vvnuuKU ur KiuDnrt u urxcyAM. -o..I.. 2So. 5. , - . . f , .'.'".' .. . n Whoever will bcconva rctjMMuubU Ar tf p; "hhcDiVr. rvhmll rtctire tenth rradi;- " i " . 1 i. . wiwi.wiu luiuucrcni ana uenrinnt i am rh.ii.i.. u : i Atri.TiuxuT. will bo iiucrtcd .oa the cusWmary fi.smg ... t. . -irfi,1-K-.t;vrTT-"" -MVuwwccr -w "w-wwpoaiuws, orenm It Is Irt such a situation tlut a new which can only be imputed to hit occasional jc! HWnt in 4mta. it lwJjr. lt..Jyi19m9rn.mmB Jove of extravagance.-and his fondnesa for mv mm. ka.i!..I . tcnn. or !l mot simal b, Kmc im in tl. toin. or I ." . "T " T com- poetical embellishment. ' r k ' I Inner flfrnintr ini hinn t m I 1 I - ... H.xV-w.: I Yticmaindcr vx cur next. .ImmJ-' IVUVH SV.JWV fctaMW. SMIia. tm iniiy. v 'WWJ . rv it I . . , .... . k..h. McciingS,anuieauinginiikinaoUi!efhecom H. . i PEJunis av r crr of aifi. to us great and above nr-ent,d tKnt.M;.. a ul . 4Bc"es,, l:,: ":::.:: n throne oru ' ;. r .u- v rr 1.7 "n "I" 1U" n,ore gw. i ne throne oi us mafit rMi or this lut e farce, on which, earthlv glory has been broken down, for it was . as I have never seen it, I can give no opin- the will pf God to raise his altar amidst its ruins posedacomicpiececaJledtheCounVCourt ? C Lawyer," which has never, I believe, been .i A?"'. PTDU K,mc nminA .k. ..u:. a V ' other cities, but motlefn i FfQin M Letters from Wasuincton ..-.. I . .s i mint nnv inrrntinrr' von in anninrmrnm. ion. a LTnucmin now in rnnrrraa nni . m nm ri.i ii- i... i ..j .i ' inent personage, who figures in this govern- of great merit, from Virginia, figured under try surrounding this sanctuary, ith a scourge . mcnt, and of whom you have requested me the name of Blunderbuss. It would be grat- which unceaMngly carries death with it, as if to to give you some account. Mr. Wirt, the tying to have a view of this juvenile effort of teacn th;id'in that it is not the delights of thU attorney-general of the United States, has his comic muse, imperfect as it must have orI ".nicl ar promised them, but the hope of distinguished himself by his literary and fo- been frtm his ignorance of stage effect, and . . lch gl?$ heot lhe A re! rensic labors. In his nerson. he ia more at. his nrobable want of aeauaintanre uith tK- " . i . rj' j v.- a r, i pn entering tne temples ol Home. The spirit them at this time, lor rv i . , T. . rj i '. J, """'" oi uoaaione resides in gracemi ana easy, man cuner or tne gentle- uouoi noi u posscsseu some merit, and was iiglous ceremonies are there no longer celebra men a nave racniioncu. - mr. virx is a native i icu wuu gititv buusiuciioo oy nis irienus. ted i and this noble solitude inspires a rcsoect, f T O . . w. - - I " S " " I tirtwl andwerfulccrnnexrcmsvhe harmade F I W9i iiirrriiinrlrl fn tVn tnlm nf mm'. In I and rrtt irnlK' d(rrih in Kia Mr ' II. I i with them, and that they would Ukc good care tr iiim. ne name oi me orijr was not ascertained i the crew were in a diorilerly state ; appeared to have plenty of money, and were gambling on tho uartcydeck-.They also took from on board thq warjrioiirMcrfTs or ruVcuritrr' Under the order of the Klngcf Spain, for Ui llbcfatlon of A inericiTrpHsow v.oiomes, 'wwy-riA person V J tro liberated. frdhilhe Moro Castle, Havana, on the evcninip ..rL. in.l. I. . .1 - . me inn. wnere many oi mem hadlcer confined for several yejrsFourTr irvToTi).e; number anlved here on Sunday, In the "schooner Mary-Am, Captain UttLaan3. lie comet, the herald of a noiiy worM, News