j. ... x i: The Mr.t! Jnt"Vrthe iminp1r?s Mv i.it.1 the liiiuful trn .!inirc.fOTf. .." - ' - - IMM TNI Villi HICUIB. TJS FOLLY, ILL. TU folly all.ta sltsivt piiwr To brood oVr ercry trifling aorroir, 'Atmryilltowjjhawlwhiiw, , Nor ever think upon to-morro . And we from hope ahould ever borrow, Vid think on joy that croy Pffo When d.tu in on uj die coining morrow. - 'n(bIljr!!,tofrrtaiMitijhf Always to dwcU oueals perplexing, To hare the ready streaming eye Por trifling1 troubles that arc vexing. For e'er the glorioua orb of day I laa act, our far may all bo rcating i Oiirpatlnbe cheered by Hopc'a bright ray, And every project may b pleasing. 'fW folly all, to kt klip by The many joy we might be takting .' ' Tor Uw wo'vokwl to heave the aijrli, Kile Uiohc we might have, fast arc waatinp. We've ilia enough, aye, and to apart-, Without antkipuling sorrow, j T1k.ii dear the brow of gloomy care, And alwaya hope a bbasful morrow. The joya we might have, if we tried, Would amooth our path, howe'er uneven, Wotd 1 make ui here, if right apple J, Enjoy a atatc allied to Heuvcn : Uut still to drink f sorrow's cup, ..J. EiJwUcr'd hycorrotiv s-g-Jl, 'Alien we of vwce's might cut sfcp, I say again Tis folly all. "lovi I a ssma nor." J vj th Second Vnm6rr tf Mxrt' .Vational Art. Love is a hunter boy, Who nukes young heart his prey, And in his nets of joy Ensnare theni night and day. Jn vain concealed they lie, Love tracks them every where; Tt vain aloft they fly, I,ove shoot them flying there, t$ul"tis his joy most sweet, At early dait to trace The print of Jfeautt feet, And give the trembler chare : And most he love through snow To trck thoje footsteps fur ; For then the boy doth know None tracked before him there lAtctftTy Extracts, &c. Variety the very apice of life, That gives it all its flavor. - raoir rnt ' wxsTin atvirw." " JDVEXTU11E triTIf THE LYBIAXS. 41 Tnx Wktxb5 Rsvisw" is printed at Lexington, in the State of Kentucky, under the snperintendance of m Uliam Gibbs Hunt, a mau advantageously known as a writer i and is devoted principally to criticism, poetry, natural history, antiquities end the local history of the early settlers. The follow ing chivalric adventure, re ' lated in a late number of this Review, cannot fall to excite the strongest interest Petenburg IuteU. ' The celebrated Colonel Boon was taken pris oner in 1773, by the Indhns. and although ever watchful lor an opportunity of escape, considered the attempt too hazardous, until roused by the dangers which threatened the early settlers of iventucky. lie discovered that five hundred war riors, under the command of some Canadian of ficers, were embodied for the purpose of attack ing Boon-borough Taking advantage of the privilege allowed him from his skill in bantincr, he, under pretence of killing a deer, boldly turn ed his course, towards the settlement, andtrar- clled IncessnhtlyTday and nigh?7abouT500 miles, until he arrived at the stockade or station named in honor of himself. Mr. Smith was at this time commandant of the little colony. His rank, as Major in the militia . of Virginia, and personal qualifications, occasion ed him to be chosen leader of the small band of he roic settlers, who, with the assistance of Col. Boon signalized themselves in the memarable,4efejce tjr that place. We mean not to dwell upon the bravery, of their conduct. Who among AmerK chs rtild act otherwi fending their Iviveslheir sisters, dren l a Major Smith had another not less pow erful motive to stimulate his natural couratre The tender reelings of love had kindled into a flame, and made every emotion of his heartburn with a desire to distinffuish himself in defence of naci some time previous sought an asylum in the . fort. , ; . '.' '. : The Indians invested the stockade, before, the garrison iiaa completed the digging of a well nrhich thev had commenced on receiving in for ni vi i i oi ine micnaed attack. Delay was Qbso lu eiy necessary taxomptete this iittportant o jvi i incir iiuuiiiera were too smdlto penult rrpihe nrnoii.iiu)n fur ilic siuriciulcr of tle fuM. thich rirtmnUancc foiimuif lyr pavo them tmir i complete their tindcM:ikii;j. " Mjor Smith, ho, lth tome others ff tho t,arilon, had cn ,itj;cl to meet on equal mindrof the cnrmv u i spring. withIn'pitol shot of the station for the purjjose of arranir::; tcrfiis tr capitulation, nticipatcd the tiuul tnachery of the savancs, placed a num!cr of his men on the' snlo op oojilte the larc of rendezvous, with if il:t orders to fire indiscriminately ort the party. If a toncer ted lgnd should be given. Tl.c ctnleatjcc was held, sud the proposals for surrender declined by our countrymen, at a lime when they observed 4 party of Indians secretly creeping towards the place. The hostile chiefs, who advanced under tehcrof-taktnIcavef aMemptrd to teiremrr officers. At this moment, Smith waved hU hat. when a Volley from the garrison prostrated four of ihe enemy. It was, pcrhaj), owing to the t'c liberate coolncisof out marksmen, that their own paty "efCape'd tiito the fort; with the exception ot one pervn wounded by the 6re of those who had secretly dvnced4owardi the-sprtrj?r The siec was thus begun, and continued with inressar.t fr Ing,-night and diy," until the losses of the bci.ieg en eventually obliged them to withdraw. Major