The Mi-pi i ulu'rYr the iiiiir s ly sd ti"? !!' f ' 'rit liiiirr....-iitT, HA viz. LOV E AND l!OPC-rM rlV AT morn,' beside on summer ica," - 1 Young Hope and Love reclined Bat scarce had roon4lIc come when ha Into hi barque leap' J smilingly, -And left poor llme benim , 1 go, laid Love," to sail awhile .Acro lLimuinjrjiuJa And theo so su t tu parting smile, That Hop?, who i..jevrf dreara'd of culle, IklicvM heMfccomc ajfain B-eliev'd he'd come again. Bbe lingerM there till evenings learn Along t be watr rs lay ; And oVr the land, in thoughtful dnv.v, OA tnie'd hi nunc, which tiU ti c iUeain Ai often wanhed away - As often wuhed awsy. At k-ngtii a sail appears in sigU, -.,-"! . .-, And tow'rd the Maiden moves j Tis Wealth that comet, and, gay and btht, Ills golden barque reflects the liht Hut ah ! it i not lire's But ah ! it is not Ixves. Another sail 'twas Friendship bhiVd Her night lamp o'tr the sea: And calm the fight that Limp bestow J s Dut Love liad lights that warmer gi j a J Amt where, atu! was Je ? " " And w here, alas ! was he Now fast, around the sea awl -.'tore, Night threw her darkling eli-tin ; The sunny sails were seen nr iron-: Hope's morning dreams of Love w cro o'er Love never came again Love never came again. rno the iruriii. O ' loi tly is the morning ralm, I.v fragrance, and it spotli t iiir, U'hen every thing around is b:!w, 'I he sky in smiles the flowers in dew. But softer, fiircrfar than these, Or any thing beneath the sky, Is the fond look the lover we a tiiance from his maiden' nidnng rye. And O ! 'tis sweet at even tide, To list the wild bird's mingled Ly, Vhere happy, guiltless side by side, They sing of joy on even spray ; But sweeter, dearer than tnis song Of harmony within the grove, Is melody tltat melts along .. . The virgin lips of her we love. tr, to embody a larger quantity of the eUcffrom her indiUip,., ftc thruu.f ucd u fcvv uic fluid, and pm it I'lT harmless. The kin air, o:i her fiuitar, and cyed to he Variety's the very apkc ut life, That gives it all its flavor. . i tit was pleased with the thought, ana .nau Burnt if the conductors of his palace'a'tercd agree- ,blv to the turrrestion of the projector. 3ome lime lifter, in a thunder storm, not only he ktner and the protector, but many others in the palace to which the Hunt conductors were affixed, had a melancholy proof of their inftufficiencv. hi the crcat iniury.Voch.tht part of the palace sustained Irom a doii oi mediately thanrcd ox American Point, . The ivhs of thc day did iMrt faaaovwohrt)y-tftc event; ana we wciirccowcn wiwvt it,au,i the Morning Herald, the follow lag epigram on it": ' t - . 14 While you, gr at Oorg", for IriiU luint, - -AimI iharp comluetors rliangc for Hunt, """"'" "The nation's ixit tf Joint i rrniAGn wiwr M.hcn;- pursues, . ; And aTIVotTr niu'ikTorliiuiiuews views"."" T""" ' " It tXfy Kite THitl. ' ' ' T'" niFJ.'VU WVMRX. I'rom " Sketchm of I rene It Manncn and Customs." The women do not, ao in Knghtnd, employ ih?miclvcs solely in household and nursery affairs, hut they mix themselves in all the cares of their hushands, and assist them in their trade and business, whatever it maybe. . mi ... - - i r i . t - thus they are constantly found in tnc coun ling houses and shops, and they know as much, and often more, of the details oi trade than their husbands. In Dieppe, every variety of shop and trade had a woman assu ting in it; who, from her appearance, migh generally be considered as the mistress c the tumilv. At a blacksmith's shop, for in stance, I saw a neatly dressed woman, with a very clean cap, shoeing a horse ; and, passing a second time, ; I saw her filing ara vice; expressed my astonishment to the neighbors but they seemed rather disposed to laugh at me, thar. to join in my laugh at the woman 1 L :u nt that site was a widow, and thus kept tip her hu'.hand s trade, to rear a large family, In Pans I complimented the pretty wife o an eminent bookseller, for her knowledge o thf prices of paper, printing, and engraving in which she several times corrected errors cl her husband, remarked, that the French ladies must have great talents thus to learn a in the honey-moon, which had employed their husbands during an apprenticeship o seven years; and that I supposed she would he equally expert at any other trade, if, on becoming a widow, she