. . . t . .... . I f, wtni to i,lo t.ircei, i'j -.limiicii iiit i.c wunh. uith no ether ki'O'.vlcdc or motive tli'a that of pJSM'i aI evct.Ju;: ani'Mt' Mi liUfit! 1 could iiUo lac proved, tl.it, subscqiieiit to tht; fatal transaction, when vve met in llutLoui, hi indeavcred to Induce two or three of my com panions to fr t0 houses and buildings, in tuiiuuH part" fine nictropohV" I. could prove, that, tmhscquent to thut aj;uin, he endeavored to induce imii to throw luud grenades into jthe carriages of ministers at they passed through the streets." And jret this inan, the contriver, tbeUn tiigutor, the entrappcr, is screened from justice und from exposure, bjr those very men who seek w nfrtarice awdnst the victims of his sin and their I pannot impute inc. nearest ihputcs. t"r ' ,lAect teems to me to have been rather to obtain - . rerdict ac-ainst me. than tbbbtain a full and fuir exposition ottbwluderir.d- since it conv "ineric not bring: forward Edwards as a witnt'ssMf . not s an accomplice r uui no M!f7Jil- L -"Wlcitnlnff" Edwards in thebaci uround, my proof are, my incontrovertible proofs of his heWa hired Jpy. the sugcestor and promoter, jmist, according to the rules of the court, be also excluded.- Edwards and hts accomplices arranged mat ters in auch a manner, as lhal his services might he dispensed with on the trial, and thus were the V Sur cut off ' from evert chance of acei tainlner the real truth. Adams, Hiden, an Dwyer, were the agents of hdwards ; and truly -h made most tdmirable. choice, for. their in vention seems to be inexhaustible. With respvtt to the immorality of our project, I will just pb- serve, inai inc assasaiiiauuu ui tyim -wava been deemed a meritorious action. Bru- tut and Cassius were lauded to the very skies for slavinc'Cxsari Indeed, when any man, or any set of men,' place themselves above the laws of their country, there is no other means ot oring , ' ing them to justice than through the arm of a private individual. If the laws are not strong enough to prevent them from murdering the community, it becomes the duty or every mem- ... ?. . bcr 01 IQAt community to nc nis country oi r.s cpprcisori satisfaction," by Iciiiuirr some runnier of the i .mnly Mho had b:cn concerned in putuij? the old woman to death this was retaliated aiut finally two parties were created, whoj with ar.n. fought, a regular anJdoody UUIe. Jl is sid thut the number enjoyed amounted to ono hun dred and fifty on each side f and that the bat tic was continued wuh such obstinate valor by both parties, that not more than twelve of the combatants wer6 left alive. Should this be true, it furnishes an instance of persevering determi nation, i;i pursuit ot revenge, unexampled by any . - ning wiucn we nave uearci. .,., . . , We are informed, by an Intcllijrent friend who arrived here yesterday In thu shin Ohio, captain ILpby, from New-Oi leans, that a fire took place in that city about avcekbcloro that vctltl . ailed, between bt. Ann and Iain streets. It ormina ted, through accident, lh the house of Madam aenkrrand 'commfffilCatecrio MrTCumneVi burnt some adjoining houses, whose owners are not recollected, aid extended to those of Cheva lier Iccroix and Dr. Dow, all of which, and the miermcaiaie nouses, were consumea. it also Communicated to the opposite side of the street, and consumed all the houses on that side, except the one at the comer of St. Ann street. Amongst these was one ol the public magazines, occupied as a naval store. The loss of all the propcrtr is estimated at about 50,000 dollars. 