Smith's munly heroiim, hfs cocl and hu mane conduct throughout the defence of Boons Urotigh, which consisted of only a few log cab ins Blockaded together, produced sensations in the bosom of our heroine, such as his previous respecful attention had not effected These feel ins were heightened by solicitude for the life of her defender, who experienced a violent attack of fever, in consequence of the fatigue he had un dergone during the siege. After a few weeks, the inlii'lttants of Boons borough resumed the peaceful employment of husbandry, and the proprietor of a frm on the opposite side of the Kentucky river removed his family and re-occupied the former cabins. It hap pened that our heroine, whom we shall designate as Miss A. accompanied by a young female friend, took a walk on the banks of that romantic stream, for the purpose of exercise and amusement. They rambled along the shore, and meeting with ajnoe, determined to visit their opposite neigh bors. Although totally unaccustomed to the man agementof a boat, yet, as the l iver was low, they did not doubt their ability to accomplish their ob ject. The tottering vessel was pushed from the shore, and with hearts gay and light as the ze phyrs which ruffled the pellucid element, our fe male navigators commenced their enterprize. Mutual raillery and laughter were excited by tbeir own want of skillThe canoe was whirled round until at length it struck a sand bar in a short bend of the river, beyond the immediate view of the fort, though not far distant from it. They were compelled to wade to the shore, where, alter ad- jqsting tneir. ngtit summer aresses, tney pro ceeded to climb the bank, tor the purposc-of pay ing their intended visit. At this moment three Indians rushed from a busby covert, and with savage menaces of instant death forced them along. The horror of their unexpected situation, and the dread of the uplifted tomahawk, propelled them forward at the will of their captors, and they ascended with wonderful expedition the steep ra vine that led to the summit of the marble cliff of the Kentucky. Although breathless and exhaust ed, not a moment was allowed, for respiration ; their tangled clothes. were torn by the bushes, without their darmg to look back in order to ex tricate them ; their shoes were soon destroyed by the rocks, and their- wounded feet and limbs stained with blood. Without a moment's respite, fatigue, despair and torture attended every step and deprived theni of all recollection, until our heroine was aroused by certain attentions which one of the Indians displayed. It was a true sav age evmcement of love, for, while goading on our helpless females with a pointed stick, or using it with reiterated blows, he, in broken English, gave Miss A. to understand, that her present suf ferings should be recompensed by her becoming his squaw, on their arrival at his nation. This information proved an acme of misery, which at once roused the mind of our heroine, and-deter- mined her to risk every Lizard. She broke the " ... - mm - - - .. small branches ot plants and bushes, as they pas sed along, and when night overtook them, delay ed the.party as much as possible, by blundering movements and retarded steps. The Indians re peatedly discovered her actions, and knowing that it purswdjbyjhe garrison it would occasion their own destruction, they rushed forward for the pur pose ot Killing her ; several attempts of this kind were Fcsiraincu oy per incuan lover, wno, wud threats of recrimination, warded off their blows. In this manner our female captives travelled throusHoutlhe. nigh.t,AndiH. return of day, were exhausted with fatigue and.misery Amomen tary delay took place, whilst the& Indians shot, a buffalo, and cut off some pieces of his flesh. 4 ws ,spporjunuy was not jost oy. aiiss. a. wno endeavored to influence the feelings of her lover, by pointing to her wounded, frame and bleeding fee.tr Her pallid countenance betokened exhaust ed nature, and with bitter tears she besought him to end her miseries at once; or else allow some respite to her suffering. The heart of the sav age was affected, and after travelling a few miles further, he pursuaded his companions to stop, and,: while thel cooked Mrt of Their came; he j. .jL-.f ,it v-ummsu . w.wuutpiwyectwscii-l there. occupied himself in making a pair of rooccasons iui nis iair capuve. Sbme few hours after the departure of the la dies from the fortiMaior Smith, at that time in i state of convalescence, enquired after them, and walked to the river for the purpose of ibinine mcir puny. ie naneu me innaoitants on the op perscanv tothejfahoeihicb they rcac&ejbycroiui;lheaticl lr. Upon tr. riving on the other side, they discovered mocca vn tracks, and proceeded with eager' and rapid strides up l!o ravine, until they assured them elvrsthat they were traces of only three Indians, who had seized their female friends. Smith, with an agonized mind, tat down whilst Ids cdmpan ion returned to the garrison for arms, and with directions to obtain the assistance of two of the best woodsmen. Another party was ordered, like wise, immediately to proceed on horseback to the upper Blue Ucks, which at that time was the usual pass for all northern Indians. Not a moment wis lost. Major Smith and his crmirades soon began