8ALI3LUI.Y, (If. C.) TUESDAY, SEPT. 5, 1820. " .1 ATr CdLfXO E AY 'WORTH-CAR OLLY.K . In cur paper of the 211 ultimo, few 'remark ap peared on the subject of new collect contemplated to be established at some proper place lit the western part mywf the il We.Juve.aiMC'tUiw'karnt, Out a Uryo meeting of highly reapecUbU character from different counties, was held in the town of Llncolnton, the week "tfini the) out lines of thlslaudabjo undertaking. . We are not able to JTT? the) full result of this tneetint; j but from tbf char acters of some gentlemen who, we are Informed, atten- ( ded H.vchcUte not to yf iUpneiIJny were mar led by intelligence ami wisdonu- We hope to be able. ;v" In short tunc,- to give our readers something more parH ticularra this interesting subject. In the meantime, we cannot forbear expressing our gratification at efforts so honorable to the cliaructcr and feelings of the western part of North-CaroCna j and judg. tng, as we do, from the character of the persons enga ged in this scheme, and the zeal of the public in its fa tor, i confident! anticipate its success. Notlting, we 'think, but a difference of opinion as to the place of loca :' lion, can produce a failure j but let the friends of (he in stitution be awsre of this rock. It is the same on which pinna as extensive as the present have oftentimes split. . There is another small point upon which some inter est is felt, that is, the name which the college shall bear, -ft ought not, wc conceive, to be One of tocai or prcscri - bed signification, but of enlarged and liberal meaning, ; showing the plan and character of the Institution. To ' ' identify it at once with the character of the state, and to : interest the public feefing, how would it answer to name ;.: t.?CABOUVACUMKiwr.. ....... - , Whatever has a tendency to raise' the character of our "state and promote the welfare of it citizens, sludl al- ways receive bur warmest wishes and zealous support ' The establishment of a new institution as extensive as the one in contemplation, cannot fail to hare that ten dency. It is bringing into. the bemispliere of our state an additional luminary, that will shed its light and influ ence among us. This remark is general in its applica tion j but the advantage Will be felt in a more particular 'ibanner in the western part of our state- it is making a great more in favor of the literature of the western counties. We amid, on a former occasion, and we here repeat it, ' that a great change is taking place in the moral and po- litical condition of the western part of North-Carolina. ..The tiffiu tie Uwm indicate it, and the project of this . College, is yet mntther tign, The work is going on ; and Hull must be the eye which cannot see it, and selfish must be the heart which does not rejoice at it. We rejoice ; I and our humble labors, soctras they ay shall be devo ' led to whatever may have a tendency to improve the standing of our state, ami to every effort that is made to - achieve the independence and obtain the equal rights of the western part of North-Carolina. rTheipubli(B ..wilibe shocked to learn, that an attempt was made eight days ago, by some vile incendiary, to set -on fire the elegant Bridge- across tlw Yadkin liver, built nnd ownedutj', Mr .Lewis Beard of this town. Fortu tiatery the fire was discovered before it got fairly under way, and was extinguished without occasioning much in jury to the timbers. The discovery was made early in the morning by one of the w orkmen employed in cov. . '. ering the bridge. From every circumstance,, it would -.appear, tliat the torch was applied an hour or two be j y. fore day-light but, very luckily, it was placed among J- f ? the large timbers, and in a situation where they had ac 77 "quired a degree of dampness which made them slow' to ; -rv burn, and thereby the progress of that destructive ele i ". , ,yx inent was retarded. Thus was saved from destruction a " ' : , work, which not only does honor to the enterprise of its I; ' . owner, but wtnily a credit to this part of the country. : VVile and despicable must be that wretch who could con- : ccite 0 base a design. The hand that would apply the - ' '1 torcbTof destruction, would never shrink from the dag &V? gcr of assassination. We hope every good citizen will be vigilant to detect and bring to punishment and di- i BATTLE OF RAMSOURS IWe are promLed,-bT: a.ralued correspondent, an ac count of tlie battle of Ramsburs, which was fought in ... ..,v.Lincoln county, in this state, during 'the"1 revolutionary -f War, by the Whigs and Tories, in which the latter were . defeated. " An