St t ;H ol t.!h in.luit-y, ar.d e:n-rt nfrJ and p-.Hu:.' .... conduct, and c trut fciiT )0utrf fil!o ItSrnl mill pnr sie the unif pi rMrf eiitcrprisingpath, tUt mi fcountry may h slwiys a-ipf lit J itli men of equal v 'vrtj and gaiivts.-f'w ( . , ' . . . f , (maw,) strrxussa 22. i 'J!it:!j Homl .' We arc toll Out the following scene took plf c In'Normaii-strect ft few dsys since. A hall gruww Cat, moi bM ptrhsps thai prudent, ften-d up. on a lirge lUt thai m out upon a foraging tspedition, but ion tho point of loosing hi prey for wantofstrergili s , to lioM it at this critical moment the Cat was opportunely rtiitkrcfd by an old Hen, which lad probably been be n avtd of aiiine of her tender ofi'spring by this fnerrileM depredator, and which, while lus it ill kept her hull on her antagonist, actually picked out bit cyci the Rat, i-iVrwrrr. Ilnd .M U as, !tifl Piajntajntdthe Unequal jolt , test, till the, Mother Catf teeing the struggle from a dis , ' tance, flew also to the aid of her brave little Mouscr, 'and -i aooo decided the Lte of the day, carrying off the before jjtalf ennrrucred barbariaq hi rriimph. s y 1-.-. . fit'. & -, ' ,,,, SAUSBURW (K,C) TUESDAY, OCTOnKR 1, 1820. 4,;TWCOKiWfri.'--J!- Our poetical department waj filled, before the beauti- fUl lines communicated by Miivrsa, were received. ' We shall pre tberri " place, with great pleasure, in our next The Presentment of the Grand Jury of Anson County shall occupy a com picuou place In our acxt number. Its manner and matter.richly descrre it ' ' ' , J JVTr COLLEGE. We continue to receive account of the deep and lively interest which 1s felt in. various parts of this section of the state in the establishment of a new College in the West On a subject so important to the present and fu ture iateresU of the western people one which so nearly affect the welfare of tlsetr children and children's chil dren, and which is to intimately connected with their moral and political advancement on such a subject, it Was to be expected great solicitude would be excited. And such is the case. The feeling of the people were enlisted in its favor as soon as it was proposed. They taw and felt its Importance. They looked not so much at the present, as the future. Their views were not ' bounded bylhe narrow circle of their own existence j but v,l they embraced the interests of unborn millions, who are . aucccsMveiy w innaoii uie icnue uus ana vauics oi uic .west, who are to constitute the strength, and contribute to the greatness of North-Carolina. In their sober judg ment they approved of the plan of a new college in y some one of the western counties j and the good sense of V the people, unbiassed hy prejudice unwarped by party, and uninfluenced by interested or designing individuals sfely decides wrong. In the present case, no influence ts exerted, no excitement endeavored to be produced . ' the' object was fairly and candidly proposed, and imme Z diately and cordially approved. Its accomplishment now . teinams to be effected. . -To every object of importance to the community, there will always be some opposition. This one, so big with ; the happiness and prosperity of the present and future generations, cannot expect to escape. As yet we have witnessed no direct hostility to it, from any quarter j tho' ' 'fwTlhgiTnlnhacal tolts success, and unworthy of those r iodine them, "we iare sorry to say are manifested by , persona among ourselves i by those wno are. bouna by a ,.cpnunotiiirteTertandJk)cal attachment touc,theicinflu ence in its faror. . ( Tlie article from the National Intelli fncerwhkk wffpuhl'whed tw weeks since; Ihotfgtf co. iningfrom a quarter where little interest, if any,, could vbuld be liixollr tmnroner. mar be considered as the - a 4 , - commencement of an opposition, open and undisguised. One ff the editors of the above paper was at Raleigh but a short time before the article alluded to appeared in the latcEgnccri- aad he may there hare been persuaded, . through the influence of Chapel-Uil, (which is improp erly thought to be opposed to a new college in the west,) io iena uic sua m uii reipeciaoie paper 10 uic coramcncc' CTtbf anoppotion to the proposed institution. Such, .V however, may not hare been the motive from which he ' med Wi.remarks ; we hope not; but circumstances - eem to fayor our suttpicions. 