Y M ll-V MOV TH RfcWUK co-mtL. . , K VilFKTO UFJl lU'MlAMl IN ADVEIISITY. ., t-v. -if)l0( tlwni wot ever only dear, r ..ajay brwrrov, peace. or 'iltugi rf 7 y Then start not IfOvc '.'lis but a Uir ' ( N' .llitnitartnotatatrcinblinjafujigtr! .l I I (ir U;ion's Kile spir mior iimcu ; Oh! no 'lu that thou lookct sad ITisor tliy aijrlia so, ft repeated I- ....... ,. Thb'ii dear one, amile, as onco thou miuTd, h but for mc thy trm arc to ing j omc liiuc cm, tour, nhioh-, wwi, - - VhcTcnaiwlcsa flowcri around arerrorinrir-: Shall sliinc a palace proud to roc, If thou aft thi-rc to point tny duty - . Delightful scene ! while hlettt by thtc, Each morn Jail brtithc of pence and beauty. Tho' checks that glow'd, and heart that vowl, Arc pone when fortune fails to cheer thec, Yet Love ! far happier from the crowd, One heart, unthang'd, u Ix-ating near thec ! Tito all those sunshine friend arc flown, Who thrnng'd our blooming summer bower Oh ! aay thou art not all alone ! I'll share I'll cheer this advene hour! Nay, a';rh not thus tho' thou dost ace Tear wrap my check in pemuve sadness, Mis ecsUcy to mourn with thee, Vet bid thee hope, tor days of gladness ! Wealth it not biia Ixwk bristly round, lUxall past scenes of peace ami pleasure, V hen, on l';issaic's banks, we fmiul Love, simple love, life's truest treasure ! How oft, at twilight holy calm. Betide that dear, secluded river, Vi e drank the valley breeze's balm ! Was there one roving uiah i Oh! never. Then was the maple trembling green, Vilh some lone fountain, mildly sporting', Sweet emblem of the happy scene Serenely bright ami ever courting! And love true love doth yet remain, With thy fond wife's unalterM Itotoni Nor wilt thou feel regret or pain, hile heaven leaves one fadclm blossom! Oh ! thou art lovelier far to mc Fur dearer in this hour of sorrow ! For 1 can think of only thee Wish for thy sake a brighter morrow ! S , or xiw-jERssr. Mav, 1320. FOB THE WESTEK.V CABOUSUN. From education, as the leading cause, The public character its color draws ; Thence the prevailing manners take their cast, Extravhgant or sober, loose or chaste, cowris. The safety of a republic is based on the virtue of the people Good constitutions and whole some laws can have no salutary effect, or at most, : not for :iny length of time, unless there is virtue enough in the great body of the people to carry them into execution. And when laws for the -conservation of public morals,- individual riphts and properly, are few in any state, under what ever forms of government, it is an indubitable evidence of the happiness of such a state, and of the virtue and morality of the people. But wherever we cee laws multiplied for the. preven tion of crimes, wherever we find numerous pe iial.laws loading tne statute books, we may at once conclude that such a government is rotten M the foundations, and that the morals of the people, to say no worse, are deplorable. And should we be asked what form of,. government would best suit a people generally corrupt, we migm, without any nesnauon, answer a detftottc. 'u :t.i i r . j iic Hutu ium gcuitii wuv oi a icpuuiic IS caiCU lated only. for a virtuous, and soberi and industri ous people they can be happy, safe, and pros perous .undcr.it ; but to a people, enervated and corrupt, it is a 44 mere rope of sand" it pos- sesscs no force and efficacy cannot-affbrd-nro- - ttction to the cood, nor restrain and ounish the bad it only makes-a mockery of government . uimtiiiu' iirQiccimn. ivnrTi it wants in -rwvv - r - i j 1 - " - - t cr io proicci oy enacting good jaws, but which are destuute of the least efficacy; I am led to make tbese few reflectipni, bv no Z::':r:!5'nhe'ala in this country alarmintr to everv friend to the - peqn:uiuy .vt our irec iitHUiutionsv i txseea ru I a" a a i- i xton uite ourswmcn nag twi'ely attained to ado pollute The nations of:the old world, whom; the Jnj: reading corruptions of ages have brought to uiciF yicbcm inuuiriiy or vice,- tnrows a eu oI iilarknci.s over our future piospects, and agitates with f iiiost' 'gloomy forebodings. Other nations haye approached, by regular gradations to that feai ful precipice, 6venwli'u:h'are prti i.u tated all that enables humjij'y, atf tlud U part in morals, bacredin religion, amiable and endear ins; in love, and dignified: rnd venctabfe in jus tice : but we have' vaulted, by a. wotuU'Vful pi eco vitycf ciime,At6 thts, top. of that giddy liciglit beiieatU which is rolling, wi:h.'