from all nation lumb'rinir st hi back. From the Uritiili lrct Apr'J 08. Paris papers of Friday last have arrived at our office. It is very evident, from tnnnv rirrtim. stances obscurely aod indUtinctty noticed In tho Spanish news contained in thcie papers, that ...v. vi .is tjjtiui ii uueaty iceiing in the public mind, threateninir-the tranciuilit the country with the most serious consequences. it wouia appear that certain persons, fancying themselves friends to the king, have disseminated rumors, particularly throughout the army, that Ferdinand, in adopting th constitution asted, undenhe" influence oT immediate Violence ; that his personal safety was endangered, and the reli gion of the state outraged and degraded These circumstances we can collect from a letter of in structions addressed by the kin to certain offi cers of his army, in which he tells hit troops, that, in adopting the constitution, he was subject to no constraint ; and also from a proclamation addressed by Gen. O'Uonoju to the troops in garrison at Cadix, whom he exhorts not to listen to false and idle stories, assuring there thut the king's person was sacred and inviolate, ami that their holy religion had not been outraged.' ' ho regiments were marched out of Cadiz, and sta tioned within the lines of Cortadura and the walls of the city. Their fidelity to the new order of things was suspected, and considerable appre- ...... - ..... ..... ..m.t i . o ......v in. iiivuuj. icu , aim inn uuuic Mjiuuuc inspires a rcspcci) of Mary land, and like Socrates, owes his being I have been informed that about this time, perhaps more sacred, and a sort of regret which to parents who existed in the humbler walks while still trammeled by habits of intemper- renders divine worship, in these temples, still -ri:r X tf! k... . - ...I.. an.. nt fl.i!iti in..l.t L I .1 I mnt inl.mn ui inc. 1 1 iiiiuuir it i CLTimr ur ULaurmic i-nii. i auu ui'iiiik auuuai liic Uiirt nun tirf arv v "inuin J a mm j cation, without patronage, and without influ- wilds of scepticism and infidelity, he was . f . . . . . I 1 . ' ... It has been frequenity and justly remarlced, rcspcti pam 10 icmaie nonor, in any i . ...r.i .... .... ..ivi. vi vuuiikuv. iu c""; m.m. . - - ... wuuinijr, is an itiinusi uucrniig criierion oi mo which he now revolves. His example fur- entered and took his seat; he neither noticed tone of public sentiment and of the virtue of uuimg me iaic icrm 01 me 011 case was the ni-o- .... . I .. . .. . ' ' I ' o - I vnnth wan nitinrr,nhfl ho a Mpsiisn I mstinrtivflv. anil with an imnnlo h rnnU n . 1 m. .u:. - . 1.: ri . -j .-..-,-..-... w-j uiMiiaui - . vwuiu 1 jjiv ui mat S.UUUIV uii mis auuiccu r ruin find rnmanftr Fanrr. and a firA.tv m h. I niit hir rnntrnl nnr rrnrp he miirt-A rmm k l A.. .L- . " w.J , mm..- mm .mmm.m.tj lu WIN, I - - - f ..w B1IVU IIUIII UlllMU IU UIC iHUJl MIC HIIUCS OI lIlC 0411108 qmsition of knowledge. At the death of his the bench on which he sat, as if struck by elec- are suppressed. It was an action of slander. uner, ne was left underthe guardianship of mcity, and gave nis wnoie attention to the brought by a young woman, in obscure cir Dr. Hunt, of Montgomery county, in the state discourse of the preacher, whose bursts of cumstances. but of trood chararrir acraintr r. f fM'1inrl nrkx ia ...