to follow the devious track of the Indians Whilst day light lasted, his aa glrioTiTeveapttllf traced Tcrjr1ndllnct igTT Ibc bended blade of gTass, the crushed lichen, the smallest stone displaced, were -unerring guides in the pursuit, through places especially chosen for the purpose of preventing a discovery of tbc' iouterr They fortunately hid sufficient time to unravel the first intricate mazes pursued bpirrManS were convinced that the savages intended to make for the Blue Licks'. This enabled our party to follow the general direction of the route all night, and after some search on the following morning, they recovered the Indian trace at a short distance beyond the place where they had killed the buffa lo. Some drops of blood which had fallen from the meat, alarmed our commander, and they turn ed back with the dreadful apprehension that their femsle friends might be murdered, i heir anx ious minds however were happily soon relieved, and Smith, with siJcnt expeditkm, resumed the trace, telling his companions that they would meet their enemies at the next water course. On their arrival at the creek, seeing no marks on the op posite side, they waded down the stream with the utmost precaution, until they found a stone wet by the splashing of water. The Major now silently arranged bis men, or dered one above another below the spot, whilst his third companion was stationed at the landing, as a central support. Smith cautiously crept for ward on his hands and knees, until he saw the curling, smoke of-the-Indian-lire.- -With death like silence he crawled through the bushes, und within thirty yards discovered an Indian stooping over the flame. The click of his rifle lock startled the savage, who with eager gaze looked around. At this moment the whistling bullet pierced his heart and he fell prostrate on the fire. The two ladies sprang towards the Major, and clung to him just as tbtwrcond Indian rashed forward with his tomahawk. Smith threw them off by a sud den effort, and, turning his gun, aimed a blow, which his antagonist evaded by springing on one side. The movement was of little avail, for he received his mortal wound from the person sta tioned at the rear. The third Indian ran up the creek, und met his fate from the hands of the per son stationed in that quarter. . We cannot pretend to describe the sudden change ot oursttng joy teit oy our two young la dies. The blanket coats of our woodsmen were cut into garments for the females, whilst every humane assistance and tender care, to lessen their atigoe, were afforded during the slow progress of their journey homewards No alarm was ex cited except for a moment, on the ensuing day, when the party of horsemen overtook them. They had proceeded to the' Blue Licks, and dis- covering no inaian traces, pursueu a uinereni route to the garrison, which led them on the trace of the victorious and happy party. JMERIC.W PJLYTERS. PBOV TBI a.lLEV OtXITTX The question, whether our country is ever des tined to arrive at that perfection in the Fine Arts which the republics of Greece once attained ; and which, more than arras, nay even than phi losophy itself, has conferred such unfading glory upon them, is one in which every American must feel the highest interest : and although 'it is a question which those, who see deepest into futu rity, can never satisfactorily answer, we may surely be permitted to listen with complacency to the wildest speculations, on such a subject. This is, indeed, a theme very dear to us but though we could dwell with infinite delight upon it, we have neither ability nor inclination to pursue the inquiry on this Occasion. If, however, we should form an opinion, from the present paucity of works of taste among us . from the coldness with which men in affluent circumstances generally regard, not only artists, but their works ; and from the frigid indifference of the people at large ; we should be led to think, that the period was in deed very remote, if it ever can arrive, when the arts shall heTeiCT that perfection, and command that admiration, which, in other climes and more fortunate aees, they hve don Yetrif "we take into consideration the state of society in a com paratively new country ; the obstacles which must present themseIvesto .-every "young aspirant for fame,, in a path which few have explored t and at the same time, recall to pur minds the. numbers among our countrymen who have already ventu reU upon this "sea of glory ;' we may not be accused of a fond enthusiasm, or childish vanity, if we should predict, and confidently predict, the exaltation and perfection of the arts in.this fa vored lahdf And who are those artists who have J shed sojnuch justre on our country ? Is it ne cessary to enumerate them f Behold the illus trious West who, in historic painting, was al most without a rival : who, for nearly half a cen tury stood pre-eminent among the artists oj the old world ; and who will ever be regarded among us as the great patriarch of American painters. &jiaitw inaimif 1h;in;tjCpr Ithiei of oyrtfmwii hare &Uort, in tluJittie bug... earccV.- To these succeeded one civrhotn ho mantle of Raphael has indeed f-llcnj ono whose amenity, us well as frran(!fM- .t..t- I ' m . " " whose t-oldncssofcoiiccptlon,Iortlncssof thoughts and elevation of genius, have itml .rni,ir,t f. it i i.j .. ' ;i""v mm ccicuniy among nil eotemporftrleS, which few living artists any where enjoy and who -works will not only confer lmm-rtalit on th!