UnUMJUUV, (N. C) TUKSDAV, JULY 4, 18 J FOURTH OF JULY. ' ( I The recurrence of this day awakens in every Aracri- ran bosom, the noblest fc'tEngV. We fell a national pri de tit lUirlllntr on the scene which tha rctnrn of .this day bring to our remembrance i and we for!, also, a holy feneration thrilling through our mindi for those Immor. i J patriots and venerable sagci who, on the memorable fourth of July, In the gloomy year of 177(5, proclaimed to T.nbnd ana to the world, that these Uien infant col 1 tonka - rcrr. end trf-rlghr tnrghrio DcTfrt Tn!nh4e pendent states." The cejebration of thia day haa been rondemned by pome, on the ground, that H displays in illiberal spirit, and' U calculated to' produce 'unfriendly f Jcclin towards Great-Britain i but uictr amitncnta arc inyro specious than solid. It fat calculated la perpetuate tlkoM brincioles which M rocked the cradle or our IimIc i iH-ndtncc," ahd nursed it into manhood i it keeps afivp our resteer ana vencrauon ior uic memory oi mosc w ho M toiled and bled In ita defence t it makes our chil- drcn'carlr acquainted with their namra and emulous of . . m . . . 1 . .. . ' I- I heir lame t oui we apcax u wunoui icar ci contradic tion, tt uoes not create or perpetuate any f eelings or an imosity against Great-Britain $ each one rises from the festive board .with M kindly feeling towards the land of mr fathers, as when ne aat down. For we hold England, aa wc da all other nations, r enemies in war 4n peace friend.'' We thouirht we could not mors suitably notice the birth-day of our country, than by republishing1 the Dec. laration of Independence, with the names of the immor. laipainois who Mgncu jwi moor uircc oi incm, we bcheroi now lire to witness this (by t the rest have eone to join their compatriots in the skies to receive Uud re- 1 ".-.I i. I.I 1 - I ward wuicn awaiiauie dbtc anu me gooa. ii us oy our conduct this day evidence our respect tor their mem ory, and our regard for, their virtues. ;Thcy have be queathed to us a briirht inheritance a home and a coun try liter hate riven to it a name and a lustre which the i M cold bblMxia band of time" can neither sully nor ef face they Lave provided an asylum for the oppressed, and a home for .the stranger. Tlieir names should be i engraven, not on monumental brass" but on the hearts I cf their posterity and Tet the country they have given 1 vs. be their monument; . . i- Wc cannot conclude thia short article "more annroDri- .1 !...!-.. '. !l ,L. All ruciy, uuui vj imurjiutituiiwiui u uic louowing' cxiraci of a letter from the venerable Job Adams, one of the few surviving signers of the Declaration of Indepen dence, and now, w e Ix-lieve, in his eighty-fifth year. It was written at Phihtderphia, to a friend, on tlie 5th of July, 1776; m. Ycaterdajr the greatest question was de tided which was ever debated in America j and greater, perhaps, never was or will be decided among men. A ' rrsoiuuun wu hb)icu, wiuunn one uisseniing coiony, - inatuesc uimea awes are, ana oi right ought to be, free and independent States." The day is passedthe 4th of July, 1776, will be a nenwrabU epoetin in the history of America. I am apt to believe it will be celebrated by succeeding generations, at the. great Jtmivertary tettival. if ought to be commem orated as the Bir or ueliverakce, by solemn acts of de- Jvotion to Almighty (kxl. It ought to be solemnized with fnmf, itrws, garnet, tportt, gttnt, beut, btnjirtt