-II I lnnilunr krt tkua rnii.l k m I .n !.! ..... It 1 . L I . i i ,k v. ...u, nuu .a b.iu iu it.,, c uccu wcu .vu. uwv u.u ivuivu iii-u nuui ins am- net own uToincr, wno represented ner as un j versed in the Greek and Latin languages, iu por, and riveted his every faculty as if by chaste. In the declaration the damages were ' which he was an pond at tn .nitnirt hia ward, enchantment. Whit moral fffVrt ,k. .1 .A Con-r T'L- r . i . - - o - - w,v nu- Miu koAAy ne jury iu wnom tne cause .1 . . . , , , 1 1- . r. ...... .u i:. j.t. j.l. . ... r r if.jjii .... I J ' " . thintrs was susDerted. and mnshloru M. nnr. ii n cw wriii" ur irnuri 1 1 jii vin i r l rri- nnr nw i u uriii r in r- ww Minirii ri ia r l irmn rvi -ay a a a ... . . . . a. . i i n J,urc,.ndltfthi,;oogchJg.,J,uffc,.hc 1 am not able to say j bu, it ccrtai;, tia, SfoTaVS 7& "Xlc "..' J,B15. h teo' storm, of r,f. ,iihVcould.rh.- dU, of soon after this cn., he abandoned hisformcr It fsUmtood .h the defendant wT, no. JJr Hunt not nnlv dpnrivpd Wsr K,s tk lunrntn onH rrmntw tn HirhmnnJ ...k .1. C -vrv . .j i;.:nr: j . , ' ' ---- r...- ...... VUk br '"i-"- .....w.,- ..vuiiiuim, TTiiviti ttuiwi ojw, mc piainiui immeaiateiy reieas-1 sanu men. neitrhborhooa. of a mnd tparner. nnrl an r. he linilrwnt a radiral rhancrf in I mA Q. i trvi f .U J . .t 1 I .l. i. :t. . i ... ., - . in we Mug a iiisirucuons 10 mc ctucers, ho mptains of some expressions disrespectful to rnnlifiit inn. urlurlt K-.l K.n I... . ' r , 1 y .......... . w. ... VHSlk, i'll . IIIS VI U1V.V IS lllktlliy .ilUUUIiUJXC -lO-OUrnClgn - ........vi., nlMvu uau mill HKU UJ UIIC UI naa made no inconsiderable rirohrienrv in fh I ilonroe. onr nt hi nrivv cnnnrlnrB VrnmlLM!nrk...ri;r,i,i ro.. i n.. nis oodv firuarns durinir the nii'htufth i til,, in m..m, , j , . I will UUI . Ill VUV.tVI ilt,IUI ClCfOtUrg MilVCT I I J I J f " " " dead languages, and other branches of knowl- that epoch he rose rapidly in his profession. -... Madrid and we are informed, in a short not edge, and who. as he was now without fnr. and in the estimation of the tiublir. Hi. appended to the letter of instructions, that the tune, and destitute of other mean, of support, "Spy" g,v, him a reputation which hi, elo- , the igTSl Kcr. tJ Tur 'itnmt,' consented to oSc.ate a, preceptor. In this quence at the bar tended to esublish. and the mr. of th. sad Anril. ik. U . ,fn ..!. .. .r .u. . . ' T? re hiusi, atuvc parusans armi'i nro w ih h. .CL. h . nn ... ik. f L!. Ml...,! u . ....... . ' " . "i" -v, .Muwi...u nun nu. us iisvii'ica ui iiic I uiuicu. cuii k-u nit I.U Lie oi . nis I ivuuwmc un i airi auu . i it s. . riAin.n i iu." . ..ir.. .i : . , r . , . .... . . I i ."hjjiv "uill 911 lit. I liic IUIIIHS --0 ..v uimuuu ,i juutc I "v..u , nuu i Aivnutu ma oj-mn; ui aciiuu.1- . viuici ii liw ong ocen one oi tne most im nouvc - me anair more circumstiintiMilv, .uwtfrus, wun wnom ne naa lormeu an ac- c "as recently endeavotea to aaa to the just ponani ana valuable markets tor our wares; but, ClUaintanCe. and in whnnf hnn Ko KnirI..l fame he hl irniiird hv a niiMirattnn ni h. in COnseOlience of their rnmmcrfu Iwino- Tpa. for thebenefit of his instruction. It was life of Patrick Henry, whose eloquence he .ueru,y interrupted, together with the mjsunder- troops and people of Spain are, during hla.restdence seems to .adniire i a lmle too mmhJahd whose standing and raptures that-h.veaken plate be- devotedly attached to the mini Mm.n. sL.tL.r.. I-.? , I -I ,, l i . I twecn that COlintrv nnrl thu. ha trraHii.tlltr u.alr. inon : ului. in rnni(iiinri i bvM.,vij uiui ne lurmcu a iuvenue attaenment, tnaracicr, on an occasions, jie nas Deen tond . ' . , 1 7 ' I "2 ,.. v.v.u.8,M, whrh tvoa ..Wk ...r i .Lf...,.....: . c .l. enetl our interest with the Americans, and "uence, as well in the public as m ouvate afLiri viiiivi . iiui i cuutuidicu. or nn cn ui wuuiaviiiE, yvs uu o iucuec oi uic res. . .