J4 r t -f, rurusiiEO by eridkk & drgiiau. I (N't) 8 . The Wunn Cvloum U ptiMU.ea every Tuci. day, at TIIltEK DOLLARS per annum, payablo st.tho tiuTiuf every sUinoithi.-; r - - - I CjNo paper will be discontinued until all arrcanj-ci paid, wileflt t the discretion of the editor: Whoever will become rtiponwbld for the paymentV nine popert, shall receive a tcjith jrarir - -.--"m -termv. No aJrertiactnent imrrted until it. J'MJkcn paid for jDtJt, payment assumed by aotne person in tliii town, or ha vicinity. , .;. j".' CA11 Icttera to the editors mitst be pod-paid, or tliey mill not be attended to. , ,. . Likt th; fnt mortah btett it he, from debt, end tuvry, and buttnen fire, Jllth hit own team vht plovght the teif, Which grarful tnte confuted hit father t toil. A 1ILVT TO COIIX PIUTER8. Dr. Moore, of Maryland, who has written a treatise on agriculture, asserts that agriculture is more followed and less understood, than any thef mechanical branchj He says, if good ground is cultivated in a kroner manner, everv ner&on mar Want two hills of corn for one he does now on the tame ground and the corn will be equally at good, which is a double crop'lle further says, the general aver age, depth of. com ground, as broken up. and planted, is about three and a half to four inches ; and that one week's hot sun, after the ground becomes droughty, 'will dry the ground and scorch the corn, so as tostop its growth. Dut to I plough up your ground eight inches deep, your fxorn will stand growing a three weeks' drought; ! '- jand if you plough twelve or fouitecn inches deep, it w ill gror every dey during a six or- seven ."weeks' drought. . . J I have made an experiment! and I think with y tauccess ; and have saved a large portion of the iabor of deep ploughing, and gained some of its .advantages. I break up and strike out my corn ground in the old usual way : the furrow I plant In, I run a single coulter ten or eleven inches 'deep in the centre of the furrow, and plant on Itbai mark-- Vhen my corn is up, I run a bar. ff hear once round in each earn row, and make my xouker plough follow in the same furrow as deep .as formerly: Thus every corn row has three coulter furrows fourteen or fifteen inches deep, around the w hole. The Doctor asserts, that corn-roots run no deeper than you break and cultivate your ground. small, addition of labor in a cojn crop,, such a dry summer as last was, this Iaa will give a third, or fourth, or fifth more corn. Attention dught always to be paid in laying by corn the last pfoughing, never to plotS jh every row, but every other one, throughout the field in dry weather then turn and plough up those left. But do not I act thefdoU and cut all the roots the same day, and btop( the growth of your corn, as there is not a doubt but l w,0 barrels of corn arc destroyed 5 every dry season Jjypjpughingjejery row. I C0MMOS-. HENS Rt XCJ Every one can test this system by a trial of tme or more acres: rnoM Tat inisnix,riixTU at bslfmt, SPEECH OF COmXELLOli pjiiLLirs, -At Sligoron tlie Ad4w4fli..thft.i3ag,;.:1.,.....;.; WtWcthisiiomenTt Dub- Jin Jounia!T in whicbxwe readtheIast speech I his own authority j and thouh-;thctc.refew fmen to whose superior talents, and tgbose kind dupositjons wc ! vere more willing to bear our -humble attestation, yet we should be guilty cf a gross, abandonment. of public duty if we were to suffer our feelings for the man to interfere between the pofitician and possess could lVe' acn roni tc proud and enviable station ira yUkh it has hitherto stood v Wc did "fcot'imainclnat a man liq fljM i9ip)d .thcjcauscoflJus.couutry, could ever stoop. to .the humiliatina: office of i Poet Lattreat, gilding the ' corruptions of COuilJ,7wj(! ioflenng?ui uicense , to" the power I mai ucspiscs nis "Oinage. AjViat J to. see Charlen'hilVTps reiterating the rhapsodies of BuTkepmd b-emmHJJariMXAIil to see Charle& Phillips flying to the throne, and to the altar, from the fury of the refor. mers, and seeking refuge under the wing of ueorge the fotirth, from the wild democracy of such men as lJurdett, and Hobhouse, and Hentham. Sur ly ! surely ! this is an unwor thy office for su :h a mind ! And whence this wondrous tran formation ? Undc dcrivala clades. '. Art the times so bad that the wages of patriotism arcno longer worthy of the law yer's ambition I Have the labors of the pat riot been so unprofitable, thit it is considered prudent to turn upon the people, whose brtatl J e. i I uiai wanncu mm inio