T rostrofissT. Tin fommtinlmtlon, (with the arCchj enclosed,) from Iredell county, U umkr consideration, ' M WctUrn Cantilanm was received top Lte for this jrcck'i paper Ut shall appear la our ncit. f i pursuance of the resolution we formed immediately after tbe subject of estabEshing a New College In the i.tmott efforts, through lire medium of tbe Witter Car WmontXfuiUnnc9 of the design, we this week Insert t.uo article! concerning it i one of which is extracted from the National Intelligencer, the other from the RaMgh Itrgiater j and we aliall continue to watcli, with I scrutlui zing eye, every movement tlut maybe made in any man nrr connected with it, and carefully publish, firt and run, nil tint U said, done, or printed, relating to the subject Tlic National Intiltfgenccr talks In quite ah admonitory atj 1c advises us to unite in family concord, and every one contribute hi mite towards swelling our present In ftilution into a mammoth ! Indeed, Mr. Galea, we are rrcr ready to rvecive u Iiolesome aJx-ict; but, sir, do you ippuse tiiai. auu,uw itviepcnaeiu vieiaern taronnians are to be cajoled out of a great and laudable project- one which is fraught with more permanent benefit t6 the . rtrlt generation,' considered in reference to the march of reason and intelligence through the darkest borden f the earth, tlian any other that could be pursued --by a fv tender motherly paU on the shoulder? MTajirw : It it proposed, in the state of North-Carolina, to esta! Pull a second University, to lie situated in the Western part of the state. As an evidence of the ucwre of know l- -At. thr nnmoaition is. in that view, creditable to those ."who have conceived it. .The . mnjtipbcaUon of srliools for teaching the elements of knowledge, is an object of high interest. We should hit to sec them distributed throughout the wide expanse of the Union, as they in fact are in some of the Nrw.England states, in the pro portion of at leant one to every nciirhborliood. rtut does ' " this principle apply with equal forte to the multiplication . of Universities, designed to promote the cultivation of the sciences, and ot the higher branches of physics, math ''ematics. and polite literature? We apprehend not . North-Carolina nay bo, and no doubt is, able to support t-t well endowed Colleges; but an augmentation of the - means f the existing Institution, an enlargement of the . sphere of its studies, and a cordial and liberal support of : It, would, it seems to us contribute more to the diffusion t if njoful knowledge throughout the state, and perhaps " ' ' more to the elevation of its character. There are in tlie .il United States already more Colleges than can command " iri cumpetent profeasors i and it ia certain, that Degrtn are rr.r jjtanted with a facilitv whicli deprives them of ail their ' ' ' Viiie. It was otherw we in the learned world, when even uJ:- Samuel Johnson, in tlic meridian of his fame as a scholar : ind philosopher, waa long refused a degree, and at last 'TCwitli difficulty obtained one, because there had been ' '. tome negligence or defect in tbe pursuit of his scholastic v 'exercise,' - Jfatitnai Intelligencer. CWZw. Tlie friends of Literature in the Wes tern part of this State' are desirous of establishing a new ' fohVge in one of the Western Counties. Several pio 1 I I .1... C. V.. I ZJS Q" lnl, wiojeci nave appeareu in uiu.aaitauury paper, C 'v .. and it i ill probably be brought before the IgiHlature at 'U rayu of the tun la Its mcit'.Ln iptcnd.ir I IWfiitp niu-t cccf momitntnu to perpctuMr tiicir fame I 'I lis present Kenerutioi. ji nA !ij poied to fvor theni with a wroth. of lurcl ! ) J degenerate t&, why not reward il.ii mlnhtv hoit of wort hie ! , Wo Lclicye tlut tliii cabal i at nifrhotiuum In time repccti, ai that which exhtfd ia the tlmd of the unfortunate Kin" Charles. , ' . . - t ' , , Wehire un(!ertood.that this aaunt cabal are aoniettmei ' Jo 1 the habit of .lending pctldom to the Pofttmaiter(.rnrni)i for the. r3urjoc of re moving PoAttnatte n from oflice. ' They act to the true mfMliMlc character t they hand about a secret petition to none but members of the catwl. Thy take care to not have U nultedat the'ofTiCc whose postmaster they "design to removeKoT they fear, their designs