and ilium iintiotu rnoM oaa nn or tub cojtimimt to th othes, frvm thit time foneant fvrever ! Yos: will think mc trans- poneu wiui cmnuaiasin ; dui i am not. i am weu aware of the toil, and blood, and treasure that it will cost to maintain this declaration and support, and. defend these states j yet, through all the gloom, I can see the ravs of i light and glory 1 can see that the end is worth more than all the means f and that posterity will triumph, a, though you and I may rue, which 1 hope we aliall not.' FOURTH OF JULY aaai. It is natural for us, on each return of this anniversary, ro count over our privileges, ami to recapitulate the cau sos which led to our separation from England. ' One among the many causes which brought about that glori ous cvenVwas, ur laving H taxes imposed on us with out our consent." In sun eying our national privileges, wc find that the citizens of no State possess any wluch are not common to all the States r the smallest State dos- sesses the same rights as the largest) has ita due weight in jnc p auonai legislature, and an equal voice in the lormauon oi au laws. n-gniy approu-i-. r. u i.-n j i.ttcMi tU'nc, tVallhow who tre i:ie lmut jrs;ri 'X are urv h' ivrn'rr. ar ppro the iwnt drs.-n.r. are di!mr.li.-.WI K il. .r, ;d' r in vhir tlif r arc nniiud. , 1 V.ry V.4s andl.Vl'.rl (.l.nutt. This tUi -ai r. arinii' d oii tl.cjnna cl th.; Woul. Eur .?m. Vnrlh anl KouMi Amrnca,lml the man r.f i I J otini; lu.!ic ar i oiirctn r ly iliiii'iii-shi -A. a-nl mi rit tU 4f :-rn Livll.r 'i ir t five thrir pn.nonion, ..I we otini we n-.U ni-thin more. (Jur oi-jitt cjo.l nit itiprcr.wry, iir.lcsi it .f riirlit U n:vA U) ii. U i o Ion si our 'oii'ihui mi glus the s n-ii,u of Uw to an rtnt.Vyfiw jM-t h in u ImiaU ll the p'crof t!i' .iiwr givv io ii rgiii and the wiUion'y to tr.ak ht U it iilea.u-s ami compt U us io observe tK w ! tith.ng as tlii U the fa'ie, e muy a well M b?at the air," as to talk about our .rj;h. ,We hove . hot our r l.hts wc have no influence and, strange to Ull, odr own LbnauuitKMi Ueprivn u f them, llcryc vc per- wnnnct a;)jm.kation f-f the rninriutiee fr th'ijr pf.ir.,. ceive the ncccsHHy for a t.'onvcntion, to alter that Con. ncr and etcuw.for wh'.i hthcr nwarr! to tl;:mthr 1 , . i i " 'o uie c.iiercui omer u rank among UiarlaMcs or the arhoo'. tiling which lias obtained since it adoption, I , p0I ... . . , ..,. ..... r 'm - - ? - : " - lif Cf.y.oniOi;tinjf -i.rrJzaWteiOtiiTd7n Mary gjlveer, I,Mma Dojrurt, Mariha C.'iT,Kli Uw. rrnce, JMau ,i(k-!t,,.l'3iin;;!,icki tu I'antiy rick R W coiid'ultred beot, Mizf.bclh II. Myuji.jp- fiJ V.jty . veter, nwond j the other approved. " , 2 t'.V.-Connl3tiiiffOt' lfacht l (V1.?man ami Man- h v in which both arc conii(!kTcd "iMmT1 n.j fi'hiV jvutV ttid-d tba X ? r oavraiCATtD.l i Hivii tyi uur..i i . . Jn ' extract fnm i new inhienabl Dictitmrn, tut -rt ' . ' h,,bi4,ke.L : ' A rr MT4TI0 Plenty, but not in demand. . " , a -.. i . . . p ivti oorce, anu vaiuca un. - t CasniT Iklow paryand rtill dethnlngr-, ifiaciiTiojr ai par, lew have leave to use it, EaairTf Verv common-. . . FaaiioKmwwf . fTto dresi fine?t: ,Pi ' : ' J'"' GAtuaTBi FaJiionable, but forbid in certain eases. I,0.i.!ci?P? ,eU,"1 t leelMplh:yt but not always adhered to. - ' N . " IlDtSTBT Much nraiiicd. but little fo!lrtirrt N JnomTs Many given to the olrlcers for collection ,. Ksowlkmk Willi many is lackinor. v...i.:.i.i '. i v llBMoar Often matle shirt for convenience. NavcuiTixs Many, but seldom made" lens. ' It Is" feared that many of our patriotic citizen will Cahi in which both arc coniiU-rcd rjjMnV jndjugldjt aprod. 