7 r ,-. -!,;. Thf. ,v;U TTf.w.T .1.nr.t, fl.r ,M'.m.!rf cf Ici'.ULtiutt rv.s;!e a report in favo nbrlliitn of 1I t i.ti'llir t nli id im! rst.Ctr-. I'Utst arc cr.rtaitdy ir.oct impoium changes in ;lic k!utc (-f 3(T.ilr in sr.r fi a monarchy as the Span uh, withe IcgLhuure thai begins so boldly will cm I c l.kcry toon to licniute. " ; jjwMsvjivrjximESTiXG. : " ?itm thi MfiK ariua. A friend La favored us witj the following ex tract of letter from on observant and intelligent Vorrcspondent In Cadiz, in tlx correctness pi vhase In feriiuUoa implicit reliance nlay be pla- " CADIZ. AUG. 26. I hare never uehcld create r inquietude and juore painful apprehension fur the lute of a rev olution than U exhibited by the people of this jlacevTThej have lost almost all confidence in she measures of the Cortet, who, they say, have yet dono nothing ; . meantime, thi". king and hi mini iter si ssrie orders that create the strongest tloubts of the integrity of their intentions. Micgo ban been ordered to move his army from M to another station, and other troops have been or dered to replace; him. Twice he has refused to oley the order, and the people here itqjdorc him to persist iu the resolution. The troop ordered in his stead are known to le com mantled bv ojfi' er inimical to the new sytcm, and pjrtiians of rreyrc. Campana, and the other IcviU incarnate of the fatal 10th of March, who have yet suffered nothing, for their hellish .barbarity, and for which the people cry aloud to justice and to vengeance Even the women of Cadiz swear they will defend the gates against the entrance of the troops des tined to garrison it, and every day placards ap pear in all public places, intubating a correspon ding feeling in all classes. Hiego is surrounded when he appears in public, ith the filial cry of " Don t leave us, lor (jod s sake. f lis own feel ing, and those of his compatriots and soldiers, are in unison with the people's; nor docs he think patriotism forbids the course he has taken, though it would appear to be in hostility to the sovereignty of the government. ' Hut the assas sins of the 10th of March yet lis c with impunity. Cadiz tries aloud for protectionthe Cortes has yet fulfilled none of the engagements with the liberating army ; the order of the Minister of AV'ar have a most suspicious feature of the coun ter revolutionary project, and the army of the I & j, conscious of their strength in the .1 flection of the people, have dared lo resist the official inundate. A painful interregnum is thus trea ted in the afT.iisof Spain; and who will yield, the government or Kiego, is a question of difli cult solution. " In Malaga a similar feeling exists in conse quence of an order for a change of the garrison there, and the people threaten to interpose to prevent its execution In this dilemma, (he Min ister of War has resigned. " Although the monopoly of tobacco is still declared to exist, there is no article more public ly exposed for sale in this place, and the author ities find it impossible to prevent it. It is one of the many melancholy proofs, every day visible in Spain since the adoption of the constitution, that the interpretation given to it by ntnc-tcnfiis of the lutton, is eery man doing as,he pleases. Out of this anarchy, it is too much feared the horrors of a revolution are yet to come Be assured, it is very -fr from Joeing complete ; ond that Spain, at thin moment, is ss much in the enjoyment of the old system as the new. Such is the deplorable state of the parties in the couniry. But a little time must determine. " The deputies for Venezuela have sailed ; the others are here." :ii! or tli c mV.tV'n r.f Lord I'rsiine to wjrf V he propoMii ' i if the Ic.mud counvrl, the otc 9-H.T,fenti, iion-ccutc-nts., 17U....inaj't. ity, 121. Count' I hcim strain called ti Informed that the request of Mr. IlroaglMin had lrcu nfnicd Mr. Ilrotigham begged to have until next day to consider of Mi final dderminatiim. Tim Lords thru adjourned. On jhc m-xtday, Sept, 9tk. the Lord Chancellor atrd to Mr. Urouv.bam, th.it the house were desirous of knowing ut what time, it would be most convenient for him to go Kilo the cute of her majesty. r , . Mr. Dcoughain then proceeded as follows! '". u My Ixirdsi -IIcr majesty's cotit.scl being more willing to give the house a full and satis