If il- 'J i . ;; r f :iV .-.,. r 1 h Vipu I wl.VrVr the Mime inspires, Mv sold the turn f d rtrain admin. t...,rrr. on 1 :a It i . - " hum a losdov rma. The 'foliowinff tfTectinff song Is on of those written by MHiit, for th Rcrond No. of National Melodies, jtut Mtb!UluMlb; Power, TW air is an told English Taa fare thee veil, my own dear hr, Tbi world hai now for iw No. grater grit f, no pin aboYc He pmin of pHinff ltr v , The pain t .parting thus. . - , . Ilsd we but known,' iince first v met, y Some few short hours of bh, We mljrlit, in numbering them, fori The deep, deep pain of thin, dear love, The deep, deep pain of this. But no, ala ! we've never acen One glimp of pleasure' n) . But tttill tlicrc came some cloud lctwccn And diacd it all away, dtar loft, And chased h all away. Yet c'cit coukl those sad moments last, Far dcJrcr to my heart Were hour of pricf together past, Than year of mirth apart, dear love, Than jears of mirth apart. Farewell our hope was born in fiarv And mined mid vain regret . like wint-r sons it rose in tear , Like them in tear it set, dear Jiw; Like them it sets in tears. . . . MMuf ins country in wan to nunrc iter ry ii mtrrclu. Under his sanction, she formed u society of courtesans," whose arts were on ployed to attach the young Athenian to her interest. Such were the charms of hcYcon venation, that Socratei himself, his accom plished pupil Alcibiades, the men of letter; nd the most eelcbated artists, rcqucntly re paired to her house. Tins circumstance may iurnish a proof of the low state of mental ac complishments' in the virtuous part of the sex, even during the most refined period of Grecian history. kctvt Elements. j tfcmalfc lAtaTftlure ; f)f THE fBtSltlTOK. , ,1, V.. F,m tin- Sei f jrulo) M'ttithly jitagaune. 1 luru u no more ltlirfitful peculiarity In the litepafnrc of the present ngc, Jhjyitheworth UJlli, itM fcmulc gcniiia. The fuD developement of the intcl- ltct and imapnatlon of women, is the triumph of modnn lim. Tlei iufluenco m .LuruUiw-wa scarcely idt, crrn In the atattliert of claaiucal agea. The contracted na ture, of their education the tyrannical lcmeanof of the su rner acx towards Uietn aud the yet more inflexible tyranny of custom, cnmlied the blosxoma of their genius htfore they were half unfolded, or prevented them from Jinuainjf their awect beyond tlc limited circle of do- meKtic life. Sometimes indeed, the female mind broke t'.irmigh the unnatural rertraint opposed to in progrcu j hut it too often loxt, in the exertion, its freahevt and most di -fault clurm-'i'he Ifiapplioa and the Afpauai of anti riuity. cant aaidc at once the fetter of custom and the bondi of virtue. Fa en tlicse instance a of female celeb rity, o attended with cauac of sorrow and of pity, are rare. Hence the imajjinativevorki of Greece and Home, cvjuisite and eternal as they arc, luvc an aspect stem 4tvl appalling, ami want that delicacy a.id tender grace vi hicli the intermingling f fi-male grace alone can give Hic-r poetry ia enriched with few of thoc awcet Liicies and dtficious conceit which peculiarly belong ta the female mind, or are excited in the society of intellectual und m .litivc women. The gentle influencea of feminine TDK CHalTtlfi. A hundred namea were aoon projKJbod, But evt-ry one the Wife opposed No tongue could e'er nin faster ; - Well, PTa, then," the Husband ericd " Wliat ! I'sTta V tlie good Damt n livjd ; " No ! he denied hi Master .'" Througli all the lit," said he, u I' r niu, And know not, then, what's to be done , To close this ad distress : Suppose, my dear, he's Jirrn ra!Ul ' MN(S never, no!" she loudly bawled, For he denied his .If "mi .'" Variety's the very spice of. life, ' That gives it all its flavor." " '". IV TUP. MOST REFLVED .WE OF GREECE. . J,-'.lt I Guard. an anzJuetm toliovtri)Outl..i rn.n 1. 