1 kea-ymmg 'WCeTf impW, oAli? $rt clan In rhptoric, in hitli their rxainiim'jon was bijjhly gratifying, and equal in (mint of merit. ChiM eMtttrJe IJoiahna It. lVoj ; who was also examined, on logic, rut irul phlhwrfphy, ami the I rcnrh wngujvgr,, Whp5. lliipkift-tbrae various bmo lvr f education, was truly clre-fint ai d acnimtf, and juHtly.mcr. 'tj-'d the ppiobatioii .f lbcfWliiilh- " ..Pr.NMAN$1llp. 1 CKlSSlhrv F.llerbce. Kranrr. rirkett. Jane lultlc, Oen Dejiirnatt. (.lorvina Ficlr'-tt. LUabMlvCarr : Mary EhYrht r is lxst i the re t cqutL - CSComisting of I'.liza A. i)Linulc I'.Iranor P!..t .... .. ll' -1. - ti 1. I r 1 f Fkkett. Buiun Pickett. yj.rahlwrrnce. I nnv PicVft OrxacHAaat Uiemselves with strong drink: as thii the i 1 lAura'A. TomUs, IxMiiaa Doggan, EUua I jiwrmcr.'MHfy luimiHii vi iiutepcnuence.soasTOOver- I 'wn i r.uza wiwrenrp mihi oaran turn reason, it being the custom to get tann-nce, is awarded tlio first honor i IjuiraA. Forriw devoutly drunk on such occasions, in plea- the second, die others equal. tiful libations, to the renown of irreat 3J Cf?.V Consist! sg of Martha Colcmnn, Elizabeth statesmen, j irisconsulta, and honored Riaugnicr ana Martha L'arr equal, and highly ap chiefs. I proved. v Poiict Considered to be more useful to a nation tlian 4th t'IS.9 Consisting of Mary Casli, Iloaanna II, Troj, Kaclwl Coleman, Man- fylvecr and Manrnret Ed- mondrlt is with pleasure the committee observe, that all the specimens arc executed with ticatnclit Miss Cash's b Die best written. NEEDLE-WOKtT. ! CJf S5 Consisting of Margaret Ebnond, Wesnor Pickett and Laura A. Forniss. Tlie Iioihh are awankd MASK fire-arms, torpedoes, or sun-boats. QlAtrTT--Of more consequence than quantity in a Dan- Tl ' fvs coat or baKk bills. Uafacitt Oflfii practised by bailiH's and catchpolca. Scakcitt Does not apply so much to any thing as mo ney, at present. Wasts See necessities. , lia I to this class h the order in wluch th y nm nnmed. A wneraiiyputtothebottomor apromnawrynotc, 2d CI1SS :onsisUnir of Elizahetli H. Slauirliter. which noto may chance to prove a Vd Fanny Pickett, Sarah Lawrence sml Eliza A. Dismukea: fr .L'.l ,nr,1 A. ? I . .1 .1. I ji tins ciass,' r.. u. nuogiuer is oetn ; mc oiners ccjuai, 3d CI1S5 Consisting of Mary Cash, Mary Sj IvcHter, Martlia Carr, IMiiaa Roggan' and Eliza Iawrencc : M Cash is entitled to the first honor) the others arc equal, except E. Lawrence, who is approved. There was also a class examined in catechism, which was highly ap proved. . MILE DEPARTMENT. SPEIJ.1NG. 1W CLASS Consisting of William Little and Ingce A ' ' . ..... .. rir,m.l!CC. ,1r.v all rq-ul, VHMt.-d. ar,d di-tlogui by tiu rjcr ir. vhichlh-.VtHn.u, ' Mi:hVfx.' ... Welch, TtlUiirt JlJtirityuJf'T. ItjttrwH and WiU'nm Rird.- Tliis (las v a eium'ncd lithe m of Uie worl'L vd they fi m rcany rq;ia!( that hvouIJ l utij'ist to mske R it dmtinctlon. X r L -4 CI..MS On tha map of Uw world, n lC trope, ; f jit. i't Wnre, tlili W, Peanmiu Vatetln4 IK P,jiK JfuvUl W'ilUan Awa rvrtcr. JlurmeU CutTi Juwrl fvh-i tr. l XUUUim J'idCti Uo were equal, and an prrcd.; , ' , , '' ' - LiuC't t!ii c!as was ezantined on the man of tnc? worl.l, E.inme, North $w Houth America, and arc truly prorr.pine ami acoiracv. th CI. X-JumfTTyntend. Lttf ftasmx, Wi'M'hm XAMtfi-aoiiHfVrrtnrftaftWftvwerie'cuinlnd on ttitf" " map or tltv I nited States. 