account of this battle, so little known, - Vii ImIS? D mtercsung tq our reauers generapy, and tioubiy : ; so when coming, as it will, from one who was not only v" n eye-witness of the transactions which ne relates, but -rhb also took an Active pariin tbeml Jrt are also prom. Y ked, .by the same correspondent, accounts' of " several other transactibns of minor importance, which took place in this s iiuleedencc, which have historian and which will, doubtless, possess mich inter- ist, as furnishing additional material for a full and cor rect relation of the various occurrences in that important period in our national history, and a making us acquain ted wil'i the self-devotion, storings, and patriotism of those who, although they contributed materially to the s'jcccss of that struggle, yet have descended to the tpmb - . ---yitlidct leaving any memorial of their toil an sacrifices in the. defence of their country. ineir unopirusive itv ttrup.i5oi- which nrcnasaessea nntlr in it a fuvnr "'"" huw iKoujr lyrgoiicn; oui xneir iui.-awry i y uiousana auxuianes, siccu s mituness, genueness, cio- should be revived. Some simple memorial of their hum-qoence, equability of temper, self-possession, command . . .1 a a a. a- a- a ' X .' ' ' ii 1 "''1 'I aa'M.i a - Ah., .an a. 4 f lnriilAlil 11.1 . Ma... .M.aJ .mJ .n exhibit, what irav churm, play ot features, ana an. ae nuaintancc but all fXHKt ble.wortl should be left toTother times some brief in scriptipn shouil be engraven on their tombs,ito record tLtiar dsvotiflli to tb.u' country. .iL. (l ulinj ld a:vl tc.;r!.'.:ig cp! !i n lha rr.or.u. muuttrcrtcdttillic (line hundred f'jaiiam .ho f II nl ihe str-its of ThermopyU id dcfvnre of ti e tl)f nici tl fWecc I " Stranger, go and tell t!ie peoj.la of J.cnle. mou that we lie here in obedience to her sacred laws." ', S. t ' -' W bare, received the first number of the ret Jrt C- ze:u oiid Chatfuim ,1Jvrrtlirt published at (Jlistham, H. C. by James Lyons. The editor has gircn a some what lengthy sketch of the country bordering on the Feeder, which embrace an extent of 14,430 square miles, with a view, as he remarks, the norc distinctly to impress on the mindf of its inhabitants that "vvttg J tuUtritt which nntvrt hoi atiliputl connect them hgethut Ia smt f tktlr mI imwiaid ttneerui, and which ought to, and no doubt win, sooner or latcrr combine Uicuj in a system tf measures, for the, Improvement of their navi gtion, trade, roiuds, Ix. Our Cmiu will not permit us to translate the whole of this sketch into ou r columns j but as the channel of the trade of this psrt of the country may, at some future period, be turned toward Chatham, the following account of that place may not be wholly dodoYIntwsttoour'ita4c "" '" - 7" I lttemln to speak of ('if atham, the teat ol many anxious hope and fears, and the scene of my present labors. Chatham is the Indian Che raw, elegantly situated on the southern bank of Peedee at the head of steam boat navigation, mid way between Georgetown and Salisbury, GO miles from Fayctteville and 30 from Camden. It hat been a place of more or less business for teventy years t it wat occupied by the BritKh army in the revolutionary war,, and witnessed many sangui nary scenes. I he natural advantages or the site i induced early hopes of its tucceti as a place ol commerce, being thuated the most conveniently to a larger extent of fertile back country than imy' commercial place between Petersburg and Augusta. Upon a fair estimate, it ought to have long tince taken the lead of Fayettcviile, Cam den, and Columbia, but by some unknown fatality it hat vacillated from one subordinate stage to another, till about two years since, when a num ber of enterprising gentlemen purchased a con iiucraoie ooay oi una in me mosi upprovca sit uution for a town, laid it out into lots of about two-thirds of an acre f.ch, divided by spacious streets, intersecting each other at riht angles ; the lotH were olTcrcd for sale : the public mind was fuliy appiiied of the advantages and ditad vantages of the place t their success in this spec ulation guarantees its permanence and prosper- itjr. Dining the tame year of the sJe a tobacco warelioue was erected, also ei(;ht or ten store houses, some of them two stories hien and very comprehensive, and several dwelling homes Simultaneous with these operations, In the public spirited exertions of a few individuals, si tain- boat company was formed, with a capital of be twecn 3U and 40,000 dollars : a veamboal of 40 horse power, and three sufficient tow b)ats were buitt and put into active -Mid profitable operation. 