-inipctkVurs foVce tlio drk ktream of dc struct ;oti, cu .v.l.osc hutjkx .bdlprt unless somcthixi- done, vjjl K-ou- be l.uri'J.cd nil the btr:ltt I)''f.rcC'.1 vi.i.'a 'p;iif l on i r amr.tryi ami h!I the hopes whirl, uvc swell d our breasts with joy. -This it not the pifxhir.tio of a dHtcuipett-d iniH'Jtiati'iti, ii-kly funcy ; but.the sound conclusion drawn from undeniable premises J It is the result of that self-evident proiKjUaoii,1 14 that like cuutea pro ducr like effects." - f To render tbe sttearn pure, the fountain :nust be purified t aild to care the disease which Is preytn'T on our vitals, the cause must uc eramca t m m m - . m . f " B 1.- ted. c muwrevertio urn princi K what is wrong in them. And by turn icniKin io me eicnicnis ui uur siieuj ourfafcty, we shall find, that by comme v " WASHINGTON. Ucry ihiiji'which rclatci tutl.c hk an J .ic- i ' ... i .......1 mm r.mnnt lail tion$ oi tnis rrt.u ami "' to Interest every rc;.d-r whose bosom it w arm rd Ly American feeling. f)f u!l men, thr nui:.cof Washington n.ust he most dear to Amerio in hearts, and as the yean roll away, r,st in dutancc. .tnc IU1IIMU - la biTAihc itir sou .!, I to f al.n them fior.i tt(C a;;itjiiontof u, 'u ty, I'nu i t'.i t !'irit imprcs. s'fjn, there ii a sccou 1, which tuturally follon. it i In the day wr are liviiu viitli men, in ihc even-tide we begin to live with nature 've iee tho world withdrawn from ns, the shade of njihl darken over the habitation of men, und wc feel ourtelves alone. It is en hour, fitted, at it would scern, by Him who t 'a tjs, to stil but more brilliant do his virtues eppcar, and the more wUh gentle hand, the throb of every unruly pu. stronrlv convinced ire we of the true great- sion, and the ardour of every impure d.,e; and, -.. rr'k:: rr. ii There s a -raournlul whilj It vens lor a umefine worm mat misieadi l.nJ "! PJ5?; -t. W .vrihe (teU fectiont which the beat 6f the day ,aay have di,. ;th and of recalling the actions al reviewing tneieei. .ui. iriHh.Phtf.. mgs cf those-who are gone before, lime whii thc' worJ wUhdnws frimm, nd 1 1 ' C3 . s a " u a a w the work or reformation thcrci tao growing eviu j,31 c0cCted change by his slow devastations, . wnicnare giHncuni'rouiHi ui, umnmnjimi I which speak toiue lieans anuwc cannui iai I dwcllinsr WtfrtwaltUK without leeiing shades of the evening darken upon our the splendours of the firmament coma rmmfA tnmii t irvr. In thft moment when rank . UAU-M ULJ - " - W Mm w m mm. j mwnmm mrmtmmm our attehtioft arre$tcd : amid the suspensions jj ovcrhhadowcd; Heaven opens to our eyes tho their recurrence prevented in luturc. in our woi:iffoTr Iwtimony oT- thosc-wJwsc 4tiUOttVMaunco 4beiuicccsire.Bpicnu0ur oune kghc unawnua; todln from thaiall destroying hand, remains upon tender minds the principle, of vhiue and moral; record for ourjrT . ccrns, we Jecl that therc njZjWtUw it v, -which arc thc Jachin and Uouz of our con The 'following-interesting; anecdote or the ln",c"-. yl; ;;nW; y,n L-.r' .:7r .,. - p.,. lt.-.,.xr-1l,Mi(-w. r.ml in. nuctt'a il I here is, in he second place, an " mn:udaVi ft cry nge,M said thc ancient philosophers, bears continuation of Hume and we do not recol within itself thc age which is to follow." The jcct t0 j.ave mct jn any other place. It illustrates, in a most forcible manner, the aire of patriotism, and industry, and sobriety, in this country? was succeeded by freedom and dory, bv wealth, and good public morals And if the present age he corrupt, ticioot, and ener . . r.i . .r.- i. . .1 ........ :m vaieu, we may saiciy jmcuici, mm ihc iicai diii be enslaved, degraded, and pusillanimous. It is owing, in my opinion, to the lax manner in which our children are educated, more than to any other cause, that We behold vice so fearfully . ! . .1 I . - I in we T car, a season, as wo now witness, wnen" the sun withdraws hi) propitious light, when the winds arise, and the (caves fall, and nature around , i, m to link intA decav. It it Raid. In on. - ... , , i m , - ' r,-"- i ovcrruimj jirtuu wi iw,iuvwf ... ....... crat lo w ine teuton oi meiancnojy , aon ii, oy . . , . 