1 he claim nation of th s cluss svas truly gtatifywij and- H'is'dctirrinjtrthc bighut approbation. ithCLASSW.,.' Natct anil inn S'wlJert exam ined on the map of the worhl, Enron.', Unit ed States, ke. The accuracy. which, thta joun gvntl-nicn evinced on thiir e xamination, was su-l as entuhn tlwni to the esteem and applause, of Uw coimuiUtF, who, it bchdf of the trua- tees, pronoince them the grcatcfct pivficienta u giogr. iny in una ucparunem. , , - CLASSICS, 1st CLASS J,imeM. 47iAvrw3i cvamined cnr om.r, and two of Virgil's Hueolic. Tlvs voung gentle man recommenced the study of Ijitin about three montl s previous to liit examination; his vdaiiueuw:iit i trul) gratilying to the connuiUeo. -xl CLASS XVtUiam Ia Grand wja exumiiuM on thO Rucolics, ami first two Kneids tf lrv-il s hw examination was truly interesting. " one. axrosTorTss comvittii or kxamisatiov, wadesbos- oiaH, jcaa 23, 1820. THE Committee appointed to superintend the exam ination of the students in both departments of the v adesborough Academics, having impartially performed . a a . t i . V . . 1 " ineir auiy, oeg leave io remarK, that from the youth and FJlerbtc j ho were examined on apclhng, in t,vo, tim e inexperience of many of the students, and from their ana fwlP ,ylKhles : equal and approved. diflerent depositions, they hnd a difficult and delicate 2l CJLIAV-Consiiting of James MemlanhalL Peter task in awarding distinctions, Particularly where all have slaughter, Julius Bceman, Lawrence Moore, IJenjamin made rapid progress and exhibited such accurate knowl- . Carr, Wiliam Ellcrbee and Moore Moore. This cLs eage in uic yanous orancnes oi uirir suimcs. Ana uiev WM examined iu Wtbattr's spelhniriook ami dictionary, have no aoubt that, irom the degree ot dithdence mam- in which Jamea Mciulanhall is mcntLmed w deerving fested by many of the students, they have been unable tiic distinction, Peter Slaughter second, and Julius vj iwuw buiiic vi uu; w iiv ucjet i cu uiuiu.uviw ui vueir I Herman unrri tle w untiroveil 01 laws. In examining the different State qully ditt used over the whole body of the people and that in two or three States onlv, do we find the anti-rc- puoiiean pnncipie acted on, ol grantmg privileges to one cias3 oi cuuens wnicn are uenicd to another ot giving to one man, in one section of the- State, a much inftu-t-nce in the public councils, a seven men possess in another. ' ' ' In North-Carolina, powerfid in her mimbcra, respecta ablc lor her talents and patriotism, and sincere in her de votion to the principles of the republican institutions of our country, we behold one ot the very same grievances l'P ir ur cmzens, or the greater part ot them, which roused to action the manly spirit of our fathers, id nerv ed their arm for vlclorv and freedom we mean. mt 1 A ' 1 . a- - nu injj iai.es imposed on.qs wunouiour conaent." i ie cTiiicMbtuKvWeate'rnp of this State are now en during this political grievance. -..They are liable, at any session of the Legislature, to be taxed bv Jtheir eastern brethren, and in a nuiniH-r. too. -that may her highly on. wiiiiwii me iiieuns oi rearess. i neir own rep ti ntatiycs Jhave noUheubility ""bjn uiijuk usurpation of power, thfy are placed in the minority." 