factory answer to that mictuon, thought it their duty to wi.lt on Lcr mdvfyIal'TijTili'l&n'drift concurrence with the opinion of my learned friend, Mr. Williams, who. iii consequence of his own profeiotial duty has been obliged to leave town for York, we have come to rg determination 1 1, fcujee-1, w lIch wc t rMni ill meet your lordships' convenience. . Tho decision which your lordships came 10 yesterday, namely, :not tn allow, any commentary, In thii stage of the pro' reeding, on the evidence adduced in support of the bill, was communicated to her majesty. We then received her. majesty's commands to inform your loidships, that we shall be able to proceed as speedily as possible to answer the case made put for the bill, and to tender evidence in defence of her majesty 1 but. as they will require few duys preparation, and as that task wil devolve on one of her majesty's advisers, in , diflercnt branch of the pro(esNonv probably your lordships will grant a thort delay; lor that purpose." Her majesty's anxiety lo proceed in her defence con tinues not only unabated, but is rather more than increased by some of the proofs against her, and looking to that very natural, and I shall take leave to add, that praise-worthy feeling, my learned friend and myself are desirous that the delay should be as short as possible. I rather exceed thn full short of the wishes her majesty has born pleased to assign lo our request, when I ask your lordships to allow us to about Monday fort night for that purpose." . Lord Liverpool said that he could not suppose that any difference of opinion could arise in the houic as to the nature of the application made by the learned counsel at the bar, betcuse. in his judgment, the time for beginning her majesty's defence ought to be entirely left lo the discretion of her majesty's counsel. No personal incon venience lo the members of the house, individu ally or collectively, ought to influence their lord ships upon the question now proposed, and he trusted that it would be received with unanimity. Lord Darnley concurred with Lord Liverpool. Iord (irey considered that a much later day should be granted. A desultory debate of some length took place, when the Lord Chancellor put the following question : Is it your lordships pleasure that this house adjourn to Tuesday the 3d day of October next?" which was carried with out a division, and their lordships adjourned to l uesday the 3d otUct. at 10 o'clock in the mom tnz. 1 nus enus tne urst act 01 the uoyal f arce. Addresses continue to be sent to the Queen ; among them was the White Chapel address, pre sentcd by the church, wardens, attended by the parish otUcers, &c. The address of the females " . . nf VKftfTinlfl. ll'irh Ifl Drift clfrnattiroe h I m.l frrcct Ubrrty that is, the liberty oi r," ' " " - 1UIISUII4ISII Several bf the Queen's witnesses had arrived in town : amon? them arc persons of the highest respectability in Italy. The Iondon Observer s'ates, that, among others who will be called in her majesty s defence, are Sir William Cell, the honorable K. Craven, captain Ilownam, captain rlynn, Uoct. Holland, Count Schiavini, Hicrony- mus Carlo, (a courier,) and several other of her majesty s domestics. These are all persons in timately acquainted with the domestic arrange ments 01 her majesty during her travels, and will be enabled to account for what, at present, has ihe appearance of mystery. Independent or these witnesses, nowever, are a great number ot others jn their way to Lngland, some of high rank. others in more humble situations in life.' The testimony of the latter will throw Jome light on hir- ' f t ffi ''' '.'1 1 ilill ( f i';rin, I lit (,f t'i"i: reined MflrotdJ only bo nfxiimaily Quren for no la. I'ul r'irlit eAn bf eonrcved bv an il!cjrl ct ,l(V b the . . m . I .... f ... .1 '.. . " hf grri mnjurii 01 111c ciuuit, ivhuhijj rii till of pains and peiuHlc itli any Irgalchms LITEST MOM &WL.1.VD. , , ; NEW-TOMR. OCT. 13. Last evening our boat returned from the ship Cortes, Captain He Cost, arrived at the Quararr tine ground, in 34 days passage from Liverpool By this arrival we are furnished with London papers of Sunday the .I0th,and Liverpool papers tnc character and motives of the witnesses who of the 1 1 th bepten ber, .inclusive. haVc been examlfted in surinort of the hill of nalns The papers arc filled with the testimony in re- anH n-nalttes :::::1auoiOo oubilc meeting hacloeen held a th Crown 'extended to the 2 1 st day, being Saturday, St pt. and Anchor in jyu 9th. On the 8th, Mr. brouirnam stated that it r Mo,;.. 