'ft. ' TLl. ..I... I J. !. J .1 when lie is leas: aware oi ii. i ins tunuui m-i anuoi sciioua inouKiii, u is uuuouuicuiy mo sea- i innir tVilt t Wft ftfl mnrt nf melntirllfvl V ret it 14 ft mclaiicholv ftri HiC II will niiivii wiivmi - m i v .y r i ' ' - the hero was in imminent danger, took place soothing, so gentic m us opproacn, ami so pro during some skirmishing, a day or two pre phetic in its influence, that they who have known vlous to the baitlelif Krandtwine; and isdc it feci, as inMtnctivrlf, that it it the doing of Cod,- i . . . n . l . ami i nai inr irari ui man 11 iiui mus imilit mucn. .n-iimiii:nnrr uinnnir in Hnu iitreaifninir in nurv. I M I i . imm rvioirvr i.rm nn. wnn I - 4 " in one undistinguished ruin,M those incstima. cornmandrd a rifle corps in advance of the ed, but to mic issues ble rights and privilege,, the attainment of which to his . " U fhe WC K Tec", G $ 1 i? " C cost so much blood and treasure. When I speak J?d" V enn irjueition ?i?B f " 2' " f1 a?Proa" u.; of education, I do not mean to confine the term f,.,end .In Vnd' 1 nc Ucr m lUCSUon Wc regard, even in spite of ourselves, the stilt :......-.:- : cives the lollowing account.: hut stcudv advances of tune. A few davi a?o. lO IHC III91IUI.IIUII nilH.ll 1.IIIIUICII IdCITC III " .. ... t i . i ..f t.i r I . . ' ... . , m n : schools ; but 1 intend it to embrace, and more "c naa noi win iodj, wnen a rcuci niu- and the summer oi the i year y-as graiciui, awl particularly, thc wholo time during which they cer, rem.iritaDie lor nis nussar urcss, passcu every element was mica wun uic, ana me sunoi are sheltered under the parental wing. On pa- towards onr army, within a hundred yards of Heaven seemed to glory in his ascendant.., Ho rnittUflfvnlvpd ihmostimnortantnartnf their mv riht flank, not nerceivinc us. He was is now enfeebled in his power ; the desert T0 y r ' ' r ------- v 'o--' i o i . . a 7. . 1 . . 1 m.- ii Klrt.asirnB liV m Ik wu th innt l inv tv atA snaiaiii lAn mi kimK sham i i.ii j s. ....Aii..it m mm a i fvpsnn a a i ii s s wz uiuaauui m sinu .iii l uiu a atiii ll iui CUUUailUII ailU UM me iihuuvuuii niiivii uic T I IOUJWeU UY allyMlvI Uli?3:U ,11 a..lAJk.ij bbu I ;r T','.t.v..-.- .wr - i! t . ...iur .r. -iJ.-".rir.- T..vTf"r:-.i 1 . ... ... I nn mnrf hrA jmnnirlhi" hranrhr and tha earth society, and the liberty and prosperity of our country. Children are imitative creatures, and what they see others do, they are very apt to do themselves. If they behold their parents con eooa snow 10 sieai near uicm anu w uic i . ... mn,t.t- ka aa. a them ; but the idea disgusted me, and I re- .mA the annarent desolation of nature. called the order. The Hussar in returning We sit down in the lodge "of the way-faring man made a circuit, but the other passed within a u the wilderness," and we feci that all we witness (brminir to the rules of morality and virtue, thev hundred yards of us, upon which I advanced m the emblem of our own faje. Such also, In a ; will be likely to imbibe a love for the same, which from the wood towards him. Upon my cal- few years, will be our own conditon. The bios-' will erow with their erowth. and strengthen Minor, he stomped: but afterlookini? atme. pro- soms of our spring, the pride of our summer, with their strength " - The responsibility of pa- ceeded. I again drew his attention, and made will also fade into decay; and the pulse that now rents, then, extends not only to the instructions signstohimtostopjevellingmypieceathim : high with virtuous or, with vicious desire, l .1 ! .c-: I . O . 1 . . til .tnV inH Vr mint clnn tn vr wnicn mey giyc mcir cnziurcn, oui to uic exam- Dm he slowly cantered away nie wnicn tnevsei mem. rorin vain wiuinevi- .t... .1:. .u;.l .l c- c rise irons wurw . . ' . - ' in inai u suncc ai wnicu. in mc uuiLtcii iii-i ..... . . . , . wish them to conduct with honor and nronnetv. I. . ... . . t ? ... . ed and subdued, ana wo return into uie as into a - - - - - -. .ki.aiMa-.a.M..KAiBBM. when from under their immediate care if, when lul toV. "rcuupu "4" U4"V" shadowT scene, where we have disquietctpur. in their presence, they behold little to attract or oous nim, oe.ore nc was ou.o. my rcacn, sc,vcs m vain. them to the superior pleasures of sobriety, and 1 had only oncc t0 acte"m,ne bt it was not yet fcw years, we think, and all tbat now to the beauty and amiableness of virtue. 