'If a three-penny tax on tea, without the consent of the poopUy given through their representa tives, was resisted by our unyieldmg fathers, ' evcnninto blood," should not a tax on us, at the pre scut day, as op pressive, to siiy the Wast, call fovtluthft finuaiul.dcter. mi ned Voice bf the people in the West ern part of tills Mate, and give t a tone, too, jwhlch should be heard and respected in.the Legislative Hall at Kaleigh And' let jievjue in mm seeiion ot o sute maicc their voice heard,,not in a humble, supplicatintr tone, but in a tone at once respectful, but determined and unyielding, and vill H retpected-r-it will iMt. be ..tufted with. -They mtlstt&ke' kiioiii &ciiTiM7r for tbo cull of a Conven. tion Uiev must evince their fixed deitiTnination to ob L Vun it -jmv rnust demand, it. Merc "pHitioning' and ucKI,ri,1g never do. The East possess the power, nd past experience has sufficiently convinced us, tliat fhey wish to retain it that tKey have no notion of giving iij-ana uiai nicy wi not licld it, un' I they see We re determined to submit no longer to their usurpations. Wc must I:ok for redress In a Convention only. In t.iat way, alone, can wo afciuireur duc share of ihflu nce in uie htate. .The mtcrcata'cf a frw iiuUviduals annoi there prevail over the rigbta and intercsUofthe i many, nor can there be practised, under the sanction of towv the grossest injust icx . Hie Western - peopie will Ueretelieardthe'r grievances wi be rcdressed-pb hml power and privile ill! be ct:ay dtatf b W diflerent chuses. ll CLASS Spcllinp in two svllables Caroline nil- lingsley, approved. 2d CJASS Spelling in two, three, and four sylla bles Mary Jane Dismukev Oen Deiarnatt, Sarah Wat- 3d CIJISS Consisting of Jamei Bird, HllU.im Bird, JtllCam Beevum. Thomai J. JcHuti, Jumet Jtivnuln, Hardy May, CorneUiu Jifuore, Joseph Sylveiter, Janir Dejarnatt, Jacob neil, II ilham lAckhurt, Thomttt J title, n'illiam Dejarnatt, II ilLam JMicrenee, Bunecll Vair, f.d- mond Halch, on spelling, book throughout ; in which Jamei Bird, fltluam Jhrd, Ihlitam lieeman, iMnuuJjOck Susan ttckctt. Sarah JAwrcncc. Fannv rickett Manraret uceman are awarueu mc r.r.i nooor ; Edmond, Eleanor Pickett, Louisa Boinraii, Martha Cole- Thoma J. tckhnrt, Edmnrd ll'dch, Jacob Weft, J man. Martha Carr. Eliza Lawrence, were examined nn Suhnter, CrncHtu lf i.'!irtnBi;tl and Jhottuu readinfir ill the Ene-Ush Header. In this class Laura A. I tie, the second t the rest approved. r W J MMMJm m mm m u. mm m KAM MA MA lui ua son. i. j. msmuxes is considered best. Uen Deiarnatt .ml r. n...M,iv.. next, and 8arah Watson much approved.- maintained me second station in lliis cJasi, are W srstu.ie is- waikib's bictioiat. Mav, Cornclka Moore, Joieph Syhftfer and Janu-t T. lie lit CL.1SS Consisting of Clorvina Pickett, Frances iarnatti the'others all stand at No. 3. and arc approved. Pickett, Mary FJlerbeerElizabethCanyJane Little, Elii-jThe foregoitg, together with the following, viz. IRKim abeth It May. Glonina Pickett and Frances Pickett Peruei. Carre Little. Alaramlcr-Mav. Bmben Hck -tt. equal and best ; Mary Eilcrbce second the others well J Gilei W. Peantn, were examined on spelling, in Walker's approved. dictionary, throughout ; Jamei Jhrd, ll Uucm Hi. a, xw- ."id f-W.V-Consisting of Mary Cash, Elizabeth ILIwrff Carr. Thomai. J. lad hart. Jumci lHtmuke ami Gilei Slaughter, Eliza Ann Dismukes, Mary Sylvester, Frances fV. Pearoon, qual and bestj U'ilUata P.,eman, Joieph Pickett, Laura