1' .n,t. , ' . r ,nmrcnt V atl- unseen, and tu iiiiipiro the same decree of revenue M bv a aucTcasion of prodigies apparently su- ',..,, , M uy a BiiMva v i V-rrnr i-iind. t!nwgh they were viable. We apprarourat hi , n S;H, iietnatura . and prrtrnHnt with terror j-iiiut ' , , , . puiuWMU u I b f . hAnU n hour, to have armed aUl.c coi.fmea of the cckil men, we kuuh w - - ,IuU(J pirtic;pate Jn the aen,aUo.. of Uus aoul W ! ...w y. , j . I 4l, lcCte4Ui exquisite ora paiuung, as a prcpar- ory to. trophe for which he has ardcntl); pantcdvtnel , hc JeVoUonof tUo pproacUn, ,Uallu Unnr.w.n ai mirv4l!niidf raised. It (TOne I . . ' . . - . ciiviiamMivin, w ' y ITliat elcn ana an our reaucn, may teci the i "i an. for ever, lie leeis mat an auroni n . - u conJloL.lli3n, in Ul0 tn-ing hour cf death, as ar oflfered to liis imagination, and that he has Uke character of tU dying tiler, U been cheated out of his terror by false pre- . anJ fment wW)u nu Kul u M He is inclined to regard the whole w enfff0si4nj t0 VJi does not perform iu daily rer. aaino certainty that death perforins Lis, wing he flies around (lie globe, and his ax. minions, intercept the Ileht of llf5 at everr tnometiL ikinV tfi hifrtirn arises merelv from the! . . nnhiin .r..rSmm Chrimtrh ....!A.t.. A1 liif Ko atrtrv tthtrh ran en I . , -y... . ... ii. i I dure no obstacle to its progress. ; iiaa us. The ELDER'S DEATH BED: Kidcl.tte brought-to tw compos uon oscr It-i fTc awfulialcta the superstitious fcclingti yhh idrejTpnAia' tne autnor oi vraveny iniusca ihw n"' to wfilcli Jhc. supeniaturaL U JaCiesOrted she would have held high and lone suprc- fonw for a week; wa drifted into beautiful macy over tne regions oi pocucu imui. i out cancerous wrcatns, uranu viae over inemei Tk. -V. f rhnrlntti. Smith annftlr a ingMiorc mc, dim nronj umuumuicwironi - Mv - rrv . Ir nnint nfthn rnrnniM. afnirk Ihn dazzlinv tences. He is mclinea to regaru me wnw woru, w engrossii as an elaborate hoax. Some have complained 0iulioni tl.e'i also of the length of the descriptions, eser 0n t rcttlcM wIng cially- in the mysteries of Udolpho : but wc ble piujonsintcrcc i i . . i i i connecting un oeiwcen romancca anu novcis. m - -twi t j ,m ftnfi jAWn t fn(,, She docs not lay her scenes anion; the moun- transformation. -There wassomething inspiring tains of Italy, or tinge them with a fearful n the labor with which, in the buoy a: strength view of supernatural terror t but she discloses, Dr .0th, 1 forced mt war tbit)utrh the storm with exquisite skill, the sources of high and 1 and 1 could not but enjoy those gleamings of sari , poetical inieresv in mc viciasuuucs ui iugusu ugni iu iin tuiu miuii uuti uirvun wni uucx life. She makes ordinary things appear.ro- pected opening in the sky, nd j;aTe a character mantic. She has, it is true, no power of of cheerfulness, and eTen warmth to the sides or sketching or of developing characters her summit, of the stricken hills. Sometimes tho heroes, and heroines are, for the most part, d P of a lh" Jb !MkrV11' ... . !, ;1. . , lent as the snow ; not a marreuT to be heard from jui ia a scucniu. Biu4w , spring or stream, now all frozen np over thoso charms-and when she attempts to draw real Af theroomemar; eessaUonof ponraus irora aciuai ouscrv.uuu, thje sharp drift allowed my eyei to look . upwards disgusts with hideous caricatures, or chills and around, I saw here and there up the little with shadowv abstractions. But there is a onenin? vallers.cottaires. iust visible beneath the I j '.!. . . i t 1 Li--i ... e .u-! j -i... r. :.. , l.A,i r f ha- hilr1trMf