Jf. i 'J " 9 . i r? I!. t IT I?. F rt .... ..- F 1 I.- I ... .ll.. 1 fear your icadcn vuiuld no!. There i uouj;h tf cgoiUni in tl'oo few line, wiiliou' I iiut iuM di-i;iiiM,; i.f all. llic egotism of sell ,.raUi'. Vou'.h tiuy benefit by avidVj'ig la-f r. libit It'tvo Keen m huitl'ul to met ny virtue aie not to prccliiiiiciil u to excite emulation., MfDLKY JVlw iWy f flhthtii cf the Vlanrtan Suttitu, curiu commentary", or rather an attack upon the rtctived system o( the planctan 1 notions. ha recently been published. In - amah pamphlet? ly captin Uurncv.'wliicli is likely to exche the attention of the scTenunp word. unci may lend tQ the discovery of very unexpected as tioiotnii i.l fads. The author dcdur.es the mo tion of the whole of our system from the progress e.L I. l!-JLSI.t- m"m-YXtjnm ion 01 irrc'S'rnTiTscin n imamy Tniw ,m: says, must be ciiiiUy possessed by all the hcav tfdy Uniies, resulting from the univenwiljrttc- - Vno wlcdi! c! lawVof gravitation.- I Ic ;artucif "4 Jtr.hri, that, from ptogicsvivc mol ion. .rotation b produced, &, a Awrrvrj,Uiatabody in tree space, having rotation around its own axis, is a clear in. Jicaii.iii of its being in progrctf.lve Movement. 7' This he cof rolf at i S liy Ujc fcVficTalttfieTnoWir- lei turned, that our sun and planets are advanc ing towards the CT)iistcllaiioffiIeitUtetThcopiul6ii; i hut the kuu has niQessivc motion, was not en tertained till long afier its rotary moiion was dis ovrtd. Capt. li. Mates his conviction, that if. I'.om the discovery of ihe sun's rotation, and the ucknowledgcd universality of gravity, its pro gression Lid been inferred, when Kepler first suggested that the planets moved around the sun by -meant of its timphcrc. the system of this philosopher would have obtained immediate and IsMtng credit, und tliat the hypothesis of these civile being continued in motion by an original try idle impulse, would not have been resorted to in accounting for the phenomena of their mo lion. lUackwo(.J Edinburtj Mugazinc. During the administration of Sir Robert Wal IoIe. the transportation of convicts to thb country proved a very great grievance. l)r. Franklin wrote to the minister the thanks of the colonists - ir thttaitatcj naJ cai cC Uritaio to the country iQ .irongly manifested in this instance ( and as a sat isf.ctory pioof of American gratitude, sent him a collection of rattle snakes, which he advised him to have introduce J into his Majesty's gardens at hew. in order that they might propagate and in ere jsc ; assuring him that they would be as bene iici.l lo his majesty's Culish dominions as the Uiius,h convicts were to America. On the 7ili instant, a Public Dinner was given to Uknhy Cmy. Ly alared respectabb jwr iioii of his constituents ; at which L'havle Will' Lint presided, and J Jin FvAtr and John ll Mjr ion acted as Vice Presidents. Among the toasts was the following : .7iri r(r -Tlic friiml of Jiberiv, nnl tin hMo ndvo- cite of the rlif!'.;' of nun : we n j;t't tliy loss of liis tio ( iciicj .ui-i ujctahn .a in th'. cor.irjils of the nutiou. On thii Toast being iven Mr. Ct ai-o'Ji-, :ind expressicd Lis jr.iteful serweofthe r.on(,r lie had rvceived, and of the lilcctiou and regard wIm Ii had unrfonnly been manifcirtcd towardi him by his icllowM'itiz im. Nudiin, he olxk-n'cd, but a ttciiHc of du ty the nvwt inijx rtive to himself and his family, could induce aim to abandon a situation m areealde to him w thkt m i.icii lie lud so Inn occuifl in their service, lie vt uh h.i) bt-l.cYe, how ever, that, although in zeal and isdfliiy he woold yickl to none, talenU greuter than he coiht .lovctc to t!keir si-nice, mirlit he enlisted bv them. lie t!ien alluded t: the three ereat. tonics which had of late principally cLimed his attv-ntion, iiv the council of 1 Hie nation, w. : Iiiteriul unprovtiiiciit, Domestic shut nf'.iCtui , and the tf reat cause of freedom in So-ith Ainer- i.a. The f.rsf ooiect had not been completely obtained, ' in