, . . . .. - .in 1 r . IT III' u til". '.II. I i lIMill Wiii Oil. t il. I i 4 l.ii'jicror rcfu.N4.il to meet Me, or to .'ccq.t nit l.onl Stewart, the1 r.n:,!M (am!n isador-. hav ing rcfiivcjil a Ictur flcni mc, imoi-i.mg hiino! j iv intention of returning by' Vienna," and of tu Mm: possession of Ms house l here, (as if Is the .rtiMtmiof Foreign Artlbassadoi V,to 'receive their riinrtsses imo tficir lioiiscs, when travelling,) i bsoluu lv refused me TliH bouse,! left the town. Itmi iiied into lite country; Lord) Stovatf af "."lei Win ih'uc6 "acrrimpcrtinxnt '-letter tome! w hich is now in Mr. Canning's hands, as'I sent it to I'.ni'Uind.' Htidui's: the Austrian Covernment to much influenced by the'Enclish Ministers,, 1 : told my vilfa on the Lake of Coyio, and .settled jnvsell quietly in the Honian estates. I there met with great civility fur borne time ; protection - t-ir.iiist Mr. Ommeda ; but ; from 1he moment I ...Uoime Queen of .Lngluiujt allcWiitj.ceaied 41 Cardinal Consalvi Ji'as been 'much influenced since tht period, by the Baron dc llydani Hajfl)' ,..vetLmMjM deceased.-. .'Jl'jie liaion de liydaii has.uken an J mil, and persuades every person to call me Car- oiine of lJrunswick. A gtiard hA been refused jnc as Queen', v Inch was graMcd lame lis run essof Wa.U jj,l)exuuse no communication has been received from the Uruis.li government an notincing me iu Queen. My messenger was re imed a pusspoit lor Lnglancl. I also experien ced much insult f. om the court of 1 unn. HLatt rear, in the month of September, (I tvas t'icu travelling incognito, under the name of the Countess Olui.) 1 ut nt to the confines of the Aus irian estates, lo the first small town belonging' to the king of Sardinia, on my wav to meet M Jliougham at Lyons, us the direct road lay thro' Turin. 1 wrote myself to the Queen of Sardin ia, informing htr that I could not remain t I u i hi, Lein anxious lo reach Lyons as soon as pos sible, and alio that I wa? travelling incognito ; 1 TccVived no unswer to this letter. The post-mas-tor at Hrci.io, the small post-town near the coun try villa, where I then resided, absolutely refused inc post-horses, it) consequence of which refusal, -'.a ri ruin, inc- x.iil'iisii iiiniiaici ai k ii liv, demanding iuimcdi.uo satisfaction, and the , reason lor such an insult. Mr. Hill excused him-t- tll Upon the pi -a of its beiug-a misMtiderstand ing, and told inc tint post-horses would be in readiness whenever i shomd reqnire them. 1 accordingly fet out, ;nd arranged to go through the town of Turin at iiht, and only to stop to change horses ; but 1 received positive orders not u go through the town, but to proceed by u very circuittius road, vhich obliged we to travel al most the. whole night in very dangerous roe.ds, ' pre tnted me from reaching the post town (where 1 should have passed the tight,) till five in the marring, when, by going through Turin, I might have readied it by ten at ni.ht. ''Ijing so much difficulty attending my -traveling, I thought the most proper mode for me to pursue would be to acquaint the hih per sonages of my intention of passing the winter at Lyons, pievious to my intended return to Lng. land in the spring. I, addressed a letter to the 1'iench minister for fori ign f a iTairs, informing htm of my intentions, and also that I wished to preserve the strictest incognito. No notice was taken of this letter ; and one addressed lo the J'rcfect of Lyons, met with like contempt. In fact, from the 7th of Oclober to the 26th or Jan nary, the day 1 embarked from. Toulon for Leg. horn, I received so much insult from the Coy eminent and Prcf-cl, that I almost considered my life in danger, unprotected as I then was, in M:i h a country. Another motive induced me to - wvn-Mi- liifju-hum orald not fix the period jus imtu.ig me any wnerc M l rancc Cahtleicagh, (!enaixing to have mv nameinser- ted m the Liturgy oi tiic Church of England, and vhat orders be fciven to all British Ambassadors, I.m-.if is and Consuls, that 1 should be received m acknowledged as Queen of England ; and alter the speech made by Lord Castlereagh to the House of Commons, in answer to Mr. Biw ham, I did not expect to receive farther insult i have also demanded that a palace be prepared tor my rei cption. England is my real home, to Mhirh I sliall immediately fly. I have dismissed Indian ( urt, retaining only a sufficient num-'i-r r pel sons to conduct me to England ; and 'it Buckingham house, Marlborough house, or any other pakee is refused me, 1 shall take a , i'e-Hitfcntfyy4ill m4t iendsmn-find-a P1,u,p for n,e tn London. I have sent a messen to England to make the proper arrangements jor that purpcie." .1 HOME.