-j -l . . ..... .. i-... ...... . . - . - ;x . r s ...kt.k"!.. :. u.u u u:. .j........ F""npwu inem to.turn uicir attention to manu- iw. success- oi.me present revolution, bv des- wc 4 should 6nd that some of the club were insulted ly the soldiers as the enemies of the kintr. The troops and people of Spain are, for the most part. sxers oi incir rcii- excrcise a great in- tfr SSAl ... ttt I -. all- i ii iiuii irnTii I7MUIVIVHII V Ml UCIIL 111 CAIXL 1 1 1 1 51 Tl T. t III WW II IT 1 1 IlfT f Iirlll IIV 1119 211 II If 11 rll afP 1 . I I. .a. M I-nryK nf ;m. . u-V ' 7 ti j r V . v .k 7 f f rr . ? ""urea, uui wun wDat success i am not pre- troying tne tremendous power ot ti c nnuisition, 1 i v V i ur aIle?rih the cH C V3Cant 8at,on1of f lhe United pared to say, though it is evident they are pur- and confiscating its immense wealth, threatens a ' exertion ot his muse, and the fire of his fancy, states was offered him by the legislature of chasing large quantiticsof steel, ready prepared severe blow to the domination of the priesthood ; j and the letters which he addressed to the Virginia, a few sessions ago, but he refused for the hammer. And it is not too much to pre- and it is, therefore, to be expected, that this nu' young lady are said to have been replete with to accept it. Since that, he has been elevated sume.that more steel has been exported to Amer- merous and intriguing body of men should en- 1 all the imagery of poetry, and all the common by the President to the post he now holds, ca w"hin the last four or five y ears, from this deavor, by every means in their power, to excite ' : J place of lore Being now prepared for the which I presume is more agreeable to his tow.n an(l neighborhood, than has been worked the people and soldiers to a counter revolution j practice of , the law, but entirely destitute of feelings, an& more consistent with his pro- u?.in. "r own ,nanufiicto" in the same period, and no pretences arc better calculated to, effect 4 funds, a neighbor and a friend, furnished him fessional pursuits and studies, towhich he ? nH,CZ f S-'r ?"C- lhla obJcc tha" t0 r5I?rcse.nt W-J1 y ouiraged and T him .WrSclT ted. Lmust now W leave-to close -thi. "kke!l . ?"V he .r111 S.P y.l1 fcr in s 80 m' ' ' i I. I ,. . imi -ivjimvh, aa li 19 cijr UUVIUU3 III 41 as lIlvV I "'J !WJI I UI IIClUajT aUU UlJIUialil. .1 lie King S ' rapid biographical outline.. -As an applogy have wcaslbn tOT-itsnJelects, I have nothing to otter. The they have artisans to work it up; and, if success- nations of his worst enemies, and preserve Spain j facts it contains have been furnished me by "ful. they will not resort io England fo rjL.1 I those WhO have' been "Inrifr and intimatelv ar." rial, but will make it themslve& : anH ti i SUChDroccedinirs must necessarily tnrl. - I " V I - - w J a-BV ( fJ - " J S ana i natter mv. wmuauic, s mc inieritun trovernment are t Luuiiuiuce, tuniuuscu oi me icac ini mem. point of destination, where he took up his -resiaence, and commenced thrpracuceofnis profession. He had not been long at the bar ociore ne entered mta-the rnnntihi1 ifoi 'nl . . W w.mwm vwuH.tf ni .lll MU .... .