rtjight be suspected, and the object of their Intrigue might nave'an op portunitjr to defend himself. , 1 1 : -M)ove not yet ascertained whether thls cabu) li composed of men oT sense gencrallyor'wliei ther -there- is av demajfORmC-for rinpr-leader.) amon; thtm, whose superlative (jtuIiOcations entitle him to the honorable office of PresMeot. It may be that their rules and" regulations' do not admit of a president t pei hnps they have a flothaw, with two tails. This is, mo doubt, a title more appropriite to thvtr msriher of proceeding We have been i In formed that' a ccbal, not long since, made an attempt to7femovf"a poitmaster from oflice In a small village h North-Carniin-i by the name of f Concord." The'petiioft was handled precisely in the manner above descrfocd. Cut unfortunately hr that'bonorahk yi.d vcUr meaning cabal , it appears, t hat -1 he Pa t in nsf e r- XJeneral hus not responded favorably to 'tliJ-ir 1e signs ; And lie has acted widely, too. I he Postmaster-GenernI is a m;n wIio'jr clHtracter stands above suspicion; and c are. i itin th&t he is acquainted whh the postmaster .d'C'oncord i and we are equally certain that he will not re' move him from oftVe. si, Ions as he conducts that oflice as well as he his hitherto done No thing but a charge of impropriety of conf'u:t represented to the PostmaMer-dtneral bv men whom he can confide in, will ever cause the re moral rjf said postmaster." a n o r s i-cnt'on. fomr t'u r ijve ss-frt.-ij, tLU irery agehss lrgtnrrated i from AiLm to Noah, am! frvm (Nali to t!e prncnt day, t!rg. ncrury l as marled tlie .c j of erring nan. lint i!l a eompurinon of one age (if the worU kith sucCCL'ng age narrant ud a roncluiton Should we not find rather that th darkiHM which eov emltht woiHiike a tlack elotuUhaSb-cn gradually tB minihin, uiiUl a degree of brightness gild the Imrion f Let tit, then, believe that we still luVe 44 great men iH men uhuas mlnds'src enlightened by the liglit of ripe Hence, :and wtosd bearti glow, with a Vaon and enno bllng patriot wm and Si1o4 would tourh the "aarrd be quest of tlie heroes if tli revolution only to enrich if, We are c!ceply Impreiird witli tlie importune and vuhii of tbe liberty which wt h;hf ritranl shall alremioujity rn deaVbftorcsTiSeTlierth and unadulteruted i tut do not desire to consider it, like the bws of the 5tcdc ami Persian, 'unaltcrahle. fqual rcprcscutatioa' is tbe life aiuj mmi! tf n publican irortitu Xvmir-lutikt the cliart o inie- libe.ile. 4t.cure.thla (lestig io1ultVtmay tltf w Mtnfied wtUi tb9 constitution r a it i w Idle his section eif the country ha twice the wogl'1 jiuty entitled to. .rut such an asuiBptton of power is in opposition to the spirit of our eoiuktitullotti and we conikb r Oie prcs ent apportionment of our represi n tat ion as a foul blot on this iiwtrument a stain which it is incumbent on w to remove. It wa not the intention of the frame r tf our constitution, that Miis inequafity should exist j and short of such an aiiMmlment we slikll not be contented to stop. It is a degree if perfection we must arrive at j and Inoc. tlvity in its accomplishment would Indicate a want of thut spirit wliicli actuated our fcttlicrs in the achictenK'i.t of our inlcpcudencc. , , Mil bunyk JtMimLt ,. COXTEATIOX. The subject of a convention, no doubt, will be brought before the fcirislaturc at the next session. It sen-is to Vow Fupetlnilte Cazetlr, In consequence of a recommendation of tluCltambrr of Commerce at Philadelphia, a meeting of Um- uterchajits cf that city was held some weeks s'ik c, to take into m sMeratien the proprictvof adopting tucasuna reluiixe to the tariff proposed at the last acsiiiei of 'onijTeM. litis 1 proc'eding has been friIVnred bv simikir meeting in nu. ' . i .u . . i .i - .i! . i. . . i i uv ut 1 1 iv wjiuiH-rv;:u uiwui in iuc nuruiern siau-a, v iitcu have, resulted in the expression of wiitimcnU deciledly oppt&td o the system of protecting duties s,iggesed by the niaiiufacturing class. It seems that the perse vtrimr efforts of the manufacturini; interest hare pniduccd con- B.itrkJie aiarni in oic comnicrciia communrry or vne norv uicni ami inuiuie states ana preparations will, no uounf, b made to give the lutional legislature, at the next ses sion, an opportunity of hearing both sides of the qucs !t:on. The manufacturers will petiUoj j flic merehants will remonstrate i shrewd calculatioim of profit ami tm l...