V lV i!u 'VtiUhtyhi Jnmoin Jkulif Mvrrlliar, T.it )tn () Ntw-l'.vLu.l, though wand'rin; afif ' "Tfiu llio cene nhith nfllctVm onrc lit ith a ann'ilf, Still recall tlx jpy viil'W when clultlhood's jotnjf fctar ( tkMKlkiullutijo;iijeftttftiul.mt)wJjf(s;i!c. ; An! ttcm'ry ytt ran.M a ocr lUVa rcckV daw,"' W hen Iwjmj amil'd lovely, uul rnrth i Tm'd r true, When thought fond diet iVr 4ai! welcome Uic morn, That Impart d to bk lu cerulean hue, '- f Then carclr, toYiiigrr In V'a e's native lnm'r, f cenr , Vlcre spring pleasure V liantt-maid rtjoie'd o cr the Tr when sober autntjw succeeded Umj flaw'N, ""To stray iklillc contentment lent xct ever keen. . . ' , Where JfrwaaV," half hid In the wood imd, pcarf .AVhotc white sti-rplo riaes in priU from the gwJ 1 , 1 roani'd h tin heart beat to pic awn? and lore. And sweet, lovely village! thy Tallica to m, . Are deaf, and thy lulb where I laill tin firrt win, - Svhcn school boy romantic, from apathy free, . rcnoa'd In thy orchard, and batiVd in thy run. ' " A - Afr the gay hamlet of plenty are found, Though nunrlen In pompffo simpficity dear t ,JLn iiuec f the vUlat bcanklotlrouod. , Sec , tliy pride, O New.EhgUod, appear. Recollection shall stray o'er the momrfiun and pLIn; Though far, far away, yet in atorv and song, Khali the minstrel return to thy bor ers arain. For thy son, O New-Engh nd! now wsnd'ring afar rrorn the acencs which aiTt-ction once fit widi a amile, 1 HtiU recall tlie fray tiion wIh-ii cluklhood'a young star Could lead to enjoyment, and sorrow beguile. . 1 A beaiitif'ttiiflaje ftf ntxiit' f flonUn. Variety't the vt:ry apice of life, lliat givcv it all it flavor. From n article in the 44tli No. of the Loiuhn Quar Vrry flettrw, on a M Miauon from Cape Court CaaUe to Aihantee, by T. K. Dowdlch, Emi" It now remain to ive a short supimary o the state of aociety, ami of the moral clraractcr and customs of the Aahantees, which in truth dilTcr but little from those published in the courae of the last two centuries, con ce mine the scvera petty states of the coast of Guinea, extending in an eastern direction from Cape Mesuruda to Old Calabar, and occupying a line of twelve hundred treo"raphtcal miles. The hiitory of the Aahantees, to which Mr Eo'T'Jicb has dedicated a w hole chapter, is, like that of all other savages who can neither read nor write, the hinory of a d.iy, and little worthy of notice : in the words of Mr. Dowdich. 1 there is nothing (in it) to recompense cither the inves tigation or the perusal.' The constitution and lawn,1 as indicating the state of society.-would have been more important, had Mr. Howdich been better informed on these subject bul iiqrunt of the language, and destitute of records, v.l:ut indeed could he know on such matters? ITe says, the king, the aristocracy, jiow reduced t- fur, and the assembly of captains, ere the three estates of the Ashantee government but th .t the king, who in private is supposed to be governed by this aristocracy of four, (who crca i'.fi him,) receives from them, in public, ths most A '6tt homage j that they approach him crawl- ire on all fours,, and-covering their heads -with dust ; as do the captains and cabocecrs, or heads cf illagesr"Asforike-peopteratrwirare told about them is, that they are ungrateful, insolent and licentious If it be true that his Ashantee majesty .repeatedly expressed his 1 belief that his btilijccts were the worst people existing, except the Tantccs; they might, as fur asVe can see. lituin the compliment, by declaring him to he thr most ferocious brute in the world, except hi a ho' her of Dahomey, with whom he is pretty no r;y on a par The 'laws,' wc apprehend, are just what it may suit the king and Ins counsellors to mane them ; so that what is law. to-day mav te trcasan to-morrow. We ,must thciefore dcjsl briefly u'u'.i them. If any subject picks up gold in the marUet-pIace, it is de-th j the scourings of the livid being a royal perquisite. A creditor may j seize the person of his debtor, or any of his fam ily; as slaves. Murder is redeemable by a fine to the family of the murdered except in the cae of clave, who may be murdered by his owner v;'..h impunity. If a person, kills himself, on the lircd cf another, that other must kill himself also, a practice frequently resorted to out of a spirit TofCgeTof wfjicrlRfolIowing is an instance; ) Adumissa, an extfaordinary beautiful red skinned woman of Cape Coast? possessed nu merous admirers, but