1 here is now between niiv and ont hundred per sons, including mechanics of uil kinds, fellers and better of timber, brick-makers, waggoners, &c actively emploed in renting 15 or 20 houses, stores and tenements of different kinds, inclu dine a spacious building for an academy. A venerable episcopal church,of more than 60 rears standing, overshadowed by its more ancient oaks, and surrounded by the tombs uf ages, lends a sacred, solemn grandeur to the southern entry of the village, which is already ornamented with a neat and'appropriate building; for-a social li brary, consisting of near 100 volumes of valua ble books. The advancement and commercial prosperity of Chatham depend on two principal evnt9the concentrating of a sufficient capital to invite the wandering trade of the upper Peedee country inJ North-Carolina, which is now diffused from Pe tersburg to Augusta, and fix h at this place, it natural emporium. -and the necessary improve ments in the navigation of the river, and such only as its importance entitles it to : let these events be accomplished, and Chatham will soon take its rank among the first interior towns of the southern states foa TBS WESTS C4B0M7U. For ever cheerful, tho' not always witty, And never giving cause for hate or pity : , These are his arts...jHich arts as must prevail, When riches, birth, and beauty's self w ill faiL And what he does to gain a. vulgar end, Shall we neglect to make mankind our friend f i' 'STELLIXGf LBET, ,. 1 was always conyjncedj.chejmportarweof agood person,' of a eood voice,- of graced illness, and of polite nessi but never have I been impressed with a sense of it so forcibly as in the instance of a friend of mine, whom I shall designate by the title of Colonel Gilbert. We all very well know the charm of first impressions, and how apt our reason and our reflertk:. are to surrender them selves to the evidence of the passions. Our eyes and our ears are placed, as it u ere, like sentinels over the inner recesses of the mind, to give the alarm if any tiling noxious or offensive approach. .When, therefore, these guards axe ;cap$ajejdw will naturally surrender, the garrison up to their captors. Music, oratory and painting, consist in what U called nunner.- Th'ebjecf which eeontempIafce-'Tnttst be trraccfid i the voice must "be harmonious and persuasive, and at the same time mild and commanding the gestures' musi dc iuu oi uignuy ana concora, every way congenial to our feelings and sympathies, yet important enough to arrest our attentions the eye must tu U3 while ue tongue wins us; and in the whole animated statue nothing cold, distant, stiff, repulsive, or uncertain, must appear. That ease wlfsch seems more anxious to please Uian direct, to assimilate itself to the1 objects about than to stand alone, to. .feel conscious of inspired jregard tliah aware of its superiority, is one of the creates arts of pleasing. P6- .. " -' a a a " . ' J. a " . Itteist-UainaiicmoMirajHon is "or even e.tx-A'.ton end lr'h art n t sufil lent trt rmwi. lu'e .Jii union t( MmciiTtre, rmnmoidy c U i Mn ntr, uliirlt so ftr difT, rs fin Itutl llmt we run I '!) tlie one Irj the sole of rcfirction and raan.IiuUkkiu m Lulc the oilier must at once pa currcut or be rejcetrcL Put to return to the Colonc-I. l.avlr.r spent a larga fortune, arvl now oiJy "pf.sseuing t tills for ptU scpi ccs, he cannot be iid to have any yr at pf rmii-j-v right in society neither does he posirm a".' Icgilaive lion, on, nor'dos he owe his Convrqurne? to ,;rli4orn fela tions fur his parentage at humble, though honorable i lie hit a nnmbrr of failing j si! for this preference which he insures in all companies, he depends entirely on manners, dress anl addrcs, on freauenting tlie best company, and Iming alwsy coMtiiuied in the circle of fakhion. I Itave known him enter a room where some envious person bad been previously passing strictures on him andyct, with one glance, to turn hisenetnhs to Wcflds.iiaf'fwrti'Ji'irHU.cd; pe'culiarty happy,;" lne coup dVd teaebe Dm how to divide hi attentions, here to pay the greatest dividend of respect, where to Hsten, ar4 where to entertain. With a good deal of ex perience, he ha a rrrat deal of studied modesty and with moderate portion of wit, he ha a cheerfulness, a good humor, and una.lTvctcdn.cs in using wWch tnakes it appear far more titan it really is. Lastly, to women gentk-nes and devoted respect, a constant preventing of Uieir wishes. nd a devotion to their service, without any free glance, pressing :'clviCty7 obtrusive gallaiitry, haai ardoJ expression, or. words of douldd .nieaiuug,' have made hi election ure with