1, n,,!......! ' r ss-hisshtnjrocceofortbwitrrvvith thtrde niat.. sir fi7X in thr, rhaip rh r . - .Sf .. II . . , . . - " ...... lence ot tne , vjueen ; and on tne uru inanceiior cenlerncn proposed fortrustees were as follows : inquiring ,f the counsel mant, by proceeding sir (; Nt)ej? Duke of Leinster, Earl of Oxford, ..wHuiu open uw case, in, niiajo ioiiow h rM Wood Esq. Hon. D. Knnard, P. Moore, up: by "producing evidence, oi did they mean v Aifman Thnrnr'sir FrnrU iw,Ut;Sr merelr tfl "qpn the case, and afterwards pi-ay time J . Newport, Sir II. Parrall, Lord W. Fitzgerald. 1: rr;v cn.Titt r t!.f u ts I'M ru !i and piir, ni'l f.vo.l cr; lr,:nr.t tW'Ac r,tt. M Afi r ra'Ai Htan.t W.rU ninny the nut t t!nuiM: ainon ? tH IV, u h1 nMdnit tb'. pfn'.ifi-. hnulill, an( tie total snt cf ar.r euffnto ta jutif !l niMftiiNMit, it rajm'jt ! csj.tctctf Ut it v ill I'am hut, (fit uli'HiM pai vro rrtJt untr 't thefts!)", hility that hU niaj5ty may inrry 1 the ktuc of that manias tvmd.1, in all likelihood, rm8 roiitsrd sue i t uUn. The part of tho iuin lich will not allow the hill cf p-dnl ftnd pcnaltii to bi a eoNM'jtntfonal ad, tnntf ml mi'Lly tabmit t th jfpring f amaniHa vLch iU iur fawrulp ht itrmeil tfgttiimit?.' j , ' If my Inarriujfc be annulled. It nut annwllod In tb-fianre tn all UW. . 1 110 Wlict ierrirr, wno wic ft opinion oft! 'niio lliii hi v&Mi.hMHtla.xi:KArd:A.i aoyJUun more titan an act of Uire tyranny, atul as such tt will excite Ua itttreti of tne prrarm re, anu experience m c cration of poatenty.'' : ' ' " - There are 7r.000 AosTrlans on their march lo wards Italyrand many more rcjtiments arc or- dcied tfj )c .lO.rtauwe.iij. .j:., I.,. ..J, 1 he Sicilies have 60,000 men armed, under the "orderrof" the"Junt4bf Palermor;Menina, Augusta, and Trcpina, are all the towns which have declared for Naples. Cantaniucita.has been burnt for not taking part with the patriots, who were withiu 40 miles of Messina, which must surrender. Harveit appears well in England.. . Iettei s had been received ut Augsburg, staling that a great victory had been gained by the troops of Ali Pacha over the army of the Porte, tbo. com mander of which .was killed. . . Accounts from Iierlin state, that 20,000 Prus sian troops were ordered to march Cor IlalyiT : VKW-YORK. OCTOBK.B 3. The British ship Mars arrived at this port yes terday morning, in the remarkable short Dassatre of 22 days from Liverpool, which place she left on the 20th tilt. "Capt. Mitchell has politelf fa vored. Ihc editors. of Jbe Mercantile Advertiser with a hie of London papers to the .26th of last month. He brought no letter bag.- Some few letters, however, are received. The following is an extract from one of the 28lliJepterubr " There is no improvement In the CQttou mar ket. The advertisement of 64CO bags for public sale, so soon after the large sale of the, l5tK, gives great ollence to the trade, and the prices in the mean time are rather uncertain. Upland, 10 to I2d; N Orleans, 10 to 14d ; Sea Island, 17J to 2s. 3d. I lour is dull at 24 a 24s 6d per barrel Hicc dull at 16 to 20s. per cwt. In ashes, tobac co, or n.ival stores, nothing doing." The private sales of the week preceding the 18th, comprised 1050 bags Upland, at 1 1 to 12 1-4-1. and 210 Orleans, at 12 1-2 to 12 5-8d. The papers contain no intelligence of great importance. The popularity of the Queen ap pears to be undiminished, and addres&es con tinue to be presented to her from all parts of the kingdom. - We do not find that there are any later advices from Portugal than have been received here via St. Lbcs.. Some disturbances had taken place at Copen hagen, but all was quiet on the 9ih, On the 1 2th Sept. the cAptains, mates, and sea men, of the British merchant vessels at London, went in a body with an address to the Queen i he procession amounted to about 5000. T he first flag was inscribed " Heaven protect the innocent. 