fnlire mlitit, hul J.Uttl.f In blli.!aiirr, :,. of eicrllcnt quality. And this Mme mi.ty, m Ii!r ttti yrsrs ago, did not rslw more than one ffih v( ulat h coni'imrti, now ra!n wore U.un It wants for in ounron. rimption. Impryvcmr nt ha been equally rapid, and c quallygrcat, In crcrj other department of husbandry. Ilieir breed of cattle, of shcrp, andof bogs, ruvo been greatly ameliorated." And U mi ilk;d, UiM the Hies have nut on! Improved m lonl'mr m, but increased In usefulness ami real estimation. Thcyara bow mow liwlmtnouti mor simple and rrpubfican ln their man. acni Wcpollahed in their jninda. 'ttcy." excited a pirit of enterprise and exemplary ia;lutr) and rut a. ttvi tit prrjutEctt wAW hwt aid fancitd'fatlncfan attach tt iuuI empUtmfia; For th (ax it of all these tftcti. we must look to the Atmcuhurd Hn-Wiv " 1 LI. U oidyaveryimps-rfcct sketch of the good which haa he en effected by one of then Institutions i the icweirate of all. would be truly umMnng. luid almost Incredible. Our only object In the boVr, if "to excite g fpmt of - - am h m k hw w w mmM iin m . iir 1 1 n v niam r 1 T w " " iiiw 'II .L- J .1 ' ' . . , " " icvu ucrx. tci in aito&auon eJLinJsJxwf.iwHtw in thiaewn- yLtt every firmer be jndbfic iritcd enough' to Join it, and btcqme an attttx mem! y i Let funds be raised to be lilJ out lii premium, U bAwardtdevery fall in a pub lie manner, to personi who aha! deserve thefn by their experiments and jmproveroenta In the 'delightful and ne' ccuary artj of husbandry i Let tIis be done, and. wYvciC lure to predld; that ten yean hence tcarcely an lipid ww oc aeen uitJie countji ami f hat lands which now produce fire, will ihcii produce 'tfleen buahela to the acre i and such as now tleld t,t)J.tjr will tlten afford abundant crops. ' ; '." ..J.. Ftattt.-A potatde vii hotred u last week raised in the garden of Daniel Clary, Esq. of this villjgr, w hich measured three fect fwr inches in length, and one foot in circumference. papers from various parts of the Onion, for screral weeks, hare teemed with ac. counts of the uncommon productions of natnre the past season; such as mammoth snplcs snuaxhes, pumpkins, &.c. and we now hire the pleasure of adding a mammoth tut to the list of wonders. .. . ' v. '.- to ceaaxsrevsiirs. A second number of the Beriew 6f the Athenian Club' " is requested, before' wc come to a decision. 1 A'EIK- COLLEGE. oft tj wtsTias; CAaouu. . The ubject of instituting public chartered feat of learning in the Western part of the state t XT L I I tA J? yi iurui-vroiinaf nas oeen nouceq oy uincreni public papert. The merits oT the measure have been differently spoken of. While some publi cations emanating, (at least ostensibly,) from dis taat place, speak, nith hesitation on the subject, the ceuse has been nobly pleaded by others more -immediately within the sphere of operation, and here, the necessity and Importance of the mcas lire can-more. easily be ascertained. What tic rrree n( inttmt nnH rn . lh mraiir nncrhf In excite in Ihe public mind, will be developed in the answer to the two following questions : 1st. Is the measure necessary ? . 2d. Is it one that can be effected ? - First s Is the measure, necessary ? From va rious considerations, 4t would appear that an af firmative answer must be here given. 1st The example of our sister states forms a strong pre sumptive argument thit the. measure is neces -Kary.-Ihs any-other 4Ute in the Union pxmes sing the population of North-Carolina : entertain ed the opinion that; one public seat of learning re; i ... j i wavBinnxicm r-- naa inassncrrusciis- uceuicu one sufficient ? Has Vermont ? Has New-York ? Has Pennsylvania T Has Virginia ? kc. 8cc. We are attentive to the policy 0tour sister states in other respects, and disposed .to learn from example.- Why attentive in everf oiher respect, but turn a deaf ear to. the particular now in hand ? I repeat it, that the uniform example of other states con stitutes an. argument' violently presumptive in favor of. the measure here advocated. 2d. The conveniehcy of the Western section of the state requires the institution of another public seat of learning. FronT'the western hmits of. Northj; Carolina- to Chapel-Hill, is not less than 300 nulesv '-At so distant a place, it i both inconven- ud that parental intercourse which IsnecessrT pdtirirtO -toHege residence. ; 3d. .The jVreserya F tion of our resources at home, our local situation, Vaiidthe arcumstances of our country, make it tiripv "A hat fTnfnr)iliir inf mAnu at llcf ant places be,-as much as possible, avoided. Under present circumstances, this object is not suflv it.uj - xr....:.i i? tT-i versity'of Nqrih-Carolina, located at Chapel-Hill, not a few ofjour youth go into ntighboiing states. or distant places, to finish their education. 