'I he pii'.itrs were in close confinement, and were to be exe cuted on the 25th ultimo. The Mory current here this morning, thai the lire originated with the pirates; thut tlicy had succeeded in releasing themselves from prison; that they had bet lire to several parts of New-Orleans, blown up the magazine, and massacred u numbe r ot the in. habitants, is entirely untrue. The city was very health. f i 41 High treason' was committed against the people at-Manchester, but justice was closed against the mutilated,- the maimed, and the i- i - : menus oi inose wnq were upon uiui ugeaMuii m dUcrfminatelr ' Albion 1 still in the chains of slavery I quit it with regret I shall toon be consigned to the gravemy body will be Immured beneath the soil whereon I first drew breath. My only 'sor tow is, that the soil should bcr a theatre for slaves for cowards, for despots. My motives, I doubt not, win nercauer oe justly appreciated, i wu therefore now conclude, by stating,' that I aha! consider myself as murdered, if I am to be executed on the verdict obtained against me, by the refusal of the court to hear my evidence I could have proved Dwyer to be a villain of the blackest dye ; for, since my trial, an accomplice of his,-named Arnold, has been capitally con victed at this very bar, for obtaining money un tier circumstances of an mfamous nature. " 1 seek not pity : I demand but justice, have not had a fair trial, and upon that ground protest that judgment ought not to be passed against mc.v fomc iU since, were brought before Mr. Justice Livingston several persona f ho luul been taken by the sloon f war Cvunc. from no nonrrt nf tr nuriaii ai-lii Science,' and some other veiwela,. on the coast of Africa, time in caminjr on h tmflic in slaves, contrary t J the laws of the t'nited States. ... Mr. Well and Mr. Ulake moved for tlie ilisclmrjc wrnic cf them, on the crround that t the time of thou living taken out of these vesseb, it did not appear- that mere wire any wave on Doani, to that they could not in the w ords of (lie act, be laid to be einnloved " in tl truii-H)rt:tion or earning1 of slaves from one foreign try or .place to anojtiicr, toiint f;-r lesi gitllt) itrt. Tii' T is no fcar'of a rttwravlif tnoveiitent in tin: Ri'iral solid t t!ic present time. 'Hie march Oi" miiij nuj !. 'h.ijhu. i'. t!io iVt ikinay be niu !cd tV.e prlnain rrowJcil, i n i the ik-aHolda luttcd i but Utc rcdcciiili'jj np'r'.t wjili-h )v. vne Ibr.h, will ere long remove all olistirU, di.ptl all tie fogs ami vpor aiUi vhich de jpo'Jam .has tnulrtlol lu r, piocl-vim free. do;u U,t!.c eaplivca, pcacu ta the opprecd, snd call tlie ttondiring nations to tit! Jubike of man.. ' - llie lQtlKtiiMiry ii tot ct.rghtcneL lituliid too much experience of X3ie art ?n4 deci ptious of lcgiUiiar)Vti bo gulkd with the refuse cf fo.-nur g ploU and pre tended tkuuinatloiu. It is no well knoM n, that M by tlili crai" the members of thV ItJy utpie A their Eying I'Mt luqbem a lever in tleijr Liai ilA j ttxvnnvliv'l Willi a corrupt aotdkry, more potent than ''t of Ar- cl:i:nedf by which they have not only moved the wot Id, but turned it tipple down, nude it one wiiteAcrkUnui, and trampled on-all that i Ji'ar 14 nian, all that TiriTuIk;i kmt dijfnificd," and Vvncrabk'," Xk iuiiiah jjtum"llut,js we remarked before, the time iuui jjono by, when some all the monil and physical powen of nuukiiul, ami to iukI them U n in chain and duiv;;eunii, or dcrtroy then on the acafloli!. 