1 pleasant to fire at the back of an unoffending bless, or all that now convulse humanity, will also Tho looitiatnt- nf anci.nt tim Kimri individual, who was aouittinc himself verv have Derished. The mightiest Datreantrr of life tictilar attention on the education of children, and coolly of his duty, so I let him ahroei The will pass. the loudest notes of triumph or of con prepared them, by early culture and discipline, day after I had been telling this story to some quest will br silent in the grave ; the wicked. 10 jjciiuim, win, iiuuur iiu uucginr, inai pan nil wounoeu oinccrs wno lay in tne same room i " v. v. vivi i.um hwmuhh, .. the affairs of the state, which the revolutions of wiln mc whcn one of the surgeons who had lhe weary, wherever sufTering, " will be at rest." aiewycurswouiuugvuiYcunmcm. ncy were been dres, npt ie WOundedreb officers, earned m"-.' '"""V w l"' in and told us that they had been informing him that Gen. Washington was all the mor ning with the light troops, and only attended by a French officer in a hussar dress, he him- early taught to reverence the gods, and to per form those religious duties and ceremonies which the religion of their country required. In some states, children were taken from their parents at a very tender age, educated at the public expense, and under the inspection of the government i and in all, or nearly. all. of the more . renowned na tions oJFmiquity, it was always thought the duty I who it was. the prerogative of government, to supenn tend the education of youth, as thereby laying the surest foundation of the perpetuity and pros perity of their country. In several states in our own country the education of children is consid ered so important, and so peculiarly necessary in a government like ours, that liberal public pro I . a.. a own hearts better. The cares, the animosities, the hatreds which society may have engendered, sink unperceived from our bosoms... lathe gen eral desolation of nature, we feel the littleness of. our own passions ; wc look forward to that kin- self dressed and mounted in evt y point above dred evening which time must bring to all ; we described. I am not sorry that I did not know anticipate the graves of those we hate, as of those Connecticut Mir re r. we love. .. hyery.unjimd. passxonialls with the. leaves that tall arounu us; and we return slowly to our homes, and to the society which surrounds us, with the wish only to enlighten or bless them. 4 If there wfct e no other effects, my brethren, of such appearances of nature upon our mind3, they would still be valuable they would teach ui humility ; and with it they would teach us charity." . The final application of Uua -gTtat mtii-al of nature is as follows : V ', , . y' - ' " There is an c'cn-tide !h human life ; a sea- Remarkable Phenomena at Christiana. The following curious details have been received from Christiana in Norway : On the 7th u It. the barometer rose to the ex traordinary height of 29 inches 16 lines which has not The sea taken place here for a great number of years vision is made for that purpose, and schools are was eight feet lower on that day than it has been for the thickly scattered Over every part of the country. last 20 years. Professor Hanstcen, who measured its None are so poor as not to be able to bestow on height, made also some experiments on the intensity of their children a good common education, at least the magnetic force, and found Uic needle in such agita- 6on when the eye becomes dim, and the strength the beneficial effects of this system are every tion that he could obtain no fixed results from his expe- decays, and when the winter of age begins to ahcJ mk.i.. nnnAt-.r.. f ..? . T . C . . & L . . . .... . nr a i. iinnn f K kiimnn lAil It. hunnlnkll. . a. n. ' 1 . I . nin,ibojj(anm, vi iiucs hi c ie 11 cijucih mere, i rimenxs. i ncse uincrcnt pnenomena appear to portend j "H"" " "''" '"- piuuiuu - f than