tunned, and 16,000 miles of 7 foot tunnel. And yet Chicago is not a temper ance city. I . ',,,, ;, L .. j .... : . ..... , . , ''.,-'( ! ' ft n i a Tt tUt.l of U Lrwt". 114: tjfe: the loarawv Vj bf si-st-iaijcw miltrr, ia tvdiei4 by t fea&Uer of vLwti tb asaxkH Uinut th-ojjwlv es everywhere ..spot., hrr ;ia Uu. Each ot; ehufiis;- iwf!rtrw over ail othr. attd rotai ruIU tv-fts mrvki, with tae exirtditare of Um time mud atrength, thaa anything ever before offrtvl fof aaie. It would be tnterestinx to kin the siaoual drawn annnaily fr-tn lL Htrr . tiiuch eta -,ring wotuajikiad. by thu oue chw of tcrUcitw; it roald uo ful to rrmrh m pretty larg. figure. If the prpr tin tvmllj do -rf rcu Ut they prosa. If they clewu the i!vr j lurkr or bet ter tli a n the u btut-ai commonly urd and if they buttow a " lnllijuut and prT msoeut olih, mM mny f them prcfoM U do, tLe nioiiey rieut on them i not all wan tel. for hat la Utter wrth paying for than tht which rrally saves time and labor? The two fenaaxieutiy valuable poM.-iouj t'f mmi, and the tmaia of all wetdth aud velfare. 1-t a consider for a moment the work which a cd silver polish L to do. If sil ver is only soiled by orilhary ue, it u Wt cleaned by c.-vreful whing and wiping, with brink runtilng with a piece of chamots hkin. A tew drops of ammonia addet to the wiU-r in which it is watdied, will aid in the prooeiw. Sd- ver doen not uvtsl mbbicg with iowder as often as ut comiaoulr thought. If time, or exposure to huh treatment and to foul gaMes lias kft a tamnh which f aib to j-ield to this care, it is because a thin tilm of some chemical compound of silver has been formed on tae surface. (The dark stain of the sul phide is well known.) Ia Tomer to re sUre the trightness usnch a dLuxtlored surface, it is neeeensary to remove the objectionable film, and since we knew of no safe solvent for the dark Halts of sil ver, which will not as well dissolve the metal, we rcunt report to friction. For this, the sn'iHtanoe lined must Ims en tirely free from any gritty or sharp par. tides, for the soft siJver w easily de factni beyond renietly. A gfxxl siiver jNilish has then io fulfil three conditions. First, it must be cleao, free from any grease, and it may ontrt'M irM"ui alr'iol, to li away any greasy lilni l.'ft in careh1"4' wttshing. Secondly, it must notu111 any chemical which can bar" the met al. Thirdly, it must ooniu a very fine powder, free from aj grit or sharp grains, which will nevertheless be hard enough to remove by gen tie friction, the stained surface. Three substances fulfil these conditions rouge, whiting (the purified form, sold as preci pita toil chalk,) and infusorial silica, often sold as electro-silicon. Of these, whiting is, perhaps justly, the favorite; and if the practice of one good house-keeper u followed, namely, to stir it up with wa ter and carefully float off the fine por tion and collect it on a cloth, leaving the coarse grains behind, it