rejected them all. One - ;ttiiem, in. despair, shot himself on her keuil, ciose to licr house. The family "demanded sat irf iction ; to save, .her relations from a ruinous i uhver, she ''resolved to shoot herself in exjua. tr?n. eaccort ; : icives fiorn various parts of the country, and sluing, i ichly; diessrd, killed herself in t heirprcs 'iace, with golden bullets- After the hodv had -v-fcxxposedin staie it was buried witTi a pro : v iViion aX cloths and gold, The beamifctl Adn fn?j)Sa is still eulogised, and her favorite patterned cloth bears herNhame amongst the natives. v ivta arc held in little estimation, and a man ,-m:iy take as many as he cbtises to purchase ; yet :rc!ds Mr.'UowdichVvcrr'trrarilv and learnedly It is forbidden, as it.was by Lvturgus, to praise the Lw.ty of another man's wife, being intiigin twftiaaun I l hey. wne eTTTealOus of leu . . . - . . ' , . ung i.jsirwoir.cn ncar anv thing' rcgardin tl j;m Ilia Englishmen aHowtd every v.fjman U l . I . I ! II . . .... I iave a itusoutni to nerscu. im wc ait unm uhl ol tnft 'novcrcign jKiwcr, . The king is heir to all the gold cf every mb- cct. from Iho highest to the lowest. TU IJ'I of the royal family must not be hed royal rimes, however, may be washed away ty ui own ing the criminal in the river Uah. The king ol Ashantee h allowed by law three thounaniniee hundred and thirty-three wives, thu being the precise mystical number on which the prosperity of ihr nation depend. ' The number, it appears on actual duty is not moro than it, ue rest ue- lug shut up in two particular streets ol the town closed at each cud with bamboo doors, and guard cOf Hldiers. . The king ofj)ahotny Jurni hU three tnousanu wives to ucucr attuuui , uv stoutest of them are embodied in a regiment, and rularly trained to the use of arms, under a fe male gtneral and subordinate officers; und, ac cording to the testimony of several Europe?!), they o through their exercise with grcatpre ci-ion. Covcmor Ahson Fa present at Aboujey ivhen lhe.Jur:jnarcJ) occasion he was attended by a body guard ol 800 wdmcn." ' On the death of the king, a most horrid scene of human slaughter takes place ; all the sacriSces that had been made for the death of every sub ject during his reign, being required to be re pcatea, to ampiuy tnai oi uic ucaui ui uic niuu arch, and to solemnize it in every excess of ex travagance and barbarity. I he brothers, wn. and nephews of the king,' says Mr. Dowdich, allccting teroX)rary insanity, oursi iorin wiw their muskets, and fired promiscuously amongst the crowd The crowd, wc take for granted, wculd not be very numerous on such an occasion. Indeed wo arc told that few persons of ran' dare atir from their houses for the first two or three clay; but that they drive forth their slaves us a composition for their own absence' He adds. the kincr's ocrasJa kind of dependant or house hold-slaves,) are alt murdered on his tomb, to the number of a hundred or more, and women in abundance.' What becomes of the mystic num ber of wires we are not told. They are probably sent, at least no inconsiderable number of them, Hccordint: to the notion that prevails in this un nannr country, to 4 attend their deceased lord in tho other world.' On this principle, human vic tims are slaughtered on the death of every mem ber of the royal family, the captains, cabocecrs and all. in fact, who can afford it. ' Mr. Bowdich says that ihe present king, a very amiable and benevolent' sovereign! on the death of his mother, devoted 3000 victims to water her grave,' 2000 of whom were rantee prisoners, and the rest levied in certain proportions on the several towns This devilish custom of immolating human victims, under the notion of their being subser vient to the use and administering to the pleas urcs of the deceased in the other world, has been the practice of nations who ranked higher in the scale of civilization than the negroes; with a I it is grounded on temporal pride or-pre-emi nence as well as on imperfect and irrational no tions of a future state. The king of Dahomey used to hold a constant communication with his deceased lather. Whenever he wished to an nounce to him any remarkable event, or to con suit him on any emergency, he would send for one of his ablest messengers, and, after deliver ing to him ins errand, chop ou his head. It sometimes happened that, after the head was off, he recollected isbmething else which he" wished to say, in