am nf ikm-mnr.t WCCl HUIU ireuue imcicui, kuum wmi h-iu i ume Mcina vi inciraiivw wrcreu uunipjoi irccs, ..i. nn,ii,IM!,rbi(K,m. Theworksofthc f,. her tales, which numerous characteristic or oeae some sraair spoioi reen paurc, aep - sketches would only weaken. The purple open icr me sneejv- inumauonsoi me ana- tn nndo au'Jioi-H of the present aec, are objects of no conv wu iuat-ot only for their separate beauties, but light of lore' IS shed Over all her scenes. Her ajppiness, ?"pol ' for the new and loveiy lights which they have cast over Old Manor-House is one of the most exqui- f f . ..hole region of iLaienof grace, site of novels. The very names of Orlando ft K fil lotdlnca which Uiey have been Crkt enabled to dlu and Monimia are 'silver sweet and those ; . , WM .-. nAmA . -H-WnL I .'llilil' only wanderer over the snows. As I walked alone, ray mind was insensibly fil led with a crowd of pleasant Images of rural win ter life, that helped me gladly upwards over ma ny miles of moor. I thought of the severe but cheerful labors of the barn the mending of farm to whom they are given are worthy to bear Mfln comnanT. and lhllt i ' not tha . , i ii... . . i. .1. l . ri tl . .-l .1.. - i : . ., u t- iii:tii auempi a unei hacici ti inc ciiaraticr on mem. I Ilia laic accuis uj us mure iikc uc- Liiosf who are most disungtuMied among themclucfly I hcious collection of early youth, than an en- ol' such as jet live to increaxe the honon of their sex; chanting fiction. (tS spell will never DC bro- j um ui icw m, wiuiuui wurn iiiemory, nave ten. a ne uttie turret oi iionirnia tne CU-I been taken from the w orld wluth they assikted tu'uu- rious passage thence to the library the gentle prove ana 10 guuiacn. corcine on of love in the sweetly stolen inter- rr .v l ... i HAnL1Fl,E' . . views, seem like remembrances of childhood. ,r bt-the fire aid the wheel turned by the Of tne latter class, to whom it n humeri l. nu m : .tn v.r. . c.l? r'u - - - n i na iiri in -jiiaiiin m.i aiiam iwr v m bib osMr nv i i vmb inp miin inn n at ca n vi ii w nasi that we should first attend, Mrs. Radchffe homc for imprisoned love there Mrs. Ray- time-the skilful mother, making auld clae lapcnwpB su iuu uihiijKuihcu Yi8ur mj et iefps her state ; - look anuust as weel. the new" the ballad uncon- and originality of genius. She opened to the mau Orlando atUl adores cious,r. teed b7 the family, all busy at His little captive maid !' inelr own las" iwna tne singing maiaen-tne 1 old tradiuonarv tale told bv some war-farer. hos- MltS. IMMILTO . Uab, h e(J tij, lhe ttorm lhou,d h,ow bythfr t ?i. i r ft l 7 ....... . mrs. namuion s worKS are oi a very an- unexpected visit of neighbors, on need or friend feTcnt order. She is the pleasantest of those ship, or the footstep of a lover undeterred by snow writers whose avowed object is to be useful.- drifts, that have buried up his flocks but above view a new world of glories and of wonders. In her works, the majestic castles, far en.- throned among mountains, lift their conscious battlements cased in the unfeeling armor ofl The Grec.an women continued to be kept olu umc " n"K m seclusion and retirement, even in the most . f "r.r. Her chief talent lies in sintrular acuteneaklall, I thought of those hours of relitrious worship . r isaires anu svniuuis ui uirc events wnisneri : o i . . . . renneu times, irom a respect to ancient cus- ?. , ( , . . , , ,r i anfi a ma,t vivid nrriminn nf th Inrl rrmi. that nave not vet escaped Irom the domestic lite toms. Their residence was limited to a re- - rrrj i w-. , H.lineaiihn ? MS; Rril.m, Rrt, home, they were obliged by law to be atten- Bridiretina Botherim 01 lne peasantry ot Scotland oi the sound oi