.1 -t S . t. 11. f Mt! uhaN-Vr th Mate inj!rci, 11 ioul the turn ful htrjin ulinirc,...,n rr. I Mi ft !ub U the rugged, hf' pine, 4 !, 11- " ;" T1ti frown on many a vavc-heat shore, WonuuV tlic tic xlcr, grartful vine, Whoe curling tendrils" rmnd it twine,'. - -- And deck its iwi-4 Urk wUv Vr rr-r ' hn is the rock how towe ring crnt Nods o'erthe mountain's JwmtrsiuV. ; ' ' Woman's the soA and mossy vest, That loves to clavpJu sUril bn-ust, - Ana wriaut lis urow m vvrtuni pnuc. Han is the cloud of coming atom),' Dark M llic raven's murky plume. Pave where the mm-beam, light aiwl warns Of woman's soul and womau's fonn,. Gleams brightly er the gathering gloom. Yes, lovely sex, to you 'tt given, . To rule our hearts with angel sway, llkiVd with each wo" a LTIifuI haven. Change earth into anniliryo heavcUt . Aud sweetly smile our cares away.. j :, V - ' TIMlLB rirrv. ... 'Hi wert to sec tlte opening row? spread its fair bownn to the iky, Tin twect to view at twilight's cloc . The heaven's benpanglcl canopy. Tin sweet, amid the vernal grove, To hear the thrusVs A n cut l y. Or lark, that wing his flight abou To bail the dawning of the day : Uutwecter Cr ubialen's eye, . I 'pnicd to heaven in pious prayer ; ll hcn, bathtd in tcan, vile looks on high. What sacred eloquence is there ! ' O ! irwccter far that sacred name, u My Father !M uttered by her tongue ; Anl swetter when her heavenly flimic A.icculs in pious, holy song. O ! sweet, hen on the bended knee, Her thoughts, her spirit, mount r.buvc, In pioiw, deep-felt ecstacy, To realms of pverbisting love. Variety's tli very npice of life, That'gfves Ft 'all T( Havor HH EDISlf L.1DIES. Hurried away by kings, palutes, and statues, I have, to my shame, (my cheek reddens while I vritc,) staid thus long in Stockholm ere 1 noticed those, without whom a crown is unenviable, aiu) of whom the most graceful images of art are but imperfect imitations. The Swedish ladies, in general, are remarkably w ell shaped, en bon point, and have a fair transparent delicacy of, complex? ion, yet, though the favorites of bountiful nature, strange to relate,. ihy are more disposed to con ceal than display lhoe charms, which, in other countries with every possible assistance, the fair possessor presents to th'e enraptured eye to the best advantage. A long gloomy black cloak cov crs the beautiful Swede when she walks, con founding all the distinctions of beauty and defor mity find even her pretty feet, which are as neat and as wcty turned as those of a fine French wo man, re.seJdom seen without the aid of a favor ing breeze. Even the sultry summer has no in fluence in withdrawing the melancholy drapery ; but I am infornfed it is less worn now than for merly. Qften have I wished that tj.c silk-worm had refused its contribution towards Ihis-tantali- .ffjygjwgccalmeptj Hipcan f.l pre sstd m Ameiirun lull, the ahori ginrs of this country were not uiucfjiuintrd will the art of warfare. The fio culled) Ktonn Mount - j i. - . - - hitt, is a rock much in the iluijxjof aaugar loaf it U upvrartls'of two thouiand fee) In height, finl x)tti four miles in .circumference ht the bottom. One aide of the rock project! forward seventy or eighty led ; the height from below U awful al most tcrnfic.! Un the other aides you have a gradual ascent to about three-fouiths of the way un i when you come io ft level space fifty ftet wide, hat extends entirely around the rock. On the. outward side of -this level are fortificatloni. except on that side which projects forward t where, indeed, none are necessary.--' 1 bejotiifi catioim ate us feet wide (.and in places where the rocks have nrft been made use of ait a source pf amusement Mo the iaitors in rolling tlicm down the side" of Ihlijuggcd rock, they arc 12 feel hlghnTiVniTc ana iCtnUt fohff.The"na- tivc Indians can in no way account why and wlica moc loriiiicauons were maicr It certainly is a stupendous memorial of Indian valor and industry. After paisiDglbirfonificplaccTandiralnlng tire 8tmni.it of this rockjjyou then are indeed well paid for the futigue and danger of ascending so mgn. it is imjossioie to convey an idea ot me grandeur of the sight you behold! Wrapt in wonder and meditation, it is some time ere your conlused and, humen ideas can well comprehend the sublimity of the scene. 