7. j .i i.J u ,l i it. TO A rltJCO BCI T A SBlMHU TIM. ' Oh, keep thcrin, on'a Utile J er w ' ; Keep poor Klia's ring!. And shed on it the silent tear, In secret sorrowing. H. . ji-iti &nmm tmmnjli mm' m "Thy lip; on which her )vf Iwrt klv- "f 7 Vcl Unpen moist and wann,7' .bl(, trfptrthem Sot for ici ditli3 Ob, keep it as a charm. a - lliesc haunts arc sacred, to her lotir. Hereby Hir presewdwcUs r Of her the grot, of her the grove, . ' " Iknesth uiesc elms you iiiteant! tslk'd, Betide Out river' brink, At evening arm-in-wrtn yon walk' J, Here atop to gaze and tliink. ThouTl meet her when thy blood beat high, In converse -with thy bride j"" Icet the null meaning of an eye Thatwevcr learnt'i-i cWdc. "' Oil, no, by Heaven, another here ( Thou canst not, must not bring; Nay, keep it but one little year, Keep poor Euti'a ring., , oaioiv or the bed rose. As erst in Eden's blissful bowers, Young Eve nrveyed her countless flowers, " An opening Hose, of purest white, She marked, with eyea that beam'd delight j It leaves she kissed, and, straight, it drey r JFxom. beauty. ' lip tkc.vermeil luxe. ...... F 'lAtertirS Extracts, &c. NtOJl THE "SKETCH BOOK. 'Hie Ttuc of Tillage. midi fcml the ti,',U of beitt.ty uppiu inly )iclJ in?; In lii1 arm, the confidewe tX b'n power ovti Ucr, and the dread of loiiir; her forevcri all con spired to overwlu Int Ms better fn'll'ijjn he ven turcd to i)i t)o .c that she should leave her home, tini" be the companion of hi fortunes. t - ' lit. w.s quite a notice in scdtuiion, r.nJ Unsh ed und fait; l ed. at his wn baseness; but to inno cent if mind was his Intended victim, thut she tit first was at a loss to comprehend his meaning ; wly she sli&ti!dJcavc:hctJutlvc ullagc'-aiid the humble roof of her parents ' When at lust the nature of his proposaUilasHedjJpon her pure mind, the effect was withering. She did not wecrH-shc did not break forth h'to reproaches hc said not a word but the shrunk back aghast hi from a viper, gave him a lookof anguish that pierced to-his very -oulT aud tlaspingher-lund fajggPT fled as iffof- refuge, to her father's cottage., (coxclvosb rio.v ov last. Perhaps there could not have been a passion, between the sexes, more pure than this innocent girl's. The RalUnt fig'irc of her youthful-admirer, the splendor of his military array, might :it first have charmed her eye ; but it was not these thut had captivated her heart. Her attach ment had something in h of idolatry She looked up to him as a being of a superior species She felt in his society the enthusiasm of a mind nat urally delicate and poetical, aricK now first awake ried to a keen perception of the beautiful and prand. Of the sordid distinctions or rank and lortune, she thought nothing; it was the differ ence of intellect, of appearance, of rnanner, from the rustic society to which she had been accusto med, that elevated him in her opinion. She would listen to him with charmed ear and down cast look of mute de fight, and her cheek would mantle with enthusiasm ;'or if ever she ventured a shy glance of timid admiration, it was as quick ly withdrawn, and she wojjW . sigh and bluih at the idea of her comparative unwbrthlness. Her lover was equally impassioned : but his TiaWcrTte Kaa begun the connexion in levity ; iur uc nua oucn ncaru ius orotner. outcers iwast ol their village tonjuests,and thought some triumph of the kind necessary to his reputation as a man of spirit. But he was too full of youthful fervor. His heart had not yet been rendered sufficient! cold and selfish by a wandering and a dissipated inc : u caugiu lire irom tiie very Ilame it sought to kindle ; and before; he was aware xf the na ture of his situation, he became really in love.: What was he to do f There were the old obsta- ,des uhick incessantly occur in these heedless i4t4cbineivts.