-- J I pain which" is felt whpn we arc u,ii.spIuntefUMm our native soilwhen the liv- mK Inaneh ucfronr the pyrentj tree-.is one of ' " " c nave to enuurc -thro neic are iV.er rnlc .r.t-u i-.L i.Ir - f.)cni srs never io uhidl bruise the "4? " ' sml,i,;akil,c heart tutver , ,m icaie in-n4Vcif of 1 U are, as it werc,pubci-olf on tUt nc. stream ol)ile 1.GfvflcVnl r.ibscphy fecslthe ; l:chc mr.;,-. Natural VUiUv he hCZ .nur.-Hir.orv, the man of cxmience-hC U.cmMto! v.i-Khetoiic, the eloquent n yJite -karmng, ihtcis a 'in'usive grace and Ipr.tdp:in ad fchuls of .literature The' k V'J' KhetOflC. th ltt,n.,..., ,r.l ora a- fge cf the woiId,eonsimiteHihe "intelligent man H he -study ot il.t SAcrrt s, . ..,.iijmiiv,s iui hit im I'Cui.diahd ft ClK fourth ihf.ii-v ivildiM-ness. urn nlivciie:! hhon:s:)Ct of verdure. t 1 .; Sti.'l, however, in traveling the dencit, a' won derful object arrests our attention, and our feci ' . f , . . . ... . I .... ,4 ins oi irioiKiiauon unu coinpassiuu arc su icim cd by astonishment, r. hen' wc contemplate the "bush burning with fire, and not consumed;'-' a helpless race of men, whom ail nations have en deavored to exterminate, kubsistinft during ages of unrelenting persecution; and though dispersed 11 t..'.. .. ..I...!. I. -A in an nations, never in ;orpora;cu wun any ,t um in all countries tho remnants of Israel still nre- serve their Own custoins and rcligipuTiTtes, and are connected with each other, by a community of sentiments, of antipathies and-pursuits, and separated , by a wonderful destination from the general mass of mankind. The preservation of the Jews as a distind peo pic, is an event unparalleled in the .annajs, of lit; tory.' I o use the animated language'of a modern writer! of ihcir own nation, Uraving nlMfir.ds of torments, the p ings of death, she still more terrible paiigs of life, wc alone have"withstoo1 the impetuous torrent r f time,' swcepmi; niuis criminatcly in its course, nations, religions, and countries. Wh.at is become of those celebrated empires, whose very name still excises ouOd miration by the ideas ojf splendid fjreatncnat tached to them, and whose power embraced the whole surface cf the known globe? They arc oniy rcincmoercu as uie nionumcnis oi inc van ity of human greatness. Home and Greece arc no more ; their descendants, mixed with other nations have lost even the traces of their origin ; while a population of a few millions of men, so often subjugated, stands the lest of thirty icvolv ing centuries, and the fiery ordeal of fifteen cen tunes of persecution. yc still preserve laws which were given to us in the. first days of the world, in the Infancy of nature. 'The Lst follow crs of a religion which had cmbiaccd the uni verse have disappeared these fifteen centuries, and our temples are still standing .Wc alone have been spared by the undiscriminating hand of time, like a column left standing amidst the wreck of worlds, and the ruins of nature. 1 he hisloi ypf this people connects present times with the first ages of the world, by the testimony it bears of the existence of those early periods. It begins at the cradle of mankind, tmd its rem nants arc l.ko y to be preserved to the very day of universal destruction." 44 The Jews," says a late Christian author, 44 are a living and continual miracle, continuing to sub sist as a distinct and peculiar race, tor upwards of three thousand years, and even in the midst of other nations ; flowing forward in a full nd continued stream, like the waters of the It hone, without mixing with the waves of the expanshe lake through which the passage lies to the ocean of eternity." j hough, from the destruction of Jerusalem to tho sixteenth century, there are few countries in which they have not been successively banished, recalled nnd again expelled ; yet they have never been banished from one country without finding an asylum in another. 