4 will only remark, that the Allegany and Cumberland, or (Ireat Lau rel Judge, Mountains, the latter two hundred and twenty miles distant, are dUthktly seen from this " mother of rocks." A T! AVELLEK. WOK Till MEW'IOBK UTATfUMJff, lisiUci-a of a Yir2iiUn...aVo. 4. S AHA TOO A, :sf,:'.'eir "iiiockholm dbpkayeij'fi'omc'bewhcliing scceders from this abominable habii. This custom arises from the sumptuary laws, which forbid the use of colored sdks. - : The1 Swedish- ladies are gchcrally hichlvac eompUsheand eaklWit h fluency lh rrencw and Cermani and thcnV tenderness and sensibility by nqroeans'pirtake of the severity of tneir northern climate ; yet they exhibit two stri king characieristics. of.. Jumsical-pruery'-Pin' a passing, tie streets S wedish ladf nt v'Bldoks lehind herf nor does she evtr wejedme the ap proach or cheer the departure of a visiter bv tier mitting him to touch the cherry of her lips ; the anient admirer of beauty must be content tosee v ;" .. ....welcome ever smiles, - A'mI farewell jes out sighingvi- 7t'tr, 1 820. My dear II In my last letter, I suggested some of the ad vantages, which not only this village and its iin- idiatc vicinity, but the state would derive from these sprint's. At first thoucht it mav seem to you a whimsical notion, that, they will also be of kiwi iiwuuriiiuce in national noinior view: our on reflection, I trust, you will agree whb me that such an idea is not wholly visionary. . Indepen dent of the medical virtues of these fountains, the waters of which, it may be said in a literal sense, will be for the hcalinir of the nation, there are other considerations still more important. One of the nrinciDal arguments made use of in favor of establishing a National University at ttr...L'.. i . . aauiiiKiun, wu, mat n would onng together persons from all parts of the United States, soft- en local prejudices, assimilate them in sentiment. habits, and manners, and connect them by the 1 1.. f i r . j i mi uc ui mummy uuu jncnosnip. i nis argument tn tavouroi such an institution has great weight. The durability of the Union, and strength of.our government deperid in a creat measure on nuhlic opinion:; Und ahbiild the period ever arrive, when it shall be clearly for the interest of different sec- lions of the United States to separate from the "v ine,r Dantls0! mutual attachment and friend ly intercourse will constitute the only ligaments to bind us together. Believing, as I do, that the greatness, DrosDeritv. and harming nf thi rmm. try, depend almost entirely on a continuance of the union, I have always contemplated with great pleasure any event, which migh weave a new tie either of interest or friendship between distant parts of our Common country. For this reason. the fondness for emigration which is so peculiar iu "mcjitrtu Liuzen, nas always appeared to me a.fortunate.trait in his character f since these estlcss tides of nonulation. alternately from state to state, wilt, by constant agitation, like me waters ot tne ocean, mingle into a uniform mass, l He immense emitrrations from the east ern and middle to the western and southern states ought rather to be encouraged, than checked by inose wno wisft for a perpetuity of the Union. Although the eiaitrrant. at the distance of hundred miles, may no longer be bound to the piace ot his nativity by the ties of intnett ; yet the silken cords of affinity, friendahin. and utter. Hon, remain unbroken, and eraonle hh heart to . ' ... a i ..t - " - - the country he has left behind. As he climbs the summit ot the Allegany, and descends into tne vaie ot the Mississinm. he wi 11 -often r viol ence the feelings of Goldsmith's Traveller : , f IVhere'cr I roam, whatever land to see, Mv heart untravell'd fondtv inmitn t!i . J.. . 