-llis; rank in life the prejudices of tilled connexions- his tlen'enderice.umm a nroud matrimony : -nut When he looked down upon this annoccr.t hclngaOh4elKleaMlonnTrgRh 'Th:oniceT:Tcttrtd,7coiifotmdedrh and repentant. It is uncertamjwhat might have, been the rreVu'ir6f . "the" cenHict of his' feelings had not his thoughts been (livcrteij by theiystje of aepurture. New. scenes, new pleasures, and iiew companions, sootf disftipatca h'u ivlf re proaclvand stifled his tcmlcrness. Yet, anndst the slir of cahips,' the' re veil les of gurrlsons, the array of armies, nud even the din of fatties, his thoughts would sometimes steal back to the scene of rural 'quiet and village simplicltyhc while cottage the footpath alonj the silvdr brook und up the hawthorn hedge, and the little villain ntaid lonering along It; leaning' fan Ms arm, and listen ing to him with eyfrbcaming with unconscious atTctioft73' ,M-.Z- '-- ' The shock which the poor girl had received, in the destruction of all her ideal wot Id, had in deed been cruel. Paintings and hystericks had at first shaken her tender frame, and were succee ded by a settled and pining melancholy. She had beheld from her window the marsh of the departing troops. She had seen her faithless br er borne ofl,'as if in Triumph, amidst the sound of drum and trumpet, and the pomp of arms. She strained a last aching gaze after him, as the mor ning sun glittered about his figure, and his plume waved in the breeze: he passed away like a bright vision from her sight arid left her in darkness; ' " - It would be trite to dwell on the particulars of her after story. It was, like other tales of love, melancholy. She avoided society, and wandered out alone in the walks she had most frequented with her lover. She sought, like the stricken deer, to weep in silence and loneliness and brood over the barbed sorrow that rankled in her soul. She would sometimes be seen silting in the porch of the village church late of an evening und the milkmaids, returning from the fields, would now and then hear her voice singuig some plaintive ditty in the hawthorn walk. She became fervent in her devotions at church, and as the old people saw her approach, so wasted away, yet with hec tic bloom, and that hallowed air which melan choly diffuses round the form, they would make way for her, as for something spiritual, and, look- mg auer ner, woum nae meir fleaas in gloomy foreboding. She felt a Conviction that she was hastening to the tomb, but looked forward to it as a place of rsr ti a . i . i a . rest, i ne silver cora mat nad oound her to ex istence was loosedrandnhcfeeelhTdT6Dno more pleasure under the sun. If ever her gen was a purity iii.her manners, a blamelessness in her life, and a beseeching modesty in her looks, V- inataweacfownevtry Jicentious feeling. Inrvain a thouaandivcatt- :rirtr- lesvcuamplek df men of fashion, and to chill the iisive leyjrywiih which he had.he.ard them talk Tfma"e" v her pres ence, she was still surrounded by that mysterious, but Impassive charm of virgin purity, in which -namlty thought c'an"liver"T ' " " ' - - - , The;8idden afilrarof orders for ; the iegixnent . v to rcuair tothe cotinetitcompleted (he confusion of liHTOwd- ..lie remained for a short timeini : state' of the most painful irresolution ; he hesita- tt'd'to communicatc'.the tidings, until the 'dayjo'r Jiiaw-ptig . wa at nar.ti j when he gave her '.the In 4 - telliCDcc- in the course of an evenlnc ramble. , The idea of parting had. never before occurred -, . w her. it'broke in at once upon-a dream of fe bcity ; she looked upon it as a suddt-n nnd -inhtrl rC'.