i i I The Ml! Ii'ic'cr iM Mu insp'.rf My soi.1 the ! ' f I fctraln ad.iri-.,..oTT. 1 l,.,. LJM,,'gg""'--;WJiJ t i T- --V-- 4 J t ; '""ffso TnTiHiiiviof rocmrsi.J Tacas is a lienrt that fondly Jovd, That throU'd at oman's sigh I A heart that with emotion mov'd rAtttwt'sUBi-ful ee.7 Ttr Jangnajrc, tH U W yts bespoke, . - M known to that sad heart i - The sigtu i that from her oosom brokei ScemM more than sighs of wt. . i And yet that heart has been dcceVJT Though it o fondly lov'd i The tule of art it once bcliv'J, Can now he heard unmov'J. VnmorM it now can ace tlx tear That start in beauty's eye ; VwncVd, and calmly It can hear 1 Poft' woman's artful sijflu rami Ta smrjvs cunsit. The following parody closes the affectionate effusion pf our con pondent f on the sudden death or an tumble aifetcr, addressed to her inconaoliblo husband: ' ztTBirr. ' - - "This life Is not a fleeting show, for man's illusion given lie that huth aooth'd the widow's woe, JUth something here of lliiv v. "An he who walks Kfr's tliorny ray, " W7thXe7IngVf alnTanJ even j Whose path is r from day to day, . By virtue's bright and steady ray, Hath something felt of IUavkx. Mle who the Christian rare lath run, And all IlS foes forgiven Who measures out life's little span In love to God and loe to man. On earth hnth tasted IUavsx." of Voltaire have found ilnr vray v.hcrcvcr the Trench linkage l t-u ; the duciples ot ... . i i i' :. I. i WvMcy wntrcver u; i-.nn.u i njMikvn he principle of the orch infdd were more rapid in their oncrutioti ; he who aimed at no such evil' as tkat vhich he contributed ho saly to brin'j abtyju was hir.isdf itariiLtl 4t.thcir progress ; in his -latter oysic .rcn Ued wt the romequencci he U.ca ibrcsav; and Indeed hisVcJmVinV had' scarcely mot. t dcrcd in the pruve, heforc those consequences broVht'cIowii the ivliole fahriefcf noyernmtnt subvuteo .,i . v!v5n- It in front, to at to loot I my npnJfall.f r to recover, I vilihe yaVcMl t! : into iti deep hell, wheij .cc Issue Its , Jfo rhc ip itl ,e wWd!c of the ! n V . ci. 78UminAtl);.nesiill description ; lor, n ,(o ,jmn lllccol(onni naVc(lkncc,,..,ni onefthade,itisof an aurora colon viewed in U V(licc cjl0aVc(lt w,jc ,c rt hi$CJ f4 another. It resembles the blaze of burning nl - . - j fopctfntoUtwn and throun-inrrt, to tninx over it, we the lolcmnond pityhu cuntcnancc J C. tr nrvd. as the eve nlars ivr -r, at times, a bricht reddish purple. i,eirted tious old man. 'iv tV.K ve nf fanev. a resemblance to the sun I We soon left the msln road end ttrt; kind U'Franr.r. overturtjea Utr attara. bir throne, carried guiUj Jcyastatjcn and mis ery into every part of uorifcomXTyt and shook the rest of Kurone lilccanKarthquatc. Variety's the very Kpice of life, That girca it all it Havor. Weslev's doctrines, meantime, were slowly andgradually ginning 4heir way but.they. advanced every succeeding year 'with acccl lcrated force; and their effect must ultimately U.iir-cxu-iiiivcTiiiore-pQivtrfu!,andjiwc permanent, for he has set mightier principles atjrorkjJiet it not, Jwweyerjaujincd, that 1 would represent these eminent ipen, like agents of the good and evil principles, in all things contrasted ; , the one was not all darkness, neilher was the other all light. , The history of men who have been prime agents in' thosexgrcat moral and intellectual revolutions which,- from time to time, take place among mankihxl, is not less important than that of statesmen and conquerors. If it has not to treat of actions wherewith the world has rung from side to side, it appeals to the higher parts of our nature, and may, perhaps, excite more salutary feelings, a wor thier interest, and wiser meditations. The Kmpcror