1- . . ' . ' CAUR. V - ..--TflOJI THE A-UGL'STA. CHRONICLE. is fill ha , f'reVL InA'i - frnmfhe Inie-tftM separates that nation from And drags at each remove lenrtlieninir chain.' Nature has no barkers that cairuerrupt the in tcrcourseot the heart. Mountains may riseland waters roll between ; kindred states without dis solving the charm of early associations and at tachmentsk " The Grecian exiles used tn fc?nti ' says an elegant writer. " Iomen eia Aihe;iA. us srtf and we may suppose,; that the emigrant to the wilds bf the west pi south will gftejn.say ta his Tamil van J f.irnM. i ..o.i -.., ,.,v.u wuriauiers, ana revive the memo- rv 6f Other veai'S.- HrHeve rA ' tn.il,.A .t litkms: aftmdred fenni , o- u. mv ...w..-...v .uujr wAiic iccierai government. VV hen these shall cease iperatei , our constitu- uon win crumoie to pieces Kike a fabric of sand. Hence it is, that I am a warm advocate of ail those measures, whether of the governments, vhich have a tendency to facilitate iiic iiucouLse oetween cJitterent sections of th country. .The oublic voaHft. hirh Kb- t horned by the natiohaT'government, and the grcai water communicauons which have been un derlaken by the state of New.Y lrr iet ed m other statesjywill form ligaments, not meie. Iv of interest, but of social and fliehriu'. itiir vwu.s ivi tivv-Aiswry 'ana: imppi lunt, as-cjiugra ... .. ... 1 f 1" , . . Hon iumruM.es, tr.'l tlte tcvcralLi:tc..;quifChrv nai cicanuncss, una kindnus of tlipouitlo'i t intnc M- and now fci-lingi. , . - one another, which the children are tauch't i I5ut in this lonj; CHsion, I haVo fclmoHt o these schpoh, are Ucssinrs which more im.,' (.mv. iht Lhesri i .1 ' . . . ,iIjnir. 7 .....v.. - v. ----I mau-iy rrgaru tneprcscnt Jile. and whih . 1 spiHi .will te cf great luiriahce In a nut tin t0 ofJcn anJ ftlnciiorate thfi j f'l tmint of view. Wc mav take it for prantedthat kj .... ... n . . . . . . '"lures '.a c.:...., itn 1". ,!.ftf society. uutoauDath bchoolic Of Ihv (iod ta the rnnvrrimn rsf k I. Jr. 1 . wan imij- iiaj'i'iij vtij.u iui niv piiuvi'ii-v - v.. t.iv liiUIVIuU3( spring, since tht rc is actually, asiemweu oipunu i nc salvation oi.me immortal ioul is the ulti- nam w m w ma i aa m saw j r mm . m jm mmw m w. n a - - - ' , . --TJfF, - wm . mm w SVMIf a ft. 1 a r . A il im;)Urcq ui)ueri,. tpucciea irora evcry.unon the country; from Eastport to New.Oilcaos, and LL. K..r,u .tr. :.nirec?lv" from the' Ocean to the Lakes, dail, breakfast. V'm"' V. -v.r . well 4S 10 the . r '-"i :-itnoiar. H, , , -7 IC :, and converse toiteth- r . . , . .7 " m""'" oi-. At dinner to day, the lady on my right was r.Hl.c4 l5c cLr!Plu !fons which come uni -.Vi.-:-.i.urj- r.v i t7. r hler review, he becomes better armiim,! NaUhec-4 had t he hpnorof drinking'wine with mf and ts reaHj instructed himscItwHiUt he -ladies Ind gentlemen of all latitudes from the teaches others. In giving to the children, he 30th to the 45th and danced this evening with deceives himself i nnd DerhaDS there ar prartnersfrrim lhe- Eailcmr5IiaIcituthem;Kii'd pcfesihtc circumstancci in which the haonine.. V.?.V.ern ,tat"' ' . V , ,1" ' K g',v',nS,S morc Purcl' 'tlished.thaawhile- Ihis conitress oL taste and-fashion sneet -on I ti f..:,i,f.ii c.i,r:. re.v'V ' ..i " T .u . r li e i t i Vr i.T't ,,, umuoi icacner it enw. ermi the most favorable for butylng local feel' Lit i commnniratm th,. i:r. STB; o . w, ms turns .attentive. pupils.. w...h,V.V; n: - But the blessing of these Inttitutions arc . not confined to the individuals yotisee in tl e iiinui iuuui. & iicv arc carried nome ht th. lifiused amonrr their, families 0 ww inurs and prejudices, and for beinc: mutually picas ed with one another. Unlike .the members of the national congress at Washington, who are too often actuated by sectional pride, ambition, envy, and jealousy these delegates assemble with no other object than to amuse and be. amused to fteasc awl be pleased. If. there are occasional its of ie-louv between rival beauties and livul 4 - beaux and now and then a contest for superiori ty in the splendor of dress and equipage these feuds are seldom governed by gcogrgiJcal tmcttont, or terminate in an open rupture,. 