I j I t" " tioi)tnife the Coths and Vandal from the nor them shores of the Pacific to overrun her. terri tories h h!i rsplne and denotation. Jinch uti apprehension Is not i mere chlracr Huvta is extending her dominion ovtri van Icnglk of trrttiory ; mdthesun, l.i Ms. course. rny jet Ithold the Columbia stained with the minuted b'ood of tho two great nutlons of the earth. Already has our jealous rival beyond the Atlantic, trusting to.th-t poirer for check on our rMnir cfeatness, thrown out the taunting td rndnliion, !ok well to Russia'., We may cut Cown thc.wiWernesa to mate room for our popil jatlon, but without t rnc, we shall .only be wc-V -fie-hfHruudaItr-howevtr-A-nation stretching Itself from" the Atlantic to the shores " of 'the Pacific, and from the gulph of the south to the faVes of ihe tiorth, possess the manners aadaUe'jspirit of the IUvolution-Md,".thoui;h " every Russian Wert a Hannibal, and led on the le!ions6nhV imnotent anl harmless t they snouiu nnu every .lLitraHp Thejwowlxye . feuoV.siudcnts; if ever America shall be subjugated, it must hrst.be jy. per. own ocgen- cracy) sno paruon me lorncucyuig wai, .ill" tf matte rt refinement that dfitreneracv has al- V - f . fcj 4 ' ready commenced. . ,. . ,,.. - The question is, therefore, whether by our ex Ample and influence, we will help to fear away the, flood-gates of an overwhelming torrent or, to Ur as our, united efforts can avail help to bar : It out for ever, ' ' It Is not the business of un address to point out the precise measures and mode of operation pro ; ' per to be pursued, nor will 1 answer for :he ulti mate success and reputation of our undertaking i " the one Is staked unon the other. If its meas ures be. iudiciouslv framed, and steadily pursued with maoly and patriotic firmness, the influ- . rnce of this association, however limited its ' inhere, will be witnessed and acknowledged by the lovers df simplicity and order ; and its mem ' hers, long after they shall have left these conse crated walls. will cherish its name among the choicest mementos of their collegiate life, - Kit should give rise to similar societies in other col letres, and combine the influence of all the youth ful literati in our country in favor of plainness in dress and manners, who will say that it may not eventually lead to the introduction of a national drtkt, and be instrumental in perpetuating the happy influence of national pride and love of country? If America is destined to be the Empress of the West, till time itself shall be no longer ; if the world it to behold bcr a mighty and magnan imous nation, civilized without corruption ; weal ihy without avarice powerful without arrogance in the full possession of freedom without the curse of licentiousness and insubordination who can mil if she may not be Indebted for the majesty of her character to the early influence 01 such asso ciations we contemplate 6-day I . Finally, whatever be the success of the under taking, if us object be to associate the character In the ourtr rf tlu' Jt i, vhit.li, iu the rourif of four cirri nl .300 liutiM . . ;ioir, i 'I he noted fount IVnnimi W by some averted to he female! and hy other, to be if that d -hjuit l Pr he would tot sh on t'uc Woolsack M ltu them. , ,f r Mr. HronsI am said, no power under Heaven hould prevent him from ttempung ta no tus .' ... . . . . I ... ! .1.. I . . Kill - -- - - , , - i , , . unou d prevent m ni """ Vim sdii rv wcMnu!ly IinnortnJ fitrni Italy to ,nJf V ' . j11.,tAlt riten. , hu hc niikfht be nut the ir no. nntu in Km.c of our het. Aliuliny, as wc duty to Ml illusti ious client uui ne mini uc pui TilcivofailuliftYwithIriramLdoMinottnKlHceniorei1n I, muki ii order to nolnt out the Course U.ghtcr thrtH.mit KiirojM th.ng wh.cl luu , j