in other parts of the Union, where children some extraordinary revolution in nature. r I llie 8eason 01 t0 which the present is most an- are left" to grow up in ignorance, both of their duty to their country and to their Creator. Mor als are better--the great body of the people are sober and industriops intemperance, which," like the " pestilence that walketh in darkness, Is al most .daily destroying its thousands and tens of ELEGtST EXT1U CTS: alogous; and much it becontes at)d mucinfw'ouH profit you, my elder brethren, to mark. -the iustnic- . tions the season brings. The spring and the sunt' mer of your days are gone, and,;Arr h them, wt lyUhtjovOficy AnrtnBii.D Auspx, i. u a. Prebendary of Surum, Rec-J who gave themr- You havts entered upon theau thousands, is thete confined to a few, those -among I tor of.Rmlington7 tc. tkc. Edinburgh, is known to the I tumn of your being ; and whatever may have tiee? lte2S8.l-fl?5?k learned American reader, generally speaking, by bis eel- ..wb.Uus-J,vHSw1i s vuiiuuicu) iici 1 epnucu jxmift on tne mMUttrs ami mncijtlet f Taste. forms, fcimplc, arid her influence, like the mild As the author of sermons he is not, perhaps, eenerallv 'lift IVKlllnu... Iv...i f 4k. ..I. 1 ' r 1 ?i V!Ll-i"i-?c ""I? sneus uiknpwn in a volume of his semiouv pre4tfW.on. pw. I Ka.- o a. 1 .1 i . t j - . . I sons 5 and from the one on Autumn, preached front the ioruiu subject ; 1 have only trod on the thresh old. 1 1 presents too" many powerful .considera? tionsi i i tb ljifyiiih interest, ahdoo important m its consequences, to be treated lightly, and in a hasty mani agreeable to readers, to h extf Isaac meditating at e ventide in the fields, tlic fot lowing elegant extract are taken : t'l hete is an even-iidelin the day an hour when thc sun retires, and the shadows fall, and the. profusion of;yonr spring or-the intemper ance of your sumrac rt there- is yeV a season stillness and of solitude which the beneficence ot ITawnvn hflrtlo t hiiin wftirk avAi jfitlit selves fur the mighty changt which you are soon toundergo. ' I - 1 . I I ...K n ....... a 1 . OT . c.r. Aku ocsiues. lt will beinorel .?. auuies me appearances ot sober. J thfe morninp-arise in its briirhtness. and in ev you, Messrs. Editors, aild to your nC!5S 'an'(l..!'lknce 111? an hourfronijiiiicli every. I s.uccedin vear the sorintr return to renovate ave your corresnondents nraCUcc w"cre me inougnurss lly, as pconled on v. m I winter nrimturA.. It is now imi mav unde sinsru-ifre of I Ie jven.--It min orevuy, and not tire out your patience and theirs. I. cir imagination, uHh images of clooinT-h is th' fnsivniR.vnt I with a tedious and mmotonous prolixity. But 1 fan -"hour, on the Qther hand, which,ineverr ac-e I if s -voir whhihaf ofrevelavion. its shall, however, in such leisure moments "aii I mav t,,e uise havejwed, as bi-ingtn' with it senti l in iti hniir- uh-n the leavnTall. . . . i fir ... v . v. i - ----- mcj.is anu Bi.ccuons more valuable than all the splendors of the .day. . "its nrst imptestion is to Mill all the turbulence have.'rfesuine this subject, and, with your per- nitshioii, lay my reticcuons before your readers ALlQlliS. " t njhe long rcirosnect of youfiouiherr W have seen every day ilie shades ot tlc cvcnia fali, -anq every year the clouds of winter gainer--Rut von havn seen ktsn. even succeedincr dar, : . ' . . " ' en ... the i rstarvi Ic ', summonsyou. and the . . . . ... 1 L .(.. tcris Catherine, to-that evening btuuy wnicn i' rcy of Heaven has provided in' the boo ! mere iVti.Vv w.-- mecluu'.c in the norh of England, Ills uni .icu .num;iiiilr: IOT t MHUai'H'S. V, lilt i. hv mN ivl tuK"iS. n . fKf cKi!nv vallcv:oPCns ol 4hotight.,r passiiTnxwhich the ;'dav mav -hm Ubirh t,u rt Kft nf death, it sneaks." w I I.!' .... .... ' . I "-- -- w. I oro.'ui ioiuu 'Wc follow, with our eve. .-thed.-!, i,n tn,i ,,l,!An mmCnrf m! save, au i.irv :!..a.l .V. . . . . . - . - 1 .... , ..' j r' : A i u seceding sun, we jisteii to the decaying soiinds Which i- u..,, mj: t.w.y uai'ms :ij'Jm. but.vj aU 'utq bum,M. t iabour i,ndcf toil-and, when all the fields those bill U1U -JYIIiUil van "V y mm- T T van conduct to those " green pasture, n sill waters," where tbera ii w -in .4