4lh. The accommodation of that part of society to which heavy V pcnseTafe not convVnietrTuH provision cmbr'-es vUrKe-JS-ttdift iiva:y re pect. an lmnort t share nf the noniilatioii of this - . r - r I - western sectio i country. Larije fortunes are proneny is well iv ' trbm a v'arict 1VK thai led. onsiderations it would an- pear that education can be prosecuted with com parative economy in western parfof Nrtrth Carolina. The sojl, r fertile ; provisions abun dant, and the tiorrii. 'ah&maiiners of .society comparatively r ..ri. Mayers of fact suppo the allegation hercWWe. Pj utation, in every form in our power,hasactualr beettprosecuted here, and is now prosecuted.rv'more ecQnomical terms than in the most'ofcfwcs.-vOn this Rubiect I would inquire have the lite regulation r of some ! of ur pfulilip seats ;6f l mint; no un friendly bearing ohlthat ntimeroui rtibn -lofw , ' !FX w.i'OS'tLMJterest is, now iimlcr '-ration i ttu'uiW, iii cit!tr to prtidniic, Tl.c pliti ap peiis to he, that the Mwtrut 1u!l rcMc fur years. I p-sk, whi t mud the efldt of tU p!.ui be? Ileyotal !ouU hi. The dcraJatiini of Academics. For If they aro to le cirrumt'ii!)cd in their operation within the ury nnrruw limits that are set lUm ; IT they nre jvcrmiitrd to pre side over the mere first ptincip'cs of education only, every nr.ttl.of weight and character il shake his bands f tear of them, and retire from the scene where his entertainment, profit' and Improvement, would be essentially tpce and his opportunity of utility Jo the public completely circumscribed. Ji not this an e? ent to be depi e t-ted f IIse well regulated Academics no lm poiunt beat ing upon the literary Interest of our Ciiuott y i-2dr-'i his plrv must xcndo' the less opulent part of society from the field of science, ikI throor t monojwly of learning into the hands of the rlth. College expenses are heavy ) and for to long i period of tlrne cannot l borrie"ly those who are not UtiJihy. Uk.;is tUre oolb Ing to be' deprecated in thisstate of things f Is lhercLiliolhing.aiistocrsiicxl. U there. notUng menacing, both tilth resect to the Intent of church and ' state I Let none suppose that he writer is an advocate for a smattering in education.- No r if a College arl.e in the West, we wish and design it to be inferior to none in point of solid learning aiU .acichccr 'l his, the writer insists upon It, can be accomplished without the long college residence hitherto noticed. From the 6rt institution of Princeton College, and until ilthin m few years, after a rcspccuUte acquaintance ith the dead languages, and a good knowledge of geography, the atudent th-t wa at tentive to business was sure, to gtaduate i two years. Was this an insufficient course i Ltt the merits of the men that were iittitxiuced into the literary world under this course answer the ques tion. Are not these the luminaries that have shone in the church, in the medical, department, and at the bar t Are not these the men tha have figured in our legislative coun- its, hnl thundered in the field of battle i I hut it appears' that the long college residence, and the cou-eq jent heavy expenditures now by some of our public seats of learning imposed on the student, are artificial rather than necessary If it be s .id that the field of science is extending, the measure, tuertlorc, that Is here complained of is ncctsviry ; I an swer, let well regulated Academics have their full weight In a course or education. Hue ex penses are comparatively iiht. i hus the same point can be obtained, and learning not be put out of the power of the less wealthy put t ol society. 