h counicj hoxl& pUrsuc.H . ' oerurml since the beginning of U.c yrrnrh Herniation, w,'1" " ,il(.f; rrni!niieJllHfi Asked for when buying mcnti,tffd,-K,n-Hur, will vrn " A r. Uro lgham then con f " a-iuL'1r5,iwMiIIUiffc,fW nm, uliimattK the immediate second reading ol this bill, In or. wiv thingbut UtiifhU'r agwirvt tl fabrnators and btlitv. der that It mljht be instantlr thrown out. lie trt in the swpiom;ii mt rtoiinK', c snau dc conteni io na(j a rjht t0 Htsumet tnat puuiie justice, or who lie reckoned the gnaitat dupti that the. hole land con- evewaS the party for whom the attorney-gener- l?ikWiKhi.i; ofiVe uLml,rtandt.,g iilti. forward their witnesses, for public juitlce mus j.t. r,.i!...r. tint he U to take iio Dart in anv nrorve. have foreseen the iiccssslty ot bringing lorwaro 'lUiifrs rtkitive to the Queen, cither in the Cabinet Conn- witnesses on charges examined into in Msrch, cil or in rarLanient. iijio. on . hdl brought into that House In July, T'"'-'" ' " .17: uid llut the altorney'ljeneral biii( the eoun IUU'8K CF l)ttl)S-TncaaTr Jrtt . - I Ki. for the crown, he had n rijrht; perhaps, to con- Lord Dacre nrcsented a petition from her Mai- Lidcr the -King' Ministers were the parties . . . ' ....I'... 1 f .1! i . I A 1 .... L a. . ... eaty, which espressea her extreme rcgrei mat .lagainsi nimannjii eiww i aiKi tney uugmiiuw Kef forihcf peUtiohTiwTW w5u Jifm, msteaif Tsiulngln had now to stale, that she had received a . copy of judgment in that House. Ministers would nev the Bill brought into the House, which appeared eir liavc'surely oflcred her 50.000. a year if they to be founded only on written papers, and that no had believed one-tenth part of the charges against witnesses had been examined Her Majesty also her. lie then proceeded with his argument complained that no list of wltneucs had been pre- against any further delay in this proceeding ; and senteu to ner, ana was anxious to enter uer loi-nmpiorcu mc uounc iu juui k uiv jwuhui muuuu emn protest against the proceedings which had in which the Queen was placed. , aiious steps been instituted, and to pray that she inijht be have been i adopted, all tending ;to stijjmalitelier heard by her counsel. . . . and a sentence Inflicted before it- was passed or After some objections on the part of the Lord even before evidence had been heard against her. Chancellor, it was airreed that the Queen's coun- She therefore thought she had a right to complain sel should be called in to ascertain upon what that the first step towards her trial was to deprive points they wished to address the House. her of that privilege of our law, that all were in Mr. Brougham then appeared at the bar. and nocent till proved otherwise. From all violence expressed the strong objections of the Queen to and oppression, from every species of party feel the mode which had been adopted of proceeding iog, her Majesty now appealed to that House, by a secret investigation, and that the report of They were now trying her by bill ; and might the Committee, which was founded on no ci- won have to try her by impeachment but she dence, was calculated to prejudge the case of her appealed to them for justice,' and she knew that Majesty. He lamented that her Majesty hid trot tne would not have to appeal in vain, since the been heard the preceding night, as it was his in- House was composed of the most illustrious peers, tention to have contended that a bill ought not to both spiritual, and temporal, in JEuroper have been introduced, and that he had strong and Mr. Denman said, he was at a loss to know how weighty matters to object against the bill being to address the House, since the orders of the now proceeded with. House so much differed from the instructions he The counsel then