'e now only kxA b-u V on the terrible cencs of former and rtcent times, Al'.tii utoiii!.mont, and wonder that uch tliingi could be." We behold them we do some of the terrific and ublimc phenom ena in the natorJ world, with sVunethlnj of a reverential it . . ... a j uhielL tliouzii thev Homctimci Lv cities in ruin. and carr) "death to tbouandn, )etat tlie a.uno timo Im part KfS and health to numberless milliom. Hut a bright iLiy Iuh dawned jon the world j and the present. gv emtUin uisy live to witneu nil iu meridian tyleiklor... It lirt dawned in the H el t and we Americans saw and bailed the lint ray tltat streaked the political horizon. vliich s'MJii khed over our co intry thu brightest day tlist ever sho:i'.' on man, a:ul cncirclel us, like the Israelites in Goslicn, with an e.Viberrncc of light, while tlie rest of the world lay in darkness Ve have now but tu witnesi it diil'usion over other part of the globe, ami to bugh at the vain attempts u l.ich arc made to slop its progress (,'tll'li,llll. There arc CiroontJes in the s'.At ra h ro-iiin i -tvU 3 nit nihi rs to th' fitn-TsI .V.';ti.!ly, innkin;; !ilti!. r (t-uluiit tt o ilia fci vii lHrou''lt 1A m n n. 'I lia whole whiu popiikt'nn t( ?'o.'.h-i.'a;dtns, in JM, , S'Sf,,(76 mhiUi which giw or.o ll'tm scnUtUc to sbii:t every J0:i persona. , . ' 4 Now l t un liw the prrvTtTiViodt of Vpft'eiiU. Uon itiii'iti t i1m.s di'a i , ,.-..l - :T"mZ - vuw i, , ' - '- The follpwlmfTtiiriitit-4,rtM'j llrwwlek.f MniVH lUatif'rt,XarU.id,.J)upLX Kla-Lu' L'hottan, Caiiulent- Franklin, fiweiillerlfi'ftl, llvtli-, jotu. Johnston, I. .1 noir, N'orth, - ILnipton, NewJ Isnuvcr, Martin, Onliw, . - Currituck, Ualt Kasli lpioisiik, l riuiiM)it, l'Uf TyrreH, Waitcn, Wajn, WaJiiogtoii, l( chmoiid, ind npin, in nunmer 3 J, !p r tMipiiluoiu oi 1 H.im K ulHMit 4T(W btore t.ian onu-t'iml of the whole Irei aouK ulHMit A mi more t-iul one-t:iinl ot Uic uliole trey populaUon cf the s'atoi hit thee 3") toun'ics, witii . 1UMMI Hotili, S'.-nd to thu IxgisLiture to members j - Itile the other 30 enmities, with a Kpultion i('23C, k 0, Jk roif7 Vnl biiTy'TK) niT-mbVil T w lM a UV)n pHuri . iU. oi quid r-iriHtitHvHlie bm .nenH.nil -'.if " immt'uinOhlit frrntitlcd onlv to 6i"mpmhcrs-!l left" "' than lltcy .now Imvi . All Uiew counties arc UUUU u uuLnfJiutMhyM Jldeigh, ' - BUENOS AYES. Two new revolutions (if they deserve that name) have us.cn piacc. inc ioiiowing article reponn a Ml at tempt Sarratea, how ever, reiiwins in ttatu au DatTi oa v Jnne-iO. ThrotTglrthe tTnoTTRfentrorror amendwlK) armed here thu morning m the brig Vir ginia, capt. Reynolds, in 45 das from Buenos Avres, the editor oi the Federal Gazette has been favoured with files of papers and official documents to the 1 1th April. The following is a brief summary of the events which took place at ltucnos Ayret down to the 9th April, being the latest intelligence received at Montevideo- previous to the departure ot the irgima. Buenos Ayrcs continued to be agitated by the jarring elements of faction. An attempt was made by Gen. AU vcar, in the latter end of March, to usurp the coiiimand of tlie troops, displace the government, and substitute another more favorable to his views but his designs prov ing ineffectual, be tied to the quarters of Gen. Carrera, who commanded a corps of tlie Federal army, on being demanded from' the latter, he sought refuge with Gen. Ramirez, governor of the province of Entre Itioa. It waa orfieially announced, that an election would be held on the MAti ot April, for members to represent tlie country in tlie Federal Congress. - An investigation of the conduct of the prcccdinsr ad ministrations, developed an interesting, corrtsporidencc with the French government, on the subject of a pro posal, made, by Uie latter, to lonn a monarchical govern ment in the provinces of tlie Uio de la. Plata, to be di rccted by tlie Prince of Luca, a descendant of thg Bourbons. Ixnxl Cochrane captured wnd took possession of Val divia on the 4tli February, with the loss of two killed and 11 w ounded. 