cbn'seVj'ieiiCe'Ot'hrjiicst do'itrts 'Und scriiples respectinjj the ronsiriitional powers ot ( onjjresH in relation to it ; tt iiVich had eudentjy been ilone towards it byexten itir.fr a l.elief of its importance, and iiicK'SSiiipthc dispo sition to promote it. The value of domestic manufac tures especially to us in tiicVest, Mr. Clav dwelt upOn with considc r:i!)Ie c:iip!i:i:'s, and expressed a conviction that their encouragement wasabsolulely essential to oiur jtmspenty. On the subject of the struggles in South America, he fjave, at some lenjth, his reasons for th' zeal he had displur cci. He believed the Patriots of that coun try capable of freedom"; he believed they deserved it, and lie tho'ijjfht it should have been the pride, :ut well as the thitv of this country, to have been first to acknowledge their rjrhtlo it. On this subject he had ben supposed rmueriiiiiy 10 nner trom trie executive, it now appear ed, that the dilli rwire was raher as to the time and the mode, than us to the substance. The Kxecutive bad been rndeavorinj;, by negotiation, to procure a simultaneous ucknoulgenient, byt'ie Kuropean powers and fnir, M'Kes, of the independence of Soulli America, while h liad been anxIous"flaf" wc sho.dd act without delay, and without concert with other natio;;?. The only dif--fciMiiv, L'lert'for:', v.:'.i!::'.t tli'j rccT.Tlu be'lit tnerc lie ruin tlie hi-raid f a noi.y wnrKL ' fitv from ail iiutiom luiiih'nnj h hi t fmrlt. JtTEST r:ukt UUROPU. t I 9 , -. ro Tnt oru ctiTincL. We have received by the Commerce, our tandon files and luta to the 12th ay. . ' , 1 'I h ihwe coluiniii oT the Imdon prints, so lon ocu pied witbiUtaiLof atalct trials and tXLCiiti'Mii, ar now crammed with debates in parliament, on the corn and rrimimd laws; co;imercial restrictions, and the, wood tHltfrwH4t d election, ami the Cato-drcel e onspi. lacv l Hie civil nn. rnrt vhmi'iih; rr" i uc . . , I .... i" 1- r"x:--r Istjy Jiave... xlecided .mafonlrJa uUH-IOiihKtrjhHf opposition arc treated witli tne utiuost res'Mset and at. tention. - The friends of philanthropy will hear with pleasure, that the criminal code of Knhnd is ab Hit to be aMeiidtf.rF'ahd Itrc' Banfinary statutes, which Inllict the penjlty of deatti, are to be much abridged. The eorfinaiion of the kiiiff ii" to take place the 1-it of August t and it is exixjctcd that the part of the iwual oa'.li itol tjr-rrrtfc naaOjun the protestant mmtMlrTmfiK nuiiJ;iin the protestant aupremaey-wilf-uc oiirt'CiL--ThoiifriiiLfWVwa"dulI, and harO times comiilaiiied of, lh'e"i)ubr.c stocks c7itirttieil MTHiTTaiM! WW tirieff hT '. cie to fall. We liave late letters from I.ivrrpodf which say r There-is nothing-politieaUy ImpoiTant" stirring here. Kvery thiny is very tjuict ; and, if possible, the government stronger tlian ever." Very little was said in Kuropc on American afTaini that little was f)att( rin;j to our institutions. The eyes of the statesmen of Kurope were fUM on Russia; but nothing lia l ap;narcJ in the policy of Alex ander to sluke the jfeiicral confitlcnce in the continuance of the cx'bfhuf peacS. Spain was quiet. Kxpectation was fived on the meet in of he Cortes, in J'ine. to consolidate the new order of thinirs. and rive the nation a new imMm. Most of the people now in oUice, in Spain, are decided constitu tionalists. All the old members of the Vovttt have been apjiointc.l to places of trust, particul -'y the patriotic orators: and the kinx continued to bean honors and titles on (iuirojra and Itico, the Washinjjton and tlreene of Spain. Tliere were, however, som: iears and cxpi-c Utions of a couittcr-revolulioii. LONDON', MAY I 1. Yesterday his Majesty held his first Levcc. at which were present nearly tuu thoutand of the brst personages ol tlic united Kinguom, mostly in new and most magnificent dresses. The am bassadors and mimstcrixame-mUi their nuiner ous servants 1h new state liveries. From the im mense crowd, and the state of the weather, the state rooms became excessively hot ; and though his majesty su fie red much from the heat, he re t i, LuX k .vi. f!l.