is probably as good as any powder need be. Of one thing the housekeeper may be sure, that in nine cases out of ten, whiting, more or less pure, or chalk, will form the basis or her fifty-cent box or bottle of Bilver polish. A little or ganic coloring matter is often added when rouge is not, and the liquid pol ishes contain alcohol or ammonia. No alchemy has yet obviatad the need of care and knowledge on the part of the housekeeper, and she must teach gentle handling of electro-plate, musk not al low the direful clatter of the knives and forks and spoons, so often heard, if she wishes to keep the surface smooth. She mupt also look well to the material in which silver is wrapped when it is laid away, Tissue paper is best, and Canton flannel is ntxt; woolen flannel should not be used either to wrap sil ver in or rub it with, Eiaca sulphur is used in tha manufactura or dressing of flannel, ane sulphur in til its forms is a tIdswhieir'irS"wJli toTteer-v from ooi tact with silver. Ba-tasJnB- to Jxjaeese. Two or three years ago a Jersey City pension lawyer took the case of a widow who wanted about 2,000 back pay, and the papers went to Washington, to be hidden away among the cobwebs until some clerk had nothing else to do Lut examine them. After three months had passed, a young farmer called to ask about the case, and regularly every ninety days; since that time, he dropped in with his: "Well, any good news for the Widder Jennings?'' At his last visit the other day, the lawyer replied alter the same stereotyped fashion, and added: "Do you live near the widow?" "Only one farm between us." "And she has told you to waich for the money?" "Well, not exactly that, but I've kinder taken it upon mvself to do so. If the Wilder Jennings gets that $2,000 before the 1st of April, my Heart is going to yearn to marry ber. li she don't git it, I'm going to marry an old maid, with twentv-one acres of land and a yoke of oxen. I wouldn't have come in to-day, but the widder she's a winking and the old maid is loo Jong party as a bed of onions, and things is beginning to squeeze oh me." M"rt ' 21 Cb.W! trai-T Mt : 1 aa jUiC miUvt Mao. Sa lUrsj-4i f f f grml t ii4rs ar. Tuts W to s,i-' 1 W Lv kt U. !i,-t ijrtUi4 j bpeio mint was (Lrd u part 1U j w jttM. 1JU Uh ratal lt,m j rworcit . sale. ltrtr ula f.lars . 4 ; diad, irei a-u arU, f ty-t lirrti, eiUt- t--a, Cflf-ail rajaoJiaLu fc4jrt of t(tt. aa4 afWa picons w mu U a;rt. .Noar1 every OU t4 lU lmrmm im S ttUf j of the ; t5t disUiipn&d tsu' : ta LL world. Vi'-rn MargwnUi, U laaJy, T - a l a prarU ail I rtillafiU, rrpr eut garland of Mire witn a ltu tut a ceutre pjv," Lj1 Lx JJ brvthtir -in la, lit I u i - U A o U. offered the lravi-t in "or m ii ra richa. with a aapphire and a brUhanU TLe three fine brvjueh In the furci 4 a wiugikl dragon "are the tnl-uts .f a itaaaian prince-," aM an tlnjtluh rmce, who will one dav l-e an Huiluh kiur, gave tha "flue Indian braArlrt In