11c had previously been orf Guayaquil! in quest of the Spanish frigate Prueba, but she eluded his pursuit by landing her guns, and ascending the lover. His Lordship communicated w ith Bolivar, w ho was in Quito, at tlie head of 8000 men, the principal part of whom had joined him on his inarch from New Grenada. Gen. Santandcr with the advanced guard of the Patriot army, .occupied Cucnca, distant about 50 miles from Guayaqiul. Jude 1 jvirttrston decided, tliat. as the vessels annr. d to have been fitted out for the slave trade, and were employed therein,, when these men were found serving m hoard, their ease was embraced cither by the 2d or scctioii. of.the.act of . Congrcsv-which . wa passtfdon this rabject, the 10th MaxVliKX), although ho negroes or were on ooaru at me uniR lie accordingly com mnieu all who wer citizens of the United States, or ere resments thereof at the nine of fitting out these vessels, to the city prison, (cxeepdnsr one. w ho was ad. 1-jnhted to: baiLV4-tak:eHlKi-tr 4rtalt-theirext Circnit ? tkiuit of the t'nited States to be held in this citv. i c! .1 . . ... Fince me commitmcht ot these men, we understand tlwt a merchant of this citv. and a citizen of the I SALISBURY, (N. C.) TUESDAY, JUNK 27, 1820. axs, was tajcen betorc Judge Livmgstoiyon a warrant ItsiicU by him, on a chaoF fitting out in tliis city, in the montli of December last, tlie above mentioned sehr. .'.tbqwrse.'ol Tier being employed in this tia lai. -Tills gentlejnan was boumi over to take his trisa at tne Kami: time. V -'V - it is said that a special court will be appomtcdlbrthe .trial of these men. . v , - VV" j peai'cd.to be h&j ects of other pow erv and tiever to have t nsukd ia the Unit ed-Statey w ere discharged, it being .x4?;?.P?ilt the tr case yas not included many of tin t. -.,aw8.,VHch :...had been passed, for the probibitiop of this . .trade V Yaf,Mv; - . DUE ADFUL CONFLICT. KASUPUIE, Af.tr 24. Thqre is a report in town, said to be brought by the post-ridr, that a civil war is raging among the Choctaw Indians. . The report is related so circumstantially as to emiile it to credit, more especially when connected with rumors which -were previously afloat, h is now stated, Jthat some time ago, an old Choctawwoman; suspected rby some of her triTie- for a wiic h. was taken un. f f)ilU?1, ai"JtnL.l?r?li.Hcr inimcdidie. ; Hremli, or.pclaiim, VooV w hat ifi-Itt!f:t?i" FOAEICX vVA'r.V. - Tnder our fow-igo headof -last week,, our readers no ticed the conclusion of tlie trial of the Cato-strcct con spirators ; five of whom w ere condemned to behung, then beheaded and quartered, and their mangled care; scs to be suhjeet to kit miy-nty' t(jpai i thejyijiajning six respittnl to await the pleasure of the king. Thistle wood's defence will be f Mind in this (Liy'4 paper, and from the facts it discloses, is well worthy of perusal. The others spoke with equal "spirit and firmness a'hd made" similar dist 1)8 ires. If what they stite, he orrect, (and who, knowing the character of tho present .Er.glsh 'gov. ernmcnt, can be very mcredulous ') the rcal'Catn-strcct conspirator arc not. Thistle wood & Co, but. the monil English ministry and their virtuous king. They laid the