1 he multitude of conirreirated stranirers live together long enough to exhibit their accomplishments, and the agreeable traits in their characters, with out meeting with circumstances to call forth their disagreeable feelitigs and angry passions. Pleas ure has made ten persons mends, where business and the ordinary intercourse of life has made one. The festive board and social class, although thev sometimes- make eTiemie57:hatei6ng' been the most successful intercessors for conciliating and preserving friendship. You know of many a wealthy politician in the ancient dominion, who depends, more on the fascinations of his bottle, than of his talents and attainments, for the ore- servation of his influence. In the moments of conviviality, we forget our picjudices and bury our animosities. When I am takinar wine with a Philadelphia!!, conversing with a New-Yorker, or leaning down the dance with a fair Bostonian, I forget that these are all from nn-lcnc toldine tdtet) and that we are probably complete anti podes in politics. You will begin to think, by and by, that I am under nc-rAern ivjlutncc a phraso which, thanks to the unanimity-and sound policy pfjhc .south is noil yet- known -in our- eotintryv But cive yourself no uneasiness mv Virginia pi i in i pics remain unshaken, althou gh, to ac knowledge the truth, iny errors, prejudices, and antipathies, have been in many points corrected by an intercourse of only a few days with the people of the north. The same change of sen timent and leeling is visible in the intercourse of others from the north and south, who mingde to gether in all the amusements and social enjoy- uiciii. ui uic mate wun a cortuaiiiy, wnicn po liteness would not , require and could not coun terfeit. Indeed,' I am convinced, that the. pre judices of the south' against the north, and vice versa, arise in a great measure l ram a mutual ig norance of each other; and that many hundreds, not to say thousands, will leave the springs this season, with more knowledge and with corrected opinions of the character, manners, and habits of the different sections of our country. It will be lound, that the people of the south are not all ty rants, nor the people of the north all bicots. and that although different modes of education, and local habits, may -have produced some striking peculiarities in opinions and manners, vet these are not so offensive and disagreeable as has been 'r a k ST m . a a ... represented. ii he etlcctsof this intercourse will, in time, be great and salutary. It willbri ig per sons together, who otherwise would probably nev er have met. Newacquaintances, new fricud ships, and in some cases, still nearer alliances will be formed, which will constitute the strong est - union and harmony.' vThe visitants' to the spnngs are ,oinmoaly;the moat'itflueutial part Of "society ; and parting, as in v m ost cases they will, mutually pleased with each other, their onin- ions will have great weight in the circles in which 'i inn 'vu i-fMi, ...... Yr"' vw:i4wM irtmi to the rrntttf. in tlu improyemt respect to authority, p-rsO j a f. a. . children, and difiused amonir their.famlli and netghUorhood. - Parents, brothers, slaters. ami irirv.nli Loam. .U.. .L 1 . ' .v. vi iavuiih, itarcra in me improve ment which the youqfj people have made it school. Many remarkable instances cai be mentioned where Sabbath School children have been the means of awakening' a Itlig' ous concern in tpe" minds of theif parents, whicn Has issued in a real conversion to God. We may add that the dutici of the Sabhitth School can be atteuded to by those, who have perhaps no other