which case a second messenger was despatched in like manner, with a postscript to his former message. Mr Abson was present on an occasion of thio kind. The poor fellow who was selected for the honor of bearing his majes ty s despatch, aware of what was to happen, dc dared he was unacquainted with the road ; on which the tyrant, drawing his sword, vociferated 4 1 11 shew you the way ! and with one blow scv crcd his head from his body, highly indignant J that an European should have witnessed the leas expression ol reluctance in the performance o a duty which is considered as a great honor. THE FENrrEtfT m. co5Ci.ciE. The body of the old man had been laid out by the same loving hands that had so ten derly ministered to all his wants and wishes, when alive The shroud in which he was now'wrapped had beerr imhercottager forlria- ay a long year, una wnuc as u was, even as the undnyen snow, scarcely was it whiter than the cheeks and the locks now bound in its peaceful folds.. To the eyes of my child hood the Elder's face had sometimes seemed, even in its benignity, too Austere for my care less thoughts j impressed as it ever was with an habitual hblirHS "iBuTall such austerity. if indeed it had been ever there, death had now removed from that silent-countenance. His last moments had been blessed by hision1 .nti'onw4usdaughter4ave-is -grahd child's pity his pastor's prayers And the profound peace which his parting spiit had tnjujrcu, ten hii expression on nis piaciu lea tures, consolatory and sublime. The Penitent Son was sitting at the bed tde. We all took our plaices near him, and tor a w niie remainea silent, wtth eyes fixed a-tnai cuuuienance from which beamed tht . . n n .... . ..I !i,..!M t'ill if wttnin me: -z jt ,k waIvt ire once nio c puit .;., aummfr strcatn,M said the Pastor with a be nign voice. Hut art thou sure that my father's- forgiveness was perfect J" "Yes, Will Sim It was Wrfect. Not on hi s death bed only, whrn love relents towards all objects glimmering awav uum uui muiw j the old man talle thee into his lieart I tut, William, not a day, no not an hour has pas scd oyer tncce nis silver naira, m wmui father did not forgive thee; love thee, pray fnr thee unto God and thy Saviour. It was but hst.Sabbath that we stood together bv thy mother S nraveio the kirkyarJ. aftcrjivinc worship,' when 'all the congregation had dis persed. He held his eyes on that tomb-stone, and said1 0 Heavenly Father, when, through the merits of the Kodtemer. we all meet again. a family MTIIeavenr remember thou, Q Lord, ' ....... inv Door lost William I let these drop pieaa forJiim.wrupg.out from .jyip!1! afel!.0 iten heart !" llie bigtears, W illiam, plash. etl likrthe dropsf-tUh'un'deihower'sTw face was, whiter than ashes but a divine as surance came upon his tribulation and as we walked together from the bural place, there was a happy smile about his faded eye, and he whispered unto me, my boy has been led astray, but God will not forget that be was once theprbp and -pillar of his father's house. One hourvs sincere repentance will vet wine awav all his transgressions.' When we parted, ne was, i Know it, penectiy.nap py and happy, no doubt,' he continued unti he died. William! many a pang hast thou sent to thy father's heart; but believe thou this, that thou madest amends for them nil a: the hour of his dissolution. Look, the smile o jov, at thy deliverance, is vet upon his face." The son took his hands fn m before his eves gazed on the Cflestial- r xpression of his fath er's countenance and his soul was satisfied Alas ! alas !" he said in a humble voice "what is reaion, such poor, imperfect, mis erable reason as mine, to deal with the dread ful mysteries of God ! Never since I forsook my Bible, has the very earth ceased to shake and tremble beneath my feet. Never, since I spurned its aid, have I understood one sin gle thought of my own bewildered heart ! Hope, truth, faith, peace and virtue, all at once deaerjed me together. I began to think of myself as of the beasts thst perish ; my better feelings were a reproach or a riddle to me, and I believ.ed in mv perplexity, that my soul was of the dust. Yes ! Alice, I believ ed that thou too wert to pc'iish utterly, thou Jindjll thy. sweet babies like flowers that the cattle-hoofs tread into the mire, and that nei ther thou nor they were ever, in your beauty and your innocence, to see the face of the be ing who created you !" Wild words seemed