Uiem. It is trenching a little on the province of writers on education to give this detailed account i but as living manners are my object, I cannot avoid taking notice of so striking an instance of such a arc useful beyond cal culation to him who possesses them. 11m advantarv of education we ever witness, but in manners of this kind, there is something beyond it there is great judgment, and an application of a portion of heart to every action. The ill to please is jrenend in mankind the means are often deficient, and almost always different. Here there exists a blending of both useful and ornamental in society, and yet within the reach of every well bred person' 'who w ill study the art. nun dc dw wniHMii ouiciousncxs or parucuianiy ; respectful without formality easy without tVcedom : complimentary without fulsome flattery t modest without awkward backwardncut to possess variety without fri volity, and to be elcirant williout ah'ectation, or o i)iilr.: display of egotism or self-lovf. He who possesses il. mc requiaites, may rest assurvU, thai he will pk:ue cwry bodyaswcUas THE IttCLLSK, founulin tho courso of the proceeding, yc! r?r t were rrscrrcd, and the tc stur.cn ytun.ldc red v conrhiMve of the cblm. It wa admitted by ihi plaintiffs counscl.that the nolo was disrountrd tt the cilice establ-shcd at this place. ' The dr in., dual's counsel insisted lo tho juiy, that the It r.k of the United Blates had no power to I'licomit, promissory notcs-Mhat tho Bank was the men? creature of tho act which created It, and pout, ted no other powers than such ai were exim granted. That it could take nothing by Implies tlon, however strong; and though the charter confers a right upon the corporation generally to do and execute all and singular tho acts, matters, and things, which to them it shall or mar apnet tairr to dor freriik! although It prohibits thenr-tor receive more than su per cent, upon Its loom or ditewnti, yet, as there 1 Do exfirtii authority el ther to loan or dltcount, fcuth loans art Illegal and the security Vbld. " 1 ' , - i . ;. Jfho iVayor.cljirgeAlbe jury that the Bank or. the United States had no power under its charter to discount promissory notes, and the jury gave a rennet torthrelendantrr-:: TCscBuriiBsrrsn..Mi9i:4wM ha made IdatUttf withcoMtdcrable ability. We hope be will not dUap. pear sO suddenly as tome, nor ever make his appearance; so awkwardly a others, of ov.f correspondents. "wAsniKOTOsr,' At'oust l-From Ancostu ma we learn, by an arrival at Norfolk) that pro positions bad been Wade by the commander of the Spanish Royal rorces to the Congress of Co lomdi a, for the suspension of arms, tec. until af ter the result of the deliberation of the Cortes on the affairs of the Provinces should be known ; and that the proposition had been rejected on any other basis than the Sovereignty and lndcpen dence of Colombia." This is what mihthave been expected, from the intimations contained in the scrui-ofTicial articles re-published in this country from Venezuelian papers. There is some doubt on our minds, however, in what sense the Con gress speaks of the Independence ot Colombia. The Republic of Colombia, properly speaking, we know, embraces the two countries ol, Vcne zuela and New Grenada. . But, if we have not misunderstood the language of the Aurora news paper, which seems to speak the sentiments f , . i- L ! .i . ii iiouvari ii is nis oojcci 10 cmorucc jii uw iirpuv lie of Colbmbli oV SotuA Mierica, as well Mcxi co as the Southern provinces. If this consum mate politician's project ot bestriding the globe be persevered in, it is supposedand indeed has been pretty plainly hinted in the Aurora that no terms of peace for any part of South America v ill be listened to, unless they have for their ba sis the acknowledgment- by Spain of the inde pendence of all South. America. .Thi is indeed a great object ; but is it attainable I Tor the sake of bringing all the provinces under one head, would it be politic in any one of the governments which are eheady formed, that of Colombia, for example, to refute to receive an acknowledg ment of its separate independence ? Will the provinces of La Plata follow its example Their wars have not been made in alliance, and why should their pacification I Perhaps, however, it will be time enough to speak of the magnificent projects of the govern ment of ' Colombia, when we have more definite information respecting them. If wc correctly understand the object of the ambition of the leud ing men in the Republic of Colombia, it is ex ceeded in its magnificence of conception only by Dr. Thornton's