m 7 U. :illZU BY K&1DEII It BINGHAM, BAlASlMJin, TVESB.Vi, 3L 1820. . . . - ... ' Vol. I...M.o. X i Hl WtlTtll Rl BALI at A tl tMlfiKnlirfl T... I C 1 ' .1 . . .. ' . . .' ' i u.vii Mum vunjciwia rrcmuucj na rcry, and personal virtue, were the three grand 1 r " ""0' J - . . ... . "1 . . fc M IU i dmL unlets at the diactrtio of the edltrniH Krcnccnow mat mc bedsought tfcl ''wciipoaJihom thaiecutirca4-rd in mi : . kl fniip fii M nnU tk. .it. i- I una vi need, tno , nnoncrwu occomv rcsponaiDic, iot tune papers, hll metre a tenth rratii -rAiT)niiiiiim will be inserted on term. y. .No KlvcrtlwiDent iMcrteJ until ' cr Its payment assumed by aome person -iUvkinitrr , CCAll letter to the editors must be pott-pdi, or they will not be attended to. . ' " ' er-rf ah.,t .n Jn.u " l i , . . " cnriu"a?c tne enthusiasm which the writer cf thia piece tu:U yT t, tereabout an Inch spart-half an Jnch of line eymcci hut when Uer Ure recurve to that tt frli mould i Sufficient for, their corerlnir. The PwKMardUieundertaUn penon in thutotror pu m.pDe.r in.'fewda. if thB .Li f - - - wu w m mm A01U0VIiTV3IVAL. 1 m.M .I.M,. .Ml. ' favorable. It It acarceU neceswry "to add. Uiat to produce tuch fine plants at I hare had the pleaiure to transmit to your address, clean and careful weeding Is Indispensable. It trill save a whole year's trouble time afterwards. " Vft hare accompli died our object, MThat paragona tleacription, " And exccedi the quirks of blazoning pern." I hare lately wen the Declaration of Amerkan Irulc- Ecndcnce, aa executed under the auperintendence rf Mr. III. tO H'hOMe indefati (Tallin lnlnlrv fmr'x.i the atrong etklence of tarte, and an wloptcd amor u iAtr tiJnt mtrtok hint it her r -Tfm Jtitt mnJ uiajt and buttnni free, Kith kit twn team -mkt plough tht fit, Ifhich grateful met fnfetted kit faihcrt toil. "JlalaUig of lletlgea. ( T9 tis iMToa or Tt awaaxeav riaxii. I "7 iuciM.c ui iic, ana an atiopieu amor u i tie process may be summed ud In one short tri lhc American people ifiould alwavn nv a tributa of untencc, iz-CU.n ,h. ..one, from Ih. bcr- i&SffigSti&Z nes, and keep them damp through the winter. expended to other countries U'e hare congcnUl njirits " XVRSERT FOR TUR PI ivrv ffouAroerica, who bare consecrated it to the dedi- TK- ji f ; t r,I rUVrrS- cauon of their country, by placing it In their Cor.jcre" 1 he soil most fit lor a nursery to the young Hall hoping it will operate as an incentive, to the riori. plants of the hawthorn, is a free, rich, deep 0Ui purpwo ffcctinff universal emancipation, black loam, that ha. preriously been in a cnlti. He Declaration rf Knee. a. ofTcrcd bv Mr. rated state, rather inclined to moist than drti J.effertt" d adopted by Congress forma the bJdv of .htr.U.t. .h. bMMiib. ,h. top of. bClUrbt. rather On the flat minmit than nn lh r1. At the head of the cmnr.nlat - K nmKI... c... u j r.-,.L,. ... . I Clivitr of a hill a and whrre ,,rh . .t lm.. Ml.P0" ncK m Jeftcraon, an engraving of the coat "TC ,CBU ct crw usciui puoiicauona in - - - . ot anna of the original thirteen states, form, united with your paper on the subject of hedges, and wlshine Uon cannot h lhtt which com" nearest to wreaths of myrtle, theaidei and base. .What gives n America W for wJStiSte r r.. ...Mt..i. !. J j; .i e mat would suit for caboaees. and in a similar of aur awn 1 i v a tsuu iwr puuuwiiiuu IUC UllCbllUIIS Oil ' I i m at. I. 3 . -i I StatB of nrnaratSnn vniilrl ini wll tnm I anornas xuain, garaencr, in me district 01 , r r " -w -"v. i .w. . . . ' ...... I that VfMJaf.la tvlll iIm f .U. . i wmwa, lor germinating the seed of the hedtre v, .u.