- . r - i t . . nave excucu consinerauic uncre among our wr.-rn bemttlobv j, partiM tllC ,4 Congrro hftwf hfn Aiul iiruAmmnn tiifSfanai Isisvaw Kasn IsiLawtl tn a.i. . ..... ... 0 Ml V.IMill) Pin UIIVI'IIIIIIVIS HIV MH V Mf " - vince the people of its nccctwitv. Tlie great champion of the measure, who figured in the senate at the bst scs&ion, unfortunately for them, will not be a roembe r of tle next j and we, 'ho tliink a convention unnceens.irj, and are illing to live under tlic constitution in its pres ent form, have also to regret the absence of omc pt those who effectuallv allowed its inutifitv, and stopped the tor- rent of innovation. We do not pretend to assert that there are no imperfections in tlie constitution, or that it a penevi uisiruincni uu; . are .uppuacu w auuuta tions; for experience shows that when we commence, it Is uncertain here we.will stop. At the time that the etinstittitron was f jrmed,"MO one xiifl pittcmt tfiat we had not as great men as we have at present. St mle tins w acknowledge it may be sait that government, like the arts and sciences, is progressive : w hile wo freely admit this, yet it is a fact that it is also a ibject to degeneracy. We arc somewhat like the eirL wl.o, on bemrtolduy her father that if she married she would do well, but tint V- i in iU roiif tf a ptt,ti? n.tr.re now g.nprr here, frrili eialcncrs t Uo entcrpri.'.i.ig vj.'mt tf tPz ritiscn, ho rtflrr no Inroum.L n'M prii iiioiii from thtir gem nd d sire to build up srd alni tli? eity, tr . tidrs the t'aplti., the Centre Itailbngof ahiclt u Ut ad."" t anrcd, and exclave of pr.iut buihbngs s.rcnty or ijshty in number, we reckon the fullowingiinprmvmciit t of a pubHe uMurr, h'..:h a.- ituw carr'cd tn by indMJ, uai miosTrijiin or irom uu e4rporat;on funL , I IIC IV IU1, -i . . - A new ('athofie Church. . A new Presbyterian t'hureh. 7 ' . A.i aVlition to Ire'ij Vrian Chtur'i near the dapltdj, An aldition to St. fuliii'a Kpiacoptd Church. ; A baptist Theological Soibinary, , The New TkcaUvi y ' . ' 1 -'.In fieorgeten, whkh.rnry be ronsttlrml as part tt the City, t'ac old I'rcsb) trrlui ChurvU is conowctou to Ih leisfit. T7- . r - :? - t inthlsTltrri subscrtrnkm ii rrfuar for huiUga7T a t'nitarian Churvli. - ' . . A new lanlge-ltwrn and Kchool-IIeuse Is about to b en ctcd near the Navv.Yard u : - , There is now bviifr Oowil In the citr. CAeen tlAsian.l vunmftkcl uf. txaduaiul ua cinrnt on the. sidrsof tJ Street, besides tingraJualcd foot-waya. V.: 4B . ." . "T M C aluiOsL literallv Ivte tit Mihmd la aur Ar. termination to do whatever wr en to Improve our ehy and accommodate It not only to the prvsent and futuro wanb of lu inhatHtants, but to tlie com tmWe anl com ' fort if tbo who cne U resid in ii, ur vbom businn or plcsKure bitlucea tl.i.i to vV-.it if. ltwl. I will make long eiiclicsi and, during next summer, the people may luive tlie pleasure of reading them, if they hould happen to bare, money enough left to pay for the .National Intelligencer. We commenced this paragraph merely for the purpose of saying that thn contest betwren tlie two parties in the northern states will relieve the planters of the south and west from every apprehension of being taxed for the benefit of northern manufacturers; but, having inciden tally mentioned the long speeches in Congress, c take the KbiTty of adding a few remarks on the subject. '" . Kcononiv is a cardinal orincinlc in the theorr of the jroverninc ot of ..the.. United- States. In ewraf innttov ecs, and under difKrvtit athoiiiiitrations, tIJa principle has been departed from Many of these instances were attended by circumstances uhich excused, or, at leant, palliated the deviation 5 but, among all the expenditures to which our government is liable, there are none n.ore evidently useless, or less exeosnble, than those which 'wngrets. luc. American Kmtcar F?l.rrrM-11ic fuCdwing Is an oflkirl stateinetrt Af the Whole numlier ol votes given in tli- itaVi fir Coveinor and licutwnaiit I Pernor: . . Vr (itrrnui; Adair ' , Igan, l;),V4y iKsha, 12,419 Ituth-r- V,5V 522 . ' niachburn, . '22,7 a A plurality