7- Wa have neither leisure nor room, aMhis time, to no- Kce the obiectbns which may be urred aeainst the pro 7osHSoTlegeTior to atejAmany arguments which '" W'jfUoilaii aubjecVin a future number, unless some of our correspondents will do us as well as . .. i.T--"'i' - . . . . . 'J our readers, tne favor ot taking it oft our hands. Tliey could wot, perhaps, devote their talents, in a leisure mo- aienti to a incuflefirtpurposc, than the discussion of a " subject so important to the- West, and so interesting to all w ho are mYeeCn as in local situation, WcsterfltCar- -olimans. . 2&:;'jre OF IMPOSTORS t Sometime irf July last, two persons were apprehended V " under the to. . rfanf ocU and committed to nrisoh. ,l JTiev stated them selves to be foreigncrsi who had been captured by pi- i,ate, wnn au their broperty and were soliciting1 the rjiarityof the public, ttoAileviate their misfortunes. They bad papers; certifying td th$ruth of their accoumpur portinir to'be, one from the feovernor of Lavinia. a town feuti by tiin to Won fotmyAppeirinef the othcy from mil tlie governor of Logos, hrfPortUeal. They had also ti-anslations of these papcA made-i Phihdelphia, to which were affixed the cfrtiScate of a Notart Public of tUat city, and the seal of the Governor of Pennsylvania, Thenipstratea of PattsburiJi wrote to the Mayor of "fmipiu, w iwni wuruicr any sucn, person? were kowj tjjere, and if so, whether thei1 were realivvwhat .&mmfr&to be. The PJdttsburh paptr of Aug. . ?i :K.aJe that a reply hadheen-received from the Mavor, wortli t;n Ui5':snI tml bi foHl-ril Iffrnnfi. nuh-r f'e prctrnccs, for many rars. It U aVt'natrd ri the letter, that grrat munWr havv bi-on 'ul are still rnrijfcd in the iitn-e bM!iKs it i ralrtiLtcd, tliat imlcr various fJte rr pre snta ions vf ritrtt hy f arth qtiakca, shipwrecks, fires, Intin-lktlom, tc.-lf, several liuiulrcil thotiaand tlollars have been' drawn from benev olent citizens, and carried out of the United States by this society of Impostors', .,; ,,. : c Three persons, tuiving similnr papers, relating like tales of mufortune, and no dmilt oftiio same fraternity, havo vtnited this village within the pant year, and levied their contributions on the sympathy and generosity of our citizens. One of these impostors was here but a few days since, ami succeeded, we believe, In imposing on several persons, . He left us for the Forks t and we ad vise our. ft'llQwitiz:ns in 'that quarter to be on their guardaod not let the artful and plausible tales of an im- ponor uicn i ruin uieia weir money. ( iiu net rcmainen in this place but an hour longer,1 Ho would, have shared liVa t.t m,',U Ltd . '. V.U. .... roa ras wssTsax ciaoustav. Who is so rrokn ' Hist cannot see tlus palpable device f ' Yet who so bokL bat sari he sees It not f " Dud is the world, and all will come to nought' TVTicn such Iff dcaEiigs inusf be seen in thought . .;z..:'i .jr. aaixsr nai. .V Free and bold discussion, on every subject, is the vital pint of reason and of truth. A topic that shrinks from inquiry, must be bad ; and a principle that cannot bear analyUa,' must be via ionaryr; - ' One of the greatest questions which at pres ent agitate the minds of the ole of this stute, is that of, a CONVENTION t And it is a r b jeet " which should not be treated with levity by any person who regards the rights and privi Ietes ol men The people of the western sec Uon of North-Carolina have borne the yoke of oppression long enough s It is now high time that they should boldly assert their rights, and demand those privileges which are theirs by birth right. Those who are