1 he exemption of the Jews from the common fate of nations, affords a striking proof of the truth of the sacred scriptures. They are, as was foretold, dispersed; over the habitable globe, being themselves the tjepositaries of those oracles in which their own n'nlclief, and consequent suffer ings, are clearly -'predicted 4 Had the Jews," says Pascal, 44 been all convertedwe should have bad none but suspected witnesses ; had they been all destroyed, we should have had no wit nesses at aH." The--exact accomplishment of our Saviour s prediction respecting the destruc tion of their city and temple, and the ralamities they have endured since their dispersion, have iwi uc uuui vi uic v,mibuan reirgion. une oi the great designs of their being preserved and continued a distinct people, appears to be, that their singular destiny might confirm the divine authority of the gospel, which they reject; and that they might strengthen the faith ol others in those sacred truths, to which they refuse to yield their own assent. - , '" Such has been the state of the Jews for a scries cf ages. But in the last and present century their condi tion has been greatly ameliorated in "different parts of Europe. " C hristiana," says Dr. Buchanan, " in all coun tries bejrin to consider that the ituliq-nation (igaimt the hulif people is nearly accomplished. Many events declare .mv mv.ifcii.iuuu ,a i;u, is rtiaxinir. i lie nromecies . (j ii - Baltv SOUni-AMKHlCA Extractor a letter to a gentleman i in 1 more, date J St. Thomas, April 22. " With regard to the speedy and complete ..imii if t'ie indenci.dents of Caila l'irt:a, there can now be but little ddubt ; for the na live of the South American revolution benri fl very disiinct'charactcr, at this moment, from wh it it evc'r' ba done since the memorable 10th of April, 1810, when Venezuela entered upon the glorioui career of asserting her rights, iind in the year ensuing, disavowing all allegiunce to the government of Spain, thcu writhing under ail the distracting evils of ta vasion, revolution and 'carnage; and vrhiclv could no longer give protection lo her 6wn population, much l;ss to those in her colonic of South A merica. ; If 1 were to-ife ypu a history of pnst events oti said continent, since that importmt epochj'until the present day, my letter would he -lengthened to a volume suffice to say, that the occiiMtion cf St. l'e the"capital off Cundinamarca, (late ew Grenada) m Au gust lasi, by.tliedstinguished Bolivar and his brave companions in arms, put the pat riots in possessioi of more than g3,000,(XX) found in the royal chest, including that ol res ident and private individuals inimical to the cause, who fled with their teiror-smitten vi ,jl-laor CmK!i:,.,-Mri,'ia tlu- I,;,,.... ,f . c:my,nor n S?,r.,ara kh in ,lc ;nt 0' more ttie idoodv ba.inf rt tl .1 ra,ic.;:Yr ,vi1, readily,,;; n::,ai'L-- propcc i.pf Or.- South America,; niohJt M !.c .pre.cn. crW,,froro v;l,. . 7 ! -, , at cvrry other f noch n ,v. -.. ' .l' tre ' (,1T ihe .omipiota yokofVS ,:-V,10''!-' n'iri trr n nil' inrii rm m a. . .1 . y-r-:-o-,- -lure.xnan thre a,, Ktjrop, HCtfe" t ce ol her cause, and admit '.2. V.V - cradc 0! n Iree and indent!..;.. v.' . MFCiallvfopn accQuntof tliL. JuJ-Z't 5r.rsaU?mnjot,on in Spain, which render, fi tne 1u1g.11 mauness- to suppose hP r, Lill ct:c ont f't.Kil). it 1 1 na,c m:vn iiimiicu n -ffarcilliir it. The orrnt rr tfw. C'aiyJm-bctiv jMiiiiftd 4y-n natk)nrranrl wcrnow iieuruie wonisoni.e proiet addressing us, "Comfort ye, comfort )e my people, saith your God; speak ye rnuitortably to JefuaaLm, and cry unto her,-that her warfare in accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned," Lutali xl. 1 . 