withdrew, and after some de- had recciteU from his Royal Client. Upon the bate, it was determined that the Queen's counsel question of time, however, he could have no dif should be again called in, but that they should fc I faulty in staling, that the wish of her Majesty instructed to confine themselves to the mode and I was, that this pioceeding should be brought to time of proceedings. Counsel having been cal- speedy and complete termination. She therefore led jn, and informed by the Lord Chancellor to desired that, within these 24 hours, she may be the above effect : enabled to meet her accusers, whoever they may Mr. Brougham commenced his address by ex- be. It was impossible, he apprehended that the pressing his regret that be was conbned and tied Secret Committee could have come to its Report down to this one point only, namely, the time and without evidence before them; and. therefore manner in which they were to proceed with this it could not be difficult immediately to produce bill. It, therefore, remained only to proceed to those witnesses ; and for the accuser to proceed the second reading with this apecibc bill; lor he I to prove the charges He trusted he was not war not prepared to propose any fandmlot new J guilty of disrespect, when he said that he found mode of proceedmjr such as that the biu.sbould hrr alt their Lordship proceedings atrainst the be read a third time before it was committed. He I Queen no analogy to those of Courts of Justice could understand that he mhrht argue the time nevertheless, that illustrious Lady called on the ih natrinf villi thft ftamft of the atuHent if it of proceeding to the second reading of this bill. House to suffer her to meet her accusers. I hey contribute its ndte to the treasury of our country's but nothing else; and if he did so, it might be we ic told by the bill, that that with which she was virtues, and cherish in her young men a venera- that it was not tor the counsel to attempt to charged had been continued for six yefars ; why lion for her ancient simplicity if it oppose a dirct the House as to the mode of proceeding, then were not these charges made before I In single barrier to the progress of ridiculous osten- But the question of time was an important one ; ordinary cases of divorce, it was customary to in tat ion and luxury t if such, I say, be the object nd hpr Majesty had informed her counsel to call quire what had been the moral conduct of the of the undertaking, whatever its success may be, for no dely 8t M D.ut rdy entcr l once husband ; and even if that had been correct, there it is an undertaking worthy of a Lycurgus, a Cin- Pn h". 4eicnc? tbi ?Y ??wgfjb.eyj;ouIdA.pr might bean . abandonment onJiis part, which, would cinnatus, a Franklin. . . I to-morrow j aim ici uiein aiso protccu io prove jueprivc mm oi tne remedy. lie sought lor4.ane. the report, and tne strange preamble ol tne bill I however, waved all claim to such inquiry, in or- that verv n!rht. or nert Shft wai even rlam. I ilcr tn at nnr u tK 1... .11 Um .rrnn oroiis for this speedy mode of proceedincr. What, could brine: as w itnesses atrainu her. The names tbecefore, he had to ask was, that the Queen I of all the evidences in every criminal Braying lor fecaevs. It would Lc absurd to thir'a dial they w ere to bring on the examination of the wiiuciars i s-crcn o U(X , iQ-fiiorrow, Vliarl Grey sn id he saw no reason why tW shbuld not proceed to-morrow, as well as on Mon duy and moved accordingly, )t " lyan warnicy aim wixicu mat mc nouse SnOMlJ proceed to-morrow. Ife also implored tnluistcrt to defer the coronation for the present.. :.; ' ' After a few words from Iml Uelhavcn, iU hodse divided; for lotd Liverpool's motion, thai theliousebe summoned for Monday. 