oppoted to a Convention, are constrained to acknowledge that the constitution is defective ; yet they are willing to forego these defects, rather than apply the proper remedy ! Out it must be remembered that those who ;ul vance such " reasons M reside in the tattrrn part of the state where the constitution, with all its defects, operates materially to ndnntagr. Such doctrine might be tenable, provided our u vemment cherished amtocratiol nrinririk-4. sac riScing the interests of the inunv to the benefit of a few. Dut the American people hold such a government in abhorrence, and as fit only for ty rants.' It is, therefore, the duty of every man in our state, whose principles are in unison with those of the American government, to oppose aristocracy in whatever shape it mar appear It is not reasonable to suppose that the framcr of our constitution were gifted with the spirit of prophecy: but. it mat be. fairly presumed, that had tlfey foreseen the evil which now exist s, some provision would have been made, whereby a re medy might be effected without much difficult; Under the provisions of our present constitution, a minority governs a majority of the freemen of. North-Carolina I Not a single law can lie tnac ted without the consent of the minority ! Does this look, like a republican government ? Can any person believe that it was the deign of the vir tuous framers of our state constitution to bring about such a state) of things ? I think not. Yet we are told by some of the eastern editors, that we must suffer this oppression : that they have Lived and done well under the, present constitu lion! We do not feel disposed to question the purity of the motives of those editors ; but it is presumed that the public at large will judge for themselves. " I do hot "wish to hear any more of tKj eastern nnd western interests : We are all as one great familyVandour only object in view should be the general welfare of the pfople. 1 The people of this state should not be divided, like the petty re publics of Greece, where each was under a dis tinct government. Our interests wiould be the same. Equality of representation is what e ask, and this is no more than a just and reason ble request. It has been remarked by a phitd sophical writer, that men in general have two o phionsv viz. i one of intere&t the other of right": which of these two opinions governs the eastern editors, does not require much discernment to discover. Some of the arguments which have been Used in opposition to a Convention, urealmo$raslddi crous as the following, which some time since came under my Immediate observation : It so s ? II I . i happened, that at an election lor a person to sup ply a Vacancy which occurred in an office of trust and profit, one of the candidates happened to be born in one of the adjacent counties for this cir cumstance he .met with considerable opposition ; in fact, it was1 urged with as much warmth by a fevr indiv'iduaisvas.if he had been a, native of Hin- dostan i And but a shod time since, on neat ly a similar occasion, the ame objection was made : One of the oppositionists went so far as to de clare, that we might as well, scnd.toi Ironce for persons to hold our offices, as to take those born out of the county ! f.TXibeV!rip1srSon v'iio mide this declaration, we might say, in the language ofMr. Icke, is taken Ibr a person of 44 large, sound, round-about sense !" It is absolutely a stigma Ob the. age we live in, to advanre such sentiments. Micit opinions ;cffnfitnpcrittrtonw4ien the tales of hobgoblins were taken as supernatu ral aspirations. But such absurtfttieS wilj not be brooked by the people at this time o day : They have intelligence and independence enough to think imd-ac for themselves : They are hot to be so easily ensnared 'by sycophants, whose tin-sd-jike 'atumcnare likccjwebs banged but tceaicliji nur!c mdt pretensions; artfT t! j nur.itcof per son who wcre.cngagcd 'In tint way of nrtiug was smalL ' I cannot