Charles the Fifth, and his rival of r ranee, appear at tnis ciay muniiciy insigmn cant, if we compare them to Luther and Loyola. And there may come a time when the name of Wesley will be more generally knownr and in remote regions-of the globe, than that of Frederick, or of Catharine j for the works of such men survive them, and con tinue to operate, when nothing remains of it i i . .t t ;.. woriaiy amoiuon out tne memory oi iw vanuy and its guilt. "London paper, Sir Waller Scott. This celebrated Poet and Novelist has re ceived from his Sovereign's hands the honor of knighthood. This is as it should be. If ever there was one man more than another who was entitled independently of hit own descent from an alliance with highborn con nexions) to wear the honorable badges of rank, it is he whose life and wntmgrhavc so emi- 4 .L.. I I is pfceentcu ; the calyx corou anu uarkcncu throun jeencry mai, iuicicu u wn u ,a tube stem to form the ray, disk, and anoU, oi Uewildei in snow, i ao.nrun.e, ; m,y a on,f . that luminary, which thii flaunting beauty is times tWdly remembered our httle guide keep, lei lined new to behold. The duration of Inff ever a short distance before m, and with a . utujneu CY fc.f i lu almrt cac tr ike that of instinct, showing us our course, tljs, hke all beauUful flowers, is orr Jfwbich no tract wssrWble, save occaiionallybU. It exnands its marnificcnt corola, ana emus . , , . . , , . i.rfirtf.,A a lkhS lirtnli -rtrxirTfstAiirrirtm-fnr A isvr hours in I . - . . - a mv-n iimwv... ,t ibeiwanse. the night, and " then closes to open i no more. Aftef crolsWR:, for several miles, morass, and It begins to open about 7 o'clock in tne eve-rmzeQ Hvulet, and ddfted Itollow, with 'jere and ning, .usually in the month of July, and closes there, the lo) of a.slone wall 'peeping through . before sun-rise in the morning. The 'fanciful the snowj or tKe'mofc ViilGle i circle of a sheep T nlf,.; Kq ihrA dfarrlhrd it : : . . - 1 botrhfi we descended Into the Uaxet Clen, and " MPI W III w rm ffr--w ' Ky nih I not for thec the gohlcn aolitice burns i f ILfulgent Cerca I at the .dusitjr hour .'.', i J IhTieek? IuVprcitep tlie roounhun lover, ' ( JJriglt aa the bluah of riaiuj mprn, and warm ; '17 dull ceil eye wdMjht with Utr ckarmt. We notice in the National Intelligencer, an nrrmmtof the exhibition of one of these taw beforeus this solitary liousef the dying Elder. 'A gicauiui uaya uuc waijic auuuciuy vvir my soul. The last time that I had been In thii Glen was on adsy of June, 1 5 years before, a ho liday', the birth day of the King, A troop of laugh ing school boys, headed by, our benign Pastor, we danced ore rihe etilmj-braes and startled the linnets from their nests among the yellow broom Austere as seemed to us the LIder sabbath face, T r m hMMI. 1 I ..? Z .1 I. I -L. . ..L..I K . granaanuexTjmsiuowcra,unir uTccwuwuaw nen uuing in mc tin, ,wc kuwi uoyi ncw, of Dr.M'Williama of the City ot Washing- that Jt had its week day ,f miles and we flew on ton, on the evening of the 13th inst.-which, the wings of joy to our annual -fesafalof curdi ; it is taid produced a high degree of gratifi- andcreani; b tho farm, house ofjhat little.sylr cation in all the beholders. Petersburg In van world. , e rejoiced in the flowers and the leaves of that long, that interminable summer jfeSome eager sportsmen in ?y i morJ Ta whh f r M'1 heart t ing come to that part of the Ju,nc D? tbe 80und of that cct n-raLe JSiOTUVli nmA IlTaLWIOVB- Meeting . lone'n'iasntre that can be made detrimental to rnance wnicn many icei at tne very word I , ,. . . cthodist. In their original inthutioiLHIBdl,tyt? issiir iHJSiLiajsi niiiLii. aa atjatunszu uul niii uui Mr. Southey has just published the Life of "nl1 contributed to the imnrovcment and WWey, in twoohimes,a work of very deep hvaPPLn"s Jf mank"4. In Pag" ?f a" o,i in.i tnti.r litl .n that Scott has ever written, will not be found pu M 1 a should be strict Member of the Church of c"nduce V' !he npnwt of our knowl r a m,i. : ... ,-.i,,i ledge, or the increase of our comfortthe va- :cal in the performance oi all their duties.