A. Forniss, Mary Pegues, Louisa Boggan, veter, Jamei T. Dejarnatt, EJ.nond U tiU h, Milium A Susan Pickett, Eleanor Pickett, Martlia Carr, Sarah jvet, George IJttlc, are entitled to the second i-lux; the Lawrence, Martlia Coleman, Uachcl Coleman, Margaret others cqua and approve d. rxlmond, Lhza Lawrence. Mary Cash is considered beat ; READING. Elizabeth II. Slaughter, Eliia A. Dismukes, Mar)' Sylvcs- lit CI1$S Consisting of J'eter Slaughter, M.ore ter, Frances Pickett, I .aura Forniss, Mary Pegucs, Lou- Moore, Jam Mcndatihall, Idxurenre Mtoir, Jlevjamin L. isa Borgan, Susan Pickett, Eleanor Pickett, Martha Carr, CW, Jftl.iu.9 Beemn. and .William FJIevbee -who read in Sai Lawrence, second and equal the others approved, the Look infrGlaiw .- Jamei Jlm!nrtfia!t and iMunncc KDIXG vjtzoore arc con&iaerca dc&i: ineomcrs cr?wi una an Pickett,' Elizabeth Carr, Elizabeth K. May, and Jane Lit- 2J CLASS Consist! ng of James T. Jkjanuitt, Tniliam tie, were examined on reading in Looking-Glass. Fran-' Dejarnatt, 'JV.imas J. lAckhart, iViViam iMtwrenre, William ces Pickett is considered best ; Clorvina Pickett and Ma- LncMtart, Liitnond Iraleh, Janlt feert, f.ilci ll.reamn, ry Elleite equal and next i the others approved. Joteph Stjhttter, Ctntcliui Miorr, llanfa May, U tUirrn 2d CJLiSS Elizabeth II. Slaughter, Eliza Ann Dis- Pfd Hornet Little and Willuun Bt-emar,, who read in mukes. Laura A. -Forniss. Marv Sdvester. MarvPcaiies. Murray's English Reader : Gilei IV. Peantn and H ilfuin. .... .... ' -i . ' i . . . ... i i.i. r . i ii'.'ii.... ft uuum jjejui nun, 'uneth Jut. .diner in the Eiie-lish Forniss is entitled to the first honor : Elizabeth II. Slaufrh. 3d CLASS Pen Reubev. J'kkctt, Sul.iey Da ter. F.lira A. Uismntes. Marv Sylvester. Fannv P5.ti.ft Vidian. Jatiiet Dismukes, Gi orffe Utile, Jmrwell Can; Jamei r.: . ' J . ' - .v. i ... . ,.. . "..r. . Margaret Edmond, Eleanor Pickett, Louisa Boggan, nru, .pixanaer .uuy, no reau in me mory oi ziaien- Martha Coleman, to tlic second ; Uie otliers are approved, ca ? ill this class Sidney DavitUon and Jam Diemukr are SUCLviSJS Mary Cash and Rachel Coleman were ex, equal, ami beit; ndiAWaseeohds.the amined in fading- History : t( Anjcrica ;in which they are little inferior, aiid highly approved. j considered equal and very highly approved. MUUttAY'8 fillAXIMAR. EJT,IASH GR.9MATAR!. -1st CL.SS r-rcfl Hairy and Thomai Idbetter i - tff CMSS Consistiiig of Loiisa : Boggan, Martlia equal, and apprcfaid. - . : :-: Colemah'rMargarrtFkh Lawrence. This olass w as examined in orthography and AH Sidney Dayidno, George little, Vornvtivs Mtmt part of Ctyt&olog Jtiepk-Xtftrnteilfa isa Boggan ; the 'second to Martha Coleman ; the others mice, Reuben l'ickelt, Jluruxll CWand Jamst Dinmkr , equal. m which Gihn W. Pearton, Sidney J)ayii'mHtJauitM-JJird 2d CLASS Consisting of Susan Pickett, Eliza A. Dis- and Janet Kvulfct, arc worthy f tht iir.t dUOiietion,- mukes, Mary Pegues; Eleanor Piekett, who are equal, "d considerel equal ; CorneVm Move, Reaiat Pickett and merit approbation. . ' aiul.Iiirirei? Ctfit,-Bewnlr.tiljKJ rest ftprpved. . .vAt... -CJVUtnAnn Forniss,-laltliir.Sl:Wgti: ' :U.:;."':riARSLW- ' - - : .ter, Maiha Carr,' Fanny Pickett, and Mary Svlvestcr. ; 1st CISS Tbem.ti J iMkhurt, Jlurdy May, WVVfim This class was examined on .Murray's English Gram- Lavrriicr, Jamei TtDrfiirvatl, Cornelius Jloore, William mar throughout : Mary Sylvester is considered