say thu thojr were -f that way of thinUng, as the vcucst iucot would not bclicvQh, - - , i In order to exhibit the full farce of such rea itiin, will stippoie a cae i , The' terrlmry which lies within, the limits of North-Carolina was once destitute of a single county t but In process of timc It Was inhalitnl by persons from other states and nations i when the popuUifoh Increased,' If was deemed necesiary, for thV con venience of courts of justice, Ut. 16 r'nn'divls lonal lines through sjd tertilory : rnr) thus, at iciiiii, uy suou iiimiuiui iiiici iuo iiuinuer vi cJuniielhttvTTnc7eascd"lo whaflhly"how afcv Now it will appear plain to every one, that these divisional. Unci alone: bat ecaucd a superiority of the pcople'of one couwty above those of an other! If this Is not the case, it must be self-l dent that It Is nothing else In t'rulhr ; I wish It "to be understood, that hdo not pretend to deny but some counHes have 'more; intelligent . men in them than others; this Is too plain a truth to ad mit of a doubf r but 1 most absolutely deny that the birth place of a person alone, (supposing If to be in an adjoining county, perhaps two or three hundred yards from the lino,) derogates from his character or abiliUesv. Underjiucli .circumstan ces, It is Co be hopedf that all petty local jealous ies will be done away, and the people in general will look to the common welfare, or all. It is said in Holy Writ, that a kingdom divided against Itself cannot stand. ' Having such high authority before our eye,' it certainly ought' to restore harmony and good will I be fore observed, that the people of this state are as one great family and it is their duty and inter est to unite together in well doing. This happy period, I trust, is not far distant. homo. Itemarl alU-jXn taking the Census of the town of Wa- ' ; V. ' eerier, ' , ' ' f not nreviousVsoLl at nrtv.t u "" . . .U ',,fiK U"1cr & i nrlrr 23, six months credit, all sums overiiO, a credit tf QtrThe sale will tkt nkdo at in f th , . a -ww.w w. -w W' btr, near tho Court-Ivuc. w s ... ,-. . . ... - tStHiburyt October 9, 18)-213 :. . THE rahscriber, tafcly fi-om itjiMiharlii's;, a fc days since, rented of SU V, Pcarn all his .r,nt t vupectfuUy.kforiM-thd section or Nortn-carolina ana ue conxiU011 ilijtilcU t 5ouUVCarollna that he Intends carryir; toithe - - i Gig and Carriage Making Biihcsx, ' In all its various bfanclte He hopes i Ure lrlnl.1" power, in a snort time, to supplying form customers of the estabtithmrm, and all othcrrwlwferijricHned tw tereensVDfarbii-tkr.' finished in the best mtiner, and -will be sold low (or cash, or on short credit Ont.-rA from grrrtlrmen In the tountrr. snd those ntd a d! tance, will he attended to with punctuality. kUull of repairs belonging to the above LusIawu klulla 4L111 , m nty suop, wiui ncMm:tvmjia Utttjrticsr.-r p'ar ttterford has a population of about 2,240 souls anwNi which are' the following agvd persona One male aged 92 One female aged 97 One' -' 91 On 90 Two. 89 Hire . 85 Two 86 Two - 82 Two . 85 One, 84 One 84 One 81 One 83 Three ' 80 Two 82 One 79 Two 81 One 80 Total 2,443 One 79 Hy this statement, it appears that the. united ages of twt ntv-nine persons above enumerated amounts to 2443 Years, beine an average of nearlv 85 vcars to each. We cjuestion wfiether the like instance of so great aproor tion of aged persons can be found in any town in the I'nU ted states. Jvatfwil JntcUiffcncer. General Ptt.0Mces The number of Post-Offices in the United StaUs is four thiMisand eight hundred and thirty, and the lenrth of nqst-rowds is 7 1.522 miles. 1 he amount of postage for the year 1819 was &1,204,680 1 tin) Cost eTtranlrpbrtatitin bfthe fnall 7l7tM3 1 and tho compensation to Postmasters 375,964. 0. w Dry f)l.l.c sold st I'uMic AhcUoii, inlh 21t' Irw'A ( and Continued until all UlC a Varit'ty of , ' f V sa uooas Hard-ware and GrO Balitbiti, &ft- -6, 1820. 15 -To um At ws ctmcem SOMHTIMF. in August, 1818. 