euaaioled artll. repreM tiUng a at rprLt with two Lead. tMiru;-hel with n o dlamoiitbi aud rubwa,' a eli aa an other trine of au "In lian bn lean." dotUd all over ith fi-im'i notUinrs in emerald, rubiea, and -riji. I h pretty oomb in fiaely wrrmgnt f4l. representing an "alh-r Tic" troi',iy .f mnlj ujJ tragelr," with ," -t-t Hu tu , Miu Sara' own device l"natn, was Lmile de (jirar.Un s Laiiiliur acknowledgement of a life like portrait bust from her Laud, Kataiau ladus gave the "collar in bnllianb', rubu. emeralds, and other clored stouea;" Canalin ladion the "flue cellar of in anl twenty chaton in brilliant," a I aly of Vienna the "iK'alut formtof a great black iHjarl," while 'admiring Americans stand in the artiU" faithful memory for the m-vea very lare soli, tairs rnidpeude.1 to the "collar of origi nal form," which in other prta of it structure is a fine oonfaaiou of brilliants ami rose diamonds. Five young Eng lish ladies contended, or rather com bined, tor the honor of offering another bracelet, and Prince Domiduff gave the apphire and brilliants act iu the same form. The house in the Avenue, de Villlers, with iu brouzos, atatuary. with the artistic spoils of half a lifetime of taste and opulenoe-r-is a till It-it. KIT riabiag;. For dashing sport and constant excitement there is no kind of northern lnck-fishing so entrancing as is sea trout angling with artificial fly. "Ha! he had it then," we murmur, as the ahapely silvery creature leaps wildly at our gaudy lure, and the unkind barb is driven well home into Its palata; and while the boat rocks on the dashing waves and Donald vainly endeavors to get her head to the wind, whirr! whirr! away goes the swift sea trout toward the cpn sea. Yon hold on, and set your teeth in the face of the wind. while up into the air leaps the fiah once and again, and then runs off at a tan gent and springs up onoe more, to fall like a ball of silver on the creat of a big wave, if our heart is in your mouth for moment, but all is right and the line is soon seen cutting the dark water to one side of the boat "Now, Donald, the net!" Whirr! away once more darts the trout, once more springs up 30 yards away from the boat into the sunshine, shows its gallant form for a moment; then there comes a slack line, and you know your fate. "Aweel, Sir," says Donald, "snufiiug" the while, 1 jist thocht that was ower muckle a troot to be ta'en. She's like enough the witch troot that Sandy 31acFarlane saw leaping like a flying-fish i' the moonlight roond and roond his boat. Sandy had been, ye ken, to Craigtl lachy to meet the men, ana Ladna bu twa dram? when," etc This story is us good as any other, at all events to solace yon for the disappointment; so you suffer the oil man to teii the tale of the "witch troot, and then he too has a dram like cis hero Sandy, after which it will not be his fault if you are un successful. Nothing is so snobbish and detestable as to spoil a boatman