nic ; anu to ouufl upon their ruin that solid and substantial liveli hood, which no storms can shake, nor reverse can diminish If any man in Ireland can point out to us a production more disgujting or more degrading, (with the exception ol a speech, fakelij attributed to baron Smith, said to be late ly deli vered to the-M ullrngar Grand Jury,) we shall be much obliged to the ingenious inquirer into the natural curiosities of the present age. Wc greailylament this sad and dismal falling off ; we lament more for the sake of Ireland, than of Mr. Phillips. But Ireland is no more ! She has no induce ments to hold to her children ! The genius she daily brings forth abandons her j for she no longer enjoys the power of rewarding its struggle in the cause her most favored off spring .go-out on a voyage of discovery, to find a resting place, no matter where whether in the bosom of Sidmouth or Castlereagh Grenville or Gray! And we therefore should not -wonder if Charles Phillips is found among the wanderers from his native shore casting about lor some safe retreat, where, in his old age, he may shelter himself and his children from the storms of adversity, What will the Irish Bar say to thi.s motely production this splendid profusion of bolder dash ? What will George the Fourth say to the man who hashe front to insult the mem ory of his father with fulsomcness of pane gyric which Alfred or Kenry the Fourth would blush to hear ? It is ouc argument more, in addition to the many we could state, to demonstrate the havoc and desolation which the Union is making on the finest in tellects and most brilliant talents our country might boast of. We need not conclude by sayings that if our tears could obliterate this disgraceful record from the life of Charles Phillips, we should give them freely, not more for the sake of an old friend, than for the honor of our common country. Flo TH ALB AS I (V. T.) 8TATESX1Y. , GtwxI Western CclebvtvUon. We have not yet received all the details of tne great western commemoration ot our National Independence on the bonders of the Grand Canal ; we have, however, through the kindness of our correspondents, been able to collect the following interesting facts. Agreeably to previous arrangements, ayast --cmryT)rottppmsrrnxtittottttc the scmiments delivered by Mr. Phillips at ! daj'. " After the ceremonies were closed, in the late nTRCtinp" nt SliorA firf.nii ju;p liSveisi mtfiiV'litTl.K hn-nrirnhh tn thaie vvlin't'iar- more than once had reason to. join in the !!; ion'.. I....T-t.1..' I. I' , I ' . .My'isiisy. jiuu su j'isiiy ucsioweu uy ins countrymen otv his former efforts. Wc ton ifeff'nt tliiuk.jt ppssiblhaj such. a, number of citizens from Ontario, Cayuga, fJaeida, Madison, Seneca, Geneseet and sevri eral other counties, assembled in the vicinity of Salina,on the morning of the anniversary. The different divisions of boats, which had proceeded,! rom the, eastern ad western - ex tremities of tHu canal, as will as from various pbtnTs ba the line, assembled at the stations assigned them by the general committee pi arrangemrtfi, ?n(l ujidcr the discharge jf sic, jrofiedcd to the Basin, at the junction bf the ISalin branch with the Grand Canal? Tlie passengers here disembarked from the different boats, and the collection of people becamelriimeijse. At the discharge of sig nal guns, a procession was formed ; and, es corted by detachments of militia, procjeeded ticipated in their performance, orders, were given by the rv.rshaU of the day, to proceed to Sallua, the plaoe selected for refreshment. A spemde; Hits presented,' imel antlj pcarcd on this side of the ocean not alone from the scenes actually jjeforcJhc cycut from the considerations which pressed upon the mind, andllcdit with axtoniliment and delight .Ten large boats, and thirteen small ones, filled with passengers, and many of uiciu uniaincuieu in mc mon laTftmil sxyie. I urmcu a uac w utcjuiin cauau-1 ne troops called out oa the occasion, formed on the bor ders of the channel, and the towing path was actually crowded with mtn, women andchi!'' dren. Groups of people yere scattered through the helds which overlooked th; tran quil .botcmf the waters, and the read to Sa Una exhibited nothing but life and animation. The whole company moved on from the bash, at the junction of the great western and the Salina canals, to the Salina basin, under the discharge", of cannon, with the strains of mu sic, and the cherring shouts of thousands. As