1 mm! mv brother Pott, purctumed of tlugli O'Nt al of Iredell cov.. a tract of Und, to the value of six hundred and vcveL eiht dollar for the payment of which we gave th several notes, jointly, pa) able at diflcrvnt t'm'-s. 8Ior aAcr this purchase was mad, mv hr'ihT wishing to come the solo owner of die Und, I withdrew my claiii and applied to Mr. O cal to have my lume erawd fron Ute notes 1 but iitMHi his assumnoe Out I Uml nevir be callel upon for pa ment, I kt die not? remain as they were, uilhiii a short time, howevrr, I have understood thut Mr. O'Neal, finding that my brother win not he able to make good the pavinrntt, is intending to moke me ref Knwlle lor uie bNlance winch at prt-smt due. TriH is to give notic, therefore, that having received no equiv. stent Tor said notes, and being under age at tlie tuue I signed tiicin, shall not pay any part of them. . JfcltEMfAIl POTTS. Rtran rway, Oct. 4, 1520. 118r 1 Tcn"DoaYS TXtvjar A. STOLEN from the subscriber, on the nigh of the 5th of this instant, at the house of George Ellers, a bay Stud HOItSK,' about 15 hands high, four years old last spring, 'branded on the left shoulder with O, a scar on the left thigh, and a few white spots on his buck 1 also, a saddle and bridle was taken with the s.iid horse. If any person wil) give me information of said horse, so that I get him again, 1 will give him the above reward, and pay all reasonable expenses. JOHN AMULILN. . Jfavaa Ctuntif, Oct, 12, 1820. 3 w 19r Uoser Williams1 Estate. THE subscriber having been qnalified at tlie hist Oc tober term of Montgomery County Court aa-VUlmin-istrator upon the estate of ttoger Williams dedcased, re quests all persons having any demands against suid estate, to present them for scttTement within die time prescribed by law, or this notice will be pled in bar of their recovery. All those indebted to said cUatc arc requested to make payment to the subscriber. . AHTilUlt HARRIS . MontgwHCrif County, Oct. 13, 1820. 3wl9r lltttftfc ftltilfctl. STOLEN out of the subscriber's stable, (supposed by a negro fellow,) on Saturday night, the 2kl of Sep tembcr, a dark sorrel horse, about 9 years of sge, 14 J hands high, a white spot on each shoulder, but no othri marks. The said negro was seen four mill's from tlits place where th horse wss stolen, by three travellers, who described the horse and negro. .The negro bad a new blanket and new saddle-bags on the horse, lie was on tlie great road to Ouilford count v. 1 will give TEN DOLLARS REWARD for my horse, so ss f g.-t him again, snd Ten Dollars for sppreheflding the thief, so that he mav be brought to justice. Rtwam Cnnta, X, C. 1 MICHAEL 7.TNKE. t.30, 1820. 5 3wl7r &00 Dollars llcxvaril Ij ARLV this morning, the carpenters engaged in cov J ering.14 The Yadkin Toll Bridge, retiming to theii work, discm crcd the south end of it to betn fire. IV timely discovery, and the exertions of themselves and the negroes on the premises, prevented its sustaining an further injury than Uic loss of eight or ten feet of weatlu cr-boarding. From the circumstance of a pineiorch, half consumed, being found at the spot whrrc the fir; commenced, snd other strong circumstantial proofs, there is no doubt but it was the act of some vile neefldiary. The above reward will be given for tlie detection of tlie wretch. LEWIS BEARD, 2JrVnVr9r. SaUtbtH-v, Jugutt 29, 1820. 13 Petition for partition of land, v State o iVorUi-tjatolvna, Mf.CKLF.NBURG COUNTY. ' Cturt of Pleat and Quarter Se$tium, Attgvtt Term, 1820, Thomas Necl v, John Ncely, Rebecca Neely," Aaron lownseii'i ana ianna nis wue, Isaac M'LcJlan and Peggy his wife, John M'Cahern and Pclly his wife ' wrm,"' : ' Isaac. Necly, and Reuben Dixon and Jane Ma.m " .1 -. . , 1 IT appearing to the satisfaction of tne Court that the defendants are not inhabitants of this state, it is therf- forg OrSemi, that publication be niade in the Salisbury Western CaroEhian fop three weeks'firthe defendants to appear at die hetl Court to be held for