5th., The, interest of religion and morality would seem to require the measure . If all the youth of our own state that are puruing a liter ary course, together with a considerable number from neighboring states, are to be collected to gether at Chapel-Hill, it ill be difficult to pre setve that order, that morality and virtue which are vitallylmportarit f6rile Imnor and Interest of an institution; and for the honor, interest, ond usefulness in life of thoe who emunate from it In any department of life, in proportion as the num. ber is great which is collected together, in the same proportion is it difficult to support order, and preserve the interest of morulity anJ virtue. Hence the rigid discipline that must,, be kept up in armies. And hence the vigilance and disci pline that has been kept up. and must be kept up. in the cumbrous and massy Furopean uni yersities. The number ought to be respectable, so as to awaken spirit of due compctiiion ice But there is a boundary , th.U it ouht not to pass. In pleading the cause of religion and morality, the Church ' wlirdtily appreciate the weigh! of the argument. She laments the paucity of compe tent Ministers of the Gospel, t.nd mourns over, her silent .Sabbaths. Her eyes are upon the fountains of science, and she devoutly supplicates that they may be preserved pure. But ought the church only to be solicitous that virtue and sci ence be combined in our seats of learning ? Hits the state no interest in such an issue ? To bfiii m this would be rash, ant in opposition to the dictates-of com men .sense,. and the results of expe rience in every, age of the world. Ancient le gislators accorded' ith t he sentiment of t he poc t ( 'Tis fixed by fate, irrevocably fixed, Virtne and vice are empires' life and death. If this is true with respect to other government", ir is crrfcinly; eminently true uhh respect to a republican' govei lirntnL A government occu pying a fair portion of F.urope, a few years ago, mtwle the bohl ex jeriment f exterminating reli gion She-Changed th&abbaJlv-day-proit rated the temples of worship, and wrote over the bu ry ing-grounds, "'' the fflacr of eternal tleffi" The event was awfully admonitory. The ruins were terrible i and with a - voice like thunder, teach the nations of the earth to stand far from that forbidden ground. - l" " Xoincident with the doctrine hexe( is'tfie faneWell address of our immortal Wash ington, to ihfeprfettf te-NUnkefttatev when he retired from the Presidential chair.' He call ed upon them, in order to .maintain the interest of their country;, to be careful to support the in terest of religion and morality. " Cautiously, ( say s he,) admit the idea, that the latter can be maintained witiiout the former." : He adds -"A volume w ould not be sufficient to trace the con nexioh of religion "and morality with civil socie- ty.",,Thc ?ame .thing is necessary. tQ. complete. the standing nnd character ol the student. jA ill any hesitate to admit that morality isssential to a hnished character.! treat talcntrand learning, rising in conflict-with morMexreUency, never can be u blessing t society, but must be an ob-j jecx to be rieprccaurt. ,nu is morality nrmiy oaseo: on any other bottom put that of religion J I hus the interest of hothtivil and religious soci itnpTt:r.'"e of the r current r.o.r uncr ccr.tMe ntiu. This rjtitiicr.l nuut stand in full foicc, except it can he made to appear that the itttertts ol religion ami morality ate already suitably con sulted ami supported in our Southern scats ol learning. Whether thlv is the cue or not. let two thing determine ! lit. The paucity of Min isters of. the Compel that emanate from them ( 2d. The testimony of those that have had an'cp portunity of Inspecting the slate of religion and morals among those that compose them.. ' The second point developing the merits of the zeal and operations In the est.' to institute a new College; It, 2d. Is it an c4iccl that on be effected f To arcoinpiish the object, two things are necessary ; 1st, A chatter fioirnhe Leit'tsla turr tt "the btsterThlTri take ir for granted, can and will be obtained." 3d. Funds to meet the expenses of the undertaking Upon this ground, is there any evidence that we nugtju despair ? In point of fundsTwKat et Wencc Tuve wtlhafthe CeiKTal A'aie.mbiyrwUI not boU out the hand of generous co-operation r-x What operation would more iramortalire the names of the ensuing le gislature, than to arise in their mjesty,arid found a seat of learning that would promise fir to he a blessing, not only to "the present generation, but lb generations yet unburn 'Mo the history of ev ery country i the founding of respectable scM ol learning' forms an import;iht era. The legitla ture has the power t and we have yet to learn, that they have not the will to patronize the Mine of learning. But should we not be no foitunjie as t olkain public 'aid, does it hence follow that this grcr.t project must fail? Other seats ol learning, i( great