played in tales of guilt and horror. She does is x pleasantest of caricatures. We must, P'3 a .... . W - I A L lUC D1U1E UUIt. UI ULLJl .Udlliai SUl.ll d lllUUt lo... . . ... . nui cint imsitsi uy uit mere auumuiauoD . ... . . . . . ot mat suniimft aabftatn a:eeDinf. whirh. on dava i ... I nl n.cnltnrr o rtnilenni'ol fh.nrir If 11 nnl I ....... s ana massacres, a single mur.i "--b - wvwv; .1 .1- I ....t-- . t - ! mote part of the house, which took hntamtf D"n ? the nlea,att of mriiir... VVV m.t Psa,n" lha! the death of snow cannot deaden to from its particular destination to their use : Plcu V f. " .m Tu norror' onc.u?" a th. .am- iir, .rk Hini, to whom they are chanted, and - i m rr Avrirff lmsirpi r nv na imam j . v a w w rt. i... u... .l . noi wuic n .Hey 7 JJCiaou ou uicir f iiVrorri and maarr-i A .;U 1 Of aSSailmff 3 philosophical theory. It IS not nearest relations, and when they went from ""l" J JTrrT-Vl A. w-ll to laurfi at the nohle tho.mh Hevion, a uer, anu umi, pcruap., nmoiuic mosiaggra- . o- jT" T d i i ItrotPfl nature, hernmn th.--n.,r ftf mn,. uiiauuus v. wic auui. uuuniu s ruuuidt d by.a.lave, car.ying . lighted torch.- ' Z "ti H r Jte-1bdllte ui ii ic ii li Li ii iixiii i lie hiuiLLir. aim iiv iiitT cart - .. wvatvi a1 . . l... a f..ii r Ithonaht. nt nasmnnafe love nt truth. l lhe c : i.:ij c.i. ; i wnicn incv susiain. wui iuu oi scenes, ml o - r 1 ui unuuiiiir uu incir uniurcii. oucn ulOUC I . , P. . : ., , . of life was not only calculated with modesty and diffidence, which is natural b t..v.. uni .Mivus . , f. ,r- i mn-t intense anrl rliftinterettrri rlnsire tnr the of life was not only calculated to inspire them C""C5'01 ,n.e Dcauiy- A"e "enes Li ' 1 r a rau:.u : i mine uomanceot tne rorest, where Adelaide ...v6 6.. .va v. . 0i,v...a to persons unaccustonted to promiscuous versation and public life, but to growth of all domestic virtues greatest orators of Athens gives a lively idea ot this recluse state, by asserting that it was the highest honor to a woman not to be the object of either public praise or censure. " r should see a face not her own the wander- arc not "hjeU ior derision. A theory is inir of Emilv. in the castle of Udolnhn. Hi. not proved to be false by putting some oi its rectedby a track of blood to the chamber of deductions into the mouth of a lady with a her aunt, whom she believes murilererl hv turnea-up nose. Besides, tne readers ot nov- " J I ... . m m m Amid the flirhujent concerns of democratical MoDt0.ni ' bove. 5 ""P"' !"? !?JCra! S"" the pe. ol orivernmenr-nrl-thi'- artivifir f rhii;anr SCne,in-ineliaitan,-:Wflerer:&Cliecl01U,-:atter '""-"r,,vat MuaL Vu"uic,,uic uu" government, and.the, activity ofmihtary ex- jj of preparation elides into the ss? lde undent wd,dlhTdegnbf pedltlOnS, no leisure WaVfound for the sexes l1 . ..LTL 7J! failsOfiar morennnne.tinnaWe hSn.fit U .v,,,.u, H,v ....w.,.u, vmaies -r .. 1 I .1 1 . I the I 'rtttanrera nf f.lonKiimi a fnn u. i c i i j l woo lies umccu, anu urawmtr aside ner nra.i ""-t, w.v..w..v. . i . -mu t.ie suuerc oi uicir anuwieuEC, anu Doiisn . ,.t.--'-"o..-" -7 t .. jzzzziAim.mi a, -mv?"rt"f- iss cagewortn, 1 r .1. J.J .V. .n... - 1 aroDS it Its aismav. On diacovenno- Tmrtrnitl" UU6 naiurc, anu cuiuitcs uci aucu, mc passion oi love was coarse ana , , . , , J v , , V . . inrllimtf. and th'tvAmn air trkVrt nnnn which induces the belief that she is his own " f V. ... uuuw I , ..' f .. . . - .1 .I .1 . , r 1 r mm are imnreasen nn nnr tnnlt in .. I lroo nmmA raincr a me-staves man tne eouais 01 men. r .rz.r. .