-u mc mosi pan i wf wcstcu casouu. thorn, the first spring after the berries are path- u uto n ,rc U5ca " neaglng- r rimer i am naturally taciturn, ered. " S howeTer 06 of K11 adranUge to have the piece tn habit has raad me more so. 1 say little, . Mr. Main iris tpracdcal man, and it is Jf "nd PPprlited for Usis purpose, digged tefe b 1 som"imeir , Ho that he raised Urge qu.nUtie.of the thorn fr?m fift"n f dP i if the soil " cZZt 'T f He offered propoul. for publi.hing a 'Vd T f " ' book, which was to contain the cret of raising dh' il bu would be too lle wilh com n an(J of con$ .l . f . i... . shallow to Droduce fine thrivino nlanta. If thi .n ...I. ...i n uw piui we nni year iroia me ucrncaj out u ( - r - iy wcu vcrscu in me manners anu Customs is much to be regretted that hd.did not obtain iule of lhc 8011 hou,d render il cessary, it of the world j and for that reason, probably, subscriptions sufficient to induce' him to publish. must turned UP "UKh or trenched by the the remarks I have made on the prevailing te times, uie dissnist I have lmbi- and my great dislike to nearly a - w-.w -rwvw aw w I .ii Mr -i fim r. tJthein,DlMhinn!on. no, lo ek from Ui. timiln, of former produc ' ulcm.' P""" wholly penntt .top, ,obc ..ken... h, then Intended to 'io fr "d "V -W. it come. . $35 TU'Zt puMUhhUboolc. HeUn.w.ndn.ber. .? dred in ,h. glS Sejflt it no nrnhahilitw that h! tinntr will K m.k. spring. k n... i . ! j wv v.w. xui w, iuwr-i . uvvuuiuii . lltlUIV CUUliUCU. Dil naUlt HIS . ........ ... I A mr nf rrrnnn.l .Knur I.I w . ... mnea, I think mysell at liberty to.aendyou a r . v 5 ... Wuv mviuuc y.rua now Decome too inveterate to admit of change: copy for your paper, believing that the directions slurc' wil1 06 sufficient for the transplantation of nature and education have made mc an odd he gives will Yours The seed are to be extricated from the berries, cither by hand rubbing, or any other means 1 (I our paper, believing that the directions sIre. will be sufficient for the transpUntadon of nature and education have made mc an odd rill be of great use in promoting hedges. .tD lhoimn1 Planls rows about fourteen being ; and I have not the inclination,' had I s, &c kc. J E HOWARD incht wid one row from another, and three lhc power, to alter in the least. This brief :d.retobeextrictedfr.mUbm, i"he, .parffrom pl, .o plan, b .he row. V CJ""'. fe1"'""" commonly put them in a trough, and mash them vith a wooden pestle, taking care to proportion the strokes thereof, so as not to break the stones : C and turning over the mass reDeatedlr durine the operation, until all the berries are broken ;) after raox tbc axxaicax raaxia. To AesiToy "Fly in 'Turnips. a0CK84LLf yunE 5, 1820. the oddity of many, and the crudeness of alL 01 my remarks, ana tne unlavorable opinions I may entertain of some, merely on account of, what I have judged, their impropriety of conduct. I am ignorant, sirs, of every rule of polite- Ukar bia : Observing in vour last trcDer. that In. -ut 1 1 1 " suwi, a wtMta. a nave, inuccu. m il. ..... r. . . ! IT' " !. . I ill f . - . ' I which, the stones are to be washed (nm ihc? Po- . 5 maucea vou to treat more larcelv on the subicct liteness' and I once tlim lirht nl niirrhleinn pumice-put a gallon or twoofthe mass into iLr.u.:. r u. . r . 