- "c of huma? character, the living identity Thence rse the name -of Methodist. In of his person, the passions of the human heart, ,i Aeekmentsotth Snme f .hi-m have reatlv denoted f m ,h, tate combinations, their eternal changes, their 4'.,.i,ii n.i-a f n.i shiftmff appearances, are all marked and tra- Scc:. bearing the same name have amen.- ccd .wlth uhtelty of discrimination, and n t , ii? nf iv.J.v r. ,rt simplicity, of execution, so true, so delicate ndmirt- and venerate. That thi, ik Mr. South- V SO vigorous, as to outstrip all melw. but ev's opinion, may be collected from the fol- ?J of grcaf dramaticbard. His life ex k: ..i, . hibits a scene of feltciiyind coodness con "The aert, or ocietV, as they would call fnant t0,thc $mt of his writings : In his themselves, of Mcthodiits, has existed for homf and .n hlS "tat? he 18 tfulX 5he faLt!lcr th rrrutrr nrt f ,imrv th.v i,. ,K.',r of "ly and his tenants ; all love him, seminaries and their hierar.hv, their own ?nd l? court his mile, and receive his remdatinn..- their ou.n mannp're ,h.ir r,u,n kindness, from the child of his bosom to the literat.m-Y in RnnVl th v fnrm A;0,;rt urchin of his lowliest cottager. Notwith- " . I Dinnlinai HilnMtllM At W l llAba .Md IV a people, ah imperhtm in vnpeno; they are ex- "anQ.in5 J n,s worxs, ana tne tending widely in America; and in both celerity with which they are poured forth rn,,ntri ther niimhr thr ami,,! '.nrr,9 "Pn the, world, he is never abstracted from nds. The history of their founder I01? or ts enjoymentse neglects no du jown in his native land, beyond the tJesno ,abo?f he ,andlord' thc CrV countries ther number their annual incrL'ajse urn by thousa i-; little kno liinua of :thoirwho are termed the4liff& public; and on the1 Continent; iPiifelyl Pc required, ever active, doing good Jmown at all. In some oi the b otrranhera. 5f ,uw ujr a,. , 4,u iiuuia p hearted cheerfulness, ..Which' can' .only he en joyed -by the consciousness of duties fulfilled, ' f ' ----- - ' . . . -. ... ft- w m 4 the heart has heen wanting to understand his !n t Mttepenaent serenitv' and kindly light - -wnrth m. k ..,:u j r;..i!;:4u.. hearted cheerfulness Which can onlv he en- have hot possmH rrecdom joyea oy tne consciousness ot duties cyofegme3 It has been; remarked, with much comtiiaV ' A ever In his great utsk-masterV eye.' cencv, bv the. Jesuits, that in the vear of Lu- LnS may he live to enjoy his well-deserved therV birth,- Loyola was born alsorPrpvi- honors -the delight and example of this age, f encY; they say, having wisely appointed, as he will be of futurity.i-Ztfnc;i paper. vas to be srparated from the Catholic Church,! Tilt CACTUS GR.tXDtFLOIt ITS, OR .VC7T Shorting Anecdote L. Lm t Laa Ma thase which iscalledacAInqoiredJf.country uHtl n, -ofl cn came upon us at ourtaskt ad if he had seen the hare go that way f alter grin- - .h- - 7", ' r V r I n j ning and scratching his head, be asked. " Had hur Poral imagery of Uiat mmhful wlitude. ; - a blown back V Yeseagerly.) - Had hur long l As we now lowly approached the cottage, legs?