plot they furnished "the arms and ammunition, and cm: plowed a detestable villain tojleeo; theni 'into the snare laid for the tn ami when th"fv found their victimt fairly trapped, pounced upoii flieMkAJ:y.ri:uCa - ' i .i ... .k- .....lV..m I nrev. ana consumed tneni n uic : ium uus w rible plot agrintf the lix-es of hirJlUjtriv'H- Jfinhh-r, w ill now be usela a stepping-stone, to ariiitrary power, ami tn cast a pubvCoiliuiii on the real and ratmnal friends of reform, It is griindcoiiiiteqiart to the. old popish, or gunpowder plot, and will bemjiloytd to crush the re maining liberties Britons, and to erect on tfieir'nuns tlie moat odious despotism will be used W a plea , for huntinty d9wn thcAl lugslas t.Le, lormcr w as tor proven. bing thy Catholic. It may sucjccd for a tunc the spirit oV-'liberty nuy 4e 'iAed&.fri(d4Quy be banged, beheaded and quartered : but cbiy of retribution wiflf STATF. ELECTION. . Tlie whole numln r of votes given at the late election for Governor in the State of S'tM'.VOKk', was, for Do l ittijliiUU447 for Damr.Jmrkns"4J,tWtr: The actual majority for Clinton being 1,4 S7. A major ity of the Senate and Assembly are the friends of the Vice-President ; and of consequence, the Council of Ap pointment, the great instrument of power in thut State, will be placed bcvoiul tlie control ot Mr. Cliijton.- In MtSSACliUSETM Gov. Brooks is reflected. The whole number of votes given in, was 53,?J7, inclu ding 298 sratte ring. Gov. Brooks had 3 1,072, and the lion. William Eustis, democratic candidate, 21,927 i giv ing to the former a constitutional majority of 4,12.. The first organization of the government of the new State of M.IIXE, took place at Portland on the 31st ul timo. Gen. YYillam King elected Governor by nearly a unanimous vote the w hole number ot votes being some thing over 20,000. . SOLDlEIfS rJTEXTS. Hie Prcsklent of tlie United States has des'gnnted the fourth Monday of November next, as the time at which patents to the soldiers of the late army, entitled to bounty lands, shall commence to issue in the Arkansas 1 erntory The lands appropriated for that purjMwc in the State of Illinois, have been exhausted some ii.oc.l2 muaths ago. visvr 'it. Hie ciMinties of (Vumhus, Tjrrell, ftnimwitk. Chow, an, (iates Washington aiwl Junes, K'veu in nuuiber, havi a pvpuUtion of . 17,76'1 sotiU whil the county if l.'ow- - -an, slone, contains 17,7tU t'rv'c person : B it these ven counties m-ntl 21 memhvrs to the legislature, an I ItoMrio endi only three J ! So that one tna bi th s c;mntii s has as much weight in making the lawf, aial "aiipotiitin the judges, as sevt n men in Rowan. Tltw III. 'Hi counties of Kowan, Orange, Rutherfonl, Lincohv " Mc klonburg, Guilford, Burke, Chsthain.urry, Casrll, liken, and Randolph, in number 12, all situated in tho Western part of th state, contain 2XJ s itils morv tlia.i alt cf the J2 counties enumerated in view 1 -hnt th(s3 32 counties send W memRtTs, while the 1 2 just men tioned nd oul' 3o to tlie General Asc-mtlv : Or, in other words, UJ.G.30 persons, in the eniern p:irt cf North-Carolina, liave )C mitmliers ; but M2,1'J5 freemen in the M'esttrn part of the statr, hul e onlv .li mer.ibir diffi-ri nee in favor of tin? cast, (U) members ! ! , I this j.istiee Is it right that this t Ue of thimfi shoulil con. tunic ' It will not cmtinue much I n 'ir, w. h the eon :nt of A ROHAN i'.VUMEU. SMJLL.Vn.tWE. In order to divicmiuafe irnall thawr as extensively at patiiiblelliroiigtvlhediifcreut parU oil he. United State the Mist in Philadelphia will deliver, on account