51 1 It. 9 mioritv 37. Adjourned. . i UOUtK Of (0UM0M yvir 6. .ltUT PVIL015 l),?e(!R!JlltheJ)otiseof . ordl on 1 oesUay and v cdnesday evening, tela- ive.to the Queen, were read. . i liord Castlereagh' then-ro to explain the Vr 1 - ' ' I m course ne was anoui io pursue : cut u was oh- ect'ed that another motion took precedence of loTdship't. - Va THt JtlLAW COMMlHSrOK. his case were He comes, the herald of a noisy world, Ni n a from all nations lumb'rinjj at his hack. , , , ..... . I-iTEST FROM EUROPE. Fr.ir.rnK, Ai orT 20.-lc ship AmeHca, Capt. Uh. .s1ec0nd lin?c, immediately, in order to go as spce- son in the land who was denied this right and jus itm, arrived at this noH on Saturday allemoon. in 39 dily as possible to the examination of the charges, tice : All former" cases of this kind had been at- iay from IiTcrpool. IK this vessel we have receiVel He implored the house to mike every allowance tempted to be justified on grounds of state ne- I should not be injured by having this bill hanging endorsed on the buck of the Bill presented to the over her; he therefore had to ask that the bill Grand Jury; they were examined on oath in open snouiu eitner De mrown ouc or, at ail events, reaa jt.ourt ; and was her Majesty to be the only per from our Eurcniean Comnpondcnts, Londou i Papers and for the advocate, and not attribute it to the illus- cessity ; but if that had been the case in the pres Llovd's ana Shmnmir Ljs's to Julv 9. and Liverpool PS-I .. ! .u.. . i -,t I s ' .. . ... 1 .. . r.m Sua 1'nees Current to the 11th, inclusive a fowl . ' ... ' Ai.v ito thn Ut-fcro hVn r.i I wwM iw ovucTv Miav sum vi uic ucftt Kivcn ouuovcr six veals i i nere was no snur TL'L Qt'EEX-The Mfan, (aLondon paper,) floors had influence on that house ; and it had probability of any," charged to make it a matter 01 j.uiy sraxes, inai wie Monday preMOiut, uie Auurcs-i w wn w iw w aiuic uctcswiy in mis case, liei nummc ana tirs of the Boroutrh of Soothw ark amt'ot the Coniinon I lowest in the realm. ' God crant that she had been distinct amplication is. that nil th rvi.lf nf e in the all' . '..'".. " I mm' m. . -.1 iuii, Mere n;xscmeaio ner on wjucd occasion the humblest, and not the highest ; she wotild green bag should be communicated to herself and inai ine more I'ould bc. He in the low 1'PPt arafice of two rretn bairs, carried ou the end of a divorce and of pains and penalties could not have est courts of all. have in that (the hig-hest the Jong pole. They were sealed, and one of them had a la. been brought against her, until the verdict of a power joQjndicatingJicrconduct-atthebarof 'vi-mi nmvii riu ti i tiiv iiy Vila m uumwi s tm..n 'ioJ.HJ.jM. r K.t....- i.-... I r.'? ..t j'm. hi.wemu,k aw ih r w kuuw . ior snc was convmcea nWdlierself in the balconv. ami xvas wam!ir iW! alI8e she wo"w havc been fenced round by the they were sifted the more false they v bv the nomiLice.,TMucli amusement waaxcitel bv the! triple shield of British justice. Then a bill of Untreated that her Maicstv should, as XStiM. .... . j liunMlay, tne estnunstcr Jtdtlreas was High IJaififl;sirF.Banlettand Mr. ftobhouse t stv rctui-ncd answers to the addresses. rhrrcd On iu ry-ad gone against her. bv twelve honest, con-1 that House, by overwhclmimr the wimesses' a prosentSby thel ctentibu andi' impartial " tgrhmen'invhbse gainst her, and y shewing that all the duties of liousc. iierHaj.doof the influence of the other party might have mart and wife had been violated, as with respect iihimiu iu, uttMis uue Miigic pdiiiMc oi u ui 11 uau oeen said mat mis was out a uui v VBf.n'ttwwll"cst'rvlth'", could have entered. This was his first reason of Divorce, and not of Tains and Penalties 1 but viniiLrrouivaniiu su sisv i - - , - "I . . - o " leliveriiiethocmyofUie,ml!.sheiuii(lM art tne-same, H he had strength and health to the pitot infamy, and that, too. bvthe Renort of " ' S ' . : ' ... . . I. ..I ' . 