by overpaying and giving him too much whisky, but a true sportsman and gen tleman is alwaya considerate to his gilly, and when the boatman is old, and a specimen of nature's gentlemen like our gillv Donald, a httle extra kind- nes, and indulging him in a "crack, i with you now and then between the ' 'drifts," gives him as much pie as are as it will give you profit. Sueh a man looks forward to anmmer, whn "the gentlemen will be coming," quite as much a the latter long for their north ern holiday. rhe proposed enlargement of the Suez Canal now occupies the attenu 01 r.ax li&h fpeculators, and there ara many jare schemes proposed upon tLe calculation that tne interests of Bnusi enterprise wiil in the end be 1 rotaoted. The general width of the waterway is a little over three hundred feet, and one susetko is that another hundred feet should be aidL But against this it Is reasoned that the heaps of sand formerly taken out would hate to be removed, aud rt U a debatable question whether it woudJ not be a less expensive design to dig, aaotner and inde pendent ditch. It i pointed out that the present canal would greatly facilitate the latrcducuon of another, redudti the out lay in a number of wsyi. it it J- Uu Sm fH.a. - i ; -a u aa4 to a a. . a I a ri J .' at. m- mx tiu & j. M ta4 t4 IW Km r. a! 11 Ujt : 4. lmw mWKam mj m- Mmlmt Wa ; fv4 u.a ...v t4 4... t. if lMfc 1 ' a';. .. I wS s U,'.a. ia i f j jMi(tn i r J Ihm KmX a ta Mm , k I u ( 4 sm. i txnm tm-mm Wt -Timrri MMifi l -i r al. t a$a w fc rm at ', mk a U . rni t. W . tk , sal irf g t.. tel. ef s fq-Mt l-f 1 mi I A. al , arts uil" b U im L-a 1 . tka Ui L t , a t v U.t t ' ai4 t-b in t- a. t SUu t kuK y m f ai rl I2.ai ) u a w I . I a a U l l-t tmt 1 1 . a , a , i n M u ) tua'.c u' ; 1 In ' iZ. m au 1 , w 1 ii 1 ai-i j IM-.a Ua ( t - a ; u t icuc itt.j. ta; 1 l- i a w - i. i, 1 'r.d im t: f "4. s . ! j -if at aiid wa U vatf :-.,. mmi lr mtttt .i mx ir-i--t Up .!c l. 'fir : ."vt ti it ja, -1 ) n L , .i it. j tmm( ft J mrx J t, ftifc . ttft I . c. i S . . . i ji.tit. oi-l ra Ui f f m .; 1 1 -u Uit !t a li.i,i r ft. a: 1 j r t ) ) ) 'iT ir a Ut ni iU-mH t r jjm'i. j -rii at ar , . ur t . ) i a ft tt.n cal t.. H.' ftf. i liit. . tr ! t-t ft-ftf t a 1 . ; il i . .f wb1, of ;ra: Uir l.-tna '. !t- t'r. lii-k-iul la .11 t. .a M !,. rj a (7 ti l a fr U -Ufi ' I .:i 1, ail u at tt teVrspti ibatro-riitrnl a fki it , tn wirftd r;l on !.i f M'ta a In ll O'lia'.aMl t iit ft ', U.i mttuiful, aad w -.'aiiil r.:tc a u n t.;ar u . ,- . a lift', ia fKL-ti Vi r ine aire Kt i Ki,i) .c a tl; ..t mi !.i-ti.u ttw litmlt'i'lf u. Sftjft, an I 'in t t !n(i to think Ihc ! ot Hi- k , u i, vi r l2ie a ir-a an-1 ia at tl it, uiwt.fr tra.ri, ttir .;rol 'utn t m t 'm!ft , Who ln ofi a 1' 'iif 'In I .ii UU u'.aii i tu pat.U in !.. an ! Li t l.,a ! mj ti t niltlrn, a -d t a I Ii . ia g iiav l- tli- l Ui- n -j. hi I st J -l.r Urti i.liu n. tHt.t. ai.d Wat) .ftft.li t . CYrtuc-up ofr i t '" I l.rn ) tt ..t tliat tlir tf.nl, a'S ttx- l"iit U a.f Ififtl j.i have tw-ii aa' j.iu Uir i p retfti oi i ,f Ij i a ( ! , I , n s y . 