-i!..i!ed t(' a (U-i.n cf (aiutd considtr-Llc tomruotio:i in the c;ty. : urixr tWf urr.nvuni. ; 'The ship Ann-Matia. from llive"rKi! arrived last cvVnmgi hiding s-iledjthc 3 1st May fhe editors of ihe MeVcantile Advertiser are in- ii.. debtel to captain Wai(e Tor sending up tneir uc i,r papers, Lloyd's Lists Stc. Whidi are to the date of 'his sailing. 'ie nn-MaraLUas full cargo of dry goods.. shipped under lie i;n that i!oiivres UaA tiasscd the fitw UllIT bill. and that k was to go fntu opcratloa ill the lit of July. . M ' "iJ i.o)t Dnvlusr 18. I rilT nf diiii'dwners was held . f f .1 osJH 4tippin In Uie discusiiiori'pf j case thiwniiinpjLua court of c)vmtUAncWn p"; "tajtfstjjft-ill nuncilbtcjy return xoyiVTmKfv muntcated to us by a rcsulent-or sew.Orh Iven bf IrerlajcrtTj! wbo had evry.oprwrtimhyIfi'lnjtJi 1 ,, i ... ... u .nltJi't" i immji . f..rf- .,"nl tvhTrh tvi fin lift rpmpmk dwau the cun:.t, c arii. l d;'.!riict',on ann.i- tho vcsuii. Mron yin!,;uu)i ! iln . nulauin . s were '.manifested in kcvei.l ciS.cr of thq' Uutca i . settlements in Indii. 1 he treatni.er.t of j the ra. L tivrs hy the Dutch is said to be Ury batbarou und it i thought that it is in conietjtiencc of Mfch i 111 trcitment that tho disaffection (s so t:.aiiifet. -U that t jarxe lorco is requisite ta ktrpthfl Iiauvtsl i subjection i i i it t f . Ihtititii. I ,i 'Sl,r. EverV day we must ild somthin;; freslwmkW"" ncv variety of a hundred times reheated sfijrrwv-' . 1 m if - .' . 1 . to the catalogue? ol maime barbarities, we liavo 1110 m nnriini rtf rrihi'lrrt ntr a f)l itlon to kiarliament I atrlne miht festoon the vnoT d L nstanv alteration in the ekhW"f idea discouraged ui may be prejudicial (mm thr ndertakintr."'rhe XitM.LmirrW rirl ..W..-.--W -- n- - -Mumi , pnaae? rcsjcciaijjyiwic o i -i-Mvu von, re minds uVX-aTflSther traniactlbiileomw Ui'cwTjrlean's pirates, which was laLclyi will com- i iii . ..11 ,y n 1 . yv.V Uirf.i vii .p v. Talis papeii of Sundanilwda7 are re eelved. The Journal cleebatl mentions a report prevailing in Paris, that the Queen of l-X'Iand has Iieen for someays in l'aris, wncrc her" majesty observes a strict incopito. Hunt baa been removed from the Kind's Bench prison to llchestcr aol. lie is sentenced lo im prisonment for two years and a half. Sir C. Wolsely and Parson Harrison, arc sen tenced to imprisonment for one year and a half. In the house of commons, petitions from the owners and occupiers of land in various parts of the country, wero presentcdf praying that further rcstiictions should be imposed upon importations. From the Commercial Mvcrtitfr, It would seem that a desire for letrencl.ment and economy i gaining ground 16 the British parliament, l-ord A. 'Hamilton lateW 'brought forward a motion for abolishing the( olTice of fifth baron of the exchequer in Scotlantf, : for the pur pose of saviaaaaUrynl 5000 pe annunv.rhc moiion. though opposed by th whole ministerial force, wis negatived by'a majiirityjof only 12, in a house of 386 members. i The discussions in parliament are increasing - AifaAaU,p4-haiM, at l-ast r.u,l leltbei,1cv than he-would lixve b ; th:it the Kxecolive had deemed it proper to pay some vtird to the 1 i.-ws aiul tushes of other na . tioiiS .tvhile kin desire kui bee u to pursue a course ex-, rlnriveiy Anu ri ,n, uii'fiftiK iiccd hy the policy of My ?.ofd Castle rr-flR-h, t'uu-it Xe:.scht;clc, or any other of the -rereaimnf Eiiropei hut it ;ippeare,"Wveftheles tiiat l-oth he aad UiftlVwuuve were diieCtin their "efforts to tfr-Mmr jjreat ViH Mr rt Mnukd to4iiT ttasons for rff eltisn.Ta "W election, and observed, that lie had resolv ed to retain, tor a time, the ptivile;e"of rcsn inborn;!?, ns etmht.stariT .s'tnijfht rujuirf, thcrcmatmlcr r,--tpjbtWiM .rosd.-iuji , ofvonftdeiice-Ju: hn. I'uiiilbnii: V - itVi ved li-om hiseousti tuemt'i, and tHe pvcr.li:u .