-.'c 6vil ad wept with the guileless sini- 'L ; P1Wity of a child. IU drew her to' his bosom, l ; jw' h;Vie.?ca.r?rtWil .her" soft check nor did - lir mVct with a tcpntsef for there are -moments of ; '. ??:d sorrow and ttnc'ernts. whieh hallow 1 . .. - - - - Lcr it inur.t lover ! He rushed n.la the no , ,,! Ucw to chp hcrtohli'.owm but her wasted form-hcr !c;ah-liko countcnanre-s .wan, .yet so luvtly in ita (Icsohtlon, smote him to the M'Ul. and he threw himself in an vgony at her fect. She was too fiint to rise she attempted to extend her tremblin- hand her lips moved as if she inoke'but na sound, was articulated she looked down upon him wi(h an expression oi uhuii bio tenderness, and closed heeye forever- .SucJuarclhcparticuIars wInch J ciiertf oi thi villi? storv. -I have passed through the place since, and visited llie church again from a better motive than mere curiosity. , It was a win- try evening; the trees were, stripped ol their foliage t 'the church yard '.looked . naked and mournful, and the w ind rustled coldly- through tho dry fassErergreens, however, had been planted alwut the grave of the village favourite, and oiicri:ttifihcnt over It to keep the turf tin- injured. -Thecta "i'here hung the chaplet of flowers and the were withered, it is true, out care seemea to nave been taken thatno dqstshouldjojllbeirjvhitcness I havceerf 'manfmonutnentsV where art has ex hausted its 'powers to awaken the sympathy of the spectator, but I nave met with none that spoke more touching! jr jo raj heart, than jliis simple," bufdelicatc memento of "deforted inno cence. ... tic bosom had entertained resentment against her lover, it was extinguished. She was incapable of angry passions, and in a moment of saddened tenderness, she penned him a farewell letter. It was couched in the simplest language : but touching from its very simplicity, - She told him , ! 1 . . . . mat sne was oymg, ana am not conceal trom him tSSOfiCaatf 'Waat.Ifii eiplrlehf ea";but concluded with saying, that she could not die in peace, until she had sent him bcr forgiveness and blessing. 1 By degrees her strength declined and she could no longer leave the- cottage. - She could only totter to the window,' where, propped up in her chair, it was her enjoyment to sit all day and look out upon the landscape. Still she uttered Jie, complaint nor imparted toany one the mal ady that was preying on her heart. She never even mentioned her lover's name but would lay lerhe&l on her mother's bosom end wceD in si- lencCfc j Her poor parents hung, in mute anxiety, -w ," -I'-z'-.'S v.iws9oui o( uicir nopes, stlii tiai teting themselves that it might again revive to freshness and lhat the bright unearthly-bloom winch sometimes Hushed her cheek might be the promise ot returning health. fn this way she was seated between them one Sunday afternoon ; her bands were clasped in theirs, the lattice wm air that stojc in, brought with it the fragrance of me clustering noneysucRie, thatjicr own hands had trained rotmdthewindoift' Her father had just been feadirig.a chapter, in the bible ; it spoke of the vanity of worldly things, andihe, Joy s,ii .beaven-1 - it seemed to have r dif fused comfort and serenity throueh her bosom. Her eye was fixed on, tho distant vniago chliSh tne ben naa lolled tor .the evening -service the lasuiuagcr was lagging into tne poixtisnue ve ry thing had sunk into that hallowed stillness-pe' culiar to thejday of Jst.HeLP3KntiJvere ga zing on her with yearning hearts Sickness and sorrow, which pass so roughly over some faces, uau given lu ners me expression ot a seraph s. A tear trembled in her soft blue eye Was she thinking of her faithless lover? or were her thoughts, wandering to that distant Tchurch-yard, into vynose Ppsom .she -might soon he gathered ? - Suddenly the clang of hoofs was heard--'a horseman gaHopped to the .cottage he demount' cu beiore the window- the .vnoor cirl fclve'. fidut Fnm u MiLLta't aiTaos rtcT or ths 13tb cnTTaT.,l The method of announcing political events and the various articles of foreign and domes tic intelligence," which' usually engage the at tention ot the public, by means of Gazettes or Newspapers t seems to have been first em ployed in Italy, as early as the year 1536. It was in that country that these vehicles of information received the . name Gazetta, which they have ever since retained.! inc earnest newspaper pnnieu in ureal