best, Eliza- Beemari, William Ji.:ra. Edinond Walch and Jacob Went : beth II."Slaughtcr and Louisa A. Forniss next; the others Thin class was examined in Mumy Exercise a's far as are approved. This class, (willi the exception of E. II. thedjcctive and noun, hi which ITwmat J. Lorkhart, Slaughter and M. Sylvester,) together with Mary Pe- William J&mah and WMatfforfl,.. diflanichcdl'thenv. guesrSusan Pickett 'and Eleanor Picket constituted selves as first i 7 thejiriit'parsing class j in which Fanny Pickett is entitled yoninW ahd CorneUue jlloovtecond-, tlie rest equal. : to the first honor, Eliza A. Dismukes the second, the 2d CLASS Jamei JMimtiket, GileiW.Peandtt Jamei others are equal. I J'r4 BumeV Carr, WilUast Pfgvet, QArgi little, Jooepk 4th CZIA'.S Mary Cash and Rachel Coleman, were Syhrs:ert Sidney Davidion i w ho were examined i n pars- examined on Murray's Grammar, &c. and are considered ing promiscuous sentences in Murray's Exercises ; -' Jamei equal. . Tills class, with the additiqn of Elizabeth II. Ditmukn and Sltfocy Duiidion are' mentioned. aa first; Slaughter and MarV Sylvester, rortnetl the second pars- Gtkt W J'earion, James Jiirdtad BurwcU Carr, second ; 31 CIVSS Lonn E. Stuhbi, Oiwm Dii nukn, Dtniet C. Jlnrdoci, John Stubbi. Jamei Jjh'mn, Jne!h Pick', Imnidtu Kin and Samuel tt. Jknidton, werj eiimincd on the Ilucolics and first four Eneidi ff 'rgil j joui P.. Slubhi i best; Gearys Ditmnkri, HoiW ('. Murdoch and John Stnbbi, next j the reat equal. 4th CLASS Clement Manhdl t v. on ws examined on the Bucolics and first six Enc'nU of irgil, and on the (idea of Horace : the committee award to ,Ir. JILriha tlieir applati andliirfiappWibalitrrVr ' "' ilh CI.AS?! Juhn, Batni who was examined on park ing blank verse, Salhi st, Virgil, Horace to the .Satires, and Homer's Iliad: for the correct display he nwulc on tho above branches, he is entitled to the highest standing as uie iiiosi prompt, atui accurate scholar in mis nemmary. PUBLIC SPEAKING AND DRAMATIC KGPUG4EN' TATIOSS. Jamei M. Slaughter, George W. Ititrmken, CLmrn! Mir haU, William P. Jnhmon, John P. S. Halt i, J.nm-t M 'ud.in l.alt, Giki W. Peanon, Sidney Dufidvm, dt-Uvtred Ora. tions, on various subject, that wen1 highly gi-atilying to the conuiuttee, ami creditable to theinst ivca. The Tailor in high Life," and the humorous farce of u My Aunt," were' performed in a style that is not often suruaed by Ktudnti. The committee feel highly gratified ith the progresf of Uie student! in both departim U ot tins St minai'y, which redounds to the credit ot tli.T.ifc-lvea, and toiiio hoiMr of their Preceptors. Indeed, when we reflect that a majority of the stmlenU have never before entered a regular Academy, wc are agreeably surprised ut thiir rapid progress-ami acquirements in sj kliort a period. We are happy in attributing to Mrs. Edmoihl that inert! of praise which is so justly due her, for the able and as siduous discharge, of th arduous and important trust coiiiihittcd to her care. Tlie improeiTicM;t made by the iitudents under her dircrtien is a hirli evidence of her superior talents astiitrcB&'" Mr. Edmonds has realized the expectations we had formed of him, from his high character as a teacher; and we lni.it that by his zeal and induhtry our Academy ill rank equal, if i:ot iuperior, to any in the state. By order of the committee. W. F. SMITH, S crelnnj. .... (JjVThc exercises of the Wdesb.rHie,h