of tho Bank of the I'nitrd States, rilvib ns ten cent pieces, to any modem to amount, six," for t'.io pres nt, not exceeding 500 dollar, in exchange for ait r-nul timoimt in silver bullion, or in any foreign silver coins. Cuts still continue to hu debverod, t any (h-sirabli! amount, in esLchangc for an cuiial amoint in secie, or in . any piper receivable at the Uoik of the t'nited States. J10.Y.1F. lItTE.T)e Umlm Sun states that In com sequence of an application from the Austrian Courfto tho HntiftJi Government, miuesting that more indulgence should be allowed to Bonaparte, orilcrs have- hern sent to St. Helena for that purpose, and carried into effect. It also expresses its regret to learn that young Napoleon has not been discouraged from entertaining tlie utmost hatred .iifajust the LugJisli, on accuuut ot the uupr.-oii. inent of his fadier. 1 he boy lately asked, why he nas not st vied, as before, the king of Ko.nc r and on being informed tliat this v. r.s an the account of thu iinprison- ment of hj father, he then asked by w horn he w ss hp irisoued ; being told, lv the Fjigl'sli, he put h hamlto TlIK 8E.1SQX,, In tills pr.rt of t!ic St.tr, has been backward and dry, till within two or three weeks past. Within that tinic, we have had several n. freshing rains' and showers, and vegetation is now progressing rapidly. Indian Com, in general, looks promising ; audwhea', the harvesting of w luch has akcady commenced, b; said to be very -go'- The drought, we are informed, in many places has ma tonally injured oats and flax ; but, upon the w hole, we are- led to anticipate art abundant harvest to "reward 'the labors of tlie husbandman. There will be but very little fruit of any kind, as it Was nearly all destroyed in tlie blossom by the severe frosts in the early part of the reason TAILOH, FKOM KNCLAND, RESPECTFULLY informs thr.Cititcus of Sal.'j'ary, and its vicin'py, that he bai comiiicnced tlie TJILOHIMi nUSL'F.SS In the house formerly ocenpied by Messrs. Wood and Krider, and where he inteiuU chit) ing it $ in the in'wi fashionable manner, in all its rarious liinne.'ifs with tlio greatest neatness and despatch. Ho pledges IjiinseH tliat no exertion on his part shall be wanting to deserve' tlie; public patronage, which hu reapuulfully aolicitSr iTj Otslers proinpthr executeL '" StJUurv, XC. J,,n 2 , V0, tw3 SHALL attend at the Court-llonse in Salislii.rv, ou Saturday, th fit li day of July next, tu collect tin-Taj due for the ycarldlV 'Also, the balance 01 Tsxduc for lKllt, in the Town Company, and the balance of tax Ui by tlie Commissioners oj" the Tow .t for 1H17 and 1MIS.- JNO. HE.VKD, S!riJ J.ms 2q, L".20, - - ' ' TOI .F.N from the suhsr rihe r, living in Salisburi', N. C sj T :..:! on Frnla; , the ?oth instant, a The hoi se is sewn vesrs old, fftem hands and a hil'" TOR TIIK Wl.KTF.n5 CABOLIMAX JL-Mft. Etlitnm In the first number of vour paper, 1 s-e you have invited conunun!eatici..tipqn the syfiject' 01 our present system, ot representation to the General Assembly. I am glad to find that your feelings upon that sub jeCt arc s'uclf as will fiiVd"anacconl:incc in the bohoni of every-" Westvm tWolinian, who has either spirit or iudependence ehoiigli to assert bi.s rights. I.'pon what principle (jfrepublicatiisivi or justice wit,, that one man. in the counties east ofHaleigh exercises as 'murhpolitical civil rwwer as st; ven ,pf J.h.e. freenivn . ofJlowani That this is tlie case, will be seen hp thc iollow ing state meiiti;, . Vou observe, imlyv.fJUit.." lUe? government of Nortb-Canoluia ii an aris'ocnicy.". i ivbat is. aix aristoct. racv but ditv-goVfr4iiiig of 'tbe-tnAfiy 4Mhc f;"? 