aaici countv, at the Court-House in Cliarlottc. oa the fourtli Monday in November next, and answer to the said petition, other wise the same wul be taken pro confesso, and heard ex pane againsi nim. iJWivrj Tett.' ISAAC 'ALEXANDER, C.M. V. r. :-t&talfc M. jOTjaYolna; ..... ;AKOOLPH COOHTY t Court Pleat and Qttarter Sessiont, Augutt Term, 1820 H h the IT appearing; to the Qdurt that the , defendant ip this case resides in another government it is ordered that all nroceedinirs be staved for three months : arid that publication be 'made in the Wettern CuroUnJatjf for) six weeks, for the defendant to apnear at the next Court to be held for Said county, on the first Monday m November next, and rente vv. nhitd IA iaauv r (Icmnryotherwise v . w r - . 7 . " judgment by default will be entered againstlilm. owt a vopy f Jissfc iiAnrci c. t;. v; v lOUollaTS lliiNVatCii r STRAYED from the subscriber, living Iredell coun-tylTiird-Creelrohe iron mv U ARE. between five and six years bid, with crooked hind leg ; ami a sorrel FI1J.Y, one year old in August. I Wiirgive the aboie reward if any person -will kive mi information so that I LIST OP LETTERS' Renaming in the Post-Office at Charlotie, N. C. which, If not taken out by the hrst day of January, will uc lent on to tlie General Post-Office" ss dead letter. A. . . 11TH XIAM -ANDREW. Sarah Anderson. -Benjamin 1 v AUfxauder, Edwin Alexander, Frederick Aaron. It... James Illair, Robert Bigham, sen. Samuel Roves, Rol. tit Barnhill, Darling He Ik, Matthew Jtain, Sumud Rla'r. C... John Costen, Thomas Csshon, John Carelock, nob't T. Check, Rolt Carr, WUham Cooper, jun. Adam Coop, cr, Wm., Campbell, Rev. Thos. B. Clarkson, 2. l)w..Su sana Dow, Eliza lHw, David Dow, Kobert Davidson, John Davis, Sugar Dulin. (li. William Gofordv Willis Gibbs. Alexander Gillespie, Polly Gydner, John Gingles, Ssm'f Gonlon, John Garrison. . If. Jonathan Harris, Samuel HuierJoshua Hadlev, John Hall, John Harris, Willisxn Hamilton, John Hays, Jeremiah Hood, John Hodge. J..., Cadwailadcr Jones, John Johnston. KnuMessrs, Kirk; and Ak'Xander, Iub't Knox !4.-,.Thomas R. Lion, John Little, 2, Nanc Latta.. ,M..r.eorgc Morrou'. 2. Jaroea McKnight, Alexander IfcClenaghan, Judith 5(onroe, Ju. dith N. W, Monroe, James Martin, Richard Morrow, "Mi--N chacl McLeary, John McClaughlen, Margaret McCorkle. N....SamueNiel. O....Edwin Jay Orsbornet P..John D. !'etti(i4ncj renyowpbJ'uty Remaining in the Pmit-Ocfja'Cimjtw . : October 1,J820. , ; f . -j- B: Asa Dames, John Barton. C..A. W. Cafosse. Henry Cline Joseph Crawford.. DJohrt Davi. Charles Dorton. E... James Elder. F...Ebenezer Flinr. G...l'rahcis Glass. H,..Elisha Honeycutt 2, James Hand ley, Abner Higgins, Dr. Daniel Hajiclius, Dr. W'illian Houston. J.JohB 1 Jarrat, iZachsriah Lyerle, Jo nas Jpe. 3I....ltiehard A. McKec, John 8. McCalcb. P ... AVillium Peacock. Henrv PhikV. Wirtlam Porter. Ben. jamin riuoket, Elizabedi Hifer.. K....Nancy5-RusscI.r a f...: 'f:-tr.i A Li:ii;nin. John Stirewajt, en.s Ehjah Smith, WiJatnea WsiTeTi'o IyVJMJVisvO. vViBe'james Wier. , X- ' SILAS I A v 19, By "D a viarbiKx, A. P. M , -Jwl7r R....Dr. Josenh W. Ross, F.K;m Itoon. James Uoner. Ra - chel Robinson, James Rone, John Uitch sen. B... David Smith A David or Hugh Smith, Margaret Skelly, James C. Sloan, Se:h Sexton, The Sheriff, Uetty Smith, David Stinson, Eh Stew art, ....Samuel L Thomas James CL Mj Torrence, John M. Thomas. W.. ..Allen Wyiiens, Joseph Wilson, William I. Wilson, Jordan Williamson, Catharine Wallace Matthew Wallace, Samuel Wilson, Samhel C W ilaim. Beniamin Wist; Thomas WaHreR-Daivid WUsoit' ' ThomftsMWhlte, Rev. John Williamson. Y....Willisjn Tan. det' . , Wll SMITH, J,.V. . - October 1, 1820.- 3wl8 1 XL M?tr mttW'lihi-.-MiA a.L.rjaiTw .fcrfi-r n m fm M .":''...:.;--. J 4 t -.1 i 4 1 A i i snouexi, ;jOdew 3i meant i&'mmm'MlWM iaVer th'.laBeaj l 4- .1 . , , i.i rvvry ut nnj)i inn. iieuw v mv A v,v yv msis r. 1

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