these, to that high- souled woman, who for years had borne with undiminished, nay, augmented affection the heaviest of all afflictions, that of a husband's alienated heart,, and had taught her. children the precepts and doctrines of that, religion, which he in his delusion had abandoned. A sense of the fearful danger he had now esca ped, and of the fearful wickedness, brought up from the bottom of her heart all the unex tinguishable love that had lain there through vears of sorrow and she went up to him and wept upon his bosom. Oh ! say it not, that tp.M'l M. .Vast.. .11 l.l.j.W .l.t. I and my little ones would never see their ma ker they who were baptised in thine own arms William, by that pious man, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost ! " Yes ! my Alice ; I feared so once but the dismal dream is gone I felt as if the ground on which this our own sweet cot tage stands had been undermined by some tiend oi darkness and as if i were to sink down out of sight with all its thatched roof so beautiful its cooing pigeons its'murmur mg bee-hives irid its blooming garden U.athc v.2i rrcaiuii, tic u;c kcru;crttrr?n- ng eyes chm to his face the grry-l'ncd 'ator uchdd l.im with solemn looks t!, : mortal remains of his father lay before him , and, as he paused,1 there rose the sound of the snow swollen flood. I call the Almighty to witner.," rM tho agitated man, rising from his n 1 pa cing along the floor, "that these UJj trc yet unstained by crime Dut oh ! how much onger might they have to continued! Why need the unbeliever "care for human life I What signifies the spilling of i few drops of worthless blood Be the grave once tho't to be. the final doom of alland what then, is the meaning of the word crime ? Desperate and murderous thoughts assailed me by myself m solitude," I had reasoned myself, as I thought. out j)f my belief io revelation and all those fcelingsT by 'which" alone faith" H possible, i t the same time died away in my heart leav- r t '4- iiaie oi iemuiev roctcfy n .' .Kutclvnsr.n s;i i th.at (idunrat -Mucpe " i " ana best memories of earth, and the loftiest hope? -of. .Heaven..""" ' "" 4'fiear; thought of the generations of :-my fore -fathers that had died in fc the Hazel Glen and they seemed to me like so many shadows vainly following each other along the hills. My heart was disquieted within me ; for the faith of my childhood was intertwined with all my affectiois with all my love jor the dead and the living for thee Alrccf and wtrrhildf en, who do all resemble thee both in beauty and innocence, jtthitber at thy bosom, or tottering dong the greens ward, and playing with the daises in the sun " Stich dired wovenjhrot)mnSt3 not be torn thence but by a heavy hand. Al ice ! - the sight of thee andthem drc ve me mad j for whut sight sq. insupportable to one who has no hope in futurity, as the smiles. and tears of them he loves in his destruction !" He who spake was no common man no common man had been his father. And he ol tntiaeuty.onapes came ana lempieu me in thVm"obrs-r witheyesarid voices like, but unlike the eyes and voices ol men. One had " ... 1 -J.I L!.. 'JL a uagger in its nana ana uiougn ii saiu notn ing, US urcauiui lace uicutu uic xa uo sonra i.Iak .am t t w V. . . n I rjh r !, IUUIUCI. A Ban th IU klHi IUU MJjUi IWI the very middle'of the day and I was sit tin? by myself on the wall of the old sheer; fold, looking down in an agony, on the Hazef Glen whore J was born, aad where I had ont been so happy. It gave me the dagger and laugnea as it aisappearea, i saw ana icit . the dagger distinctly for some minutes in my hand bit It seemed to fall down among the , heather and large blots of blood were on my fingers. An icy shivering came over me. though it was a sunny day, and without a cloud and I strove to think that a brain-fever had been upon me. . I lay for two daya . and nights on the hill and more than onco - - I sawmy children playing on Jhelkrccnbe- fV. side the water-fall, and rose to go down and put them to death but a figure in white It might be thou,' Alice, or an angel, seemed to - rise out of the stream, and quietly to drive the chiUrcn towards the cottage, as thou wouldst a few tottering lambs." Durinj? all thia terrible confession, the speaker moved ' up and down the room u wc arc told or the footitcns ti men in the condemned cell, heard pacing to and fro i . a . I . . . a. .. . . uimn uie nifrni prrccainfr me rxccuuoa. vxy