-..fjitisractioii he il lt,atT.hf jnos. pi : t arlbrded hy Xhc eiiaracters of thos; brought before die public i e.uaJalJiffff; fov the fiice he h elii:cd, that . r.o injury, w ouUl. rt-suil io the co.ii!fftinit jii-oiii his retire-raunl. ceived the connratulations of this immense asjiajyterestr-as thcy hive at Icnjrtb beeun to ap bcmblatre, without any exceptions. The male I proucrr the Iciuutr iwintiof the existing National branches of the royal family, and tho amUissa I distresses ; but the debates in both houses have, dots, were received in the closet. and the residue! thus far. been merelv introductory to the treat in the great hall. There were present, besides I questions which arc soon lo be brotightToTrWardr the great officers or state, the cabinet ministers. In the house of commons! the debates have turned the archbishops. Sic. the following ambassadors chiefly on matters connected with the contending and ministers : Husian, Netherlands, Austrian, claims of the commcixiaLjand Agricultural inter- Sardinian. American. Bavarian, Saxon, Sicilun. jests, between which many dilTiailtie aru.appft Swedish, Turkish, Pruss'nn, and Portuguese ; aii hended In the- houseHftords, Eat titanhopc immense number of dukes, marquises, earls, I moved for a select comWittec tonquire into the viscounts, lords, bishops, generals, and ohV.ersjb.st methods of aborduhg employ nicnt to tne of all irrades, right honorables, honorables. &c. poor His lordship enumerated many specific their names occupviiiir more than two crowded! means of accoinpiishina that ii'ost 'desirable of columns of the newspapers f all objects. 1 hev were severally disc6unte Amonir the presentations were the following : I nanced by lord Liverpool'; some ol theraon Mr. Sotilhey.on being appointed Poet Laureate ; ground of being inconsistent with the established and the Duke of Norfolk, who delivered the fol- doctrines of political economy, and 6thtra,.Jbe lowing address, sigr ed by nearly 20,000 Roman cause they were pernicious in principle, or im Catholics of Cireat Britain : ' practicable in execution' The subject of the 44 Sire : We. your Majesty's faithful subjects, Manchester meeting wasgain to be brought be shall ever remember, with affectionate gratitude, fore the house of commons, on the 8lh of June, the high and multiplied obligations we owe to by Sir Francis Bui dettfand Mr. Hobhouse. our late Sovereign : The Liverpool Adverisr of the 20th, contains ' After two centuries of ever-increasing sever- a paragraph, stating thatinews has just been re hies, his gracious ear first listened to our humble ceived, and generally creV.itcd. tbat Sir Francis petition for relief : - - had beenrroTuiemneittQjthree years- imprison- I f our existence as a body is now acknowl- ment, and a fine of 5000.'yt the very time when edged by the state ; if we are now, by law, per- the unconscious baronet was giving nducejn the mitted to offer at the foot of the throne this trib house of commons, of a moiion for inquiring into ute of our affection and loyalty j if even the most the Manchester meeting of the 12th of -August, private exercises of our religious duties no longer Sir F., it will be recollected, has been recently subject us to sanguinary punishments; if our tried, for wiiiing his famous letter in relation to children are no longer encouraged by law in the the attack of the yeomanry cavalry upon the peo violation of the nearest and dearest ties of society, pie assembled at that meeting The judgment if we arc no longer regarded by our countrymen of the court had been delayed J as a proscribed and degraded race; to the un- The coronation of the king, which is to take ceasing and paternal benevolence of his late ma- place on the 1st of August, it is said is to be con jesty, we owe these inestimable benefits We ducted on the most economical scale. The ex trust that we have proved ourselves not totally pense will not exceed 100.000. Econnmical, unworthy of them ; by sea and by land we have truly! ' bled