'l he inequality in our present motle of representationd is every year uecoiiuui mure uppress've, i uc aiyieAeu views were' made from the returns ol ttpe cep.ius of 1H10 : aiiice tlien there, is a great changi i;i the quantum of our j)oj)Ulatidn f "the Western comities-' tiave'tiicreaieifat least fittv per cent, while some of the lower counties fas it will be found) remain stationary. Even the black population in the W estern counties, has multiplied in a greater ratio than in the lower counties. But it is not my intention at this tune, to enter into a full examination of tins subjvict, A hu present year is the period in course, for. enumerating the pppulivtioh of Uie country, Coiit irres's have made 'provision for the same .'j'mnd as ooh as the census is completed, and the returns made public, f for Qii'Y pledge mvself to take up the subjeet, -and' -ex pose to jour reader the unjust inequality intlit: present mooe oi rnoonrng1 ittrprtiferw-imes, utwi unr tn'iwp conie, a.idiUt s.vne w,ccaiiffi, bcbiulyl onjtbc, heads hijh.'tii' kel, has a small star in his forehead, wi?h a smail whit- f.pot at the root of his tail, aiul is short nude. The man who st"lc him calls himself J.An Uurm-f, v t wcn 2A an 1 ;'.) years of age, thout 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, rd hair, with a sear under tlie right sidt: of hi chin, pale complexion, has a bail cough, ind is apparently in a consumption. His clot lies cannot be described, cs In; has tw o suits v.idi hun i but he generally wove a blue surtout. Whoever w;iH apprehe nd siid tiiief, and secure him in any gaol in tlie United States, and give me information, shall receive twcvtf -fivc dollar ; and tn"t;iy-jive ihHurj for Miftmimtjoit'of tin: hone, ijolhat I may obtain hint again. PETr.lt KRlDr.K. SaHbiirvtMujti, 1H3-). - .ilrvttvflrr bon?, versvs fjnvi th,ml, Jwcthjn jltrretl, -1oJit . . Lut lr, flHE di :-position'of Thomas Toil.!, Thomas .TlaruVy X tieorge Willis, sen. Samuel Silkinon, John Clciiieiits, Nicholas Simpson, John Travis, anl otlwrs, will be taken on the twrniy-si.lh and twenty -:.eeuth days., of June. next,'" if Johtf HownrtPs tavern,, in rtalWmrn anilif Tmt ' - ; - -all taken on that day, tho deposition1 of tlie same w it-- ncsscs, or of them not taken, and others .will be ta&ei - ----- at John Howard's tavern, il) failshiiry, on, the twenty. sUth and tw cntyrStveoUi days of July oicitf . and, if not ----- all then tnken, the depositions of the .samtr witnesses, or v T of, those not taken, and others, .will4c taken at John Iow ard'i tavern, in Salisbury, n the :twcnty-fifth---an4--T-.-:::.-.-----t: tweoty-wivth days -of. AugHit next j and, if not all then ,.i taken, the deposition of the hinie w itnesses or of then ' 1 not taken, and others, will be taken at John Howard's tavern, in Salisbury, on the twenty -sixth and twenty -seventh !ays of September i&xt j and, if hot all tlcn taken,' tlieTdcptwfioiis oH tit ken, and others, will be taken at Joha Howard's tavern, ;n SalUburv, on the sixth and seventh days of Oetobcif -im: xt: Which, depcaitions are iutenbl to be read as evi ltr.3e o:i the trial of this suit .rahd when and where yo4 inay atttnd, and troa-examine, irvm think proper, ALKXUl HONG, Sen. ' MaUeZWH 120. 9wl " i Inserted by request of MOE1 A, tOCKJJr "Z. OCT The ouiicrs ef- two Umbrellas, left at Hi Theatre, 971 the I5t'i inkt. can obtain thmn Aj culling at ".' '"', 2 :i - 'I i 11i-.'--.

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