the ijoats entered the basin, they gave three cheers, and were answered from the shore by theroaring of cannon, and the accla mations of pride and triumph. It is probable that from eight to ten thousand people were now assembled, and on which ever side the eye was turned, every thing was joyful, grand and magnificent. Standards were flying in every direction, music was heard from the different boats, the troops were drawn up in martial- arrayy - and delightand animatioTr beamed on every countenance. The company here formed in order, under the marshals of the dy, and proceeded to the bower, erected for the occasion, on the high grounds which command a view of the Onondaga Lake, and partook of the great National Festival in a manner that comported with the nature of the institution, and the character of a free people His excellency Governor Clixtos, had been expressly invited to visit the great west ern canal on this occasion, aud had accord ingly "proceeded from Utica to Salina in the new and' beautiful baik called the Oneida Chief y in company with a number of distin guished citizens It is needless to say that he was received with every demonstration of enthusiasm and respect. The return of our national anniversary was indeed a proud day to the western district. No one who witnessed the numerous meet ing at S:ilina, but called to mind. , the enter prising character of the state, and the, rapid inarch of power and refinement in the western world. Twenty-five years ago, the fairest portion of the. country bordering oh the great lakes in our own state, , were covered .with dark forestst and remained the retreats of barbarism. On the very spot where the eel ebration took place where thousands of tit? i2ens had assembled where the genius of civilization had wrought her wonders, and planted her monuments--nav, where the wa ters of the great western canal, now gliding along in silent majesty, and almost induced a belief that every thing wan the illusion of enchantment but a few short vcar since, not a settlement could be found. This coun try is now the seat of mcrol and physical strength, the field of enterprise, the nursery, of statesmen and jurists, and the, bites of cit ies and villages. The late commemoration, which drew together many of our most dis tinguished citizens from various, quarters of the state, was a deserved tribute oi respect to the western district, and was a design well calculated to prove the'benign tendency of our ft eiZgyjtejrlsItjflgQ y people great and happy. Since this method qfxefehr menced, we anxiously hope that it will long be adopted and cherished. We would be happy to see the people of the west assemble every year on- the border of the gre&t west ern canal, and while they pel form those devo tions jhat are calculated to perpetuate the re publican TnsiTrutToTs'established by our fath ers, also recollect the importance "of prbsec"0 ting those public improvements that serve to cement the union of tlie states, create, circu late, and retain wealth in the nation, and give our republic a more enviable rank on the theatre of empires. '. ,' Finally f although we had not the pleasure of joiuing in a celebration which, in our opin ion, was the most interesting that has cer takcnp.lacc in the ttHTStllsTyet we are not insensible to the feelings -and sentiments that were bathed by tho.e w ho visited- the place of rejch,g. V catch the envhusjafini, and reciprocate the pride and joy which marled the 'brilliant festi vines, of that memo- telAe. hv that-da mwiir with so imah rJprv boldness have induced to flow in peaceful grandeur .over hills and yall-s, andWhith will soon blcnd the, wavri'of the'occari and the l ikes, uod micgle them to the latest ages of the world. - - -f I -'t- ;; -;- - )-;-. ,i . Lvfir. -'Among the scvcralj letters' which we have re"' Reived. from.ovr,wcitfnitpr;.cspw cerning the celebration of the 4th of July on the bordern of ih f;rc4wetcm fanalr-wef-xtrsct tlie following interesting remarks from one of them : ' 14 Among other things whi.h caught mv attention, was the number of Indians who attended the celebration. I should think rht there were between one and two hundred prevent some of them dressed in the gaudy costume of their trijrcs. They Mood gszing in mute admiral ion at the new scenes continually burning upon their astonished sight. Here they saw thousands of people, crowding in like a tor rent from every quarter. The great western canal- or in other words, a