1 1 j ua f i , to thkftl i .iiu the f u.. f ft-. : the MX I fttn'i.nj, a.'ii a tx- Mi'iU) tftkift a th -a- t ! pi t..'i o and ) lir i!t x a.. t.fiii up ii'i u ant! pi.t iti Ceau rLirt t-rforr N i. 4 t-nit. mini IL opa-ranr lii ) i!! Ii a iaiy luur al the dati, yixj k ii 'ttn piattwti arvl a 1 114' ti,s chine. 'I trTe i rn man li kn nt ttm tUan ;Le ju:icti"ii a-tit, a'anjl t ryiUm. if you can 'olf tlraw tiiu out. 'I tioju t'jur traiui a lay stn at hi Ui and th-y only Hop f . r a ri.inule t i-i i tt a sjh par di-vi! lii ha g. A to ara-t ff t!a-ft,ti fi-iit i in Li finn-i t f f a trn f iimhui ut. lir awldrt SM-. iLe omdiM lor a "J.ui," or tieor ," or J 1. 1 y," and mk a Ufa m aliow of interest aa l"p a a i,ai m l-r:n: ill wisii Lvr alKT.- kM't "N't 1," and if '. o ia t n( to ( time, lie may aa iieU at'U'. rail road shefc a, aud you untfirtr tt.al he huoiiyf the marke'. when tne iliivrt art he hasn't rot eleven d !lar kfi fr m bt ItAl mooiti's taJary. If he wa fiiir,anil did. not seem to ova the rovl, t m w.ud like hini, IhjI whifi he ir.uU J'i, mwl treats you as tL'-Uirh Inf arttiftUon w wirib more than yir lica-t, j"i ha e Llrn, and if you altouid har there aa U.k of promising tiiii) to a taJi'-n wi.ere was ail boiia. you wnill want to per vent it. I here niay tie anr rule ty wbicH ih- croaaat man on a iiie is given ao l::l JiDCti'U. Miaiiaat. The oa ial crxp f,rt f'r IMi of a portion of MarlUL snJ the a?j n Trt ritorle of tLa.- l'ar,acijai utliaal La Iwn iasueti. It is co,pikl fr jen laf malioo cuIUy-u-.J r:t.rijs.l v by tLe p masters of Ue vaf -uv I i-aaJitie, tiuty four di-tri't U-in,; rcpreaeou!, cru,ri ir.4t about oucdo'ir'Ui tne wtoe area ot setlleiuc fit at the preei t tirr-, Tb arr aire yield l ftbor to i- V Uai. tb nj tiushela to the acre, aU, Cf'.y one and a Lai; barley, thirty -er&t an-1 Lalf. piia- toea, two nuD'Jrctl an J wtrulj Htm anl a tialf, turnTps. one tbiuat;. fiat, 'u-u. rye, twenty; thirty-v ven. Tne ac reaKe umW mUivatioo in tbe eifbty-f'rjr dtfttnets rt-prescoUxJ i 472 77 j wt-, Lc average numr of cattle lo ear j art lie lb neveral dietrw"' i -tiiimil ai orrr forty bead. Alt-totT the re;rr; it a tu nA aa- tiafacUry one, 1'A l-speks a f ttjTal state of cooteatm ;uf an I pr jenty mm mt le antler. T)r CanvLaa sal I aciSc Kttlway Cjcn;any L ow rwnj;",d tu main line, some f'.'l ui;!s beyottd V mot pet; a d 114 mijrt on iU awtbwiS'-cTb bran L, and oi a-a3 it mill bve up a ard of l' zx -r A i1 taroib lb fine ran ry, tb'is pty t aeth ers rely CotniuditicaUon Wil ti-. Ktxj-rn 4r.a- . A'Uajretber the Canal au I'm .Cr. itaLaa will bv aoit i Ti'Set of ra:'aaf 10 opcTatoo aloott iu u .e line by wt a 1 tumo, A a.raaga l.atr aM Any one familiar witLtLat prt of It.. in bch stand, the n-fi'jri.eyisl mm of tne Uaihv of Caratalia, fn of tbr l-oelu-at