1. ' . . . . 4 1 u comes so laie, as h' t nof some use to irt this twenty-five years ago it might' have I urge them see what a situation this illustrious a Secret Tribunal. mSMajtKty; but as we shall not meet I lady Would be Dlaced in if thev LrranterHinv delav 1 he rarl nf l-ivortwi!. ..;,! ,K- ... nJ. -femUn?hP ihe proceedings in this case. He was bound put. by the learned counsel, vvhethe thev could irr uiuni wwiirus iiKwvn. hiiu nail wuuiw iu ctchi . .... ,l4 ,l !.. t. J j,.'!. 1 a.; 1 . .. ., I. . ' . , tmU..UA h iuw n. . iurusnio uau ueciaeu inai procceu tome second readincr lttrtnediate vz or iWfcd iir 'ihomas to- convclbese seatiH.ents totlielulc,c w ""peaenmem, irom tne colour i put it oil lor the, ends ol SJlbstantiayuielie yk'T fcww.,,. ,., , . 6f the transactioris or they wuld pot have made could assure the house that no unnecessary delay . .r.uu U1.n nn9 wen 1 iiii.uniniin: iiminu mc inclusive wcuiiainieu wun mc eviuence in a case snouici take Place in the nroirress of the bill but Qi'i Mi Ihnt (h nuict 1'ilu.ml iiitniGi.. if huumv i. mill ki I ...nil .1 ; ..L.'r'."'r .. .- I ... 1 v nw un. , . d- n . 1 , W-' ri'- m wruicn mey migni soon no caned upon to mkc. on Monday nes lU-e. ' T - 1 I ins, in justice to the consistency of their ldad-1 second reading. He therefore moved, that the -:-j4:AIJAN.WITNESSB$.-A riot took pLicc at Dover "fP 8 proceetungStne was oouna to neiieve ; Jut house be summoned for that day. on xIk landing of 12 Italian witikssi s, (ll men and one how could he tell whether her Majesty did or Lord Holland said, the illustrious person asked won-an,)Ht.-aiiwttheQ..eeii. The w itnesses were allot did not. when sailing oliout the Mediterranean for immediate inquiry ; and this beintr an extra, the West orders. The ir.ob fell tmon -them .ami beat iih ihitiw.:mh uAu i ;r:i..if.. i .J ".' an extra- them mcwttinmercifullv. . ,.Ki;a . J ..u. u,u,a,y Fiiwai;, paruRing oi tne nattireo u oiaocriC-tuc. Uioli, Sir R. Ferguson then rose to bring forward his motjlotr on the subject of the-'Milan commission.' """ From a review of the course pursued by minis ters towards the Queen, he said it was manifest bat -her majesty's great crime was landing In .' England ; for immediately . on that event takW ; . place, the green bag was produced. At the hquso of commons had refused to open that bag, he . . . i. . et. . r . couiu oniy spcaa: oi its contents irom conjeciurc. and report. I his bag, he said, originated wit ji ' the vice-chancellor of England, who had sent out ' ; a gentleman practuing in his court to MiIan: whose ptinc)ial recommendation seemed to be,, that he understood no language but hisowni- ' 1 his gentleman collected number of uets, an4 " ' put them, together io the bag. He (Sir R. Fer:, guson) strongly objected to this mode of, pro- . ceeding: he complained of the appointment cf - a secret committee, and of a bill which fcondem- ned her majesty unheard. This Milan comrniv sion, he said, had cost the country an Iramehsc . , sum of money the first five months a sum sur- ' ; Dcicnt to tiestroy tnecnaracier oi any man worrisn existing in Italy. Tbe gallant General,:-! concluded by moving for t copy of ,the cemmis- ' ion and instructions issued for taking the depo- . sitions on the continent since heMnajesty a de parture from England, and the turns expended, 1 . and by whose order issued... 