- Yes, m-nmpatlendr.) Mhdhurbig through a deep snow drift, which the dutre.a . eaVs?M 'Yes, Ves Violently.) Has hur a bit o hm had prevented the 1 household Trora remote- , white under hei tail l 'Yes-have you seen ing, ?e saw. peeping out from the door, brother. . heri.xuranaseenhurr SJSM in incir aicau, oprcauiij uj imjsu cjiituu muh folded across her breast how thankful she was to T see. at last,the Paator, beloved in jdyaad trusted in trouble. r- ;v 'f. Soon as the' venerable old man dismounted ' from his horse, bur active little guide led it away into the humble stable, and we entered the cot--tage Not a sound was heard but the ticking of the clock. The matronrwho had silently wcl- mined ui at the door. led us. with suDoressed sighs and a fjee stained with weeping, into her father's sick' room, which even at that time of sore distress was as orderly as if health ba4 bles sed th house. . I coutd not help remarking soma old china ornaments on the chimney piece and in thewindowwaaaaeverhldwiog rose tree that .. almost touched the lofty roof, arid brightened that end of the apartment with its-blossoms.- There was something" tasteful in the simple furniture : and it seemed as if grief could not deprivcthe' " hand of that matron of its careful elegance. Sick ness, almost hopeless sickness, lay there sur rounded with .thcr same cheerful and beautiful -objects which health had loved ; and she, who bad ' arranged and adorned the apartment in her hap piness, still kept it from disorder and decay in her sorrow. . -t. With a gentle hand she drew the curtain of the bed, and there supported by pillows as white as the snow that Uj without, reposed the dying Elder. It was plain that the hand of God was -upon him, and that his day, on the earth were numbered.; w U :L r ; He greeted his Minister with a faint smile, and a slight inclinatioiof the head for his daughter had so failed htm in the pillows, that he was al most sitting up in Vis bed. It was easy to sec that he knew himself to be dying, and that his ' soul was nrenared for the crreat than rex vet alone THE DE.ITU BED OF THE ELDER. with the so emn resnation of 1 christian who :: : r . . . . 1 , 1. . . v.. . : - . . .:. LconTiit csd raoM ova last.j . has TOa(jc peace wuh0d and his Saviour, ,; I knew well in childhood that lovely farm-house, 1 there was blended on his white and sunken coun- so far off among the beautiful wild. green hills tenance, an expression of frabirual reverence, for- and it was not likely that I liad forgotten the name the minister of his faith and I saw that -i-cOiild of its possessor. Forsix years' Sabbaths I had not have dicd in peace without that cr ..iorler to seen the F.t nun in hi nrrntrmrl ntu'K.n.iK k kta AU Um.A V 'f the pulpit, andjwith a sort of solemn fear,had look- ' A lew words sufficed to tell who was the stran ed on bi$ steadfast countenance durine sermom per anil the dvintr man blessed; ina br narnc, psalmahd prayerOn returnir.gto the scenesof heldbuf to me his my-mlancyrl now-met-thcrpastoroing to pray of recognltionrI iook ttiy7eat anrsmall di--byjiis death bed and with the prvilege which tance from the bed side, and left a closer statioi nature gives us to beho!d4 even in their last ex- for those who were mori cfear.f The Pastor sat tremuy, the loving and the beloved, I turned to down near his head-andtbf the bed, leaning on accompany him to the house of sormw, resigna- it withgentle hands, stowl that matron, hisdaught- AN ODE, Sum g at a Charity lecture, at the Old South j Ifotitt, Bftttn. 