-. . J. 1 Their rrtaf in r5ati'TrAXti Ot alf Mr VorRs, the -Romance of the For The writinira of Mrs. Rnmtnn AU-kU little value was set upon those female accom- cst' " u does nt contain the most astonishing elevated, talents, but a singular harmonv and plishmch'idtombihed w t6" hVmosco of beauty, and native eleganceNif mind, have so tnuch infltfe It seems prpbalde that this W be relied shedding a calm tiDoh na Ji inWt'niftiire of ifc mn(b.r est eVueu Y le SUOdert TChange in the our over the souh or eTritlno- the t-mUr. .i I " w. aw.as vr V1IIW1I 1 - ' a I "I - vtvav. I Vdk IV of Athens. Durinir the period we are con. Pse 01 lftc Marquisrom 8ce?,n8L the love gret for the early fate of their excellent ami 1 "...... 1 i .1 tn aH.mntinn th. llf. f A J .1 ' t. I p. .. ' ..." siaering, courtesans, skilled in all the arts of -"tm" i,,c " .auciaiue ana mf gutea autnor. seduction, were numerous throughout Greece, em,re conex,on a"d developement of the and their nrofinn rmmtenineeri iw story render the whole" ane of the most de- . . - w eunv lillllVV VB V T tllV SJ I . ak . . of the first mTn7nrr IOt TIZrrTITKizl lighttui hctions. ITm work is not charo-'eable tiful Aspasia, horn t Miletus, the chief city i ,hc tault tvh,fch 80 unfortunately spoils of Ionia, was the first who introduced Asiatic 1 ,ongcr or: the econd perusal tht I J - 1 a . I 1 1 X Elegance mio Europe, bhe had the erat fica- m as - w . turn to, add 1'er.iclcs to the list of her ad 4 th Ae sincerely congratulate those of piir frimt:who-LDext Salbath, by altmy congregation a devout Te Elder's Dcai Leii. QlTVA tftd AnitlA l.!ai. M at tiiis r WD!T5 readrtheibllotract from Bhidcwoodta v.w.5i..,ut0uuureTaHrooiiriot,to Tcconl aninstanct i mircrs, anu gawea so complete an ascen .? onnauon is m!r aim tht ch will l dancy 0cr him, that he va .vcfd &f tn-1 . 11 " 7, M ' - 1,Hi,'c',niauK u 1 01 W toUn-k-stn too tempestuous for the kirk, changes the cottage of the shepherd into the temple of God. With such glad and peaceful imaees in mv heart, I travelled along that dreary moor with the cutting wind in my face, and my feet sinking in the snow, or sliding on the hard blue ice beneath it as cheerfully as I ever walked in the, dewy warmth of a summer morning, through the fields of fragrance and of flowers. Ahd now I could discern, within half an , hour s walk., before met the spire of the Church, cIqso to which stood the manse of my aged friend and benefactor my heart burned within me as a sudden gleam of stormy sun light, tipt it with fire j and I, felt, at , that moment, an inexpressible sense of tlje sub Iimity of the character of that grey headed Shep heid who had, for fifty years, abode in the wil derness, keeping" together his own happy little As I was -ascending-! Snonr-YMwlRHtlite' on horseback an old man, with his long white hajrts, beating against his face, who nevertheless advan- " ced with a calm countenance against the hurri cane. It was no other than mv father, of whom I had been thinking for my father had I called him for 20 yearsand fort trenty years my father had he trlily oeen - My surprisfj at meeting him on such a moor on such a day, was but momen Oryflbr I knew that he was a hepnerwW ed not for the winter's wrath. A he stopped t eMyliaWlindl calm the whole face of the sky was softened,sna brighW like a sniile, went over tthe blushiflff and crii.isoned snow. The very elements seem- ed then to respect the hoary head of fourscore and after our fi rst greeting was over, when I look ed around in my alTcciioni I felt How beautiful was ,. winter.',,'': . .'.. . jaaatac.-; . .,m ' . , . ' t-r- 4 1 am going," said he, " to visit a man at tn point of death a man whom you cannot hajrejfof . .... V. . i .li .1.. ' t-irK p-oripn wnrne rifan win ma misen in mc man who feared God all his days, and whom on his awful taalillodwiUasMire 1