importance, vh. Princeton, kc. have been founded and long supported by.piivale munificence. And has that liberality lhat once pouted blcttalngs on sot ivty, now taken ltt flight ? We arc. not prepared to believe it. Thcie is much weMth in that section of country ruueern ed and wc htve yet to be convinced, that then will net be a disposition to disburse it upon so in teresting a call In this state of mind wc arc tup ported by the liberal overtures of a variety ol in litldu:ils.'"A number have said, if the plan goes Into operation, they will tive one thousand dol lars towards It. Many can be found that would contribbte that sum ; end, probably, I as well without it as with it. The unanimity of the pub lie is great, the zeal remarkable ; it may there fore be Wily Calculated uwn, that liberal muuili eence'will be pretty 'general. The matter, then, stands thus : The necessity of another public scat of learning is supported by the examples of our s'utcr states by convenicn Cy by the preset vation of our resourtesal home by the accommodation of the less wealthy p-it of society and by the interests of religion and moitditv That it is an object that can be effected, ap pear from the consideration, that the LcgitU lure will not refuse a charter, and with it will probably gnmt somcassistimre in point of funds But should we receive no public aid, as to fund, the wcalt.Sof that section of country concerned lis respectable, and their liberality with respect to so great and important an object, we hope, may be relied upon. Let it be understood, that from the first movement on this subject, we have con ferred with many leading characters in the up per parts of South-Carolina, who feel interested in the object, and pledge every suitable co-operation in order to its accomplishment. To advocate this great project before the Gen eral Aksemhlynmst'devolve Lupoh .Abe 'rcpi emu lative from this western section of the state. We hope that none will be insensible to its im portancc ; but that, "with all possible zeal, the v wiil support a cause so important to society in general, and particularly to lhat section of coun try to which they belong. iuvivs.' rnOMTtlK 0EM0CRAT1C TUPM. Spain -We have it from such authority as aa tifiesji of the fi.ct. thai the King of Spain lias ra tified the treaty with'the United States tor the Ten sion of the FforitU.h : we are also satisfied that the ratified treaty is now in the United States1, and will be submitted to Congress, immediately on its as sembling next month. The manifsio,-ihe tyrannic and warlike mani festo of the Empcior Alexander, on Spanjsh af fairs, which we lately published, hasjcn v plained to the entire satisfaction of the Spanish King and Cortex: -The' EmpCwJris Urtdcrttoort to have '"detlare'd, itrhis explanatory-tate paper, that Ms fir?t manifesto was predicated on the be iref-(hthadfturpedhcutwi the Kingdom, and dictated to the people by forte of arms the present established, form ofRovern tnent r but thnt subsequent advices having con veyed a more correct statement, and hfcr iraperi1 al Majesty being satisfied that the change tit 'the government has been the act, not of the arnly, but oi.tAe -JVati6ri,he is nJwenUfelcewtk4 to the change, and hopes the cohstiiuted author ities smHrre SpaniT people may-tmjof prosper ity and happiness under the newly established or der of things. These txplartalions and congrat ulations have been received in the mostTiiendly spirit, and the bet relations of friendliness art established between the two governments. l Plan for ejtcting Monafarte'i 5-flo.Tle cu rious paragraph which follows, is from a private letter from . Pari, o(a; recent date..; .,' , . ;. i-' , J. "The King, mottgh pTctty well just now, is still very feeble ; and you may jest assured, thatin die event of h. i death.sferrii strong measures wilLbe taken with re! to the English now residing" in franco and iti dcpendcri cics -'tis whispered among the higher circles, 1 mean th old marshals, &c. that on the above evjent taking place, every r.nfiftbiriftn will be put in close Confinetnent nil the emperor is. restored to libertv, ' They it the same time .disclaim arty.idea bf again placing him on the throne but they say thejr country is degraded byallowwg'their for- A rirncl.nun In New-Orleans In a lrcrtiicj to cute by means f music, the l.idicl who may b3 kick. Dir.n, At the Hivof Ht.IMj.m ir Ncw-OltcanontliO WU r. lira, lliritv, wife of tn-n. IlijiUy. ' funntrm wbsklv ra rn vmrrimis stt.J MEHC!!XDIZR. Quantllg n, r. D. C Ilecf, met I IWssi. llrandy. C:ojr. Fcarh Alc flutter - rTcer Corn ... (TottorV Upland --'.