'fv.v ".' ' J.ord Castlereagh said, that the inforrutloti asked for could not be consistently giun U' prcs-' ent. Jhe commission was sent out in conse quence of information which ministers hn l re ceived from the continent, and which they cc-M not pass over, without inquiry .He defended tlz conduct of the vicehancellor,andof the gentle man sent to Italy, and complimented the purity of bis manners f a laugh.) . He should be ready . to give every information when the proper pc-';-j riod. ar rived. After tome further, ohser, vauonsj heinoved the previous qucstioni- . '-;; .r Mr. Crcvey. contended that; the .present yrzx the fit lime for bringing forward this motion- ' i The house had a light to have ,lhe vicc-chancel-i-lor before them ; as. but for such Intermeddling "- the whole of the diherences might- have, beei j , settled. It rvas the officious Mr. Leach that had kept these unhappy diflerences alive, and tboj;- vindictive spirit of the king Order, order- O der.) Ministers had negotiated with the Queen ' - at St. ,Omers, and afteiwardt jn London, after ? they, had been in possession of theseWost serious. charges. The question betwixt the king and the - queen was a private matter ; and the kmg was to be put in the same state as any other man woo applied for. a divorce. -Tobe. entitled lo mst remedy, the king must come with clean hands into court.... (Order)... .on such an occasion... c r,l !1J .tkr".' i nc previous question was men cameo, out a division. . ':rt;...iii Lord Castlcreaeh must express hit strong s6nse of surprise and regret at the speech of the honorable treiitleman, ( Mr. Crevey4l ia which he ' had thought proper to make a personal attack on . tne sovereign. rucn rpiioeis no maw - - ' tied to apply to that illustrious personage j 1 lor w no one could they lie loss applicable." "Nothing could be less vindictive than the conduct, ot majesty. He (lord C.) would now efer to thd message trom the throne,which Tie inter.aca i have done in the earlier part of the Cfcning.i the house of commons, the question, he though should be kept open, and In a suspeuiii. concluded state. Thouirh the howse.ot wro would pi obably-scnd downabill4o-lhat h0056; yet, by jWssibiliiyj the in the other house. He shouldmove that the order of to-morrow, for rcsumtrig the adjourned debate, be postponed to the pih of AuguMf m ( the house was not sitting, atihere was no Ue lihood.it would Income a lapsed wden- - r M. AY. Ridley said, that the questfon before the house was hot a- private W a public 0"c ; and, according to his viewr thh parties were public on the one hand, and ie Queen on the other. He regretted thatlhe address to the ( Queen had not been acteU h-M aetd compro- If U... ikAnnlil , Vi Ufr0 nCTSinSt tC Queen well founded AVas it consistent wi ic magistrates were i he (iuten Jias tfiken the Villa sitvutcd on Tc-.ruce, .belonging to Sir. Kali,- forlier surtirticr resi- ccssary 1 m itiaita. or in some other of the kinw' Hnmin. Lirit nf ui,.inJ... ....-1 u:n .: -r ... . . nw.t wivii. migni renuer ammpeaenment ne-tties.inaii such cases d hir is .t.pnii. nd penal P lltMlfill .l . tie took it Tor granted that the House the noble lord could nnf. ihrfiit. "till nn lUr. 1 he revenue cf Gr-Brin U eonskk-raldv irnnr Iu. In!V hwluUih .' l...,l A i l , 7 oi. u,c .uiuie Ol tne justice to keep a second court of inquiry hangup over the Queen, should she be acquitted by tne first ? He should niovc that the first order 1 discharged. - .. . Unl Castlereagh itatcd, that no criminal pro ceedings could be founded oiUhe green bag t!f ihu ucn tail vf T , v.. ,... 1 un mu un; eorreaooii-1 -'I'l.. I fi Ha-. M .kVilA i-. l---ii ...... . . . . . ' M itnna, ctuttJ. thut thm rountrv would f wi,k .CVCiwi.nt. ,kV hrl heen deliverer by his honorable ftiendt (Mr. Ceycy,) and mmistcrt Verc bound to stand 4ip-for tiic.cna actor of tififfiffiO h iiuWSuc nBiSuTnl ldr'hwUM lr . . .. .:! ..... JPVwd oil tM1 .nc. However, or tne rousw:

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