elects ; so that Jon t Aha i a is now tbe Gov. ernor of the State of Kentucky, the ft!i day cf this TiKnh being the commencement of 'lis official term, and Hifc low C. Mtnr'i'y lieutenant (iovernor thenof. ib. sapsSBa UNoa.ILtxn.Thc rc:rt warmly eontes'eil Klectioa in this state lias cvtntua'ed in th: choice of Job Duifrr, a llepubiiean, as one of tbe Representatives to the next Congress, For tlie other Representative, Mr. FMi, l a republican, and at present a Kcprtac nt alive frcni thnt state, has a plurality of 60 or TO votes ot H. . Itri lg. bam, bi t optonent but a majority of all the vnU-s n tng votes, a new election may Itot be made neeeswry. ib. Poine fellow (icvmthrl, says the editor, and we cannot pretend to deny it) entered the office of the Aiir fA. l J CtmHkr, ami so deranged the bead, w bieh is '.n Lie type, that it read JIKI.KIAU CUMPIIX. M tnpolitmu roa tbs wrsTiat r.xoiwuti TIfE C.MJL w,M,.,;m-T, n jtt and fear not. suiKsrr.Anf . ;At the present peri:! of time there is in this -r.oyntrjr degree ot calmness nd freedom irom party virulence hitherto unknown in the annals - ,uf America. 1 And who can view this felicitous - ' tate of thins, without sensations of the most - v ' pleasintr kind l The dark cloud of political de i lusion, which once obscured this hemisphere, has AfD.Kentlj,'passed below the horizon t and it is to be hoped that it will not again rise to ferment the public mind. -:y3-;,; On" a close examination of .the historical rec :f ; ordsVf the mist remote antiquity, and by tracing - them down through the succession ofages to the present f nocha, we arc enabled to form a tolera wy corjeci opinion 01 me causes wnicn pmuueeu and accelerated the rise and fall ot: states and emuires the jRiitalion and dejection of certain haractera"irha-hav figured -onthegiiat thea treof the wbrld.7 But when eTllaKcd in reflec tions like these : when we think ourselves per fectk secure and happy, and lament over the cmelty and follfot mankind In past ages, our attention will sometimes on a sudden be arrested ' hrt he; unexpected appearance of art assassin, aheathed...daier, .rcad'yia-1'1 0MPg.'4t Into the heart of him for whose friendship and ... . X character e!j manifested wrae regard Such -- - a cnnracter as tni. must 4e vicwcu -w un .au eye "of distrustlluf: puutmtf vignanceitofien .. etdded t the carb of bfpocfisv has deceivedmany. ' Kilt it has fallen to ourlQt to not know many of such characters associated, together. But when a number of persons, of apparent respectability, unite themselves in a. CaTiil, (or the avowed ptrr . - pose of filcMni; fror .IbejcebjL depriving him, of hlMcry exUtence' as a . member of society, It isj. Impossible For Vis to know in what light to vieW mankind. ' Must. we conclude that morality andIxue Jjjve lied from the world ? Have deception and rascality become $fct$t$&elduy I I hope not. " But late cir- cttmstances tustify tlris opinion. The members v. cu:a 00 wcu, oui iunv y . e - . ji,. :n f t - , , , , M : . r .iiv iiviu iuv iuncmvlt ?U( V . .ic rcnuMiieu ainKie ane w ouiu u caer incrqisco, -eor.,t. :t milst be conf..Mt.d. ute nMur.i!lv fond of t:Jk. ingj and every honorable gvn!ciiian, n ho happened tq liave popularity enough in his district to be elected to a scat in the national legislature, may be supposed to feel 1 - 1 . j 1 . .1 , . that she was satisfied with doing well, aril would leave it to others to do better. . c have tncdiJ.e constitution: the innovators may, perhaps, and only perhaps, make it more perfect f but we are satisfied witli it us it is; we view jtas a sacred bequest of. tlic herpes of the reVolu tion, arnl shall alwa m approach it with the utmost sane tity, and, as far as is in our power, endeavour to preserve its principle pure, and its provisions unaltered and tin adu Iterated. Cape Fear Hecwder. In the above article the-editorof the Cape Fear I?ccor dcr has taken giound in opposition, to a ccni-ention. which wc snoum not nave supposca any euiior m mc United States would have consid. cd tenable. Such a policy may suit the genius and disposition of tbe people of China i but never can be adopted l?y the enterprising and free-born sons of an entightcned republic. That we had many great ami good men at the time tbe constitution