Academic will recommence on Monday, l()th July, under tho nun ngrment of the sanie Teachers, assisted by Mr. T. M ut. 25 11 rtUttY h IVw vvt . KAN AWAY from the ibsrriber, a abort time ;nret a Negro M'oman, named HANNAH ; '21 or 2H years okj, r about oiuklling ize. ' iajferwd-wf ersssfy;-to:.t describe tfd'f moreparticiilaily", as slie'iii'gt iitrally known in this town and the adjoining settlements, in some of which she is suppoacn to be lurLing. Five dollars will be given to any one who will apprehend .said negro wo man snd secure her in gaol; and for information ot th peron or persona who harbor her, twentydollars will be paid, on conviction. ANDREW MATH1EI. Sulishun; July 3, 1820. ingclass, in which there is nc. distinction jdl highly ap proved. GEOGRAPIIV. , the others equally approved. i 3d (LASS WtUiam he Grona; Janet ,11'iorft W W. m Johnwn Valentine J'ork, Samuel Davidson, William May, ,j JUA'IOR CL1SS-Consistingof Elizabethill.Slaiteh- VLvte TowntendTAleraniLr TfomusJamer Sfttutrnter n of fterr Martha Coleman, Mary EylvesterFanny Peckett, I tliis class, Jamei A'Viw'Aer xojigid l Eliza A.-.Dinukes, the rest equal, and htghlvjLppr&yd. Ijurra . roniiss. Susan Pickett, Louisa Bocriran. Murtra- - 4tii CLASS Jame Toivntmd who was examined on Grammar uiroufchout, parsincr poetr-, correct-. tatc '4 fv.-e mhT. ivl'- lii -tl r:r.j T re Ethnwu Martlia Carr, Uarah Lawrence, Eliza Ijiw- Murray's 1 ?ehce Tld! rU W4I .e'fa.misedQn.lhf nn vf fie 'i3 in"tat X SHALL attend at the Court-I louse in Salisbury, H a. Saturday, t!ie 8th day of July next, to collect tlie Tax due fa- the year 1811'. Al io, the balance of Tax due for . . . ..a t . 1818, in. theT own Company and Uicialaucc ot lax lain by" tlie Coinniissioiier!) of the Town for IN 17 and 1H18. . . . a er JNU. JJEAuU, anenj. Jime 23, l820.--2w3 ' ;" ! - , Alcxmiuer lmg, versus lwis,Rcatd, Jjnaihan.Marel ,noet 1. iJocKe. TIIK depositions of-llioinas TcdiJ, Thomas Hartley. ; . George Willis, son! Samuel Siilamon, Jolin Clements. Nichols Simpson, John rravw, aiid other?, vJi ou taken v oii the twcntbanjlJwenty-seveiuliday of Junes t nct at -John Howard's tavern, in-SalisbMry ; and if not all l.in Oil 'tliat Iay",. thcrCepositions.of the avne.wiU ness'-s, or of them not takefl, andfthcrs will be taken at John Howard's tavern, in Salkbur-, on the" twent; -sixth and twenty-seventh days of July next j and, if net alUbcittakcivtW of tliose not taken, and others, will be taken at John, Howard's tavei in Salisbury on the twenty-ffth ami twenty-wxtli '-lays of Angust next) ati'J, 11 not all mem taken, the depositions of the same witnesses, or of thent . hot taken, ami others, will be taken at John Jlaward's tavern, in Salisbury, oa the twenty -sixth andtwi nty-aev. cnth days of September next ;. and, if not all then taken, the depositions of the same witness, or 0 them not ta- t ken, and others, will be taken at John Howard's tavern. in Salisbury, on the sixth and seventh daya of Octoler next. Which dcposiUons arc intendedto be read as ey- dencc on the trial .ootids' suit rand when, and w herc-yba j may attend, ahd cross-exainine, if vou think proper. - . ALEXJR LONti, Sen; Inserted by request qf ' MOSES A. LOCKE. BLANKS, OF VARIOUS UlNDS,' r.r sa!?fc at tb Office of Uic CinptiMAn lt. ' . "-- t h?.r- ".iiginiin. 1 "ii - S.rq- .Ssy iwsi - -t 1 1 . J '.i 1 i vi -r? "1 'i u ; -nan V V-

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