- . " - - . - became the husband of a "respectable young quainted with Mr. Wirt ; ladv of the county in which he resided. self, that notwithstanding its brevity and im- about t0 Pa8S some very restrictive laws, which, hers of the opposition in the French chamber of '- Whether he conceived hii.,marriatre hre- perfections, will be re1ed bv vo with -ome lt P.u5. l foe, will almost amormt to a complete deputiw, with other friends to fiberiyr has bwn mature and unfoHuhafe; 6 beenreparing the .formed, ml Vis, principally .for the purpose of . . - I - w ,v.vH . lf.uufcM.., s .,.,. .j . .,L1-'..L ..L-..i..s-.. Uff t.rir-eur.-;t-r-irr?rt prcsper assflcMtmnwith sdme-dilpetrMtM inc Ln. i ,u T 1 WT may P"1 disaolnte vounn. vvf ii rf rft,; 1 jb i f " . tY 1 artrcl4hat-wjBuld,have kept them in a state ned by the arUtrary power given to ministers ciissoiute young men or Hthe neichborhood . of Colorinjr.redundancv of rhetorical embel-tri..-..,i- .u: Je , , .. k.. .k- i r 1 . was the cause of his intemperance. I have not lishment. and a fondness for noetical imafferv been able to learn ; but Mr. Wirt became at- The characteristic feature of his mind is fancy, i.iku to tne pteawres tr the bottle of dependence on this country tor hardware." Jttle; and Iot I the Uncontrolled some years led a life bllVnsive to himsem ahd leacls him into extravagant hvperboks, alike LTvr I.ac i k. tft C rV'. ;aK ,OLR' proceedings have been inst virtuous part inconsistent with the sober dictates of sound boarded offtheK tho5e who' h affixin lh m limsp nnrl ill. f ... tl. .1 . .. ' ' OroSDectus. pave couritenanr H.ivs mv uauviia ui iuiiivi laoit. a, lie painfuV to thempre moral and virtuous part 01 his friends, It was about this neriod. too. sense, by the law of March last. A prospectus of a n.sk. a I. I C . I t 1 a a ui"iiiiiuon ior tnis ooject was puoushed, and J'9m a ,cltcr addressed , by .nine principal depu ties to the aUorney-general, it seems that law instituted against somo ir their sicnalures to the, prospectus, gave countenance and support to this Wirld, and his dissolute life-and dangerous .opinions excluded him from professional r. D4wssWl o: this. melancholy . blank in his early existence, he-atiudes in one of the let- irrs his " iimish Spy-;; vrit:?n in ,180., orrect taste. The riot brig, mounting 16 guns, who took ou of her, ?T?n ' C?TT thls applies to Collins, forcibly" Mr,josEt Co ft soL a young ge,: f tofhmlX- 1 deputieeqmre that they nly applied to the tleman alout 20 tears of son of cZFZ t0 ould be prwecuted, as, if any crime were Augustine, but who had resided for a uuwi 111 mis tiiv. ne was Domt prtyateersmen by one of their crew, ' . - -mwrnm j V H VI aV committed, they must have been as guilty as others. ' 1 . . . I an innmrna rh'.f'wtAii f fkA -.f.. Af i onot the coirecloroi at. Augustine, who long since abandoned by hiv family,- for ' -'V m m mm a ' . magnincencQ fif golden palaces, chart u7. a . f n ft, . Jmba son of the : - by.ihc,Avatejrfails of hlysian Kall . , V c j . -L . has been long sine to gaze on the m and to. repose 0 . . M I Ws crimes. V hat Mr. C's treatment may be, it Dr. Joliisou'i Lift-of Collin'. I is impossible ' to s'ly they 'ld h'm he nui" LATEST- FHOJit EUROPE. ' , . NEW-YORK, t'NE SfJ. - The ship- Merchant : Fowjcrr arrited at; this port yesterday; bringing a Liverpool paper of the J 'h Mav. :md a- Llnvrf's I.iCt ,! t'hi l9rh Tk f A V V 4r 1- 3 ww t. l wJS Shu .... .- -i ' s -, . .iv ..-'i

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