't his is tlie divine cominand. And hchuU, Christian beR-in now, fijjrlhc first 1inu "to speak coin! lovably to Tuaupuchdn.Jtinjriha in Jfl, pa$ 210. ' -'II . f rxecptuig of late, )J tlic dominions of the'Prcnch cn5ior. 'j V I ..t. Michael Ikrv'a 'Mpptal to the Justice of Kir.ni and .Vitions," written aifljpublislied at Stnis!)ur in lKul, atul .titedin the l runsitoiwcof the Parisian r.anhediim' This learned author j nscllor at law, member of seveC fat ae:uie inies, aniidapit for the department oi'la StSine U stdl continues to tijp all his talents in Uefcnec oi" tne ngms ana mteivs's of M;e Jews, whom he pireri, in Of ttll 30ViTUgtW. entitljd to die ba', I Vols!.. vgcbttnannufALt tTiesc must ,ro imthtr t , Mm . . ' I . . I . ,i t : - - L W HIV U1I a 1. . Vw a4 u rp,''H, .: .i sroRhe Lmented that Capt. Charles' WASiiixcTov. :iAy 25. Charles' Sjewart, Esq.; a Captain in Hie Navy, has been appointed by the president of the United States, with the Vconscnt of the Senate, to be a Commissioner nf Navy j Board, in the place "oH he Lmented iVV-wypape'rs inform us, v. Ki( : . rvv..l" , . .. ;-i "ry " a iwjiuicd 10 ne tommanr n! ihi ". .. , ' tbat she is. destined o the ',..--,...50 eeroy, and kit every thing at the disposition of the heroes oi Uayaca,when the native vaN or of freemen humbled their prcuJ foe, who were compelled to surrender the iron sceptre of despotism, into the generous hands ol lib- 1 erty, which was soon iornc Victorious to the very centre ol the kingdom. A general and simultaneous reaction took place throughout all the provinces of Grena da, as if bv electricity and even before anv of the liberating armies that immediatly mar ched from St. Fe, could reach the points again: t which they were destined, these en thusiastic inhabitants.had effected their eman- cipation, and hurled to destruction the au thors of their vile oppression and servitude. AH the interior of that country is now en tirely free only the city of ( 'arthagena, nd a part of its province, together with Kio ilo che and Sr. Martha are in possession of the royalists, and perhaps the tri-colorcd Hag oil Columbia ere now, is planted on the ramparts of the latter place, and I have strong reasons to believe, that the expedition which sailed from Margaritta, on fie 8lh of last month, has gone agairst it ; in fact, Commodore Staf ford writes me to that effect, three days pre vious to their departure from that heroic isl and, who undoubtedly must have well known i the point, where the troops would disembark, being the 2d in command of the naval forces of the republic of Columbia. ! The resources, which the independents win' derive from the conquest of Cundinamarca, comprising upwards of 1,600,000 souls, and abounding with precious gold and silver mines and the still more inestimable and rich pro ductions of her fertile soil, are almost incal culable both in men and the first elements of war, which will enable them, not only to drive the remnant of the- Spanish forces "in Vcne- Antilles, and force the cnemv to abandon the whole Coast of Cundinamarca on the Allan tic, but likewise you may soon expect to learn that the enterprising military chief of the af foresaid republic, is on his march to give lib' , erty to the capital of the kingdom of Pen in the Pacific, unless his compatriots of Bue nos Ayres and Chili, should have already civ cn 1 that last fatal blow to tyranny in America, which, when accomplished, (whether the ionquero.1 and liberator of Dbgota, or Arti gas the tated champion of fiberty in the lhn- i2T v nW rBuCn3 A-vris in him l"ivrn- 0fChili) y"iviU behold nnfawnrtttrin army of 50, 000 Columbians, relieve from bondage more the grand family of independent freemen r hnally assemble on the Isthmus of Darien thj reresgitartve. of more than.21,000,X)o men and thus, establish the toloWedfc Sx''- in)m to uber. tyj; ana-independence, hose grandeur 1nd magnificence wi Id th, re miration oi everV natio'n bn th- Xk- r puringthe yar1 ratdil, 12,'and mtriots were nt m pos ession of ebratdO elated UronocA, qnd alftlie interio? rrovin 4 o Venezuela, and I may saV, K of S ' , l. ewise through that channe the Patriots ol Caracca. J;;. . i, VTd . . Y,:""Vrw't,COJ mil. ?Car F R ?f the assumeahat:fluthority over her traniutlHi '-'"rVL inJ"yeu during the Illt.lvtM.. ... r invasion by Wapolean, nor " V raion that -possibly1' ake aiy permament nwritr.T of fm-menrrcsolved T St7;. .k. ,1 1' 1 -1 1 ... " - lilt UI It ol their c.v , I nndjiolitical salvation, or per ish in the ccfl:ct." T . 