aod la-at dewwale sXs wilii.o the rty wad, w-jti'.d y tt vu the U-at jr4:e spot in all H Hue that a camte siwl select as a p ace ib wn.cti Ut gtte a dinber. And yet a dinnr wat actuary ivro ad eaiea - there a few wrtu ar liJ pef ftoua. It was f tven by the muax:pa!i:y to tbe exbiLitjr at the Cne art eiuii-Wa The imrgo-X Lalt Lai been covered wilb aw nine perhaps auwual a'ver the naa ntx of the Coliseum iu the days of aoe.ewt li nut aad was adorned wna L-aoUqjC. wreaths, Leraidic devices and rtrppalc lioes it p'aur ot all tb- crest art w xks thai Lave fea 1am la tne treasure-b.use of aculptore. It was 00 Ums Up of tbu ruin, a every one kuowa, thml BLeLey wrote hu 'Pmoe.heua L'nbovind.'' The uvuauoa cards to tb Lnoer wrre mataal in imitation of a It -man lnscriplaOor aod the menu was io c's cal LaUn primed in rtu. A ..aaH tAa ,,mi 1 a f- m, , Uft . aa kum a . , a mm aa a. a-i U t aa k Mmt t , iva as m mm f m-mmf aMS3aa, m m mmm f mmfC f ' ft ft lhm , M4 Va Jt 'at aat TVs -sua t" i). ('W-atVa sisuaMSaestW ;a ftv. r 4 a ,-.a.aa f, m V - k'l' a"aa. sawfthf t'. t 'l , -1 ,mW "-". a- to .mmwm, ftv . vf aaa M m. i. a a-1 tuvt tav a..,, m . v I W tr t laa Wa v a . 1 's la ara twWl J a aa-i iia a aa aavl ,a lb t w. . f w' aa IV a-. W i,aa 1M aat .4 IX.A Uaa a . ft .. m M.. tal k-a W lia Uka -. aal a f..aa rraat.. f aa a'..a .4 m a4. It,, a r il m. 1 l aa a V t .. -a ,! . t ; l. k ;!, .a 14 I h 1 k , t '.ft UK I mm. t t ft. I i I. .a- . 1, mm a f aai a. li ' ; ' 4 , 4 '- a p W.ak. L m .a .! . m ' t. tut at g mm. Aa i. . ! . a I oa f a-f li, . i' . j t J J ! 4.l u- 'm t j, aai 1 , , ' V kt. t rta- mm ft. t k ! l! ( ' . i a r j mmt l'.-m a !. C ya- s . ? a t . , . i .a r u -ftal j 1 i ' . a. I. mtt .. na, a 4. . !. M ru L il La 1 a k , f ft I a .0 1 a ..t.it p -l.fft1 . i Kj ! a i . H ; 4 ! aut . ' u ' uft. VI aasl a .., f fti-t J --l u, I ; ad k lb j .. ta r.4 anjitfttKMl !. ,. . ' ' 1 I. a.ft.a f j b a. a U . v I Iftt.ft .T 1 ia4nft 1 1 ' . . I lull tiff 1 n a.al ( af III , t j at t I lc r 4 '. I ia t - a 1 a. I . ' . . I H 1 M I 1 laMifii I ,, .( aft 1 ftii 1 fai at ft rft, 1 r '. a '.. at taw f It IU U i 1 ' Lain x-u'mt ' m ! j aa -lr. fl s ia 111 Urn f ft 1 oT'ia Ift(tkailfcf flat , Uf bra Iba aai a ..Mai 1 f -I'f mUr I av.lTtfcaJ 1) .a.1U ft .itb'. Ua aa, t aala Sol j a sa -f in , t.tjl if aaaMMd ftf 1 ; ii mm . .'li ln bart auJ ap V t tum tmn lr aatl p'.4J ai.f . I Us !.., if r 4 ijjMSiy tf bft . rij aaaai ti tb .at aid lu iatjrv ,4 lb a . 'a A tbifxl ft! ri f ..( (I 'taa it 4 ft a ' , Latt afxj aaax pt a' i U'.a t 4 1 1 pi a,U fab y ba ( iti(( lb lab iairaa Cak tat b tm laat ' Ibftt tiautaf. il CbbVtbS t MlftJ 14 taxaUl f f"-. f .-. "JiU . l.ft. I .aiiip--.