i.at such dreadful thought to the charge of thy aoul, said his wife, now greatly alaiwlIIunnranaUurst,andtiia nvi of the sun. and the dc vs of. the niirht. had Indeed driven thee into a rurfnl fever nd God knows, that tho ... beat of inen are often like demons in a disease !" Tha ' rastor, who had not dared to interrupt him during tho ' .' heiglit of hia passion, now besought him to dlamlsafroih ut mind all Mich grievous recollectiona and was just nbout to addrt-n himvlf to pravcr, when an interruptiois took place most pkuble ana affecfingr7 . " ;- The door, at which no footstep had been heard, slowly ... a and softly opened, and in glided a fittlo ghost, vHh asbrT--face and open ryes, folded in a sheet, and sobbing as t j . came along. It was no other than that lovinpr child faHc , . ; . ing in its nlcep, and dreaming of its grandfather."" Not" one of in had power to move. On Feet that acemed, in the cautiousncas of aflTection, acareely to touch the floor. - -he went up to the bed-side, and kneeling down, held np . his little hands, palm to palm, and said a little prayer of ; ..." hia own, for the life of him who was ryinjr dead within the touch of his balmy breath. He then climbed up into the bed, and laid hhnielf down, aa he had been wont to do, by the old man's aide ..v..',.i';--....-:.. Never," said the Pastor, "saw I lore Lke thir" ana he joined his sobs to those that were fast rinjr frm.n.. . all at this insupportable sicit. Oh ! If mr blessed chihl ; should awake," said his motherland find himself beside " a corpse so cold, he will lose his si-nses I must indeed 1 aeparatc him from hisFrandfathcr.M Centlv did she dis- " " cnag'e hi little hands from the shrouded breast, and , bore him into the midst of us in her arms. ,His face be-;r; , came Icss'dondlv white his erea less rlazedTr fixed T and drawing a lonjr, deep, complaining mgh, he at last vi sion ly awoke, and looked bewildcredly, first on nil mouv .. . , er'a face, and then on tlie other figures sitting In ailcnea ; by the uncertain lamp-lifrhU "Come, mv sweet 'Janue---4 to thine own bed," said his weeping mother. ' ,Thehus band followed in hialove-and at midnight the Pastor ana mysen reiirt u io rew ai wnien nour, everv ropra hi the cottage scemod as still as that wherein lay all that re-' niaiiicd on earth of the t'atriarch and the Elder.r v ; l '. ' . ' . -,; It was on Marlav that, along with mv venerable friend, ' I agaiii visited the cottage of the Ilazcl GlenT A week of gentle and sunny rain had just passed over the sctnefT -rr and brought all its loveliness into life. 1 could-scarcely believe that io short a time ago the whiteness of the win ter bad shrouded the verdant nolitudc.". Hire and there, lliJLI'MdLPljnowJajJu ly the dtip wreathes had Jiecn .drifted by vthe- storm. ; The hum of insects even was not Unheard, and thWBjk the glitler of tlie stream the trout was seen leaping st gaudy prej', ts they went aailing downui poola expandt d wings. The whole glen was filled widi SH"11 I ' ' glcil npirit of pleasure and of penaiveneas. As we approached he old Sycamore, w e heard behind us a sound of footsteps, and thai beautiful boy, whom ws had"so loved in his afUiction, earne up to us, with a smil ing facei nd with his Satclief tvc? lii shouldeE": Kt w returning from school,' for tho ftfteraoon was a day, and hlsjRtee.was" thf ticture -jpf joy" and ' innocence- A sudden recollection assailed hii" heart, as aoon heard pur voices, and It w;ould hVc been easy to JA : changed hia smiles into tears,' But We rejoiced to howJbenigiiIyrn their was now nothing In memory, which he cU . bear to think of, even among the pauses of hi paat-ihnes He led the way happily and proudlyl a we. entered otce more the cottage of Uie 'IlazclJCl--' -- " . . ' A Ithe httshana . X. The simnle meal was on the 4able, an was in the act of asktnf a blcawmj, with a ter'Jt voice. When he ceased, he and his wife rose to KuluWeh?,n,f' and Uiere was in their calm and quitt manner an air' ance that thev were hiow. The children ncj -i' 1 .a-'.. .... ..II A tntrethrr at no. ... , t'vc fvun .jiv tut win ' . t I cheerful boartU In the calm of the evening, taiaiiaw wife walked with us down tV gie'n."? rst'if" ,' the Manse nor did wdfcajr to speak of thtdemnn?ff had been ' wTouentJO thiT of the privl r.id ;he humV.e.c man, how the . com: sc.!, loeV.ca u; Isls .. .. ' ... .... i 11. ti; . , 'Ms-

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