1 he second, ' (od save the Queen, "and the third, " Non Mi Ricordi From the intelligence of the last whaHngshtps arrived in Lngland, some of which had proceed ed above bit 80, an opinion prevails that the dis covery ships have found a passage into the Paci fic 1 A distinct view of the great -eclipse of the Sun on the 7th was obtained at a place near lidinburg for a few minutes, through some flvmg clouds. but was not visible in the cify ; and the astrono mers who were prepared to observe were disap- to procure evidence... andrseveral other distinguished characters. It ..... f.-;--.-' "'v ,xyitS watea, at tne meeting, that the Queen s plate wiV inp ,..iww.iuj( suucri wnien uy IfmtmimMm: Editor the Courier, and, toight suseqiiently sw eause ience.: i nc:nrsi was, wnetner rthey-would call had been made in that paper upon her majesty any evidence whatever , the second, tbcy might conduct. . M aoie imroeciiateiy to produce a part ef their T Th fnllnwino. n, w r,.,v.t k- l$2 evidence, butyet they mighty oyer oiner wunesses i e-eiureaieu ne m.iuw white Chapel. It breathes rebellion and. cm gence oi tne notise artet navmg peen tnrown by I war n every line : u i, . u. i. i I 1 am happy to Jim that my manv suffering's, and my. V r. -t'"" i .. w r . v? - V . accumumea wrongs, nave so powcrtutir interesteti the icnce.jamt not-rjeusRecinny qucstlor'as no niKi sam upici iiiiiiMuuii vi unriging eviuenccor conunuing the dcfencC'tO its Conctusirm hi t K it liri nf t ' orocecdintrs. Counsel ', were .,ArA . with: If-Rhberty; No measure since the revolution- draw A considerable debate then took ,.., .-..-...w, ,.rr.. ... "("ivsiiyn vi .-i.jj Hum, iiitr uuaiit-wTvrsuieci aspsci ana witw all ita jren J icld sto his '. reciuust J ;attd..-.-&Wowetl on the taru'ns.ttre ptrsptfeuve of tlie future Vjth a 1 tmc side bv Earl Gwy, Lord Lansdown. Urd lul , Cb(thitm, mi Lord-JJtv lower- appiratfCfiiof. eij-a.K-ar.; Jt eshibits a clod ortthe rr.ciiiHt bit ii.tcr.tiun In propose that the HWe s1iotfl be rullrd over cutly in N'ui ember. This he Mated now, in (Jn!er llut members ttilbt bo in rca!inc!.a to attend within the pctlod of ihtec weeks after the day to which his present motion referred. In Ihe course of tho iltbitc upon it, Lord Castlcrcagh denied that her Majesty wit nesses met with any obMructlons that were r.u common to both sides. How ne we to reconcile this assertion with the evidence of the wltncswrf against the Queen, stating that they apprehended force on the part of their government, to compel them to come to England f An account of t.o" expense of the proceedings, and of the sums I-' sued for her Majesty's defence, was ordered tote laid otiore the house. ". . Lord Castlercogh, in answer to a aaeitlon from s Mr.iIam'itatcdrlarirnMe'ri fwerc vet 'In pojjculon of no authentic Information at lotU ' recent proceedings In PortugaL'aml were there.' fore unaWcao ilcllrer any opmloTnipoirihe iub" ject. This answer has dissipntetl one of the Tit '' .'TOCKIIOtM, tttr, 9. . MaioFCraanef, who embarkedTast year, to open a new commercial communication between Lhlli and. India, Jbroujjh the Tacllic ocean, dis covered on the voyage a groVipp bf Islands not hitherto noticcU. 1 he largest he named Qku'i Island. r, i ' ' - f important rnoii BnAzTJLr;;1 Fxtract if a 'tetter from Salem, to a gentleman in ISotton. : ; . ,(ALfM,OCT. 13. lt gives me pleasure lo comply with tle re quest conveyed In your letter of yesterday, and I uupc me iinurmaiHin nay oe gratiiying to , , whom I remember with pleasure. My friend left Pernambuco Auc. 31. About eieht or nino days previous to his sailing, It was whispered tbat u irTuiuuuii jiou uruncn out in province 10 me southward, near Minas The covcrnor.1rho is very despotic tried hard to repress the report A body of about 200 troops were marched south. ward, with orders to unite with other bodies dur n .V. JJ? Tc 9?? the? revolted province. The troops at , ParVlba were also directed to pro ceed to the Same destination. My friend represents the people as In a state of great discontent, and ripe for a revolution and ives it as his own and the opinion generally pf those with whom he communicated; that a revo lution must enue. A fleet of 10 sail, under con voy of a 20 gun ship, which be says Is called the Sam Gtialler, sailed for Lisbon, on the 13th Au-, ' gust. When under way, ihe' governor sent or ders to the commodore, that,' in case he should find a revolution had taken place in Portugal, US proceed to England