was formed, no one can be disposed to deny ; tbe rich inheritance the? have transmitted to us is a brilliant tcs timony of the fact j but it is also a fact equally uncontro vertible, that we have now many great and good men, firm ly attached to tlic liberties their fathers fought for, ami who also possess the additional advantage of laving for forty years tested tbegoodness, and consequently, eljpb servingthc defects of the constitution which tlic founders of our freedom formed, as it were, out of chaos." The editor of the Cape Fear Recorder knowledges .that thcra are errors in the constitution 5 but he is oppo scd to i nproveii-eiit, because '.'experience shows that when w commence, it is uncertain where wc. W"iQ stop-? As well might this plea have been alleged to arrest the progress of the revolution. Dut the great men who lived m that undegenerate age wlien our coastitution waa form ed, wCre not limited by such narrow views 5 determined to meliorate their condition, they boldly rushed forward, unappalicd byfhe consideradon that they should not know where to stop. ; Nothing ia mot-eertainy than that perfection in government us weHks in the- arts and sci cnccs, raust be arrived at by a acnes of gradations ( and the limited perception of maa does- not. qualify him to say, thus far shall the march of improvement proceed, and no farther. . ; Wc cannot sec tlie force of the comparison which the editor of the Cape Fear Recorder lias introduced into his piece."" The girl, hi' pursuing the choice -she had made, fulfilled' thintention of Providence ? ..but - Providence hevcr intended that wc xhquld set ourselves down inhr dplent inactivity, w ithout attempting any improvement of our. moral nfj90cialiiiwihBf, ' ', ' 11 s (iti i3utvml;e Nkt. THF. subscriber, latch from rtaltimore, having, a few days since, reuU d of B. P. Pearson all his ahnps and tools, rvspretfollv infornis tlie citizens of the Western section of North-Carolina and the contiguous district of Soutli-Carolina, that he intends carr) ing 011 the Gig and Carriage Making Business, la all lis various branches. Jla hopes to hav it in hi power, in a short time, to supply the fonncr customer of the esUblUbiiieikt, and all others who feci inr lined ti purchase, with a neat airtment rf Hidkc, t.iTi, Kit ten-ens, Drsrbona, &c. fuiislied in the best manner, and will Ik- boM low for rash, or 011 short credit. Order from geatleinen in the country, and those living at a dis tance, wilt be attended to with punctuality. All limit of repairs belonging to the above bus'ines 'shall be done at ray shop, with neatness and despatch. A.N. JUMP Saliilury, &ft. 2f, 1820. 15 - We havc- tried'tlic constittion," and-und it defec tive ; to alter it wc conceive w ould be to amend it. We cannot partic;pate in the fears of the editor of tlie Cape resent a desire 'to- conrince his constituents that they have not 1 mistaken his oratorical talents. When, tlterrlore, a Mis souri bill, a tarilf bilk or any otlier bill begins to fill the lobby with idlers and the head in young statesmen with profound spccidat ions, the new member rises, professedly w itli extreme diffidence, but secretly enjoying the hope of appearing, in due time, in the columns of the National Intelligencer. Now, we would recommend to tbe edi tors of that respectable paper to suppress every speech that h not worth reading. I bis plan would have a ten deney to destroy one motive, at Icxst, for mi.king speech, es ; and tliotigh it is by no means improbable that much would still be said which a rigid censor would decline to publish, yet we think it a fair coiiclusion that Congress would save time,' and that tb nation would save money, by the regulation. ' We have heatd of half a dozen unlicensed dealers in calomel and jalap being called to consult in a case of dan gerous disease, when, happening to disagree in opinion, each maintained his own theory, and prolonged the Con sultation, until they literally talked tlie patient to death. PHILADELPHIA. SfcP P. . The launch of the ship of the line, the Mrth Cdrotina;toak place yesterday, as had bcerr advcr tiscd. She -was full of menr:chiefly votinteer militia, with a band of music : at fifteen minutes pasUtraihrstayjuverexuU ly and steadily down on her ways, and shot ofT in to the water in the finest style, amidst the huzzas of thousands of spectators and a . Federal salute, putting' the steamboats, siwpsi and small ct-uft, moored in the' river, to shame by her huge &ize and appearance on the water. She is of the finest model and workmanship. The riverprcscnted a gay scene be foie the launch, being filled with vessels, displaying flags ptlvaiious desciiptiofis, and. the tops filled with qveh and graced by. the presence of great numbers pt. tatUe.S' i4j5c,,--J!. tmVrrrg Gwinto Health, Jh was nofso great as might have been anticipated. 