among the foremost defenders of our coun Letjers frofn Batavia, of the 2d January, state try, and our conduct at home -has uniformly that the whole of the cotton croos have been evinced our love w peace, order and loyalty. destroyed by the locusts. - u That allegiance which we swore to our late, - A ministerial paper says, orders have been sovereign, we, in all humility, offer to your ma- sent lo St Helena, directincr a more enlarged Nesty ; and we indulge the animating hope, that I freedom to be allowed to Bonaparte. The ex- we sriairsinrqonunue to nndnirtneinrope a peaeureturn'orsir Hudson Lowe is ebnsidereu friciitliind-protcctori -:;-'-;:r':r.""" J "r" - as a corroboration of the fact. ' r 44 Accept, Sire, our sincere and fervent wish. A petition was presented to the liouse of corn that the reign of your majesty may be long, pros- mons yesterday week, by Lord Seftonsigned by pcrous and happy ; and that for ages yet unuum- 400 respectable inhabitants of Liverpool, p raving bered, the iUustriou bouse, or D'nswick may trnt irnhe new tbrVtihu tp reign over the' per hsaicl KelltTof iisti" the crown may be prbperly restricted In its oyuAAttu graxbtui people.. : ;-r:.. ..... Orleaoif- par- tic'u'.acXictaV and which we clo hot remember to- haycjeenyjii print. In IM12, a packet! tailed ' from Ncvy-tJileaiis, bound we think, to France. . !in which a numlicr of ladies and fewer gentlemeu ' , embarked. Among the former was a trench la- ! dy whose known wealth was perhaps the cause- ' of a disaster, which in all it details is still left to t imagined, though there is little doubt of its na- ' . . k . a ture. Some months passed away ana no tntem . gence was received from the vessel or its ill-fated passengers ; but as a titari ied daughter of the la . . dy whom we have jtiat mentioned, was one morn ing tvalkmguie streets of New-Ui leans, the saw, (and, fainted at the sight) her mother a jewels en the' beck of a woman whom common fame repor-. ted to k the mistress of Lnjile. This man stout ly denied that he , had any hand in tha deed by which they fell into his hands, but alleged that he won them by gambling with the pi raters, whose seat was then at the Island of Barrataria. Ves- s'-l or passengers were never seen or heard ot; and if their bodies .were suffered to have a grave in the Ocean unpolluted by thoerurTiansrit U- not doubted in New-Orleans that they were each and every one murdered. Whether the fifteen . rece'nlly reprieved, or any of them, were stained with this piracy we.&nOirnoT but we presume the locts can dc asceruinca ana u mercy dc ai lowed to them, it will be so' much the greater, but if punishment be demanded, it will be tho better deserved Vnim. : " ; ANOnR SFECK. . -rr. toria, nye 7.A short time go it was made known that a couple of t1. States' aoldien niul been killed by the Indiana on the JJpper MisNsaippi, in the neigjiborhood of the fort on Hock ialand..- The upper Missouri now exhib its a accne Of the same sort, perpetrated on a trading company from tjiia place. Young Mr. Pratte, son of Gen eral lratte, hadimade a very valuable commerce with tho Mahas durinjj t)ie winter, and was descending the river in the month of i May. Dctween 50 and VJO miles abovo the Council Bluliv he was attacketl at canip, at day-break . in the morning, bad one roan killed, three wounded, and tile L II I.. .1 n.k .bnua k;. nurn k I I A., CJ.kl or Z) guns the Indians ran in with their knives and hatch ets, and the partly of ilr. I'ratte with iCfliculty saved themsel vea, with the entire losa of tlieir rjch cargo of fur. -On the ir arrival at the Council 'Blufft, eapt. Mapee, of the ri lie corps, was 4ctchtdin pursuit of the Indians--- lliey arc believed to be party of -Ancaraaj-tommonly called Jticcarer: This nation lives below tlic slandan Village, are noted fur their frequent depredations upon the traders, alao for their attacks on the U. State' troop which attempted to carry home the Mandan cliicfa w ho had