married a husband in sonic other line. " Ah, Monsieur, (she said,) we endeavor to assist our spouses in every way 1:1 our power it is our onlv pleasure their cares are our cares, and. their interests are ours ; and, if it is our calamity to become widows, and we meet with another good hus band, we do the best we can for him also." This was the exact sentiment ; I heard the same-from other f nd 1-csn -affirm,' that," ttti though there are not so many handsome French women es English, no women in the world are more generally interesting, are so industrious and thrifty, or more attached wives, or altectionate mothers. r.Lwr riw'iunr.n. One fcficifioon, when Dr. Darwin huj a tfti , , . , . .,1, ,t vtv. A little event which occurrcu. company i ica, ins scrrsni unnoungcq a served to illustrate, very forcibly. the different udy pnd gentleman. The female wisaeomplc. traits of national character :. The Marquis uoul figure, ruddy, corpulent, and tall. She held one day! when vc were all assembled, desired lhc ftrm a jhtlc,. meek-looking, efTcmlnate to know oi wnai age iuc ji4sei.i man, who, from his close adherence to the side his wife to be; and which to ascertain with- ixuthttmil to consider himself as under out debate or confederacy, he solicited each , '. . . , The paprr Pcnci1 werc fir,t handed 10 lhe - " P of Dutchman i he casting a hasty glance at the rnlne,M and she looked down with a sldegltnce ladyrinU -feeling-nolisposttion-to-flaUerJ the itrdma!,u wrote uown uuny ucjug, iour mrougn one oi me unum ccunues, to faox-THS SALTixoaa cnr tvi. ik. somewhat near the mark, .lhe paper ocing eJporc vhateter it contains worth the attenUotr folded, was passed to the Austrian, who.'with ,of .j 'lol opic Onarrlrlng at the set. rr. a cold look, and a di.pos.tionot more U, -1 alw.y. arch out the , vorable. wrote Uvcntu-teoen. Jhe hnglish '. r .a man oldc vicuutf mou.mtuflguisnea lor ttts vm-w n.'iTf mIImI mrrrr ? her looked YCTV I ' . . t. u - lt. I fvtiiiia anH t.iff knrt lntrrwiiirn mvtrir. th K. rmn1nrfntlv. and lelt UlSDOieU lO VIC1U a in I b' V ' - " thron the scorr-of-poritenes8,-and act downumsydireetrlrttjbjcctJ of irarexamlnailon," hcr affe at twent g-foun'-Tht -paper, - stUlMwhateTer Is carton lo narare,art or Science. " folded,pa8sedtotherrencnman,iuuoi gaiciy uchheia willlie our head-quarters during w and fashion, who; widi a significant nod, wrote Merijajt. Come, Doctor, whither must we go, twenty. It was finally handed to trfy Amcr- a: . . . investigate to-morrow, and tha ican friend, who had read, in the couMcnance ; ; 'A:MZTiTTZZ r iki.u of each, what idea was passing, and tr'LmnAtw 'um ' -'i. minedto be unique and pleasing, wrote eighA rncH; V'r7'" 1 . I t I Ynn arrive, madam, mi m lortimafn innrtn teen. I he paper was returned to tne mar- cpiis, who unfolded, and read the sum and M To-morrow yoti will have an opportunity of. measure of each man'a gallantry. The first surtcj ing an annu exhibition perfectly worth from the Dutchman6f thirty, seemed to star- your attention. To-morrow, madam, you will tie the Marchisa, who gave him a cold, dis- go to Tutbury bull-running.w dainful glance, accompanied with a shake of the head, which seemeU to say, "Dir, you may go to the devil." The next, twenty- seven, irom tne Auurian, was reccivru win- The satiric laugh with which he stammered out the last word, more keenly pointed this sir, yet broad rebuke to the vanity and arrogance of .ii v v "' ' - w a a- fi a it .1 t i ' ... I hai truiAn h hiH Kn ir ta inAni lha hAHAhf wKa mnrn crrar onslv. thoutrh Still W th a "-, " uvuHu coldness which appeared to think he was not d little expected they would break under ber much more polite tlnn his neighbor. Twenty- suddenly, and with so little mercy. Her large four, from the EngliihmanvitL greeted with features swelled, and her eyea flashed with- an---a smile, and a kind of nod of the head. ger....M I was recommended to a man of genius, Twenty, from the Frenchman, met with a an(j j fij ,im insolent anJ t!l-brcd.M...Thenf most gracious reception: but, when the eigh-' g,lher-ing up i,'Cr meek and tlarmed husband, teen of the American was developed, in con- whom she had looscd when $hc firl elusion, the appeared del, ghte.d; m and, with a smile illumining her countenance, . . she made a handsome return to my friend, of the