Britain was The -Enelish - Mercuric bv Christopher Barker, her highness' printer,1 in 1588. But public prints of i this kind, af ter the dispersion of the Spanish Armada, seldom appeared. The first regular weekly newspaper published in that country was by w The certaine Nerves of this present Weeie." Three years afterwards, another of a similar kind was established. But, during the civil wars, which took place under the Protectorate of Cromwell, these channels of public intei- iigence necame more numerous than ever ; and were (filigently employed by both partie? to disseminate their opinions among the peo ple." 'About that time appeared the Mercu- tu jimiwfi lucTcuTiui iKusiicvs,ana tne Mercurtus Livicus &c. - And,' Jt is said, that " when any title grew popular, it was fre nuendy stolen by some antagonist, who, by this stratagem, obtained access to those who wouldnnortaveeTvecrhim had he not worn the appearance of a friend. These pa pers soon became a public nuisance. 1 Serv ing as receptacles of party malice, they', set le4n'ln45 of .men more at -yariance, inflamed their re ser imcnts into greater fierceness, arid gave a. kr cner and more destsuctiye edge to civil discord. But the convulsions of those uauiuiuiy, or wic inclination to treasure up occasional or curibus comfjosltions Tan n much .were . they, neglected that va complete collection is now no where 'to be found, and little js known respecting them." The earliest British Gazette, of whirli anv distinct record remains, was that published irr 1663i by Sir Roger L'Estrange, under the tide or the Mfie lnttmnr; 'Tinrm--m continued until the year 1665, when a kind of court newspaper was established "ai ford, then the seal bf govern every Tuesday. TTie first number was nrint. ed in the month pf-Novembcr iFthat jea?i and appears to have; superseded Sir Roger's wn-aiier-uiisnerxoTirrwas" removed to London, on which the title of ,the changed to the London Gazette, the name wnicn it stm Dears. 4 , PrcmihiThiiddleof the seventeenth ccn tury, the employment of newspapers as chan. nels of intelligence became more frnnni andopulaTTncT Britain, hut also in several other countries of Europe. e wspapersnd pamphlets were prohibited in ' :r.J, by ; . I At rCVoIutir;. . ; -t i tnkcn ofT; I. : i . y$).(pirs wrir j ' ti .1, ana were lirst 1 n 1713. ' Their nus..! filiation, in'locp iHia prohibition years afttrvvarJi ti'- -tja:ts cf ta. ; 1 for this purpo 1 . vti, lias ijCfn itantly increasing f rora t!. ;t , rictl till thP present time. But sine? th- Lrrir.ningof ih cjgh-cnth century, thti incre;:- particubrlv - uivav .AJriuun,".- r ranee, t 1 '.m- .1. Amerlca,has been almost incrcdi!.! ;'f Peihaps in narespectond in no ahcr en. terpns 01 a literary kind have the Uiitd" Statemade such rapid progress , as ia the esubliihment' of . political journal. At the beginning .oLthe -eighteenth century there' was no publication of this kind ju the United i oionics. . - nc nrsr newsnaner nrmtf si in . " 7 - ..r.'n. Am nca rss tne msnn Nexvs-Tetter begun ' ' in ir04, in" the tuwn wjiose name it befs?byc B. . Green; The second was the Saat-s r. -) ,"""Mvvvu luwaiui latter ena 01 mc year by Samuel Kn-!-:nd. Xhe next .year third was publi! ; hder. 2 uic iinc yi . inc ew'.ngfana Lourarit by James Franklin, v Between the last mention." ei ycar and ,1730,' threeother-nevvspsners ! yrc puuusucu iq uoston, tnougn omc of . www njvi iv uavc uccn auon laid aside. m As the, first printing work done . in North " Arterica was executed in Massachusetts' a .1.-. 1.:: a: .... in juvn tuiuny inc earnest, and, lor a number r of 'ears?hem6st"vigorous and successful, exertions were made lor the establishment and circulation of political journals. n. v . , . . j t auc in oi urwspupcr printed in rennsyi- vania, waslTf American Weekly Mercury y by Andrew Bradford, the publication cf which commenced December 22, 17.19, The first - printed In New-York, it is believed, was by WiiliamjBradford, October 16th, 1725, under V the tide?cf the New-Tori Gazette, The firstl ' paperiublished -in-Rhode-bland f was the' Rhode-Uhnd Gazette, by James Franklin, be- ; . fore mentioned, who began the publication in : Octobert? 