accompanied Lew U and Clark in their return voyaga from the Pacific, and they have much intercourse with the Untmh eatablialuncnti on the nvcr Assinaboui and lake Winincc. The Mm Klan 1llages "must be oeeiiptctl by a regiment " ofU. State troops, unless the L tngivt intends to sur render the fur trade and the command of the Indians alx)ve Uie Council BluuTto Uie Britiah Nortb-Wcst com pany. OlSt 2I0K (OA ) JUNE 30. We regret to learn, that the Creek Nation in Council, have refused their permission to the es tablishment of schools and a missionary station in their country TheirJcalousy of the intentions of those who wish to benefit them is not ir their case unnatural, nor vfa it altogether unexpected. They have heretofore been compelled to make larger cessions of territory than have been mads by any other tiibesm from being powerful ia iiunibers, they , are-now reduced to comparative insignificance. A considerableipart of the state of Georgia, the whole of the states of Mississippi a4 Alabama formerly belonged to them, and tiiet- The new Iv-.copui. Church in Boston, vhich i now ntr.ny liniihed, is said, by com-.f.ctent-judjjea, fo be. the best specimen of ar iltiteciural eleaiice :md thste in the United States. SAIF.M, JUKE 28- LATEST FROM CADIZ. ' . Art iyed at Mai blebxad, brig Dido, licssorn, 43 days from Cadiz, having sailed I3th May. The message of the President, recommending forbearunce as to measures against the Florida., was received at .Cadiz the day before the Dido sailed, and gave grcai satisfaction. Cadiz was in an unsettled state ; parties run power of granting pensiomr and sinecureanrithi out the intervention of parliament. , -On the last Canterbury market oay, a fellow sold his wife, with a halter round. her heck, and a white bow al bert the depraved trio (purchaser, seller, and animal sokl; spent m li(Uor before they separated. x . ' v' . '- ----- ' A-. ' EAST-IXDmS. Advices have been r. ceived from Batavia to the middle of DerenibexJasl- f he Dutch bad " - a , a rt . - - . i tung very mgn. I nc priests, since the adoption made two very desperate, attempts, but 'without a the censtmmon. had-become more, opposed to success, to retake a place of considerable impor the h:vg. Some of them bad .quit the countrj fance on the Island of Sumatra: which had filtn wrrraMc. ' ' ' ,. . into the hands of the natives,by whom the Kuro- y.. lVui m my, u gicai mm icat was gtve peaus had been inhumanly massacred. In the in Uuiz. in l.oncr ol the adopnon of the colisii Ust attack, some ships of 'war succeeded in cei timou 1 m ihe raidsit of ihe scene the stmrft wW': Tmr - w-'nbin .. r r... .i. i . . . , . i - . - ' o i nit tun, mo natives Dourca in a 1- ' - 'I ! r e ... . . ... . . ll - T' :. " -.";- . '-r l) -.c,u. Men lor tr4e-accommodatioiI the multitude-gave .cavy diiclwrine of musketry nd irreaVirun iml fear that the attemrt.ivill be inade to annex tM small portion that yet remains Tib them, to one of these states - The' reasons whieh-hayerinduceil-them to refuse the offers that have been ma! them are the most powerful in favour 6f thci? compliances Tbey cannot exi'sl long as they nov areinajuieinaAure jiKreaSng. racily- enlarging and extending thf trettiements. Theif safety, and the security ef what they not P0- scss must be: wing i 1 1 he, Jn trpdut jjon of t arts and habits of civitiiied sOCietjfT' If they main where they are," they must depend up" agriculture for their support; and they rnut reclaimed from the idle and wandering life the?' bow lead. This only can be done by affords tKcm the benefits of' instruction.. 'It is pleaMif lo know that some of the nation are in favour0 a missionary establishment, and it is to be .hope that a majority of them will soon be sensible & the necessity of acceding to proposals made tu them from the purest piincjple of benevolence- Accounts from various parts, of the Un; snea'i: of thtj-JjrospccTot w4aot 'PLI, f A

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