room. . , , he Senhr American: and no doubt, in her After Uie departure of this curious couple, his estimation, we were the most gallant people guests told their host he had been very unmtrci in the world. ful. I chose, replied he, to avenge the cause of " Oh ! flattf ry, how prateful art thou lnc liu'c ,nan whose nothingness was so osten- " To the j ar of men"....fmrf vomen too. tatiously displayed by his lady-wife. Her vanity "Truth might lie between" the Marchiaa has had a smart emetic. If it abates the symp might have been about twenty-seven; .and toms, she will have reason to thank her physician was still pieaaca at oeing consiacrcu cign-1 wno auminutereu wunoui nope oi ice. teen. - - X Mr. Pitt and the Duke of Newcastle frequently differed in opinion ; but Mr. Pitt always carried his point, in spite of the duke. A curious scene occurred on one of these occasions It had bee proposed to send Admiral Hawke to sea, in pur suit of de Condans. The season was unfa MISS SEWARD. .vVFCnOTE OF THE JLtrt: K'XV r.F.ORGF.. 'Hie following anecdote of the Ltc l? Kinp, (ex ;-:if!.ul from the manuscript journal of an American trav- 1U -,)ijas never appeared in print. "In a morning stroll, in the autumn of 1 30, through the streets of Weymouth, (the well known summer residence of the King,) j.hance brought me within a few paces of his .Majesty, who, on his return from a ride with two of his Court, met Sir James Crawford, who had been detained, a prisoner in France many months, and who had recently escaped -rom thence. The king greeted him most ordially, and went on, in his usual rapid inanner, to converse on various subjects. "-akinfthrpeWo that the first news he had of it was on read ing in a newspaper that the treaty wjas signed ; and that, dropping the paper, he exclaimed, Good God, h it bomblel But ' he added. . I always thought it was in experimental peace ; ana now we are at war a tram, wc should not have so many objects in view at once. us, bir James, imitate the nbhev of Washington and Franklin, who always "ytuck at onc)point. On saying which, he ; raised his right hand, in which lie held his ; vhip. seized it with his lelt. and made a for rvv ard thrust with it, suiting the action to -the word." This anecdote, so honorable to our two illustrious couhtn men, may be relied on a: laiuthentic. The kincr. we doubt not. had at '"'iLw . vi f ' d .1 iuc muc some recollection Qt an important nient oTthe American i evolution, an Enirlrsh ' - O J projector, in order to disparage the celebrity cf FraukliaV LightmngjConductef publish :d; an elaborate work to prove that the invention AuJSluJbc fcdtlcJ. 4v tw ':." iN C''uf- !l)iir Sniri";'! 7 ' tt M th From Mr. vVeoA's Travelt in England, (Jc. , " Our packet was an American built ves sel, commodiously fitted, and the captain a rough but capable seaman. We had an En- gush, a Dutch, an Austrian, a trench, and an American passenger; who constituted an agreeable medley of national character. On the morning of the third day, We made the harbor - oi Lorunna, into which we passed with a pleasant breeze. Our captain brought on board a Spanish Marquis and Marchioness, witn tneir uaggage, bound to Cadiz, lhe Marquis had been an officer in the armv.and had fought against the French ; though by nis conversation, ne am not appeatLto enter tain an unfavorable opinion of his enemy. ner taaysnip naa an agreeable countenance, and was somewhat reserved ; she carried a small lap-dog under her arm,' and a guitar in her hand: and, probably in anticipation of sea-sicxnes$,8he lost no time in sewing a long ribbon" to the collar of her little favorite - and then, very composedly, laid herself in her birth in the) front cabin, where for three days she was confined by" illness ; and we saw notning oi ner or her dog. Un the, fourth weysailed calmly ialonthe coast of Portugal and came in full view of the convent of Maffa This Is an extensive and elegant building, once a residence qt the- Spanish and Porta guese merchants ; but now used as a monas tery. It js situated in a plain, surrounded with cottages and gardens in high cultivation ; it has a choice library, and is. represented as iieW a very 1awi eeable retreat. ' We aD- proachd the rock of Lisbon, and saw, under the, projecting: masses, theS picturesque town of Clntra. famous for n.