opportunity of makiher them selves useful in the cause of Christ. They do not jnterlcre.with,cithcr business or health splendid abilities are not required, arid as to other benevolent engagements; we may kafely aflirm that the employments of the achpbl wifl rather prove a hejp than a bindranceV C The excuses that wc sometimes hear cf such as want of time unfitness for the duty inconvenience in the hours, 8cc are really of. toor trifling a nature to bear the test of scncuJ t reflection. ' The time occupied in the school Is not lost- , but is spent as it ought to be, and your uit- ness for the duty we cannot adrattt until yoa -have made a fair trial, and have been dijapoint-. . ed. We allow that some degree of iriconven- J. ience must be sustainetlrnir woalri -ytm only offer to the Lord that which cost you nothing t Pcrhaps'some may suppose that the business V of the school Intrudes upon the sanctity of the -Sabbath, but the Sabbath School teaAet findsj a sufficient warrant for his conduct in the pre 1 vvjyt. nuu UI me ONV1UUT IlimSCIl, HIIV y. declares that it is lawful to dt i well on the ( Sabbath' day. '"Cx -:" But wc know that there are manywho have J as yet done nothing for the poor and ignorant i youth, around- them, merely- from inattention " and inclifferencc to the subject. We would v beg of such persons to look at any group of i young Sabbath breakers, engaged in pastimes v when they should be engaged in worship and to reflect, that each little ragged boy pos- f. scssts a never-dying soul, which will be un-:;: speakably happy for ever.and ever, or beeter-f nally sulject to the most unutterable torment. ? While he swears and lies and breaks the Sib ; bath, he is hurrying on to the place of torment; , but by your taking him to school and instruct ing him iri the Scripture?, he may become ac'-f,' quainted with Christ Jesus anchis salvation which will make him a partaker of the joys of heaven. We ask you to say whether the vast . alternative he not worthy of an.e'forUO'niV. moderate calculation it may be presumed that every active and regular teacher hvajSabbatH School khlc; inheiSjurs I six children to read the;NcwTeamcntwho wt re previously ignorant of their letters ; and : does it not therefore foHdwithatwiypers0 who is capable ol communicating this mstruc- . . . . . w . i who is ra i an exempiiacation of the opinions advanced I V . . : -a r. in this letter, it was my intention to havetlded t,on a ld wh? W ? .1 . .l a... i .- . 'a -' - - tne suusiance 01 a conversation, whuuv iiveuLAP year chargeable with thevMitftoJLilcno ter dinner tc-day with an intelligent Rentleman so maq' PerQns f fuim n A rF it.. . ..... . 1 . . . - TA . . . . . . 1. . . , uuui wus wi me caaicm biaics, n wai most ten-i uo -lot, we intreat you, pu aside tne qu'- der of ir subjectstfl lbelonrs7others--it "n tne ciock nas already struck laod fatigued with nothing to me; - Is itBothicf toyou that soul the pleasures of .the day, I have at present only are rerishinfr for hek nf 1-Ar.wlrflr.e while it : I time tosayahal thcresultoftw'de r$J, l r.J. uea". is in yoiir power to assist tliem ? Ts it nothing IU9 suuciicu nuwn my pre uuices a-i. . v Licaxiiai. liiu cat.i vui.ii r-'t air rpvinri fin mn rAhiinii a J satan ai)d his emissaries are active are indifferent? Is the shortness of . r .1 While VOU onnositirm tti tlv.rv n r- r... .u:.. I tune, or the immeasurable lencth ol eternu W A-MM I llll I I I 1 1 . I t - -LT T - ----- - - - any renunciation of my southern principles. I nothing o you ? Or does the example of a ..... o ...... .I. UIC limn avcr, uiaia proiuoition toiiipassionaic oayiovr, wno vveniaixiuv mw-o to hold slaves would" be a gross violation of the g90tl, appear to youfof np Concern ? uome-iorward,- tryerrftmcrToin-Tn-a-"' which, if it creates sojne incohvemence,creatt also a muliipiiciw intewMTnrfpleasurej La . r buroumlf;; "2 k Wh)chyou te;krl t approve. Scutfiem Evan IrJclij , iy .1 . J;,". v ' - ... . . 'XT. :