4mong them, however, we undei stand, were several members of the fioard, JWe piesume, they ic ted on the same principles as the parson, who told his flock not to do &s he did; but to do as be bade them.""'.' ' ' ' . ZX'l T 7 , ', .wisHiaoTOs; citr. strr. 13. Vcw Vo6-fjtttiwR sMaeViwo.j fllilK subscriber has now in operation, a new MachinA X mr Cunling WW fWr, at his .daelling, jiear ilillrr's bridge, on Abot's Creek ; where he will rani wool into roll at leu eewr ix-r pouiwl. 'IV wool, 1h ftrn b:ouglit, must he well washed and picked; have all matted ends and dirtr locks cut cfl r also; H stirks, burrs, and 4her hard substancca, cartfuly scpuracl from it, as they tend to injure and ruin the cards. One pound of cU';n grease, or oil, will be ixouire4 to every ten (xinnds of wim!( witli a sufficiency of strong fhceti, or ftneti, to contain the rolls.' Thone who may want wool of different colors nicely mixed, can be accommodated. AZAniAJI 1F.RUEIX. Rowan Cnntr, .V. C. Sept. 1 8, 1820. -3wl 3 Hoot and Soe JMakmg. fllilE subscriber respectfully Informs the citizen cf X HaUsJiury and hs vicinitv, tliat he lias commenced the .WOE U JIOGT JiUftLYG JtVStpiSht the house fonttcrly occupied by II. Slighlcr-i and wliere he intends carrying it on In the most fashionable manner, in all its various branches, with tlie greatest neatness and despatchrlk pledges himself that n6 e.vTrtioiis on his part aball bo wanisng to dcacrvo pub! support. V WllENliV fiiUTIL Sept. I9,T830.lif STATE OF IMORTH-C AROLIN A, CJXJBSIUlGJVirtZL. Court of Pleas and Quarter Beasioria, July Term, 1829. ValAErmn; Original Attachment vs. V lAleramler II hits, . William Ei-wln, j summoned aa Guarnishee. IT; appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that tie defendant, William Frw ia, resides beyond the limits of this state, it is therefore ordered, that publication h made for three wetks.in the? Hhttern Carolinian, a new s pafer printctl in theiowik of,8alisbury, that, unless the defenditnt appear a? our next Court of Pleas and Quartef Sessions to be held for the county of Cabarrus, at the rrt4Ir3 m Concord, w the third Monday Irt October : next- and4hea And there'an!e1k12w final will be taken against htm, acconling to the plaintif' it office, the jdiird Monday of Joly, Anno DominieighteeA. hundred and twenty, and the forty -fifth year of American Independcilce, 15 JOILN TltAMS CLrh. -or itJa cabal have been peculiarly distinguishes .j-Z ' ' ' meir pati iotismi particulaiir .in the late war : Fear 'LVeanlcr that the degenerate of the n 600 Bul.ta IVewuvilV EAEtY this mornliic. the carpenters engaged n cor c ring Tfi Yadkin Toll Brldjfe, rcfttiiihit to their WiTa ii.i uf rr titer irtfiiiii viiu jv iv "y 'it m tuihft-.tlisebrery, and the eaertioni of .thmeUea and thciie mes on the rremises. orevc Ated its sustahnhc any We have tlie Batisfaction to state that the materials are. further injun' than the law of fcljrht or ten feet of weatli-, alrealv.oft the iriT)undw-theVi w hich a subscription to a sufficient amount has been eVe'- f Alt consume!, bcrna found at the snot w here the fire fe!3p6n plan presented by Messrs. .Warren and W ood, lumtaeneed, and other strong cireimwtantial proofi, tluire Jtanagcrs of flic i'hiladtblua Compajijv The building. o doubt but it was the act' of aOriie vile iiiei iHliary,' is to be 'Situated on Louisiana Avenue, not UrUiM tiie1 1 iH- (Wove reward will be given tor the dvtertion'ofthw unnf tvllr, ti mnnriini.. I ,nim Ii,d, VinlS l"Ot ' u wh'h 'I VH II ''' 1 " .- - Hial6-Wf:TStf??SW5. :'-L ? 72 " .' "' '. ' " ' : , .' : - I, .- . ' - . ;. , . . . .. .. .

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