river of one hundred miles in length, opened in a few months by the hands or the white ini-n, and us far their eyes could reach, covered with bouts and skiffs; the standards and banners of the military waving in (iiuiuph,and glistening in the sun ; the musieof several bjnd filled the fields with melody ; the K'rcat guns shaking the hills with thunder ; and (lie shout and chcerings of many thousands rcncHng thc heavens all these things were In deed calculated to astonish the poor Indians, and induce them to think that a ki-id of supernatural spirit w as changing the face of that country which was lately a wilderness. I must confess, that thej sight of the poor Indians cast a cloud over myv mind, and for a moment darkened the splendii scenery that imparted so much pleasure. Here, said I to myself, are the remnants of powerful tribes and nations who once winged the ariow, pursued the monsters of the wilderness, and sung the songs of war over these very lands ! Here they once met the foe, and trampled on their, enemies, in the pride und exultation of victory ! Here they once heard the thunders of the great spirit in his wrath, and shrunk from the light nings of hi eye I Here they once indulged in the bold and rapid eloouence of nature, as they met in their councils of war, end alone forgot tho majesty of their species, as they fell down to wor ship the Cod of their fathers ! But here, alas! are all that remains. What a comment on the changes of the moral universe what a picture of human instability. Their power is withered, as God m his anger withers the verdure of the fields j and their numbers are scattered, as the winds of heaven dissipate the seeds in harvest timje. Here they come ; poor, weak, humbled, and despised, to behold the rejoicings of the white men, in the bosoni of their own country, whero the marriage feast of their grandfathers may have been celebrated. All this may be right. The tide of civilization rolls on from the east to the west with ccaleless power, and civilized nations and savage tribes must stand in silence and help lessness, and behold its progress. No arm can be lifted to arrest it no barrier interposed to stop its course. A few more years,, und even these vestiges of foi-mer tribes will be extinct, as iheir footsteps will be followed by the pressing pursuit of civilization, to the' rocky tnounlnins and over the extended spine of the Aiuu, to tho shore of the great western ocean. None will be left to wail over the desolations of revolution; and the very cabins in which they sharpened their hatchets, or smoked thc'caluTTiut.wiJI be examined as the remains of tmtKjUity, by the searching cyc of the philosopher. rou Tifc wfcvrr.nx cAiioi.ixIi?. 0n zinltm tttxl tI) riukingi: JJi'tw. IsBlrn't; In j our LuL paper under the head ot" the "The n.in," I wc some u'clf-roeaninjf persons arc making ffn'arteifttprta ezptfi hrttebatf fig efTeCTS of trt- -tcrnperate drinkh'i. 1 n gtul to sec it; and cverr friend of niortlfitj, n-liyonrstntl good orJcr, must wisl succcTjs t& tlil- tinttcrtuking. Hut, i1rs, this dihjrraccful practice tlocs not idwvuuMlji PVVt tAW,. Vou mSL ?..-. . it Su every p:irt of the country at our company jiiusters' 4it our lax-tjatherirgs at "the law-Uty ;" iin!,in slioft, Uutk mIxim m wilU ---and the &lvs of this crvtng 5" hhoW fhfChbiicTho Cltib" will ffo" on, and Attack Uiitdcnwrh4jr auwl con-ijptjn practice where- wltetlier-iMM'mghiWioiiW'WatKS or xicty-wic'tlii cr- in ball-rooms or at tlie Saturday -n'i ffht's frnhe. 1 n the 1 send you a paniplili meantime, 1 send you a paniplact, written by Iiioha l!r.HTTct.i7 of NcwvVork, culiUeil . hi Jlriiuwefifte Cqwei nf Inhtrtprmte f hinting it is..-full of good sense, "find' written in laniruavrc casilv nn'dei-btoorl.. 1 have tnarkod . i . . . v. , - . . .. perhaps, do sorfto with niy' pencil m imsajre. as I vish you to extract for your paper. vly-so dom, .vou may, goot, und greatly oblige a tVkiid to t;OOD; 0RDEU. .. KXfUACTS. ' ' f Probably no single cause tends so much to the debasement and tlcmoralizaUon of the lruniat, fMmilyrastc'mlcnipci'ut'e use otarrftnt drink.?--irThis nioit pi oliiTc source bf mischief and mis ery, (says an able paper,) drags in itsirain almost vty3p.c.ut's: O-C&u&Vuftjjf 3X:,ii ;n'.ict8'.thepQ0i-. in' telrion'to pj';ci,y" 'Vied'ir i:iay- bt Cin i J . i -K t ... V ' t ii -J, ii Ji 1 ... - . -. . . . .. . i - A, 4V r: ""-I- f-i' -V .. r ".ft.'

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