- - 1 a iiafav wr-ryaa 1 a, i taf Ift-j.s. ( IWitr rj vary lrr at laa ta.nH. aJ a 4 Uro bj(.u l tt LaW of f asr car ft . fvt. I lac luakt of lbs laft U4 VJ fert it u u,- ti taw', ia a(W atltt'it t4aortia, au 'taif afft.' aira tiU la ( larw lUf ti a' OK..paraHvry samtat ta as lUf fia ' l"C"ilr SlaJ aita. ,raftlr bn(V V' 1 L iJ lb. ftCaa.. ft kfitft ...l lac t.fT. ', ftlbaa fr I, t i'.l a t ' oy L tti a 'fa a mi It tlr ai.ai, 1a luaWf n hux .. u-l lai tuaaiaf a4 l-v a la. "k'ltT.I ut ia Ul M SataaaS, IV ,.n at mtt p it lf At4iuif f al gfmt t nl tb ,'H, 10 Ibarknras m $ itm L a 4 li4t. It as aiuarat i(a.aft! kt a,n I 1 t-bifa..f, I.kft- i aa k ar S b4 Ua a r lisptaia ta .4 4i.aa aa, tt ,-l.'S J- e t' sua ;M so 1 as t-is a aa t ti !rf', I'jJiU", or Lwsi.eg ! U a' .'. r 4b U taftv cypfaai n by mru4 ibaa 1 taraa- bosU f 4 Oa Lvt 0 So 4 pr- a?f aa ) areas atr x Uvry ' ita.L I w ftrttf b ad hpaial Sb krtfttl baft' iadtal, Ou'lof a SiatrtJ yars M ria fu'.e, U itiaaariJ ku tiitr rr,aaviit rctnuaruU tta cypraas liJt a ' iic Atoat Va.taal I La. r-i d a-r f a! ly jur;n, Umi.', was wj ffa alffi 1 all aa-rla.b' J Uaal I kit w a I to tLe t aniMTS a) weaisva 1 u mm els was aJruaat swiuaiy uaks W a (tit J ial luui'Kfiara, ), I pr rs of CocialU'-tl an, aitaik batara) I a 41 bar bv wtnle jiftr, wkia-S U s varLy la ter, 4 nj wuur a-d rl ry;4t I rj ) tyw lb arrbiUat,ts sal luuibrftai - io ,Vt tf Irwia tvat were V & i" t'pM .n l'io iaf liai M bisb) ;ti tbd tv UtmimmaM mrr a ui a .aa u. Jrst day on wbttt Ihf mnm w-l I a lb v ry f oufailau nv I araaatf a4 VaStWv A travrr trlis ILw fuU wttf a( y ' tLe a ay ia wbmb oum Uw icrrartaaj a a Ua saitV jf a taaw 1 , wainta. a rt tine sibos. tul kLfa tvifrt t !.ir niLtj ia Lb4 p v.i. T tui(i i j-roMi.ll iff a Mixtatf W ka-, u.t (tae rsveavxaa taawara, avsl tlaar ga'4 I uarM st ftifttUt by a aativs areaal mnh a iarC Oj evetwr la-s U4 VLkl tL f-imrX, spraa bjs ba, ai. tS a bUlft ftbl fUl Ciiftbr.1 ti Vaaj ki ii L.ui tbs sstly w.ii s Li 'f t 4tL Wk of Lis awa. AVa ti 'A0Lt Lim up al rv aav wUi Im-. 1 vr Mil day Uas LJy wa twmi part y -ftita, axk) as tiaft Vrry vl-p tu a. t; or. a! tarr rrayU. IL4 arcarvj vr.f f be sr.taj an raTVl oS a ba'j r a la. L .a 18 Lb :a.i. at Lb A 4 taSC llT. TiC faAava tot f lftibj as Jk uj and tWaU- zy Lrf, aI iner ' 4r V - s ibbak4 us a tery Lvsvy rbsv p'r aod t Ubkca T was 'Ura laatard Croviy ba lr. aat a Uut puof frea txavak was faaUaJ k Lb cu rx , iAt Lbat taca sa aiWartipbr I kt iak it away, ah wd d datakjr tb piarw acJ rtcwiva brata UvktA, TtaS at uyjrauax Uawy f jua.1 a paatw of tvar La B Uas ft-rad tuoml U? ra iXvai f Ua a, Ukd Uac at tap was art as a ; bal U nail oiM she Caii Lat k a&J btt itf a aron1 n.at oa f iari at tbe fW A XUj aVxkvlc lUs catwa scan! wi s a onrai sad k'. cvew. VtvoaiAaa It Sunt Ler doa. Tvs tracaij ix 1 1 a place CI1 wilb ta.1 crass, aavi. cLjm( around tktt, akrw! adraaooa. oatj tsr or tbres of tbeoi Lawrd a fowl, wbaw Uaey ad Crad aa J av.tl Lr iata; y. It provwj Li b a tcsak, aai sae sal tf; deo'Jy Leea dans; f-X ta plfpM .tf procuria fwii for bar yMa. Hnae tnea ia tasrruv aosk eoapaay ratiarr tLaii a evto.(xbtXa.

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