7 ever sena can in nation- DESTRUCTIVE FIRE. stur.roifKy Mir Zir Wc' stop Wc 'press, to announce the destrue fonof our J hcalicby fire, which broke out about half past 2 0 dock, ' -nearly, two hours after the liOUse closedThe building ii, reduced to ashes. bgetV with the four story Commerical Build inir adjoining. All the property belonging to tbo Iheatrc ts consumed, public and private About 50 othe soldiers uud sailois.who had been cn.ploycU in the play ttnd farce during the evening s rt presentation, were lodging in the T heatre at the Ctoe the fire broke ouUwborere all saved. fWl ttjier the fire happened fromUe' carelessness cf,jneie men.frein some hidden -spark from the tmd Arches Which had been used in the new play cf ihc"Sicgt of Tripoli, is not known. -f-f -r r ifv r The flame spread with the rapidity of light ning the whole city -was illuminated, and the i:ul carried the burning embers a mile from tho Theatre. The building belongs principally to John Jacob Aster," Esq. and is insured. The managers had ulso renewed their insurauce a few weeks since No lives lt that we could hear. Three or fotu hnildings in tho rear or the riicaitc are destroyed. ". The actors lost all their property. The Home during ihe cveninff was crowded, and it is a most foitunate circumstance'that the tire had not broken out during the play. f AIJSltUttY, (X. C.) ' LESDAV, JUNE 13; 1830. After several unexpected delays, the first number of the WESTERN CAROLINIAN U now presented to the pubSc. 1 ;ie Hpecimcn of paper and type before our redder jv such as will be continued j but wc flatter our selves that, in a short time, we !iall be enabled to nuke,, S&J'iiff of the p"apcV.r i t he common experience of life must convince our subscribers, that no work of fhW nature can at once start into operationomplete in all its parts, and perfect in ali us arrangements, it requires time to mature every plai:. n.l lo kccomplish erery und.rUking'rV In our prospectus wc stated th principles upon whio a thli paper would be conducted i it b unnecessary hcfJ sSain tw detail tliem. it sulTicient to My. that no la bor shall he spared, to render both the matter. sad ty pognphy of the Carolinian worthy of the patronage of an t-r.hghtcncd public. To this end, wa hare prondea m-a:is of intelligence from diJIerent partof the Union 5 ; ani we s!ia!l form such a svstem of cfcirtbndcrca ia the splu j of our section, as to insure) a resrular supply . - r 1 . -. : of coaiiinHMcatioavihann-Jt Ml Xrovinxsaolant; ntarcjdna; to our readers. ! v r '1'hcrc is one subject, however. Hon 1 .which wc mus- here repeat some of the icotimt cootained h our pwjspcelus. Wemenn -OeecaJtifjfJ Vvivemiixy. . the fret ipeoph ff AV(A tr. j To the accomplish ment of this great object Fe'shall devote 'no kjoiiera Me portion of our CQlur 4. The ipolitieal grievance of theAVestern peojfle cf :ta Carolina arc biibmint' ttmtuw tiny longer. Our, w i of .Irtftrtnani Orange, with a jrca l 3 - I . JM 10) of 32,230 sbul Ivc no 't iVt ihlWtantafl;,mof veVncnt thanitae- WtffiltJofBrunia-Uttl river Anurn un,. .1 ' flswoat i -bur. nWiWii--- opteiiivc1 quiet Lobeniincnt i a n9l;. The cou population (in r' I o!v:4,?r8wiut4ii YUite jiopulatibn the Igi'aturef s,.tn .mtirl in til c Eas vi Jia b( 17.700 souls, lend; 21 mcraut. k-hila Ro.ran. viti a Lte popiuw - lr6 sjul3, Wunly three membirs. : ' . I' 'i hls state of t ngs ought ndt aid cannot contiaui-'Ih- great womlf is, that the peolc have bo t . The tnttliL the gi-at mai of the people of w U'eu h;ttiL ........ .' .w r hcir crte- vi,j, c jioi seen me fi-w11 . cr 1 1... 1' . . , 'I. r...l l,rn 'toO." ncM- ThcbVjJin now i6 BCe, and to fr el dcm too. rotidthemiJn the exan:lriaiioni Jc invite viAj A4c rfc"rr";-!'! i' the. West nit oii receive ta-S r -i- -A V, .hi

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