celebrated plan of a federative gpvernment for the whole of the American con tinentthe seat of which, if we -recollect aright, wai lo be planted on the Isthmus of Daricn, and its wings to extend almost from pole to pole. - - . - Xat. Intel, Extract ttfUi letter from a gentlezunLan board, the Ciane) dated St. Criii "'Rdi'iTeniereYWH My 1820. . , " As soon as we were eranted pratique, Lieu tenant M. C. Perry waited on the governor, and informed him of our object n visiting; the island ; and that we should be happy to give the custom ary salute, if it would be reciprocated gun for gun. The Governor replied, he would .return the sute jwth plea gun less, as it was not customary with his nation to reiufn an equal number of guns to republican governments, but tothose only who acknbwleii ged a sovereignT II? was then told, that no salute wbtild be glvenas the ?Uvv$ K1TXtElacklidwK edged rib natian to be, greater or more respecta ble th:m their own. Consetiueiitly, no salute was given." ii. V . ' EJTRAQRDLYJilir DECISION raoM TH ohio isnsiToa. Rank United States ri. IfVppte V WitrniT The above cause came to trial a few days ago, befbro, the City Court, held by the - .Mayor and tyo Aldermen. 7-The case was regularly presen ' .t " t. . ..!.:ir i .. i .i roaa.cTSn w stair r thi Mitmnui iSSTTt. , xncjuww :ag,TV. Hactrti ". - ' - . ' lh. I 7 H Beef, new ... 13 12 fiXh -- 56 ltceswax ... 23 29 ll.-a.iJv, Cog. - ral. 2 iVa..!i - , 60 Apple J5 RuMir .... lb. 15 20 troffc-e .... 2) 30 Corn . . . busli. 55 Cotton, Uplaml - 100 lb. U 15 Flour, superfine . bbl. 4 4)' ' fine ... 4 Flax sord . . bush. 1 (Sn, Holland - - gal 1 1 25 Northern 61) Hog's lard ... lb. U Iron, Hweili ;h . 100 Jb. 6 6 50 Ln;li.sli .... 56 Iad .... lb. 10 : Molasses .... gml, 40 A , Oats .... bush. 39 Ai Tork .... 100 l. 5 C, rotators Irish busli. 75 1 Hum, Jamaica, 4th proof gal. I 'Zi Y. Island, 4th do. - do. 3d do. . 90 1 New -England 45 5U Hire .... 100 Th. 3 4 Salt, Turks-Island . . ' " bush. 90 1 Jverpool ground 1 fjtctl, German lb. blistered . . Sugary Muscovado . . 100 lb. 11 12 Loaf ... lb, 22 ?J Tea, Young Hyson 1 12 j 1 25 Hyson . . J 20 1 H Imperial . , I 75 2 Gunpowder j I 50 1 75. Tobacco, leaf . . 100 lb. 4 5 manufactured - lb. 10 11 Tallow - - ll Wlwst .... bush. (5 7) Hhiskry ... gal. SO .J REWARD. Ij' ARLV this morning, the carpenters engaged in ccv i erinir The Yadkin Toll Ondire returninir to t licit work, discovered tlie south end of it to be on fiiv. Tit. timely discover', and the exertion, of themselves and the negroes on the promises, prevented it sustaining any further injury than the loss ot eight or ten fret of wi-atli. cr-boanUng. From thr circiwHanrc .f a pine torch, ha'f coiiaiiranl, beint found at t'ic sjot where the fiiu c.i.nmriKvd, ami other strong circurnstaniial proof, th i : i... i. . ... ... ! . i- I 'he a'ove reward via be riven for tho detection oi Ui wivUji. I.r.WlS BAUt, rnprirtw, EnUhtr, Jujvtt 29, 1820, 13 V NOTICE. WIU, be sold, atthe court-hous.' in S:ii;iiiirt, on RnV urday, the first day of Ucccu.be r next, 320 acr- of land, oi the waters of Lick Vnt-V, jwning John V -stt, Ilcnry Smith, and others. Fsid land to he sold as tho property of William Uayly, for the tat for 1818-19, JNO. JJCARD, XhmJ. September 1, 1820. 3ini3 Dissolution of Copartnership. THE firm of HABGKAVE & I1EAHD is this day (lit. solved by mutual consent. All those indebted to ssjd firtn,; are reiested lo make payrnentTOohn Bcird and au those having claims against said firm, arc retue ted to present them to said Beard for settlement. JltlMtl CoUtltV, dugllit V -It1 22, 1820. JNO. BEAKD. 4wl Slate of North-Carolina. . . JBBDCLL covmrr. Court of Pleas witl Quarter Sessions,' August Term, Wv; Robert Works, . "i , - vi. Petiti fir partition. . Wart's heirs. ; ..S. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the court,, that Ha. zlct Hart, one of the deftiulanUi iu Die above case, is not art1 inhabitant of this state i It is therefore ordctctl. What publication be made for tliree weeks in the Heilerif- Carolinian, & ntwspSper printca. in U! town of Salishiirv, that the said Haslet Hart appesr at the. Court of Pleas and Qua: tef Sessions ti be held for the county aforesaid, at the court-hose in StacsAillc, on tlie tltird Monday o November next, then and there plead, answer, or demur, otherwise judgment will be granted according to the prayer ox saiapeunon. -unness, Ur ItOBERT 8lMONTO Clerk C, C, Of -every description, neatly and correctly executed a this Office, and on tihort floticc, . ' ,' . . r 'I r "t .V ! . ..;T-iai

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