1....' .. rS'ClZr:,"' , . . . , 1 . U1 mf wunurc, a ucg icuvc iu suggest a speciuci uy idiucr oiiuuk 111s neau, ana emm- gashing tub, filled with wter Jet it be well bro- aguinst the fly? or lMe back flca whkh are - tiatcdi vcrv emphatically, " principles of hv- uoy . they'll ruin you ! They H kenandrubbed by the hand therein; pour off i.... .1... nocrisv! thrnter genii, . the. puni.ee and hgh. tone.L.athe. Drovid.d tou ,.. hld , ' teach you to smile, and .mile, and be a vil Wl lio off along Itblt.fnd h good ed will m.Uon before, which i. simpl,, lo tee. he ed 'a,n ' MV"$- wis ,ufficien ' remain ai me Douom. it wui be necessary to t : . c u m j 1 u r iiavc ever amcc icu me. uimo'st nntipainvto . .i . " - . . r' w in train or fish oil and sulphur, for i 5or20hours v.w tu!n , J . , , K 1 u km, 1 r . l , V 111 assists the vegetation of the seed, and impreg- my manner. hold them W11A7 of seed nates the ,am w , no fl wi trouWc j frcquently leave my seclusion in the W may not reach whhiuwme inches of the brim. u m u u ,eaved Thh , haye try, t0 8pend several days in town. J tis what 1 ne dox ought to be loosely made, or a few eim. ... j . . : . ... .. . - . ! have Ion tr been accustnmprl tn , ka..k ... r. -..-. . f h tw n a t a nn sm ine s sr is w wis s a w iai w w ab a swaavrs ii'ii f-lAg-g-'e sow, vincU and found unocr in often attended w..h iconvenncc, and wateModram fronv ,h. .ced,v ?, ., then to be t0 m. ..ouW be fciis,,- fc'?!Sr?t,tt0 i' T)laccd m some rnr tiSriiatinn nnt nf rfni j . - . V . become so Strom? a habit, that I cannot hreat 'aeed in th w i,u- .r. t.k . Wl 'uur Kcricuccu wrreapniacgsAa. i take no notice ot any one, arid hardly sneak. Ct&S ? gire.be public'wlureu. antido.. .gains, the eep, to Wy landloll, and Jn my mS i'X" oCgreen mosSrthev arc to remain - - a-.-.. ..f jLUi- ;iti Z . . b mc sine- But the cve- with books, than with men and thing " I ha'd read a great deal about the Grecian and Ital ian sculptors ; had often admired, in imagi- M.i.uti, M4t luvuinp.iraoic worki ot fhiuias hisrMtncrvi and Jupiter. Olvmpuswand had several iimes almost fallen in lovwith -lhe " Venus of Pvmalion. which qui9icey9 that the atatuary became enamored of the work of his own . hanrft ' terA tV.. resolution he had made never to mirrylnd begged of Venus to chanw it into a woman the aucen of love tTantert HI. rm,. gav him a wife possessed of all the beauty anu probably all the fraihvnf Kw. aa.. Bonaparte had transported to the Louvre the productions of the chisel and the pencil, vynicu auorncu itaiy, and excited the admira tion of all men of taste. 1 form-, I th mm... tic resolution to visit Paris, for the sole pur pose of. viewing the " mimic worlca f rt or, perhaps, more properly, the real copies of ..M.u.v, ii.u luwiwg canvass ana tne breath ing marble, collected in the Louvre. It was while preparing for this vovatre. anA wV.U mind was Boltly occupied with the thoughts of it, that I visited SJiibur)-, as above men tioned. As I was saunterim alonp-nn f your sidc-walk, in the most profound cogt. tation, I found my way, all at once, com pletely obstructed bcforcT "Lrge" "dwelling, house I ycry leisurely raised my head to discover what was the cause, when, heavens '. I exclaimed, in utter amazement I I thought I beheld the Venus dc Mcdicis before me, surrounded by the Graces j and mv first con elusion was, that some antiquary in Salislm ry, or some lover of the fine arts, had trans ported Irom Europe, and placed them before his door, to gratify the public taste and curi osity. J approached them with that tnM.. and reverential feeling which we experience vu uvuuiuiug uic immortal works oi depar ted genius, and was Proceeding to exammr them with the eye of an enthusiast, when a succession ot acatemng cachinnations diinel i.ri .v. .i j . r .v iuuiium, uu convincea me mat my Venus de Medicis and her attendant Graces, were only an assemblage of polite young la dies I Uecatcs and Ates ! 