- fTlour, ijrfrit! " - hn ... Hax seed Chi, Holland Northern Hotllard - -Iron, Swedl'ih " F. njflLih - - Miil.m!' IV,rlc - . - -' I'oiaVXt, lrfh Riiiu, Jmica, 4th proof W. Islanil4lh U. dj. 3d tlu. Ncu-Euglaiul Ulre . . ijdt, TiirU-ls'and I Jverpool ground StceL CJ'-nnan , b!:itcrcd Sugr, Mnncovado - Tea, Vinn Hrson Hyson ' -Imperial G. iiipnwdtT To!)tco, h-af - manufuotared , Tallow Wheat . . . tVh'wikey . . lb. ' hush. too "lb: "hit: buh. If!- IS. 100 lb. . II.. buih. 130 Ih. htiH. 100 lh. LuJl 100 lb. lb. lb. 100 lb. v lb. biifch. 10 . 4 2 Si 70 CO .41 15"' 3"50 5 Si 1 10 1 CO 8 6 1 10 40 30 5 75 1 2J . 90 50 15 11 1 12 1 20 1 74 1 50 4 10 12 60 35 13 1' nr ro 50 m 45 40 6 1 1 33 1 CO 90 12 . 35 1 25 1 40 2 1 73 5 12 15 60 THE aenil-amiHal examination oV thr pupil will com mence on Monday, the 4'1, and -Ihh? on Thnmlay, ti e 7th of December next. Parents and guanliaiii arc respectfully requested to aUend. 'Hie -xerciti a ill reconmicikte on Uic first Monday of January next. In the female department are taught reading; writing, English Grammar, arithmetic, gogrnphy, the uw of the globes, belles Icttrca, history, drawing, puintiitg, musir, and iteciUc-woik. In the nule department are taught the tuuaLbrunchcs of literature. 22tf T1IO. L. COW AN, .WeMry. Lost, "irESTHRDAV, in the main afreet of Salinbiiry, between .1 Mr. Ywiiig store anl, my house, or on my own lots, a red morocco POCKET-HOOK, containing one note oi' hand on M'Crump, Ea. given the week of our Superior Court, payable ten days after date, amount, S58.50; one on RoWrt Heard, given the same week, amount, 20 ; on; of the same dutc, given by John Bmmlon, of S 13.50 j ami one of S52.70, given by Hugli Torrence, Statesville, dated October 31, ami payable one day alter date. Al so, one bank note of $5, on the Xcwhcrn bank, with a number of judgments, and other papers. The above notes of hand are all payable to myself. , All person are cautioned against trading for said notes; as th-ir payment has been stopped. Whoever will re turn the porket-book, with its contents, to the suhscn- ber, hall receive a liberal reward. - HENJAMIN P. PEARSON. Satitlivrr; Xv. 3, 13?0. 2w22 VoUcc. llir-L HE ROLl, at the CourUIonse in Sallsburj', 11 t f on Momlty, the 2(Kh inM. fur cash, firnr hundred Mii! iiii-ty-four ik res of land, on the Yadkin river, known by the name of John ! oug'a ferry, (iifludingsaklfcrrv.) and all improvemenS thereon j levied on to satisfy sundry executions in favor of Jaeob Smith ami George Smith, executory )Un Uutntr and others against said Long. . .Alt enter 6, 1S20. 2v22 JOHN JJEAHD, Shaif. aVoiice. - TME person who took ftom mv house, probaWyby' mistake, on or bIkmu the "d inst.'ono new pair of black t'ttfb pantaloon, and onopair of hrown stoekinet do. -partly worn, will oblige the nhseriberbv returning lliiiii oon;, " TilOMA8 UOLTON; Xsmnber C,1C20. : .' i ; - Jfr lll An !mmedi& attentkin to the above may fare the pehion who lias them in his rtowes;ion aome trouble THERE will he a V presented o the fiest GVaefal Assembly of the State of North-Carolina, for a divi sion of Cowan County, . T110S. HAMPTON. , Oetder 13, 1820.. : v i, .;' ,; ... .. ON the night of the 20th instant, a HAY. HOUSE, 14$ handaUgWuilkMat in tlie foreheftl,swahbv mane, . one tof his Iiind legs white -rki at the rate of 12 tnilea M hour, and throws his feet an unusual distance apart; X auiudile .reward wOl Wgiven bv Uie aubriber, Lving1 near Charlotte, for the deb very of the horao, or informs (tion where lie. may be" found. ' -v 4w21 . ' Oct. 31. ''' WILLIAM i. VOL. , ------- i. .'- . - ' JIAKDOLI'H tfOUNTTr r 7 Court of Pita end Quarter Semttn$i"Atirvit Term. 1820, "IT appearing to the" Coim that, the- defendant m thi$ ' JL caac rcwnVMn anoUief government, it s ordered that -all proceedings he stayed for, three months ; and that puuicttion he.' made' in the r ffetri CamUniuii for slxr eek'&r'iheVftudat apbear At the next dotirt to hcheldiDr said county,spn the flwt fclomlay in November next, and Tcplevyi rpustttto tssmv of demnrrptnerwisa , .)...t L., ,i..... b - :n eri.. ,i ..'t ?!m i , , mispiitr, in sue. iiauuj w wiF'tjiii''j' 65 , I 34-- J - & - r 1 --r ety, nuUif6 -comp'euon of t. character and i!bj"tf')faMuftrctttfefiDTtb'e

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