732. The first rtVcnnecttcut was " by James' Parker, in 1755; and the first H . ' New-Hampshire, by Daniel Fowle, in 172C. l uc penus at wnicn uczfftcwcrc nrsi i-i- troduced intcMhe other states are " pet cer v taioly known. fn 171, they bad increased to the number ct twenty-five ; and in 1801, raprethan cn: hundred and efcAfydifferent newspapers wci 4 printed in different parts of - the United StateO - : It is worthy of remark, that, newspapers have almost entirely changed their form and cnaracter wunin me penoaunacr review. For a long; time after the were adopted sf a medium of communication to the public, they were confined, ia general, to the 'mere statement of facts. t Bud the have gradually assumea an omce . more expensive, and nscn . to a more important station h society. -jThey have become the vehicles of Miscussion in wnicn tne principles 01 government, tne in terests of nations,"the spirit and tendency of public measures, and- the public and private characters of individuals are ll arraigned, tried, and . decided. -Instead, therefore, of being considered now, as thcjlxnce were, of small moment in society, they liave become immense moral and political engines, closely taeeply .involving both ltsjace and pros- : : Newspapers haye , tj so become important in a literary view. -There are few of them, v within the last twenty years,' which have no; added to their politt:-l details some curious t and useful informatic.. the r various sub jects of literature, sciei'-und art. They nave thus become the rr JhnJ of conveying to ever), class in society, jnumcrable scraps of knowledge, whirii have -Cnce increased thc5 public intelligence; and er Vnd? the taste for perusing; periodical p plications. The, advertisemtnhil moreover, vhlch they daily contain, Vespecting new bJoks, projects, inv yeiitlonsdlireri pre well calculated to :enIrueV and enlighten the public m'md,andare 'jorthy of being enunie rated among the m: y methocls o(awakenmg. and maintaininV t1 i. nonular attention, with attention, J The firet Gwctte is said to hav been printed it Vc-1 mee, ana to'navtf been published monthly ' . Ul ww. government. 4 li.. ...1 n. . . '-' uu.ritu. .ll'lrnil- m l'lfNnn. . K.r .V .J .. 'as und. rtVcdfr) iw, a-Migtoe or Chatterer t . bv oth Wfnrtm th, "ru? f "lue can caiicu vuzetta, peculi: b the dtv if cmce, where newBnjtpers Were Tfiwt pru iLand whicS V?, coinmonpnce of Uiese periodic QblicalloSs, while a third class. of critics suppse it to L ierivedfrom the Latin word Ca;at collwmially lejigfed into tl llT fir,Swroe nefepers were caned by" f-)!.'.becaus,y they il tended commonly by tWse 1- plfpcrs to sprerdTbout defamatory nijrttU Oierefore nrnhlhittlT which more mc '.fn times-yondiall prc-. V$?Z example, fibound, . tiXL At the comr jtneetnent qtthe perioa unaer review, there Jbre but thee or'JjmrPrinters'-' in the American Colonies : anl thesie" car-r... ried oh the'r business upon a yeryisniall. r - ; 4 yet 3 coarse, inelegant manner. But at present 1 803 the number of Printer? in henited Siatea naay U considered as near ' Vi fee hundred fnd many :pf these per form their work witfr a neatnssnd elegaacf which ;are rarely "exceeded in Europe' At -that time the printing an original American work, even a small pamphlet, was a rare oc :4 Concluded in iemd-p&tfr" -iTjiere was no newspaper in Scotland till after the-';j accession of King Villlamand Queen ilaryr-Attke PmOJ. uierc were lArce cstablwhed hi that parrot ;jc V Klrilrdnm .ln'll. Unmlnm'nf Rritiin the WUWa ... V.b WUKUUIII V. . ... . ' -. nunibtr of iitnspapers nnhtcd m'ttje ynT-U t$:2T2M) trorv itiiin-mi's - .'. . -V . .... . v,.v..i''.':"i..ix.; sJL

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