1 exclaimed, and dashed from them in all the bitterness nf re appointment. You need not be summer! at my being so deceived; for I came upon them so unexpectedly, and thev stood able, with a fixed and intent gaze, that hav- nig my iuiuu cmpioyca as u was, on Urecian and Italian artists, it is not at all surnrisinrr I should conceive I beheld their very works be- iorc mc. It is now CUStOmary for me to enrnnnter the gazers : I take it as a matter of rmirae. and always place my hat onone side, when about to pass in review before them. But my aunt Dorothy tells me it was not o hm she was young j then, if the gentlemen wished 10 see me young ladies, they hd to enter the house, where thev found them ther in reading or sewing j and k thinks I to myself," ffor I seldom sneak.", thev were hot ter employed, than in giggling and gazing on I aft s4 aa Mat 0m la vufc siut'n ua. Youri till death, . ICHABOD. ClonmsviUC) June 20, 1820. P. S... .After I tret mv wheat harvested. T i will write you again. ther is it material how often or seldom they arc irozen durmg the wmter,; ..IZ jErcf At' the approach of spring, the seed are to be inspected every two or three days, sav about the middle of March and so soon as they feel slimy ori being handled, it indicates that the shells of the stones are about to open. The weather be ing favorablethe ground is then to be digged na prepared tor the reception of the seed. The soil mobi fit for this purpose, being described in lOUK 8. SKIKNER, XSq. v - toa Ta wasTsaJi cAiioMjrnw. Oh liberty ! thou goddess heavenljj ; bright, JKProfose of bliss, and fragTant with dcligiit j "Eternal Dleasuaes in thv nresence reien. "Andamilina; plenty leads her wanton train cat xsr uaiBTA, eai est patbu. struct the path of those who choose to wa oui mc point wayviam mtormed, is, to place your cnair in the middle ot the side-walk, and not to move for any thing, except a mad dog. This, I suppose, is taught in the school of Chesterfield I my country pedagogue taught me different ; but he was an old-fashioned, unpolished clown, and formed me on his own model. j.- --""' ' I. recollect a very curious and singular ot L!.L L.'L.: .L- r . 1ST liCaCllLieU 111 I' . I .v.. r ... ..wv.' huu .IUKUI.I V." the pamphlet, it Js needless to repeat liere 1 Fy c the mind iinrer orer the scenes at which currencc which happened the first time I vis . .-. f"f. . ,v , '' the association produces pleasant sensations, whether of k,rl soi;cK.t. v.. .i "iroa tax wasriaa- cjaoniriur. . jshine to rive th ui,nu rmnKi T I TT X' r , 1 . . ucu uausuury. ton rousi Know, mat when "-v ' iiitrffL ' e- --110' Pamphlet wh ppportu- & locat,-ilomestic or national nature. But when the gen. ,l t j . . V " the amhorfs description oflius pr the ecstacy .of eelip ean,rtlike tHamiagJwn, ,,n .cr) Pcr4 ufr.UmK m which , WLcimKiv 1'n diffutfi m s 4hca the jreneroua iaul -tms pt hi mYiy 4 .tHrrcUttrr ?rftamted ! but titer . Messrs. F.ditort ; About 12 o'clock, one night last week, I was awakened from sleep by a sere nading party of young gentlemen belonging to our town. I listened to the muskwiauh that sol emn yet pleasing sensation, ihich it nerer faiisr to excite in mo at that gloomy hour when all nature seems hushed into aimosf a breathless si. lence. It Moved sTowly from' me, its i everbera- ling echo growing fainter and faintefunuTit bts camo entirely exhausted ; and left, if possible. a more death-like silence than that which reigned before ita approach. I then invoked old Somnu again to shroud my faculiics withnlsmantlTor drowsiness but I invoked him in vain. I lay musing upon pasacencs and upon future troub les ,aiidt expectations my imagination some times Dittmg over Wistful regions of worldlv njoymcnt then startling with horror at fancied mi. cry and wretchedness until the dawn of day. A a'' ' - ' 1 liave since tried to embody some of the ideas which mrc revoked in my mind .at thaVthrie i versi abstract and'taguei 'hat 1 hav ' "-,mve ' i' 1 ....:.: ? f ..." -

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