-. ' author,. but will forever redound to the honor of our country. Such .s.Waihixgtom AiutoiI We have made these remarks merely by way of Introduction to a subject, In which we do not hesitate to athrm, the public will feel A high de gree of Interest ; for we are induced to hope, that x picture recently published by the distinguished artist alwve mentioned, and painted on commis sion, will shortly be exhibited In'oartnetropollsr The subject is from Holy Writ ; that pure foun ' tain -which can .never be exhausted j at whose - source Milton, Raphael, and Buonarotti imbibU bed their loftiest conceptions, and to which their " illustrious followers, it evtry'agerwiir nofceaief " to repair. The picture, (about which we shall say but a few words, as we only wish to direct tho attention of the public towards it at the proper season,) represents the Prufihet Jeremiah predic ting, in all the plenitude of Inspiration, the de itruetion J Jtrutaltm that celebrated city whoso crimes and unbelief had drawn down upon it the vengeance of Heaven. It Is a subject or the most elevated character, and one which, If attempted by almost any other hand, might have only ser-' ved to' prove the utter futility of the art itself: but in the picture which we have been permitted to view, we were not only astonished at the ex traordinary powers of the artist, Jbnt. were"mado the witnesses of the complete triumph of his ait. The figure of the prophet, so full of dignity, and so august, and above all, the expression more than human, and the mighty energy of tho M divinity within him," demonstrate, in the most emphatic manner, the justness of the character we have given of the exalted artist, and of the encomi ums we have bestowed on this wonderful work. -The prophet himself is a figure, than which we can conceive nothing more perfect and sublime. It Is there we behold the first organ of the De hy-fl-the only-proper medium oL communication -to his creature, man J We have also to offers few additional remarks We hate not the arrogance to attempt a descrip tion of the picture, from the transient view we have had of it. And the office of criticism, (if, indeed, a picture, that to our unpractised eyes ap ars so perfect, can afford food for the critic,), -. we gladly leave to others. There is, beside the holy personage we have briefly noticed, one other figure introduced into the picture, and one alone, , whose beauty of countenance and graceful atti- ' tude are deserving of all praise this is the youthful Paruch, who is represented in a sitting posture, at the feet of the prophet, slightly in clmmg-forward, -and eaer to'Catch iheword. that burn," of his inspired master, and rtcvrtl them in characters which can never perish. The general tone of the picture is of thai sombre and ; " solemn cast so befitting the subject ; and the light -: is beautifully managed. There is, m short, a p perfect congruity throughout ; and in every thing ;J there is simplicity9, grandeur, and beauty. Tbiy scene is laid in the courts of the prison. . The human frame has always been regard--' " ed by the most sagacious philosophers as a piece of mechanism wonderfully and fearfully contrived i there is not a single member or vessel of the human body that has not proper ties or peculiarities of the most interesting of exquisite description. Sceptics may sneer at religious formalities, at religious opinioas, and at the numberless unessential professions and belief of finite creatures; they may sigbr over the absurdities of bigots, zealots and de votees, and they may, in the warmth of their ridicule, laugh (as it were) God out of the world. But show them a human eye dissect it before them -show them the transparent homey sections, which, unlike the comrnoiv outward integuments of the human frame, is hard, yet pellucid as glass ; defending the eye from injury show them the lachrymal gl and through which issues continually a limpid fluid that diffuses itself over the external surface oLtheeyeJceep4trom-lDcoraingJryr brittle, and to wash off 4uti or any foreign substance ; show them the lid, so exquisitely curtained up, so delicately hiung that it drops at the passing even of a breeze, to hinder it t from brushing its beauteous charge too rough ly 'show them the aqueous humour perfectly dear, in which is placed the crystalline lens, like a double convex glass, to receive theim- ages of objects and transmit them in a dimin ished form on the retina or membrane at thj back of the eye j and prove to them that alt our ideas of sight are received through tbt . wonderful and exquisit organ, that pictures of every object we sec gfe absolutely formed, with all the natural colors, on this netted mem brane, and thence transmitted by a bundle ot netYes,imq 'hidrihe membrane is collected, to the brain ; prove these things to a sceptic of whatever country, cast, talents or opinions x and he will tremblejat that abominable apsuiw ity into which egotism, pride, and ignoraj-c s have betrayed him. j V A. virtue destitute. oV cnerg aifeHlB4i bSiriiihrmffra .1 1

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