-'nlrnrriltv-reirr-i ort ..w. 4 pnnx uuti me mvcntipni in moatrn nines lor a vtrv tool ih rrmvpn I ' . J . . I . .... W . fttid TlElilOIOYS. I ROX TBS CAtSKIU BKCORDtl. The I3rief Rkmarkkr, in describing those who arc ever brooding over "earth's melancholy ; vcble, nd eTendangertl and who ever sak 'mparingly of the being the month of November. Mr. Pitt was at worjd they live in," thus sums up the causcs for this time confined to his bed by the gout ; and gratitude thereby showing, that though tlio was obliged to receive all visitors in his chamber, moral world may be unamiable and deformed, yet in which he could not bear to have a fire. The that duke of Newcastle waited upon him in this sit uation, to discuss the affairs of this fleet, which he was of opinion ought not to sail in such a stormy season, scarcely had he entered the chamber when, shivering with cold, he said, " What ! have you no fire ?' 11 No," replied Mr. Pitt ; " I can u Xatiirt doth send her bounties forth " With a full and unwithdrawing hand. The truth is, though fallen man is weak, and blind, and ninful ; yet his earthly condition, to far from being calamitous beyond that of all other creatures, is attended with a great many circum stances of comfort and delight 1 be earth, even in its present state, is filled never bear a fire when I have the trout " The 'If. a. t -' duke sat down by the ide of the invalid wrap- Vlln !nc fncs oi the benehcent peator j and ped up in his cloak, and bean to enter on the " .RinvL . ? caro a3?'DOW;' ' I la ii nflfnirin- trial. n!intA an1 'inminl Iin.lir subject of his visit. There was a second bed in ana coiors, withahcir. cot responding ihadeare the room ; and the duke bein unable to endure infinitely "diversified, to soothe and gr jify tho the cold, at length said, " With vour leave, I'll eye: that we are turnisned with such sweet ana warm myself in this other bed;" and without ta- ne.ouious sounas to cnai the ear that tne .. ... . . . ... . ... ,, earth affords such a variety to delight the palate ? king off his cloak, he actually stepped into lady that u is deckcd wilh ihmeUf inumerabla Lsther ntts bed, and then resumsd the debate, flowers, of various colors and delicious frarrance? Xb.euk&wj&sjMik to hazard in the month of November, and Mr. air inc aimoapnero is so exactly jitteu ior res- Pitt waits positively determined it should put P"'atl0"? that the silk-worm spins to adorn, the to seo. Tlie fleet must absolutely sail," said itsejf.yields the rudiments of fine linen to array, jr.- rm, . accompanying nis woras witn the most our trail l)odiesr that, in of the workit animated gestures, 4t It1 is impossible' said the there is furnished a supply of medicaments fpi; duke, making a thousand contortions "it will 1 ? Ia!"lcular diseases of the 'climate I that firc certainly be lost." Sir CharleTFrederick, oT the waterjalwgTtti great variety .of min-. ... . , v,tv,ku u,c crals, arc made m so many ways to minister to ordinance depart mcnt. arrifing just at that time, the convenience, and adornment, as well to found Ihem both, iirtbis laughable posture ; and the 'subsistence' ofouf race ?.7..".fs all this " aggrer had 4hc gtieatest lifliculty in the worldolbre- gate of earthly benefits and blessings to ba ac- serve1. his ravralseing tministeo-of state "- Z'S,L ' - M . . . with , so many unmerited temporal blessing deliberating ( upon .-an object so unimportant, in complain aad fret because thev are mixed with such a ludicrous situation. tiatural evil X Especially, shall he do it, when a The fleet, however, did put to sea! and Mr. full moicty of the calamities he suffers are brought Pitt was justified by the eventxJbc-adroiral upon him, nbt by the direct hand of Providence, Ifawke defeated M. tie ConGans; and the victory hut byhi.own folHes and c.imes ? . , , ., . ' w.tvWJJK love the world more than Him who macit was "t-cdccave ..n f.vor of the English than it,HlAinorehanH any ether That was obtained over France during worldlv'mindedncss which ia.base and criminal. the war. 'nuiMiB Mr, 1 But a moderated subordinate ;love of"the.w of lite, mil all 4ts innocent enjoyments, ticnj, comes our raiifinal and. moral natures Whereas, rill. L" N' J I tliwc staiM.W i!C!l Ssi- t i.Mi- tl,.; 1 .:,rl I..... .i... fcK.tsrcft.iH:-Tr?.j:f.r,i' ' . IktnsattlVcfhumtva'-i-cf-thaiikfch.ess.