3 F.SUS and ahall it ever be A mortal man aaham'dof thee Aaham'd of thee, w hora angel praise f Whose gfcriea shine through endless days ? Asham'd of Jmcs f sooner, far, Let evening blush to own a star ! lie sheds the beams of light divine O'er this benighted soul of mine. Aaham'd of Jaur ? ust a aoon - - -Ijet midnight be aaham'd of noon. Tn midnight with my soul, till he, Bright morning star, bid darkness flee. Aaham'd of J tnt f 4hat dear friend On whom my hopes of heaven depend ? No ! when, I blush, be this my shame, That I no more revere his name, . Asham'd of Jxscs yes, 1 may, When I've no guilt to wash away No te:ir to wipe no good to crave No fears to .qu ell no soul to save. Till then nor is my lioasting vain, Till then, I Ijoastjtikviour slAin. Ami 0 ! may this my glory be. That Christ is not asham'd of me. His institutions I would prize ; Take up my cross the shame despise i Dare to defend his noble cause, And yield obedience to his laws. f; ' t 4 BLOmiLVG CEREUS. hy means of the great German heresiarclv, the I great opanish saint should establish an order Of all the anlendid nrndnction- whirh b' which tne' Catholic faith wnntrl Jii t,rpnn. I m :k i i ... j , , , , - - tun ,n -m-i uxjumy uus uesiuwcu on man, onsly imported m hurope, and disseminated there is none more exquisite than the refill -ldV7,m.the -f!er patts of thc world; I ?nt C" Thts magnificent plant is a na. tive ot bouth-Amtnca. Ihe stem is cx he" same vear. itremelv iinrirrimiclnfv- W1 nA'.. hut they were contemporaries througli a long of that beauty it is formed to unfold. ,- It is u.hcj ana ineinunencea which ther cylyndrical, branched, and greenish, and ful cm i.ustu upon rneir. ace and nnnn hnttcniv i.i onv.il -n. . n . . . . v i ' . ' , o r-.. r.v.. ... , , v. ui .iiiiic smuts. 1 uc uower is jai- i..ic uci.ii uut urns rcmarifnniv nnp '.riitt'I narkably opposed.- era!, and about a fo?t in diameter, and has 20 iug, with pestilential stamina surrounding one pistillum. The "?"raI,t3: and unbclic. nsitle oi the calvx." sav: iwc (rn-was scaTtermir. wuh nesti Yi ' ,"ac:ivirv,tne setdsfd unmoralitv and 'unbelief rr.in.l'AW. r fifrnr. ,K it "HrnntcL !aii OKirf d and, m Ahd nowf M thje first tlnt?. tmmf&vW sainted hierwelfinjfr mg close to the feet of his horse, a little bov of tv. was now morn' Sinr hino- n in P-rlef but R about ten years of age,' who kept frequently look- hgion upheld her whom nature was bowing down i VMi' " w m oiuc eyes not now tor tne nrst time ,we,re the lessons ibu bathechn tears. A changeful expression of grief, by her father to be put in practice, for I saw that hope and despair, made almost pale cheek, that she was Clothed h) i deep mmirning-and she otherwise wef e blooming in health and beauiy havetl like f the daughter of a man whose Tfe had T and I recognized m the small features ?nd smooth hahl hut loftv. with fean forehead oUhildhood, a resemblance to the aged and hope fighting desperately, but siknUy th? man who we understood was now lying on his core of her pure and pious heart. ' deScdr, ... While:wc thus remained in silence, the bcat:- v l hey had to send his trrandson for me thrnncyh iiTr..i . tki nf hU hmnirht tntf the snow, lookmi? tenderly ort the hoy : " but lovel M!nt.,r f rpli-inn to the hed side of his belor i .i . .... . . . : . . . .1 . --- m. makes the young heart bold and there is one ed grautl-fatheri softly and cautiously opened who tempers the wind to the shorn lamtu!!! doorawithltheliQa again looked on the , fearless child with it rosy bright glistening : ringlets, walkcdaM H! J cheeks, blueeyes and yellow hair, so unlike gtief low evidently nS stranger there. He no loif or sorrow, yet now sobbing aloud as if his heart sobbed he no longer weepedfor hope had ns woujd break. ' I do uo fear but that my -grand- en strongly within his innocent heart, from ;.. lather will yet recover, as soon as the minister I mnttr!imienc has, said iorte sinjrlc nraver bv his bed :f. tu-n:T k llolv Man in wno?' upengr ana Hcaviuy tiu'-' ( .,.

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