with tlie fleet The governor had issued an order forbidding, under severe pen alties, Ihe circulation of a report," that- Marshal" Heresfoi d hud taken in his ship the kirrgVtTew- sure to England. - tireat jeulousies exist between the native iirazilian troops and those from Por- -tugab and hence the revolutionists thought the troops could not be brought to act." - Z)rw. Prest. AUnURT;' (N; C.) TUfDAT, NOV. 7, lp). -s-londok, srr 23. An account from Rome mentions an attempt that was made on the night of the 4th, at Civita Vecchia, by a desperate body of malefactors, to seize upon the city, and establish a republic I hey amoun'ed to 1 600. Their project, however, was discovered and frustrated. - By a Flanders mail, we learn that the Portu guese minuter at the .Netherlands has address ed a arcular to the Portuguese Consuls in that lnguom, siaung mat, in consequence oi tne re cent events in Portugal, they must eease deliv ering and countersigning passports for that king dom. PAms, sf p. 2 1 . The committee of the court of Peers continue without ceasing, the examination of the 'prisoners." A mong them is M . .ocornbe, of the LifeJ&uards. . ...... L,r-. Tlie Neapolitan General Pepe has addressed circular "IetterlJto all the generals comiiiandmg divisions in Naples, directing them lo proceed without delay to a levy of men for augmenting the army. . J, ; ' ; Several Couriers, French, English, Austrian, and Italian, have parsed thrcnigh' Calais within a few days, some for London, and some fur Parts. Lord Ellenborough, and Sir Win. Curtis, have passed through for the, Netherlands. , Tlie House of Commons met on the t'8th Sep tenbei and adjourrjed to the 1 7th of Octpber, b which day Lord CaNtleregh calculates the House would be able to fjiul its way, and to determine from 4he proceedings of the otbeHjousei io.what iartber period it might be expedient to adjoUru If the bill of pains and penalties should, come down from the other house, Jt would be o1)vio(ivl fl4estraltM )ie caljcdiover J The month of October, it) the northern States, is a bu sy and Interesting month, more so than any other in the vear. In that month are celebrated the anniversaries of t . r... . the numerous Agricultural Societies which exUt in that section of the Union, and whichctter knowledge and Improvement in every direction, ' The accbVtnts which we have received, through the papers f the varioa celebrations during the lst month, are. of Very interes ting nature, ami disclose facts worthy of remembrance, and evidence a spirit worthy of imitation, ; Wc shall eiv dcarbr, in our ncxf,Tb lay hciij'rc our 'readers accounts of several of these agricultural festivals : We shall place be fore. tbcni(ff, and leave it to their own good senso t! draw practical andnsrfiil nclwont. V -; - - It lsncv hut little more than ttn yMrssjnee.theirst- -Aerxultunil Si-ictv, (i. c. a Society crgued m"tlc manuur tin v "now - arc,) was calliicd-ln,,& tatr'liarsoyrfofmcd1iTllahifie antt In a part of the state naturally fertile,, but.which hatl, from having yearly dmughtH made on its strength , for nearly a century, witlnery little care being bestowed to replenish it, become nearly cxhaustedSvThe farmers, at the tiniv this society was organized, hd concluded their lands would not proili.ee ' 'SwV'an,!l with," compar-.alkicw- exreptionit, had ceaseoto euvftte-it 'fbA greater part 'of the wheat used in the d?iin , was pr , ehasexl, Teadvmanufactinvd, from t! farmers ot cew- York, whoHc. nto lands piwhieed it i.ibundance. Tl eoiuNly, abiijxlauily able. its own consumption, from., mistaken nr Jons, and Ahrmign the iitllunce of prejudice, waS-swnally impoliticly en- foaiTshlv imnoverwliing itseu. riching its neighbors, and Hut the establishment of this npovt clcty was thecommenct- mcnt of an entire new order 01 thinjrs. The old ian- m.H KH oi prejiiuivc wyre wiumcii uuimj. . . taught the folly of pettlsUnpft any nicasure, of adhering to any system of huibrpmiTetif boicausc tlieir fathers find graiid-falbers hatl douelo bctbrc thc.m They wcr taught to tiuttk aiklreraonf was valuable, knd4U3Tode what was useless, rtd worse than useless, pcViciou in tlie old systems. They were; exotcu, ty con 4 ftiuoTi, to nfli',yuv" . ty 'xhe , Urd'VhWsl .-.-...l-w,;.-;.......... ,

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